Singing Through Siren Sounds

Published on Jul 10, 2022


Singing Through Siren Sounds Chapter 8

Chapter 8

For a long time, I felt guilty about having feelings for Wren or Taz or being attracted to anyone after Coin died. We were never serious. Not in that way. We loved each other in a puppy love sort of way but neither of us knew this was going to be our forever thing. That puppy love though. It’s powerful. And so when he died the fact that I wanted comfort from these other men in my life felt wrong...until now.

Until I see my dead ex-boyfriend on tape.

I check the timestamp of the video. We were together at the time. It was just two days before his death. The video starts off with Coin in a room by himself. He’s naked. Butt naked. His body is so sexy that a few of the white people in the crowd are fanning themselves. I don’t think the white folks have realized that it is a sex tape yet.

Maybe they think this is some strange college commentary with deep meaning like “Showing the nudity of black men to shed light on how black men are unfairly deemed a threat by society.”

Then I see the face that Coin’s mother wears. Seeing her son naked like this has brought her hands up to her chest. She’s beyond shocked. A few of the black people that came along with her from the Bottom are starting to express a quiet outrage.

Coin silently puts on a mask. It’s some sort of bondage masks. It completely covers his face. Then he puts this gag in his mouth. A few seconds later there is a knock on the door.

Coin opens the door, with the mask covering his face and in walks Wren...with no mask. What happens next shocks the entire crowd.

Coin falls to his knees and says, “Master…”

The moment a dead Coin calls Wren master I start looking around for Wren again. I can’t see him now. Where the fuck is Wren?

“You’re my slave,” Wren says in the video, causing half the room to scream in shock. By now the room was clamorous. It was chaos. Some people were walking out, but the majority were just reacting loudly to the video each getting more and more outraged by the moment. There was so much commentary as people were now recording Wren on the video on their social media.

In the next second, we all watch in horror as Wren whips out his dick. His dick is huge of course. He had the dick of someone who did porn. It was veiny, long, thick, and almost perfect looking. He smacks Coin’s face a couple of times with his dick in the most disrespectful way ever. People are hearing Coin’s mother scream when Coin bobs up and down sucking on Wren’s dick sloppily to the point where slobs of spit came out from the side of his mouth.

Wren then puts on a condom and we all watch in shock and horror as Wren penetrates Coin on camera. And it isn’t until a big sign pops up on the screen that says “Officer McHenry’s Son, Wren McHenry.”

It points to Wren.

The very same boy who was singing on stage a few minutes ago.

I find myself walking out of the room. I can’t breathe. I can’t fucking breathe. I make my way to the hallway where no one was. I can hear screaming from the main room. People were getting upset. Really upset. There is a clamorous sound---perhaps something breaking or a table being flipped. Things were hot in that room and it felt like my body had taken on the whole temperature of it. I was so fucking hot.

I get into the hallway and I cry. I cry because I thought me and Coin were better than that. I thought he would have at least been honest enough to tell me what he was doing on the side. The fact that I had to figure this out like this wasn’t fucking right. I loved Coin.

“Are you OK?” Taz asks me.

I feel selfish. I feel selfish because I know that Coin’s friends and family just have to watch their dead brother get disrespected by Wren when they were invited someplace to honor Wren.

But right now the only thing that I can think about is, “He was doing that while he was with me…”

And I feel like Taz is going to clown me or go off on me for being selfish but he just grabs me up and he pulls my head to his chest. He hugs me out there in that hallway letting me pour out all of my emotion onto his chest. And for a moment I feel safe. A moment until I hear a familiar voice in the hallway.

“I had to find you,” the person says.

It’s Wren.

“Wren, what the fuck are you doing here?” I ask, “You need to get the FUCK out of here!”

What happens next is the reason why.

“I should FUCK you up!” Taz states.

He goes after Wren. There is a fury all in his eyes. I’d seen Taz angry before. I’d seen him aggressive before, but nothing like this. It literally takes me jumping completely on his back to stop him ramming Wren into the wall.

I turn Taz around and look him in his eyes, “Please. Taz. PLEASE!”

“Did you see that FUCKING video?” Taz asks.

“For me…”

“Why do you care?” Taz asks.

And that’s when I know that to calm Taz down and stop him from straight-up attacking Wren I would have to do something drastic. I would have to do something to assure Taz that nothing was going on between me and Wren. I kiss Taz. Not just a little kiss. I slide my tongue in his mouth. Taz welcomes it grabbing my waist and pulling me in aggressively. He takes a lot of his aggression out on the kiss.

I am surprised when we stop kissing and realize awkwardly together that Wren was still there. You would think he would have left. I gave him the opportunity with the long passionate kiss I’d just given Taz.

