Single at Oxford

By Ron Weasley

Published on Mar 3, 2013


The following is a story about life at the University to Oxford. This story is completely fictional and all resemblance to any persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. This story contains descriptions of sex between men. If the subject matter offends you or it is illegal to read or download such things in your jurisdiction please do not continue.

All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author.


Single at Oxford by Jeremy Allen

I know what you're thinking. Oxford is either tweed and teacups (to the Americans), stuffy and stuck up (to the comprehensive kids) or the worst place in the world (to Cambridge students and the parents of anyone ever rejected from Oxford or Cambridge). Well I'm here to tell you now that unless you've studied there you have no idea.

I grew up in South London and went to a pretty good comprehensive school with a very mixed intake... as long as everyone was Catholic. All boys in the first five years and girls joined us for sixth form. I lost my virginity when I was 17, but that's another story. Now, at 19 I've been at St Hilda's College for six months. I'm one of the first men to ever attend St Hilda's (or Hilda's as it's more commonly known). From it's foundation at the end of the 19th Century until the September just passed, St Hilda's was a women-only college and I joined the first mixed undergraduate intake at this October.

The people here are great: so down to earth and not at all how anyone portrays them. Hilda's was known as the feminist college, the lesbian college and a whole lot more worse names. Our students are known as hildabeasts, to rhyme with wildebeests, originally I imagine as an insult but we've reclaimed the word and our sporting chant is 'BEAST IT HILDAS!'

The women are a varied bunch, from all round the country and some from abroad, more lesbians than average, but I suppose that's to be expected. The guys are of a mixed social background as well but for every one of them something's a little... weird. Whether it's the mancunian midget who's a compulsive liar, the hideous kiwi who thinks he's God's gift or just the really, really tall guy it's like the admissions staff selected all the clever but socially awkward guys and threw them into Hida's. Imagine a group of Big Brother Housemates but add in 30 hours reading a week.

For this reason I try and escape as much as possible. I've joined a few societies, do most of my work in the faculty library, rather than the college library and have made more friends outside of college than in. I'm not a total social reject though, I'm a regular fixture in the JCR bar (the bar and common room for undergraduates) and do a weekly bar shift and have a group of female friends who are significantly less weird than the guys.

At 6'3 with dark bond hair and an easy ability to tan I stand out quite easily. My slim but toned frame attracts glances most times I go out but I've yet to get laid in Oxford. It's more through lack of trying than anything else. Up until now I've only slept with one guy, Tom,my first boyfriend who I met plying in an orchestra. He was older, on a gap year and still hanging around. I don't think I loved him but I was pretty devoted. I definitely don't now seeing as he dumped me by text during his first week at uni in Durham. I was still at home with my term starting later and we'd sort of agreed to give long distance a go. I got a text at 3am saying 'I don't think this will work, I need to get laid and I don't want to cheat on you. Sorry.' I didn't respond.

I never thought of myself as someone who pulls in clubs, I've never had to as Tom's dick gave me everything I needed when I graduated from taking care of myself to sex, and to be honest I have no idea how. When I go out, I go out with friends because I want to spend time with them and it's rude to prance off after every fit guy you see. That, coupled with most of my emotions being taken up with being angry at Tom has left me with an empty bed and a very full libido.

Tara, the JCR president, who heads the committee that organises all the student representation and activities for us beasts has been really lovely. She and I bonded reasonably early, despite her being a second year. We have a really similar sense of humour and have the same tastes. She has a motto that anyone can get laid in Oxford any night of the week as long as their standards are low enough. I haven't tested that theory but tonight as I finished my third wank of the day, I realised I needed to get laid before I turned my cock sore.

