Sinking In

By Jay Ponsell

Published on Jan 17, 2022



Sinking In

by Saigon Heat

This story involves acts of sexual domination between adult men in a fantasy world, in the real world, nothing is sexier than firmly established boundaries and consent. What's hotter than someone wanting to be your bitch?

Very derogatory language from the start, used purely to leverage sexual tension and establish a power dynamic.

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I knew something was going to happen, even before I got to the airport.

"Have a good trip faggot" were the last words I heard from him as I grabbed my gripsack and headed to the uber. The door was shut when I looked back, but the menacing gleam was fresh in my mind and now I was queuing at security sweating bullets, trying not to look nervous or worse, guilty.

"Keep that in for the whole flight. I wouldn't want you missing me. You better send me some photos from the plane." The plug intruded sharply every time I shifted my weight in the queue, every time making my cock twitch and harden, how was I going to sit on it for a 9 hour flight?

"What about security?" I whined.

"Relax faggot, it's silicone... now show me how grateful you are for your little going away present."

"My uber..."

SLAP, not really hard, but enough to redden the cheek.

"You had better be quick then."

He plastered his load on my face, I tried my best to get him to do it down my throat, but he pushed my head back firmly. He loved it on my face.

"Smile bitch."

He looked down at me with a smirk, satisfied.

There was an impatient beep outside.

"Oh shit, I gotta wash up."

"No time." He said, blocking the hallway, "grab your bag."

I'd wiped what I could off with the inside of my jacket, making the driver look at me curiously. He popped open the boot as I slung my bag in and slunk into the back seat, hoping against God, that heady smell, the one that always seemed to cling to me these days, wasn't ringing as clearly in his nostrils as it was in mine.

I had hoped this trip would be a break from all this for me, a chance for me to regain some of my autonomy, a chance to be the successful confident straight businessman, until so very recently, I was. But he had different ideas, I saw clearly now he wasn't going to let that happen, every action designed to diminish and undermine my once precious masculinity.

But the plug was silicone, I reasoned, trying to calm down, no-one would know if I kept my cool. Easier said than done, with the stink of drying cum emanating from your jacket, I'd made a beeline for the bathrooms when I got to the airport, but in my head at least, people were still looking at me, and standing a few paces away in the queue.


I did all the security stuff, bending over to take my shoes off making me wince and twitch. Barefoot and jacketless, I tried to walk with confidence through the metal detector.

Beep, beep, beep.

"Sorry sir, can you step through again." I did so, with a dazed horror.

Beep, beep, beep.

"Anything in your pockets"

"Uh no, I don't think..." The burly guard quickly sweeped a handheld detector over my front, then my back.

Beep... beep, beep.

The guard hesitated.

"Ok sir, please step this way." He ushered me behind a panel corridor and sat me on a chair in a small room before leaving. A lady appeared.

"Hello sir, we need to do a body scan, don't worry you won't see the person doing it and they won't see you in person. Can you step in here." Still dazed and barefoot I stepped into a small pod.

At this point I think I must have disassociated because the next thing I remember is a young man asking me.

"Are these your things?" pointing to a tray of my belongings and the gripsack.

"Uh yes."

"Ok, it looks like we'll have to do a cavity search sir and a search of your luggage, do you consent to this?" A what search? I nodded meekly.

"Would you like to declare anything now? If so, please write it on this form, either way please fill out your details and sign it at the bottom." He said briskly as if all of this was part of the mundane daily. I realized I was sitting in a small room, with a table and a sink. Another man came in, older, graying and stocky with a solid belly.

"Another one Deep" The man sighed "Has he signed the form? Did you search his things yet?"

"Not yet guv, would you like anyone present for this sir?" He said again addressing me,

"What, ur no? Why would I need..."

"Ok great" The older man said, "Now sir if you could please disrobe, we need to do a thorough search of your clothes and then yourself. Deep, can you begin searching his things?"

"Undress here?"

"Yes Mr... Cole" He said looking at my form, "No need to be shy, we're all lads here. Sooner you pop your kit off, sooner you'll be on your flight."

I froze, terrified.

