Simons Seduction

By Jim Daniels

Published on Aug 12, 1999


This is the ninth part of a story about adolescent boys' sexual experimentation in an Australian boarding school. To get the most from it the reader should read Parts 1-8 first.


The story so far concerns the first love of a sexually experienced 14 y.o. boy, Huw, for a beautiful and talented 13 y.o. new boy, Simon who, unknown to Huw, is also experienced, having had regular sex with his friend Jamie since they were in the junior school, and with Rabbit, a sexual predator, with whom he has a love-hate relationship, as well as being interfered with by a junior school master. The young and talented Assistant Housemaster, Donald Swan (The Duck) haunted by his infatuation with teenage boys, who has already seduced one boy, Johno, has also noticed Simon. Huw has had his first tantalising physical encounter with Simon on the bus coming home from a cricket match. This has aroused the jealousy of others, and Donald Swan has asked a prefect, Lindsay, who also violated Johno as a youngster, to give Huw a friendly warning. Swan himself has become increasingly infatuated with Simon, but is trying to resist temptation. Huw is confused and worried but suggests to Simon that they cool their relationship. Simon continues his activities in the junior dormitory; Huw and Johno get together. Simon then gets entangled with Swan, or vice versa, first innocently, the for real in Swan's study. Johno barges in on them. He tells Huw, with whom his sexual relationship is burgeoning, what he has seen, but Lindsay has also noticed something. He confronts Simon, who confesses and falls into his embrace. Huw invites Simon to spend the Easter break with him, takes him to their holiday resort and, tentatively, finally seduces him. OK? Now read on - unless you are under age, or prohibited by the law of your country from reading such material. And don't try to emulate the action, especially the unsafe sex. The story is fiction, is set some years back, and hopefully bears no relationship to actual persons or institutions.

Feedback on this, or previous chapters, is very welcome

Simon's Seduction - Part 9

Simon awoke as the rays of the sun peeked through a break in the curtain of Huw's bedroom and fell across his face. His hand went down instinctively to his morning erection. As he lay there, face upturned, his thoughts drifted to what had happened between Huw and him the previous night. As his right hand idly pulled his foreskin over the tip of his youthful penis, an image of Huw's giant 7" cock floated before his eyes. He imagined that he was feeling it again, and his own erection grew harder. In his mind he saw Huw's spunk arcing across his body, shaking with the force of his orgasm. He remembered the taste as Huw had licked it off his face, where it had landed, and plunged his tongue into Simon's eager mouth. Simon felt himself nearing a climax and stopped just short of the precipice.

He glanced across at Huw's still sleeping face and knew that he loved the older boy. Huw stirred, opened his eyes, and looked across at Simon. "Hi, Si," he said, his voice filled with love. "Sleep well?"

"I've been thinking of last night," Simon replied. "Huw, it was wonderful; I've never had a climax like that." "Me too," Huw answered. "I've got a hard on now. Have you?" "Yes" "Let me see" Simon threw back the bedclothes, all inhibitions gone, and showed his erect penis, foreskin drawn back, through the fly of his pyjamas. Huw did likewise. "Come over," Huw whispered. Simon slipped out of his bed and lay beside Huw. The boys embraced and felt their erections pressed against each other. Huw undid the cord of Simon's pyjamas and slid them down to his feet, exposing his proud erection. Huw tore at the buttons of his top and opened it to reveal the full beauty of Simon's young body and the amber glow of his skin contrasting with the deep green eyes that gazed lovingly at Huw. "I love you Si," Huw whispered in his ear, before his tongue darted in and then lovingly moved around the perimeter. As their warm skins rubbed against each other, Simon's tongue found Huw's waiting mouth, and Huw reached down to take their aching erections in one hand and rub them against each other. Simon's slipped from his grasp and thrust between Huw's legs. Huw felt the soft stiffness of its length pushing his thighs apart, the dorsal surface nudging gently against his swollen balls and the moist tip exploring the cheeks of his arse. He felt the tension rising in his penis now trapped against Simon's taught, warm belly. His hands traced a delicate path across Simon's buttocks, down his thighs, back up tentatively exploring the warm valley between the cheeks, and the forbidden territory hidden deep within, before running up his back. Simon gave out a huge sigh of pleasure at each stroke of Huw's hand. He stroked Huw's arms, his face, his neck and sides. "That's beautiful, Huwy. I love you too," he whispered, momentarily withdrawing his tongue from the depths of Huw's mouth. The boys felt ecstatic, on the edge of orgasm, as their young bodies merged in the glow of adolescent love. Suddenly their reverie was broken by a loud knock on the door and Huw's mother announcing that it was time to get up. Simon leapt back to his own bed and hastily drew the bedclothes over his naked body. Huw too covered himself just in time to avoid his mother's gaze as she entered the room to say that breakfast would be ready in fifteen minutes. "OK, Mum, we'll be there," Huw answered. "Come on, Si, a quick shower. You go first," he added as his mother left the room, to the relief of the boys. Huw watched, stricken with love, as Simon's naked body emerged from the bed and headed for the bathroom, penis still swollen from their encounter, with the tip just emerging from the foreskin. Huw did not intend to let him shower alone and followed him in as Simon stepped under the steaming stream of water. "Get out, Huwy, your mother might come back," Simon said nervously as Huw rubbed against his smooth flesh. "Don't worry, Si, she'll be in the kitchen," Huw reassured him, as his arm encircled Simon's body, now slippery with soap. He kissed Simon as the shower poured down over their heads and their bodies, joined once more in a passionate embrace. Simon drew away, took the soap in his hand and began to soap down Simon's body. Starting at the neck his hand moved down his back and into the crack of his arse. His fingers found the soft tissue of Simon's anus and gently probed the secret place. Simon gazed into Huw's eyes, signaling his acceptance of the move, pressing his body gently forward against Huw's as he did. Huw's lathered hands moved around to the front of Simon's