Simple Twist of Fate

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jul 10, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB, nor have I ever met them. I do not know anyone connected to the BSB. This is just a story I made up, in other words not real.

Warning: This story may contain sex, you know the rules that apply to that. I'm not for sure where I'm taking this, so it could get a little crazy. Oh, little fact it involves an Elf, I'm not going by the rules, or mythology. Well, I might just a little but not all that much.

Authors Note: Ok time to say thank you to those who have helped me. To Eddi my editor and best buddy, to Chris my boi thanks for being with me. As for anyone I may have forgotten I'm sorry, but thank you deeply. Ok the symbols I use are as follows, *** those mean either a character change or who I'm starting the chapter off with. Now I haven't been using ( ) these here lately but I'm putting them in here just in case. I use those symbols when I want to add a note or change. Ok on with the story, I'm sure your tired of hearing me rant. Or maybe you even skipped this part, oh well I wrote it any way. If anyone would like to write me please do so.


It had been about three weeks since Zell had come back with us. He was fitting in really well with the guys. Howie seemed to spend a lot of time with him, more than with anyone ever before. Zell didn't wear that much clothing unless he had to, which wasn't to often. He would be dressed until he got into a dressing room and then the clothes were gone. He would shake his body like he had some kind of mud on him or something it was funny. Zack had stayed by Kevin's side since they had gotten back. I found it odd that he hadn't said anything about trying to start his own career. I knew that was what he had wanted for a long time. Only now it was like he no longer cared about any of that. I wondered if he had gotten his fair share of the spot light in the other world. It would make sense, but for some reason I didn't think that was the reason. I just didn't understand why he would just give up on it. It wasn't like he didn't have what most of the other artist out there wanted. He all ready had a foot in the door, hell he was half way through the door. All he had to do was ask for Kevin's help and he would be touring with us in no time. I decided that next time I got a chance I would ask him about it.

It wasn't like he would have a reason to get upset if I just worded it right. If I could just find a way to ask him without him breaking me in two. I had to admit he was a little intimidating, well more than a little. He normally hung out with the body guards during the concerts. He dared anyone to try and get past him, no one had really tried yet. He did have a few problems with people thinking he was me. I got a really big kick out of that, you could always tell when it had happened to. He would come storming back to the dressing room and slam the door. I had been lucky enough to see him do just that one night. On the way back to the stage I couldn't help laughing my ass off the whole time. Kevin couldn't even keep the wide smile off his face, he looked back toward the dressing room and cracked up. Later that night we had found Zell, Zack, and Scott planning something. When we had walked in on them they all went silent, which only worried me. The other guys hadn't even noticed the sudden stop to all the talking. They all headed for the showers and I joined them. When we walked back out all of them were gone. When Kevin joined me in my confusion by standing beside me silently. "Nick what are you staring at, cause I don't see anything odd." Ok maybe he was confused by something else.

I looked at him and froze, his hair was a very bright pink. When he looked at me he slowly smiled and his eyes got a little wide. I decided I wouldn't say anything to him just yet. As the others walked out, I found that all of them had wild hair colors, well everyone but AJ. His hair looked a normal black, nothing odd except that his hair had been red a few minutes ago. Brian's hair was a bright green and Howie's was a bright red, really bright. I now knew why Kevin eyes had gotten wider, and I wanted a little revenge. "Well, it look's like Nick isn't to blame for this one. I don't think he would dye his own hair black." I swear my jaw could have hit the floor if my skin would have gotten out of the way. "How could they do this to us, we never did anything to them." I looked to the other guys, who only smiled lightly. "Well, little Nickie finally got a taste of his own medicine, and guess what he doesn't like it." I looked at AJ and smiled sweetly as I pulled a mirror out. "Well, at least you got to keep a normal look Bone, black suits you." His eyes got wide when he looked into the mirror, then he stormed out of the dressing room. After that everyone headed to the bus, it was the only place the pranksters could be. The arena was starting to shut down and the band was asked to head to the bus.

