Sin and Seduction


Published on Feb 5, 2003



Disclaimer: All disclaimers apply. This story is not intended for anyone under 18 years old or for anyone offended by man-to-man discovery. It is written to promote that reading along is safe sex.

Author: As Told To Dean Sutherland

Sin and Seduction

(An almost true story with names and events changed to protect those who chose to enjoy themselves.)

Part One:

The Straight and Narrow

The handsome Reverend Blanton Drake and I had been friends for a couple of years. We had gotten to know each other while doing volunteer work in the local community. Although he were a minister and almost 20 years my senior, we enjoyed each other's company. The chemistry between us was difficult to explain, but somehow I looked to him as a father figure and as a man who would keep me on the straight and narrow path. He apparently looked upon me as a son he never had and as a young man who would always be honest with him about the ways of the world.

At the time in question, the Rev. Blanton Drake had grown concerned about so many young people doing drugs. I assured him that the hard substances like heroin and acid were deadly, dangerous and addictive, but that way too much was made of marijuana as a benign substance. After he had encountered dozens of parents who had sought his advice because they had found out their kids were smoking grass, his curiosity got the best of him. He decided to find out for himself.

That's how we ended up driving out to the nearby lakes. We found a path that I'd taken many times, parked his all-terrain truck and then hiked a short distance to where I knew a rocky ledge overlooked the picturesque lake. The spot was gorgeous.

"This should do quite well," I said. "It always does."

"Nice and serene," the minister observed.

"And out of the way so nobody is going to see, hear or smell a thing," I added for his comfort.

He took a big inhale of air to feel the coolness rising from the lake.

"I've never been to this part of the lake," he said.

"Like it? Comfortable?" I asked.

"Pretty. A good find, Robby."

"Good for gettin' stoned, Mr. Preacher," I assured him, knowing we were about to have a good time.

Blanton smiled, turned towards me. "In a way, I almost worry about what happens if I like the stuff; you know, if smoking dope allows me to see why so many young people do it," he said.

"Oh, I think you'll enjoy it, but it's not addictive," I assured. I brought the big, fat joint out of my shirt pocket. I twirled it high in the air between my index finger and thumb. He looked at it, inhaled and exhaled as though trying to relax, and then sat down beside me. I took out my lighter and lit the gold grass.

"Take a small hit and hold it in deep," I said.

He did as told, but he was unable to hold its pungent touch. He came up coughing. We tried again, and again; pretty soon, he got the hang of it. And then, within four or five tokes, I knew he was beginning to feel the effects. I wanted him to get the full effects, after all, I had gotten the very best grade of pot available for this special occasion.

As we passed the joint back and forth, I began to admire Blanton. He was a well-built man, about six-foot-two-inches and right at 200 pounds. Sparkles of gray highlights swept his once-blond hair. His face was highlighted by deeply set eyes; his eyes were a gorgeous bluish-green; his face had a smooth complexion, with cheeks that were a bit puffy, and a nose, mouth and jawline that were pretty and authoritative all at the same time. He reminded me quite a lot of the actor Brian Keith, with maybe certain dimensions of Brian Dennehy and Eddie Albert included, of course when in their prime and without too many extra pounds. As I observed my older, minister friend, I thought of him as good-looking and warm, sexy and soft. Just how I prefer an older gentleman.

"I can feel my head getting light," Blanton said; his expresion showing his enjoyment. "Wow... Whoa there... I'm beginning to feel what this stuff is all about."

"Nice, isn't it?" I replied.

"Better than that rabbit weed I used to smoke when I was a kid," the reverend confessed.

As soon as we finished one joint, I pulled out a second one. I lit it. "Here, let me give you what we call a shotgun.'"

"What," Blanton asked and smiled, obviously high.

I took the burning end of the joint in my mouth and edged toward him.

"What're you doing," he asked. I took the joint out of my mouth and said, "I'm going to shoot the smoke out to you. Put your lips close to mine and inhale."

"Oh, I see," he said. "But darn, Robby. Don't go kissing me," the man said and laughed. I chuckled too, although the sexy, older dude had no idea how much I might be tempted. I again observed his thick, rosy manlips.

I then shot the smoke to him. He sucked it in like a pro. I gave him several shotguns. We both got lit. High. Beyond the clouds. Stoned!

We relaxed, letting the rocks support our back while looking out over the crystal blue lake. I was glad to be there with him, again just enjoying spending time with him. He was one suave, charismatic gentleman. Most of all, he was so damn sexy, even if he were a minister.

"Yeah, this stuff is nice," he said. "A man could get to liking it."

"You bet," I admitted.

"But you know what I'd really like," the older man asked me.

"What's that," I said.

"To take a dip in that lake there," he answered.

I immediately recognized the possibilities. I knew taking a swim would give us both a reason to take our clothes off.

"Nice and cool. That'd be great being high like this," I said.

"I can almost feel the water hitting me now," Blanton answered.

"Just chilly enough to cool us off," I mumbled.

Blanton leaned up and patted me on my upper leg. I liked the touch of his fat hand.

"Too bad we didn't bring any trunks," he said.

"Want to go in anyway," I asked.

He looked at me; I looked at him.

"Think we should," he said as though he wanted me to say that it was okay.

"No reason why not," I answered.

Before I knew what was happening next, the preacher stood, glanced down at me, took off his casual sports jacket and started unbuttoning his white, blue-striped shirt. As soon as the first two buttons were opened, his chest flashed before my eyes. Perhaps I thought he would be wearing a tee shirt or an A-shirt, but instead his hot, gorgeous chest was appearing before me.

I had longed to see Blanton shirtless, but had never gotten the opportunity. I recalled the couple of times we were part of a volunteer group building houses for a needy families. While working on the houses it was hot enough for most every man -- young and old; black, white, Asian and Hispanic -- to take his shirt off; but Blanton never peeled off his white tee shirt.

It had been my experience that one could tell a lot about a middle-aged or older man by how he looked when his shirt came off. Many older men looked facially handsome, but not all of the good lookers also stood the test when their shirts came off.

I pulled my pullover over my head, and noticed a small smile break from his lips. I saw him studying me. I looked back at him as he pulled his shirt tail from his pants and then pulled the entire shirt back to let it drop from his shoulders.

Instantly, his prominent nipples magnetized my eyes. They were huge! The copper-rose areola spread out wider than I had seen on any man. The textured skin pulled outward, showing off a substantial tit that stood seductively from its surrounding colored patch. Blanton swept both of his hands over his chest; I wanted to touch him there, too. The way he covered his chest with his hands made me think he must have known I was mesmerized my the mere size of his mannips.

I admired him further. He had a patch of long, soft hairs that highlighted the very middle of his chest. His pecs were quite developed, with a lot of muscle and a tinge of flab. His stomach was smooth, with a dark, deep belly button that looked inviting. Except for the hair at the middle of his chest, only a few other individual strands dotted his pecs. He was otherwise smooth as a baby's butt. We stood several feet apart and began to unsnap our pants and let them fall from our legs. My dick started to ache as soon as I saw him without his pants. He was damn well-built and so damn sexy; masculine, yet soft and seductive, too. His basket was obvious, but he wasn't erect. As I let my eyes roam downward, I noticed that his calves and thighs were finely shaped, thickly muscular, with a healthy coating of light-colored hair. But faster than maybe they should have, my eyes returned to his crotch.

"Think we'd better leave these on in in case someone walks up on us," he said referring to his briefs. My disappointment encouraged me to press the issue.

"Ain't nobody going to see us," I said, urging him to shed his protective covering.

"Maybe not, but I'd feel more comfortable with something around myself," Blanton said too sheepishly for my liking.

"Have it your way, preacher," I replied, again glancing quickly to study his seductive nipples.

We climbed from the short distance from the ledge down to the edge of the lake. When I got to the bottom, I was able to look up to see him climbing down the last several feet. The preacher's crotch bounced as he went from rock to rock. I again noticed his meaty tits and the beauty of his expansive chest. He then jumped down, and we stood there together.

"Man, that pot has me feeling dazed," Blanton said to me. "I almost slipped coming down that ledge."

"But feeling dazed ain't all bad," I quipped.

He then chuckled and said, "Son, that ain't all it has me feeling."

"How's that?" I asked.

He looked at me for a brief second, but darted his eyes back to the lake as he said, "That darn stuff has me feeling downright horny. Another reason to get in the water and cool down, I guess. Must be the devil."

His confession stunned me. A chill swept my body. I felt my own medium-sized nipples perk up. Blanton looked over to smile at me, and then I felt his hand on my bare shoulder.

"Know what I mean or is just me," he asked.

I answered immediately. "No, it's not just you. Pot gets my balls to itching to."

"I guess that's one way to put it," he said. I then watched as he took his hand and picked at his crotch. After three or four quick pulls like he was adjusting himself, Blanton grabbed his dick through his shorts and tugged at it. I could tell a nice swell had begun in his obviously fat cock. His dick was getting stiffer, but he pulled his hand away when he noticed me watching. I wanted Blanton to remove his briefs.

"It's fine by me, if you want to pull on that thing," I said boldly, pointing to his crotch. The outline of his fat dick was now evident through his shorts.

Blanton smiled at me before a macho giggle snuck out of his mouth. He turned toward me and said, "You know a man of the cloth can't do that sort of thing."

"Take your shorts off, and I won't have to consider you a man of the cloth," I said aggressively, appreciating my own humor and feeling damn high myself.

His hand went up to my neck. He squeezed; he chuckled and he pulled me toward him. I wanted to collapse into his bare chest, but instead his hand went from my neck to the front of my shoulder, keeping my body from going into his and stopping the embrace.