body and down to his groin, gently stroking his now soft cock and balls with his lubricated hands. Standing behind Simon, Huw felt his penis begin to engorge and press against Simon's bum as his hand worked Simon into a state of sexual excitement. He was soon erect and the length of his penis rested between the crack of Simon's arse. He pulled back and pushed the tip between his leg, until it pressed against his ball sac, loose from the warmth of the water. Simon's cock was now fully erect in Huw's hand, the foreskin drawn back tightly over the purple head, as Huw drew back again and let the tip of his own penis find the entrance to Simon's anal passage. He had never done this, never contemplated fucking another boy since his pre-adolescent encounters with Tim, but was now overcome with love and lust for the boy in front of him. Huw could think of nothing else but taking him totally. As the warm water rushed over their bodies, he pressed the tip of his penis firmly against Simon's opening, feeling it give slightly as he did so. Another knock at the door. "Hurry up boys, breakfast is ready," Simon's mother shouted over the noise of the running water. The boys pulled apart, and Huw leapt out of the shower. "OK, Mum, we'll be there in a couple of minutes," he said, hastily drying himself as Simon turned off the shower and emerged, his young cock still swollen despite the fright. "Quick, Si, we'll have time later. I've got an idea," Huw said. The boys dressed quickly and raced out to breakfast on the terrace, looking out over the mountain range. "Hi Mum, hi Dad," Huw greeted his parents with an innocent cheerfulness which denied the guilt he felt over his seduction of Simon, as he confronted them. "Hello, Mrs. Davies, hello Mr. Davies. Thank you very much for having me stay. I am having a wonderful time already."" Simon said, with the sincerity and youthful innocence that adults found so beguiling in the boy. Jack Davies looked up from his paper to see the smile of pleasure enlivening Simon's face. "What an incredibly beautiful child," he thought to himself, immediately dismissing the thought from his mind that his son could be attracted by this boy, as he, only half-consciously, was. Jack Davies felt something stir deep in his consciousness that had not bothered him since his first job after he left school. At 17 he had gone to the city to work in the clothing import business owned by his uncle. He and Brian, who was the office boy and, at 14 the only other person of his generation working there, had become friends. One night they had worked back to do a stock inventory. As they had fooled around in the warehouse, Jack had dared Brian to dress in a woman's outfit. Brian had taken the dare, stripped to his underpants and donned one of the teenage models among the stock. He was a handsome lad and Brian had felt something stir as he looked at the boy who could have passed as a girl to a casual observer. "Hey, I wouldn't mind having you as a girlfriend," Jack had joked, drawing nearer. Impulsively he had put is arms around Brian and kissed him on the lips. As he did so he felt his cock in spring up in his boxers, at the same time, as he became aware of the younger boy's penis pressing against his thigh. Brian's hand had gone down to feel his erection, and Jack found himself groping under the dress that Brian was wearing to feel his hard-on through his briefs. Both had boys ejaculated into their underpants at exactly the same moment. Jack pulled away the moment he had come. He felt faint. It was his first sexual encounter with another person, after a sheltered upbringing in the bush, where he had not discovered masturbation until he was fifteen. His actions had been completely spontaneous, as if some irresistible magnet had drawn him to the younger boy. "I'm sorry Brian, I don't know what came over me, seeing you in that dress," Jack had mumbled. "It's OK, Jack, I'm sorry I sort of led you on," Brian had confessed, confused and apologetic. After that there had been a few more fleeting encounters in the warehouse before Betty had come along a couple of years later. A student nurse, with a burning sexual passion, she had swept Jack off his feet. On their first date they had embraced closely as Jack kissed her goodnight. She had felt his penis stir and harden against her thigh. She wanted him desperately but he had pulled away embarrassed. Next time she would know what to do. He had fucked her on their second date, not once, but twice, in the park beside the hospital. She had put her hand down to feel his erection, and the next moment carried on a tide of passion his bursting cock had found her wet thighs. Betty had had the most almighty orgasm the moment he had entered her and he had ejaculated almost immediately, deep inside her. He had stayed inside her after he came. Within minutes his cock was hard again and he had fucked her a second time in his own spunk, neither caring of the possible consequences. Six weeks later they had found that she was pregnant. They had married before they were 20, and had been sensuously in love ever since. Huw had been born seven months after they were married and his sister only 18 months later. Jack now owned the firm where he had started and had built it into a considerable empire. Brian still worked for him, but he too had married some years later and neither man ever referred to their teenage indiscretions. Jack had never strayed from his marriage vows, but was occasionally troubled by the feeling aroused in him by the sight of handsome youths. He had taken a keen interest in Huw's development, but had scarcely discussed sex with his son. Having caught a glimpse of Huw in the shower, deceived by the boyish appearance of his small flaccid penis, his father believed that his son was only just beginning puberty. He would have been just as surprised, as other were, to have seen it aroused, and would doubtless of changed his mind about the stage Huw had reached on his path to manhood. He thought that perhaps it was time to have a serious talk to Huw about puberty, the changes taking place in his body, and perhaps emotions, although that was difficult territory. Jack, reflecting on his own sheltered upbringing, thought he should say something about wet dreams and masturbation. He had been terrified at the first experience of the former, and it had taken him another two years to discover the latter. Had he known, he would have been astonished at the extent of his son's sexual experience, and the emotions that had been wracking him for the past few months, since he had first laid eyes on Simon. Later, Jack Davies thought to himself. "Good," said Huw's mother. "Now what would you boys like to do today?"

