Simon Said

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Apr 6, 2020


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This takes place during Season Two's episode Simon Said

Hey its me, burned up like you said Dean wastrying not to talk through his mouth but the smell was enough to makeanyone gag. And Dean Winchester had smelt some vile things in histime.

When Sam asked, half knowing the answer but notbelieving it. Andy had to be their guy.

Like minutes before Igot here, the smell hasn't even cleared Dean hated losing anyone. Butknowing he was minutes late from stopping a lady burn up hit himsomewhere inside. A somewhere he didn't like to visit all that much,Whats up with your visions, this wasn't even a head start Bad enoughhe was forced to accept the fact his little brother was going allShining on him but to be told and not be able to do anything aboutit. Well that just sucked. I mean really, what was the point ofhaving a psychic Lassie riding shotgun if you cant save Timmy in thewell ?

I don't know alright. I cant control them, I don't knowwhat the hell is going on Sam said more mad at himself than hisbrother. Dean was just smelling the poor woman, Sam had had to watchit. In stereo surround vision stereo.

Listen, you were withAndy when this whole time this thing went down Dean said vocalizingwhat Sam was trying not to think, So it cant be him, its gotta besomeone else doing it

Sam said softly into the cell, as tomake sure Andy couldn't hear him, That doesn't make any sense

Whatelse is knew damn this smell wasn't gonna go away. Job or not, Deanwas ready for a beer, any beer, hell even a wine cooler to get thistaste out of his mouth, Well Ill dig around here, see what else I canfind and hung up the phone. This had the makings of a bad job goingsouth fast. As he moved towards the accident, his mind startedworking the intricate dance it always did when Dean needed a coverstory to explain his presence. He was feeling in a slightly federalagent kind of mood and decided an off duty US Marshall should do welland moved his hand to his back pocket for a badge.

What areyou doing here ? a voice called out from behind him.

Deanturned and saw a familiar face, but he couldn't quite name it Someskinny kid with the same kind of bug eyes that one hobbit had in theLord of the Rings movies, Hey he drew it out hoping this kid wouldthrow out a name.

What would this have to do with Great AuntRita ? the kid asked, looking around the now burnt gas station.

CrapDean thought as he left go of his wallet, This is that kid from thediner, the bus boy who had a boy crush on Andy. He still thinks I'm alawyer

Ah hey Dean said moving closer to the kid, as not tohave him start screaming he wasn't who he said he was, What happenedhere ? Some kind of a

Shut up

The kid hadn't spoken anylouder, or with any more force than before. But for some reason Deansmouth stopped moving dead cold. He would have been shocked if thesame damn thing hadn't already been used on him. This little shit wastheir guy.

Why are you here, the truth ! and again the wordsstarted to pour out of Deans mouth like water out of a leakyfaucet.

Me and my brother are hunters looking into Andy andhere we thought he was the one killing all the doctor and this ladybut turns out its just you and he started to reach for his gun. Thekid had said shut up, not don't move.

Stop he said, the gunhalfway out of Deans belt. He stood there, like some kind of weirdDean Winchester wax dummy, in a gun pulling action pose!

Fuckfuckfuck Dean thought wishing he could make this kidshead explode with the force of a dozen Carries

Put it away andthe gun slipped back into his waist, You will not try to harm meagain and suddenly the desire to throttle this kid vanished.


You are going to smile, act normal, and come withme

Dean felt his mouth break into one of his thousand wattsmiles and he casually followed the kid away from the crime scene, aswell as the dozen or so witnesses that might have helped him. Thissucked.

The kid got into a junky looking 2 door and motionedfor Dean to get inside. Screaming at himself in his mind he gethimself go over to the passenger door and get in like nothing waswrong. He looked over to the kid, his face smiling but his eyesburning. He may not be able to hurt him, but he could sure thinkabout it.

The kid smiled a greasy looking grin back, Yeah Ibet you would love to kill me big hunter guy. But you cant and youwont and Dean felt the suggestion go further into his mind, You aregoing to sit there and act like you're my best friend. Got it ?

Surething buddy the words sounded so real as they tumbled out of hismouth, like a pack of dogs craving to jump up on their beloved owner,Why are you doing this ? Dean asked, voice still pleasant as syrup,as they pulled into traffic.

Taking you or killing people ? heasked pulling into a crappy motel right down the street.

Eitherone Dean said, envisioning his hands around this nerds throat.

Iam killing people because I am making Andy stronger and I am takingyou he said stopping the car, Because I need to know what you andyour brother know. So then I can get rid of the both of you

Youkill me and my brother will waste your freak ass Dean said, stillfucking smiling.

Is that a fact ? he said smiling that littlehalf smile thing again, Well that's nice to know. You're going to bea font of information aren't you ?

Dean closed his mouth,knowing it wouldn't go any good. Dammit this kind of mojo wascheating. Just not fair.

I'm gonna get us somewhere private hesaid kneeling back into the car from the drivers window, You sitthere, say nothing, do nothing. Just wait for me to get back andturned to walk away and then stuck his head in again, Give me thatcell phone you were using

FUCK ! Dean thought as he felt hishand reach into his pocket and pas it over to him, Here ya go

Dont move and walked away.

Dean Winchester had an exhaustivevocabulary of profane and crude cuss words. His ability to swearrivaled that of many Long shore men and Merchant Marines all over theworld. But never in his life did he cuss so much as in his mindwaiting for nerd boy to com back. After an agonizing five minutes hereturned with a key and simply said, Follow me

Dean got out ofthe car, his body again moving against his will, and followed the kidinto the dark motel room. Normally rooms like this were simplynameless entries in the Winchester Brothers guide to killing things.But now, walking in against his will, the room had a sense offorbearing that no motel room had possessed for Dean before.

Siton the bed he said as he walked around the room, making sure thedrapes were closed. Dean sat on the bed, hand on his lap, waiting. Hewanted to waste this fuck so bad but his hands wouldn't move towardsthe gun.

The kid pulled up a chair and sat across from Dean,Take the gun out and hand it to me

Slipping the gun out Deanpulled back the action and slid the clip out. And then handed theempty gun over to the kid.

The WHOLE gun he said angry.

Deanhanded the clip over, You said the gun, not the bullets

Deanfelt the gun hit the side of his face. Not that hard since the kidwas maybe a buck thirty soaking wet. But pistol whipped was pistolwhipped and Dean felt the side of his face start to swellslightly.

OK you want to play games let's play games misterbadass the kid placed the gun on the table and walked over to Dean,You cannot lie to me, you cannot attack me, you cannot try to harmme, you cannot try to escape. You cannot try to get the gun or yourphone. You will not try to call out for help and you will not try todo anything that will attract outside attention. You got all that?

Dean felt his mind swim for a second as the commands flewthrough his brain. He felt his free will switch off slightly aschoice after choice dwindled away until Dean was left with the choiceto just sit there. Sit there and wait for the kid to tell him what todo.

Yeah Dean said wanting very badly to spit at thekid.

Good. You're probably used to having people do whateveryou want them to, but this time the bug bad hunter has to do what Iwant. Doesn't that sound like fun ?

No it sounds like you havesome fucked up issues in your head and you get a kick out of makingpeople do what you want them to do the kid looked angry for a secondand Dean smiled, Remember, I cant lie

So you cant he saidcalming down, OK, what do you know about Andy and our powers ?

Deanfelt his mouth start to open and the words came spilling out. Hesilently screamed Sammy's name out in his mind as he told him allabout Sam, the Demon and the fire.

Next: Chapter 2

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