Simple Twist of Fate

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on May 27, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB, nor have I ever met them. I do not know anyone connected to the BSB. This is just a story I made up, in other words not real.

Warning: This story may contain sex, you know the rules that apply to that. I'm not for sure where I'm taking this, so it could get a little crazy. Oh, little fact it involves an Elf, I'm not going by the rules, or mythology. Well, I might just a little but not all that much.

Authors Note: Ok the symbols I use are as follows, *** those mean either a character change or who I'm starting the chapter off with. Now I haven't been using () these here lately but I'm putting them in here just in case. I use those symbols when I want to add a note or change. Ok on with the story, I'm sure your tired of hearing me rant. Or maybe you even skipped this part, oh well I wrote it any way. If anyone would like to write me please do so.


I was starting to worry about Zell, I hadn't seen him in a few days. I didn't really understand my attachment to him. He was a weird little elf that had changed my life in ways I had only dreamed about. I couldn't really blame him for anything that happened, he had only granted my wish. Plus he had made sure I wouldn't be going into this blind, then there was Scott. Zell had given me something I had never had in my other life, he had given me true love. It's not like I didn't love my friends or that they didn't love me. It was just that Scott made me feel alive, it was like he completed me. When I looked into his eyes I could see spending my whole life with him. I hadn't really thanked Zell for everything that he had done for me. I didn't really know if I would ever see him again, I hoped that I would. Only this time I wanted him to meet Scott, it was something I just had to ask him. He had become really important to me, he was like an angel. That's what I thought about Zell, no one could give what he gave to me. Well, that wasn't true, his race could give the same gift to others. That didn't change the fact that he had chosen me out of millions of other humans. He had given me a gift that he could only give once in his life time.

My phone was ringing very loudly bringing me out of my daze. "Hello, how can I help you?" Who ever had called wasn't answering, I was about to hang up when I head a whisper. I held the phone closer to my ear, the voice I had heard it before. "Nick, help me please, I can't use my magick." A chill went up my spine, his voice alone sounded so weak. "Where are you, and what the hell happened?" I heard Zell coughing, he was in some major pain. "I don't really know, there's water, lots of water. I'm a beach I think, and close by. Please Nick, I don't know who else I can turn to, it was the price I had to pay." He was still talking but I couldn't understand him his voice was failing him. I hung up the phone and ran out of the house, it had to be close to midnight. I stopped for a second and then ran back into the house. I called Scott and asked him to come over as quickly and as safely as he could. Twenty minutes later he pulled up and I jumped in the car, and off we went. He didn't ask any questions, he only drove where I asked him to drive. It was getting close to four am when we pulled up to a strange looking beach. I knew we were in the right place, the sand was blue and red. It was amazing and close to the center of the colors I could see a phone booth. Scott stopped the car just as I jumped out, I heard foot steps behind me shortly after.

When I got to the phone what I saw made my heart freeze. Zell had what I guessed to be blood all over his body. He looked thinner than before, he looked like a dying flower. When he looked up at me his eyes were solid black. Scott was shaking slightly and stopped me when I reached down to help Zell. "Nick, I don't know what that is but it doesn't look like you should touch it." I shook his hand away and knelt down to Zell's level, he looked so weak. "Nick, I didn't think you could find me, can you help me stand?" I nodded slowly and wrapped my arms around him. As I lifted up I noticed that he was as light as a feather. Scott stood back for a few seconds then moved to Zell's other side. We moved him to the car and laid him down in the back. I then moved to the passenger side and hopped in. Scott got in the drivers side and started the car, we started back toward my house. "Should we take him to the hospital, or a vet?" I looked at Scott and wondered how he was handling all of this. "He isn't an animal, but he isn't human either, I don't know where to take him." I looked back to see Zell who way laying very still, almost like he was dead. That thought sent fear shoot through my whole body, could he be dead? It wasn't something I wanted to find out just yet. I looked back at Scott and decided that I should tell him the whole story.