Luckily by now, Taz was under control, “Man you lucky you’re you…”

He turns and walks away satisfied with the kiss, leaving Wren and I alone to talk. It has to more than awkward when I turn back to Wren. I feel outraged for him in that moment as well. I didn’t want him hurt. I didn’t want anything to happen to him but I felt outraged.

“What the fuck was that Wren?”

“I had to find you,” Wren tells me, “And let you know that I had no idea I fucked Cory Washington. He had a mask on. That was the first and only time I met him. It was an internet hookup.”

“I thought I was your first time…”

“How can you think that? I was into you. You’re the first guy that I’ve honestly been interested in outside of sex,” he tells me.

Hearing him say that and knowing that I kissed Taz in front of him just a few minutes ago made things so awkward.

“Wren, you don’t think it’s problematic to be calling a black man a slave in this day and age?”

“Of course I did but he ASKED me to in the app before we hooked up,” he states, “I didn’t mean it in a racist way…”

“You shouldn’t be here,” I state, “People are mad. Really mad…”

He hears the clamoring same as me. It sounds like a fight has broken out. People are screaming at each other and it seems to get closer. I don’t understand why he is still here talking to me. He grabs me by my arms to shut me up and looks me right in my eyes.

They are emotional.

“I need YOU to believe that I didn’t know it your ex-boyfriend and it was just a random guy that I hooked up with that I thought had a fetish…”

I look at Wren and I believe him. This looked bad though. This looked really bad. The death of Cory Washington made national news. People were marching because of him. They were protesting. This video coming out was terrible with racial tension as high as they were.

“I believe you,” I tell him but continue saying, “But you invited Coin’s mother here. It looks like a set up to embarrass the movement.”


I trust Wren is innocent of a lot of his actions. His ignorant. In a weird way. I don’t think he thought there was anything wrong with how he treated Coin back then in a racial context.


The sound echoes from the distance. My heart races as I turn and see a mob of black people heading our way. It was more people than I thought honestly. I hadn’t known so many had turned up for this event. Clearly, Wren didn’t know all of these people to show up so clearly it would have been Taz who invited all of these people.

They start coming at us and I grab Wren’s arm and we take off. There has to be three dozen of them angrily walking towards Wren and I. Wren and I make it outside but by that time someone has swung on Wren hitting him in the back of his head as he was trying to getaway.

“He didn’t know it was him!” I scream out at the top of my lungs.

At this point, though I think they were so angry they weren’t listening. Or maybe some of them didn’t care. Maybe it didn’t matter to others. Right now it was all this anger. All this rage. They were like a mob now. The mob wanted Wren and I was the only thing in the way of it.

I push the person off and three or four men push me down.

“Coon!” they say.

I’m on the ground being stomped out when I feel someone pull me up. I look over and notice Wren. He still hasn’t left me. He holds tight to my hand pulling me along with him. He gets me to his feet when I see someone grab at him so hard that it rips his shirt off. That’s when they start attacking us.

I don’t remember much but being hit on a few times and seeing Wren taking blows but not given any of them back. I’d seen Wren fight as well. He could definitely have hurt a few of these guys if he wanted to.

But he’s different.

“It’s all a misunderstanding,” I hear him muttering over and over again.

This is happening as people are swinging at his face. Each of them getting braver each time when they realize he isn’t hitting them back. There’s so many I can push off of him before they start really turning on me.

We were cornered with nowhere to go. If we took off full force running they’d knock us down. We had to find a way out of this.


That’s when we turn and see Taz. He has his car door open and is telling us to get in his car. And with the crowd so angry if we weren’t able to pile into his car in that moment and have him speed off there was no telling what would have happened.


We pull up to my dorm and I can just see the upset all over Wren’s face. He gets out of the car first. I stay alone with Taz for a minute. It meant a lot that he helped us. So I lean over and kiss him again.

“Thank you,” I tell him.

“I’m always gonna be there for you if you let me,” he tells me, his voice sounding like smooth chocolatey velvet in that car, “Your friend is gonna need to watch his back from now on.”

“I need you to go back to people and spread the word that Wren didn’t know it was Coin behind the mask.”

“Man he called Coin a slave....”

“It wasn’t like that. Please Taz. Just spread the word so Wren don’t look like some white supremacist.”

Taz sighs as though I’m asking the world of him, “I’ll do what I can. Question. Is anything going on between you and that white boy?”

I pause.

“Nah, you know that ain’t even my type. I like aggressive guys.”

Taz smiles, “You right. He’s too soft for you. He can’t handle you like I can. That thing is mine. Right, Dijon?”

That thing? He looks at me with this look that tells me he’d throw an entire fit if I don’t agree to it. I feel nervous in that moment so I just laugh a little bit.

“Taz stop it…” I pat his leg.