"It's time for that swim," he said. Before I could say anything else, I turned to watch Blanton dive into the lake. For a man of his age and size, the dive was almost perfect. He surfaced about 15 feet from shore. "Come on in, Robby. This'll cool you off."

He looked so sexy with his hair, face and skin soaked in the chilly waters. Damn right, I wanted to be near the man.

I was eager, and I was ready to feel the water on my bare loins. It seemed a perfect time to strip naked. I wanted my lead to encourage my now horny friend to do the same. I badly wanted to see the older man naked, without his briefs protecting his cock. My fingers went to the flanks of my underwear. With the Reverend Drake watching me, I slowly removed my shorts, never letting my eyes leave his as I stripped the material from around my loins and let the briefs fall down my long legs to my ankle. My good-sized dick was a little hard, but it mostly draped across my balls instead of standing straight. Blanton Drake looked at me while wiping the water from his face.

He verbally noted what I had done. "Wowee! Look at you there, kid," he said. "Going for it all."

"No need to have to worry with wet underwear."

"Well, don't just stand there before God and everybody. Come on in," Blanton said again.

I edged into the water. Within two feet of shore, just where Blanton had dived in, the bottom dropped off steeply. The cool wetness of the lake overtook my loins. I swam out to where he was threading water. We swam together for about 30 feet before Blanton turned over on his back to float a while.

The position gave me an unrestricted view of the man's seductive chest. His big tits stuck out above the water. They were wet and a deep pink. The water's temperature had chilled them, causing them to pucker, but they still looked like a mighty big mouthful. I noticed the puddle of water in his deep belly button that highlighted his almost flat stomach. He didn't have a deep tan, but it was obvious that he had gotten some sun in recent weeks.

Before Blanton could notice my growing dick, I swam away from him and got in some freestyle exercise. After a short while, I couldn't resist wanting to be close to him.

Then, as I neared him, he asked, "How does it feel being naked out here?"

"Nice," I replied.

"Aren't you afraid some fish or crab's gonna take a nibble," he said before laughing out loud at himself.

I decided to be aggressive again. "No, it's freshwater, ain't likely to be any crabs, and as far any fish, well, a little nibble never hurt anyone."

He laughed and I laughed. And then, almost without cause, he said, "Maybe I need to try that. To see if I could get some fish to take a nibble."

"Looks like you've got a good piece of bait," I said. Perhaps I said too much. He looked at me real seriously. Then he asked, "Was that a compliment?"

"If you want it to be," I said, wanting him to feel comfortable with me and to know my interest, yet knowing I needed some means of verbal escape in case I had offended him.

I watched Blanton smile, but my attentions were immediately distracted... he dunked me down into the water! Bubbles upon bubbles of water scoured my face and body. I tried getting away from him, but he held me under the water's surface. My first reaction was to fight harder to break his grip, but then instead, when I opened my eyes under the water, I saw my real opportunity. His gorgeous chest, sexy belly and wet crotch presented themselves to me, unrestricted, wet and available. My hands grabbed around his bare sides. I felt his skin. He felt incredible!

He pushed me down deeper, but not before my fingers reached up to rake down his chest. I was almost certain I felt his big tits run under my fingertips. And then, I was stunned!

His wet crotch was only inches from my face. As we wrestled about, his covered dick pushed against my mouth under the water. I opened my mouth to take his covered dick, but in our fury, our bodies parted and water rushed down my throat... I choked!

I surfaced, and then fought to push Blanton away from me. I gagged and gagged again, puking water.

"Son, are you okay," he asked.

I finally caught my breath. As we threaded water, Blanton held one hand on my back. It felt great. His simple touch again ignited the rockets of lust launching within my balls. Again he asked, "Big guy, are you okay?"

"Yes, I think so," I answered. "I thought you'd free yourself, but instead I guess we got tangled up," he said and smiled.

"Yeah, I know," I said.

"We're too high to be messing around in the water," he said. I struggled to clear the water from my nasal passages and sinus cavities. "Sorry I did that too, you," the reverend said. "Don't know what possessed me. Guess that marijuana has me feeling like a silly kid."

"Don't worry about it," I said, still wiping my face clean and feeling my sinuses burning.

"Why don't we head to the shore," Blanton suggested.

He swam along side me as we edged ourselves the few feet back to the shore. I followed after him. After we dragged our lazy bodies out of the water, we sat on the water's edge in some soft grass with two hard rocks standing behind us. His underwear clung to his wet skin. I could easily see the darkness of his pubes and the outline of his cock; like me, he was cut. I could sense a mutual attraction between us.

Chills swept my body as he looked over at me, as though surveying me from head to toe. I thought his eyes had lingered on my crotch; I was almost positive they had.

"So, are you okay, now," he asked. His gorgeous, manly and sexy smile swept his face.

"Much better," I said, looking at him, again taking in the expanse of his smooth chest and appreciating the size and beauty of his pectoral slopes.

A silence fell between us. I fought hard to make sure that I didn't shiver. After all, between my attraction to Blanton and the cool air hitting me after coming out of the water, I thought goose bumps had covered my body. He noticed.

He brought his right hand up to run it down my back. "You're cold; we'd better get you back into your clothes, son," he said.

"No," I responded immediately. Then, before I really knew what I was doing, I sank back against him, the edge of my shoulder going under his hairy armpit. "Actually, I feel a little dizzy from the water," I added, knowing it was just a lame excuse to get as close to him as possible.

"What?" He asked, sounding surprised that I did not want to get my clothes on. But then to my delight, he innocently moved his hand around my bare shoulder, with his fingers resting on my upper chest. For me, it was sexual; for him, pastoral. After a long pause between us, he smiled; he was so damn sexy when he smiled.

I knew I had to make the next move and it had to be made fast. I looked down to notice his dick in a semi-erect state. I turned toward him, and then my right hand went up to his chest.

Part Two:

Flesh To Flesh

I felt Blanton's exquisite flesh as his eyes peeled down to watch my hand. He was warm. My hand moved slowly across his right breast. He cleared his throat; his eyes met mine; and he inhaled almost with a whistle.

"What are you doing there, Robby."

"Don't ask," I said, letting my fingers work around his breast and then using my fingertips to caress his big, juicy nipple. Just knowing that I had his pap under my fingers sent extreme sexual surges racing through me. My pre-cum seeped from my cock hidden only by my wetness. I started to work the dark pink nipple flesh, now feeling more confident that Blanton had let me caress him this much.

Finally, in a soft, but raspy voice, stained by a certain excitement, he said, "You shouldn't be doing that, son. You could give me the wrong impression."

I captured his meaty tit between my thumb and forefinger. I squeeze it and pinched it, but not enough to hurt him. Air rushed through his nose in sort of a downward moan. He smiled at me, and again turned his eyes downward to watch. I ran my fingers around and around the tit's projecting tip, showing him my interest in discovering his body.

"Ooooeeeyyy... You need to move your hand there, Rob," Blanton said, a slight pant evident in his voice.

"Which way," I answered smartly, and then I reversed the motion of my fingertips to tease his perky nip into a swollen pucker. Boldly, I placed my other hand on his leg and rubbed him from his upper leg down to his thick thigh. I extended my thumb to rake its nail along his covered cock. I traced the length of the meaty tube, causing him to suck in a quick intake of air in the excitement that was caused.

Without a doubt, I had allowed my intentions to be known. A large, sexy smile escaped over Blanton's face. He grabbed me on the wrist to move my hand away from his crotch and thigh, but I noticed that he rested my hand on his belly instead.

"You surprise me, son. It must be the pot," he said.

"No, it's you, Blanton. You've always excited me."

We studied each other for several long seconds before he said, "If I weren't clergy, maybe I'd feel differently, but I think we'd best stop this."

He moved away from me. My heart sank; I had been so close to getting intimate with him. Disappointment swept my body. My dick went soft. I wanted to again twist his luscious round mannips under my fingers. I wanted to hear him pant. I thirsted to see him naked. In my desperation, I remembered the third joint I had in my shirt up on the ledge.

"We'd best get dressed," Blanton said rather matter of factly.

"Let me get our clothes then," I smartly replied. Before Blanton could respond, I headed off toward the upper ledge, leaving the minister below. Once up at the top, I grabbed the joint and a lighter and scampered back down. I left our clothes.

"Hey, the clothes, where's my shirt and pants," the reverend asked as I stepped down the rocky trail. Thinking I had not heard him, he asked again "Where're my clothes, Robby?"

"I didn't bring them. I brought this instead." I held up the joint. "Come on, let's sit here in the buff and blow this one."

Again, he smiled at me. "I don't know Robby, I'm pretty high now. Maybe I shouldn't do any more."

"Come on," I said lighting the joint, "Here," I added, passing it to him. Wanting to appease me and knowing he had put me off physically just a few minutes before, Blanton took the joint and sucked it between his rosy lips. He passed it back to me, and we began to trade it back and forth.

I could feel a deeper rush and a higher sensation overtaking me. Blanton commented on how good the feeling was for him. "Now I know what they mean by being high as a kite," he said.

"High as a rocket shooting off into space," I mumbled. I leaned over and offered the older man a shotgun. He took it, inhaling quite deeply. I admired his broad chest, stuck out as it was with him holding the pot smoke in his lungs. I gave him another shotgun and he fell back to the grass. I followed Blanton down. With the joint in my mouth, I hit him again and again he inhaled. His lungs were in great shape to contain all of the smoke.