"Mum, Dad, do you think we could go up to the lake and spend a couple of nights in the cabin?" Huw asked, referring to the small bungalow which the family owned on the edge of the lake half way up the mountain. Huw's mother turned to her husband. "What do you think, Dad?" she asked uncertainly. A warm and generous woman she was always fretting about her offspring. "I don't see who not," he replied, "as long as you are careful on the water.

I'm sure you boys are old enough to know how to keep out of trouble," he added with unintended ambiguity. Simon smiled inwardly, pushed his leg against Huw's under the breakfast table. Huw blushed, less at what Simon had heard in his father's remark, than the pressure of Simon's thigh against his. He looked at his father and wondered whether he had twigged his feelings for Simon. "I'll drive you up, and drop you if you like. It's only about twenty minutes in the car, but you'll have to walk the last part. I'll arrange to pick you up at the same place the day after tomorrow." "You'll need to take some supplies," Huw's mother said. "I think we can manage that." Soon the car was packed with their things and two days supply of food. Dr Davies invited Simon to sit in the front with him. He rather liked the thought of sitting next to this handsome boy. The car climbed steadily up the winding, mountain road. They were travelling through dense bush when they came to the turn-off to the cabin. About a mile down the dirt road it petered out into a walking track. "Right, here's where you start walking," Mr. Davies said leaning over and touching Simon's thigh while engaging with his deep green eyes. Simon smiled enigmatically. This had happened to him before, and he knew instinctively what it meant as he took in the gaze of this handsome 35 year old man. It was only a short walk to the cabin through the bush glowing with the sunlight of a perfect autumn day. Simon caught a glimpse of the sparkling waters of the lake. He felt lighthearted, and a sense of well being that he had rarely experienced in his somewhat troubled childhood. The boys reached the cabin, found the bedroom and unpacked their clothes. "What about a swim before lunch?' Huw suggested. "Sure," Simon replied, "I'll get my togs out." "That's not what I had in mind." Simon flushed, and Huw felt a deep surge of love for the boy standing there looking so vulnerable, the light from the window just catching the side of is head forming a rim of light around his dark hair, adding to his normal angelic appearance. He moved towards him and took Simon in his arms. They embraced, their lips meeting. They remained motionless for several minutes, their tongues exploring each other's mouths, penises hard pressed against each other through their trousers. Huw reached down and felt the bulge in Simon's trousers. It felt bigger through the fabric than it had the previous night. Simon slipped his hand down to Huw's fly and tugged at the buttons. He reached inside and felt Huw's erection through his underpants. Simon felt a surge of adrenaline through his body as he gripped Huw tightly with one arm and began to massage him gently with his free hand. Huw ran his hand under Simon's shirt and felt his smooth, boyish flesh. He moved it slowly over his belly to his chest and gently squeezed his small right nipple, then his left. Simon sighed with pleasure. Huw ran his hand around to Simon's back and again thrilled at the feel of the warm, silky flesh of this boy with whom he was so besotted. He felt as if he were in a dream from which he would awake to find that it was not real, and that all he would have to show for it was an aching erection. As Simon stroked his rigid penis through his underpants, Huw felt a large drop of precum dribble out. "Careful, Si," he murmured in Simon's ear, "I'm just about coming." Simon glanced down to where hi s hand enfolded the thick bulge in Huw's boxers. A wet stain about the size of a 20-cent piece was spreading from the top. Simon withdrew his hand and moved it under Huw's full balls, then slid it under Huw's shirt, just as Huw had done to him. He felt the downy surface of Huw's skin, where signs of his emerging manhood were beginning to appear. He looked up into Huw's face, his eyes a study in hero-worship. He had never felt like this about anyone before. He knew he needed the love that Huw had so openly shown to him, and he returned it in full measure. His hands followed the contours of Huw's sturdy body until they rested, inside the waistband of Huw's trousers, on the warm cheeks of his bum. Huw lowered his lips to Simon's upturned face and they met in a passionate embrace, their young bodies once more pressed against each other. "Let's get undressed, Simon," Huw said breathlessly, as his hands tore at the buttons on Simon's shirt. The shirt and singlet came off in a flurry of cloth. Huw marveled once more at the slim figure with its amber skin that was revealed. He found the clasp of Simon's trousers, opened the fly and slid them down over his knees. Simon's erect penis formed a tent in his briefs that sent Huw wild. He knelt at Simon's feet and pressed his mouth to the top of the bulge. He tasted through the fabric the sweetness of the drop of precum that had emerged. He hooked his fingers over the waistband and slowly dragged the briefs over the protruding member. It sprang up in front of Huw's face as Simon's briefs dropped around his ankles, and Huw took the tip, glowing purple in the sunlight where Simon's foreskin had rolled back, and gently ran his tongue around the head. Huw savoured the drop of the young boy's essence as his mouth engulfed the shaft of Simon's penis. Slowly he worked his mouth around its length, gripping the loose skin and drawing it back with his lips over the head. He ran his tongue down the underside, reaching Simon's smooth balls. Gently he engulfed one in his warm mouth, then the other, and then both together while his hand massaged Simon's penis, sliding the foreskin back and forth over the head. Huw had not encountered an uncircumcised penis before Simon, and was fascinated by the play of the foreskin over the head, a fascination