The question was, who and how. None of the guys at Hilda's took my fancy, they were either too weird or not fit or both. Some were drop dead gorgeous but I couldn't see myself in a relationship with them and I think it unwise to shag around in a college where everyone knows everyone else's business. Truth be told, one guy I'd had the hots for since I first laid eyes on him was in my criminal law class. We shared our classes with the lawyers from LMH and Oriel and Ed was pretty damn fine. 5'11, black hair, small sideburns and wore t-shirts that showed off his well developed chest and arms. We'd never socialised but exchanged nods if we walked past each other in the street. He also seemed like a good guy given his attitude in classes. I generally agreed with his opinions when we talked about whether the law was in a good state or not with respect to crime and justice and he never tried to dominate the class with showing off (as Charlie did) and wasn't a passenger that needed carrying (like Andie). If he was gay, my gaydar wasn't tingling, but it would have to be pretty good to pick all but the most queeny types at this range.

We had exams, called mods, at the end of the second term, just before Easter. They were four weeks away so the classes were stepping up. Dr Walter had us scheduled for an 8.30am start in her office at LMH, which is one of the colleges furthest from the centre of town and on the opposite side of town from Hilda's: 20min by bike if I didn't want to have to shower on arrival. I made it with a few minutes to spare and picked a seat round the table. Already there were three of the Oriel crowd, looking half asleep and Ben, my colleague from Hilda's who gets up at the arsecrack of dawn to take part in the group masochism that is known as rowing. Even though the big race of the term was last week and there were no more practices for the term he wasn't letting his body clock readjust. See what I mean? Mental. Katie, the other Hilda's lawyer had been out last night at The Bridge, one of Oxford's most popular clubs. I was under instructions to apologise to Dr Walter on her behalf and to inform her that she had cramps and couldn't move without a hot water bottle. Dr Walter already hates me because of my gender and lack of enthusiasm for pushing myself into writing anything better than a mid 2(i) essay so that was going to go down well.

The LMH students, including Ed, came in just as I was getting out my file and pad. There was a chorus of silent greetings in the form of nods and eyebrow lifts and Dr Walter arrived. She surveyed the room, noticing the missing Katie and the one other Oriel student yet to come. She sniffed, looked at the clock and said in a strong German accent 'is this it?'

'Dr Walter,' I began, 'Katie has asked me to tell you...' 'Yes I got her email' Dr Walter cut me off with a brush of her hand, not even looking at me. Thanks for that Katie, great way to start the class. 'Where is Joseph?' she asked, narrowing her gaze on Ed. 'Erm.. ' Ed began lookig over at the Oriel lot for help. As you can see Dr Walter had made an effort to get to know us so well. 'He should be along soon I guess,' Bee from Oriel volunteered. 'He didn't say he wasn't coming'

Walter sniffed and began the class without him. When Joseph did finally arrive Walter scolded him and forbade him from asking any questions for the duration of the class. Mean bitch. She travelled at a rate of knots through offences against the person: assaults, murder and sexual assault. It was our first revision class so we were dealing with the more black and white things. Walter was getting faster and faster, deliberately trying to catch us on something we didn't know and insulting us when she won. I'd spoken to the lawyers in my orchestra and one who volunteered with me and they said that their classes were much nicer. The lawyers in the year above said Walter was a trial by fire and if you could survive her, you could survive anything.

Ben, crazy rower though he is, is a great classmate. He, Katie and I have all our tutorials together so we've got to know each other's styles reasonably well. We can tell when the other one is struggling and often are able to help out with a helpful cut-in. As time went on Charlie became less and less cocky and the rest of us were able to contribute. Andie was, as usual, silent unless spoken to and the rest of LMH were trying to cover for her. Her eyes were glazed and it looked as if she were still high from the night before... or maybe she was blazing before the class. Either way, an error. Walter smelled blood and began to hone in.

'Andie, under what circumstances might a woman be found guilty of rape?' 'Hmm?' Andie looked sluggishly up. Walter sniffed and began again, 'can a woman be a rapist Ms Yin?' Andie began to realise she had to answer her question and her delicate Asian features began to crease. 'Umm...' Andie was racking her brain 'Under the 2003 Act,' Ed began 'I did not ask you Mr Carter.' Walter snapped. The bitch wanted blood. As Arabella opened her mouth, Walter silenced her with a hand gesture. 'This question is for Ms Yin.' She sneered.