I took the joint from my mouth, and we both starred at each other. I let him know that I was surveying his distinguished face, with its handsome features and seductive lips. I turned my eyes downward, letting him know that I was admiring his beautiful chest.

He broke the tension. "I've got big ones, don't I," he asked.

I knew he was talking about his tits. They were larger than I'd seen on any man, and I had noticed hundreds. Their areola looked wider than the bottom of a 12-ounce beer can and larger than what most women had. And the gorgeous, dark red, thick nubbin was enough to make my mouth water. Even if Rev. Drake's fine nipples were overly enlarged, they crowned his wide, beefy pecs with a certain visual and sexual appeal that most men just don't have. Their dark pink color and finely tailored tips made his tits look extra succulent. I could hardly resist reaching out to take them between my knuckles.

After my pause, I added, "Yes, they're big, Blanton. But as muscular as your chest is, they really look damn good."

"Do you really think so," the older friend asked indicating to me that he valued my judgment and compliment.

"Yes," I assured.

Still, he rebutted, "But they're so big; they've always sort of embarrassed me," he said.

"They shouldn't," I said. A long pause fell between us. Finally, knowing I wanted the meaty tits between my knuckles, I absentmindedly muttered, "Yes... yes,"

"Yes, what?" Blanton asked.

"Yes, I think your tits are quite handsome and very enticing, Reverend Drake," I said using a certain edge of sarcasm just to be on the safe side.

Blanton smiled. We exchanged stares. The moment was awkward, but also intensely exciting. Then, matter of factly, I said to my older friend. "Speaking of which, I really want to touch them again."

He chuckled, with a nervous edge being noticed. Again, we stared; our mutual liking of each other obvious. I reached up to place my hand in the middle of his chest, my fingertips extending out to the edges of his nipple. He reached over and grabbed me around the neck, but he didn't pull me toward him. Instead, his hand just squeezed the back of my neck.

I decided to take the lead again. "Can I give you a massage; make you feel real good," I asked.

"I can't let you do that, Robby."

"Why not, Blanton? Nobody would ever have to know."

"Maybe I'm afraid of myself," he answered.

"Relax, preacher. All I want is to get to know the physical side of you a little."

"My problem kid is that I haven't enjoyed much of a physical side in several years. My old lady just ain't interested."

"I am," I said, looking at him with intensity and sincerity. His facial expression assured me that he enjoyed knowing of my admiration for him. I was sure he wasn't offended by what I was saying. Deciding to be confident in my moves, I said, "I think you need the release, Blanton. Just let me help you feel good. That's all."

"I'm sure that would feel good, Robby. But, I can't. I really can't."

"Please," I asked, my hand moving up to caress his nipple, teasing its tip into stiffening. "Please, Blanton," I repeated.

I awaited his rejection, now thinking the third joint apparently had not done the trick. But then, my heart went into my throat when he grabbed me on my bicep and said, "It's been a while for me, son. A long while."

Blanton then pulled me into his body, almost as though we were wrestling. He held me in more of a bear hug than an embrace, but I noticed my bare skin pressed against his upper body; I could feel my own dangling dick bumping his leg. Our bellies and breasts melded together.

"Let yourself go, sir. Please," I asked.

Releasing his grip, but running his hand down my back, he smiled lovingly at me, and said, "That last joint really made me feel very high. For an old man who should know better, I really don't feel like I have many inhibitions right now," he said.

Wanting him to relax further, I said, "There's nothing old about you, Blanton. Why don't you let go and just feel good for the moment?"

He laughed softly; I smiled. I moved even closer to him, examining his face and chest, with thoughts of wanting to kiss him across each square inch of both. Playfully, I reached out to pull at one of the long individual hairs planted around his lusty right tit.

"Stop that," he said and chuckled.

The tit hair must have been almost two nches long, but I left it to lean over him. My hand went up to his face to stroke it lightly and trace his lips with my fingertips. I leaned in even closer; he looked at me, now showing a dazed, excited look. Our faces were only inches from each other. I couldn't control myself.

My lips sank to his mouth. My feverish lips charged into his that were wet and rosy. I embraced him tightly feeling our chests press together. My tongue was moving into his mouth. To my ultimate delight, his warm mouth opened and his tongue met mine. He grabbed me and then he responded.

He held me in his big, hairy arms and kissed me passionately. We lost ourselves in each other. While we kissed, I ran a free hand up and down his side. Neither of us hurried to break the embrace. Finally, he moaned as he pulled his sucking lips from mine.

Looking up at me, Blanton said, "I can't believe that happened."

"I can," I replied.

"That pot has me pretty horny, Robby. Please, don't push it; I don't know that I could say no."

"You don't have to, Blanton."

"Please Robby, it'd be best if you would get up now and let us get to our clothes." I didn't budge. My hand draped over his bare chest. Again, he said, "Please, sport. That shouldn't have happened... But we're both high and all. Come on, let's get our clothes before we get carried away and embarrass ourselves..."

Blanton did not finish the sentence. I leaned down and kissed him again. As our mouths collapsed into each other, he stopped talking. He brought his hand around to invite me into him. I was thrilled. I kissed him more deeply and moved a free hand up to his chest. I ran through the long hairs in the very middle of his beefy pecs. He had gobs of cleavage, mostly firm, a small fun amount of fat. My hands kneaded his shoulders. He broke our kiss, but did not break our embrace. Instead, he shut his eyes, leaned his head back and moaned, obviously letting me know that he wanted a massage.

Chills of excitement swept over me as I stimulated his long-neglected skin with my hands. Time after time, my palms moved over his wide nipples, causing their long tips to perk up to meet me.

After a few special minutes in which I treasured every swipe of my palm over his marvelously thick and godly tits, I simply couldn't any longer. I leaned down to plant my lips on the preacher's right nipple. I kissed the erected tip, sucked it into my mouth, and made love to it. Blanton moaned and held my head to his chest.

"Ooohhhh that's it, my son. Suck at it. Oh damn, oh damn," the preacher cussed as I ate his large nipple. "That's it, oh, that feels so good."

I lapped at the pap and it turned crimson. I kissed it, nibbled it, sucked it, slobbered over it, and then chewed hungrily at it.

As I ate his tit, he started chattering from the excitement. "I ain't never had that done to me; never had my big tits sucked; never felt like that," he said, a pant evident in his barritone voice.

I loved his fat and mighty macho handsome nipple for all the beauty it was worth. Sure, I was a tit man, but the handsome reverend's juicy nubs delighted me more than any I could ever recall.

I looked up at him. "Never," I asked.

He smiled. "Never by my old lady," he said. "And she's all I've been sleeping with for years and years now, son."

"But never," I asked.

"I ain't never even had oral sex, Robby," he said to me. I continued making love to his upper body, holding his arms up and swooping to lap at his hairy armpits. He continued chattering, "Just didn't happen. The old lady doesn't think it's natural."

"You never explored each other's bodies?"

"Not much. We'd missionary in the dark and that'd be about it. In all our years of marriage, we just didn't go at each other like that. Never."

I lapped at his swollen left tit again, getting it even redder and enjoying the long nub on it that stuck out to be nibbled. I moved over to the other reddened flesh patch and made love to its halo. The more I worked over his big nipples, the more Blanton's soft moans turned to heavy grunts and groans that became wildly exciting to me. While I nursed from his pap, I let my hands roam up and down his legs. They were in great shape; the thighs quite well defined.

Finally, I looked up to drink in the sight of him being turned on. The crimson flush filled his face; his breathing was pronounced; his groans deep and meaningful. My tongue went around and around the lusty tips of his nipples. Lots of tiny sex bumps popped up on their soft, but leathery surface. I licked from tit to tit, enjoying his large breasts, but most of all now getting both of us turned on. Blanton looked down his sloped pecs to watch me at work.

"I do like that, Robby. I like it a whole lot." My tongue kept up the assault on his excited tits. I used my fingers to compress the big nip upward, making it blossom for my tongue and lips. As I ate away at the one tit, I used the other hand to coil the opposite nipple, making it stick as hard and tight as a rubber eraser. My leg moved up and down, massaging his thick leg and using my knee to nudge his balls and inner thigh. My cock had grown fully erect; Blanton must have recognized it stabbing into the upper portion of his leg.

"I forgot that you hadn't put your shorts on," he said.

"Is that a problem," I asked.

"No, not really," he answered. I left his appealing breasts to kiss seductively down his slightly tanned belly. I wormed his belly button and heard even louder groans escaping from deep within Blanton. The tip of my tongue found the bottom of his belly hole. I drilled it and sucked it out. His hand was again running through my hair, encouraging me to tongue his small navel for all it was worth.

Taking advantage of his excitement, my hand went to the elastic of his wet shorts, coming mighty close to the bulbous head of his erection. My free hand played across his belly; I continued to revel in the feel of his skin. I considered myself so very damn fortunate to be in such an intimate situation with a man as gorgeous as Blanton Drake.

Using my thumb, I lifted the elastic band of his shorts. Sticking out rigidly from its nest of fine pubes was his good-looking, mature cock. Hard, stiff, well-aligned and ready, with its slit looking right at me. I started to lower Blanton's briefs, but he stopped me.

"No, pleasse. No!" The minister's authoritative tone made me stop, but I didn't let my fingers slip from the elastic band. His briefs remained raised; his basket was open for me to slip my hand inside... to grab his big piece of dick meat... and to let it fuck my fist.

"Stop it, Robby. This has gone too far. Please move and let me get up," Blanton insisted.

There were only a couple of seconds of thoughts on my part, but a lifetime of experience flashed through my mind. I knew what I wanted; and I knew it rested only an inch from my watering mouth. I knew if I moved, Blanton would get up and get into his clothes, causing me to forever lose the chance at intimacy with him. Yet, if I went further, I would risk our friendship.