increased by the obvious pleasure that Simon took in his action. Not oblivious to the wonderful sensations flowing through his own body, Huw nevertheless found his greatest satisfaction in giving pleasure to the boy that he loved more than anything, or anyone, on earth. Momentarily pulling back, Huw tore off his own clothes in a frenzy of sexual passion. Simon undid his trousers at the same time as Huw shed his shirt, until he stood naked in front of his love, his cock standing proudly at its full seven inches, precum dribbling out profusely. Simon knelt down and licked the tip with his tongue, tasting the sweet dew of Huw's youth. His mouth engulfed the head and, as Huw had done to him, Simon engulfed Huw's penis in the softness of his mouth, cupping his ample balls in his hand. Huw could contain himself no longer. "Si, I'm coming, I'm coming," he shouted. Huw flung back his head as an incredible sensation, starting in his thighs, flashed like lightning through his balls, setting them on fire, up to the base of his penis. He felt a huge load of spunk surging through his penis, forcing its way through the head, which seemed to swell to twice its normal size, until it gushed into Simon's waiting mouth. Huw cried out in panic as he wondered for an instant if he could endure the force that was shaking his young body as spurt after spurt surged through him. As his senses returned he saw his spunk dribbling out the side of Simon's mouth, and felt a pang of guilt that he had not warned him sooner of what was about to engulf him. "I'm sorry, Si, it all happened so quickly. I couldn't warn you in time." Simon opened his mouth to reply and more spunk dribbled down his chin. He put his hand to his mouth and disgorged what was left. "Its OK, Huw, it tasted fine. I loved you coming in my mouth." Simon's hand, glistening with Huw's spunk and his own saliva, went down to his straining cock. Drops from Huw's softening penis fell on it at the same time. Huw dropped to his knees and tasted his own spunk on Simon's cock, now incredibly rigid. "I'll do the same for you," he said, looking up at the halo of sunlight surrounding Simon's beautiful features, and plunging his mouth once more over Simon's cock until only the dark circle of his pubic hair was showing around Huw's lips. Huw felt the first spurts of Simon's ejaculation hit the back of his throat, as Simon's body convulsed much as his own had seconds earlier. Huw kept the five inches of Simon's shaft buried fully in his mouth as he swallowed each surge of the spunk that Simon was delivering into his throat. As the spasms slowed Huw felt Simon's cock grow smaller, the foreskin slip back over the head, and he tasted the last drops of warm honey of ebbing from the boy's body. Huw looked up, still holding Simon's now flaccid penis in his mouth, as a last drop of his own sperm fell to the floor at their feet. He could hardly believe what had just happened. Was it a dream, or had he seduced his loved one for the second time in 24 hours? He stood, gazing into Simon's eyes, overwhelmed with love, took him in his arms once more and embraced him with all the force that he could muster. Huw could not get close enough to this wonderful person. He wanted Simon's body to meld with his, for them to be part of each other, forever, and ever. He felt sick with the love that he felt for this boy, and knew that he would never recover from it, or forget this moment. The boys flopped exhausted onto the double bed that stood in one corner of the cabin. "Si, that was fantastic." Huw could not find the words that could express what he felt or what he had just experienced. "Huwy, I feel the same," Simon replied, looking at the firm body of the young lover that lay beside him, a warm glow of love spreading through him. "I love you, Huw," he said simply. "I love you too, Si. I don't think I shall ever forget what we have done." "Shall we go for that swim now?" Huw asked. "Sure, but no togs, eh? The boys gathered themselves up and stood naked admiring each other's bodies. They grabbed a towel each from their packs and headed for the lakeside beach below the cabin. The autumn sun was shining brightly as they headed down the rough path, dappling their bodies through the overhanging gum trees. The air was still and the surface of the lake utterly tranquil. Simon was overwhelmed with the beauty of the scene and turned to Huw. "Thank you for everything, Huw," he said with tears in his eyes. Huw felt an overwhelming compassion as well as love for this boy. He understood intuitively the vulnerability that lay behind the face that he presented to the world. How else could he have let himself be taken in by The Duck? Huw did not know how to express adequately the feelings he had for Simon. All he could do was take him in his arms once more, hug him to bits and shower kisses over that angelic face. He took Simon's hand in his, squeezed it, and gazed at him with a smile that expressed better than any words he could conjure up the love that he felt. They stepped to the edge of the water still holding hands, their naked bodies reflected in the still surface. "Let's go," Simon said, and dragged Huw behind him as he plunged forward into the cool water. The boys played and splashed, revelling in their nakedness. They raced each other to the pontoon moored 100 metres out, climbed aboard and took turns in bombing each other in the water. Exhausted they returned to the beach and flung themselves down on their towels, their bodies glistening in the sun. The down oh Huw's fair skin reflected the light from different angles. Simon's skin shone like amber silk. Simon looked across at Huw's groin, his cock and balls shrunk to insignificance from the cold water, now no bigger than his own. But what a difference when aroused Simon thought. He felt his own stir at the thought of holding it once more, feeling it pulsing length and watching the spunk erupt from it. "Huwy," he said, " I've never known a cock grow like yours when you get a boner." "So, you've known a few have you Si? Simon blushed a deep red at his faux pas but recovered quickly. "Shut up, Huwy, of course we've