"Come on now sir, we don't have all day." he said reasonably. Slowly I began to disrobe, handing my garments to the older man as I did so. The older man searched them,

"Guv, this jacket's all wet, and it stinks of... , well it stinks."

"Hmmm, check the pockets Deep, why is your jacket wet sir?" He said, giving it a clinical sniff.

"Oh I, uh, got something on it. Had to give it a wash."

"I see, and now the trousers sir." As I bent over to remove my trousers, again a sharp stab from the plug, an agonising reminder of what was about to happen, which I could find no way to stop. My cocked twitched and I realised the older man was wearing plastic gloves.

"Ok sir, just raise your arms for me, good, turn around. Ok and please just rest your arms on the table here." At this point he stood up, and physically bent me over the table. "Yup, and just stay like that for a moment."

I felt cool hands sweep my torso, ticklish under my armpits, and unbelievably, was I beginning to get hard? The hands missed my white y-fronts and slid down each leg. But then suddenly, my underwear were slipped down, and I heard... nothing. Until...

"Well well, what do we have here..."

"What is it guv?"

"Looks like Mr Cole was carrying something after all. Mr Cole, would you mind telling us what's currently stuffed in your anus?" I think my whole body turned crimson at that point.

"It's urrrr a medical device sir, I have to keep it in." Why did I call him sir?

"I see, and do you have medical certification for this? I'm going to have to remove it." He slowly slid the plug out of me, making me gasp, leaving a vacuum. "No no, stay like that, Mr Cole. Do you have anything else up there?" But before I could answer, he had begun probing my stretched hole with his fingers.

"Hmmm nothing, I'm going to have to go a bit deeper." He added another finger and thrust forward, making me shudder, with, with what exactly? His other hand lay on my left arsecheek, trying to spread it.

"Hey guv, there's a note in his jacket. It says `read me'."

"Well what does it say Deep?"

"What the fuck chief.. `To whom it may concern, the wearer of this jacket is a cocksucking faggot bitch, who needs to be taught respect. Help him to understand himself and achieve his true faggot potential. Please report any disobedience to the number below.'"

A silence once again descended on the room.

"Well well, is it true what it says?" Said the older man with his fingers still inside me.

"I'm not a..., I'm not a faggot." I choked.

"Then how do you explain this thing up your arse? And your jacket stinks of cum. No, no, stay right there. We're not finished yet." I was speechless. He jabbed his fingers further in. "Says here you need to be taught respect, why is that Mr Cole?" He said with a frosty cheeriness.

I think I moaned.

"Are you being disobedient Mr Cole? Should I call this number?"


"So then why do you need to be taught respect?"

"I was urrr, I was disrespectful sir, to a woman."

"I see. And what are you?" Suddenly pulling his fingers from my arse.

"What?" THWACK. He slapped my arse.

"Woah Guv" the younger guy breathed, "I don't think we can spank the passengers."

"I think it'll be alright with this one, what are you?" he repeated, all traces of cheeriness leaving his voice.

Tears filled my eyes, "I'm a faggot sir."

"And here I was supposed to be on my break, but some pervert faggot comes in sporting a buttplug, just what we needed. So you like disrespecting women do you?"


"And double shifts, no breaks." He muttered.


"We work to protect the public, and this cocksucker takes the piss."

And this point tears were streaming down my face "Sorry, I'm sorry."

"Well how're you gonna make up for it?"

"I've got money, I can..."

"Trying to bribe a public official? Right, call the police Deep."

"NO! No no .... Anything but that. I could lose my job over this."

"Think you're gonna lose a lot more than your job sonny. But" He hesitated... "I'm not unreasonable, the way I see it, I've been working all day, stressed out, me and Deep here, we need a bit of R&R, says here you need to be taught respect."

There was a pregnant pause.

My mind was racing, was this really happening? I couldn't believe the next words out of my mouth. "I'll help you relax sir" I whispered.

"Thaddaboy. Now on your knees, you know what to do cocksucker."

This whole time I had mainly been facing away from him, my now stinging arse vulnerable and exposed to the air. Now I turned to face the solidly built man, silver running through his hair and beard.