“That thing is mine,” he repeats this time more as a statement, “You got me wide open Dijon. Wide-open. But go ahead, bae. Just be careful with that white boy D. You don’t know him like that.”

I think about resetting expectations while we were in this car. Yes, I was attracted to Taz. I wanted to tell him that but also let him know I’m just as attracted, if not more….to Wren. I wanted to tell him I was confused. Taz had a way of being that aggressive type that I liked but he didn’t do it in a way that always felt safe. Sometimes Taz scared me. And I had to be honest about that.

Wren didn’t scare me. Sure he wasn’t as aggressive as I was like. Sometimes he was a little too nice. But it was different for me. And it was a good different.

I’m not sure what he means by I had him wide open.

He was wrong. I knew that getting out of the car and walking towards the room. I did know Wren. I knew him well enough to know that he wouldn’t do anything to intentionally.

I knew that though.

I had an idea that other people wouldn’t have reacted in the same way. And I get that confirmation when I walk in the dorm room and see my roommate pacing back and forth with this nervous expression written all over his face.

“Fuck my life is over man,” Wren is panicking.

“Relax. Your life isn’t over,” I try to calm him down.

He shows me his phone, “Everyone knows.”

He was trending nationwide. The headline just says “Officer McHenry’s son shows his sex tape to Cory Washington’s Family.” I scroll through and it seems like half the country was demonizing Wren for being a racist while the other half were conservatives praising Wren for showing that painting the Left’s dead hero as a sexual deviant.”

“We just need to think about next steps. How do we fix this Wren? That’s where your mind should be right about now.”

“I write an open letter and post it on social media,” Wren explains, “I’ll need to hire a lawyer…”

“It can’t be that serious…”

“Being a viral racist in this day and age?” he asks, shaking his head, “You hear the news stories just like I do. I’d be lucky if I didn’t get expelled from school for this shit…”

Just at that moment, I started to feel for him. It made sense now why he was nervous. It made sense why he was pacing up and down the room. I reach over though realizing that this hysteria was going to get us nowhere.

“I’ll make a statement with you,” I state.

“You’ll what?” he asks.

I think I shock him with what I say.

“I’ll come out as your roommate. People know who I am in the media. It’ll mean something if one of McHenry’s victim vouches for your character.”

“I’m his son. You are his victim. You want to let the media know we are roommates?” he asks me, looking kind of shocked.

I understood what he was implying. The attention that kind of story would get would be crazy. I can hear my mother’s voice now telling me that this is a bad idea and to leave that white boy to his problems. She says it just like that. She’d do that because she didn’t know Wren. She hadn’t been there when Wren stuck up for me when he didn’t have to.

“You had my back,” I tell him, “I’m going to have yours. Always if you let me…”

He likes when I say that. He wets his lips and takes a step closer to me. He’s right in my face.

“Why’d you let that fuckin dude kiss you?” he asks out of nowhere.

I’m shocked he steps to me like this. He does it aggressively. He backs me up until I’m on the wall. His body is pressed upon mine. For a moment I think this is Taz. No. He’s even more aggressive than Taz would be. He is pressed up against me so hard that my legs part and I slide a few inches off the ground.

He’s pressed up on me so hard that I can feel the weight his dick as it hardens.

“Whoa,” I state, “Where’d that come from?”

“You’ve seen the other side of me on tape. A different side of me. I care about you so I’ve been restraining that side. That being said Dijon, I’m a man and I don’t want someone I’m interested in touching another guy. Period.”

He was aggressive. He was inches away from my lips, talking so close that as he talked his lips would softly press up against mine. I teasingly try to move away and notice how he grabs me uplifting me a few inches off the ground and just holding me.

My dick is immediately hard and oozing with precum when he does that.

“I”m sorry.”

“Sorry daddy…” he corrects me, “ I want you to call me Daddy when we are in bed from now on.”

“From now on?” I ask, “So you want this thing between us to be something more…”

I don’t know why him being like this was turning me on. For that moment I stopped thinking about Taz almost completely. My mind drifted into what could be with him. I was appreciating that he didn’t let me just get by with kissing Taz in front of him. I loved that he was pissed about it. It turned me on. It was authentic. This was who Wren was when he was with someone. And I think he was realizing how much he liked me...

“Title it whatever you want,” he states, “You’re mine Dijon. I don’t just have raw sex with anyone. I’ve never done that with someone. You were my first. So even though we didn’t talk about what we meant to each other I feel disrespected that you would kiss him.”

“I’m sorry daddy…”

He pauses. He leans over and he bites my lip. I don’t expect it. I want to laugh but I see how serious he’s looking at me. I wouldn’t dare laugh.

“That’s not enough,” he explains to me.