all seen them in the showers at school. Yours seems small when its down, but grows into a beauty when it is up. Not like mine. I can only manage five inches." "It'll grow, specially of you keep doing what you do to it." "Do you think wanking makes it grow?" "Well is hasn't stopped mine." "Do you do it a lot, Huwy? Love was driving both boys to explore each other's sexuality. "Every day, often twice," Huw replied. "What about you?" "Same." Huw hesitated with his next question, knowing the path that he wanted to explore and where it led. "Si, have you done it with anyone else?" Simon hesitated. "Huwy, you know the code," he said referring to the unwritten code of sexual behaviour which applied in the boarding school, and which bound boys not to give the names of any partners to another. "Yes, of course I understand, Si, but I want to be completely honest with you." He too hesitated before going on, but knew he had to lead Simon into sharing all his secrets with him. His love demanded no less, and he knew that he had to save Simon from his dangerous involvement with The Duck, which he could only do if Simon confessed all. "Si, I guess I've done it with half a dozen or so chaps since I've been in the boarding house, and one or two before that. Mostly only a few times, but fairly regularly with Tony, Ross and now Johno. I've also done it a lot with Tim, over in Jackson House. We have been friends since we were ten." Huw knew he was breaking the code, but was determined to hold nothing back from Simon. He had to encourage him to do the same. "Gosh, when we were together for the first time last night, and you seemed so hesitant, I thought you hadn't done it before," Simon replied, his hand going to down to his cock and balls. which, warmed by the sun, lay loose against his body. Huw glanced at him and felt his own penis begin to stir as they talked of sex. "I guess I'm quite experienced," Huw observed. "Some boys taught me to masturbate when I was in primary school, and Tim and I did a lot together, when we were 11and 12, before I came to the school. What about you, Si? Come on, I've told you what I've done." Simon hesitated again, but knew that he had to match Huw's frankness. "I only started a year ago when I was in Junior School, with Jamie. We still do it. He sleeps next to me." "What about Rabbit. I know he sleeps on the other side. I hear he lives up to his nickname?" Huw fished for a response . "Yeah, a few times," Simon said softly, trying to disguise his embarrassment at what in fact they had done. "Have any of the seniors ever tried it on with you?" Huw asked. "In my first year a chap, who has now left, got to me at cadet camp." "Not really, although some have seemed interested," Simon replied. He held back on his encounter with Lindsay, telling himself that Lindsay had not really tried it on so much as responded to his emotional collapse. "What about masters?" Huw asked as casually as he could. "One of the masters in Junior School put his hand down my trousers once, and the asked me to feel his cock," Simon admitted, "but he didn't take it an farther. Simon felt he was getting on to dangerous territory. He didn't want to tell about his encounter with Mr Swan. But Huw had said that Johno was one of his regular partners, and Johno had burst in on them as Simon had been wiping Mr Swan's spunk off his face after he had sucked the master off in his own study. Simon wondered what he had told Huw. "Was that the only time?" Huw asked. Simon realised that Huw knew about Mr Swan. "No, there was an incident with Mr Swan, in his study." "What happened?" Simon took a deep breath and began the story of his encounter with Mr Swan. Soon the words began to tumble out, and his chest began to heave with emotion as he recalled the details of that awful day. He told Huw everything he could remember in detail: how Mr Swan had comforted him when he had been kicked out of class, hugged him, how he had felt his erection pressed against his belly, then his climax in his trousers. He recounted how Mr Swan had called him in to explain, his lecture on love and sex and finally his response to the master's expression of love; how he had broken down and, as if in a dream, found himself in Swan's lap, felt his huge erection, and, ignoring his pleas to stop, delved into his fly to unsheathe it, taking it first in his hand and then in his mouth until Swan had ejaculated, just as Johno had knocked on the door. Simon was exhausted, emotionally and physically, and sobbing uncontrollably by the time he had finished his confession to Huw. "I know I should'nt've. I should've believed him when he tried to stop me. I don't know what drove me on. I lost control of my senses when he told me he loved me. I knew what he wanted and tried to please him. He has been so good to me. I thought of my Dad and how he comforts me when Mum goes crazy. But I have just made things worse for him. And when Johno came in I knew we were in trouble. I had to tell someone. Help me Huw. You're my best friend. What can I do?" Huw reached over and touched Simon gently on the cheek, wet with tears. He was deeply touched by the young boy's predicament. "It's alright Si. I understand. I want to help you. We'll sort things out. Don't cry, please." Huw was himself distraught at Simon's distress. He felt guilty that he had asked the question which had precipitated Simon's confession and his emotional collapse. He knew he had to comfort him, leant across and took him in his arms. Huw felt Simon's skin, warm from the sun, smooth against his naked body. He wrapped his arms around him and drew him close. Simon's sobs gradually gave way to deep sighs. His body felt limp in Huw's arms "I love you, Si. Come on, it's not the end of the world," he said and kissed him gently on the cheek. He tasted the salt of his tears, moved back and looked into those deep green eyes wet with tears. "Let's have some lunch," Huw suggested to break the emotional trauma that was tearing at both the boys. "That'd be great," Simon agreed, and the boys gathered their towels and headed for the Cabin where they found the sandwiches that Huw's mother had packed. They