Simple Twist of Fate

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on May 26, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB, nor have I ever met them. I do not know anyone connected to the BSB. This is just a story I made up, in other words not real.

Warning: This story may contain sex, you know the rules that apply to that. I'm not for sure where I'm taking this, so it could get a little crazy. Oh, little fact it involves an Elf, I'm not going by the rules, or mythology. Well, I might just a little but not all that much.

Authors Note: Ok the symbols I use are as follows, *** those mean either a character change or who I'm starting the chapter off with. Now I haven't been using () these here lately but I'm putting them in here just in case. I use those symbols when I want to add a note or change. Ok on with the story, I'm sure your tired of hearing me rant. Or maybe you even skipped this part, oh well I wrote it any way. If anyone would like to write me please do so.


I watched as the young man moved about park with his cap and glasses. He looked so lost and heart broken, I wondered what caused him so much pain. I knew a great deal about the young man hiding from the world. I had been watching him for the past couple of weeks. I couldn't lie, I had feelings for him, ones I didn't truly understand. He was human for one, I was far from human, but his eyes held me. I could see the pain of loss and regret. I wanted to help solve his problems, but I didn't know how. It wasn't like I could just read his mind and know his troubles. He was now sitting under a tree looking up to the sky. Tears fell from his eyes like rain falling from the sky, with every tear that fell my hearts jerked. I moved closer to him making sure I kept myself hidden as I tried to look human. I had only done this a few times, and I had never really gotten the hang of it. My natural state was beautiful, but it was far to easy to see that I wasn't human. My hair touched the ground my ears went up to points, and my eyes never stopped changing colors. To top that off my hair was different shades of blue, purple, and green. I am tall and my body was thin but very strong, there wasn't an ounce of fat anywhere. I had the same body parts as a human male since I was a male.

I took a leaf from a tree and changed it into a shirt. I pulled it over my shoulders then pulled some grass from the ground. I then made shorts that matched the shirt, it looked human enough. I made my ears shrink and look more human, then my hair seemed to fade away. My hair was now short, but I left it the colors it had always been. I noticed that many humans had the same colors as I did. Besides that I looked as human as I could. I walked slowly up toward him, he didn't hear me coming it wasn't a surprise. I had always been a silent walker, it was my nature. "Are you all right young man, you look upset." He looked at me quickly wiping the tears from his eyes. "I'm fine just got something in my eyes that's all thanks for asking." He was starting to stand, I couldn't just let him leave. "I'm sorry for bothering you, are you sure, if you have a problem I might be able to help." He looked like he was trying to decide, his eyes held so pain. "I don't think anyone could ever help me, unless you grant selfish wishes." I looked at him carefully, I had to chose my words very wisely. "I know a lot about wishes, not much about granting them but wishing is easy." He started smiling lightly, but I could still see the pain. "If you could make one wish what would it be?" I looked at him, he was trying to decide if he should spend his time with me.

I didn't really know how to give a human response. "Well, it would be more than one wish. I would wish that people would stop fighting long enough to realize there's nothing to fight over. That maybe in time they would learn how to live with earth instead of destroying it. But if I only had one wish it would be for the human race to open it's eyes and see that hating was foolish." His mouth was hanging open slightly, his eyes had widened with wonder. "None of those wishes were selfish in anyway, how do you live like that?" I looked at him, he was something I could care for deeply. "They are wishes from the heart, any thing that comes from the heart can't be selfish. What would you wish for if you had one wish?" He looked away slightly, then his eyes returned to mine. "I would wish that I had never joined the band I'm in. I would wish that I had lived a normal life just like everyone else." I smiled slowly, it was a wish I could try to grant. There would be a price I just wondered how high it would be. "Are you sure that's what you would wish for?" He nodded slowly as I moved toward him, he was stunned that I could see. I had revealed myself to him, my truest form in all it's beauty. "Then so be it Nick Carter, as of now you are no longer a member of the Backstreet boys. You never were, and when you wake up you'll begin your new life." He had started to open his mouth but it was to late for regrets.

