Simple Twist of Fate

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jul 3, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB, nor have I ever met them. I do not know anyone connected to the BSB. This is just a story I made up, in other words not real.

Warning: This story may contain sex, you know the rules that apply to that. I'm not for sure where I'm taking this, so it could get a little crazy. Oh, little fact it involves an Elf, I'm not going by the rules, or mythology. Well, I might just a little but not all that much.

Authors Note: Ok time to say thank you to those who have helped me. To Eddi my editor and best buddy, to Chris my boi thanks for being with me. As for anyone I may have forgotten I'm sorry, but thank you deeply. Ok the symbols I use are as follows, *** those mean either a character change or who I'm starting the chapter off with. Now I haven't been using ( ) these here lately but I'm putting them in here just in case. I use those symbols when I want to add a note or change. Ok on with the story, I'm sure your tired of hearing me rant. Or maybe you even skipped this part, oh well I wrote it any way. If anyone would like to write me please do so.

Extra Note: Everyone should go read the story The Debt, it's amazing and wonderfully written. A lot better than my own so go check out as soon as you can. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


He was getting stronger by the second, you could even hear it in his voice. "It was real to me, it will always be real to me Zack. You gave me something to truly be proud of in my life. Don't you see what you mean to us, even if it was a dream it brought us together. You made a difference in our lives, even if you don't think you did." Zack was getting stronger, but something was off. "I made some differences, I got Kevin killed because I didn't make the right choices. I never even thought about Brian's heart condition. I was to blind to see what was happening to him, if I had paid better attenion he would have been healthier. I was supposed to be his best friend, yet I almost let him die. Your right I've made some differences, but I don't think many of then were good ones." AJ started shaking his head, but he didn't look sad, he looked pissed off. "Will you just get off it and quit feeling so damn sorry for yourself. You screwed up, big deal everyone screws up, no ones perfect. So what you kept your feelings locked up, a lot of people do. You didn't see what was happening to Bri, news flash neither did we. Quit blaming yourself for shit you couldn't control. It wasn't your fault Kevin decided to overdose and get himself killed. I use to think you were one of the smartest people I knew. Now you've just proven your just another blond with very few brain cells." Zack looked at AJ and started laughing loudly.

Howie looked from Zack to AJ, he just shook his head slowly. "I never understood how those two got along so well. I think their both nuts, that's why they use to hang out so much." I couldn't help but laugh at Howie's little comment, or help the feeling of hope that I was getting. "I hate to admit it, but you do have a small point there. It's just I'm so tired guys, if you could feel what I feel. I know I sound like I'm feeling sorry for myself, but I'm just so tired. In one life, I had a chance to be someone, to love someone and I screwed it up. In my real life I was never anyone, and I was alone with this feeling of nothing. I felt anger, sometimes I would feel kinship with another. Most of the time I felt nothing, and I just realized how empty my heart was. Now there's something there, but it's feelings from another life. In honestly Kevin, if you just met me on the street would you even look twice, would you look back? How about you Bri, or should I say Rok, any of you?" I looked to the others, their eyes were down cast with what looked like guilt. "It's ok I understand, I'm a nobody and you, well why would you want to look back? It's a part of life, and now mines over for the most part. I still exist, that much is easy to see but in the real world I'm gone." Zack wasn't fading away but he looked so real it was scary.

It looked like he was forming a body slowly becoming flesh and blood. "This is what I use to be, before I was pulled into this world. Their keeping me alive for the most part, but am I really alive anymore? I felt my heart stop, then my mind slowly started slipping away. But before I could really leave I was pulled back, I woke up in this world. They told me what had happened and what they were going to do. At first I had thought it was a great idea, I would get to live again. Then I thought about it, how many times would I have to live to get it right? I've had two lifetimes, and I've managed to screw both of them up. I know that my real life wasn't my fault in most areas, but still I could have made better choices. Kevin I know you wouldn't lie to me, so I believe you when you say you love me. It fill's my heart with so much joy that I don't know how to express it with words. If you would think about it for a second, would you really want me? The way I was in my real life, because that's me. Forget about everything you felt about me in the other world. Just think about the real one where I had a troubled life, then tell the truth." Kevin looked at Zack carefully then looked to Howie.

