Simon Said

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Apr 6, 2020


Supernatural fanfic, belongs in celebrity

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Simon Said Part Two

Well, that's quite a story, the kid said pacing the length of the motel room, So you think we're all connected to this demon huh?

Dean had told this slimebag practically his life story. About the demon, Sammy's powers, everything. He felt violated, like he had somehow betrayed the family trust, Yeah, you're all freaks in the same way

Even your brother? he asked raising an eyebrow.

Dean closed his mouth and forced his tongue to stop moving, but the kid just smiled and said, Tell the truth

Yes, the word barked out of Dean s mouth like a freight train. Even though Sammy was nowhere around, he still felt like he had kicked his kid brother in the shins.

Why? , he said sitting down across from Dean again, According to you your brother is a good guy, a hunter, he said it with a deep voice like he was mocking their profession as some kind of manly, macho bullshit. Why would you think he was a freak like us?

Cause my dad said I might have to kill him, which meant he knew something was up with him the whole time. And.., he shut his mouth quickly.

And? , he said drawing the response out of him.

And if you re any indication he was right, you are all fucking murderers

The kid laughed as he got up and looked out the window, You re a murderer too, and looked back to Dean, Am I right in thinking you d kill me if you could?

Oh yes, Dean said with a bit too much relish in his voice.

And why? Cause I m not as big as you, or as strong as you? Cause I am a little guy and can t defend myself?

Cause you frickin kill people, you psycho!

Those people deserved to die, he said quickly

So do you, Dean said with real steel in his voice.

They were both silent for a second, both staring into the deep hatred that they shared for each other.

Maybe but not by you. How long until your brother starts to wonder where you are? Remember truth time, he smiled but there was nothing of a real smile behind it. It was a smile that reminded Dean this may look like a flesh and blood kid, but he was really just a monster in the end; a monster that needed to die. Which made him all the more scared for Sammy.

Bout an hour, he knows I was going to look around and find out what happened to that woman. He s with Andy so he'll stay put, he hated the way he sounded telling him that. Like he was a trusted friend or something.

Good, he said standing up and moving the chair back, Take off your jacket

Dean sat there for a second and resisted the urge his arms had to shed his coat. He watched them pull the garment over his sleeves and toss it on the table, Good take off your shoes and belt, and lose the button-up shirt The kid was taking off his shoes as well and Dean had the feeling this was about to get a lot worse.

What s with the stripping? , Dean asked as he pulled his shoes off.

I know guys like you, he said unbuttoning his shirt, I grew up with jock assholes like you. Just cause you re good looking and in shape, you think you are king of the world. Able to do whatever you want to whoever you want. I know guys like you well. I was beaten up by them every day of high school

Dean laughed a nervous chuckle as he unbuttoned his shirt, Dude you don t know jack about me. I hate sports, watching, playing, whatever. I have better things to do than watch grown men roll around with each other on a Sunday

So you didn't play sports, the kid said pulling down his jeans, standing there in a pair of faded boxers, But you know you re good looking right?

Dean smiled, Hell yeah. I'm the best looking thing I ever met

And you think that makes you better than people right?

Only the ugly ones

Like me?

And Dean closed his mouth quickly.

Answer me, the kid demanded, Am I one of the ugly ones? Is that why you re better than me? Cause you are prettier?

Dude the full list of reasons I am better than you would blanket this whole town and only the first thirty or so would have to do how I am better looking than you. The rest is just caused you're bat shit crazy and evil as fuck

So I'm evil?

Oh yeah

And you'd kill me if you could?

In a second buddy

Well then, let me show you what evil is, and the kid took a step back from Dean. Dean sat on the bed trying not to sweat. His heart was pounding and his mouth felt dry. There had to be some way out of this, some way to get the jump on this kid.

Take your t-shirt off slowly

Dean grimaced as he felt his shirt rise slowly over his head, the cold air of the hotel room made his nipples harden and his stomach lurch, Look, kid, I know you think I am some kind of manifestation of every idiot meathead you beat you up in school but I m not. I don t know you and you don t know me. You don t want to do this, he tried to keep his voice level, because if even the small amount of fear that was building in his mind, he was going to start whining. And this kid, this little fuck didn't get to hear him whine.

You're right, he said pulling off his shirt and tossing it on top if Deans. The comparison couldn't have been more striking. Where Dean was tan and defined, the kid was pale and skinny. Where Dean had muscles the punk had skin and bones. It was like a before and after shot from some health magazine. You aren't the guys who beat me up and I don t know you, but I know your type. Let me ask you this, he said sitting down next to Dean on the bed, What did you think of me at the diner when I sat down at your table?

I didn't think much of anything, Dean said, trying to force his body to move away from this guy.

