Simple Twist of Fate

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on May 29, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB, nor have I ever met them. I do not know anyone connected to the BSB. This is just a story I made up, in other words not real.

Warning: This story may contain sex, you know the rules that apply to that. I'm not for sure where I'm taking this, so it could get a little crazy. Oh, little fact it involves an Elf, I'm not going by the rules, or mythology. Well, I might just a little but not all that much.

Authors Note: Ok the symbols I use are as follows, *** those mean either a character change or who I'm starting the chapter off with. Now I haven't been using () these here lately but I'm putting them in here just in case. I use those symbols when I want to add a note or change. Ok on with the story, I'm sure your tired of hearing me rant. Or maybe you even skipped this part, oh well I wrote it any way. If anyone would like to write me please do so.

Extra Note: Everyone should go read the story The Debt, it's amazing and wonderfully written. A lot better than my own so go check out as soon as you can.


The trip was short and without any problems, it was to easy. In my eyes I had thought this would be harder. The others looked a little dizzy, all but Zack he seemed fine. Kalen stood in front of what looked like a bed, his smile only angered me. "Oh Kalen, and I thought you were different from the rest of your race. I guess this only goes to show just how wrong we both were. I didn't think I would ever be able to kill another living being, you've changed that." He didn't look shocked, I didn't think he would. "You've changed so much Zell, your nothing like you use to be. I think your ready now, to become what I always hoped you would." Instantly I felt fear deep in my soul, he knew this would happen. I just hoped that he hadn't planned on the help I had gotten. I knew that he could see them, but he didn't know my blood now ran through their vein's. "I'm impressed you've brought warriors, but they have no weapons." It was my turn to smile, then I knelt down to the ground. The dirt that was in my hand became a sword, I through the sword to Kevin. He caught it with no trouble, it remained a sword. "Why Kalen they have all the weapons in the world. But that isn't the reason their here, I want Nick back now. Give him to them, then you and I will have our words." He shook his head slowly then raised his hand.

I watched as other gray elf's walked out of air, they had been waiting. "You said that I was stronger, let's find out just how much." I reached within my soul and pulled with every fiber of my being. Pain shot through my chest, one of the gray elf's had fired an arrow into my chest. I looked at the arrow and then back at Kalen, he looked highly upset. I fell to my knees the pain was so intense, I had never felt this kind of pain. In seconds I found myself wishing I could see my mother once again. It was getting harder to breath, this couldn't be happening. I was just given all of this power, how could it not help me now. I refused to let my life end like this, I looked back at the men I had brought with me. Kevin was fading in and out of existents, I had to keep him grounded. If I couldn't then I would have to try and end this quickly. I searched my blood line for the powers of that the other races had once had. I felt the fire from my peoples past, then I felt the true power. I looked at the other gray elf's, they seemed so weak now. I opened my hands and the fire raged outward toward them. They easily through it off, it was what I had hoped they would do. I laughed loudly, which only led them to think I had lost my mind. "Kevin, you and the others get Nick and get out of here." Kalen looked at me with something like regret.

Kalen stepped away from the others and moved toward us. He raised his hand and launched spears of ice toward us. They didn't even make it three feet before they faded away. "Interesting move Zell, I didn't see it coming, but it will do you no good. Once they leave here they will go back to the way things use to be. In that world I believe Nick was dying, and all of them would forget. Well, all of them but Nick that is, he would still remember. I doubt that would do him any good, I believe he only had hours left to live. That would be enough if he could continue to move, but he had only minutes left when it came to him staying awake. It's interesting how you lose no matter which way you go about this fight Zell." He was right I couldn't win this, and Nick would pay the price along with the others. "I don't believe you are correct Kalen, I will not let my son die here. He will still have the chance to save the boy." I turned to see my mother standing behind the guys. She had an army with her, and she looked very upset. "I made a very big mistake when I told my son to leave. I should have realized how important he was to us, and to me. You feared a war Kalen, well now you have a war, you have attacked the crown prince of the golden elf's. For that you have started a war between our people that will only end darkness." I had never been happier in my whole life, this was what I had dreamed of.