His breathing wasn't normal, he looked worried. I knew what he was thinking, he was thinking that I was losing my mind. "Look I know it all sounds really weird, but take a look in your back seat." Scott started shaking his head, tears were forming in his eyes. "It's not that, it's that I believe you, in my dreams I live a different life. One where I'm alone and searching for you, and now this. It makes everything so clear, oh my God Nick, do you know what happened a few days ago?" I looked at him confused, what on earth could be talking about. "You said that in the other life you were a Backstreet boy right, well a few nights ago Kevin Richardson died. It's been all over the news, I know with your job you don't really have time to watch TV but I thought you knew." I had a hard time breathing, Kevin was dead. I never thought anything like this could ever happen. Zell had warned me that something like this could happen that it most likely would happen. I looked back at him, he was looking worse by the second. "I have to contact Brian, and tell him to get the surgery. If he doesn't he's going to die, I can't let that happen." Scott nodded and pulled up in the driveway, then he looked back at Zell. "Brian is going to be fine, I made sure of it, I paid the price." I looked back at Zell, his eyes were open and tears trailed down his face.

I now understood what had happened to him, he couldn't save Kevin. On the other hand he could try to save Brian, I just didn't understand how. "The gray elf's granted my wish and healed him. I didn't know it then, but I had to pay a price for their help. I'll live but I need to rest for a while, and my powers should return in a few days." I looked at him and nodded, he had gotten himself hurt for me. He wasn't looking any better and his voice still sounded weak. Scott looked at him then places his hand on his arm. "Thank you for everything you've given me. If I hadn't found Nick I don't know what I would be doing." Zell smiled slightly and nodded, then he closed his eyes. "How are you going to keep him a secret in your house?" I looked at Scott I really hadn't thought about that, and no one ever really knocked. "I could let him stay at my place, it's not like I don't have the room." I didn't need my memories to tell me that Scott lived alone. I had been to his home more than once since I had taken this new life on. That didn't stop me from trying to remember why he lived alone. So I closed my eyes and thought back in time to when I had known. It was something Zell had shown me before he had left on his mission.

My mind clouded over slowly and I could see myself, in some ways it was like a movie. Scott was standing over five graves, each held the name of one of his loved one. I had been with him on the day he had gotten the call. Even now I could feel the amount of pain that had taken me that day. His whole family had been in a car on the way to the beach. Scott had stayed behind to spend some time with me, some down time that we had needed. When the phone had started ringing I had raced him to pick it up. He had beat me, but only because he had jumped over the couch. We had been laughing until he had started listening to the person on the line. His face changed then he slowly looked up to me, his head started shaking. The tears that fell seconds later shattered my world. I had moved to his side holding him trying to learn the reason to the tears. When he had told me what was happening, what had happened. I didn't know what to say, all I could say was that I would always be by his side. It had taken months to clear everything up, in all that time Scott hadn't shed another tear. Then late one night I found him standing outside my window. He wasn't wearing much clothing his whole body shook with pain. It had been raining that night, but I could still see the tears falling.

I had slipped out of my window and held him tightly to my chest. We stood there for what seemed like no time at all. When he had finally pulled away the sun was starting to rise. The rain had stopped falling but the tears still fell heavily as his eyes met mine. We hadn't spoken since I had climbed out of my window. No words were needed as we left my house and got into his car. I had stayed at his house for three days just losing ourselves in one another. I had to come up with reasons to keep my secret but it wasn't hard. Then my mind began to clear, I was slowly coming back to the now. When I opened my eyes it was like no time had passed at all. "Sounds like a good idea, what do you think Zell?" All he could do was nod slowly then he was out like a light. I looked around then kiss Scott on the lips. I pulled back and got out of the car, he had this silly grin on his lips. Then he pulled out and drove away I took a deep breath and entered my home. My mother was waiting, she was sitting in her favorite chair just looking at me. "Morning Mom, just went out for a walk, hope I didn't worry you." She looked up slowly and shook her head, then she rose slowly. "I'm not blind Nick, nor am I stupid, I know what's going on." My heart started racing, and I wondered how this would turn out this time.