The wish itself was simple, and I was very proud of myself. I hadn't messed up in anyway, or so I hoped. The wish had taken us to Florida, to his home. Well, it wasn't what it had once been but it was now his home. He was starting to wake up, then he shot up out of the bed. He looked scared and confused, then the memories started to set in. I had made sure he could remember his old life as well as his new one. He was starting to understand what he had gotten himself into. Then he started looking around his room for me, it was a little funny. "I'm not under the bed Nick, I'm not a monster." He turned so quickly that I had to jump back. "What did you do to me, where am I?" I just looked at him and smiled, he was so silly. "I gave you what you wanted, a normal life." He looked confused but in someway relieved, then he slowly started smiling. "You mean I'm free, no fans, none of it?" I nodded slowly, the only sad part of the deal was the loss of friendship. "Wait what about the other guys, did this affect them too?" I looked away slightly, it had but not that much. "I didn't think it would be fair to take away their dreams because of your wish. Yes, thing's have changed but not as much as you would think." He looked happy with the answer, then something hit him. "Do they remember me at all?" All I could do was shake my head and look away.

There were prices for everything, even the smallest wish could change the world. I couldn't grant my own wishes or even the wishes of my fellow elf's. I could on the other hand grant one small wish to one human in my lifetime. "I'm sorry but no, it was as if you never existed to them. There are some bad things that happened because of that. You did touch a lot of peoples lives, but you knew that. I'll give you what I think you can handle. The band itself is still together in the same order as before, only with a different you. No, that's only going to confuse you, it's like this. Another person with your talent and look's took your place. Only he lived in Kentucky and Brian brought him into the band. You would be amazed how much the two of you have in common. Only he wants what you had, and he would do anything for it. As for Brian, there is a bit of sad news about him. He hasn't gotten his heart surgery done yet, and if it isn't done soon he'll die. Then we have Kevin, he has been affected the most by your wish. Do you remember when he came out of the closet?" Nick was nodding slowly trying to take in all the new information. "Well, he only had the strength to do that after you had. So he's still in the closet, and he is suffering for that choice. He is now in a marriage that everyone believes is real. Not in a fake marriage like your world, in this one Kristen even believes that the marriage is real." Nick's eyes had started water up slowly.

I didn't know if I should continue, he may have had enough. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have told you as much as I have." He shook his head and placed his hand on my shoulder. "I need to know everything that's changed, it's really important." I knew what he was thinking but I didn't know if I could undo what I had done to him. "With what has happened Kevin has started using drugs." Nick stopped me, his hand held over my mouth. "How do you know all of this, what are you?" I removed his hand from my mouth since he didn't seem to want to. "I know all of this since I was the one that granted the wish. As for what I am, your people would call me an elf. Now I'm nothing like your myths, well maybe a little. We can look as we chose but we do have a given form. I am as I was born now, this is what I look like. What you saw in that park was my best shot at looking human. Other's like me can look more like humans, since they like living with them. I on the other hand like trying to change the world for the better. I don't have a ton of magick like some myths lead people to believe. I work with the earth to do what I do, now on the other I can grant one wish. All elf's have this gift, but we can only grant one wish in our lifetime. The wish must be simple, and can only come from a human. I can use the earth to make things like money, clothes, and weapons for self-defense." I had left a few things out, not because I didn't trust him I just didn't remember everything.

I looked at him closely, his eyes had a look of wonder and amazement. "Now if you'll let me continue, as I was saying. Kevin has turned to drug usage, as for Howie and AJ, there the same. Well, AJ has gotten a bit crazier, but that was going to happen anyway. As for the guy that took your place, he's pretty much taken over Kevin's jobs. He takes care of all the business areas along with the touring information. In fact in some ways he's doing a better job at it since he's mystically inclined." Nick looked up quickly his eyes were focused on mine. I hadn't seen eyes like that in close to, two hundred years. "What do you mean mystically inclined, like he's an elf or something?" I looked deeply into his eyes, why was I so drawn to them? "Not really an elf there isn't enough mystic blood in him for that. More like a witch so to speak, only one that doesn't know it." I guess I had confused him more, so I tried to explain. "There are people in this world, more human than anything else. But somewhere in there families back ground there was an elf, or some other mystic being. That's the case for this guy, he's what some would call a witch. Now I know what your most likely thinking, that only girl's can be witches. That simply isn't true, a witch is just that a witch. It doesn't matter if your a male or female, it just means your a witch." I had a few more things to tell him about that subject, but his mother was about to walk into the room.

