
By G Cutter

Published on Jun 9, 2008



The following story is homoerotic in content. That means it may or will contain sexual content between consenting males of assorted ages. The story, characters, places and situations depicted are FICTION.

All the above means is that the stories I write exisite purely in my mind and have absolutely no basis in reality. My characters do not use condoms, etc. and that is because imaginary people do not need them. REAL PEOPLE do.

Finally: This story (or parts thereof) is/are intended for mature readers and that generally means people of over 18 years of age. It should not be read or passed onto persons under that age.

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G. Cutter

'Hi Simon, how goes it,' I looked at the boy who had just wandered upto my bar. I was a bit surprised to see him this late on a Sunday afternoon. It was November and the football season was in full swing but the last match had finished some hours previously. In fact, I was on the verge of closing the bar as my total of customers were two older guys who looked to be on the verge of leaving.

'Can I have a WKD, a blue one?'

'Yeah, keep it down.' I bent to get one from the display chiller. 'You're a bit on the young side.' I had to say this as WKD was five percent alcohol and although aimed at kids it was illegal to sell it to them. Figures.

I worked in the bar of our local Football Club which is a 'soccer' club to most of the world. Saturday was reserved for adult matches but Sunday was boy's day. They played in the forenoon and sometimes in the afternoons but on this particular Sunday the matches had been completed, the kids had created havoc, the parents had drunk their fill and finally they'd all departed for their late Sunday dinners and I was just about finished.

'I am fifteen,' Simon said in a sulky tone and perched himself on one of the bar stools, all the same I noted he kept the bottle at a distance just in case anyone came in. 'I played this morning,' he smiled briefly. 'We won.'

'Well done... you score?'

'Yeah, I did,' he grinned and then proceeded to tell me all about it at great length. I switched off a bit and continued to clean up preparatory to shutting down. The problem was that my contract with the Club stated that I was to stay as long as any member of the Club wished to use the bar. Tonight it wasn't too bad, it was six o'clock and already beginning to get dark but the two adults sitting by the bar had just decided to have one for the road.

'We alright for another?' One guy came up and asked as the other looked across.

'No probs,' I smiled politely and served then which meant they'd be sitting there for another half an hour. No probs indeedy... I could talk to Simon.

As he'd said he was fifteen and a good looking fifteen at that. Long dark hair, cute nose, thin but rather tasty lips... you know the score. I knew he was fast as he was a striker for one of the boy's teams and was very popular in spite of his nickname; Simon the Slytherine. Not very nice but I think it was his air and the slightly evil attitude he affected. I knew he was as good as gold but all teenies have their little quirks and his was trying to look like someone from Hogwarts. Of course, one other thing put him apart from his fellow players was that he was a half Pakistani, his father was an Englishman and his mother a full blooded Pakistani although resident in this country forever as far as I could make out. Simon, in spite of his delicious caramel brown colouring, dark eyes and long black hair was as English as any other of the local boys. All the same, he was a rarity, there was a fair sprinkling of West Indians playing football but very few Pakistanis. Nevertheless, he fitted in and as I might have said, I liked him.

I suppose I have to say here and now I liked other boys, that was my nature. I wouldn't say I was a boy lover that was more than my very comfortable life was worth but I was a boy liker. I served in a Club bar, I also did groundswork for them and had a weekday job on the local estate where I came into contact with lots and I mean lots of kids. However, I kept my distance and remained firmly in the closet. Not too much obvious looking and certainly no touching, I wasn't that mad. I think a few of my associates may have suspected but these are the sort of person who sees someone of nineteen without a grirlfriend as just plain odd. They could suspect all they like but I never gave cause for any alarm. I'd even had boys sleeping overnight in my parlour on Saturday due to a cock up in transpoprt and communication and they'd given me glowing reports. That was glowing reports of me being a perfect gentleman and that included one from the rather well developed older boy who I'd given a crafty blow in the bathroom in the middle of the night. Anyway, my secret was safe and the boy's parents were none the wiser thankfully.

The boy I'd 'serviced', Andy, had kept his distance since but from the odd smile and wave I knew he'd be back for more sooner or later, he'd kept the faith which was always a gamble with a kid at that difficult age.

'What are you doing up here so late?' I sat inside the bar opposite Simon.

'Well, good evening, Simon. You're looking well, Simon. How are your mum and dad, Simon?' He looked at me straightfaced and then smiled. 'Good evening, Peter.'

'Good evening, Simon,' I reached down and grabbed another WKD and after uncapping it handed it over. 'Keep it at a distance.' I warned again.