"On your knees there boy," I sank to my knees, his big belly looming, I noticed a fleshy bulge tightening in his trousers. "Now... crawl over." I glanced nervously at the younger man, smoothed skin, tanned and fresh crew cut, he looked almost as stunned as me. "Come on then."

I crawled over.

"Faggots give the best head, and I haven't had me one in a while. Get on with it." He looked down at me half smirking, half impatient, his crotch filling my view. I reached up and unzipped his blue trousers, judging from the musky odour, he had worked a long day, my head whirled and I reeled a little.

I had never sucked another man, except Him, and now, and now if I did this, it would be true. I would be a cocksucker. Before, I could somehow deny it to myself, argue I was forced, but this was different. A hand smashed my face into the older man's crotch.

"Go on, get a whiff of it." He forcibly rubbed his crotch all over my face, I, naked as I was, could seem to do nothing to resist. "Alright, you've had your fun, now get to work." Humiliated, I undid the buttons on the man's checked boxers, and pulled out his cock. It was hot in my hand and getting heftier. It was shorter than His cock, but broader, girthier. "Look at me, good boy, now stick out your tongue. Now go on then, put my cockhead on your tongue." On autopilot now, I did as he said. "No, keep looking at me. And stay right there. What does he look like to you Deep?"

"Well guv, he urgh, he looks like a cocksucker."

"What are you bitch?"

And it was true.

"`U'm a cockthucker, thir." I attempted miserably.

"Well then if you're a cocksucker, get to it."

At least this was almost, to my shame, familiar. I wrapped my lips around his meaty glans wrapping my tongue around it, swirling his sweat and grime of a long day into my gullet, it was pungent but somehow, intoxicating.

"Aye, that's it boy, give it a good polish."

I did as he asked, running my tongue down his meaty member, bumping my head off his belly. He loosened his tie and undid his shirt buttons revealing a broad hairy chest and stomach. "Now this is how to relax... come on Deep, come get a bit."

"Urrr chief, I don't go in for that gay shit."

"Deep I'm surprised at you, nothing wrong with being gay or exploring, specially at your age, but there ain't much gay about this. Just a man putting a faggot in his place. Spect this one ain't even gay, he'd have more self-respect if he were."

Twisting my gaze to the younger man, I could see he was clearly mesmerised.

"It's fucking good."

Deep came over.

"Get him out then bitch. No, I didn't say stop sucking."

Half blindly I groped for his crotch, there was already a surprisingly hard lump there. While taking a moment to nurse chief's' head I managed to unbutton Deep's trousers and slip down his fly. I extracted his member. It was slim and long and curved perfectly upward, slapping his belly as it was released.

"Hahah thadda boy Deep, alright show my colleague what you've got."

He grabbed me by the hair, physically transferring me over Deep's cock. I looked up at his bemused face, clearly some conflict was going on there, but as I wrapped my lips around his head, he gasped.

"Oh fuck, guv."

His cocked tasted fresher, but still sweaty, with a woody scent of whatever bodywash he used, I flushed at the thought of myself comparing these cocks. But there I was, on my knees, sucking my third cock in as many hours. And though it was slimmer, it poked the back of my throat much more readily, so I had to be careful not to cough as I slid him up and down. I realised if I could get them to come quickly, perhaps I could still make my flight, still rejoin my original life, and redoubled my efforts.

Clearly this was having the desired effect and Deep began jerking spasmodically into my mouth but before long...

"Woah woah, we ain't in a rush, I've still got twenty minutes on my break." Interjected the older man. Grabbing my hair again, he pulled me over to his cock, "but if you wanna show off, let's see if you can go deep." Show off! As if this was something I was proud of.

Keeping a firm hand on the back of my head, he pushed me down the length of his cock. And though I was used to taking Him deep, not with a cock this broad. It slid across my tongue slowly, inexorably, I could feel the veins on the broad underside of his shaft, when he hit my throat he slowed.

"Ain't no stopping this bitch, I'm taking that throat, so you better take a breath and hold on."

With that, calmly and methodically he forced his cock into my throat. I spluttered around it, I had just gotten used to the His girth, but these extra few inches.