Walter already hated Andie for her lack of participation and was out to get her. Ben caught my eye and mouthed 'awkward!' at me. I returned with a worried look. It doesn't take a genius to figure out Andie's little habit and it could get her rusticated or worse, sent down. Suddenly, it dawned on me.

'Which question?' I asked. 'What, Mr Edwards?' 'You've asked two questions, the first the circumstances under which a woman can be found guilty of rape, the second, can she be a rapist. They're different things' I asserted 'Go on.' Walter instructed with a bit of fire in her eyes, after she'd hidden the shock at being caught out wrong. Sadistic she may be, but she did love it when her pupils grasped something complex. Once a teacher...

'Well, to be a rapist, one must commit rape, which requires a penis, natural or surgically constructed, according to section one of the SOA 2003. So a woman who has partially undergone gender reassignment surgery but is not yet legally a man can, in theory, be a rapist. However, if she is complicit in a rape by aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring a man... or a partially gender reassigned woman... she can be found guilty of the offence of rape as conspirators are charged with the full offence.' I breathed out in relief. 'I'm glad someone had their Weetabix this morning.' Walter said and moved on. I believe that was a compliment. The rest of the class passed without incident.

As I left Walter's study I headed towards the front quad to leave the college and head into town. I had a few errands to run and wanted them out of the way before lunch so I could have the whole afternoon in the library. I also wanted to recharge my batteries after the gruelling two hour class.

'Hey Anthony!' I heard Ed call out behind me 'Yeah?' I asked as I turned around. 'Thanks for that bail-out in the class. We've been trying to cover for Andie but Walter has a real vendetta. If Andie doesn't pass mods she's out like any of the rest of us but her weed use is proportional to how hard a time she gets from the tutors. I don't think she's out of her angry teenage rebellion phase just yet and wants to give a big 'fuck you' to authority. People cracking down on her just makes her push back harder.' He flashed me a bashful smile. Wow, if looks could kill. His teeth were perfect. I mean, Hollywood perfect. Prefect teeth and sideburns are two things that really get me going and he just ticked the second box. I felt a fluttering in my chest. 'No problem. I saw a chance to distract Walter and went for it. Scoring points against that man-hating sadist keeps me feeling alive.' Did that sound dorky? 'Yeah...' Ed looked up into my eyes, still smiling, my gaydar still not pointing in any strong direction. He started moving towards the gate. 'You heading back to Hilda's?' he asked 'Nah, into town to pick a few things up, then might grab lunch. Either in town or back at hall.' 'Cool, I'm heading to town as well, I have a radio show to do.' 'No way, you're on Oxide?' Oxide is the student radio, run out of the SU building where I spend a fair bit of time with the RAG society and on the student paper. I've never listened to it, but I'm trying to be enthusiastic to get this guy to like me more.' 'Yep I have the lunch time slot on Wednesdays: indie rock and comedy sketches. It's called Laugh Your Rocks off.' I raised an eyebrow 'Yeah, I know, not the best name but we were on a schedule.' again he had that bashful smile on. 'I'll have to tune in next week' I said. 'Really? You'll double our audience!' It was no secret that Oxide had terrible listening figures. 'Now, now,' I replied with only a slight mocking tone, 'I'm sure both of Oxide's listeners would be sad to see the station be discontinued.' We had reached the gate and he turned to me and stepped closer, looking me in the eye 'Hey,' he said, 'any more of that and I won't be your friend any more.' Then he grinned. Damn sexy.