'Cheers,' he looked surprised as well he might, I don't normally give the boys free drinks but he was on his own and I was lonely. It was a Sunday evening and I could see through the big plate glass windows it had started to rain, it was quite heavy and I could barely see the nearest pitch. 'Shit,' he pulled a face. 'Bloody rain.'

'Never mind, it'll pass over.'

'It better, I've got no coat,' he laughed without humour.

'I've got a couple of spares indoors,' I volunteered. 'You'll have to get a lift though.'

'Mmmm,' he fell silent as the two guys sitting in the window frontage drank up and left after bidding us goodnights. The place was empty and I had a spare fifteen year old footballer. All very nice but I had no idea if he was a goer or not, if it had been Andy from a few months previously I would have been over the moon, I would have risked going into Stage Two of corrupting a teeny footballer, maybe even the ultimate, Stage Three and that's the one where everyone gets nooky. Yeah... dream on, Peter.

'I've got to darken down and lock up. You alright?'

'Yeah fine,' he toasted me with his bottle. 'We're on half term holiday.'

'True.' I'd forgotten that but that made things even better. I walked around turning the lounge lights off and walked out to check the changing rooms and showers. Once satisfied I whacked the bar shutters down apart from the one at the end where Simon was perched. I squeezed by him to get in and cash up all of which he watched with interest. I helped myself to a Fosters and offered him another WKD which he accepted much to my surprise, three of these and the normal kid his age would be twittering of even honking up, it took different kids different ways. In fact, I was being silly feeding him the stuff but hope springs eternal as they say. He was looking rather smart all the same he had khaki cargoes on as I had, you know, the baggy thing with loads of pockets and he also had a white t-shirt with small sleeves covered with a thicker sleeveless sweat shirt. I loved it, his thin brown arms gleamed in what was left of the lights and his face was half in shadow. I could feel him watching me as I cashed up.

'It's pissing down, I mean bucketing,' he groaned peering through the windown onto the darkened roadway. 'Pig of a night.'

'I'll get you indoors and you can phone home E.T.'

'Cheers,' I saw his teeth flash from the corner of my eye. 'I could always kip on your sofa, I haven't got school tomorrow.'

'Why don't you invite yourself,' I replied with a laugh. 'OK, done,' I turned to see him grinning.

'Yes or no?' He pulled a mobile from his back pocket. Crafty sod had kept that well hidden.

'Go on,' I croaked. This was wrong, the kid had set me up but then perhaps I was being paranoid. Perhaps he was at the stage of just wanting a night away from his family, he was fifteen year old and kids were grown up now at fifteen. Let's face it, in a year he could leave home legally and marry another sixteen year old boy if he wished. That was me getting carried away a bit but all sorts of things were circulating in my brain. In the end, I liked him and that turned my mind. Bugger it, let him lead and I'd see what happened.

He dialed and spoke to his father by the sound of things. He explained that he was up the Club, he'd been caught in the rain but the club was closing. He must have got some response as he just rolled his eyes and then pressed on. Aparently I'd invited him into play with my X Box (pause for laugh) and also offered him the sofa if the rain continued. I looked with astonishment as he nodded a few times and promised to be home by lunchtime TOMORROW for God's sake. Amazing! I had a lodger for the night and I still didn't suspect what his game was. I just assumed that he'd rather spend a boring Sunday night with me rather than his parents which just goes to show you should never make assumptions.

In the end we sat there in the gloom of the darkened down bar and had another drink apiece but now he was beginning to act just a trifle glassy eyed and I decided enough was enough. I didn't want a sick boy on my hands although if he passed out I'd be hard put not to delve into his baggy cargoes or were they combats, I never could tell the difference.

'Wanna make a run for it?' I'd bolted and barred the front door and held the side door, the fire exit, open looking at the rain sheeting down. My cottage was the nearest but we were still going to get soaked getting there.

'Go for it,' he laughed like a maniac and shot off splashing across the mud and up my small garden path and then cowered in the slight protection afforded by the side door arch.

'Fuck it,' I muttered and slamming the fire door shut made a dash. God, that rain was cold and I was soaked before I made it to huddle with him in the dark. I fumbled with my keys and he pressed up against me, he was so close I could smell the WKD on his breath as he stood virtually in my pocket. 'There you go,' I finally found the key and we fell into my small hallway.

'I'm soaked,'he whined as he followed me into the parlour and I blundered around in the pitch dark putting the lights on. The next immediate trick was to turn the big gas fire on, it was cold enough to have us both shivering but then again we were soaked through and it was November after all.

