
By G Cutter

Published on Jun 14, 2008



The following story is homoerotic in content. That means it may or will contain sexual content between consenting males of assorted ages. The story, characters, places and situations depicted are FICTION.

All the above means is that the stories I write exisite purely in my mind and have absolutely no basis in reality. My characters do not use condoms, etc. and that is because imaginary people do not need them. REAL PEOPLE do.

Finally: This story (or parts thereof) is/are intended for mature readers and that generally means people of over 18 years of age. It should not be read or passed onto persons under that age.

NIFTY provides a mass of FREE stories, please support them if you are able.


2 - A Postscript


G. Cutter

A few people have written to me and asked if the Simon thing ever came to anything long term, boyfriendwise (hell of a word there).

Well, I thought I'd explained my position in my first 'Simon' story and the main thing was that I really couldn't afford to get to know the boys too well otherwise I'd be out of a job, probably both jobs and homeless as well. But, having said that, things did develop. Simon got to be a regular visitor if a cautious one and most of our meetings were in secret rather than 'approved by the parents'. It would be nice to have regular sleepovers but although our ages wedren't hugely different ongues would wag and that would be that.

November went and December came bringing Christmas and obviously the lead upto the Christmas holidays. It was much colder, the rain had turned into snow and sleet and the grounds were in a right mess. The boys teams overplayed them and that was a problem that the managers couldn't get though their tiny minds. You just couldn't play a pitch four times over a weekend and expect it to recover in the abyssmal weather we were having. The turf was getting kicked to shit and the pitches were getting the meat kicked out of them, we had a big field with three full sized pitches but we just couldn't accomodate the volume of play, it was as easy as that.

To cut to the chase. I'd marked all three pitches up on the Friday and Saturday morning in spite of the weather and the adults had played their Saturday match leaving the the field free for the boys matches on the Sunday. I looked at my running order and to be honest I was totally horrified. All three pitches in use at ten in the morning and one pitch getting a second thrashing at midday, at this rate the field would be unuseable by Christmas. I saw Simon in the bar Saturday with his dad and I saw the other boys as they tended to come up and watch their senior teams if they had nothing else to do. It was a social scene as some of the dads played for the senior team and many of the 'seniors' had kid brothers in the boys teams. A nice setup, very good for bar takings and there was a lot of chat (and organisation) revolving around the Kid's Xmas Disco and the Senior Team's Xmas Bash', both regular events and good earners for the Club Bar.

'Hi, how goes the battle?' I looked up to see Simon with a big grin on his face accompanied by Paul Jones and the smaller Andy Campbell was hovering in the background. I was at a lull in the serving and did them soft drinks and choccies. I remembered that these three comprised the Simon Sex Circle and wondered what they were upto.

'Dodgy for tomorrow, lads,' I informed them. 'More snow forecast.'

'We can play in snow,' Paul looked at me and I could see what Simon meant when he said that this kid fancied me. Paul was a cracker and I hadn't really paid him any attention in the past. I'd given young Andy a blow in the late summer but I've mentioned that in my last story. However, Paul was someone I'd really like to come to grips with and I mean in a sexual way. He was only slightly taller than Simon but bigger overall, he was sixteen after all. If Simon was a beautiful half Paki then Paul was the complete opposite, a Viking in the making with longish blond hair, in fact, he put me in mind of one of those American or Ozzy surfer dudes, very sure of his own good looks but nervous with it.

'Depends what you mean by play, Paul.' He reddened but that was the limit of my risque remarks at least with that amount of people around. Little Andy who was a buzzcut blond laughed which didn't help.

'We were thinking about invading you,' Simon leant over the counter and the others moved in like a good little footy team does backing up their striker.

'Sounds nice,' I smiled still with my eyes on Paul.

'Hey, I'm the fuckin' boyfriend,' Simon snarled which brought titters from the other two. 'What about tomorrow after the match?'

'OK by me. You and Paul,' I licked my lips and almost started to drool. 'You'll have to square your parents away.'

'And me,' Andy squealed getting hushed by Paul and Simon.

'Well, I've got two bedrooms,' I grinned and went off to serve someone. It got busy after that and I saw the boys take over the pool table and that was the end of that for the time being. It was cold and light snow was falling by the time the bar cleared. At least in the football season my Saturdays ended around five or six, in the cricket season I'd be there until nine or even ten in the evening. I saw little Andy go away with his dad and later Paul wandered off with mates but Simon had gone missing and I was a bit surprised to see him wander into the bar just as I was closing. I got a sort of deja vu flashback, this was like a rerun of that night in November.