And then, for whatever reason... his long, meaty cock pulsated and throbbed... right before my eyes! That was all it took.

In one fast motion, I swept the front of his briefs down below his balls, and thrust my open mouth down on his throbbing cockhead. The feeling was indescribable. I sucked his large head into my mouth, feeling on fire for it; it head was hot and wonderfully tasty.

I sucked it, twirled my tongue around it, loved the head and lapped around its ridged piss slit.

That made him groan deep and again and again, my tongue made love to his hypersensitive piss slit. I knew he had liked my special treatment of his delectable tits, but his twisting hips and deep groans assured me that I'd really found a spot with the rich, deep lips of his cock slit. I made love to it. I wanted to swallow the older's man meaty rod, knowing that Blanton might force me away from his stiff, spicy sausage at any moment.

But instead, to my total delight, his heels buried into the grass, and with the leverage, Blanton raised his powerful hips. The motion pushed his swollen cock even further into my mouth. His shaft was thick and so damn appealing! I began to bob up and down it, tasting its macho edge, letting its moist tip fuck the depths of my throat. As its head pushed far into my oral crevice, I heard Blanton's moans turn to resounding grunts and groans.

My hand pulled his shorts down further to at least mid-thigh and my other hand found his large balls. I massaged them, and noticed how large and obviously full they were. I worked them in my hand like treasured golden eggs while continuing to suck hard at his cock.

He panted and said, "Oh Robby. Oh, I can't believe this feeling. So good; so damn good. Oh..."

I made love to his luscious, needy dick, giving its head and beautifully cut rim special attentions. My greatest concern was making sure this beautiful man enjoyed his first blowjob. My second concern was making sure I appreciated the situation that had allowed me to get in this position with Blanton. With that in mind, I kissed and sucked and ate his cock with deep gratitude.

With my free hands, I kept my massage up on his tight nuts and pinched away at his puckered tits. His breathing intensified; his balls pushed up almost into his underbody; and his dick swoll to an incredible stand.

"Oh Robby! You're gonna have to stop. I cannot let myself go like this."

But I didn't stop, and he didn't stop me. I ate the older man up with my lips and mouth. Within a few more seconds, he again said, "Rob, you must stop. Please, you're too good at that; I'm about to ejaculate."

That's all it took for me. I opened all of my throat, and went down all the way to the base of Blanton's large shaft. His pubes tickled my nose. My hand squeezed his nuts to force the cum from them while my other hand moved through his pubic patch. Blanton screamed out when he bottomed out in my throat. I tightened the suction and again pulled strategically at his balls.

"Arrghhhh, oh, Robby. Move, please move; move!"

But I sucked on, harder, tighter and with tremendous force. I took my hand and made putty of his cummy balls.

The manipulation of his balls forced Blanton's cum shots to leave the weigthy nuts and to squirt vigorously through his big dick and into the depths of my throat. When the first wonderfully warm spurt hit my throat, I let it run on down into my belly. I then pulled up so the remaining spurts filled my mouth. He had a lot of cum to give me, and I was determined to take it all.

"Oh my gad! Oh golly, whoa... Arwghhh! Arwghhh..." the reverend's sobs were almost as sexually charging as the loads of his salty cream that filled my mouth. If anyone had been near they would have heard him for sure. I caressed his balls and eased my sucking of his hypersensitive cock. Finally, after four or five large shots of his cummy syrup, I felt his dick quiver and then realized he was finishing. Lesser drops topped his dick slit and spilled out.

"Robby, my baby," he struggled to catch his breath as he talked, stopping to smile and shake his head at me with great fondness. "Never have I had a feeling that. Never. Just never," he moaned.

I gently took his dick from my mouth, traced its crown and slit with my tongue, and then rubbed it with my hand. I leaned into the stiff shaft to rub its head across my chest. Slowly and sensuously, I ran the hypersensitive slit of Blanton's fat dick into the point of my responsive tit. The feeling made my own cock ache.

I ran his cockhead across my pecs and did the same with my other tit point and the slit of his pecker. Blanton groaned and then to my total delight, his cock throbbed, pulsed, spasmed and shot out a thin stream of leftover cum. The gooey white starch ran down my chest.

"Oh... oh... argh," the big preacher moaned. "Oh gee, where'd that trickle come from?"

"Yes, that's it, big man; get it all out of those tight nuts," I said, massaging gently at his balls while his gooey white starch ran down my chest.

"I think my cock head liked those cute nipples of yours," the handsome minister friend said to me and smiled widely.

I liked the compliment, especially enjoying that my quarter-sized mannips had indeed turned my man lover on. I again raked his big cockhead and its hypersensitive slit across my chest, lingering with the tip of each of my nipples. He moaned and post-cum seeped from his mighty cock, wetting my appreciative nipples.

I looked up at Blanton, kissed the top of his wet dick and ran my tongue across its slit. He was too sensitive; he jerked and then reached down to push me away.

"I can't take that, but oh gosh, it sure felt good," he said.

I smiled and then moved up toward him, glad that I had pleased him, thrilled that I had been the first to give him a blowjob. The only thing was that my own cock was rock hard, rigid and long. When I leaned down to kiss him, I felt my cock tap into his depleted balls. Blanton returned my kiss, running his fat tongue inside my mouth, no doubt, tasting traces of himself. I gave myself to him; he kissed me hard with a show of appreciation, pressing my naked body into his and massaging my back with his strong hands.

I melted into him, cherishing the movement when his hands went to my buttocks and his fingers spread out to cover my ass. His initial caresses dazed me, making me even hornier. I leaned up just a bit so my stiff cock pushed aimlessly across his wet crotch. My cock twitched; I was sure it was leaking its cum starts.

"That was quite a cum, Blanton. You shot off like a teenager."

"It had been so long since I had come," he said.

"How long," I inquired.

"Weeks... Heck, a couple months, maybe longer."

"Good god!" I exclaimed. "How could any virile man go that long? Don't you at least beat off when your old lady doesn't want sex," I asked.

"Seldom," he answered. "I haven't always been comfortable with that either. I feel sort of guilty... weak of the flesh, I guess."

"That's stupid and ridiculous," I said to him, again reaching down to play with one of the long hairs sticking out from around his tits.

"Maybe so, but that's just how it's been with me. I stay horny a lot because of it."

"Well let's get you over that. You must have a lot that still needs to be released. A lot that's been stored up, and I want it."

He chuckled and hugged me, but then said, "No, I think it's time I get up and get my clothes on. We've got to stop this, Robby."

"Not now," I replied.

"If not now, when son," he asked.

"After I've come, and you've come again and again."

"Sorry, but I can't help you out, and this must end."

Part Three


Blanton turned over, pushed me gently off his body, and started to stand. I stood with him, my dick sticking out boldly with its sexy arch. It was at that moment that both Blanton and I noticed it. There was an amazing similarity between my cock and his. Of course, mine was that of a young man who had just passed boyhood a few years before, and his was that of a mature, middle-aged man. But otherwise, we were a lot alike. Our cocks were similarly shaped, with puffy knobs encircled by almost heart-shaped skin rims from how we had been cut. Our shafts and heads had the same coloration and our vein lines were about the same. Though my dick was hard and his had become almost flaccid, we looked to have about the same size when all was equal. Neither of us had an enormous cock, yet both of us were noticeably above average, with some extra girth.

I took a bold step toward Blanton, purposefully causing our dicks to touch. He stepped back. I followed him, my hard standing dick barely nudging the end of his cockhead. Chills swept my body; grandiose sexual currents shot through my shaft each time my cockhead kissed Blanton's.

"Come on, Robby. Easy does it. We need to go," he said.

Again, he stepped back, freeing our kissing dicks, but I again followed. When the heads of our cocks kissed for the third time, he took even another step backward, having now edged his back up against a large boulder.

"Please Robby. I know you're eager; I know you don't have the same hangups that I do, but..."

I didn't allow the preacher to finish. With his back against the rock, I reached down, took his cock in my hand and placed my eongated, eager and erect cock against his soft, moist one. He hissed and gasped when I began to massage both of them.

Remnants of his cum helped to grease my cock. I used both hands to love our dicks together. I looked at Blanton in the face; the red flush had returned; and his breathing was getting deeper again. I knew I was turning him on, lighting him up like a firecracker.

I took one hand away from our cocks, to run it up Blanton's belly and then to fan it across his gorgeous chest. I worked his chest to relax him, the whole time rubbing both cocks with the remaining hand as best I could. Finally, I let go of my own ramrod, stroked his hard dick by itself and used the thumb and index finger on my free hand to pinch, coil and caress his nipple.

"Damn! Oh damn it, Rob! I have no idea how you can turn me on like you do," the Reverend Drake said.

I smiled and continued, pulling tenderly at his sensitive mancock and strumming his tit, teasing the meaty post into perking up yet again. When his dick grew almost fully hard, I pressed him against the rocks and kissed him hard on the mouth.

We were both panting, barely able to control our breathing. I found myself pushing my extended pecker into the space between his heavy ballsac and his well-muscled thigh.

When he grabbed my hip and then ran his other hand behind my back to pull my hot body into his, I felt flashes of sexual synergy ignite in both of us. My cock kept its assault on Blanton's loins, squeezing in between his leg and nutsac; my hand stroked his meaty sword, bringing it to another spearing erection.

I moved my loins into his, dancing our nuts together. Blanton grabbed my ass cheeks, helping to balance me as I lifted up so both hard cocks could be placed shaft to shaft.