I pushed myself up against the wall and tried my best to blend in. The door opened and Nick froze in his place. The smile that formed was amazing, then I younger boy ran into the room. I was guessing this was his little brother, the one that had been famous. I was starting to see how badly I had messed up. I still didn't know if I had made Nick happier, he looked happy. Still it wasn't like I could just read another persons mind. My mother could, in fact she wouldn't have a problem with it. Then again once she found out I had granted my one wish she would be furious. Then when she found out how many lives it had affected. I would never hear the end of it, well I would but that would be about four hundred years away. An elf's life span was different from race to race, not there were that many anymore. At one time there had been many great races, now most of the races had been merged. The first races that merged were the light and dark elf's, it was interesting. Once the two strongest races merged the rest followed, soon there were only three races. The human witches, my race which was mixed with everything but the gray elf's. The gray elf's were the light and dark elf's race, they wouldn't allow other races to mix with them. It hadn't bothered my race any, we found it true to their hearts.

The gray race lived the longest, they could live for thousands of years. While my race could make it maybe one thousand years. The human witches were interesting and surprising. If they took good care of themselves they could live to be one hundred and seventy. It didn't sound like much to my race, but I thought it was amazing. I guess I had been lying to myself for a long time. I cared more about the human race than I cared to admit. I had been studying them for the last one hundred years, in that time they learned so much. In some ways it was sad, it seemed the more they learned the more they forgot. There had been a time when elf and human had lived in peace, now we were just stories. Most of the stories had a lot of things wrong, which in some ways was ok. It helped us hide from them, since most agreed that we would be hunted down. It was a fear that I faced at this very moment. I thought that if his mother had seen me she would have killed me. I could have killed her, but it just wasn't in me to take another life. On my seventh birthday I had almost been killed by a human. He had thought I was an evil monster, I had hurt him than ran away. The forest I had ran into no longer existed, his family had cut it down. I had never seen anything like it before, they hunted me. They had no chance of ever finding me.

I was pulled back out of my thought as Nick's mother left the room. "Nick you promised you would take me to the park today." I smiled to myself, it was such a simple request. "You know how people get when they see me, it's chaos and it's the same for you." The little one looked up at Nick confused then he laughed. "Yeah Nick whatever you say man, are you coming down with something? If you didn't want to take me that's cool I can go on my own. Or maybe I'll call Scott, he's nicer anyway, how did you get such a great friend?" Nick was frozen in his place as he watched the boy leave. "I'm sorry I forgot to tell you, in this life you have a boyfriend." Nick jumped about five feet away from me. "Damn where did you go, all of a sudden you leave and now your back." I just smiled lightly, he was going to have trouble adjusting. "Listen I'll hang around for the next couple of week's. That way you can get use to it, and maybe by then the new memories will settle." Nick started smiling brightly then he started laughing wildly. "Well, if your staying we need to think of a good reason, and a better look. I'll give you a hand on the looking human thing. Here use this mirror and think about everyone you've ever seen." I looked at the mirror and then at Nick, I copied him down to the last detail. Then I made my nose smaller and my eyes brown. My lips got fuller and my hair turned brown.