'Hi, Simon, back again?' I remarked rather vacantly.

'Yeah,' he grinned. 'I am helping you get sorted out in the morning. Didn't dad mention it.'

'I haven't seen your dad for an hour or so.'

'He's probably gone,' Simon smiled again. 'I got night leave,' he suddenly leant in and whispered. 'Paul and Andy are stopping over tomorrow afternoon and night,' he accepted a free Coke. 'It's all fixed. The story is we're having an XBox Competition, they're bringing some games.'

'And I'm the last to know,' I remarked feeling a bit annoyed but excited at the same time. A right little team of devious boy pervs but at least they were organised and I suppose in this particular instance there really was safety in numbers.

'Looks that way,' he smirked. 'Don't tell me you're not interested in Paul and Andy.'

'What's your profit on the deal?'

'I get to do Andy properly in a bed and I think Paul's ripe for plucking or something,' he laughed. 'Of course, we have a night together that's gotta be better than the dodgy get togethers we've been doing lately.'

He was right, I should have been grateful I suppose and the thought of spreading the pseudo surfer around my bed and exploring his body was a bit of a turn on. The other thing was I had a slight lust for Andy as well. I had blown him but nothing else, if he could take Simon's big brown cock then he could certainly take me.

'Help me shut down,' I ordered as I saw the last two groups were making a move and arranging to continue their drinking a little nearer home. 'You sure your parents are alright with this?'

'Solid,' he gave me a thumbs up. 'Dad'll be up around eight thirty to see what the pitches are like, he's organiser of the day.'

'Wowee,' I laughed and saw my customers to the door. Not a bad bunch of lads the so called adult team, most of them were in their twenties but nothing that really yanked my chain. My main turn on was scurrying around collecting ashtrays and wiping off tables, at least he was saving me some work. I looked across the field and the snow was settling, if anything it looked to be coming down heavier and if it kept up all night their chances of playing football would be zero to zilch.

I cashed up and locked up. Followed by Simon I went to my cottage next door glad to be out of the bar. Thank God the football season was now running into seven months and the cricket only five. I much preferred the football, it was easier on the groundsman for one thing and although there were cricketing 'Colts' as they were called their numbers were nothing compared to the boy footballing teams. Anyway, on a purely personal front I thought most of the cricketing kids were a bunch of stuck up little tarts, the footballing kids were definitely a bit more down to earth. I suppose I was a bit of a reverse snob, I liked the more 'common' boys which sounds awful and probably is but we all have our likes and dislikes and being common myself helps. At least we spoke the same language.

I ushered Simon into my parlour and sat him down by the fire. I know he liked slugging on my stock of WKD's but I made him hot chocolate in view of the weather. I didn't want my little sweety getting a cold not that he was all that little but I did like to do a bit of mothering. 'Here you go, Sy,' I handed a mug over and we sat watching some of the highlights of the day's league matches on the box. 'Have you eaten?'

'Just snacked,' he kicked his trainers off.

'Steak and kidney pies, mashed spud, a drop of gravy?'

'Sounds great, Mum.'

'It'll cost you a frantic night's sex,' I stood and ruffled his thick black hair

'Natch,' he grinned reaching out and felt my crotch, he squeezed my penis which was in it's semi aroused state, my usual condition when I had him to myself and he smirked up at me, I tore myself away before I made a fool of myself and leapt on him.

The meal was easy, I whacked the pies in the microwave and mixed the Smash, the only instant mashed potatoes I could handle. The gravy was a minutes work and I called him into the kitchen just over ten minutes later - I might do the basic cooking but no way was I serving him, I did have some pride left. We cleared up at the end and spent the rest of the evening watching the television and watched a DVD. We did kiss and canoodle but we were used to each other now, comfortable in each other's company and neither of us had anything to prove, we could take our time and we did.

I looked out of the window and then went to the front door and had a look. The Sunday football was looking less and less likely. The snow was heavy now and looked to be set in for the night. The kids might be sledging and building snowmen tomorrow but any 'official' matches were well and truly out of the window. I relayed the news to Simon and he phoned his dad who confirmed he'd still be up around the eight thirty mark to make the decision on play or not.