I pulled myself up from the ground, then ripped the arrow from my chest. I found that I had more strength when my people were near by. When I had reached out I had found my mother's soul. I hadn't known if she would come, when I had heard her voice my heart had skipped a beat. I raised my hand once again, and this time it was fueled by my people. The fire raged outward once again, this time the gray elf's fought it. They pushed against it with everything that they had. I was slowly gaining ground, then they were gone. Kalen stood in his place and looked at me, he shook his head and tried to leave. "Your power is gone, this realm is no longer yours Kalen, it is mine." I could see the fear quaking through his body. "It may be yours, but you don't know all of it's secrets now do you?" I looked to my mother, she was fading away quickly. She reached out to me, trying to help me. Then she was nothing more than a ghost, soon to be pushed from this realm. "Make sure they survive mother, it is up to you now." She shook her head as she faded away, back to earth. I looked to Kevin, then the others that stood close to him. Scott looked scared but he refused to give in until Nick was safe. "I am sorry that you will not remember this, but it is the only way." I pushed them out then looked to Nick, I just hoped my mother got to him in time.

I looked back at Kalen as the boys faded away, then Nick joined them. Now it was only Kalen and myself, he still looked scared. "Welcome to your death Kalen, such a fitting end. After this I will leave and fix everything you have screwed up. My mother is already doing her best to save Nick. I'm sure she will come through for me, now to deal with you once and for all." Kalen was smiling lightly as he looked at me, so I decided I would wipe the smile off his lips. I tried to move toward him only to find that my legs weren't working. I looked down to see that some kind of crystal forming around my feet. "You may be able to kill me, put you won't be leaving this place. There's only one way out and that's for those you've touched to save you. Then again they won't really know how to save you will they?" I didn't care if I was going to turn into a crystal, I was taking Kalen down with me. I reached out and used the land against him, at first it only shook. This didn't scare Kalen, to bad for him, then little spikes burst out of the ground. Kalen's screams of pain were touching in some way. I made sure that he looked like something out of a horror movie. It was the last thing I was able to see, then slowly they crystal took my head. I thought that it would have killed me, but it didn't. I was still alive, only now I was powerless, and frozen in place.


I woke up to bright lights and something in my throat. There was this huge amount of pain rolling over my body. I passed back out, when I woke up next I was in a hospital bed. I could see the guys outside the room, they looked worried. I shook my head a few time, how could this be happening. Then it hit me, all of it must have been nothing more than a dream. It had to be the most important dream that I had ever had in my whole life. It made me realize just how important this life really was, it also made me wonder. I still had these feelings for Scott, but he was only a dream. A dream that would make my world go round. Brian was entering the room slowly, he was the first to notice I was awake. He looked worried, but something else was behind his eyes. I could see the anger in them, it was understandable. I had just tried to kill myself, but that felt like a long time ago. I was having problems with the dream I had just had, it wouldn't fade. It was like a memoire that I had made. It felt so strong, and the love I felt for Scott, but he was only a dream. He couldn't be real, but that didn't matter any longer, my dreams gave me hope. My dreams allowed me to think that I could someday find a true love. For the first time in years I once again had faith.

Time went by like it had never done so before, soon we were on the road again. Everything was like it was before I had tried to kill myself. The guys never said anything, I don't think they knew what to say. They all looked at me differently, Kevin most of all he had this great sadness in his eyes. When he looked at me it was like he was seeing me for the first time. I decided it was time I asked him what was on his mind. "Hey Kev, just wondering what your thinking about. So could you tell me or am I going to have to tickle it out of you?" He looked up and smiled slowly, but it wasn't like the old times. "It's nothing Nick, just a weird dream I keep having about this guy. The weird part is he look's just like you, only his eyes are gray. In my dreams he tells me that he loves me that he has always loved me. Only I don't say anything back to him, and he takes it the wrong way. Then before I can open my lips and tell him that I've been looking for him, he's gone. It's just really weird, I know I've never met him before, but something tells me I have. That is just beyond the looking glass, it's why I look out at the crowd a little more often. I keep hoping that I'll see him in the background or something." I looked at him and chills went up my spine.