I looked at Nick and smiled lightly hoping for his approval. "That has to be the coolest thing I've ever seen. What about clothing, you need something that'll fit the area." I nodded slowly and looked around the room, there were no plants. "I can't do that unless I have a tree or some kind of plant. Does your mother have any plants in the house, maybe a flower of some kind?" Nick looked a little confused, then he slowly nodded and left his room. When he returned he was hoping a daisy, one of my favorite flowers. I picked one petal off the flower and held it up in the air. I closed my eyes and thought of a shirt that would be cool and would allow wind to blow through. When I opened my eyes I had a sheer shirt that was solid white. I picked another petal and thought of a pair of nice shorts. I was soon dressed and had a very impressed boy standing before me. "Could you make me some clothes like that?" I shook my head with a frown, he had no mystical blood in his body. I couldn't do a thing for him, if had even a drop it would be enough. "It wouldn't work out anyway in twenty-four hours this will be just a petal again." He nodded and shrugged his shoulders slightly, then he moved toward the door. "Well, if your going to help I need to know where I should be going." I looked up and smiled slightly, everything was about to get interesting.

I took Nick outside thinking it would help me tell him the news. That and the fact that if I needed to I could run and hide a lot easier. "Well, do you remember the guy your brother spoke of?" Nick was slowly nodding, as if to say your point. "Well, that guy is your boyfriend, you've been seeing one another for the past seven years. When you see him some of the new memories should kick in. So far you've kept your relationship a secret, that was your choice. There are many things that have changed, like your mothers job. Stuff like that but don't worry, everything in your new life going really good." Nick was smiling, not the response I had thought I would get. Not that I was upset, in fact I was very happy with the way everything was going. "You mean I have a boyfriend and I see him everyday?" I looked at him and nodded slowly, he looked like he was about to cry. "Is there something wrong with that I mean if there is I'm sorry." He started shaking his head from side to side. "No, it's great, but why am I hiding it?" I looked at him and shrugged slowly, I wasn't really sure. "Well, in your old life you came out because you were tired of hiding. In this life you haven't really been forced to hide who you are. It's like this in one life you knew that no matter what you would survive. Now in this life you aren't so sure. I mean think about it, in this life you work a normal job and live at home. In your other life you owed your own home and had enough money to live off of until you died." It was the best guess I had, I just hoped that it helped him.

The day went by rather quickly and Nick was loving his new life. All of that was about to change really fast. When I had first started feeling the waves of energy I hadn't really paid any attention to them. Then I noticed that the waves were getting weaker by the hour. I had felt this happen before but this time was different, it wasn't coming from a dying elf. It was coming from a human, and as I thought about it I understood why I could feel it. I told Nick that I would return as quickly as could, then I left. I used the earth to travel faster than anything a human had ever seen. Once I arrived at the hotel the waves got stronger, but still weaker. It's hard for someone to understand what I was feeling. The waves had gotten stronger because I had gotten closer to the source, but I could still feel them fading. I entered the hotel looking like a human, there were people everywhere. I laughed to myself as I looked at all the screaming girls, they looked so cute. Once I was inside the hotel I took the elevator up till I reached the seventh floor. When the door's opened I couldn't be seen, that was good dew to the fact that a guard was waiting. I moved past him and down the hall, then I stood before the door. There was only one person in this room and he was dying.

I had caused this by granting a wish and now I would have to pay the price. I had never taken a life, not once had I ever been forced to go that far. Now I was about to kill for the first time, it wouldn't be my hands but it would be my fault. I opened the door slowly and walked into the dark room. I looked at the weak form laying on the bed his body was covered in sweat. His breathing was shallow and tears fell from his eyes. I wanted to help him some way make this pain he was feeling go away. I couldn't heal him, only a gray elf could heal humans. I moved to his side and placed my hand on his forehead, he was burning up. I closed my eyes and tired my hardest to get a look at his dreams. I had said I couldn't read minds that was true. I could on the other hand try to read a mind, my mother could. I knew that in time I would gain the same powers as her, so why not now. I was getting images, but nothing else it was like memories. Then as I looked at the memories I got a better look of who was in them. It was Nick, but this man had never met Nick in this life. I didn't understand how he could hold on to those memories it didn't make any sense. My head was pounding but I couldn't stop I had to know more, I had to know why this had happened.