I looked away toward the door, the last time this had happened it hadn't been so good. My mother had yelled at me for an hour, then she started asking why. I turned back and looked into her eyes, I didn't see any anger. "Look Nick your my son and I love you, nothing will ever change that. I just wish that you could trust me more, I don't care if your gay. I'm not going to lie to you honey, I do worry about this affecting your life in a bad way. Now don't get me wrong, I'm talking about the danger that's involved. From what I've seen on TV, it scares me. I don't know what I would do if I were to ever lose you Nick." I couldn't stop the tears from falling, why couldn't she be like this in my other life? I didn't understand this, how could so much have changed from life to life? She wrapped her arms around my upper body pulling me down to her level. I held onto her tightly, in my other life I had stopped talking to her. I still hung out with the rest of my family, but I stayed away from my mother. I had dreamed that someday this is what she would do. I had to find out why things had changed so much, I had to talk to Zell. It would have to wait until later, I was way to tired to head to Scott's. I talked with my mother for a little while longer then went to bed. It was the most peaceful sleep that I had ever had.

I woke up seven hours later, I had to get to work and fast. I was five minutes late, but my manger wasn't worried about it. So far this was the first time I had been late, so that helped. After a short shift I left work and went straight to Scott's, I had been worried about Zell all day. Scott was sitting on his couch when I walked in, he looked up then away. I moved to his side placing my hand on his, he looked at me. "I have some bad news about Zell, well I really don't now if it's bad. I gave him my bed last night and when I went to check on him this morning. Well, there was this stuff all over him, it look's like a cocoon. It's as hard as a rock, and I couldn't hear anything moving inside." I took a few deep breaths, it was nothing to worry about. It could be but since Zell wasn't human it could be the best thing for him. I wished that I knew more about elf's then maybe I could decide what to do. "Most likely it's what his kind does to heal, they are really in tune with the earth." Scott nodded slowly then looked toward his bed room, I decided that now was the time to tell him. I got his attention then told him what had happened that morning. At first he had been worried, but that had soon turned to happiness. Scott's only reason for keeping our relationship a secret was for me. Now everything was changing, and so quickly.

I worked for the next few days, every night I would check in on Zell. Nothing had changed, he was still in that strange cocoon. We hadn't even thought of moving him from Scott's room. I arrived at Scott's around seven in the morning, he was wide awake reading the news paper. "Hey guess what I found on my way over here." He looked up and smiled slowly, something was off. "Ok but first you have to guess who woke up." I stopped my movements and took off toward Scott's room. I looked at the bed to see that the cocoon was gone. I heard the shower shutting off so I raced into the bath room. When Zell opened the door I was caught off guard. He looked nothing like he had just days ago. His hair was white with strands of other colors, his body looked more human. Not that he didn't look human before, but now he looked like a dream. He had gained some major muscle, he also looked taller. When I looked into his eyes I had thought they would be changing colors. They weren't, they were gray, with a slight hint of gold on the outer regions. He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders like he didn't know what I was seeing. Then it hit me, maybe he didn't know what he looked like now. "Nick if you keep looking at me like that I'm going to tell Scott." Then he smiled and stepped the rest of the way out of the shower.

He moved right past me and into the hallway, then toward the living room. He looked carefree and as happy as he could be. I followed him, Scott looked confused then looked at me. "Now I see why you were so worried, he look's a lot different when's all cleaned up." Zell looked at me like Scott had lost his mind. "I haven't changed at all, what are you talking about?" I noticed that his voice had changed slightly, it was deeper more human. Zell stopped dead in his tracks, he grabbed his throat then looked to me. He ran past and seconds later I heard the most pain filled scream I had ever heard. "Kalen where are you, you did this to me!" Zell came charging out of the bathroom, his hair was like fire. I had never seen anything like it in my whole life, it was scary and beautiful at the same time. Then a man walked out of thin air, and I mean it just like that. He wasn't there a second ago and then he just stepped out of nothing. "Calm down Zell, it was the only way, it was my only choice. You had to pay the price for a gray elf's help, that price was your life. I couldn't kill you, but I had to take you to the edge of death. I had to kill you, but I couldn't, so I made you different. You are the start of a new race Zell, a stronger one. You are part gray, human, and your old race. It was the only way I could save you." Zell had tears streaming down his face, it didn't belong on his face.