'Take some wet gear off,' I ordered. 'I'll make some hot chocolate.'

'On top of WKD?' He faced me with a silly grin on his face.

'A hot drink first and a dry out. You can have another WKD later, I have some in the fridge.'

'Goody,' he sat down

'Here you go,' I slung a small towel at him and he grinned. He looked a bit lost as I started to unlace his trainers which were oozing water. I nodded at him to tend himself and shot upstairs and got him a big beach towel just to cover his modesty. I'd love to see his caramel coloured body sprawled naked in front of my fire but be reasonable... Still uncomfortably wet myself I boiled up the kettle taking the opportunity to rid myself of my wet footweat and also strip off my wet trousers. I thought about prancing in clad only in boxers but thought better of it. I wrapped another towel around my middle and made two mugs of thick drinking chocolate so thick you could stand a spoon up in it.

Back in my little parlour he'd pulled my sofa round so that it faced the fire. He had the huge towel wrapped around himself and it was only by looking at his damp gear strew around that I realised that he was nearly naked. This kid was really pushing his luck. I saw both t-shirts and his khaki cargoes which by my estimation left him clad only in his underwear. Whether by accident or design he allowed the towel to drop open for a moment giving me a glimpse of his wiry brown body and I was right. All I could see was his white tighty whiteys before he clutched the towel around himself again.

'This is cosy,' he murmured and smiled at me and patted the space alongside himself as if he owned the bloody place. I sat down and placed the mugs on the floor between our bare feet.

'It gets nice and warm in here,' I mumbled. To be honest, I was a bit embarassed. I didn't often have half naked schoolies in my place at least not since the other two overnighters and I wondered where this was leading. He wasn't in the slightest bit nervous or even curious. He glanced around a couple of times as people do and then stared at the fire. I stood up and put the TV on which is a bit of a waste of time on a Sunday but it was something to look at.

'My knickers are even damp,' he giggled. 'Soggy drawers.'

'Take 'em off,' I said without thinking.

'Am I safe?' He looked at me slyly. 'I wouldn't want to tempt you.'

'Try me.' I'd had enough. He was clearly playing some sort of a game and the sooner he put up or shut up the better. One thing was for sure, he was teasing me or maybe he was for real, the crunch would come when I offered him to share the bed or take the sofa. I just had to think how to phrase it without detonating him like a fuckin' rocket.

He stood and walked right in front of the fire as if he was giving a floor show. I'll give him one thing, he wasn't shy, he managed to get rid of his briefs with a wriggle and squirm and then he managed to drop the towel momentarily leaving himself totally naked for the space of a couple of heartbeats. He snatched the towel up again and draped it around his middle and flopped into the sofa.

'Sorry,' he mumbled. Sorry? What the hell for, he was bloody beautiful, a brown skinned fifteen year old in the middle of his growth spurt, that awkward mingle of arms and legs but what had caught my eye was his penis. Soft and hanging free it was as big as mine was when it was hard. This kid was big and I mean very big for his age and it looked so absolutely eatable hanging from his tight black pubic bush that I could have gone down on it there and then. I had to have him but I was still wary, he was still playing his game.

'You're big,' I croaked feeling like a fool. I was supposed to have avoided looking like a gentleman not looked and then commented on the size of his penis.

'One of the biggest in my class,' he started to sip his cocoa. 'Nice,' he slurped. He slipped his legs up and sat up on the sofa resting against me in a overly famiar manner. Now, how mealy mouthed does that sound. I flung caution to the winds (as they say) and draped an arm around him and he snuggled in. I was getting so hard and did a wriggle so that he didn't feel it.

'Cosy, innit?'

'You've just said that,' I grinned and let my fingers brush against the smoothness of his neck. I was pushing my luck but worstways I could always deny everything, it was his word against mine but I felt safe or safer when he tilted his head and let his cheek brush against the back of my hand. He almost purred and pressed against me even more. If I didn't push back he was going to have me off the sofa.

'Don't you get bored in here all by yourself?' He asked softly and swallowed the remains of his drink stretching out to place the mug on the floor. He slipped down th sofa so that his head was resting on my lap unfortunately pressing onto my crotch and his feet hung over the end arm.

'I'm in the Club weekends and two or three nights a week,' I stroked his cheek and he trembled. Turning his head slightly he held my hand and took it to his mouth. I held my breath as he looked at me upside down and then calmly took my fingers into his mouth. He sucked them sensually and I felt my semi hardness thicken and harden rapidly.