There! Ah... hot meat to hot meat... he looked at me passionately, kissed me lightly and massaged my lower back and ass with his large palm. And then, I felt him touch me!

At first, I thought only the back of his hand had brushed my cock, but when his flesh returned, the palm closed around my shaft. He squeezed, stroked me slowly and then rubbed his large, fatty finger over my puffy, swollen head. I wetted his fingertip with a gob of my pre-cum.

"Argghhh... oh... Blanton." I moaned. His hand began to jack me.

He smiled. We kissed passionately. His hand pumped at my cock in a backward motion. The motion didn't matter, only the touch of this marvelous man mattered. My hips pumped his fist; my cockhead teased into his pubes, time after time. I felt the hot surge of my creamy cum bolting from my nuts.

I turned my mouth down to suck at his neck. I grunted; I groaned; I whimpered and cried out.

"I guess fair is fair, huh Robby," he whispered. "You brought me off, so I'll just bring you off, too. Do it fast, sport. Shoot it out there for me."

At that point I was only dimly aware that my other hand was flashing up and down Blanton's own cock. While his wonderful hand controlled my staff; my fist beat away at his meaty extension. We stood there together, pressed tightly, moaning and feeling the tremendous cummy surf of our balls crashing throughout the rest of our bodies.

Biting into Blanton's neck, and loving every second of having my hot cock encased in Blanton's solid palm, I came hard. So hard!

My first sizzling strand of cum rope hit the crease of Blanton's thick leg. The second spurt landed in his pubic patch. The third shot hit him at the base of his cock, and the fourth and fifth spurts spilled out to run between his fingers.

"Yes, my son. Oh yeah, my boy. Enjoy yourself. What a fine, young cock!"

The powerful orgasm caused my knees to buckle. I let go of Blanton's now hard cock to sink to the ground. He did not followed me down, instead choosing to let go of my spitting tool. I groaned with guttural sounds coming from deep within me as my prostate jerked inside me and my balls pulsated as though my heart had moved down into them.

My cock twitched repeatedly, causing a last small spurt to jettison from its piss hole and to spill out on the ground. My cum subsided, but my jutted out cock still jerked and twitched as I knelt there on my knees. The last few drops of my orgasmic pearls leaked from it. Blanton stood over me, his own cock sticking out boldly, arching slightly at the middle. He chuckled while running his hand through the top of my hair.

"Was that as good for you as it was for me," he said and again I heard his wonderful sound of laughter. His humor amused himself.

"It was fucking great," I assured him. "Thanks Blanton.

"Like I said, fair is fair," he responded.

"But I know what it took for you to get into it like that," I said.

"Hey, I was a little curious," he replied.

"How so," I asked, wanting him to say more.

"You know, about the feel of your dong; the feel of yours compared to mine."

"And how was it," I said still trying to recoup myself from the bolting cum I had experienced.

"Not bad, Robby. It felt a lot like my own; I was just holding and stroking it from a different position. I'd have a hard time saying which of us is bigger."

"A hard time," I inquired and chuckled.

Blanton also chuckled. Again, he doused my thick hair with his hands and then ran one of his hands down to stroke his own cemented cock. He stroked the readied piece of meat once, twice, three times. I watched intently as he stood there over me. Finally, Blanton whispered, "Please, help me get rid of this. Please."

The kinky, sort of sadistic side of me would have loved to have seen this handsome, but needy, man beg for my sexual attentions just a little more, but there was little point to that and I was too damn eager. I wrapped my hand around his bloated staff, squeezed it, pumped it, and noticed that perhaps Blanton's mature cock was a little thicker than my own. I opened my mouth and invited his hot pecker inside.

The heated shaft pushed into my mouth. As I vacuumed him in with my tongue and throat, Blanton began to moan. I knew he was feeling that special sexual thrill that occurs when hot charges of delight flash inside the ass, extending from the prostate to the very tip of the dick and causing the dick to feel painfully hard. At first, I pumped at the base of his hungry shaft with one hand and massaged his tight balls with the other while sucking vigorously at the puffy knob of his cock. Blanton hissed and fought to choke back a scream.

"Oh damn, Rob! What a horny sapsucker you are, son," Blanton panted.

My hands left his crotch to caress his big ass cheeks, enjoying their pads of flesh. I slapped them several times and felt Blanton begin to pump his hips at me. I slapped him harder on the buttocks, and he began to thrust his lengthy, fat cock into the depths of my throat.

His rhythm increased with each stroke; his full, hairy balls banged my chin. My hands roamed his backside, clawed at his ass, and then came around to flirt with his smooth belly. Finally, I pushed my fingers upwards, found his huge, puckered tits and pulled on them with great vigor. I pulled the big paps out from his chest quite a ways and then pinched down on their points.

"Pull those things; pinch some of that tit flesh off me," he cried. "Twist my tits so hard!"

Losing control and forgetting his inhibitions, Blanton started face fucking me. The big man drove his cock into my mouth without regard for either the meat of his cock that raked along my teeth or my throat passage that was being expanded by his oversized dick.

"Take it, Robby. Take it, now," the older man demanded. His whole body burned inside from its lusty needs; his nipples ached of pleasure as I scratched at them; and his more than seven inches of raging cock was about to explode. His hands came up to the thick hair on my head. Blanton grabbed me by the hair and then to my total shock and amazement, he lost complete control. The reverend started forcing me to deep-throat his turgid shaft with great repetition. He spiked me with his cock!

"Oh yes, just like this, just like this, just like this," he panted as though a madman. He forced my face on to the fleshy pole time and again, making me choke on his cock and causing my nose to plunge into his pubic forest. "Oh... awrgghhh... Robby... my son, my boy, my sapsucker!" He came!

His cock had swollen so much until release had to come. His tight balls belched, his cock's eye opened and shots of his hot seed went down my throat. Blanton's first shots were heavy, providing me with a mouthful of his steamy cum. Although he didn't come as much as he had the first time, his sperm juice was plentiful. Before Blanton finished, he forced my mouth from his spitting cock. He let his last two shots of sperm shoot from his bulbous head to land on my face. The cummy strands hit me in the nose, eyes and cheeks. He wiped his dick across my lips as the remaining drops bubbled at his slit.

When he had finished, he collapsed on to the ground with me. We held each other tight; I listened to his beating heart while he eased a hand across my chest. I smiled widely when he brought his thumb up to strum at my right nipple. It was a friendly move, just to show me that he appreciated our lovemaking.

"Wow, that was fabulous, Robby. I hope you don't mind that I got a little carried away there," Blanton said.

"I'm here for you to get carried away with," I replied. "You were fantastic. I could suck your cock all day long."

"I never guessed that you were a sapsucker." He pinched my tit and then leaned up to kiss me on the forehead. He rested his head on my shoulder, and added, "That pot sure is some good stuff to get an old fart like me to let his gaurd down."

"Or even to remove his shorts," I quipped, reminding Blanton of how apprehensive he had been to go naked with me. I suspected Blanton was so horny that his guard could have been taken down without the help of the pot. The pot simply made it easier for himself. He smiled, turned over and then leaned down to kiss me on the tit that he had been rubbing. I arched my chest to give my small nipple to him; unlike the similarity we had with our dicks, my tits were tiny compared to the succulent patches that rested on Blanton's chest. Mine were nickle-sized at best, but Blanton didn't seem to mind as his tongue lapped away.

I moaned and encouraged him to keep his lips on my chest. He kissed from tit to tit before changing positions to give me a great chest massage. His manly palms dominated my lusty pecs; his hands massaged the sensitive muscles of my chest with magnificient movements. Before I realized it, I relaxed totally, giving myself to Blanton's touch. The pot and suck sessions with Blanton had taken the very best of my energies.

Part Four:

Reward and Punishment

I dozed off, long enough for Blanton to leave me for a swim in the lake. I opened my eyes to see the minister floating in the lake, naked, with the sun glistening across his smooth belly and hairy crotch. The late afternoon sun appeared to bounce off the droplets of water covering his chest and shoulders. The sun was setting behind him. With his hair wet, he looked gorgeous, sensuous, so damn tempting. No doubt he had left me to go swimming in the lake so he could wash the sex from his body.

I eased my body upright. I stood and gently walked to the edge of the lake. Blanton floated on, unaware of my movement, obviously enjoying the warmth of the sun on his fat, white cock. I slipped off the embankment into the lake and immediately dove under the water. I figured Blanton had heard me and would try to duck me once I surfaced, but I hoped he had gone on floating in the sun's warmth, relaxed by the day's sex. And then, to my delight, and from under the shadowy waters, I saw his muscular ass. Feeling a slight strain from holding my breathe, I swam toward him. My cock charged as I neared Blanton's sexy ass cheeks. His buttocks were fairly large, but they were also tight and well-muscled.

My hands grabbed the crown of both ass cheeks. I squeezed. Blanton yelped and started thrashing about. I lost my grip on his ass, but grabbed for his crotch instead. I swiped at both his cock and balls, but could not grab either without hurting him. My fingertips danced through his wet pubes.

"Shucks boy, what in world are you doing," the reverend exclaimed.

"Just a fish taking a little nibble," I joked.

"Taking a bite, I'd say," he said.

"Pay backs are hell," I replied, leaning up to spit a stream of water at him. He backhanded water at me; we were childish together. He moved close to me; I edged into him. His arms went around me to pull my body completely into his. We kissed. Our kiss became involved; our chests moved together sparking flashes of sensuality between us; I began to caress his wonderful dick. Again, our lusts took over. The kiss lingered; our tongues fucked at each other for what seemed like a minute or more before we broke apart to catch our breathe.