'So where you from?' he asked as we unlocked my bike and proceeded to walk down Norham Gardens. 'London, you?' I replied. 'Warwickshire. Small village, you won't have heard of it. Beautiful, but boring as hell.' 'Well at least you'll have learned to drive. We city kids don't have to, so don't really bother. Now I'm wondering if I'll ever have time to take my test.' 'Yeah I took my test the day after my birthdday. A driving licence meant freedom from parental bed times. That said I had a friend who could drive before me so it wasn't too bad. Mostly slept over as well, from like, sixteen.' My gaydar started to tingle. 'Friend' of in indeterminate gender and 'sleeping over.' He'd have said girlfriend if was a girlfriend. Still, shouldn't dig too deep as if I scare him off we've still got fifteen minutes of awkward silence before we hit Cornmarket and have an excuse to part. 'Cool.' I responded. 'I relied on the underground a fair bit, but even so that only runs til about one and no one wants to take a night bus so my nocturnal activities were often spent sleeping over too.' He looked sideways at me, trying to see if I had a hidden agenda. 'So why LMH?' I asked, changing the subject. The long game was probably best. I'm not camp at all so, unless you check my top tracks on itunes or my browsing history, it's not obvious I'm gay. I'm out, but don't parade it around as I wouldn't have to tell everyone I met I was straight. And even if Ed was gay he might not be attracted to me and we seemed to be getting along great. Another friend outside of Hilda's was always welcome. 'I got pooled there. Originally I applied to Worcester, for the nice grounds, but LMH has its own lake and grounds as well so it's not a bad consolation. Why Hilda's?' 'Like almost everyone, I was pooled there too. Originally I wanted to go to Hugh's as it felt homely. I can't see myself living in Christchurch or Magdalen with all those tourists wondering around. I like walking around college in my slippers and not having to panic at the thought that if I accidentally leave my curtains open some tourist will catch a photo of me topless.' 'They'd be lucky to see that!' Ed said. Bingo. The gaydar is on full alert. 'Yeah, right.' I said. 'I may have good tone but I'm nowhere near as stacked as you.' 'Thanks,' he blushed and looked away. Fortunately he hadn't seen that I had gone bright red too. I blush at the drop of a hat. Compliment me and I go pink as smoked salmon. 'Listen,' I began 'I was thinking of setting up a few group study sessions with Ben and Katie. Maybe you and the other LMHers want to come along?' 'Yeah, sounds good.' He looked a bit taken a back, and slightly crestfallen. Shit, had I just friend-zoned him? 'Are you going to invite the Oriel lot along?' 'I hadn't thought so. I mean Joe, Bee and Sophie are all nice but I really don't want to have to spend any more time with Charlie than mandated by my tute schedule.' 'Amen to that. We all hate him' Excellent. Nothing better to build a friendship on than mutual dislike of a third party. 'I feel bitchy leaving the others out but when it comes to arseholes, it's every man and woman for his or herself. And besides, it means I get to spend more time with you.' I'd taken a gamble. We'd reached the top of Cornmarket and I thought this was an excellent time to fly off and leave him hanging, hopefully wanting more. If I cycled off to the left, there's no way he'd have an excuse to follow, the SU being straight on. 'I'll facebook you,' I said and jumped on my bike.

After lunch I facebooked the Hilda's and LMH lawyers suggesting the next day in Hilda's JCR bar at 4. Andie never responded and two of the LMHers had other stuff. Arranging a time for eight Oxford students at short notice is a bitch at the best of times so we decided that we'd go ahead with this time and people could drop in and out of them as suited. Ben and Katie could both make it and I agreed to meet Ed and Arabella at the lodge at four. Ed was wearing a tight black t-shirt which hugged his bulging arms and clearly showed the line of his pecs. He looked like he hadn't shaved that day with a sexy dusting of a five o'clock shaddow accompanying his perfect sideburns. His face broke into a smile as he saw me come through the lodge.

How best to describe Arabella Cottenham? She is the nicest person you will ever meet. She went to boarding school, Cheltenham Ladies if I'm not mistaken, thin as a rake and probably on coke, but nonetheless has a heart of solid gold. I later found out she'd been helping Andie with her essays and trying her best to keep Andie's habit a secret from the college staff. One time she used her textbook English-belle looks to seduce a rugby player from Brookes to carry a semi-comatose Andie all the way from The Bridge to LMH. About a 30min walk; Saint Arabella of Cheltenham she should be called.