I didn't really know what to say, but it sounded like something from my dreams. "What was his name Kevin, maybe we could look for him?" Kevin looked up and shook his head slowly. "It was only a dream Nick, just a dream. I never really got his name, it's like it's there but I can't reach it. His eyes are so sad, and so cold, it like he was never given a chance. I know this is going to sound so crazy, but something tells me he's led two different lives. Not like he lives as two different people, you know like us. More like in one life he was here, then in this one he isn't." I understood everything he was telling me and I agreed. Then I started wondering if my dream was a dream at all. Could all of it had been real, could Zell really be real. Something had happened to him in the dream, I had gone to help him only to be betrayed. I was wondering if that could have led to what was happening right now. Could something have happened to send me back like the wish hadn't been granted? My mind was whirling with the thought that Scott could be very real. "Have you talked to the others about this, I mean have any of them had the same kind of dreams?" Kevin looked around to make sure no one was in ear shot. "I've asked them, but they just look at me like I'm crazy." I nodded slowly, it was starting to make sense to me, and for some reason that scared me.

I was connected to Scott, and for some reason Kevin was connected to this guy. The others didn't really have connections to the other world. Well, none that I knew of, maybe they did but didn't remember. My head was starting to hurt like something was trying to keep me from remembering. I looked at Kevin, he was holding his head tightly. His face was turning a light red, he looked like he was in great pain. Then he looked up like nothing had ever happened. "I'm sorry Nick what were you saying, something about weird dreams or something?" My head stopped hurting, then everything became clear. It was the gray elf's they were keeping the others from remembering. "Never mind Kevin, but I think we should spend some extra time in Kentucky when we go." Kevin smiled brightly, his mind was being clouded. "Sounds nice any area you want to check out?" I nodded I had an idea I just hoped it paid off. I left Kevin hanging and moved toward Brian I had a few things I needed to ask him. Zell had told me that Brian had pulled this other guy into the band. I hoped that I could find this guy, and there were only a few big cities in that area. The first was Louisville, it was a nice city, and the people were really nice.

It was also one of the only cities that had a huge crime rate. With the information I had some from where I had no clue. It was like someone was dropping little notes into my mind. This guy had a really bad past in this world, he had a hard life. That much I knew which meant he had to be in a place where he could cause some trouble. Then I added the fact that Brian had to be close to that area. Lexington was only an hour and a half away from Louisville. So it would make sense that this guy had to be in that area some where. Well, I was doing a lot of hoping and praying he was in the area. If he was connected to Kevin, then maybe when they met it would bring both of their memories back. Now all I had to was find the link between Brian and this other guy, I just hoped that they had met in this world. I had no idea how all of that had come about, I was just guessing he had seen him sing somewhere. I found Brian talking to Howie in a closed off area. "I'm worried about them both D, I mean first Nick tries to kill himself. Then Kevin ask us if were having weird dream about another world. I think their under to much presser, we need to take a break." I shook my head, if we took a break all of this could be lost for good.

I had to find a way to keep everything moving, and fast. I walked about ten feet away from Brian and Howie, then I kicked some boxes. It made enough nose to get Brian's attention. He looked out and saw me picking up my little mess, then he came to help me. "Brian, do you think you and I could talk for a little bit?" He looked up at me and smiled brightly, then he nodded. I looked over at Howie and he took off really quickly, ok step one compete. "I'm really sorry about what happened in New York, and I know it was really dumb. I am so happy that were still on tour, I would lose my mind if we weren't. It helps you know, it's like I can take my mind off my worries for now. I still deal with everything only now I have something to help take my mind off everything. That way I can take a break here and there, but still deal, know what I mean?" I looked at Brian with my best little kid look. He slowly nodded then gave me a hug, it was a sweet thought. Then he jumped up really quickly, told me he would be right back. I watched him as he went after Howie, mission complete.

