Sins of a Future World

By Purple Jubliee

Published on May 6, 2017


Wow! Thank you so much for the feedback on the first chapter. I wasn't expecting much response, if any at all. Here's the next part and I hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you think!

Something I forgot to mention last time is the folks at Nifty that keep this site running for us. If you can find it in your heart to toss them a donation, even a little bit goes a long way! :)

The usual disclaimers apply, don't read it if you're not supposed to. You know who you are. :P

I'm so excited to hear what you all think of this next part! And no one has yet been able to figure out what this series is (somewhat) based on. Maybe I'll make it a contest somehow, we'll see!


Sins of a Future World: Chapter 2


The mysterious followers of the cult of the Harmonious Light defeated the defenders of Varros. Jace, a mechanic and engineer, negotiated a deal for peace with the leader of the fleet, Ryn. Now Jace accompanies Ryn to the flagship of the Light's fleet for his own safety...

Jace was still in awe. Once the battle had started he had been fairly certain he would not survive the day. Now he had handled the negotiations for his entire planet and was on his way to the flagship of the enemy that had defeated them. He had never felt more out of place. Not to mention he was still wearing his mechanic's uniform, complete with sweat and grease stains.

The shuttle that Ryn and his escort had flown in on was small and sleek, and upon entering Jace saw that it was quite luxurious.

"Archon Embara, I thank the Light for your safe return." A female digital voice came through from overhead. "Welcome aboard Jace Marron of Varros."

Jace looked up and around the small cabin in confusion. "It knows my name?"

Ryn almost winced but before he could respond the digital voice returned.

"I am not an `it' Ambassador Marron. I am Calae, Archon Embara's personal assistant."

Both the computer's response and being referred to as `ambassador' threw Jace off for a moment. "Umm... I apologize..." He said awkwardly "Are you... an AI?"

Jace could have sworn he saw Ryn smile but the boy turned his head at that moment and his face was hidden by his hood. Calae responded. "I am a creation of the Light. Just like you Ambassador."

"Oh..." was all Jace could say, his question unanswered. "Well it is nice to meet you..." He looked around uncertainly.

"Likewise. Are we returning to the Luminous Hand, Archon?"

"Yes, Calae. Thank you." Ryn said, definitely smiling now. "I would like to talk to Ambassador Marron privately for now."

"Of course, Archon."

Ryn then turned his soft smile on Jace. "Some of our anima, or `artificial intelligence' as you call them develop certain sensitivities."

Jace was amazed. "I had heard that your AI were highly advanced. You mean that they have feelings?"

Ryn gave him a scolding frown. "All intelligences have feelings, Jace. Even base ones. Some of our anima are developed enough to have personalities of their own, which I think is the question you intended to ask."

"I suppose so." Jace was embarrassed that a child could humble him so easily. "How do you keep them from turning on you then?"

"They have no reason to." Ryn sounded confused. "We are all servants of the Light, striving toward one goal."

Jace raised an eyebrow. "Your AI practice your religion as well?"

Ryn nodded. "Of course. We are creations of the Light, and they were created by us. Therefore we are all creations of the Light."

Jace was baffled. He could not imagine convincing a computer to join a cult.

The short flight back to the Luminous Hand was very quiet. Ryn's two companions sat perfectly still the entire time. Jace had never heard either of them say a word and they moved only when necessary. He began to wonder if somehow they were AIs as well.

The Luminous Hand, as well as most of the ships of the Harmonious Light was shaped much differently than the Coalition ships. It was tall and slender and shaped almost like a triangle. The docking bay that they entered however was much smaller than the one in the Lograin. Jace assumed it must be a more private bay for the important ships.

He was quite surprised to find no one waiting for them when they exited the shuttle. As they walked through brightly lit silvery corridors there was not a soul in sight. The Lograin was a constant bustle of noise and chaos, but the Luminous Hand seemed empty, and even its engines ran silent.

"Where is everyone?" He eventually asked as they entered an elevator.

"Our ships are manned by only necessary personnel." Ryn explained. "You will likely meet some of them later. Most of the ship is controlled by skilled anima."

"Your battle cruisers are autonomous?" Jace asked incredulously. After observing the battle he had suspected that their strike craft were actually drones, but the idea that entire frigates and cruisers could be crewed by artificial intelligence was more than intimidating.