And then, Blanton dunked me! But this time, once he pushed my hand under, he let go of me, letting me surface easily.

"Like you said, paybacks are hell," he quipped.

"Asshole," I replied.

"Let's get to shore," he said. "The sooner, the better," I said, anticipating another suck session with him and hoping now that he would return my love. We swam toward the edge of the lake. Once there, I got ready to lift myself up to the rocky embankment. I pulled once, but failed to grab the upper rock and ended up back in the lake, almost on top of Blanton.

"Here, let me give you a hand," Blanton offered. "I might need one up myself." We chuckled and then I felt his large palm on my buttocks.

Damn! The older man's touch absolutely drove me nuts. Pure and simple. Before I realized it, I eased my ass back on his entire hand, his middle fingers sank into the crack of my ass. Feeling somewhat comfortable with Blanton by now, I joked, "Oogghhh... Scratch right there, reverend."

"Come on now, scoot your butt up and get out," he said.

Instead, I wiggled my ass at him and reached back to play with his dick. He was hard. Mighty hard! Surprisingly hard for a man his age who had come twice in the last couple of hours. I stroked him a couple of times, before he grabbed my wrist and stopped me.

"Come on, no playing around, let's get out on dry land," he said.

"Fine. Whatever you prefer," I replied. I turned, and again I got ready to grab for the upper ledge. I scooted my ass down, readying myself for the slight jump up out of the water. But as I edged my ass back, it happened!

I backed perfectly into the tip of Blanton's ramrod cock. Its tip hit me at the doorway of my gaped ass. Upon reflex, we both moaned. I did not move away, instead, I took the liberty to back even further into Blanton, keeping his cockhead in the crevice of my butt.

"Oh... geez..." I moaned while squeezing the tip of Blanton's puffy cockhead in the edges of my ass.

"Do I feel what I think I feel," Blanton asked.

"Yes, oh yes," I said and again I used the muscles of my ass to grab a fraction of an inch or more of Blanton's cockhead.

My legs pushed against the rocks underneath the water's surface; Blanton grabbed me around the rib cage and waist to support us.

With a little positioning, our loins connected underneath the water. Blanton's big cockhead tapped into me and edged its way into the doorway of my box.

"Is this okay," he said, his breathing heavy; his barritone voice wrought with sexual excitement.

"Oh yes, it's okay. Just fine, preacher man..."

He slid his prick up my tight shit-chute little by little. I moaned, slightly at first, but louder the further in me he got. His fat dick was a fine piece of meat. It jabbed me, and I flinched. In response, Blanton held me very still to let me relax, squeezing me with a sense of reassurance before continuing his erotic invasion. With a couple of more extended jabs, his firm, anxious dick buried itself to the balls.

"Oh yes, Blanton. Oh yes!"

"Oh Rob. Yeah!"

"So damn good, I said. "So damn, good."

"Am I hurting you, Robby?"

"A little, but it feels wonderful."

"Want me to pull out?"

"Hell no. No way, sir. Your cock is magnificient."

"That good, huh," he asked, rotating his hips to stir the hot oven of my ass. "Think we can make it feel even better?"

I whimpered as his hot cock stirred my bowels slowly. His prick was so damn thick! "I want you, Blanton. All of you," I whimpered as his cock speared the depths of my ass. "I want you to make love to me. To fuck me."

He squeezed me and leaned down to kiss my neck. He began to pump his cock gently into and out of me. He worked his prick around my butt, the water sloshing between us, caressing us to even greater heights of passion.

Blanton licked my neck, sucked on my ear, pushed his hands up and down the front of my body and let his pecker slide into and out of me. I grunted and groaned, hardly believing the sensation... Or the realization that Blanton Drake, a handsome minister almost twice my age, was fucking me out of my mind... Or that our bodies were tearing at each other under the damn water.

Blanton's slashing cock tore the passion fruit from deep within the vines of my bowels. The physical meshing of our bodies was tremendous. One of his hands played with my belly, holding me up and into him; the other played across my chest.

To further help us out, Blanton lifted me so I could grab the ledge. I was then able to push up and down, off and on his fat cock, letting the water's buoyancy increase the ease of our amazing fuck.

"Darn it, Robby! I ain't never known sex like this," the older man panted.

"Fucking crazy ain't it," I replied, breathing heavily.

"Oh man; your ass is so hot and tight; so tight!"

"Screw me, Blanton. Screw me with your mighty cock!"

Our fuck motion continued for several incredible moments. His cock pistoned in me, burning itself throughout the tunnel of my ass. My ass gripped away at his cock, wanting to straggle the cum from it.

"Fuck me hard, big Blanton. Fuck me with the power of all your cock!"

His rhythm increased, the power of his thrusts iognited me, we clung together, mighty to mighty in great lust. He was sucking at my neck, screwing me deeply with his wonderful cock. I was kissing him passionately all over his face and tearing at his massive chest, pulling his nipples beyond their bounds.

And then, Blanton held me tight while his dick pulsated, jerked and twitched. His cockhead flared inside me, sending me to greater heights of raw pleasure.

"Argh... oh, oh, Robby, baby..."

Blanton's warm spurts began to splatter my guts. Three or four strong streams of cum squirted inside me. His big cock twitched wildly each time it jerked out to release a wad of its delicious sperm.

Blanton felt his load scream up to shoot into my ass. He closed his eyes and shivered with exhilarating joy. He kept his rigid cock planted in the very depths of my ass, letting its milky spray cool my red hot chute. He ground his belly into my back, pushed his balls into mine, and allowed the last drops of his spunk to spill into me.

"Oh Robby. Oh, boy, that was so good. So good," he said.

I felt his dick throbbing inside me. It twitched and my butt muscles encircled it. The closeness was unbelievable. I wished we were on land so we could fall asleep, with his pecker trapped inside me. When his cock started going soft, disappointment swept me.

"Are you okay," he asked.

"I'm fine, Brother Blanton. As fine, as fine can be."

"I felt okay to you, huh" he asked.

"Okay? You were fantastic! I also never knew doing it in the water could make things so good. Of course, your thick cock had a lot to do with that."

He smiled and said, "I don't know if I've ever come three times in one day, and I know I've never come three times in three hours."

"Glad I could be the one to help with things," I said.

"You... and that crazy pot... and my horny dick that's been without for so long."

Finally, we were able to pull our drained bodies from the lake. We lay in the grass. With his hands cradling the back of his head, Blanton's sexy underarms were available to me. I licked his hairy armpit, tickling him, but also charging his hot zone. I could tell he liked how I enjoyed all parts of his body. After a while though, I stopped to snuggle in his pit, my mouth on its crease. Blanton hugged me to him; again I tasted the fine hairs of his underarm.

It had been a long afternoon, and the water fucking had been tremendous, but one thing remained outstanding. My cock! While Blanton had screwed me with the finest of technique, he had allowed my excited cock to go unattended. I knew it had squirted a small spurt or two because I had watched my semen float to the top of the lake beside me. But I had not been able to reach a ball-breaking cum, and Blanton had been too busy holding us in position to be able to whack me off.

Turning his large frame to me, Blanton surveyed my straight-standing cock. His eyes met mine; he let go of a tight smile; he asked, "Are you going to just lay here sapsucker or are you going to take care of your needs down there?" He chuckled and extended his hand to caress my chest. He pressed the print of his fatty thumb into my nipples, leaving his stamp. He leaned over and planted a good kiss on the left one. He looked up at me and said, "Come on, son. Let me watch you beat off."

Blanton did not have to ask again. I grabbed my cock and started stroking it. A tight, sexy smile escaped Blanton's lips. My hand stroked with a regular pace for a while. Blanton caressed me down the top of my leg, up and around my belly and then over my pecs. His took time to strum my tits with his thumbs. Just the thought that the sexy reverend was caressing my nipple, and wanting to watch me cum multiplied my sexual thrills. My hand began to flash up and down my rod.

"That's it, baby. Beat it off... Pound that thing," he said. With Blanton caressing me and my balls boiling, I flexed my hips, massaged my tight balls and pumped the cum from my shaft. Blanton smiled widely, obviously enjoying the sight of my cock shooting its wad. My first strand arched up and fell onto my upper leg. I then leaned over, aiming the cockhead at Blanton's lower belly.

"Yeah, that's okay. Fire it on me, sapsucker," the older man encouraged.

With my hand pumping away at my cock, my second, third and fourth shots blasted out to sizzle in Blanton's pubes. Several other smaller spurts spilled between my fingers. When I finished, I took my cum-soaked hand, reached around and rubbed it into Blanton's ass cheeks.

For several minutes, we lay there together. I rested from my cum; Blanton kept looking at me with a wonderful smile as though he was an appreciative friend. We kissed a few times, never anything long and deep, just pecks, lips to lips though. I leaned over to enjoy one of my favorite treats, sucking his big tits. He liked it, but finally he told me enough was enough and that his nipples were quite tender. I still traced the colored patches with my fingertips.

My eyes moved upward to look at Blanton. He was falling asleep. I kissed his tits, the middle of his chest and the top of his belly for a while and then rested my head on his beefy chest. I, too, fell asleep, our sex had depleted us.

Something hit my chest. My eyes opened. I did not know how long I had been asleep, but the sun had gone down, with only the faint trace of daylight remaining. I looked up to see Blanton towering above me. He had put his pants on, but his chest remained bare. I then saw him throw something else down at me and then another object.

Getting my wits about me, I leaned up to see a belt, jumper cables and a deer knife lying on my belly and chest. "What's going on, Blanton? Where'd these things come from?"