A sexy smile takes over his face that melts me in a million ways. He lifts me before I can respond wrapping my legs around his torso. His tongue aims right for my neck. I feel his wet tongue make it’s way from my neck to the sides of my mouth and to my lips. His kiss is deep as his long tongue finds it’s way deep down my throat several times. I don’t even gag though as he tickles me deeply. It just feels perfect. It all seems to work. It all just seems to fit.

We are naked all by his work. He caters to me.

When I reach to unwork my shorts he stops me and says, “Stop. I wanna do that for you. I’m your man…”

So I lay there allowing him to take charge. It all made sense now. The sex tape was clearly taken out of context. Wren wasn’t racist. He just liked to take control. He liked to be in charge. The aggressive sports like rugby made sense now. Him taking on Vance and that whole team made sense as well.

When we are completely naked he spits on his hand and lubes his dick. He’s raw when he enters me and I can tell that he wants to make a point tonight. He wants me to realize that he could make love to me or he could fuck me.

“Oh fuck,” I’m muttering.

“Nah, don’t run. You’re gonna take all of this dick for making me feel jealous.”

He does this thing with my body, contorting me like a pretzel until I can’t get free. I’m his prisoner. My wet asshole is ripe for the taking and his huge dick enters me pressing me so deep that I cum almost immediately. He doesn’t care that I’ve cum. He keeps going fucking me so deep that a few minutes I’m squirming.

He fucks me, deep and hard and fast. He fucks me to the point that I completely release my walls to his hard thrusts. I lay there after he nuts deep inside of me.

And I’m left only blaming myself for doubting Wren’s aggression.

“I’m sorry Daddy,” I tell him.

“It’s OK baby,” he responds.

That’s when Wren apologizes back to me. He doesn’t do it with his voice. He does it by eating me out. Soothing my whole with wet licks and kisses for the next 30 minutes until I fall asleep.


The next morning I wake up realizing that I’m late for class. I’m laying right in Wren’s arms and it feels as though it is the most comfortable place in the world to be in. He’s so handsome when he sleeps. He’s one of those people who cuddles the entire night. Every part of the night he’s wrapped up in you. And he’s warm, hard and smooth. He smells good all the fucking time. He was just everything in the morning.

I don’t wake him. I go to the bathroom and start getting ready.

But I have this feeling something is wrong. It’s a weird feeling. It happens deep in my gut leaving me almost paralyzed. Something was wrong.

I reach forward and pull back the blinds of the bathroom window. Outside I can see them. They are not even on but I can see them. Sirens. Police cars. Seeing so many pull up to the house is scaring the fuck out of me. I find myself stuck. I watch as about 8 cops, some on duty, and some off duty were walking up to OUR fucking dormitory!

What the fuck was going on!

The doorbell rings.

I hear shuffling and realize that Wren is up. He must not know I’m here and for some reason, he just opens the bathroom door without walking in.

“Dijon? Baby, you here?”

I don’t respond. I don’t know why. Maybe it was the fact that I was scared of all of those police. I just don’t know how to move. I’m stuck still. He closes the bathroom door mostly leaving just a small crack in the door.

He assumed I wasn’t home. I don’t realize I’m spying until I make my way to the crack and lookout. Wren is naked. The cops are pounding on the door. I see Wren wrapping a sheet around his waist and going to the door. He opens it and I can see him seemingly shocked by whoever is at the door.

After a long response, he says, “Dad…”

My heart drops in that moment. His dad was here. Officer McHenry had pulled up to my dorm with a bunch of his cop friends. All of a sudden I feel sick to my stomach.

“You ain’t gonna invite me in son?”

“What do you want?”

“You think I wouldn’t have heard who your roommate was?”

He storms into the room. I see all the other cops do the same in this intimidating way.

Wren seems highly annoyed, “He ain’t here…”

“What were you thinking rooming with him?” Officer McHenry gets in his son’s face, “You know that boy is the reason I might get hate crime charges on me if I’m found guilty. You want me to spend life in prison. I’m your dad.”

“So it wasn’t a hate crime?”

“I didn’t kill him because he was black,” he states, pauses, and says, “But the rumors are true, son. I did know him. I saw that video and I had my boys track the license plate. I followed him from his home one night…”

Wren is walking back and forth. He looks like he is having a breakdown, “What are you saying, Dad? What the fuck are you saying?”

“I didn’t raise no faggot!”

“You killed him because he was having a gay sex with your son?”

“I just wanted to talk to him. He reached for the gun…”

Lies. I was there. I want to run out there. I want to do something. I wish I had my phone to record this. I wish I had a way to make him pay for what he is admitting to right now. And then I look at Wren and I’m confused. Why isn’t he going off? Why is he so calm?

“How’d you even get the tape?”

“Cory Washington used to hang with three friends. One of them set him up. One of them gave me the tape.”

To read the next chapter in the story go to

Next: Chapter 9

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