When I walked onto the bus what I saw scared me a little. Zack and Zell were back to back looking at us. They looked like they were supporting each other, and their smiles were unnerving. I looked for Scott, he was right behind them, with a really huge smile on his face. They looked like a little gang together, and those smiles were just freaky. "You know I think he look's good with the black hair, almost demonic. What do you think Zell, was it a little to much, or just right?" Zell looked at me like he was sizing me up for something. "I don't know it could use a little red wouldn't you say?" Zack nodded slowly then both of them started moving toward me. I refused to move, I only looked at Scott, after that he blocked the other two. "Leave my Nick alone, go after the others." Zell looked a little confused then looked at Zack. "Scott you're the one that put the black dye in Nick's shampoo bottle. It was your idea, not ours, why are you betraying us now?" Scott turned around, he had the cutest little smile on his face. "Plus it's not permanent, I can change his hair back to normal after we've had our fun." Scott didn't budge, he was to be my body guard. When the others got on the bus Zack and Zell backed off a whole lot. "I say it's time we got them back, how bout it guys?" Everyone charged forward all at once, Zack and Zell took off running.

They had locked themselves in the rest room, and it didn't look like they were coming out. "You know you can't survive in there for all that long." They started laughing at us, which only gave Kevin a reason to try and remove the door. "Hey that's cheating, you don't want us to cheat now do you?" I didn't really understand the question, so I just tried to help Kevin. When he got the door open the rest room was empty, now I understood. I had no idea where they could be, but something told me they were still on the bus. I started the search, which wasn't turning up anything just yet. "You know you'll never find us like that, then again you couldn't find us if you wanted." Zell's voice came from everywhere at once. "I may be mostly human but that doesn't mean I'm anywhere near powerless. Really Nick I thought you knew that by now, but then again." His laughter filled the room, this was getting out of hand. "You know if your going to live like a human you have to act like a human. That means no magick unless you have no other choice. What your doing now is highly unfair to us, after all it was just a joke. It's not like we were going to hurt you or anything." I was getting a little upset with Zell and Zack. "Not that you could hurt us, even if you wanted to not with my boy Zell here." They walked out of a wall and just smiled at us.

For the time being the joke was over, I don't think any of us felt like playing anymore. It was just a joke, but they were using powers we couldn't. It was like trying to chase a rabbit with only one leg. Zell looked a little down, for what reason I don't know. At the moment I didn't care I was a little to upset with him. I know it was a childish, but I really felt cheated. I liked pulling pranks as much as the next person, well maybe more so. It was just I was ready to face the backlash. When they just up and vanished I felt cheated and in some ways weak. Zack was sitting beside Kevin, to Kevin it was like nothing ever happened. Zell walked by Kevin and his hair returned to normal like nothing had happened. He went to each person and undid everything he had done. When he walked by me he kept his eyes on the ground and just moved on. Then he headed toward the back of the bus to the bunks. I was starting to feel bad about everything I had just thought about him. I guess he had a lot to get use to, not just us. In his world it must have been how they played games. Now he had to get use to looking human all the time and not changing his shape. He could make himself look different but most of his shape shifting powers were gone. He could still do a lot of things that I thought were amazing, but he still lost a great deal of power.

I was about to head to the back area when Scott stopped me. "He needs to be alone Nick, his whole world just stopped. You pointed that out to him in a very mean way, it wasn't like he had a real choice. Yes, his mother would have kept him there but he would have been looked at like a freak. No matter how it look's, he really didn't have a choice in the matter. It was either come with you and the guys, in other words us, or live with the human race all alone." I looked at Scott, that was more than a mouth full for him. "How do you know all of this, can you read minds or something?" He shook his head and looked toward the back of the bus. "I found him crying the other night, when I asked him what had happened he told me everything. That's why we did what we did tonight, we were trying to cheer him up. That idea went down the tube faster than anything I've ever planned before." Now I felt even worse for saying those things, and feeling the way I had. I had no right to be upset with him, he was just being himself. It wasn't like I didn't like it any other time he did something weird. No one really did, maybe that's why the guys acted like it didn't even happen. Nine out of ten times Zell ran around naked, but here lately he had been keeping his clothes on. I guess he had been trying to act human, to be human.