I looked deeper, I looked into his heart, then I understood. He loved Nick more than life itself, that loved allowed him to hold onto Nick. I had never even thought of looking into how the others felt about Nick. If I had known that this man had loved Nick so much I wouldn't have needed to grant any wishes. I could have just made these feeling surface a little quicker. I fell back and out of the man's mind, my mind couldn't handle anymore information. Then as I watched the man his heart was slowing to a stop, he was dying right before my eyes. I reached out wanting so badly to change fate, to undo the harm that I had caused. With his last breath he whispered a message to Nick. My heart ached to grant his wish, it was pure and simple. He had asked Nick to save him, then he was gone. I could hear movement outside the door, someone was about to come in. I moved to the wall and faded into the background. The one who had taken Nick's place walked into the room slowly. He looked confused, like he didn't understand why he was here. "Kevin, is everything all right, I could have sworn I heard you call out." I looked at this man, he looked so much like Nick they could be twins. I watched as he moved toward Kevin, then he froze.

The man's body started shaking slowly then the tears fell from his eyes. He reached out and touched Kevin's lip's. He started shaking his head as he moved to Kevin's side. He tilted Kevin's head back then put on hand over Kevin's nose. I watched as he placed his lip's on Kevin's and breathed into him. He was trying to bring Kevin back from a place no one truly returned from. As I watched I wished I could help him in someway, but there was nothing I could do. "No, Kevin you can't leave me, not now, not ever. I need you Kevin, please don't leave me alone. Help someone please help, call an ambulance!" The man was screaming and now I had ruined more lives, in this world and the other. "Come on Kev, don't leave me like this I need you so much. I love you, please I'm so sorry I never told you. Please don't go baby, come back, could I get some help, I need help." I couldn't stand to watch anymore, but I couldn't leave until I had seen what I had caused. The man was breaking down, his tears were like knifes that dug into my soul. People were rushing into the room, but nothing could be done. Brian had been the second one to enter the room, he looked pale and sick. As I looked at him I knew it wouldn't be long before he joined his cousin.

I wondered how many times I would have to watch something like this happen. Since I had changed their lives so much I would have to witness the major turns. I had to find a way to save Brian and that meant getting help from the gray elf's. I had never really been on good terms with their race to begin with. I hated going to them for help, but this was the one time I had no other choice. I left the hotel as quietly as I could and slipped through the world. I found myself in a place my race hated going, it was the realm of magick. It was the home of all gray elf's, they had made it all by themselves. I looked at the silver and golden gates to the city. I couldn't enter the city without one of them letting me in so I waited until one of them got close enough. I revealed my true form and moved toward the gate slowly. I decided I would add a little magick to my look so I made my eyes glow and my hair shimmer. Then my skin slowly started to sparkle like a sky filled with stars. I don't know why but I wanted them to know they weren't the only ones with power. That got their attention, a few moved to the gate to see what was happening. Once an elder got close enough the gates opened and I entered. "Prince Zell, what an honor to see your doing well, how is your mother." I smiled as sweetly as I could, I knew he was playing with me.

I held my hand out, still keeping the smile on my lips. The one thing gray elf's hated the most was touching one of my kind. "She's doing well, thank you for asking elder Kalen." He slowly shook my hand, and I could see that he was fighting to keep his smile. "Well, what brings you here Zell, I'm sure it's not to shop for mystical items." I smiled wider as he released my hand slowly. "Well, I might you never know what could come in handy now do you? But everything pushed aside I came here for some help that only the great gray elf's could give. That is only if you feel like it that is, I mean I'm sure your problems are far bigger than mine." I had hit every single sore spot I could, but I made it sound like I was only giving them credit. That and the fact that such a low class elf would shop in their stores. They would do anything they could to get me to leave as quickly as they could. "You know we would love to do nothing more than help a fellow elf. What is that you need help with young Prince, maybe a better teacher?" He was hitting back harder than I thought he could. My old teacher had died saving my life from a wild spell. "No elder, I need help with healing a human, he is very important to the world. His heart will fail him soon and I would like to prevent that from happening." The elder looked shocked then interested, hopefully he would grant my request.