When he turned back to Zack he had a small smile on his face. "I would want you any way I could get you. Even if it meant that I had to live the rest of my life right here in this place. I want you the way you are, that's all I could ever ask for." Zack smiled then started nodding his head slowly. "Then I will do everything in my power to survive until they can bring me back." Then Zack started flashing, he looked scared as he reached out to Kevin. Then he was gone, the room went back to darkness, seconds later light streamed from a doorway. "Hurry the Queen summons you, something has happened to the boy." That was all that was needed, we all took off running toward the door. Kevin was in the lead, he was already out of the door and running down the hall. When we caught up to him he looked panicked. "I'm glad your all here, and in once piece at that. I don't understand what just happened in this room. I was looking at Zack's body, he was getting stronger, then he just vanished. It was like something had pulled him from my palace, I am sorry for your loss. I had no idea anything like this could happen, no words could express my sorrow." She looked away then, her eyes down cast with what looked like a tear falling. "Why did he mean so much to you, I'm sorry for asking but I must know?" She looked at me with sad eyes then she slowly nodded.

She walked toward us and then past us, we followed her. "When Zell was a child I never really showed him any love. I am a queen and I had to look after my people, not my son. Other's took care of him for me, not my wisest choice. Now with that said I can explain a little better why Zack meant so much to me. When Zell shared his blood with Zack, he gave more than he had to. In some ways it made Zack and Zell brothers, blood brothers so to speak. Only they were tired at a deeper level, they shared their souls with one another. In committing this act they shared their past, all of it. I don't think either one of them knew what was really happening. When I first entered that room of memories, I saw my son's memories. Then Zack's memories came to light, for me it took only seconds for all of this to happen. While you on the other hand, all of you were in that room for close to twenty-four hours. Zack is connected to Zell, and through Zack I saw all of the mistakes that I had made with Zell. Then I saw everything that had happened to Zack, my heart broke. After seeing all of the trails that poor child went through I couldn't let him die. It would be like losing my own son, it doesn't really make sense I know but it's how I feel." She pulsed for a short amount of time, then looked back to us.

Her eyes were a very bright blue with a hint of gold on the edges. "Now your most likely wondering why I was able to see those memories while you couldn't. The answer is you went into the room ready to see Zack's life not Zell's. If you had just gone into the room, you would have seen everything. I didn't want that to happen, it would have taken a lot longer to make it to his soul. That was the main reason, the other I didn't want you to see Zell's life, and my mistakes. Now that I have told you everything, I would like to ask you, if you would help me save my son. In honesty I don't know if he's even in danger, but I feel that he is. I know this with my heart and soul, I also know that you are the only ones who can save him." I was willing to help Zell no matter the cost, I just didn't know if the other guys were up to it. I looked to Scott and he nodded, I found it amazing how we didn't need words anymore. "I'll help if I can, maybe Zell can find Zack for me." Kevin was crying softly, but managed to control his voice. The others agreed quickly after that, so now it was time to search out Zell. I found myself with mixed emotions about everything that was happening. My mind was focused on finding and helping Zell, while my heart wanted to morn Zack. I had gotten my wish after all, and now I knew Zack.

I found it highly unfair that he had such a hard life. No matter which way he went, he lived with a great deal of pain. It was like he couldn't find a solid break, and now I understood why the guys cared about him. They had seen what they thought was the worst happen to Zack. Then when they were hit with the reality that his real life was a lot harder. They got a chance to see things that Zack had never really told them. They had also seen a Zack that was cursed with heart ache. I decided it was time to put my heart away and move on. "So how do we start looking for Zell, in honesty we have no clue where to start." AJ made a few noses then walked to the front of the group. "Speak for yourself blondie, I have a really good idea on where to start looking. You said that your people can't enter that other realm. Well, I think it would be the first place we should look since we aren't elf's. Not that being an elf is a bad thing, just not what may be needed. By the way do you have a first name, or is it just Queen?" She looked at AJ with something that looked like shock and amusement. "I do have a name, it's just been a while since anyone has used it. My name is Taya, you may call me this if you chose to." AJ smiled and nodded, then he held his hand out toward the Queen. "Well, I guess we should get started Taya, so shall we?" Taya smiled and took his hand, then held or other hand out toward us.