Oh come on, the kid trailed on finger up Dean s tight thigh, slipping his hand under the legs of the black boxer briefs, Everyone thinks something, tell the truth what did you think?

Between the mind control and the growing panic of some guys hand next to his junk, Dean almost barked out, I thought you were a little nerd who was obsessed with being liked too much! His leg jerked away from the hand but he felt his fingers grab onto the meat of his leg and hold him there.

See and that's where you re wrong, I don't want to be liked, and the hand went sliding further up his leg again, Everyone likes me

I'm not into guys, Dean said feeling the tips of his fingertips touching the very base of his balls. The words came flying out of his mouth as if somehow telling this freak job he wasn't gay would make him back off. Dean was panicking and he knew it.

Neither am I, he said cupping his hand around Dean s smooth ball sack.

That s funny coming from a guy who s fondling my balls.

This, he said squeezing very lightly, just enough to get him to gasp, This isn't about sex, this isn't about sex at all

Then what's it about, he asked, his voice getting slightly higher from trepidation.

This, and he reached up and started to fondle Dean's still soft penis, This is about power

Dean closed his eyes and tried not to scream. Not that he could scream since that would bring attention, but just the fact he would be ready to felt like this would be even worse. He started to think of something else, anything else than pasty the mind-controlling sociopath playing with his wiener.

Sides we're all bisexual to some degree, Dean half-opened one eye and looked to the kid in complete disbelief, It s true, let me show you

No thanks, Dean said rather quickly.

Have you ever found a guy attractive?

No, Dean said flatly.

You have never noticed a guy's body and felt some degree of admiration from it?

Dean felt his power reach into his mind, and he was forced to think about it. He was surprised to hear his mouth say, My brother's

Oh really? , the kid said, When was this?

We were working a job in Texas, and he was getting out of the shower. He had this towel on. , his voice trailed off as he remembered Sammy, still wet. The look of shock on Dean s face, half from almost being caught with the itching powder, but also a small amount of, God Damn that boy has grown up some. Dean was in great shape, but he didn't have anything near Sammy's toned look. And sometimes, when he was naked in front of a mirror, he wished he did.

And you thought his body was attractive?

Yes, Dean said, his mind still a million miles away.

That feeling will grow with time, and he laughed, But see? We all have a type we would change teams for. Funny that your brother is yours

I would never, Dean started, the anger making it easier to pull his leg away again. The kid's hand moved out from under the underwear, eliciting a sigh of relief from Dean he didn't realize he was holding.

Oh, you will, and he sat up. Dean could see the kids bulge from where he was standing. The kid may have nothing going on in the physique department, but from what was straining at the front of his tighty whities, it seemed respectable.

Stand up, and Dean did, And take off your underwear, Dean felt himself bend over and step out of this briefs. The kid stood there and drank in the sight. Dean tried not to sneer, the last thing this kid needed was to be antagonized.

You are hot, aren't you? , he asked, more rhetorically than to Dean. But Dean still grinned and said, Damn right

Ok, then tough guy. Here we go. Looking at me you will feel the same kind of awe and admiration you felt when you saw your brother that day in Texas. You will see me with a body and face as handsome as you see him, as he spoke Dean saw the kid transform in front of his eyes. It wasn't like his features changed or anything. It was more like Dean was noticing them for the first time. His eyes were an awesome color, and even though he wasn't built, his definition was still impressive. In fact, Dean had to admit that this kid was kind of sexy in his own way. He probably had no problems with the girls.

How do you like me now?

I guess I was wrong, Dean said wondering what he had been thinking the first time, You seem like an ok guy. I mean evil as fuck and still sick in the head. But not bad looking all things considered

So I don't look like a freak anymore?

Nah, not really. You could pass as a normal, handsome, college kid

You're horny, the kid said out of nowhere.

Nah not rea..., and then he felt it. The rush of heat to his face, the pumping of blood to certain parts. He felt his body start to react to the fact his mind was kind of randy.

You're really horny

Dean felt his cock start to swell. He had covered his manhood when he had removed his drawers, but now he felt it start to come to life behind his hands. He blushed again realizing he was sporting wood in front of this guy, Sorry man, it has a mind of its own

Oh I know, the kid said smiling. It was a nice smile, the same kind of openness that Sammy had when he was sincere about something, Don't be shy, it's a nice cock

Dean moved his hands aside, the kid was right. Fuck it was a nice cock. Thick, rigid, within seconds it was rock hard, the tip pressing up against the bottom of Dean s tight abs. He tried to keep himself trimmed down there, he found that girls liked it when the grass was mowed as it were. That and he loved the way his balls felt smooth as silk after shaving. He wanted very badly to start jerking off, but the kid was standing right there. And there was no way he was going to jerk off in front of a guy, You mind if I use the bathroom? , Dean asked pointing at the door.