The session went reasonably well and before we knew it, two hours had gone by. I offered to buy Ed and Arabella dinner at hall, not that Hilda's makes the best food, and Ed accepted. Arabella declined (I'd never seen her eat: she didn't touch the snacks we'd had in the middle of our table). Ben ran off to a rowing outing so Katie, Ed and I made our way to hall. Chef had truly outdone himself this time, serving up a soup thinner than Arabella, something claiming to be lasagne but had the texture of peanut butter (but none of the flavour) and slices of his famous lemon meringue pie, nicknamed 'polonium pudding' on account of it's lurid green colour.

'What is this again?' Ed asked, prodding it with his fork. 'Lemon meringue pie,' Katie replied 'Allegedly,' I interjected. 'I think chef got some goo, showed it a lemon and said 'now think like a lemon. Think really, really hard,' and then took it to Sellafield.' Katie cracked up and Ed spat cream out of his nose. 'Wow,' he croaked, 'Sorry.' I passed him a napkin and joined in the laughter. He'd got cream on his t-shirt. 'Oh look at me!' he sighed, 'you can't take me anywhere.' 'Look, this meal has been an embarrassment. Let me take you up to my room, get you cleaned up and then we can grab a toastie from the buttery. A few drinks in the bar and maybe go out afterwards? You can leave your books here and I'll bring them to Walter's class tomorrow. Surely we've hit our study quota for the day with two hours this afternoon and morning lectures?' Katie shot me a look as soon as I'd suggested taking Ed to my room. She was pretty sharp when it came to this sort of thing. 'Sounds like plan, whilst you scrub down Ed, I'll suit up,' she said and grabbed her tray, making for the door. The How I Met Your Mother Reference made me pretty sure I'd scored myself a wingman. 'Come on, let's get you upstairs. You can borrow one of my t-shirts if the cream doesn't come out.' He didn't protest.

I led him to the Garden Building. Every Oxford college has a concrete monstrosity and this is ours. As is normal, the freshers are housed there. 'Garden' describes the view, not the locality. We walked two flights up to my room and I led us in. Ed looked eager. His eyes were bright and his mouth was in a constant smile. As I turned on the taps he pulled his tee over his head. Wow. His pale torso had a collection of dark hair at the centre of his pecs and his small round nipples were pink and tight. His stomach was completely flat with six perfectly formed ripples defining his abs. He had that line, you know? Under the abs in a V pointing straight down showing he had almost no body fat and the top band of his white CK undies peeked out over the top of his jeans. I was staring. He knew I was staring. 'Let me take care of this.' He said, placing his hand on my arm to move me away from the sink. He lingered just a little too long and I felt a squeeze. He felt nothing but hard muscle, though not as hard as the boner I'd sprung. He looked at me directly in the eyes and grinned. I was speechless.

He started dabbing at the cream with my facecloth and it mostly came off. Rinsing the rest off under the tap he wrung out the tee and turned to me. I hadn't moved. I had fallen in lust with this perfectly formed man. A quiet cough brought me back to my senses and I shook my head. 'Right, another top,'I said. 'Don't worry about it, this will dry soon enough,' He said pulling it back on. The damp material hugged his form outlining the top two rows of abs. 'Besides,' he smiled, 'I look good in it.'

He was between me and the door, my single bed behind me, next to the window. There wasn't a huge amount of space but enough to get by without having to get very close, particularly if he moved to the side. He didn't and gestured with his left hand towards the door. I walked towards it and he stepped to the side, allowing me past. He stepped behind me and with his right hand took my shoulder and leaned in to say into my ear 'I think we're going to have fun tonight.'

In the bar, Katie was already waiting for us with what was probably a schnappes and lemonade. She was chatting to Tara who looked slyly at me as I entered. She bounded up to me to give me a hug and an enthusiastic hello. Introducing Ed and Tara I offered him a drink since I had a tab. 'A vodka coke', he replied.

'Tara, do you want something as well?' I offered. 'I'll come up with you.' She said

Jen was serving and I ordered a vodka coke for Ed, a cider for me and a g&t for Tara. The bar wasn't very full it only being 6.45 or so, so as Jen was getting our drinks Tara and I could talk privately.