'Bloody cold out there,' I snuggled back onto the sofa and wrapped my arm around his thin shoulders. 'I've put the fire on in our bedroom.'

'Hint, hint,' he giggled. 'How do you reckon tomorrow's going to work out?'

'First of all no proper matches,' I kissed him lightly on his smooth cheek. 'Kid's will bugger about doing snowy type things, parents will have a few drinks but the Club's so cold they'll all be gone in a couple opf hours. No one wants to sit around drinking chilled beer in this weather.'

'Sounds about right,' he murmured. 'What about when they're all gone?'

'You do your thing with little Andy and I get to see if Paul is as good as you say he is.'

'Sounds like a plan,' he agreed. 'Wanna go to bed early, we have to be up for dad around eight. You have to do a pitch inspection and declare unfit for play or whatever.'

'That's true.' The curiosity of being a groundsman or a Grounds Manager as I was officially is that you and you alone get to determine whether a pitch is fit for play. The pitch can be flooded or knee deep in slow but this important declaration must be made. Some of the more junior teams would play if there was six foot of snow unless stopped. I looked out of the window again and the snow was falling in swirling white curtains, there was a stiff breeze and I could see it drifting up against the already rigged goal nets. 'Grounds are totally unfit for play,' I announced. 'My bed is playable though...'

'Goody,' Simon arose from his sofa and turned the TV off, it was bedtime.

I did my usual lockup and turned all the lights off before mounting the stairs. I know it was early but snuggling upto a randy brown skinned boy had to beat watching a load of crap on the TV, besides, he was hot and I was horny which is a pretty good combination. Simon was in bed by the time I arrived and I quickly dropped my clothing and slipped into his welcoming arms.

'I've been waiting a week for this,' he whispered and crawled on top of me pressing his own erection against mine and I just lay there clasping his smooth brown cheeks as he gently moved to and fro. 'You can go first,' he trembled as my fingers wandered up and down his tight crack delving for his heat and heart. OK, I know the heart's up in the chest but I was being poetic. He kissed me lightly and opened his legs as I probed and my fingers tickled at his dry ring. 'Yeah...' he sighed with satisfaction as I licked one finger and prodded at his pucker feeling it yield to my pressure.

I rolled in the bed so that he was under me and then crouched over his supine body, he knew where I was going and what I was after and just lay there with a lazy smile on his face opening his legs. I ducked down and took his firm brown skinned flesh into my mouth but I didn't want thim to cum, I wanted him to save that for his turn. I lifted his legs and sucked his stiffness for a little while before moving onto his scrotum and taking his tightening up ballsac into my mouth. As I said, I didn't want him to come and moved lower still, in fact, I lifted his legs which he held back and started to suck and slobber on his little brown pucker. He moaned and wriggled holding his knees back exposing himself to whatever I had planned.

One qick smear of lube was all it took and I had one finger inside his hot bottom probing for and finding his boyish prostate. That did it as I knew it would, he threshed around and muttered only falling silent when I pressed my now precuming penis against his ring and sliding into his tight heat.

'Yessss,' I hissed with satisfaction and slowly began to work my way into his warm depths. He held my hips and started to pull onto my thrusts as I gently and slowly shagged until I was completely trapped in his flesh and my pubics pressed up under his scrotum. His arms encircled my neck and his legs came onto my back, we were well and truly joined. 'Mmm... nice,' I whispered as I lifted him under the small of his back and placed him just where I wanted him, then I started to make love as lovingly and romantically as I knew how. I could see his long monster cock twitching on his belly and his glans was connected to his flat brown belly by a puddle of pearly spunk, even as I shagged and peeped another pulse oozed from his tip and he held me closer closing his eyes.

You know, I wasn't a Lothario, a Sex God or anything like that and my sexual partners had been few and far between but Simon was my best yet . He was blinding sex and I don't really want to rant on about it except to remind you every now and then. If I wasn't a realist and scared of actually declaring myself I would have married him when he was sixteen and dragged him away to the other end of the country and lived happily ever after but - and this is a big but... he was a fifteen year old boy. He was an angsty teeny, he could find another boyfriend tomorrow, he could find a girl for God's sake, our friendship or our romance balanced on a razor's edge. I just had to make the best of what I had and for the moment I had him in bed and I was making love to him, his lithe brown body and his beautifully clamped boy's bottom around my rampaging dick.