"Not entirely." Ryn replied. "Larger ships require an Archon to direct the anima, as well as skilled psionics to coordinate certain types of weaponry and defenses."

"What are psionics?" Jace asked.

"Ones that have gifts from the light. Some psionics are skilled in force, similar to what you saw with your former captain, while some are skilled defensive measures."

Jace suppressed a shudder. Hearing that the stories of the strange abilities of the Harmonious Light might be true made him even less comfortable. "Are you... one of those then?"

Ryn sensed his discomfort and smiled. "In a manner of speaking. I am an Archon. We are chosen by the Light to be leaders of our people. We possess all the psionic gifts, and much more. Not to worry Jace Marron. You are in no danger here. In fact, the Luminous Hand is likely the safest place you have ever been."

Jace didn't reply to that. Instead he shifted his weight awkwardly and waited for the elevator ride to end. When it did he was again surprised when the doors opened into what resembled a penthouse apartment. Luxurious furniture, paintings, even a fireplace, and a giant viewport taking up the majority of the far wall all coming together to form the most elegant set of rooms Jace had ever seen. Definitely not what he was expecting to see aboard an active battleship.

"Thank you for your service. You are dismissed." Ryn said to his two companions. They both bowed wordlessly and allowed the elevator doors to close, leaving Jace and Ryn alone in the massive quarters.

As Ryn stepped into the large open room music began to play softly from somewhere. It sounded foreign and exotic as Jace should have expected but was hauntingly beautiful.

Ryn turned around, smiling at Jace. "What do you think?" He was noticeably more relaxed and seemed to Jace to suddenly become more human.

"This is yours?" Jace asked, coming forward and looking around.

"It is." Ryn said proudly. "I had it done almost exactly as my rooms on the Homeworld." He sank down into a comfortable looking sofa and motioned to a seat opposite him. "Some Archons believe that we should eschew material possessions in order to commune more closely with the Light." Ryn waved a hand dismissively. "I am of the opinion that the Light wants good things for the followers, in this life and beyond."

Jace sat down and found that the furniture was indeed as comfortable as it looked. "Well it certainly is impressive."

Ryn smiled. "Watch this." Without any noticeable command, the viewport changed from a window into the darkness of space to a bright view of a city skyline. It was, however not any city Jace had seen before. The buildings were tall and slender with great attention to detail and they glinted in the sunlight. Beyond the city, Jace could see miles of soft rolling sand dunes.

"The Holy City of Abarest. My home." Ryn said wistfully.

"You miss is?" It was a rhetorical question. Jace could see the answer on Ryn's face.

"This is the longest I've ever been away." Ryn sounded almost vulnerable.

Jace had to ask the question that had been in the back of his mind since he had first seen the boy. "How old are you, Ryn?"

Ryn smiled at the question. "How old do you think I am?"

Jace took a moment to consider and then shook his head. "I have no idea. You look so young but seem so much older." Wondering if he was being impolite Jace added. "If you don't mind my curiosity."

"Of course." Ryn replied cordially. "The answer is that I am neither as young as I may look nor as old as I may seem." He said, almost laughing at Jace's confused expression. "It is part of being an Archon. We are chosen at birth and trained for many years. Those that are deemed worthy then undertake a sacred ritual just before the onset of the growth into manhood. This ritual imbues us with knowledge of Archons past. We take in wisdom far beyond our years that prepares us to lead our people. But it also stops us from aging any further."

"How is that possible?" Jace asked, fascinated. "Is it some sort of implant tech?"

"All things are possible in the Light. Surely after all you've seen today you must begin to realize this." Ryn said, amused.

"So how old are you then?" Jace asked again.

"By your count of standard years I will soon be fifteen." Ryn leaned back on the couch and crossed his legs.

"Fifteen?" Jace was dumbfounded that a boy of that age was expected to lead a fleet into battle, sacred ritual or no. "So you must not have been one of these Archons for very long then." Jace mused.

"It has been about four standard years since I undertook the ritual." Ryn confirmed. "How old are you, Jace Marron?"

"Twenty two."

Ryn looked at him curiously then. "I do think that we are similar, Jace." He said after a long pause.