ate them in silence, holding hands across the table. Simon broke the spell. "Huwy, do you think I'm awful." "No, Si, I understand your feelings. When you love someone, you want to be close to them, you want to please them, do what they want to do. That's all that you did with The Duck," Huw said, using the pejorative name the boys had applied to him. "It was his fault. He had no right to come on to you like that. You will have to keep away from him in the future; otherwise you will both be in trouble. Someone might report him, and you would be in the shit as well as him. Promise me that you will stay away." "Si, I can give you all the love you need. I want you to be part of our family. I didn't know about your Mum. I'm very sorry. Mine is great. She will look after you. And now that we have found each other you can make love with me whenever you want." Simon looked at him. "But what about the others," do you think I'm a slut?" "Of course I don't. I bet I've done as much as you, and most of the chaps in the House have too. It's normal." "But I haven't told you what I've done with Rabbit," Simon, now in full confession mode, went on. "I don't want to know," Huw said firmly, "we can talk about it later, and I'll tell you some of the things I've done. We're going to take the boat over to the island." The sun was high in the autumn sky as the boys set off to row over to the small island at the western end of the lake. It was a beautiful spot, with sandy beaches. They found a place to land, and, leaving their clothes by the boat, were off exploring the light bush through which the bright sun filtered. Huw glimpsed Simon's naked body, dappled with the light filtering through the eucalyptus, as he ran ahead. It was like a mirage. He had never seen such a beautiful sight in his life. The boys flung themselves down on the beach beside the boat as they emerged from the trail, which circled the tiny Island Island, and lay panting in the sun. Their bodies came together as if drawn by some giant magnet, and they found themselves in each other's arms. Huw kissed Simon deeply and felt his cock stir between his legs. He reached down to find the tip of Simon's peeking out of his foreskin, already moist. He felt Simon's hand on his own as it stiffened in to its full seven inches. "We've got each other now. We don't need anyone else," Huw whispered in Simon's ear. Simon replied by diving his tongue deep into Huw's mouth. Their bodies were warm from the sun, Simon's glistening with a layer of perspiration on his amber skin, the down on Huw's reflecting the sun's rays in small shafts of light. "We should put on some suntan oil," Huw said, and reached into the boat to find the bottle he had carefully packed. He poured some on his hands and began to massage it into Simon's back as he lay on the beach. Starting at his neck and shoulders Huw ran his hands, slippery with the oil, down Simon's arms, across his back and down to his plump, round arse. As he rubbed each cheek in turn his hand delved into the Simon's crack, ran along its length, pausing his fingers for a moment at the opening. He ran his hands down the length of Simon's legs, before returning to the inside of his thighs, brushing the tip of his cock and his balls which protruded between his legs. They moved again to the cheeks of Simon's bum and his fingers slipped into the crack and felt his secret opening. He stopped and allowed his finger to penetrate it gently. Simon offered no resistance, and Huw moved it a little further inside him. Simon murmured, "that feels nice, Huw," encouraging Huw to explore further. Huw pushed his finger slowly until it was buried to the first joint inside Simon. Huw felt Simon's sphincter muscle contract, and pushed deeper into the body of his lover. Simon sighed with pleasure. "Oh, Huwy," he exclaimed, as Huw withdrew his finger and motioned Simon to turn over. He did so to reveal his smooth torso and tight belly over which hovered his adolescent erection, foreskin pulled back tight to reveal the purple head. Huw ran his hands gently up the side of Simon's chest to his armpits, lingered there a moment and moved them across to his nipples which he massaged gently, his eyes riveted on Simon's erection all the while. Slowly he moved his hands, lubricated with the oil, down over Simon's belly, down past his straining penis to the inside of his thighs, the tips of his fingers brushing gently against the ball sac hanging loosely in the warm sunlight. His hands roamed further down Simon's legs, massaging each calf, to his ankles, toes, soles of his feet, all the while sensually kneading the flesh of the young boy. Slowly his hands moved back to the object of Huw's desire and lightly ran one up the length of Simon's penis, lightly tickling the underside of his testicles with the other. His fingers found the exposed head of Simon's cock and gently pinched the foreskin until it was covered again, then rolled it back. Simon smiled a smile that spoke of his pleasure and his love for the boy endowing him with these exquisite feelings. He had never had a lover as expert as Huw in arousing him, drawing out the deep wells of sensuality which converged with his need for love and drove his lust. Huw lowered his head so that his mouth took the place of his hands. Simon sighed with pleasure as he felt his cock once more engulfed by the warm sensuous mouth of his new lover. Huw teased the tip with his tongue, then ran it down the length of the shaft, back up again and around the head once more. He lightly fingered Simon's balls as he did, a drop of precum from his own straining erection falling delicately on them, the slight warmth and lubricity adding another dimension to the pleasure flowing through Simon's brain. Slowly Huw lowered his body onto Simon's. Lubricated by the suntan oil they slid sensually over each other. Their cocks lay side by side, pressed between their bellies, as their mouths met in a long sensuous kiss. Huw moved his whole body against Simon's, massaging both cocks as he did. Both boys were on the point of orgasm when Huw shifted his weight slightly to release his penis and place it between