It was rampaging (which is a lovely word) as well whilst I daydreamt, my balls were up so tight they hurt and suddenly I felt the rush of my climax and thrust in hard and deep holding him tightly as I spewed my essence deep into his body.

'Jesus...' he moaned and held me tightly as I rammed in again and stayed in deep releasing the remainder of my loving into his quivering body. 'Cor, you done gallons,' he held me tightly and we shared a sloppy kiss. I slipped free in a slow movement that had to be messy but I didn't care, I had stacks of towels. I crouched up and took him into my mouth and started to suck his drooling meat. 'You don't get off that easy,' he giggled and playfully fought me onto my belly and I willingly opened my legs. I slid a pillow under my middle elevating my bum for him. I didn't care now, after the first two or three times I'd got used to his extraordinary cock and submitted as he dabbed some lube on my ring and set to. He was nice and slow which made it all the more enjoyable. He'd found that doing it in the 'missionary' position as we'd found it called in a magazine gave him the option of long slow thrusts and that's exactly what he did. It was only when he came onto his climax did he really bury himself and resort to the two or three inch jabs.

When he finally cum it must have been equal to mine and I had to believe he'd gone 'dry' for a week, perhaps he'd been saving it for me which was a nice thought. We eventually drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, both satisfied and both leeching heat from each other.

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock and the first thing I did was to visit the freezing bathroom, it was half past six and my normal waking time for that time of year. I parted the curtains for a look and stepped back in shock. The whole field was pristine white and I could see a car and a van stuck up by the main gate which was barely visible through the still falling snow. Sayonara football that was for sure, it would be a miracle if any of the players and parents would even make it, we were up on a hill ridge after all. I wrapped my bathrobe around myself and went downstairs and made an early morning cup of tea for my Brown Beauty as I thought of Simon and lit the fire. Returning to the bedroom I awoke him and he reluctantly peered above the bedding taking in the reflected whiteness as I drew the curtains.

'Football today?' He peered bleary eyed at the clock. 'Gawd,' he took his mug and tried to drink it laying on his side which he gave up on. Sitting up he frowned. 'Bad?'

'Thick snow cover and still snowing.'

'No chance of clearing a pitch?'

I just laughed.

'Get up in a bit and do your bathroom bit, I don't know if your dad'll get up the hill but we'd best be ready for him.'

'That bad?'

'Indeedy,' I grinned. 'Have a peep.' Rather reluctantly he slipped from the bed and peered out of the windown, seconds later he was back in the warmth. I'd have loved to slip back into bed with him and stay there the day but we had things to do. I didn't want to invite daddy in with his son tucked up in my bed. I didn't mind parents visiting me as I had the spare bedroom as an alibi but one slightly disheveled teenage footballer in my bed would need a bit of explaining.

I lent him a pair of wellies far to large for him and one of my working topcoats and we were on parade for eight thirty the problem was no one else was. So we settled for opening up the club and flashing up the tea urn, at least whoever came up could make themselves tea or coffee in the small kitchen, I had no intention of opening up the bar unless I was asked. Around nine o'clock I saw the combined snow plough and gritter the estate kept laid up make it's slow way upto the main gate and return, at least the road in was reasonably clear and sure enough I recognised his father's car as one of the first to come down the freshly cleared avenue which edged the field.

'I'll make him a coffee,' Simon slithered away as soon as he saw his father's car approaching.

Mr King left his car on the side of the road and walked across stepping gingerly across the potholes. 'Alright, Peter,' he smiled at me and looked across the field. 'I phoned up all the managers I know to cancel them out so there should only be a trickle of players and parents, those who don't get the message.'


'Simon alright?' He asked looking around although he didn't seem very concerned.

'Inside making hot drinks.'

'Ah, he's got some brains then,' he laughed and walked to the clubhouse followed by yours truly. 'He said he was stopping over with mates but I'll take him off your hands if you like.' He spoke over his shoulder and I got that weird impression again that he didn't really care. Perhaps he didn't, I'd never really talked to Simon about his family, it was something I'd have to investigate later but not for the moment.

'Here's a couple of cars,' I informed him as we walked into the frozen clubhouse.

'Idiots,' he laughed and walked into the bar area, 'Morning, Simon,' he called over to his son.