'Katie says...' she began. 'Yes,' I cut her off. 'Is he..?' 'Almost certainly.' 'Do you..?' 'Fuck yes...' 'Tonight? 'That's the plan? 'Does he..?' 'If he doesn't he's a fucking tease and given how he seems to be a nice guy, I doubt it.'

I suppose I should explain. Tara and I are such good friends that we generally know what the other is about to say. She wanted to know, respectively if Katie's thoughts at I might get with Ed were justified, was he gay, do I fancy him and was I trying tonight. Also, do I think he fancies me. Katie looked over to him as Jen passed the drinks over and nodded her approval. 'Godspeed young padawan.' We walked over to the others.

The drinks went down well and the four of us we getting along swimmingly. By ten we were quite merry and had been joined by a number of other Hilda's freshers, second years and finalists. Hilda's is nice like that, we have a great cross-year family thing going on. Katie was on form as my wingman. When Ben came over she undid a button of her bouse and had him eating out of the palm of her hand to prevent him engaging Ed in any law chat. Tara had spotted Mancunian midget Stuart, who will attempt to hump anything human, trying to get close to Ed. She rounded him off to talk about JCR politics. Perfect, the little twerp wanted to be JCR president 'so I can have sex in the JCR office' and for only that reason. Thank god he wasn't popular enough to win.

I had Ed all to myself and he was definitely flirting. If someone's flirting with me I generally can't tell, so if I can tell, you know they're going all out. We were sitting next to each other on the sofa, bodies turned totally towards each other,my right knee between his open legs, resting on the inside of his knee. His arm was extended over the back of the sofa over my shoulder and our heads we close as we talked. I was drinking in his features: powerful brow and strong nose, that killer smile and the perfect amount of stubble. His hair was cropped short at the sides as it faded into his sideburns and lengthened to the top where he had it lightly gelled forward into a quiff. I was just studying his dark blue eyes as I came too.

'Anthony? Anthony?' he said. 'What? Oh, sorry, was miles away... not that you were boring, it's just...' I faded off and blushed. Dammit, he had to have seen that one. 'No worries, man,' he said as he rubbed my shoulder, 'I just thought we should put my books in your room if we're going out.' 'Right I said,' and got up. 'Katie, text us if you decide to move out before we're back.' 'It's gonna be: legend-' she began. 'Wait for it...' I replied and gave her a wink I was sure Ed couldn't see.

We walked out into the night to head back over to Garden. 'Katie's not texting is she?' Ed asked. 'What?' I replied. 'We're obviously not going to The Bridge tonight.' 'Huh?' I looked up at him as we made it to the front door of garden. 'We're not going out because I'll be too busy fucking you,' he said taking a step closer so that we were only inches away. 'Oh really?' I asked, with a sly tone and a shit eating grin spreading across my face. 'Yes, really, and you're going to enjoy it so much that we'll probably be late to Walter's class because you'll be begging for it tomorrow morning.' 'That sounds like you have a challenge before you, Ed.' 'Challenge accepted,' and he pushed me against the glass door and kissed me hard.

Our lips started closed but we opened our mouths to get more out of it. Our lips parted and he took the back of my head in his hands. I extended my tongue into his mouth and found his there, waiting to caress mine. He thrusted his body against me and I felt my shoulders bang on the glass behind me. He used his knee to knock my legs apart and his hand caressed the side of my arse. My hands were exploring his back, which was hard and broad. My touch sensed power and strength there and I dug the fingers of my right hand into his shoulder. It hardly gave way. As his hips bucked against mine he broke our kiss. 'Have you got...' 'I picked them up during my errands yesterday.' He grinned and kissed me again. I could feel his hardness against my thigh and my own dick was bulging in my boxer briefs. 'Let's get inside,' he said.

