Sins of a Future World

By Purple Jubliee

Published on Feb 15, 2023


The last chapter. Be sure to my footnote below. Love you all! ?? Consider donating to Nifty for all their hard work!

Sins of a Future World: Chapter 10

The Lograin was abuzz with activity. Admiral Hicken and holograms of his various generals sat around the table on the bridge, but technicians swarmed around them, preparing for battle yet again.

"No orders from the Senate yet to hold back?" One of the generals asked.

"None." Hicken replied resolutely. "Either Marron never made it or he's turned on us. Either way, when Coalition forces drop from phase space we're clear to engage the enemy."

"Scouts have hardly seen any movement from the enemy fleet in days."

"They're patient, General." Hicken answered. "They'll move when they come under fire." He paused. "You're right though. Something seems different, their patterns are... off. It could be a good sign for us."

Suddenly an alarm began to blare through the bridge and the whole of the vessel. A man's voice came through the terminals.

"Coalition fleet inbound, ETA less than five minutes!"

"Generals prepare to launch fighters!" Hicken ordered. "Keep to the plan and we'll send these freaks scurrying back to their holes."

Soundless in the dark void, ships began to appear as if materializing from nothing. A scattered few at first, but then more, and more all at once. A great host of Coalition battle cruisers and frigates warped into Varros' gravity well.

Admiral Iverson stood aboard the bridge of the TCS Sol Invictus, surveying the scene before him.

"Open a channel to the Lograin." He ordered calmly.

Hicken's face appeared on a monitor next to him. "Torias and Dramar Coalition Fleets, standing by."

A wicked grin spread across Hicken's digitized face. "Scramble fighters, Admiral. They are strong at range, but weaker up close. We're going to drive a wedge right through them."

Iverson nodded and closed the connection. "Launch bomber squadrons, provide support with our frigates. Have Dramar Fleet shore up our sides. We are the tip of this spear."

As his orders were carried out, he turned to look out over Varros. "A beautiful day for a battle." He said to no one in particular.

"Sir!" The anxious voice of one of the communications officers came through his terminal. "We've lost contact with the Lograin and they have altered their projected course. I think something is wrong."

"Get a channel open, now!" Iverson ordered. "Hold back until we've reestablished contact."

"Sir, their projection puts them on a direct collision course with the Varros lunar military base." The worried officer informed him.

Finally, a communication channel opened, but no face appeared this time; only a bright blue screen.

"Hicken, what the hell are you doing?" Iverson demanded. "Adjust your course, now!"

The connection was silent for a long time before a female voice spoke up. "I am afraid I cannot do that, Admiral."

"Who is this?" Iverson asked with a deadly calm. "Where is Admiral Hicken?"

"My name is Calae." The voice responded. "The VCS Lograin is under my control."

"You're going to run her into the lunar base." Iverson observed. "You're one of their AI, aren't you?"

"I am one of the anima that belong to the Harmonious Light." Calae answered, matter-of-factly.

"This channel would not be open if your people did not want something. What is it?"

"Open communication with the Luminous Hand. A dialogue is requested." Calae urged.

"Hell of a way to send a request." Iverson remarked. "And if we don't, you're going to smash the Lograin into the military base and kill tens of thousands." He sighed in frustration. "Open a channel." He eventually ordered.

It was an old woman's face that appeared on the monitor in front of him. She was obviously very advanced in years, yet had a certain beauty and grace about her, as though her long life had, instead of weakening her, only made her stronger.

"Greetings, Admiral. The Light shines on you." She said courteously.

"Whom do I have the pleasure of addressing." Iverson asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I am the Light Mother of this holy fleet. The servants of the Light wish to avoid the coming conflict and any further bloodshed."

"I imagine you would, considering you're outnumbered about four to one." Iverson countered.

A soft smile touched the Light Mother's face. "If you attacked us now, you might destroy us; or force us to retreat. But in the process, many would die. The Lograin would be lost, along with the lunar base. Though we are outnumbered, the warriors of the light are strong indeed. It will not be a battle easily won. We wish to offer an alternative; more palatable for all involved, I think."