'Tea or coffee,' Simon responded without returning the greeting.

'Coffee would be nice.'


'Same for me please.'

We sat in the clubhouse for the best part of an hour and a few cars rolled up with most of the kids playing around in the snow with the parents huddling in the club drinking tea or coffee. I did indeed open the bar but only for sweets and soft drinks no one was interested in boozing at that time on a Sunday morning apart from the fact it was illegal. I did do a couple of brandies and whiskies to go into coffees but that was about it. One of the mums finished up handling the kitchen so Simon fled outside and I saw him in company with big Paul and little Andy so at least something had worked out. Whether they were still overnighting was another thing bearing in mind it was still snowing.

We turned on the heating and the club TV and the thing was full of it, the snowfall that was, the south of the country had been hit hard and people were being advised to cut their travel and stay indoors as this lot was forecast for the next few days.

'No school tomorrow,' I heard one boy excitedly telling his parents.

'Oh joy,' his father replied. Mind you that's the way it goes when our weather goes apeshit, the kids love it and the parents blame the goverment or the EU. When I was a little lad my mum always used to blame the Yanks and them testing atomic bombs... times change (woops... giving away the real age there).

Mr King didn't linger after he'd made sure everyone knew the matches were cancelled. He just made sure that Simon was happy staying on and in the process of that sort out I found out that the other two boys were also stopping over as arranged. In fact they were treating it as a bit of an adventure as the snow was a lot heavier up on our hills than it was down in their village which was in a river valley.

The morning didn't actually end, it died from lack of interest. As the younger ones got tired and got carted off by their parents others got the idea and I finished up with a mess to clean up and my three overnighters running about throwing snowballs at each other. I smuggled a case of WKDs indoors just on the offchance, if I didn't get any nooky I'd get them drunk and abuse them one by one (joking there by the way). I eventually locked up and shouted across that I would be indoors when they decided to come in but unfortunately some of the kids from cottages further down the road had come out and were fraternising or chucking snowballs to be more precise. I went indoors and put some music on, I wasn't an old man but jumping around in snow just wasn't my thing, anyway, I had two beds to make up.

The one thing I'd overlooked in the excitement of having the boys overnight was food. Now you'd think that with the prospect of an afternoon and night's sexfest food would be far from my mind but I knew my teenagers. They ate and they ate in quantity. I did a quick check on the larder and fridge and reckoned I'd just about make it. Maybe soup and sandwiches for a midday refuelling and something off the cuff for an evening meal. I had loads of the basics, it was just a matter of knocking up something reasonably attractive. They stayed outside with the other kids but eventually came in around midday frozen, wet and generally worn out but by that time I had the parlour and the two bedrooms warmed up. I got them into the kitchen and fed them, that was the first move and after that it was all down to going with the flow. After the meal I got them settled down in my parlour in front of the television and fed them each a bottle of WKD. Relaxation was the keyword.

'No school tomorrow,' Andy giggled slugging his WKD like it was lemondade.

'Yeah, dad said some of the parents had their phone calls already,' Simon grinned. 'We can stay in bed.'

',' Andy tried to look nervous or maybe he was pretending he didn't want to be isolated with a fellow sexed up teeny. I glanced across at Sy and he smiled. Andy wasn't nervous, maybe excited but not nervous. If he'd been done already by Simon and he'd turned up here on this little caper he was ready for more of the same thing.

'Gonna be a long day,' Paul looked at the fire. 'Too cold out there for playing around.'

'Not in here though,' I laughed which raised giggles from the others.

'Bedrooms warm?' Simon asked. He grinned at the others. 'I like my comfort.'

'You like your Peter,' Andy retorted trying to be smart.

'Yeah but you this afternoon.'

'Oh,' Andy blushed bright red and shut up.

There was a sudden silence until I laughed from my place by the fire. Simon and Paul were sitting on the sofa facing the television and Andy was in the centre but sitting on the floor bewteen their legs, they looked like a trio of naughty schoolkids.

'Don't say you don't want to,' Paul chipped in.

'I didn't say that,' Andy smirked and lay his head back against Simon's leg and Simon's hand drifted down and caressed the side of the boy's face.

'Aaah... get a room,' Paul grinned.