Simon's thighs. Wave after wave of pleasure swept through the younger boy's body as he felt Huw's manly shaft pressed between his legs. This was a new sensation for him. With his less-than-rudimentary knowledge of female anatomy, he wondered if that was how a girl felt when she was being fucked. He was carried away by the strength and force of this wonderful thing between his legs. "Fuck me, Huwy, fuck, me," he murmured in Huw's ear, as Huw moved his stiff member back and forth in a gentle fucking action. Simon felt the weight of his body pressed against his own, once more enfolding his own penis between their flesh, sending extraordinary sensation throughout it's length. He felt the tip of Huw's long cock push through the crack of his arse as he thrust downward. Simon felt a tingling where Huw's finger had been minutes before, and knew that he wanted Huw there. He had to relieve the pressure on his cock; otherwise he would come in an instant. He rolled on his side, Huw's great cock still held fast between his legs, their lubricated bodies pressed close to each other. The boys put their arms around each other and Huw tightened his embrace further. "Huwy, do it from behind," Simon whispered, as if the whole world was eavesdropping on their lovemaking. Huw relaxed his grip and Simon rolled over so that his back faced Huw. Huw gazed at the round cheeks of Simon's bum. It was as beautiful as the rest of him, Huw thought, as he gently eased his cock once more between Simon's thighs from this different position. New sensations moved through the bodies of both boys. Huw felt his belly pressed against the cheeks of Simon's arse. The tip of his cock met Simon's balls as he thrust forward. He could now grasp Simon's penis, and began slowly to masturbate him as he moved back and forth. As he drew back Huw watched the head of his penis resting against Simon's crack. Instead of thrusting straight back between his legs he pushed slightly upward so that his cock slid along its length and became half-buried in that inviting place. As he drew back he paused momentarily at Simon's opening, then pushed the tip ever so gently against it. Huw hesitated. His love for Simon welled up in a surge of emotion at what he felt he was about to do. He felt a great ambivalence. A part of him wanted to indulge this final act of love with the person that he loved more than any other in the world. At the same time his thoughts flashed back to the times when, in their pre-adolescence, he had done this to his friend Tim. A year later, when his cock had grown Tim had yelled in pain as he sought to penetrate him. He recalled how Ross had all but raped him, and how he had hurt, and had resented Ross ever since. This was not what he wanted to inflict on Simon. Simon had offered no resistance. As Huw hesitated he pushed back, hoping to make his intention clear. "Si, do you really want me to go in? Huw asked, his voice choked with emotion. "Yes, Huwy, if you want to," Simon had replied. "I don't want to hurt you." "That's OK, just push gently and hold it if I tell you it's hurting." Huw understood that this was not the first time this had happened to Simon. He was relieved at the same time as being slightly shocked to discover how sexually experienced this boy, who he had thought of as being so innocent, in fact was. He looked down at his bulging erection. He knew he was big, and wondered if indeed Simon could take it. He scooped suntan oil from Simon's crack and applied it to his cock. He ran his hand up and down its slippery length and felt the delicious sensations running through it. "Are you sure, Si." "Yes, please Huwy," Simon almost pleaded. Huw eased gently forward. He not so much pushed as poised the tip against Simon's opening and flexed the muscles in his back so that the head of his penis flared a little. Half of it disappeared. "Is that OK, Si" "Yes, keep going like that, gently." Huw flexed his muscles again, this time pushing gently forward at the same time. The head of his penis was engulfed by Simon's body. He wondered at the sight of being consumed by his lover. "Pull back a moment," he heard Simon cry in a voice which echoed the pain he had felt. Huw withdrew, and rubbed more of his precum, which was now flowing copiously, over the head. "OK, gently," he heard Simon say, and pushed forward once more. The head penetrated easily. "That's fine," Simon whispered, "keep going." Huw pushed harder and watched as two inches of his cock disappeared into Simon's body. He withdrew, and slid back in, before pulling back a gain. "It's OK," he heard Simon saying through the delirium of his senses, "it feels great. Go right in." With that Huw wiped more oil from his hand on his cock and slowly pushed it into the now receptive opening. No longer worried that he might be hurting Simon, he enjoyed the delicious sensations of fucking his lover for the first time. He felt the warmth of Simon's body engulfing his penis, the sunlit flesh of his cheeks pressed against his belly, his balls nestled between the backs of Simon's thighs. Huw's eyes focussed on the back of Simon's head. He thought he had never seen anything so beautiful as those dark curls. He noticed again the indentation on his ear, which he had found so endearing when he stood behind him at the school football match. As he possessed Simon's body he felt an overwhelming surge of love for the boy. "I love you Si, I love you, " he whispered, as he moved pushed his cock as far as it would go inside the body of his lover. He felt Simon's shoulder blades pressing against this chest as their well-oiled bodies slithered over each other. His arms enfolded Simon in a strong grip. He slid his hands up to his smooth chest, felt his erect nipples and ran them down over his belly to grasp his straining penis. He ran his right hand along the full five-inch length, slipping Simon's foreskin over the head as he reached the top of his stroke. Simon's body trembled with excitement. He felt a deep sense of satisfaction at being fucked by a boy, who he thought of as a man, a man who loved him, and whose penis swelled deep within him. He felt the downy presence of Huw's