Sins and Saviors

By David Grimstone

Published on Apr 3, 2002


Sins & Saviors by DCG

########### DISCLAIMER ###########

Hey there, I think you all know the rules by now...don't if you can't and if you can, read on!! They are not and even if they were, wahay!!

Author's Notes: Hey is chapter 3 of the saga that is Sins & Saviors...I hope the last chapters wasn't too long or too slow...This one, compared to the others is incredibly short...and is a sort of interim chapter to take us on further...I was feeling that Jonathans fight for survival would start to take over the damned thing LOL so I decided to end it here and now, hence the short chapter. But never fear, others are included...This is a sort of 'where were you when...' chapter

Right, on with the show (and thanx to Chris and Jimmy and everone else for support and ranting at me at 1 in the morning) lol

Oh...and a belated happy 21st for little ol' Justin there...

Last Time on Sins & Saviors...

"Leave...le...leave my sister..." Jonathan couldn't finish, he hadn't got the strength, this was it, this was the end...

"Stay with me!" echoed to Jonathan. He opened his eyes and focused as much as he could...This wasn't Patrick or Natalie, but the voice was familiar. It wasn't the resounding voice that entered the void from nowhere, it wasn't any of his friends or family or work colleagues, the voice was different. But it was familiar.

"Stay with me." came again and now this person stood in front of Jonathan and bent down. He looked in the eyes of Jonathan and he knew who it was...he knew who it was...

...and now the continuing story... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

'Sins & Saviors' by DCG

Chapter 3 - 'Incoming Call'

The face...the perfect chin, the smooth cheeks, the eyes that absorb all around, and the hair, knitted together as if done by a master of the arts...Pure perfection, a perfection that had visited Jonathan before. The face before him he had seen before, but his mind was so wraught with emotions that a name, or even the recognition of who this was wasn't forthcoming...It was just a face, a perfect face...

And as soon as this face had appeared, everything else around him seemed far far away, and insignificant...but with that thought it all changed...

Suddenly he was alone with this man as the visions of Patrick and Natalie disappeared into the distance, the tears in his eyes blurring their departure...He couldn't see the face of his sisters killer nor could he see the look of anguish on his sisters face as she was dragged from his sight and thoughts. But Jonathan didn't have enough energy to resist their departure, so he let them go...

The man that faced him opened his mouth to speak. Jonathan looked back to his face and watched as his lips parted to reveal the bright white teeth within...and the possibility of words...The words tripped down his tongue and began their route to reality when...

A blinding light so intense that it caused Jonathan to close his eyes shut painfully and gasp, erupted through the void and took the darkness away, and the man aswell.

He opened his eyes tentitavely and looked around for a moment and assessed the scene...He was alone. The man had gone but he desperately wanted to see him again. 'Where is he? Why did he go?' questioned Jonathan. He suddenly realised he felt no pain...He didn't feel jaded and dizzy. He looked down upon himself and saw the blood gone, the wound miraculously healed beyond sight. He felt good, he left whole. He felt an energy that he had not felt for while. He for once, in this void of uncertainty and despair, felt alive...

"He's stable!" echoed Carl through the room and a collective sigh of relief swept through the room, everyone's head dropped in exhaustion. For Carl the exhaustion was more emotional that physical. he had stopped the bleeding, and sealed the wound on the spot. He had brought a friend back from the brink. But he didn't know quite how...The bleeding was intense, the signs were all bad, but yet he pulled right back from the brink. The bleeding had stopped seemingly in one instant. But Carl tried not to read too much into it, not right now anyway...

Lance had turned away and began his walk out of the ICU. He was somehow saddened by the assumed death of Jonathan. He didn't hear the words of Carl, nor could he, as he was caught up in his own feelings and emotions as the doors to the ICU swung to a close...

Joey and Cath had fallen asleep on the roof of the hospital. The activities of the day had taken it's toll and they had both fallen asleep against each other, with Cath's head resting on Joey's chest. They breathed silently as the sunlight began to encroach on the horizon, sending the stars into the past...