My mind was screaming to let it just be and break. I couldn't let that happen not yet anyway. I had to help the others help Zell, then I could break down and cry for the rest of my life. Then I could allow myself to believe that Zack was gone and there was nothing I could do about it. My mind went back to the things I had seen in that room. My heart ached to just give in and die right then and there. I was so blind that I hadn't seen his love for me. The pain he had felt at my wedding had mirrored my own. Then the life he had lived without me, without the guys. I couldn't stand watching him go through all he had. I kept telling myself that I could have made it better, or stopped it if I had only known. Then after all of those memories to see him again, only to lose him. It was almost to much for my mind to take. When he had reached out I knew that something was wrong. I knew that wasn't supposed to happen, he had vanished like a ghost. All of these thoughts rushed through my mind in a matter of seconds. I was just now placing my hand in Nick's, and Howie was taking my hand. In a matter of seconds we would be leaving to find Zell. I had no real hope that he could find Zack, he may have been able to save him, but find him I doubt it.

My heart was shattering into a million pieces. It wasn't taking all that much time either, just a thought of never seeing him again. I had lived so long feeling so alone, I had felt like no one could truly love me. I always feared that I would be used by someone because of who I was. Then Zack had entered my life, one way or another, he had saved my soul. He had loved me for myself, not my music, not my looks, just me. I had thought that only Nick could do that. Now I saw that I was never really truly in love with Nick. I had loved him, but not the way I had fallen in love with Zack. I didn't really understand how that had happened so quickly. It was like once I knew that he loved me I fell instantly. It was like all of my dreams had come true in one blazing moment. Now everything was falling apart so quickly, and without pause. I knew we were traveling again only I couldn't focus on it. My mind only wanted to think about Zack, and life without him.

When we stopped moving I was forced out of my thoughts. There was a harsh wind blowing, on top of that the area was way to bright. It was nothing like this before, last time it had been beautiful. "What happened here, it's like all hell broke lose?" Taya shook her head and pointed toward a crystal gateway. I could tell that nothing could really be heard in this area. So we moved toward the gate, once there everything seemed to calm down. "We haven't been able to get past this gateway, hopefully you'll have more luck. I know this much, I won't be able to go any further with you. If you want you can turn back now. I do not know what lies beyond these gates, there could be great danger. I have asked a great deal of all of you, I would understand if you chose not to go any further." I wouldn't have any of it, so I pushed on the gate, which opened without any problems. I entered without looking back, I had to get this done I had plans for the rest of my life. I was going to do whatever I had to then I was going to feel sorry for myself till I died. I stopped in my tracks when I looked at the land before me. It was like a crystal waste land, it looked so cold and dark.

It wasn't really dark, it was more like soulless. There was light and a lot of it, only it was so harsh. The last time I had been here there was sun light and plants, now only crystals existed. I looked back to see the guys walking slowly toward me. "What happened, it likes a dead zone in here?" No one had an answer for Brian's question, but I had an idea about what had happened. The way I looked at it, there had been a battle and this was the outcome. I just moved forward slowly making sure that I didn't bump into any of the crystals. All of the crystals looked sharp and deadly, some of them even looked like there were alive. I don't know why but for some odd reason my heart rate was picking up. "Kevin, slow down a little man you leaving all of us in the dust." I stopped for minute to let them catch up and my heart to slow down. Something was really wrong, and I had no idea what it could be. When Brian caught up he didn't look to good, in fact he looked sick. As I looked to the others, they all looked different, like they were getting sick. They didn't seem to notice, so I kept my mouth shout and slowly stared walking again. I noticed that further we went the worse I felt and the worse the others looked. All of the crystals were glowing, they were getting brighter the further we went.