That night as I wrapped my arms around Scott my mind wouldn't stop whirling. Zell hadn't come back from his bunk. When someone had opened the curtain to see if he was ok there was a wall. Zell had sealed himself within the bunk, and I guess he couldn't hear us yelling. No, that wasn't true, he could hear us he just didn't feel like opening up. I guess I had gotten to him, and that wasn't a good idea right now. "Baby it isn't your fault, you didn't know it was a touchy subject with him. Just try and get some rest you can talk to him tomorrow, even if we have to break the wall down." I smiled to myself and pulled Scott closer to my body and tried to sleep. I don't know how long it took but I finally fell to sleep. When I woke up the next morning I noticed that Scott was already gone. I slid out of my bunk and went straight to the rest room, oh how I hated the bus. Well, normally it wasn't so bad as long as I didn't have to wake up on it. There was only one rest room and nine out of ten times someone was using it. I was lucky this morning since I was able to just walk in. After that was over I went to Zell's bunk, when I pulled the curtain back the wall was gone. He wasn't in his bunk anymore so I went to the sitting area on the bus.

Zell was sitting on the couch with his head down. Scott was right beside him trying to talk to him. Zack was on the other side rubbing his back softly, now I really felt bad. The guys were sitting on the other side of the bus just looking at them. They looked up at me and shook their heads. "Listen Zell I'm really sorry about everything that I said last night. I really went over board with the whole magick thing, I don't have the right to tell you not to use it. I'm really sorry, so could you think about forgiving me?" Zell looked up and smiled slightly, then his head fell. "It's not that Nick, my mother was assassinated last night. The gray elf's have launched a war against my race, and I can't help them. It was the reason I put the wall up last night. I went home to check in on my mother and ask her advice. The castle was in an up roar, I've never seen anything like it. I was asked to come back and lead my people. I had to refuse, I no longer have to power to lead them." Zack looked really upset with all of the events that were taking place. "I will on the other hand join forces with my people. I'm leaving in a little bit, I just wanted to tell all of you good bye." I looked at him, I couldn't let him fight alone. On the other hand I was scared and I didn't really want to go up against the gray elf's.

Zell stood up and walked toward the bunks. After he left everyone started talking at once. "We can't let him do this alone, there's just no way." Howie was standing moving toward the bunks. I had a feeling he had a crush on Zell, it was kind of sweet. When Zell walked back out he was smiling. Howie was right behind him, only he wasn't smiling. "It's great for you to offer your help, but I can't accept. No offense but none of you would last five minutes. I have a chance on surviving this, it's small but it's a chance. If I can survive I'll come back, if not then I guess I don't. It's not something to worry about, if I die maybe we'll meet in the next life time. If I live then I'll return when I can, but I can't take any of you with me." His smile was real and before any of us could stop him he was gone. Zack looked shocked, and then he looked highly pissed off. "He has no right to turn down our help, my help at that. I can work some major magick, Zell's been teaching me all kinds of things." Then so unexpectedly Zack started crying and held onto Kevin, it wasn't a good sign. Taya had said that Zack and Zell were connected through their soul. Then maybe without really knowing it, Zack knew they we never see Zell again. The thought alone brought tears to my eyes.

Life went on without Zell, it had been months since he had left. The tour was going great, but Zack looked something like he use. His eyes held a great sadness that hadn't been seen in a long time. He was closing himself off you everyone but Kevin, and even now that looked like the next step he would take. He had stopped hanging out with the body guards all together. He stayed in the dressing room at all times unless we were on the move. Then he stayed to himself unless we were in a hotel room, then he just stayed by Kevin. Everyone in the group could see the worry in Kevin's eyes, he didn't know how to handle it. He just stayed by Zack and never asked him anything that would set him off. After another concert ended we walked back to the dressing room to find Zack asleep. Kevin tired to wake him but wasn't getting anywhere, so he picked him up. He carried him to the bus and laid him down in their bunk. He joined us back in the setting area as the bus pulled away and started it's trip to the next city. "I'm really starting to worry about him, it took me close to an hour to get him up this morning. He hasn't worked out in close to two weeks, and that use to be all he did. He doesn't talk unless he's asked a question, he never smiles anymore." Kevin looked defeated in more ways than one.