We had three days off before our concert in Lexington. I took this time to set up a small road trip to Louisville. I got Brian and Kevin to go with me, while AJ and Howie decided to stay at Kevin's. Everything was working out wonderfully, and I don't think I could be any happier. Brian was telling about the times he would go to Louisville to shop at the malls. The city had four or five malls in different areas, and some really beautiful churches. Then he started talking about this guy he met at a church one time. He was singing all by himself in an empty church. Then he looked at me and told me the guy had reminded him of me. Only that this guy had gray eyes, but that wasn't the only weird thing about his eyes. He said that once he got a really good look at them he could see a golden color on the edges. Then he shook his head and went onto another subject, I didn't want to stop him just yet. I looked at Kevin to see if it had gotten his attention, it hadn't. It was like his mind had been completely wiped of all the memories now. I shook my head, I had to find a way to get back on the guy subject. After about an hour of driving, maybe more I'm not for sure. I had kind of gotten lost in my train of thought. Now we were in Louisville, and I had another brain storm. "Hey Bri, why don't you take us that church where you met that guy?" Brian looked at me oddly then nodded without another thought.

Brian was right they had some really beautiful churches. "This place has gotten bigger since I was here the last time." I looked at the doors then walked up the stairs, it was a nice little walk. "How many times did you come here before you joined up with us?" Brian looked at me then at the church a few times. "Three I think, I came back to talk to Zack, that guy I was talking about. Every time I came I found him sitting by himself singing. He has this amazing voice, almost like yours but he could change it. I swear the boy could mimic anything he heard down the last note. The last time we spoke he told me that he was going all natural. I didn't understand what he had meant until he started singing. His voice was almost as deep as Kevin's but it could go higher then Kev's. It was really beautiful. Then he gave me his number, told me to call him if I ever needed a back up singer. I tried years ago, but his phone had been disconnected. Don't you remember Kev, I mean I asked you about it before I called." Kevin looked at Brian and shook his head slowly. "Oh well, I wonder if he still comes here, let's go find out." We all entered the church quietly, it was almost empty. Brian looked around then shook his head, I guessed Zack wasn't here.

I thought about what Brian had said, was it really that close? This guy could have had my spot in this band. I shook my head slowly and looked back toward Brian, he was moving toward the front of the church. Then I saw who he was walking toward, it was an old man. I guessed that the man was the preacher or maybe the head of the church. Brian talked to him for a few minutes then he started shaking his head. When he walked back to Kevin and myself he looked a little down. "What did you find out?" He looked up then back toward the man he had spoken to. "He use to know Zack, only problem is he hasn't seen him in a while. I asked if he knew if anything had happened to him, but he looked a little reluctant to talk about it. I kept asking him until he told me what he knew, but I can't say I like the answer. He told me that Zack had lost his way, which confused me a lot. Then I asked how and he explained that at first he thought Zack would pull through his problems. I swear that guy is more confusing than AJ after he's had a few. Anyway, he said the last time he head anything about him he was living at some house by himself. It seems Zack's mother died when he was thirteen. He was put in foster care, since his dad took off when he was six. This guy has had nothing but trouble in his life since day one." Brian shook his head and started toward the doors.