thighs against the back of his own, the slight tickle of the thick mound of his pubic hairs brushing against the cheeks of his arse as Huw plunged his cock to the hilt. This was different to the animal thrusting of Rabbit's small, thin member, or even Jamie's immature fumblings the only time he had fucked him. This was love, the highest expression of love between two men, and he felt fulfilled. A warm glow spread from the point where Huw penetrated him most deeply through Simon's young body. It spread up through his penis held firmly in Huw's. Grip. The warm feeling became a hot flush then a cauldron boiling deep inside him which was about to bubble over. The leaves of the trees in the bush became a blur of green; he ceased to hear the lapping of the waters of the lake beside them. As he felt Huw's cock pull back and once more plunge the full length of seven inches of hard male flesh inside him it were as if his whole being was concentrated at that point where the tip of Huw's cock had seemingly punched a detonator deep in his bowels. He felt the force of the explosion rocketing through the length of his penis held firmly in Huw's grip. Simon let out a loud, involuntary moan as the orgasm wracked his body. Even before he heard the sound, Huw felt the quiver run through Simon's body, felt his cock stiffen even more, and the vein at the base pulse as the first surge of spunk raced through it, ejaculating as a long arc of white against the deep yellow sand and land a yard in front of them. It was followed by another and another, melting slowly in the sun, and more dribbling over Huw's hand. At the same moment Huw felt his own body convulse. He arched his back, threw back his head and let out a long high-pitched wail. "Oh, Christ, I'm coming," he yelled. He felt his balls explode as he thrust his penis as far as possible into the boy beside him. He felt the force of the first jet of spunk engulf the head of his cock, deep in Simon's young body. Still straining to force it up as far as possible Huw felt his penis throb as more spunk surged through it. He was oblivious to anything but the feelings echoing through his body, as slowly the force of his ejaculations declined and he felt his cock dissolving slowly into its flaccid state, enveloped in the warm wetness of his own spunk. It was the first time that he, in his emerging manhood, had fucked another and it was the person he loved more than any other in the world. As the boys lay side by side in the sand, Simon's spunk still warm on his hand, and Huw still buried inside his lover they knew that hey had forged a special bond between them. In the warm afterglow of sex neither of the boys spoke for half an hour but lay exhausted in the fading rays of the sun. Huw's penis, shrunk to its normal size, eased out of Simon followed by a dribble of his spunk. He looked down to see more glistening on the inside of Simon's thigh. As he watched more ran out in a little stream down Simon's leg. As the spell induced by his orgasm wore off Huw wondered what he had done to this boy. ' But he wanted me to do it,' he told himself. He heard Simon's cry of "Fuck me, fuck me," ringing in his mind. His love for the boy he was fucking had reached a crescendo of intensity as Simon had half turned his head to him, his face a picture of contentment shadowed briefly by pain as Huw pressed his length into him. He wondered briefly if others had seen this look on Simon's face, had felt the same love in what they were doing to him reflected back from his incomparable beauty. The boys rolled over to face each other. "Si, it's not your first time is it? Huw asked staring intently into those deep green eyes. Simon looked away. "Huw, it was different with you. I love you, and I wanted you. I know you love me, and wanted me, so that is what I wanted." "So, who else," Huw asked, repressing the still, small voice of the jealous lover deep inside him. "Rabbit more or less forced me to, and Jamie has done it once." Simon felt that truth was his only option. "You wouldn't do it with The Duck, would you? "No way." "Well I know he tried to push that great dick of his into Johno, so you'll probably be next," Huw said more harshly than he had intended. "Johno," Simon gasped. "Yes, and Lindsay too. Johno has had a rough time in the House, and I don't want the same to happen to you. Promise me Si that I'll be the only one you'll let do it to you. Above all, promise me you'll keep out of Swan's clutches." "Promise, Huwy. After today I can't imagine wanting to do it with anyone else. Did Mr Swan really try to fuck Johno," he asked, incredulous. "Forget I said it, Si; yes he did, which is why Johno told me about finding you in Swan's study with spunk all over your face. He didn't want it to happen to you." "Lindsay too," Simon asked "Yes, he practically raped Johno when he was in first year, like you. Si, you have to be careful. I only want to protect you." "I understand, Huwy. Lindsay knows what happened with Mr Swan, and we sort of--" Simon's voice trailed away. He felt very vulnerable. The more he said he felt he risked alienating Huw's love. That Huw would think him nothing but a little slut. "You've done it with him too?" Huw asked. "Just once. It was sort of accidental. He had asked me to see him to quiz me about Mr Swan. I broke down, he hugged me, and the next thing I knew he had my cock out, and his own, and we both came. That was all, really." "Si, I've got you now. I never want anyone else. I love you. Please don't think I'm a slut." Simon pleaded, close to tears once more. Huw put his arm around him. "Si, I'm the slut. I've done it with heaps of others, and been fucked by Ross. It's all behind us now. We have each other. End of story," Huw said, and kissed Simon deeply on the mouth, their still-naked bodies dappled by the shadows cast by the dying sun. "We'd better get back, before it's dark." The boys gathered their clothes, put on their togs and prepared to row back.

They knew that they were bound together for the rest of their lives by what they had done on the beach that afternoon.

End of Part 9

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