"How so?" To Jace it seemed like they could not be more different.

"We are both far younger than our peers. And yet called upon to do great things."

Jace snorted a laugh at the truth of the statement and lifted an imaginary glass in toast.

"Ah, where are my manners?" Ryn blushed. "Would you care for a drink?"

After the day he had had, Jace could think of nothing he wanted more. He graciously accepted.

"You will likely not have had kabaz before." Ryn said, sounding excited. "You are in for quite a treat. And you may be the first of your kind to try it." He had stood up and moved to a small table near the fireplace with a ceramic pitcher and several small matching glasses.

"What is it?" Jace asked curiously.

As he poured two glasses Ryn explained. "It is the drink of choice on the Homeworld. Try it and if you like it I will pour more."

Jace accepted the ceramic glass that Ryn offered and examined its contents. The liquid inside was a deep red and looked like a slightly thick wine. It had a very pungent fruity aroma though not one that Jace recognized. Tentatively he took a sip and immediately winced. It was surprisingly sour, like a lemon, but as it coated his tongue it suddenly became very sweet like a cherry. Only when it reached the back of his throat did he feel the strong alcoholic burn.

"Oh." He gasped, smacking his lips. "That's dangerous." He chuckled and held out the glass.

Ryn, who had been watching him anxiously broke into a wide grin and poured more into Jace's glass then picked up his own.

"Cheers." Jace said as he toasted with the fourteen year old that had just conquered his planet.

The first drink went quickly and the second followed. The stuff was deceptively strong and by the end of his second glass Jace was already starting to feel it. Ryn kept up with him well, but being so much smaller Jace suspected that he had to be more strongly affected.

"On Varros, people your age aren't allowed to drink." Jace said, almost teasingly.

Ryn gave a mischievous smile around his glass, then replied. "Archons are subject only to the will of the Light." Then he laughed for the first time. A short soft giggle.

The laugh made Jace feel something that surprised him. A deep sadness. He thought back to his early teenage years, spent working with his father and playing with his friends. They were bright times full of family and laughter and fun. He wondered where Ryn's parents were, or his friends, or if he even had friends. The luxurious apartment suddenly seemed very much like a prison.

Ryn noticed the change in his mood and frowned. "Is something wrong?"

Jace shrugged. "Just thinking." He sipped his drink which was nearly empty. "Are you happy? Being this Archon thing."

"It is a great honor to be chosen to lead." Ryn insisted.

Jace nodded but countered. "That's not what I asked."

Ryn sighed and drained his cup then refilled it once again. "My path is not an easy one." He admitted and then paused, long enough that Jace did not know if he would continue. "I am happy to serve the Light." He finally said.

The fireplace popped as the silence stretched on. After almost a full two minutes, Ryn stood up, tugging at the collar of his tight, hooded tunic.

"Pardon me." He said, walking towards one of the back rooms. "I need to be rid of this thing. Please make yourself comfortable."

Jace poured himself a third glass of the mysterious yet delicious drink and then, as the fireplace and the alcohol were making him quite warm also, he took down the top half of his mechanic's jumpsuit and tied it around his waist. He was a little bit embarrassed to be in such fine surroundings wearing his white sweat-stained tank top, but as he settled back into his position on the comfortable sofa his worries soon disappeared.

Ryn returned a few moments later, wearing a loose fitting pastel purple shirt with a wide collar that dipped low. His mid-length platinum blonde hair was now unrestrained by the hood and seemed, like his eyes, to shine in the light. He sat back down across from Ryn and picked up his cup again.

"You are welcome to stay here, Jace." Ryn said sounding almost hopefully. "Until the negotiations have finished and you feel safe once again."

Jace realized that he had probably been right before. Despite all his wisdom and powers, Ryn was still just a boy looking for a friend. "Thank you." He replied with a smile, not answering one way or the other. He didn't know how the exchange of power would go, but this was as nice a place as any to ride it out he supposed.

As he took another sip he winced. His jaw still ached from where the captain had hit him, and although the swelling had gone down he could still feel the stinging.

"Let me help." Ryn implored, seeing his pained look. "It does not hurt. I promise."