I was starting to have trouble breathing, my legs didn't seem to want to work. "We have to keep going, there's no turning back now." I looked at Nick, he looked like he had aged ten years. I then looked down at my hands and noticed the wrinkles that had spread over them. I now understood what was happening, it made me want to run forward. So I tried to move quicker, which only seemed to make me weaker. The others were following suite, but it didn't look good. Howie and AJ were helping Brian walk, it looked like he had passed out. I prayed that he had only passed, I wouldn't know what to do if he had died. I looked ahead and noticed that we only had a few more feet to go before we cleared the crystals. I took the last of my strength and jumped into the clearing. Once there I could feel my strength coming back quickly, I looked back to see the others crossing into the clearing. I watched as their faces and bodies went back in time. Brian lifted his head slowly and looked around, he looked a little tired. "I am not going back through that thing for anything. Do you understand me, nothing will get me to go through that again." Nick was raving a little while he made sure Scott was ok. I found that it was a little odd that Scott had yet to speak.

I decided that was a good time to get his take on everything. "Scott, which way do you think we should go?" He looked at me and shrugged slowly, but his lips remained closed. "Well, what do you think about all this, a little crazy right?" He just nodded a little and smiled brightly. Now I knew something was up with him, something was way off. He hadn't really talked all that much to begin with. Only now he wasn't talking at all, it made me wonder. "Just wondering, but what happened different in this life?" Scott looked at me then Nick, who also looked interested. Scott looked away and for a second I thought he was going to say something. Then he pointed to his throat, and opened his mouth. He started moving his hands slowly, then I understood, he was speaking sign languish. Howie was watching his hands, then his mouth opened slightly. "He says that he was in a car accident, in that accident he lost his voice, along with his family." Nick looked at Scott then toward me slowly, his eyes were filling with tears. I turned away, looking forward. I shook my head and asked myself why I had pushed him to reveal it. I could have kept my mouth shut until after all of this was over. For some reason I think it would have worked without a problem.

Nick was trying to talk to Scott, but Nick didn't understand sign languish. It was a painful sight, and I didn't think it could get any worse. I decided to move on without the guys, that way if anything happened they would survive. The was starting to recognize the area, it was the place I had last seen Zell. I looked around until I found a really big crystal. Deep within the crystal I could see Zell, he looked so sad. Something told me that he could see me as well. I ran back to the other guys and told them what I had found. When all of us had gathered around the crystal we tried to find a way to set him free. "Maybe we could use some of those crystals over there to break him out." Howie and Nick went to see if they could pry the crystal lose. "Kevin I think you should take a look at this, and real quick." I walked up the small hill and looked at the crystal they should have been trying to pull free. When I got a closer look my heart stopped, deep within I could see Zack. He looked like he was sleeping, I reached out and touched the cool surface. He looked so pale and the crystal looked like a casket. I pounded on the crystal, but it was like hitting steal. "If we can get Zell free he tell us what's going on with Zack." I looked at Nick, it had to of been Zell that had done this to Zack.


I watched them all from my prison, Kevin was raving about me trapping Zack. I wanted to tell him that it was the only way I could save him. I had used the last of my energy to bring him here. No matter what my mother tried he would have died within a few minutes. Now that Zack was frozen in the crystal he had a chance of surviving until I was free. I didn't even know if I could gain that freedom now, now that Zack couldn't make contact with the crystal. Still it was the only chance he had, now if I could just find a loop hole in this trap. I had set up traps to keep others elf's away so I could keep myself safe. I was surprised that the guys had gotten through my crystal field. My only guess was that my blood had speared them. No matter what the gray elf's had done to them my blood was still in their veins. They could have shortened their lives to what they would have been, but that didn't change the blood. Nick was touching my prison and I could already feel the crystal weakening. I was starting to gain some of my strength back. When Kevin touched the crystal to scream at me the crystal gave way a little more. I was trying to pull my arms to my chest hoping I could blast my way out. When Kevin backed away the crystal regained some of it's strength.