Kalen was moving toward Zell, but before he could reach him he was gone. "I have to find him before he goes to his mother. If she sees him like this without being warned she will try to attack him." He looked at me and smiled slowly, then he held his hand out. "You can help him, if you want, I could use your help in saving him." I took his hand and looked back at Scott, he was fading away. "He can't come with us, his life hasn't been as affected as yours has. With or without you he would still be in the same place, Zell on the other hand wouldn't." I was now in a place where nothing looked real, it was awesome. "It will take us longer to travel since I've brought you with me, but it's worth it. You see there is a way to make Zell like he use to be, and bring your friend back to life." I looked at him closely, I knew where this was going. He was going to give me a chance to change the world again. I just didn't know if I could I mean I was now living my dream of a normal life. He looked at me and nodded slowly, I could tell that he was reading my thoughts. Zell had told me others like him had the gift, only it was after they had been around a long time. I had a feeling that the gray elf's had always had this gift. "He's told you a lot, I'm impressed that he would trust you with such information." I looked at him, since he was reading my mind there was no reason to speak.

He almost started laughing when that thought entered his mind. "Ok I'm sorry old habits are hard to break, I'll stop reading your mind. I understand why you wouldn't want to give this life up. I'm just worried that this will cause a war between the races. Even the witches would be pulled in the war. Even if they don't know it, they've been waiting for it. It haunts their dreams every night, they see the war that will bring down all the walls." I looked up at him, why was he telling me this, I didn't even have a drop of mystic blood in my body. "I can understand why you would want me to take my wish back, but do you really understand why I made the wish? I mean I know you've most likely read my mind, but have you even looked at my heart. If Zell hadn't came to me that day I would have died. I was going to kill myself, I had already taken the pills, I was just waiting to die. Then he came out of nowhere and saved me in so many ways. You knew that didn't you, I mean you know everything. The good the bad, or is it you only know what you want to know. Wait a minute, you said that Zell was the first of a new race, that's why you want me to take it back. You saved him since it was the only thing you could do, but you fear you've made him stronger than you." He didn't looked even slightly shocked, he only smiled. "I wonder what he would do to save you Nick, I really wonder. After all he's connected to your soul as well, in one life he was your brother, in another your father, he has always watched over you did you know that?" Then it was like the night had taken hold of my soul and pulled me into nothingness.


I stood before my mothers kingdom, her castle. I had entered this place so many times without second thought. I knew now would be the first time I would have to ask to enter. I looked nothing like any other race on earth, and I never would again. I had already tried to change my shape. I could make myself look human, and other animals weren't a problem. I just couldn't make myself look like I had once looked, it was like being stabbed in the heart. My natural form was something I would have to learn to live with, if my mother couldn't reverse it. I stood outside the gates that no human would ever see. I reached out and touched the gate hoping to alert some of the guards. When my hand touched the metal it burned like fire. I pulled back looking upward, I didn't understand this pain. There were no marks on my hand yet the pain raged through my body. The guards were coming and quickly, they were armed with mystical weapons. I looked at them and raised my arms, hoping they wouldn't attack. I soon found myself in chains and being dragged into the castle. I didn't fight I knew that would only cause problems. When I was thrown in front of my mother I knew that she had no idea who I was.