"Let's hear it then." Iverson waved a hand.

"Varros holds something that belongs to us, though they do not know it. Temples, centuries old, buried beneath the surface. Give to us the artifacts contained in these temples and we will leave in peace. Furthermore, the planet of Glenar, and the others that have been enfolded recently by the Light will be released, in return for access to our temples on other Coalition-held planets."

Iverson frowned. "Why? If your fleet is as strong as you claim, why change your tune now?"

"Much has changed, Admiral. Some of which you would not understand. Suffice to say that it took an outsider to show us the true will of the Light." The Light Mother continued. "Blood has been spilled on both sides, and animosity abounds between our peoples. But perhaps there is another way forward. We have no wish to convert you, or to colonize your planets. We need only what we have come for, and then we shall return to our reaches of the galaxy."

Jace could not remember feeling more peaceful. He was certain he was dead and that this was all a part of whatever happened after. Every part of him was rested, the pain that had nearly driven him mad had been banished so completely that even the memory of it was hazy. His thoughts were slow and lazy as he opened his eyes to the bright white light.

"Greetings." A very mechanical voice said. "Welcome t-to this sacred temple of-f the Light." The voice glitched several times and changed pitch at odd intervals.

"I feel... amazing..." Jace noted in surprise. Taking in his surroundings, he realized that he was in a small room not unlike the infirmary room he had woken up in before. He was startled to see a large silver orb hovering several feet away from him. It had an eye-like port in the front, but other than that it was completely smooth. "What... what are you?" He asked, fascinated.

"We are c-c-called Vigilant." The orb responded. "We are the custodian and caretaker of this t-temple, until such time as our masters return."

"You opened the door?" Jace asked.

"When you awoke us, yes. We-e responded to your Archon's conec-ection." Vigilant told him.

"Where is Ryn? Is he alright?" Jace worried.

"Archon Embara was suffering from sev-vere psionic venting. It is strange that he was n-not treated sooner." Vigilant said. "We have maintained this tem-emples medical wing however, and the Archon-n will recover."

Jace could hardly believe what he was hearing. "You mean, it won't happen again?"

"Once he receives the regulating implant, th-the Archon will n-no longer receive this buildup."

"You have it then?" Jace nearly laughed. "The technology to prevent this... psionic venting... from happening to others?"

Vigilant paused for a moment. "The regulat-ating implant is a common procedure. We of course have this t-technology."

Jace stood up. "Vigilant, I could kiss you right now." He burst out laughing.

"We do not understa-and." The orb responded.

"Can I see him? Ryn, I mean?" Jace asked.

"Follow." Vigilant instructed simply.

They entered another room similar to Jace's and he saw Ryn's small form laying on the bed. Even from across the room, Jace could see that Ryn looked much healthier. The color had returned to his face and when he turned to look at them, his eyes lit up excitedly without a trace of the pain that had always hidden just below the surface.

"Jace!" Ryn exclaimed, jumping out of the bed.

Jace bolted forward and caught Ryn up in his arms, hugging him tightly. "We did it." He spoke into Ryn's ear, his voice thick with emotion. He pulled back to see that Ryn's beautiful blue eyes were streaming with tears.

"You did it." Ryn told him quietly. "Vigilant. A moment please."

"Of course, Archon." The silver orb exited the room soundlessly.

Ryn immediately threw his arms around Jace's neck and kissed him deeply. "You saved my life, and the lives of generations of my people."

Jace's powerful arms squeezed Ryn close to him. "You're worth it." He said kissing him back forcefully. "You're worth all of it. I love you, Ryn."

Crying openly, Ryn buried his face in Jace's shoulder. "I love you too."

Jace lay back on the bed and pulled Ryn down on top of him, staring into his eyes. He frowned suddenly. "Ryn...?" He asked. "I can't feel you in my head anymore." Now that he had noticed it, it seemed like a startling void.