I walked back to Zack's bunk and laid down beside him. It wasn't the wisest thing I could have done. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his body. Then he made a few funny noses and I guess he opened his eyes. "Nick, your lucky I realized who you were, or you might have gotten a big surprise." I turned around and faced him, he had a small grin that was already fading. "You know you're not the only one that misses him, we all do. But that doesn't mean to have to push us away, we all care about you." He looked at me like he was studying me. "I know that Nick, but I keep having these dreams that he's in major trouble. I don't even know why I care about him so much, it's like he's apart of me. I don't get it, but every night I see him fighting, and he's getting closer to losing. For some reason it scares me, and I'm not use to that. I don't even know Zell all that well, but it feel's like he's my blood. Almost like he was my brother, and every time I think I could lose him it hurts. It doesn't make sense, and I don't like feeling this way. He should mean nothing to me, but in some ways he means everything to me. I'm sorry that I keep pushing you and the others away, but it's the only thing I know how to do." I could only nod and leave him to be, it wasn't like I knew what he was going through.

I really felt for him, but I didn't have the heart to tell him the truth. In some ways he was Zell's brother, even if it was only by the blood pact. What made it worse was that his dreams could be true. Zell could be close to death, but he wouldn't give up I knew that much. Zell would fight with his very last breath, I just wished that I had that kind courage. When I walked back out to the sitting area all eyes were on me. I felt a little strange about having all of their attenion. "I think Zack's going to be all right, but I'm not so sure about Zell. Do you guys remember what Taya said about Zack and Zell being connected?" They looked to each other and then back to me. "Zack's been dreaming about Zell, and the dreams aren't very reassuring. He thinks that Zell may die soon, or at least that's what he sees in his dreams. I think that when he sleeps he connects with Zell on some weird level. With that being said I think his dreams aren't dreams at all, I think their reality." Scott closed his eyes and looked away, he had cared about Zell. While Howie looked like he was about to die himself. His eyes were filling with tears at an amazing rate. "Why wouldn't he let us help him, why is he so bull headed?" I looked at AJ a little shocked, I hadn't even thought about how felt about this. He was always so cool and collected, now he didn't look so cool and collected.

He jumped up out of his seat and stormed around the room. "It's bull shit, and you guys know it. We were fine when it came to saving his sorry ass, but can we fight in a war? Hell no, we're to weak, we wouldn't last five minutes, that's so much bull shit. I don't know about the rest of you but I think we could last a hell of a lot longer than five minutes. Look at us, we're all in great shape, maybe not the best shape but good enough. We dance for over an hour every night without any problem, and on top of that we practice. We may not have any magick, but we have some major muscle." Zack decided now was a good time to show himself. "I don't think Zell is going to be coming back now." After he said that he hit the ground hard, Kevin was at his side in a second. Zack was getting pale and he was sweating like there was no tomorrow. His eyes were rolled back in his head and he was starting to shake. "What's happening to him, he was just fine a few minutes ago." I had idea what was going on but if I was right, then that meant that maybe Zell and Zack were connected a little to closely. If one died the other died along with them. There were two flashes of light and two elf's stood before us, they looked grim. "We have come to bring you back to the golden palace, lord Zell wishes to speak with you." They didn't say anything else, five other elf's came out of no where and made contact with everyone. Then we were moving through that strange place again, when it stopped we were in a dark room.