I opened the door and he followed me up to my room. As soon as I was through the door he was behind me and kicked it shut. He carressed me from behind and I could feel that his t-shirt was still a bit damp. Both hands felt my pecs, squeezing and massaging them. As one hand found my nipple, the other came down to my crotch and grabbed my junk through my jeans. He was nuzzling my neck and as I tried to turn to kiss him again his strong arms held me there. Looks like he was calling the shots. He began to kiss my neck as he groped my balls and I let out a little moan. My neck is quite sensitive and I love having it kissed and nibbled. He responded to my sounds my sucking on it harder, up and down as his hand rose to the top of my belt line. As he nibbled my neck, causing me to moan louder his hand pushed into my boxers and he grabbed hold of my throbbing 7.5 inch dick. He started slowly jerking it as I interlaced my hand with his over my nipple. I was already reaching round and fondling his perfect muscular arse with my other hand. Perhaps in response to my hand, perhaps not he suddenly gave my nipple a violent tweak causing me to cry out. His hand whipped out of my jeans and he spun me around and pushed me onto the bed.

I fell back, with my knees bent at the corner. I got up on my elbows to see him pull of his t-shirt to once again reveal his sculpted chest. 'I wasn't sure you wanted me yesterday, but when I saw you ogling at me with my shirt off, I knew I'd have you.'

He strutted over to me and straddled my legs, standing with his feet wide apart. 'Come here,' he said and took me by the back of the head and pushed my face onto his abs. I fell to my knees and was immediately licking them. 'Yeah,' he said, 'show me how much you like my chest.'

I got to work caressing each mound of muscle with my lips and tongue, licking through the valleys created by hours at the gym. He pulled my head back and looked down at me. I looked up at him, half smiling, half seeking approval. He just smiled and pushed my face into his crotch. 'Oh, we are going to have some fun tonight.' He said. I just let out a low mmm in response.

I brought my hands up to his crotch and started undoing the buttons of his fly one by one. With his fly open I could see his thick cock outlined in his boxer briefs, the end reaching round to the side hidden by the denim of his trousers. I pulled my shirt off and pulled the jeans down, revealing a wet spot on the left of his tight boxer briefs where the bulge of his cock died away. Obviously I'd been doing it right. As I pulled his pants down to his knees, he took the base of his cock, eight inches long and as wide around as an ice cream cone and smeared it across me face from above my eye, across my nose and down my cheek. As he brought it back up I decided to show him he wasn't the only one that could be in control and opened my mouth. I took his dick into my mouth and swallowed him down in one.

'Fuck!' he cried and buckled. I like to think that I'm an excellent cocksucker, and it's something I really enjoy, too. My ex wasn't as long as Ed nor as wide but was almost as big around so my throat was accustomed to swallowing big dick. I'd learned to control my gag reflex though hours of sucking Tom so taking Ed was something I was sure I could do. I was a little out of practice, sure so a few tears formed in my eyes, but I was going to show Ed I wasn't the only one going to be begging tomorrow morning.

I moved up and down his cock, drawing out a faint 'ugh' each time I changed direction. As I began to need air I pulled back and started twirling my tongue round the head. I licked up from the base of the cock to the tip and drew out a pearl of precum. I looked up at him and just said 'surprised?'

'Fucking hell, dude. Fucking hell...' was all Ed could gasp out before I went back down on him again and drew out more sighs and moans. I lost myself in sucking him. His dick was a perfect fit down my throat and had a slight downward curve so went down like a hand in a glove. I began to slowly pivot him on his feet, my hands on his hips, his dick never leaving my mouth, so that he had his back to the bed. With one hand moving round to grab his arse and the up to caress his abs I pushed him gently back and he fell onto the bed still sighing with pleasure. As and when I needed to breathe I came up to tease his piss slit with my tongue and taste his sweet precum. After some time I stood up, dropped my pants and crawled on top of him, kissing him.

At first I was kissing him, and he responded, but as he awoke from the haze of pleasure I'd put him in with my mouth, he became more intense. One hand reached to my arse and a finger began searching for my hole, whilst the other took my hair tight and pulled me slightly back. He began to caress my pucker with his finger before pulling me sharply back with the other hand and bringing his finger to my face. I opened my moth for him and got it wet. He pulled out and returned it to my ass, gently pushing in. The head of my 7.5" dick was being tickled by the hairs on his abs and was dripping slimy wet precum onto them. I was so aroused.