'Yeah, give Andy a tour,' I suggested to Simon and after the briefest of pauses he stood up and reached down for his little partner. Andy got to his feet with a becoming little blush and allowed Simon to escort him from the room. That was the end of them at least for the afternoon and I looked across at Paul and got up myself and plonked myself down on the sofa alongside him. 'Just we two,' I stretched my legs out relaxed.

'Yeah,' he croaked. 'They coming back?'

'Not likely,' I rested my hand on his slightly damp jeans and squeezed his muscular young footballers thigh. 'I should think Simon is coaxing Andy into a nice warm bed.'

'Andy won't need much coaxing,' he put his hand on mine and gently squeezed.

'I hope you're the same,' I whispered. Yeah, I know, all pretty trite and childish but you have to go through all this crap. They call it couth rather than the uncouth: 'Let's fuck'.

'Yeah,' he croaked and his voice broke. His head turned and he looked at me. It seemed perfectly natural to lean in and kiss him, the kiss went on forever and we finished up sprawled on the floor by the fire still kissing and exploring each other's bodies. We were still clothed but his hands were inside my combats massaging my package through my briefs and I had my hands inside his jumper stroking his bare skin and binding his hot body to mine. 'We doing it,' he muttered finally managing to get his hand around my penis still trapped inside my briefs. 'So hard,' he whispered.

'So sexy,' I slipped my tonge into his mouth which is a conversation stopper believe me.

'Aw... Pete,' he sighed when we finally unglued our lips. 'I am so hard,' he whined like a little boy.

'So am I,' I finally managed to get his waistband undone and slid my hands inside his jeans and his underwear to clasp his solid bottom. Perfecto, smooth and warm, I felt my erection jerk to new peaks of hardness, the damn thing was like an iron bar and I was oozing as well, I could feel the slimeyness of my precum. Paul solved that problem, in a flurry of activity he tore at my khaki combats baring first my damp briefs and then my bare flesh. He admired my straining cock for just a momnent and his deliciously warm and wet mouth was down on me and he took my bulging glans deep into his throat.

God, he was good and I ruffled his long surfer's hair as his head bobbed up and down on me and he jiggled my scrotum whilst sucking and clasping my buttocks in his strong hands. 'Mmmmmpfh...' He glanced up my belly as his head moved and I started to move into his mouth. Just a nice gentle mouth fuck but his fingers were on my ring and with a jerk he slipped one into me which burrowed deep and located my button.

'Paul...' I whined as he finger fucked me and sucked away at my cock which was getting harder and harder. I tried to warn him but I was spasming and jerking out of control. Suddenly I felt the heat rush up my shaft and he was gobbling and swallowing my creamy spunk as I cum and cum again into his warm suction. He drained me and slid his slippery face up my belly until his cum stained lips met mine and I tasted my own juices as we kissed tenderly. As he lay there with a satisfied smile on his face I kissed his throat and suckled his nipples and as he played with my ears I dropped my head down his body, his smooth well muscled belly until I felt his own enlarged organ press against my cheek. I lapped at his slit causing him to moan and tremble but I sorted that out. I took his firm flesh into my mouth savouring his drool and running my lips up and down his hard pale skinned shaft. I wrapped my tongue around his bulging glans sucking and salivating until it felt like a super gobstopper. I must have looked like a chipmunk with his thing in my mouth but I kept at it until I could feel it sliding quite easily right down to my choke point and I could feel my nose getting tickled by his fuzzy blond pubics. I grasped his soft bum and felt it in my throat and then the warm squirts and splashes as his back arched and he climaxed his tart young semen deep into my throat. I swallowed it all and squeezed his softening hardness draining the last few drops which I eagerly lapped clean and then pulled him to his feet.

'Aw... I thought we were going to...'

'Got to bed,' I grinned and tugged my khakis up around my waist. .'Come on, Paul. Let's get cosy.'

'Right,' he grinned. We were on our way. I took a final peep through the window and the snow was falling heavier still, the kids from down the road were gone and it was just another quiet Sunday afternoon - with a difference.

We could hear muffled squealing and a bit of a ruckus going on next door but we ignored it. We hurriedly stripped off and after the briefest of lustful peeps at each other fully naked at last we scrambled into the bed and cuddled together in our mutual warmth.

'We doing it this afternoon?' He whispered nervously.

'Do you want to?' I kept my fingers crossed assuming we were talking about the same thing.

'Yeah,' he drew the word out and grinned. 'In a little while.' We snuggled and kissed some more. There was no rush, we had all afternoon and the evening would be a whole new adventure.