Slowly light came on one by one, and the room filled with light. In the center of the room a very large bed, with guess what a golden frame. I knew who was laying on that bed, I just didn't know if I wanted to see him. Not like this, not on his death bed, I don't know if I could take that. Howie was already moving toward the bed, but once he reached it he froze. "I know I mustn't look all that good right now, but that's life." Howie hit his knees and took Zell's hand in his own. I moved to the bed with Kevin, I helped him carry Zack. What I saw on the bed would forever remain in my worst nightmares. He was covered in dried blood and his chest was wide open. "When they attacked us I wasn't ready, but I still fought with everything I had." He coughed slightly which seemed to cause him a great amount of pain. "I had hoped that I wasn't this much connected to Zack, he's the only reason I'm still alive. I have to release him now, before it's to late." Howie started shaking his head and almost telling him no. "Your healers can help you and then you wouldn't have to break the connection. You could live and so would Zack and you could come back home with us." Howie was starting to panic, and his eyes said so much more. Zell looked at Howie and shook his head slowly, then he smiled lightly.

He grabbed Zack's hand and placed it over his heart. "They've done all they could Howie, but if it helps any we'll meet again, in another life." There was a bright light then nothing it was like someone had turned the lights out again. When the lights came back on the bed was empty. Zack was returning to normal, and Howie was crying. I didn't really know how to feel, all I knew was that it hurt. It was like Zell had left us all without leaving anything behind. I knew that wasn't true, he had changed our lives in ways no one else could have. He had given all of us something, it just wasn't something you could hold in your hands. He had touched our hearts in so many ways, I didn't know how to thank him enough. He had brought Scott into my life, and Zack into Kevin's, it was an amazing gift. Now he was gone like he had come to me on that day so long ago. Seven elf's walked into the room and touched our shoulders. When we woke up we were on the bus again, they had knocked us out. Scott was sleeping on the couch while Kevin and Zack were on the floor. None of them had woken up yet, when the elf stood before me I was a little worried. "They won't remember Zell, only you because he gave you that gift. He thought it would be best if they couldn't remember him. When they awaken they will remember nothing of our race. All they will know is that they are together, and happy." Then he was gone, and I looked to the others and wondered how I could live with these memories.

I looked at my fellow band members, they would remember nothing. While I on the other hand would be the only human to carry this story. The band had broken up years later on good terms and everyone had gone there separate way. We still stayed in contact with each and got together as much as we could. Zack and Kevin were living happily in LA where Zack was starting a movie career. Howie had found himself a nice guy, and he was happy with his life. AJ was still wild and in the music business. Brian was still with his wife, they now had two sons, one of which they had named Zell. Brian hadn't understood why the name had meant so much to him. All he knew was that he had to name his first son Zell, it had made me cry. I had never brought up the subject of Zell to anyone, not even Scott. We were still together and going strong so to speak. Everything was wonderful in our lives and I couldn't be happier. I had always wondered what had happened to elf's after they had brought us back. I had never seen another elf after that night over five years ago. I had finally found a way to thank him for every thing he had done for us. It was simple really, I don't know why it had taken me so long to think of. So far I was half way through the book that I was writing for him. It would tell of all the great things he had done for us. Only the world would never know it was true, or for that matter us. They would get a chance to see what real hero's were.

Hero's weren't the people that rushed into battle knowing they would win. A hero was a person who went into battle knowing they could lose. Still they would fight with every ounce of strength they had. A real hero feared death, but still fought for the greater good. That was Zell and I would never forget that he was a hero. He had fought for his people even when he knew that most likely he wouldn't survive. He had made sure me and my friends wouldn't have gotten hurt. Then on top of that he was willing to be forgotten so he wouldn't be missed. I still held the memories that was true, and for that I was happy. I got the chance to remember one of the greatest men in the world. I got to be his friend even if it was only for a short amount of time. Then he showed me that there was no end to his kindness. I will never forget Zell, and I don't want to, he was my friend and he always will be. "Uncle Nick, what are you writing about, is it about that elf you told me about?" I looked at Brian's oldest son, and for the first time I noticed that his eyes were gray. He smiled at me and then went back to play with his brother. I had this feeling in my heart that just maybe Zell's story wasn't over just yet. Then again no ones story ever really ends, it's just a matter of time before we all come back.

The End

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