I put my hand on his shoulder, I had to know everything that had happened to him. "Is that all, I mean there has to be more Bri?" He turned around then looked back toward the man he had spoken with. "Nick, he's just a guy that had a hard life, we shouldn't be invading his space. There's more but it's not really any of our business now is it." I shook my head and moved toward the man Brian had talked with. "Excuse me sir, you just spoke my friend over there." The man grabbed his mouth then he looked into my eyes. "You look just like Zack, it's amazing, only your eyes aren't as cold. Are you by any chance a member of his family?" I shook my head and smiled to the man, he smiled back. "That's a good thing, because if you were I would have to ask you to leave. Now what was it you wanted to ask young man?" I looked back at Brian, he looked a little upset. "Well, my friend asked you about Zack, I was wondering if you could give me some information. I really want to help him, but I don't think I can if I can't find him." The man smiled sweetly then nodded slowly. He placed his hand on my shoulder and led me toward the front of the church. Then he offered me a seat that I took, he then sat down beside me. "So how do you think you could help him, even if I could help you to find him." I smiled to myself and thought of the love I could bring into his life

"Well, I think I could give him a hand in making his dreams come true. I can't really tell you how, but it would help him a great deal." The man smiled and nodded slowly then took a deep breath. "I lost track of Zack about a year ago, he use to be such a good boy. When he lost his mother to that car accident it broke everyone's heart. Then we found that he had no other place to go. They put him in foster care, but he tried to remain in contact. It worked for a good amount of time then one day it just stopped. I started looking into what could have happened to him, but what I found was quite shocking. He had ran away from his foster home, no one knew why. They never found him, then one day he shows up in the church. He was singing again, only now his voice wasn't so up lifting. His song was that of his life, of great loss and sadness. I had tried to talk to him but he wouldn't allow it. He told me that his life had changed to much, that it was time to let go of the past. I had tried to talk him into staying, I told him I would help him. He looked at me with the saddest eyes I have ever seen, then he said that he was beyond help. Then almost like he was a different person, his eyes turned to ice. They were stone cold, like that of a tombstone, it broke my heart." The man had looked away to hide the tears that were falling.

"You see when Zack was a little boy he was filled with light. He always gave everyone a reason to smile. I remember this one time when he saved a dog from getting hit by a car. He was only eight, and he took off running into the street, it had scared me to death. But he managed to get to the other side with the dog in his arms. I had never seen someone move so quickly in my life. He was smiling and laughing up a storm when his mother got to him. He looked up at her and smiled even wider, she had been mad but once he smiled so did she. Then to see him so cold and sad, it's like I was able to see his heart turning to stone. Like I said I lost track about a year ago, from what I understand he lives in the South end. That's near Churchill downs, not a good part of town by the way. His last address was in that area, weather he still lives there or not I don't know. I wish I could help you more, well maybe I can. A little warning don't sneak up on him, I hear he carries weapons now." I nodded and walked back toward the guys Brian looked highly confused. "Why does this guy mean so much to you Nick, he can't be that important." I only smiled, then looked at Brian, I tried to find the guy I had met so many years ago. "I just want to help him Brian, it's the least I could do." That confused him, but I didn't really care it was time to start my search.


I woke up from another weird dream about a guy named Kevin. I had been having these dreams since I was ten. I was really starting to hate them with a passion. It didn't help that he looked just like the guy in BSB. I knew that it was just another pipe dream, there was no way I'd ever find love. Not that I wanted that anyway, in the dream he loved me, but then I woke up. The weird part was that I woke up in the dreams, and it was all a lie. Then I would wake up in the real world and go through my normal day of work. I hated working at the video store, it was so lame. What I really wanted to do was sing, but that wasn't going to happen any time soon. I had a good voice, but where would a voice get you when you lived like I did. I didn't have any family that considered me a part of it. I had been on my own since I fourteen, I liked it that way. I could sleep with whoever I wanted to and be gone the next morning. I had a few guys that called me, that's why I stopped paying the phone bill. I jumped out of my bed and walked into my living room. I turned the TV on and watched the morning news, another boring day. I turned the TV off and moved to the kitchen. I made myself some toast and ate it quickly, I planned on getting to work on time. After the toast I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I got dressed strapped my dagger onto my back then grabbed my roller blades. I was out of the house and on my way to work.