With a nod, Ryn pulled himself closer to Jace and laid his head on his chest. "Vigilant said that during the healing process they needed to dampen my connections. I still have all my... abilities." As he said this, Jace felt a wave of tingling pleasure run up his spine and Ryn giggled. "But all of my connections have been temporarily sealed."

"You don't seem too upset about it." Jace pointed out, kissing Ryn's forehead.

"They will grow back in time." Ryn stated simply, cuddling up close. "Being with you is the only connection I need right now. And eventually our minds will connect again."

Jace reached a mischievous hand down to squeeze Ryn's butt. "And if not, we can try to make it happen." He teased.

Ryn blushed but smiled and kissed Jace again.

They lay together for a long time, not saying anything. They simply stared into each other's eyes, going in for the occasional kiss. Even without their connection, they both shared the same thoughts. After being so sure they were going to die, they now had time. Time enough to do anything they wanted. But all they wanted was to lay there in each other's arms.

Calae's voice from the wrist links made them both jump violently.

"It is good to see that you are both well." She observed.

"Calae, you're back." Jace had almost entirely forgotten about the situation over Varros. "What happened up there?"

"A temporary truce has been struck between the Coalition and the Harmonious Light." Jace and Ryn both broke into smiles. "Followers of the Light will soon be dispatched to the temples of Varros to retrieve any worthwhile technologies."

"Thank you for all of your help, Calae." Ryn said sincerely. "We could not have done it without you."

"Of course, Archon Embara."

Ryn looked thoughtfully at Jace for a long moment. "Let's run away." He said suddenly. "Let's take the shuttle and go. As soon as I've got one of the regulators."

"What about your people?" Jace asked. "What about following the Light or... whatever?"

Ryn smiled at him. "There are other Archons. Now that secret is out, there is a chance that I would be stripped of my title anyway."

A grin slowly spread across Jace's face. "Just the two of us then?"

"Well..." Ryn kissed the tip of his nose. "I suppose we should ask Calae if she will come as well."

"I will accompany you, Archon Embara; for as long as you will have me." Calae affirmed.

Jace jumped up from the bed, with a fire of excitement flashing to life inside him. "What are we waiting for then? There's a whole galaxy out there for us to explore."

Ryn beamed up at his lover and took his hand; as the two of them prepared for the beginning of their adventures together.


And so, a tentative peace was achieved at Varros. The Harmonious Light renounced its claim to the planet and honored its promises. After retrieving the regulator implants from the temples of Varros, the holy fleet departed. The wounds on both sides were still too fresh to create a lasting bond. Yet, with lightyears of space between them, time mends all things. Soon cautious diplomats and traders began dialogues between the factions, broaching a mutual understanding of civility.

As for Ryn and Jace; their story ranges across unmapped worlds to the farthest reaches of the galaxy and back again. The legends of their adventures preceded them wherever they went. But that tale will be told another time. For now, they reveled in each other's company as they began their journey across the stars.

The End


I want to take some time to say thank you so so much to everyone that stuck through this entire story. I'm very sorry for that long break I took, but I hope this makes up for it. It's bitter-sweet ending this story. This is the first thing I've ever published in any form so it's a little bit emotional :P But, I'm also excited for the future and I hope you are too. I've got tons of ideas for new stories, and I don't think we've heard the last from Ryn and Jace either. I'm trying to put my mailing list back together, and maybe be a little bit more organized this time so send me a message if you want in on that. It will let you know whenever I post something new. Right now I'm planning to move on to my story, After Earth Went Dark. The first chapter of that is up now, posted back in June of '17 I think. Check it out and let me know what you think. Last but definitely not least, a huge huge thanks to the people at Nifty! Ryn and Jace would only exist in my mind if not for them!

I'd also like to mention briefly that I am now opening up commissioned works, so if there's a story you want told, shoot me an email and we can talk about it!

I love and appreciate everyone that's taken the time to read my story and hopefully we'll have many adventures together in the future!

<3 PurpleJubilee

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