I kept my head lowered, it would do no good to look into her eyes. I no longer held those eyes I had new ones with a lifeless color. "What are you, and what do you want with me?" I raised my head slightly and looked at her from a distance. "I don't know what I am, I do know who I am and that is your son. I came here to ask for your help, since I have no control over this new form." The guards had taken a deep intake of breath, my mother looked shocked. "You aren't my son, and for making such a calm I should take your life. I'm a fair queen, so I won't, but tell me why do you calm to be my son?" I looked up are her and stood tall. The chains that held my body fell the ground, then I opened my mind to her. "Because I am who I say I am, and no one else in this kingdom besides you and I know the secret of the chains." Her eyes had gotten wide then she looked closer. "My mind is open to you, and you alone, look for yourself and see the truth." She nodded slowly and closed her eyes, her hands shook slightly. To her I was a beast, a monster, something that should be destroyed. I was no longer apart of her race, and I never would be again. I could tell from the movement of her body, she was getting sick.

When she finally opened her eyes I could see tears forming. When they fell my heart shattered, the look in her eyes left me broken. "You are my son, that much I can now see. What you are, I do not know but you are no longer the prince of our people. You are something else, and I will not allow you to lead our people after my passing. From this moment on you are banished from this kingdom. These are the laws that have always been a part of this kingdom. So it will be known that Zell shall never again enter this kingdom. Our people will never again speak to him, he will be considered dead. As for your problem, I will not help you. Now leave Zell, I'm sure you know the way out." Her voice was cold and distant, her eyes no longer held any love for me. "Very well mother, then I guess this is good bye. I would like to thank you from rasing me, even if you hate me now. I love you and I am sorry that I never told you before, again thank you for being my mother." Then I left the way I had come to this place, I was gone in a flash. I went back to Scott's hoping to find Nick, at least I would have him. He would be my friend no matter what I had become, he wouldn't care. I opened my mind and instantly I was in Scott's living room.

Scott looked up at with confusion then fear seemed to take over his eyes. "Where is Nick I need to talk to him?" Scott shook his head then jumped up off the couch. "I knew he wasn't taking Nick to help you." I didn't need anymore information, I took Scott's hand and off we went. I knew where Kalen would take Nick, a place where he had all the power. I needed help so I went to the only people I knew would give their all to save Nick. I must have looked like some sort of monster to them, they all backed away. All of them were there, all but Kevin. That was about to change, I had power now, how long it would last was a different story. I reached into all of their minds and broke most of the walls down. I gave them the memories I had taken from them during the wish. I gave them everything, Zack realized who he really was. He was a witch, and in the true world he wasn't apart of this band. He closed his eyes and then opened them to look at each of them one after another. "So my love, was never real, none this was ever real." Kalen had said that Zack had a heart of stone in the true world. I didn't know if that was so true, his tears looked real to me. "You don't even know I exist do you, not in the other world." He looked at me with so much pain in his eyes.

I didn't have time to help him, not yet, I had to try and bring Kevin back. I had already broken most of the wall's now I just had to break one more. I reached with everything in my being, I could feel his soul. I could see it slowly taking form, he was pulling himself together. He knew everything that had happened, and everything I had done. I felt no anger coming from him, I could fell that he understood. His love for Nick was amazing, I felt bad for Zack. He loved Kevin with every breath he took, every single heart beat. Kevin didn't know that and I wondered if he ever would. I had to find a way to cross the worlds and pull the healthy Kevin into this world. I felt like my whole body was on fire, then all I could see was darkness. When I woke up Kevin was standing very still as he looked around. I smiled to myself, everything was starting to come together. "You all know what I've done, what you don't know is that Nick in now in danger. If you wouldn't mind I would like to show you everything that has happened. Then I will let you all decide what you want to do." They looked to each other then nodded, only Zack remained still. "I'm not apart of this, I don't even exist to these guys in the real world. I should just get going, it's not like I can help anyway." I moved to his side, if anyone could help it was him.