I was a little upset now, but I still had some power back. I pushed with my mind and tried to tell Nick to push my crystal. His head flew up and he looked straight into my eyes. He looked back to the guys and got all of them but Kevin to help him push on my crystal. With every second they were in contact with the crystal I gained more and more strength. The inside of the crystal was becoming more like liquid than crystal. I pulled my arms to my chest and tried pulling in all the power from the area, if I could get enough I could break free. I opened my mind and reached out, I could feel Zack's heart beating. He was going through this with me, he could feel my every emotion. When the crystal gave way a little more I was a little shocked. I hadn't even tried to break out I was just summoning my strength. I opened my eyes to see Kevin right in front of me pushing on the crystal. I decided that I had made a mistake in bringing Zack here, I should have just helped him. I knew this could cost me my life, but I didn't really have a choice. I summoned ever ounce of strength that I had gained and sent it to Zack, hoping to help him. If I could give him enough of my life force and magick I could save him, and bring him back. After I had given him at least fifty more years of life I focused on setting him free from the crystal.


I could see Zell moving within the crystal, he looked like he was in pain. Then he looked at Scott and smiled slowly. Zell opened his mouth, there was a blinding light and all of us fell back. When I could see again the crystal looked back, almost dead. I looked to Scott to see if he was ok. He was grabbing his throat wildly like he was in some kind of pain. I went to his side and pulled his hand away, there wasn't a mark on him. "Howie get over here so you can tell me what's he saying." Howie rushed to my side but Scott wasn't moving his hands. "I don't think your going to need Howie to tell you what I'm trying to say anymore." My jaw dropped and I looked back at the crystal, it was getting darker by the second. "Where the hell are we, and where are my clothes?" I looked backward to see Zack standing outside of the crystal. Kevin was already half way to Zack, when he reached him he picked him up. "Kevin, I'm really happy to see you, but if you keep doing this someone else is going to get happy." I was a little shocked by Zack's boldness on the whole matter. Then again I didn't really blame the guy for being bold. He had one hell of a body, there couldn't be an ounce of fat anywhere on his body. We may have looked a lot alike but his body put mine to shame, not that I wasn't in shape. It was just I could never be that in shape even if I worked out nonstop for the next ten years.

I pulled my eyes away from Zack and looked back at the crystal. For some reason it still looked like it was getting darker. I stood up quickly and placed my hands back on the crystal. For a second it came back to life, inside was a bleeding Zell. He looked really bad, then the crystal started getting dark again. "We have to hurry, everyone get over here now." Everyone came running, one after another all of us had started pushing again. The crystal was getting brighter but Zell wasn't moving all that much. I was getting more worried by the second. What had he been thinking when he had hurt himself to help the others? He had to of known that this would be the outcome, I just didn't understand him. Didn't he understand that we had come here to help him, not get him to kill himself. When the crystal started cracking Brian almost pulled away. "We can't let go until it shattered, any sooner and we could be to late." Brian nodded and kept his hands in place, the crystal started cracking all over. When it shattered I had thought we would get a few cuts. That hadn't happened, it just faded away like it had never existed. I looked at Zell, his chest was moving but only slightly. I picked him up and started back toward the gate way. I didn't care if I looked like an old man by the time I got through the crystal field. I just knew that I had to get Zell to his mother before he died.

The guys were right behind me, Brian was trying to help me. I refused to slow down while I had him in my arms. The only thing I feared was the crystal field that had aged us. I waved to Zack, he ran up to my side really quickly, I told him what we were about to go through. He took Zell away from me and took off like bullet toward the crystal field. I had never seen anyone in my life move as quickly as he did. The second he stepped foot past the crystals they started glowing. He didn't even slow down, if anything he got faster. I tried my best to keep my pace going, but I was already getting tired. I was midway through the field and the others were right behind me. Then all of a sudden the crystals faded away. My strength came rushing back to me like it had never left me. It only made me move faster toward the gate, I had a really bad feeling about this. I had a feeling that Zell had made this field to keep himself safe from attackers. There were only a few reasons it would have just gone away. One being that he was fine and no longer needed them. Another being that he was dead and could no longer support them. I was hoping that the first idea was the right one, even if it didn't seem likely.