"I went up to your truck," he said. "It's time, son."

"Huh?" I mumbled puzzled by Blanton's actions. "It's time for what, sir?"

"Time for me to take my punishment. It's best. It'll make me feel cleansed for what I've done."

"Are you nuts," I asked. "What are you talking about."

Blanton squatted down by me. Again, I could tell he was studying my body. I remained nude, although at some point Blanton had draped my tee shirt over my middle. I looked at the minister, wishing he had not put on his pants, but glad I could still admire his fine bare chest.

"I can't believe what we did, Robby. I committed deep sin. I want to be punished for it."

Not understanding what he had in mind, I reached out to touch his chest, but he moved away.

"Using the belt, and those cables and my knife, I want you to punish me."

"I won't do that, Blanton. I won't hurt you. You don't have to feel guilty about what you did. We were just two men loving each other. What's wrong with love?"

"Hush Robert Ellis! Shut up!" Blanton demanded. He shocked me with his exclamation, at the same time I was startled that he knew my middle name. He stood up, unsnapped his pants, and let them fall from his hips. His cock stood semi-erect. He had not put on his wet briefs; he stepped out of his pants, with his nude body presenting itself again. My loins heated up.

"Give me the punishment I deserve, Robby. It's the only way. Please accommodate me. Please, without protest."

"What do want me to do," I asked.

My naked, older friend moved back against one of the rocks. Facing me, he grabbed up to a couple of the pointed edges of the rocky embankment, stretching his torso out. It caused me to again admire the splendor of his broad chest.

"For starters, I want you to clamp those cables to my sinfully big breasts," he said, his voice wrought with the need to have me do as he asked.

I hesitated, not sure of myself or Blanton or the situation between us.

"Go on, Robby. Do it!"

"Oh, Blanton. I don't want to hurt you. I won't do that to you, there." I reached up to run my fingertips across his responsive reddened paps; he allowed the caresses for several seconds, then he stopped me.

"The clamps, Robby. You must hurt me!"

"Why, Blanton. I think your nipples are gorgeous. Succulent. Sexy!"

"Hurt me for my transgressions! Abuse my tits!"

"But Blanton, do you know what you're asking. Please, instead, let's make love again."

"I cannot take your pleasure without taking the sacrifice of pain," he replied, this time harshly. He inhaled as though growing exasperated with me. "Please, son! Please!"

The sex and pot had obviously overwhelmed Blanton's better sense of judgment, but I tired of his pleading demands. I grabbed the jumper cables, pinched the clamps out wide and then touched the cold metal to Blanton's enlarged tits. I raked the sharp edges over the stuffy meat of his wide areola.

"Are you sure, Blanton," I asked.

He swallowed. Holding tight to the boulders above to stretch his innocent breasts, he swallowed again and looked down at the big steel pinchers, and said, "Please boy, go through with it!"

I let go of the pinchers, letting them claw into his fleshy paps. Blanton grunted and groaned. The cables pinched at his muscular breasts, tearing into the tender tits.

"Oh, Rob! Oh, that hurts so much. Oh, the pain... the punishment!" Blanton moaned. I made sure the cable claws weren't cutting his nipples, but I could tell the pain was horrendous.

He turned, the clamps pinching tight to his tits, drawing them up into a wrinkled wad. Hurting from the sharp claws scratching at his mannips, Blanton said, "Get the knife, Robby. Get it!"

I picked the knife up and brought it over to Blanton. Weakened and in pain, he looked at me and said, "Shave the hair off my fat balls. Let them grow a new." He looked at me and said, "Just do as I ask, Rob. Do it! If it never grows back, I'll know it's a sign."

When he grabbed his peter and held it out of the way, I became weakened by the sight of his dangling nuts. He was trusting me to shave his hair without cutting him. I found the thought wildly exciting.

Blanton watched as I went about finishing his ritual. I took the razor sharp knife, brought it close to the very base of his juicy cock that Blanton was holding out of the way, and then placed the sharpened edge on his nutsac. I began to shave the man's fine set of balls. His skin reddened as the knife shaved the hair from his wrinkled plums.

"Oh yeah, that's it, that's it, Robby."

"Damn, makes your balls look real fleshy. Real fresh, almost child-like," I quipped.

He dropped his dick, took his hand and palmed his hairless nuts. I wished he had invited me to lick them, to cool them for him. When, he let go of his nuts, I again looked at the contrast between the pubes at his cock's base and the smoothness of his balls below.

The tired minister looked at me, and then said, "I'm going to turn around, so you can now beat my ass with my belt."

"What?" I asked, surprised that he wanted me to beat him, even though he had shown me the belt.

Blanton registered a pained look, no doubt feeling the clamps cutting on his tits. But he turned his back to me, presenting me his round ass.

"Because I fucked your butt, yielded to that temptation, I want you to punish my own ass."

"Come on, Blanton. Enough's enough."

"Whip me with my belt, Robby." "Blanton, please, no."

"Do it, Robby! Please. Do it and be done with it!"

"I can't... I don't want to hurt you," I said almost lovingly.

"Do it, Robby. I want you to whip me. It's the least I deserve."

The sound of his voice was convincing. "Is this what you really want me to do," I asked.

"Yes. Do it, son. Punish me for having fucked you. Punish me hard."

"But Blanton, I liked what we did."

"Do it, Robby. Do it or we'll never be able to justify our lusts!"

I didn't much understand Blanton. Sometimes religious types do the strangest things. But his need to be punished was real. I decided to satisfy him. Whatever it took, but I sure didn't want him leaving me with any feelings of guilt about the love we had shared. I took his belt in my hand, squeezed it and then drew it back. His buttocks were fleshy and sexy. I swung the belt, smacking it along his ass, but hardly using enough force to make it sting.

"It must be harder, Robby. Much harder," Blanton said. I didn't react, so he shouted, "Do it, now."

"But Blanton this..."

He interrupted, "For the sake of the sacrifice, Robby, I can't take these clamps off my tits until you finish my punishment, and they are already hurting me badly. Please Robby, be quick. Hurt me. Whip me!"

"Oh damn," I said. I took the belt, doubled it and then stepped closer to Blanton's fine ass. I looked at the scrumptious butt, wishing he were asking me to rim it instead, but I decided to give Blanton what he wanted. I drew the belt back and lashed it against his lovely white ass. The leather tore at the skin. A red mark of the strap surfaced along his butt.

"Again and again, Robby. Harder and harder. Now, do it. Punish me," Blanton demanded again. But seeing the red stripe of Blanton's pretty butt, I decided I didn't want to continue.

I stopped, but Blanton looked back at me and said with a certain challenge to his voice, "Can you do as I ask, son? Or are you just some wimpy sapsucker too queer to do a man's job?"

If Blanton's mission was to piss me off, he was succeeding. He then added, "Do it sapsucker. Don't pussy out on me."

I drew the belt back and again whacked Blanton on his ass. "Oh, yeah, do it. Do it," the preacher demanded, his arms stretched out above his head, the clamps biting at his luscious tits.

I hit him again, harder than before. And again, even harder. Red lines crisscrossed his ass. Blanton groaned in pain, but challenged me saying, "Are you a pussy or just a weak-handed fag?" His words caused me to lose control.

My next five or six lashes were strong and powerful, popping the belt and causing the leather and skin to burn together. The leather ate at his ass. His buttocks were smoked. Blanton cried out from the pain. When the leather cut a gash into his skin, I eased up on the force, but I still beat him with six or seven more strong lashes.

Blanton moaned, groaned, whimpered and then cried out, "Enough! Enough..."

I had administered about 15 lashes from start to finish, with several of those being painful, skin cutting blows. His ass was red and welted. The lines of the belt's lash striped him. He wasn't bleeding, but his skin smoldered.

He turned around and fell back against the rock. No doubt, the coolness of the rock comforted his burning ass. But when I looked down, I saw that his fat cock arched out, fully aroused, with a droplet of his cream on its end. I dropped the belt and moved over to him.

I removed the jumper cables, noticing how bitten and pinched his injured tits looked. I wanted to lick the injured kiss them and love them and suckle from their sore tips.

I then feasted my eyes on what awaited me; Blanton had a roaring hard on indeed. The whipping had turned him on.

As he gasped on the rock and tried easing the pain in his body, I dropped to my knees. Once my lip met his cockhead, it didn't take long.

"Oh Robby... we mustn't... so soon after the sacrifice..."

I sucked on, caressing his lower belly and pubes, sucking at his hard cock. Remembering his newly shaven balls, I popped off the dick just long enough to lap at them. He groaned, his burly voice laced with sexual need. I licked his balls, giving them a nice fresh gleen. I then took each in my mouth and tongue around its bottom. I stroked away at Blanton's hard, powerful standing cock.

"Robby... Robby... You have such a hold on me... Oh boy, my boy..."

I sucked at his balls and twisted at his leaking pecker. He bucked his hips at me, giving me the last of his remaining energy.

"Oh Robby... Yeah, son. It's okay, suck me off again... suck me off, again!"

As soon as my lips and tongue returned to his sensitive piss hole, Blanton pushed his cockhead into my mouth and let go yet another cum. He cried out, pumped his hips at me, and struggled to release the last of the cum from deep within his balls. His first squirt was a strong one. Again I enjoyed his manly taste. After his first shot though, his cock jerked and his slit opened but only small amounts of juice were released. As I held to his dick, a few drops dribbled out of his head to wet my tongue. Blanton gasped and yelped and fell back to totally enjoy the cum.

When he had finished, he leaned over me and said, "Forgive me for my transgressions, Robby."