If there was one thing I loved to do it was blade. I loved the speed I could move at and tricks I could pull off. Well, they weren't really tricks, not ones you could really use in anything. I had learned to use my blades as a weapon after I was attacked when using them. I had been skating down the street and this jerk jumped me, it wasn't a good choice. He had hurt me I'll give him that much, but I got the last punch in. Well, more like the last five punches and seven stomps. I left him laying there on the side walk, I saw him a few weeks later. He ran away very quickly, I had laughed my ass off. Now I found myself getting closer to my job, how I hated working at this place. I liked my coworkers in fact I loved them, it was just customers. I wasn't much a people person, well I was but I wasn't. I could handle the nice people, it was just the ones that thought they knew everything. I had almost gone over the counter a few times trying to get at them. My manger liked me far to much to fire me, so she covered for me. It was a wild little store after closing, I guess that's why I hadn't quit. I had enough money saved up to go a few months without working. The house I lived in was paid for, I owed that to my mother. It hadn't been put in my name until I was eighteen. Even then there were taxes to pay which my mother also took care of.

On top of that she left a good amount of money for me to survive on. The only thing I didn't get it until I was twenty-one and that was a few months away. I'm sure that by now it was adding up really nicely. I knew what I was going to do with it when I got it, I had been planning since I was a kid. I was going to use the money to get into the music business. I had a few ideas about how to go about it, and I even had a band if I needed one. I was going to be famous one day, even if it killed me getting there. I sat down outside the store and took my blades off. I slipped my shoes on and walked in, I saw my favorite person in the whole world. "Sarah, I thought you had the day off, what happened?" She looked up and smiled slowly. "I have to cover for Tim, he called in this morning." I nodded slowly then clocked in. "So what do we have to do today, anything special?" She shook her head and I sighed, another boring day was coming to a start. After about thirty customers I was ready to kill the next person that walked through the doors. Sarah was putting some video's back up in the shelf, what a wonderful day I was having. "So have you been hitting the gym at all, you look a little stronger?" I smiled I had been hitting the gym at least four times a week for the past two years.

I wasn't trying to gain any real muscle, just to get perfectly toned. I don't think I could gain muscle if I wanted to. I could never really gain any weight, and I had tried a few times. I weighed one hundred and eighty pounds, and all of it was muscle. I thought it would help if I looked half way decent when I tired to get a record label. I was told that I looked like Nick Carter, which got on my nerves more than anything. It wasn't that I didn't like the guy it was just I didn't like being compared to him. That's why I hit the gym so much, there was no way he could have my muscle. I had worked to hard to get it for him to have the same thing. I took dance classes two times a week and vocal lessons three times a week. On top of that I had the gym, I was in the best health that I could be. Still people said I looked like Nick Carter, I have even been mobbed at malls. I hated shopping now, something I never liked anyway. Just thinking about it made me anger than anything else in the world. I was pulled at of my daze by a customer tapping me on my forehead. I grabbed his hand and squeezed really hard then took it to the counter. "Don't you ever touch me, do you understand that buddy?" He looked up like he was scared then he took off really quickly.

Once my shift ended I was out of there as quickly as I could move. I put my blades on and down the street I went. I had to get to home and then to the gym, after that I could come back home and sleep. When I turned the corner for my street I noticed that a few guys were standing outside of my house. I was half tempted to charge them then kick their asses. There was only one problem, there was a dark haired man with them. He looked just like the man in my dreams. I slowed down and looked at them from a short distance. I knocked myself out of the daze and continued on my short trip. I stopped about two feet from them. "Can I help you guys with something, or are you going to stare at my house all day?" The tall blond turned and looked at me, and I had to admit my heart stopped. It was like looking into a mirror, only his eyes were a lot prettier than mine. I reached out and touched his face, he returned the favor. I didn't really like it when people touched my face. For some reason I didn't mind him touching my face it was like I was doing it myself. Then everything went dark, I guess I had passed out. When I woke up I was on my couch while two guys watched me. I sat up really quickly and looked at them. The shortest one, I knew him from somewhere, I had no idea where but I knew his face.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 4

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