Feeling the sunlight and daybreak approach Cath's eyes opened and after a brief yawn she raised herself off of Joey who remained asleep. Cath stared up into the heavens and thought. She had told Joey that Jonathan would be ok...and for that brief moment she was sure of it. She was sure that Jonathan would survive. 'He's got to' was all she could reason. She couldn't think of a time when he wouldn't be there by her side, friends in arms. 'But I have to be prepared...I have to think about might happen' thought again as she focused on one star shining bright in the now diminishing night skyline..."I've found it!" spoke Cath, to herself and out aloud, not thinking Joey would hear...but Joey had awoken as soon as Cath had taken her head from his chest, he felt warm then, but cold now, and his eyes opened wide but he didn't say anything. He could see she needed a moment to herself, but with those words he had to ask...

"Found what?" asked Joey in a low and sincere voice. Caths head swung around upon hearing the words... 'He doesn't need to know...' thought Cath... "I'll tell you later." was her response. This was something between her and Jonathan, and no matter how close she was and hoped she'd get to Joey, it was still something between them two...herself and Jonathan "I think it's time we went inside...It's nearly morning." said Cath as she changed the subject. Joey was going to probe further but decided against it, and just nodded as they stood up and went inside.

Back in the bowels of the hospital, in Justins room, silence had returned. Justin had awoken, but had fallen back asleep moments later through fatigue and pain...Lynn remained seated alongside his bed, as if being closer physically would make the tell tale difference...She knew it wouldn't...'I'll be laid in there with him soon' was a prevailing thought...but she did it anyway. It was the only thing she could do to pass the time, shuffle her chair, and then look at her son, as if he would wake up any moment. But he didn't. Paul remained rooted to his position against the wall near the door out of this silent and overbearing room. he looked at his wife, and thought. He thought about the future mostly, as people do when they are in these situations. You either think about the past or the future, never the present because the pain is too much to bear...He thought about their relationship, rosy to others, but behind the metaphorical closed curtains all wasn't as it seemed...and it pained him. And finally Chris. He stood at the window...and admired the scenery that echoed throughout the city skyline. He had relayed the entire story to Paul and Lynn in his own words. He felt a pang on guilt as he said it, but he felt it needed to be done. He had the welfare of the others at heart and if it was a bit selfish, so be it. 'It's for the best.' was his he continued to exist in this void...this room which gave silence a whole new meaning, that gave reflection a whole new mirror to view it through, and gave each of them, a whole new arena to experience...

Down the winding and lonely corridors JC and Lonnie had sat down on a vacant seat in an empty and unnamed corridor...They sat in silence as they both battled sleep, Lonnie with greater ease than ever sleepy JC. JC was always the sleepy one and could find a pillow in any place and in any position. His eyes batted open as he slowly drank his cooling coffee, their third cup.

"You'd think us drinking so much coffee would keep me awake!" joked JC as he took another sip. He had sat there chatting with Lonnie, all the time wondering what he knew. At first it was the 'I'm gay' tag that he assumed Lonnie knew of. But was that the case? Lonnie had constantly talked about the accident as if to prompt JC into telling him something, and he had mentioned nothing about his sexuality...

Lonnie coughed slightly and looked towards JC, as JC sat oblivious to his gaze. He knew both of JCs secrets. He had been around them enough to know them inside out. His wife had always told him he had a perceptive eye. 'That damn wife, she's always right' said Lonnie to himself, revealing a small smile as he did.

Lonnie decided to talk to JC about it. It had taken all his resolve and guts to say what he had said earlier, even though it was a bit cryptic.'He probably thinks I mean the accident, he more than likely thinks that.' as Lonnie chastised himself. But he decided to continue anyway...

"I think you should go and get some rest JC...It's starting to get light...and..." said Lonnie, but as he turned back to JC he heard the tell tale signs of someone in the land of asleep...and looking peaceful aswell.

Lonnie smiled and sat back, resting his head against the wall, and closing his eyes. 'This is just the beginning...' said Lonnie...knowing full well that this was indeed the calm before the stormy weather ahead...his cellphone ringing in the distance...

There ya go folks...Chap 3 has landed, and soz about the lack of length or plot development...I just needed to get something out here for ya to feed the craving...I had a month of complete plot-block and couldn't think of a thing to get towards a J-J relationship...(tease...I know)but I am well underway with chap 4 and it will be out soon...

My next incarnation is 'Two Way Conversation' a tribute for Justin's 21st...(late - I know, again) watch out for it!!

Next: Chapter 4

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