"There's nothing to forgive," I uttered.

He frowned and leaned up to display his tender paps. He looked down at himself and then at me, and said, "But yes, there is lots to forgive, Robby.

"Okay then," I said without regard, hoping to dismiss the conversation.

But instead, Blanton replied, "Perhaps, I deserve a lot of punishment; after all, I gave myself the physical pleasures of four orgasms in one day. That has never happened in my entire life!"

I paused, looked at him carefully, and again felt a deep sense of love for the man regardless of his need for cleansing.

"Blanton, I don't know for what I'm suppose to forgive you. Please remember that I'm really the one responsible for any seduction here."

He looked at me, brought his hand up to my face, and said, "Maybe you were, and maybe you weren't."


The sex between the Reverend Blanton Drake and myself did not end there. It had been too hot to cool so easily.

After that day by the lake, I did not see Blanton for almost a month. I tried calling him, but he did not return my messages. When I attended his church, he acted surprised to see me and almost cold when I saw him outside after the service. I waited a couple of weeks and went back to the church, but again his reception was cool.

Thinking that he could not overcome his sense of guilt or else thinking his love life had improved at home, I conceded that sex with him was to be a one-time affair.

But late one night, two or three weeks later, there was a tap on the door to my apartment. I opened it, and there stood Blanton. His presence was gorgeous; hot flashes of sexual need scorched my balls.

"Do you have any time for an old man," he asked.

"I thought I told you once that you're not an old man," I replied. "Come in, come in."

I made coffee for us, mixing some regular Columbian caffeinated with a twist of amaretto. He complimented me on the taste. I could tell he needed to relax. I asked him if he wanted to smoke a joint, but he declined. We chit-chatted and then I felt our minds locking together.

Finally, Blanton said, "I came here to see what I felt without being stoned. And I still feel attracted to you; I can't forget what we shared, Robby."

I moved over by him on the couch. "I can't forget it either, Blanton."

Before either of us could say much else, we embraced and kissed hard. His lips were marvelous to the touch. I reached up and began to unbutton his shirt. He pawed at my back as our mouths clung together.

When I got his shirt open, I parted it wide, exposing his beefy pecs and wide nipples. He leaned over to present the tit to me. I kissed down his neck, taking only seconds before locking my lips to his right tit. He groaned, and I bit down on the tit.

"Oh Robby... Robby, Robby baby," Blanton cried as I reached down to squeeze his enormous hard on.

"Have you cum since we were together," I asked.

"No," he said.

"Promise," I asked.

"Okay, I beat off a couple of times, thinking about you," he said.

We kissed passionately. I worked to open his fly. When I got the zipper down, I reached inside to fish out his pecker. To my delight, Blanton was not wearing any undies. I brought his blood engorged pecker out into the open and stroked it with my fist.

He moaned; I moaned; and I hunched up at him with my own iron rod.

I unsnapped his trousers, letting them fall down his hips. I prepared the end of his outstanding cock for my mouth. Most of all, I noticed the hair that had returned to his ripe and ready balls.

I sucked off Blanton twice that night. Hearing his manly cries of delight each time I ate his cock to a cum made my balls boil. He unloaded heavy rounds of hot spunk each time he came.

Blanton also beat me off, teasing me by getting my dick almost to the point of shooting and then taking his hand away. He took me to the edge several times that way. Finally, I grabbed his fist, refusing to let him move it. He squeezed down and my cock shot out its steamy cum.

After that night, for several months to follow, we began to meet about once a week. He remained reserved and restrained, but kept showing me greater and greater amounts of interests each time we were together. I loved being with him, feeling him hold me in his strong arms, enjoying his touch as he stroked my back or relishing the times when he stroked my rigid cock. Most of all, I waited for those moments when he would spread his legs, giving me undeniable access to his needy cock.

I often wanted Blanton to fuck me, but he seldom allowed himself that pleasure. The few times he screwed me, I had to teasingly work him up with my hands or mouth and then refuse to get him off. Eventually, he would accept my ass and its hot depths for the pleasure of a much needed cum. His thick dick pried my tunnel open each time, but the pain was always secondary to the extraordinary feeling of having his dick firing off its cum deep inside me.

And after each time he fucked me, Blanton would turn over, grab the bedposts, and demand that I beat his ass with his belt. Without fail, there was a certain cleansing type of punishment that he wanted whenever he fucked me.

Then there was the last time. "Beat by ass; beat it for sodomizing you," he cried on what became a night to remember. "Burn it up. Draw the blood from those hot buns. Beat me... whip me... make my ass bleed, Robby," he moaned.

"And this time, I shall beat you harder than ever," I said, knowing my own lust had to be released. I used my own belts to tie his wrist to the bed, and then grabbed a couple of neckties to secure his ankles. I had never tied him like that, but I could tell he liked how much I was getting into the act. Once Blanton was secured, I started whipping his ass again. I didn't stop until his backside was good and striped, and his cheeks were welted a crimson red.

He was groaning from the pain. I knew I had whipped him harder than ever before. I knew he would have a hard time sitting down for some time. The welts ridged his otherwise pretty ass cheeks.

Then, I let my lust take charge. I knelt over his ass and kissed his cheeks, easing the pain. He moaned, and asked me to stop, but there was little he could do being tied to the bed as he was.

I parted his ass crack and wedged my tongue inside. I licked down to his puckered doorway, for the first time discovering the most personal of Blanton's crevices. I edged my tongue up inside his ass canal, and heard him screaming.

"Please Robby... oh, no... please, you mustn't... Please!"

I used my tongue to tease the walls of his virgin ass. He tasted spicey, almost like blackened grouper. I could hear him panting, begging me to stop. Instead, I started sucking at his ass, bringing his fat cock to a raging boner.

I vacuumed his ass until he lost all control. With his rigid cock pressed between his body and the bedsheets, my ass tonguings made him squirm until he brought himself off. He lay there exhausted, in the puddle of his own cum, but I wasn't finish.

I got up on the bed by him, aimed my turgid shaft, and drilled through the doorway of his pristine piece of ass. My cockhead had never felt anything so hot and stimulating.

"Oh Robby... I feel your cock inside me... all the way inside me," Blanton panted.

"All the way inside you," I assured. I shoved upward, feeling the splendid walls of his butt tearing at the heated flesh of my cock. The waves of cum overwhelmed my body. Just as I started to fuck Blanton, my balls popped their juices. I simply couldn't stand the immense pleasure of my dick meat meeting his tubular essence.

I shot off and cried into the night. I brought my hands under him to claw at his manly breasts, squeezing his wonderfully perky tits with my forefingers and thumbs. I collapsed on his back; and I extended my bloated cock as far into him as possible.

"That's it, Robby... Oh, that's it. Shoot the good reverend full. Shoot him hard."

"I love you, Blanton. Love you so much," I gasped as the cum enveloped me and my spurts flooded his ass.

He had enjoyed my assault on his ass just as he and I had enjoyed every physical thing we had ever done together. Once I released him and we had rested, Blanton got up from the bed. He reached for one of the belts, and then said, "Now turn over, Robby. Turn over and take your whipping."

"But Blanton, I don't..."

"Turn over like a man. Nobody gets my ass without a price."

I knew he was serious. Without further protest, I turned over and offered my buttocks to him. He didn't delay. He swung the belt back and whacked my bottom hard. I cried out.

Blanton hit me seven times; I do not think I could have withstood 15 or 20 lashes. My ass burned immensely. I think he knew my pain because after he hit me with a skin-cutting lash on the sixth blow, he hit me fairly lightly on the seventh blow and then stopped.

Blanton threw the belt on the floor, went into the bathroom, wetted a washcloth and then came back to cool off my stinging ass. His pampering of my butt felt nice. "You took it like a man, Robby. And a fine man, you are."

"Thanks Blanton. Thanks for everything."

That night we talked about trying to be together. We wanted sex together more often, and we wanted to spend even more time together. We talked about how maybe he could pretend he was going out of town at times and instead he could come over and spend the days and nights with me. We talked about maybe him talking his wife into renting one of the rooms out in their house, and in the scheme of things, I could become the renter. Blanton even talked about leaving the ministry and his wife.

We talked for a long while. But finally, I knew we couldn't be together. Just as I had finally taken the opportunity to fuck Blanton, I knew even the best of things had to come to an end. No bad pun intended!

I think Blanton had realized as much, but he wanted me to come to that conclusion myself. As much as I wanted to continue being with him, I knew I couldn't be so self-serving. As I saw it, it would be particularly selfish to take a man like Blanton for my own lover while hurting a lot of other people who would be affected by that change in his life.

I couldn't be responsible for him ending his career and marriage or disappointing the hundreds of good and decent church people who looked to him for guidance. Most of all, I couldn't risk him regreting a mistake later and blaming our love and lust for it. I couldn't even be absolutely sure that he was the only lover that I would want for the long-term. After a lengthy talk, we concluded something had to change or else we would be discovered and change would be forced upon us.

Before Blanton Drake left my apartment that night, I took time to again make love to him. I caressed each special part of his body. I wanted to be able to remember him... the way he moaned and groaned when he came... the way his huge copper-colored nipples puckered out for my lips... the way he enjoyed me combing my hands through his pubes... the way my bloated cock felt inside the warm tunnel of his ass... and the way my mouth never tired of his marvelous dick.

And when he got ready to leave, I stood at the door of my apartment and kissed him long and hard, making sure that my fingers found his fat mannips and grinding my hard cock against his fat privates.

He then opened the door and left. When the door shut, I knew that our affair had ended, but that I had special memories of a lifetime.

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