He broke our kiss and pulled out of my ass. Pushing one shoulder around, he flipped me onto my back, and straddled me. He looked down at me. My chest was heaving and his dick was resting between my abs. He shuffled up my body and took my head up and brought his dick to my mouth. Again he rubbed it over my face, which got me so hot. He then thrust it into my mouth and started skull fucking me. I couldn't swallow, because of the angle, so I employed my tongue to the fullest and had him moaning my name.

'Ahh, yes, Ant. Oh yes, that's it. Take my dick You suck it so good!'

He pulled his dick out and kissed me, our tongues wrestling for dominance. He then shuffled round into a sixty nine position and I instantly took him back inside my mouth. Instead of blowing me, however, I felt him push my dick and balls forward and then his tongue on my taint. I shuddered with pleasure as he rose up to my pucker and began to dance round it with the edge of my tongue. I moaned at the sensation and then swallowed his dick whole. He threw his head back and cried out, a huge grin spread over his face. He cried out again, and then it turned into a grown as he buried his face in my as, tonguing me deep. He got me so wet and loose he had brought two fingers, then three inside my as and had me writhing. He rolled me off him and I reached into the draw of my bedside table. I threw him the bottle of lube and opened the box of Durex. I pulled out a condom and unwrapped it as his lubed fingers started greasing up my hole. He wiped his fingers on my pillow as he came up and kissed me. My hands found the head of his dripping dick and I unravelled the condom down his knob. He leaned back, hoisted my legs into the crooks of his elbows and lined up the head of the disk against my hole.

I love the tender feeling of a cockhead pushing at my sphincter, asking for entry. Ed reared up over me and let gravity do it's thing as he slowly pushed into me. I let out a long sigh as, inch by inch, he went in smoothly and bottomed out, exhaling as his hips hit mine. He pulled back just as slowly and then started to thrust in. Looking down at me I looked him in the eyes and nodded. He wasn't hurting me. I could take it.

'God your ass feels good.' He said, rocking his head back. 'Your cock is sensational, Ed. Fuck me.' I said 'Yes, sir!' he responded and picked up the pace.

He began to thrust longer and harder making me gasp each time he bottomed out. He got faster and faster, grunting with each thrust . He brought my legs up onto his shoulders and changed angle. His thick meat had me stretched out and the rubbing against the insides of my ass felt great, but with this change he began hitting my g-spot dead on. I cried out in shock and pleasure and he stopped, mouth still open, but looking slightly concerned. I bent my knees down behind his shoulders and pulled him back into me to reassure him. I put one hand behind his head to pull him into a kiss and he started rabbit fucking me: short quick thrusts. Much more of this and I'd explode. When I broke the kiss, he threw himself back, sweat running down his abs, his pecs glistening with it, and he began long thrusts into me crying out with each one. My dick was harder than it had ever been and with one more punch to my prostate I gasped in and sighed out as I came like a volcano. I was spurting rope after rope of cum onto my chest and abs, and I felt a splash hit my cheek.

I was in such heaven I didn't notice that Ed had pounded me through the orgasm and as I came out of my sex haze he was beginning to rise in volume and thrust one final shove into me before half shouting, half growling he came and came. I saw a bead of sweat roll down his temple as he fucked me through his orgasm and then entered that zen-like sensation of enjoying a really powerful orgasm. He sat back on his knees and his dick pulled out of me, softening. He opened his eyes and looked at me, both of us, chests heaving. He saw the mess I'd made of myself and crawled over me. He kissed my forehead then saw the glob of cum on my cheek. He licked it up, kissed me on the mouth and looked into my eyes.

'-dary.' He said.

This was my first time writing fiction, erotic or otherwise, since my creative writing assignments in school. I'd love to get feedback and will continue to write if it's more positive than negative:

Thanks for reading,


Next: Chapter 2

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