When we reached the gate only Zack stood in the opening. "The queen took off with Zell, said she'd be back soon. It doesn't look to good guys, he never moved the whole time I carried him here." Zack was still running around naked, but it wasn't like he really had a choice. Just then he didn't really look all that human, he looked more like an ancient warrior. His hair was a few inches longer than mine and it blew in the wind. I understood what Zell had meant about mystical blood. No matter how hard I tried I would never gain his perfection. He wasn't human on the inside, maybe a little but more elf than human. He looked for the most part human, but there wasn't a flaw anywhere on his body. His body had no hair on it what so ever and his skin was lightly tanned and so smooth. For some reason I couldn't look away, he looked like me, but if you looked close enough he looked nothing like me. I wasn't attracted to him, just festinated by him in so many ways. I noticed the other were looking at him like I was, there was just something about him. The wind that was blowing was a little cold, but that didn't seem to bother him. I guess he had gotten use to the ice cold winds when he was younger and on the streets. I could have never have lived like that, no matter how hard I had tried.

Kevin had moved to be by Zack's side, they looked so perfect together. Like darkness and light forging to become something so much more beautiful. I was just having a hard time picking who was the light and who was the darkness. Then Zack did something that took me by surprise. He leaned into Kevin and allowed Kevin to support some of his weight. It wasn't much but someone that seemed so cold at times it was a sign of love for him. He was showing that he trusted Kevin to keep him standing, and that knew he didn't have to be alone anymore. I smiled to myself and wrapped my arms around Scott, he sighed softly. "I wonder when all of this will end, when we can return to something that at least feels normal." I looked at Scott and smiled, I myself thought normal was highly overrated. Everything that had happened in the past couple of weeks may have been weird, but it was kind of fun. It just proved that you could never really tell what was going to happen next. It also gave me hope that I would lead a very interesting life, even if it was short and sweet. I knew that I would have to live everyday like it was the last of my life. I hoped that I would have chances to do things like this more often. Now that I had met Zell, I hoped that the magick would continue to flow.

I don't really know how long we all stood there waiting. When Taya walked out of nothing she looked saddened. I closed my eyes and prayed it wasn't what I thought it was. "Zell is doing a little better, but looks like he has shortened his life greatly. He will not live more than one hundred years now. With this said I hope you can find it in your hearts to take care of him." I looked at her with confusion, as I'm sure the others guys felt as well. "What do you mean take care of him, are you kicking him out of your kingdom?" She shook her head and looked back toward the mist. A man was moving toward us, he looked a little off balance. "Well, I guess that you'll all have to make room for me in your lives." I knew that voice but it couldn't be, Zell didn't look like that. "It seems I'm more human than elf now, who would have thought that would happen?" Howie's jaw had dropped when Zell got close enough to the light. I looked at Zell from head to toe, he looked amazing. Only his ears weren't pointy anymore and his eyes were a very light baby blue. His skin was a nicely tanned and his hair was a light blond, with white streaks through out his hair. He had no clothing what so ever, but I knew that he could make anything he wanted, no matter how human he was.

I still didn't understand why he had to live with us, not that it bothered me. I found that I liked the idea that he was going to be joining us. "Not that I don't want you with us, but why live on earth. I mean your moms got one bad ass castle and she loves you more than you know." He looked at his mother and kissed her on her cheek then slightly hugged her. "I'm to human now, the others couldn't accept it, and I understand that. My mom over here has tried to talk me into staying. So if you don't mind I would like to crash with you guys. You won't have to worry about feeding me or clothing me I can take care of that. I just need some friends and place to live until I can get on my own." I looked to the others and all of them were smiling. "I don't really see a problem with that Zell, I'm sure one of us has a room for you." He smiled and walked toward us with a grace I guess we would never have. I didn't mind I had a friend that could make my world really interesting. That idea alone got me more hyper then three mountain dews and a box of cookies. "I guess I can give up on the idea of things being normal." I just nodded while Scott started laughing lightly. Zell smiled then draped his arm over my shoulder and his other arm over Howie's shoulder. I noticed that Howie had a very big smile on his lips.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 6

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