The kid laughed, that same little burst of laughter that Dean noticed Sam used when he found something too funny fort words. Dean had always envied that laugh a little, the way it just exploded on his brother, like a summer storm out of nowhere, It s ok Dean, we're old friends. We got nothing to hide from each other

Dean knew the kid was right. His hand hovered over his tool for a second, he so badly wanted to grip it and just toss one-off. But still, we wouldn't even do that in front of Sammy. I just wasn't right.

I know man it's just, and Dean felt his cheeks burn from embarrassment.

The kid sighed and shook his head, Ok you no longer care if I am a guy or not. In fact, it makes no difference at all what gender I am right now to you

Something clicked in Dean s mind. He was standing in a motel room, buck naked with a hot looking person .he was horny as hell and had an hour to blow before he needed to be anywhere. What the hell was he doing being shy?

He went to reach for his member as he reached over to pull the kid's underwear down when he said, Stop Dean froze, his body almost frozen in erotic anticipation, Too easy You do care about gender but you are even hornier than you were before. And for every minute that passes, you will become even more horned up. But you can t touch yourself or relieve yourself sexually. Only I can do that

Dean pulled his hand away like he was burned. He looked over to the kid with a scowl, he was almost ready to touch this handsome freak. What the hell, Look, man, I need to get off, there was an urgency in Dean s voice that was surprising even him.

And? , the kid asked smiling.

Dean knew he couldn't touch himself, by this time he would have tossed off if Mother Teresa was in the room. But he couldn't, but he couldn't bring himself to ask the kid, Nothing, Dean said, feeling his balls tighten from desire. He was getting a bad case of blue balls, it felt like he hadn't cum in months. They both stood there for a second and the desire got worse, Look, man, Dean started again. It wasn't like he WANTED a guy to touch him, he had to. There was no other way right now and damnit.

Yeah? , the kid asked, sitting down in the chair, watching Dean adjust himself from foot to foot. His impressive cock bobbing back and forth with every movement.

Could you just? I mean, but he couldn't say it.

Do what? , he asked innocently.

Oh, come on! , Dean swore and then looked back at him, Really?

Again with that nonsmile, Really

Dean closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He tried to calm himself for a moment but the desire exploded on him again and the words shot out, Could you help me get off before I explode?

There was silence and finally, Dean opened one eye.

What do I get out of it?

The joy of feeling a real man's cock? , the moment the joke was out Dean knew it was the wrong thing to say.

No thanks, I'm fine where I m at

Oh, it was a joke come on !!, Dean wasn't surprised to hear himself plead a little, hell the way his dick was pounding he was surprised he wasn't crying. Ok, ok what do you want me to do? , he couldn't believe he was asking this but he HAD to do something.

Hmmm, what are you willing to do? , the kid asked.

Anything came to Dean s mind but he refused to admit that. Instead, his mind flashed through a catalog of, what was a mere day earlier, a disgusting variety of sexual favors that could occur between two men. Now he was looking over them for something that he could stomach doing to this kid, and not blow his brains out over later, How about I give you a handjob for helping me out with one?

It was a fair bargain, after all, it was just like jerking his own dick. And lord knew he needed to get off quickly. Just standing there the desire got even worse.

Hmmm, I don t like handjobs, the kid said, looking like he was thinking about it.

What do you like? , Dean blurted out.

You agree to do whatever I want whatever I ask. and I will help you get off

Fuck that, Dean said trying not to wince as his cock throbbed slightly. Dean looked and saw a tendril of precum drip from the head of his cock. Oh god, this was so bad. The kid pretended to hum a tune like he hadn't a care in the world while Dean felt the pounding if his loins start to drive him crazy.

Anything except my ass, Dean bargained back.

Anything at all, the kid said not even looking at Dean, Anything or nothing and I leave you like this


Anything but I get to say stop if it gets too much

The kid finally looked up at him, And if you like it?

I won't, Dean said gritting his teeth.

He thought about for a second and then jumped up off the chair, Deal, if I do something that doesn't feel good, you can ask me to stop

Promise? , Dean said feeling that even this small point would be bartered away after a few more minutes like this.

Cross my heart, the kid walked up and stood in front of Dean, Take off my underwear

Dean didn't feel the compulsion to do what he said this time. He understood that everything that happened from here, was going to have to be Dean s choice. There was no humiliation if he made Dean do a thing.

Dean put one hand on either side of the kid's waist.

Slowly, he said smiling.

Dean took a deep breath and started to begin.

Next: Chapter 3

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