I was awoken by the feel of hand on my penis and I was hard, no surprise there but it seemed Paul was awake unless someone else had slipped into bed with us. I lifted my head and checked all the same but we were still alone.

'I thought you were going to sleep all afternoon,' he whispered and immediately rolled over pressing his soft bottom against me.

'I had a hard night and I was up early,' I whispered in return and turned inwards snuggling against his warm body and pressing my hardness into his crack. I listened but there was nothing but silence from the bedroom next door, poor mites... they must have worn themselves out. 'You like this?' I moved my hips pressing my erection into his crack and feeling his legs part slightly.

'I like this better,' he rolled onto his belly and I followed him over getting between his parted legs.

'Like this?'

'Woof, woof!'


'Woof, woof,' he repeated and giggled forcing himself up inside the tent made by the bedding as he raised himself. I got it at last, put the slowness down to just having woken up but it finished up with him crouched in the bed and me resting on his back. I'd got there in the end, he wanted it 'doggy' which suited me fine. It made a change for me, Simon and I normally did a full frontal or on our sides. Doggy was the position for a real fuck, a crash, bang, wallop sort of fuck. I knelt to his rear and reached under him to feel his own penis and it was nice and hard, his crack was smooth and warm but dry and I annointed myself with my lube and slipped into position.

I pushed against his pucker slowly but surely and entered him quite easily, easier than I'd expected especially as he was supposed to be a 'top' but he clearly had someone who did him, someone unbeknown to my boyfriend Simon. 'So who's been at your backdoor, Fido?'

'Andy,' he chuckled and groaned a bit as I started to move inside him gaining depth. 'Aaah...' He jerked as I rubbed his nipples and gave them a tweak. I spread his legs a little more and moved in moving faster beginning to bounce off his tight buttocks. I ran my hands into his hair pulling his head back and kissed and munched on the side of his neck as I almost lay on him just moving my hips up and down. 'You're a damn sight bigger than Andy,' he groaned and pushed back onto my thrusts.

'I should bloody well hope so,' I laughed lifting my head and straightening out my body and started long and slower lunges into his tight arse. 'You're doing it in the right order,' I remarked. 'The mini, me and then Donkey Kong.'

'I know that,' he giggled as he started to push back onto my thrusts then we fell silent and the only sounds in the room were the rythmic slaps as my groin met his cheeks and both of us got hotter and sweatier. I'd left the fire on when we dozed off and the room was begining to feel like a sauna but I could feel my internal heat bubbling under as well.

'You alright,' I gasped as I plundered his tight boy fanny. I was moving quite easily in and out now and from his gasps and grunts he seemed happy enough. He was pushing back in time with my thrusts and even clamped as he did so giving it that little bit extra. Simon would love poking his seven plus in that well lubricated young man later in the day.

'Yeah, wicked,' his head hung down and rested on the pillow as I slapped into his upturned arse. 'Harder, harder...'

I gave his sweaty flanks a slap to either side and he yelped and pushed back evern harder, he was really getting off on the action and when I moved my hands around onto his taut belly and then took a few pinches of his nips only harder this time he really freaked begging me to 'shag him silly' and here's me thinking he was such a reserved boy.

'Keep the noise down,' I heard Andy's boyish treble through the wall followed by a gale of laughter but Paul's reserve had totally flown the coop, he was ramming back so hard I was in danger of getting a hernia. Fortunately it was about then that I slapped and screwed into him tightly exploding my thick streamers of creamy cum up into his body.

'Yeah, nice...' he gasped and pushed back onto me as I finished off with short hard jabs into his cum oozing hole. I'd well and truly shot my bolt and I slipped from him to find his strong and youthful body crushing me in a sweaty and lip mashing embrace. I just hoped that he treated me kindlier than I treated him.

'You're a bit of a raver,' I murmured trying to catch my breath. I was bloody worn out, whatever happened to laid back sex but I hadn't really got time to think about it. He was rolling me over onto my belly and mounting me all in the space of seconds. Mind you he didn't penetrate me straight away, he worked his swollen member between my legs and I clamped on it letting him do his thing for a while.