He looked at me slowly, the tears in his eyes shook me to my core. "A long time ago, in your families history there was a powerful being. You still have that blood running in your veins, out of everyone in this room I need you the most. I have an idea that may help us all, but it would involve a blood pact." Zack looked at me then looked toward Kevin. He reached behind his back and pulled a small dagger out. I was impressed then scared, I had no idea what he planned to do with it. "You did say that we needed blood well here let me be the first." I watched as he sliced his hand wide open, the blood poured out. Kevin was at his side in seconds trying to stop the bleeding. "Zack, what are you doing, you can't just go around hurting yourself like that." Zack looked at him and shook his head slowly. "Kevin, you don't seem to understand, I'm no one in the true world. I never was and most likely I never would have been, you don't really care about me. It's not your fault don't worry, but he said we needed blood and I don't have a problem with that." Kevin looked at him and shook his head slowly, then he looked to the other guys. "I don't understand this, a week ago you would have passed out if you were bleeding. Now it's like none of that matters, it's like your a different person." Zack looked up and let this strange laughter escape.

Kevin looked shocked to hear this laughter, so did the others. "Don't you get it, this was never me. This is me and trust me, you wouldn't want to know me. I know who I really am now, I'm someone that would scare the hell out of all of you. I remember my old life now, and all that I learned from that life. I use to carry this dagger around just to scare people if I felt endangered. That was this life, in my real life I would have used the dagger to defend myself. Do you see the difference Kevin, you don't know me and you wouldn't want to." Zack made a fist making his hand bleed more, then he looked at me. He held the dagger up and I took it, I made the gash on my hand and held it up to him. When he grabbed my hand I could feel everything inside of him, everything he was. I could feel this deep sadness in his heart, it was so strong. It was like nothing I had ever felt, and I prayed that I would never feel it again. Then I felt something new, I had felt it before but never with such strength. The love he held in his heart for Kevin was stronger than anything I had ever felt. It overpowered his sadness and broke every single rule he had made for himself. I looked deeper, I couldn't help myself, I had to know if he carried this feeling in both worlds. He did, his heart had always belonged to Kevin, it didn't make sense.

I didn't understand how someone could love another without ever having met that person. Yet somehow Zack had always loved Kevin, in both worlds. I knew that they were meant to be, but this was something new. I had come to understand soulmates this was a new twist. The reason I had the blood pact was to make Zack more apart of everything. That and the fact it would give him more power than he had before. I worried what he would end up looking like when I was done. I was making him more like I was more elf than human. I hoped he would retain his human form, and maybe his mind would stay the same. I could do this to the others, but it would only make them witches. There were rules that would have to be followed, even now I knew I couldn't break them. I pulled back and looked at Zack, he remained normal, I thanked god. The wound that had been on his hand had healed. As well as the wound on my hand, I looked to the others. "Now that you've seen this done I must ask if you are willing to do the same as Zack?" They all agreed and I wondered how long it would take to get them all ready. "I have an idea, and it would make things a lot faster than one at a time." I looked at Zack, then into his eyes. I was wrong not everything had stayed the same now he had eyes just like mine.

Zack's idea was to form a circle, me on one side him at the other. If everything went well all of them would be witches in a matter of minutes. I wondered if it was a good idea since Zack was right beside Kevin. I watched as Zack cut his and Kevin's hands open, then he passed the dagger down. Soon everyone was connected, I could already feel the thoughts of everyone in the group. It was scary, and amazing, it was like nothing I had ever felt before. Then it was like I could see everything they were feeling, it was breath taking. Then I tried to center in on Kevin and Zack, their emotions were the strongest. They were reading one anthers feelings, Zack knew this would happen. It was the reason he wanted Kevin by his side, he wanted him to know. When everything was done everyone backed away. Kevin was looking at Zack very strangely, almost like he was afraid of him. Zack looked away, tears brimmed his eyes as he shook his head. "It's not like I expected you to feel the same Kevin, I knew that would never happen." I was saddened to see that this had happened, but I didn't have time to worry. I had to get to Nick and save him before it was to late. "Now that all of us share the same blood we must move on. This had to take place before we could travel to the other realm, where Nick is being held." They all looked at me and nodded slowly, then we joined hands once again.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 3

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