He placed his hand on my shoulder and led me toward what looked like his home. I was highly confused, he had touched me without flinching. "I will do everything in my power to help you, never did I think you would have such a noble request. I will be honest with you Zell, not many of your kind are anywhere as noble. It is why most of your kind is looked down upon." I looked at him with something between confusion and a small amount of anger. "Then you should know the whole story before you think me noble." I told him everything that had happened and would happen. He didn't look to shocked or even upset with me. "Don't you see, what you did was foolish but your heart was in the right place. You only wanted to help ease the boys pain, you didn't know it would cause so much pain to ease someone else's." I looked at him with more respect then I had ever held for any of his race. "That's the point, now everything I've done will mean nothing. Once the boy find's out the price he had to pay for his happiness it will end. I can't stand the thought of hurting him more than I already have. He is a good person, and his heart has always been in the right place. He's made mistakes in his life but no being doesn't. Now I've given him something he's always craved but at such a high price. He will never forgive himself or me for bringing such pain on those he once held so close to his heart." The elder was slowly shaking his head as the tears fell from my eyes.

He placed his hand on my knee and shook it lightly. "You could solve all of those problems by wiping his old memories away." I shook my head it wouldn't be right to just cover up my mistakes. "I couldn't, I just couldn't it would be like robbing him of his life. Even if he has a new life, it would take away everything that had been good in his old life." The elder nodded slowly and then stood up, he moved toward the door. "Take me to this human who needs to be healed and I will help him." As I stood he took my hand and instantly I was everywhere at once. Then my mind focused on one point and we were only five feet away from Brian. I was highly confused and my mind was shattered into hundreds of pieces. I was starting to fall when Kalen caught me holding me still for a few seconds. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, I wasn't thinking." Everything became clear and I understand I had just traveled through light and darkness. It was the way gray elf's travel, no one in my race had ever been given the chance to travel with them. "No, thank you for the honor it was amazing, regardless of the dizziness." He nodded and I then noticed that we were out in the open yet no one could see us. I would have had to stay close to walls or something along those lines. Kalen moved up behind Brian and placed his hand on his back.

A strange light flowed from Kalen's hand, it was beautiful. Brian fell to the ground AJ rushed to his side, but Kalen had already moved away. "He will be fine, his heart will no longer cause him any trouble. There is something else I would like to share with you Zell, think of it as a gift." He touched my forehead and my mind filled with images. It was images of Nick, but they looked more like the man that had taken Nick's place. It was like they had crossed the lines somewhere. I had been so foolish to think that I could just take Nick and change his world. "I don't understand how could Brian keep those memories?" Kalen smiled slowly and touched my chest point toward my heart. "Kevin was in love with Nick, he had always been in love with him. Brian was connected to Nick through their souls. I must be confusing you, let me see if I can, how do you say break it down for you. The human life span is very short compared to other beings on this planet. To make up for that they were given a gift most races will ever receive. To most a human ages and then dies like the other beings of this world. That isn't true by any means, you see every time a human dies they are reborn. They have the memories from the past life, but they are locked away. Some humans even dream of their past lives, not all but some." He was leading me away from the boys as he paused.

We were now sitting in a strange field, I didn't remember traveling to. "To finish what I was telling you, are you all right Zell, you look confused?" I looked at him and he still didn't seem understand my confusion. "Where are, I don't remember coming here, ever?" Kalen smiled slowly then looked away as if he had been caught in something. "I'll tell you shortly Zell, but first let me finish." I nodded and leaned back against a tree so I could listen to him. "Some humans have souls that go back further than even our races, hard to believe but true. So now you know a little about the human soul, now to explain the connections. In each of those lives certain souls are pulled together to become something more. These boys have been together for the last seven life times, you've changed that. In some ways for the better, even without knowing it. By changing Nick's life you've given him a chance to meet his soulmate. The man he is with this time is the man he was meant to be with. You've also made Zack's life a lot better, the one who took Nick's place. In the other world he had a heart of stone, and couldn't be touched. In this world he got to meet his soulmate, even if it didn't work out. Then you asked for help to save a life, a very wise choice. There's only one problem, you have to pay a price and for that I am sorry." I was starting to feel light headed, something was happening and I couldn't stop it.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 2

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