As soon as he got his knees inside mine forcing me legs apart I knew he was ready and I shoved a pillow under my middle and prepared for the onslaught. It was a pleasant surprise, he didn't bother with lube as we were both well sweaty and I suppose he knew I was used to Simon. He swiped his oozing glans across my pucked for a while giving a little push now and then and finally one of the pushes was harder and he entered me with just the briefest of pains. Well, it was hardly a pain more a stretching and I adjusted to accomodate his girth as he slowly worked his way in bloating my belly with his youthful cock.

'So tight,' he whispered.

'Thank you,' I grinned into the pillow. I love compliments and he was nice enough even if he did bottom like a raving queen.

He didn't waste any time, he didn't have time. He was as hard as an iron bar and dribbling, after a few minutes of puffing and panting he was hammering away at my well stretched back passage but thankfully not as maniacally as I'd served him. He was kissing and cuddling all the way just bobbing his hips up and down until he let out a screech (which brought more laughter from the next room) and I felt his thick cock pumping and jerking inside me. Well, that was Paul done and I closed my eyes as I felt him stir himself in my squishy hole and give a satisfied sigh. We lay there depleted and silent, we pressed against each other and traded a few kisses but it was over. I'd done him and he'd done me. He was a nice enough kid and we'd probably get together again but he was no Simon, he was casual sex in the purest sense of the phrase. A one off or maybe two or even three but Andy, now there was something else.

We went to the bathroom seperately and whilst he was away I spread my beach towel over the sheets which I should have done earlier. It's a craft way of soaking up spillage to get all earthy and I sorted out the bed a bit plumping up the pillows and whatnot. It was now warm enough in the room to walk around naked although outside it looked bitter and was still snowing. It had gone three and it was getting dark already so I stuck my khakis on and went down for a cup of tea. I was delighted to find that it was warm enough downstairs as well, my heating bill must be soaring. With our much vaunted infrastructure there was an excellent chance of the electricity going down but not to worry, I had three hot boys to keep me warm.

'Hey,' Simon walked in looking remarkably perky. 'How'd it go?'

'He's been prepared,' I grinned.

'Excellent,' my partner smirked. 'The TV is absolute crap,' he propped himself against the kitchen table. 'What time's supper?'

'About eight I thought.'

'Gives you time to cuddle with Andy. He's having a whinge about being raped.'

'You didn't...'

'Nah,' Simon laughed. 'He liked role playing and he's doing his virginal Spice Girl bit today.'

'A virginal Spice Girl, now there's a thought,' I laughed and sorted out four mugs waiting for the kettle to boil. I was absolutely knackered and the thought of going to bed for a couple of hours had a certain appeal. 'Paul's a raver,' I dropped my voice.

'I heard,' he moved a little closer. 'Wanna sample little Andy? I'll take Paul off your hands.'

'Sounds good to me. Let's have our tea in the parlour and get sorted out,' and that's what we did. Simon called them down and both had the decency to tug their trousers on before joining us in watching some Sunday afternoon bilge on the box before progressing our various agendas. I've got to put it in those terms because everyone was after something only if it was only having sex with the other three and we'd made a good start on that.

I must say if Andy had taken the big brown dick he was looking remarkably fit and was looking quite pleased with himself. He must have been tipped off by Simon as he plonked himself down on the arm of my armchair and managed to more or less slip into my arms, Simon and Paul shared the sofa. and everyone seemed happy enough at the idea of eating late.

As before Simon was the first to make a move, he stood up and offered his hand to Paul. Paul just smirked and walked off with Simon without a backwards glance, so much for love but I didn't care. As soon as they were up the stairs Andy slipped onto my lap and rested his bare back on my chest and gave a little wriggle. I felt his soft bottom mash on my groing and it was just as well I had my khakis on otherwise I would have pronged him on the spot.

'I'll suck you this time, I was a bit nervy last time around,' he announced suddenly laying his head back onto my shoulder so that we were cheek to cheek. I turned slighly nuzzling at his smooth jawline. I ran my hands over his taut belly and chest relishing his smooth skin, his warmth and the slight soapy smell. Lovely. As my hands slipped into the gaping top of his trousers I felt the fuzz of his thin pubics and he moaned and pressed back against me. 'You'll have to be careful when you do the other,' he whispered and ground his bottom into my groin again.

'I shall,' I promised and bore him down onto he floor and spread his boyish, half naked body out in front of the fire. Crouching over him I unclipped his waiistband and tugged his zip... this was going to be fun.


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