"Come on boy, lean into it." He paused so I could regain my composure. I managed to get some air in through my nose and calmed down, giving him the chance to finish his descent.

"Eyes up boy, that's 7 inches of cock down your throat." He slapped the side of my face. "Now don't ever say you're not a faggot, you understand?" I nodded my head.

"Say it then."

"A unerstan thur" The ridiculous sound of me saying this bought fresh tears to my eyes.

"No keep your eyes of mine."

With that he took my head and fucked my throat with a relentless, methodical authority I had hitherto been unused to. Each plunge was a statement that I was now just a hole to pleasure him and pump cum into; every gag sacrificing a little more of my masculinity to him. His gaze never left mine as we recognised this... fact.

He was almost completely in control and minutes passed as he kept up a stream comments

"That's it boy, give that throat to me, keep that tongue working, take it boy." I was in a daze, the hypersexuality of the situation, the base erotic stink of pheromones in the air was getting to me.

"Look guv, his cock is hard, it's dripping."

Shocked I instinctively reached for it, it was true, the shame of it swept across my body.

"Course it is Deep, he's getting the taste of a real man's cock. That's what fags need."

Defeated, I raised my hands to his furry balls and rolled them in my hand. "Oh that's a good bitch, get those babymakers ready. Bitch is thirsty, you want that nut boy? Answer me."

" Yesh thur"

"Beg me for it bitch"

"Pleeees thir, pleeees."

"Ok but you're gonna have to work for it. I'm close boy, finish me with your hand. No stay there, that's it boy." I jerked his now slick cock, pointed straight at my face. I was pleasuring another man so he could climax on my face.

"Not on my face sir, please sir, come in my throat." I whined, still pumping him.

"Oh come now boy, I know what you need. You asked for this remember. Remember?" He said more forcefully.

"Yes, I uh, I asked for this."

"Oh I'm close boy, keep going, look at me boy, get that mouth open." I jerked furiously and then...

"Ah shit, fucking faggot"

Streaks of cum erupted from his cock, plastering my face, spraying my tongue.

"Ah fucking shit, good boy, get it down ya." His cum pooled on my eyebrow and dripped into my eye forcing me to close it. Grabbing my hair, he forced his entrance once more and finished his orgasm in my mouth.

"Awww fuck, fuck it." He groaned, manhandling my head down his shaft once more.

"Ahh you're a good little faggot."

"What about me guv?"

"Come on faggot, more work to do." With that Deep, having watched his boss's performance, rammed his cock down my throat, with hardly a breath between, and fucked his way down my throat where within seconds he seemed to cumming pints.

"Ahhh fuck, fuck, chief, I'm cumming"

"Atta boy, give it to him"

"And he's taking it, he's taking it."

"Course he is lad."

Reversing the trend he pulled out for the final few ropes which landed across my nose and cheeks.

"Well you certainly look like and cocksucking faggot even if you ain't one" the older guy chuckled.

Deep looked down with a mixture of surprise and pride.

"I ain't never done something like that before, you think I could get a snap?" He said, bizarrely addressing me.

"I don't think he's in a position to mind, go on, get a vid." With that the boy whipped out his phone and the older guy began beating my cummy face with his still thick cock, splashing my eyes with the mess.

"Get it down ya." He laughed as he began feeding me the cum on my face with his cock.

"Come on clean my colleague off" As Deep came over, recording, to join in the fun. They both began slapping my face with their cocks once more, but making sure every last drop of cum was down my gullet.

"What I don't get is, if that thing in his arse is made of plastic, why it caught the metal detector."

"Haha, well, it shouldn't have, but the scan showed a metal rod up there, looks like this perv put it in the silicone himself, guess some faggots just want to be caught. Odds are he wrote that note himself."

"What about the disrespecting women stuff?"

"Ahh some faggots need an excuse to be punished, to justify it to themselves, just nonsense really."

"Wow chief, you know a lot about this stuff."

"Ha, well back in my prime..."

As they chatted on, my mind flamed, metal rod, wanted to be caught, excuse to be punished? So this was my leaving present.


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