Jace remembered the sight of the once-intimidating captain writhing on the floor in unthinkable agony. Although still not totally comfortable with the idea, the alcohol made him less inhibited. "Alright, fine." He finally said. "Thank you."

With a smile, Ryn stood up and came to sit next to Jace, bringing his glass with him. He put a hand gently on the side of Jace's jaw, who flinched at his touch.

"Just relax." Ryn instructed, looking him in the eye.

Jace felt almost hypnotized by the shimmering unnaturally blue orbs in front of him. Suddenly he felt a strange sensation seeping into him from where Ryn's hand rested on his jaw. It was warmth but it was more than that. It was a feeling of total comfort. It was not pleasure per-se, but rather the complete lack of any negative sensation. The pain in his jaw disappeared almost immediately, the small headache that was a side effect of the hit faded until it was gone. His muscles that were sore from many long days of work suddenly began to feel mended and at ease. His back, which he had managed to hurt a few days ago lifting heavy equipment ceased to bother him. He closed his eyes and gasped.

"Experience the power of the Light." Ryn said solemnly.

Opening his eyes again, Jace reached up and rubbed his jaw. He felt no pain or swelling as though he had never been hit. "How though?" He asked, amazed.

"The ways of the Light cannot be explained so simply." Ryn said. "There is much in this universe that is unknown, even to us."

Shaking his head slowly Jace took another drink. "That's amazing. What else can you do?" The alcohol was starting to get to him and so what normally would have left him speechless now just made him curious.

Grinning broadly, Ryn leaned back, obviously excited to have someone to show off to. "Alright, watch this." He cocked his arm and gently pushed it forward. As he did, the pitcher of kabaz moved as though his hand had pushed it a little ways across the table.

Jace's eyes widened and he looked at Ryn then back at the pitcher, then cracked up laughing. "No way!" He exclaimed, picking up the pitcher and examining it.

Ryn giggled a bit and then touched one finger to Jace's bare shoulder. Jace looked at him quizzically until he felt his hair begin to stand on end as if caught by a static force.

"What?" He tried patting it down with his hand but it kept coming back up. "You're doing that?"

Ryn tried and failed to contain his laughter. "You look so funny." He said pointing as he pulled his finger away. He leaned back on the arm of the sofa and took another long drink.

Jace smoothed his hair back down. "You're not at all what you seemed to be on the Lograin." He observed, topping off his glass.

Ryn tossed his head a bit. "Is that a good thing?"

"Well, it's..." He shrugged. "It's nice to know there's a person behind all that seriousness.

Ryn giggled around his cup but then nodded wistfully. "It must be like that." He said soberly. "It's not often I'm privileged to deal with people like you. Most of the time it is old, ugly, self-important people like your captain or that awful senator."

Jace chuckled. "You think Targan was worse than Hicken?"

Fixing him with an exasperated look Ryn nodded. "Hicken is a bull while Targan is a snake. Both can kill you but the bull you at least see coming."

"You're not the one who got hit by him though." Jace teased.

Ryn laughed loudly at this and refilled his cup.

"So, tell me something." Jace started, to which Ryn nodded lazily. "Your two friends there, do they have a lighter side too or are they always that..." He sat up very straight and mimed the stoic behaviors of the women that had accompanied Ryn.

"Oh." Ryn winced a little bit. "Yes they are almost always like that. It comes with their training. Every Archon has two guardians. Powerful psionics that protect them and watch over them."

"What about the eyes?" Jace asked.

"They trade their sight for the ability to see in a different way." Ryn explained. "They see everything through the illumination of the Light. Some people envy them."

"I don't." Jace replied bluntly. "Kind of creepy if you ask me."

Snorting a laugh, Ryn gently kicked Jace's leg. "Be nice. They are just different."

The night continued like this with the two of them both drinking far more than they should and talking about things neither would remember. Ryn's youthful spirit combined with his vast amount of knowledge made him a very entertaining conversation partner.

Jace had just finished asking a question and found that Ryn did not respond. He looked over and saw that the boy had passed out on the arm of the couch next to him. Night had long since fallen on Abarest outside the window, and even though Jace knew that the dark void of space was on the other side, it was nice to imagine the cool desert air amid the tall but now silent buildings.

Next: Chapter 3

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