'That did it,' he chuckled and scrunged the back of his head down into my lap. He could obviously feel me and I was glad it was over, there was no going back now. He wriggled himself comfortable and kissed my slippery fingers and took just one into his mouth and sucked it like a dummy (pacifier) or a small cock . I glanced down his body and his big towel had opened up enough to show his cute rounded navel and his pubic bush. He gave another wriggle and quite deliberately this time allowing the towel to open more and show half his length. He was at least semi erect and I could see the thick brown shaft disappear into his towel.

'Nice,' I removed my finger from his mouth and toyed with his darker bown nipples one at a time until he rolled over. I didn't dare imaghine he was going to make the first move as if he hadn't done so already but he did. He moved up the sofa, propped himself up on his elbows and mouthed at the bulk inside my towel. His own towel had now fallen free and he was naked but he was nearly in range. I stroked his back as far as I could down just falling short on his beautifully smooth buttocks. I could see the start of his crack and I was nearly dribbling as I felt his teeth grip my towel and my now total hardness inside.

'That's big,' he grinned up at me with a chipmunk smile, all teeth and mouth. 'Yummy,' He slowly unfoled my towel and I held my breath again as he exposed my pale and rock solid cock. 'Definitely yummy,' he lifted it with two fingers and wiped his tongue over my glans nearly giving me a heart attack.

'Jesus, Simon,' I moaned as he did the ultimate. He licked up the shaft and took it into his mouth pulling himself further up the sofa. It was awkward but I managed to get down onto his delicious brown bottom and kiss one flank and then the other.

'It aint that easy,' he grinned and rolled around and pushed me down at the same time maneuvering himself so that his brown cock flopped into my face. It was everything I thought it would be but larger. It was bigger than mine and must have topped out at seven inches and maybe even more but his brown skin was stretched on it as tight as a drum. His foreskin was totally missing, his shaft was solid flesh and topped by a dark red almost purple knob that glistened in the firelight. The boy was drooling and I just took it into my mouth tasting the sweet clear slime of his precuming. 'Yesssss...' he hissed as he ducked onto mine and started moving his head up and down.

We would go all the way tonight, I was damn sure of it and if we didn't then at least we'd sixty nine again. I just had the feeling that a brown boy like him would love to have a nineteen year old white arse just as much as I wanted to pound his brown bottom. Maybe hard and fast the first time but sweet and slow for an encore if there was one.

We sixty nined for a while and it was thoroughly enjoyable if a little uncomfortable on the sofa so we finished up rolling off and settling by the fire. The curtains were drawn, the door was bolted and it was a rainy Sunday night... we were safe and we had fun. I lay him on his back not really fancying him choking me with his big dong but this way I could take what I wanted and he was in the position of having me on top and slowly sliding mine in and out of his mouth. I reached around him and clasped his relaxed, smooth and soft bottom as I played games trying to deepthroat him and he accepted my stiffness inside his wet warmth.

'I'm cuming...' He groaned and suddenly his massive boyhood seemed to swell and I got my first taste of his thick, juicy and almost eatable cum. He did three massive squirts and as I pulled away I got his last one right across my face. Immediately after that I climaxed just as much into his swallowing throat and we rolled around finishing off and eventually faced to face kissing with our spunky lips mashing together and belly to belly as our softening cocks ground and slid against each other. I hadn't had any sex for months, in fact, not since I captured young Andy on the sleepover and I was like a kid with a new toy. We snuggled in front of the fire until it got too hot and then we slipped back up onto the sofa again to continue.

'Where am I sleeping then?' He looked at me and smiled with my saliva and traces of our mixed spunk still smeared on his brown face. 'Not on the sofa?'

'Not on the sofa,' I agreed.

'Where then?' He pushed the point looking coy if someone with cum and spit covering their face can look coy.

'With me.'

'Why doesn't that surprise me,' he laughed. 'I bet you're a brilliant fuck,' he whispered nibbling my neck.

'You're very sure of youself... very bold.'

'Ah, but I know something you don't,' he gave me a sly look.

'Such as?'

He leant in and licked my ear. 'Andy Campbell and I did sex the other night, he fucked me and I fucked 'im,' he giggled. 'So I know what you did to him when he slept over.'

'Shit... and now he's broadcasting it?'

'No, he's not. He told me because I happened to mention I fancied you.'

'Oh.' I was at a loss for words although I did feel mollified a little. Secrecy was of the essence. I'd love a little Boy's Club of my own all coming around for sex but it wasn't practicable as much as I'd have liked it. Boy footballers and schoolies generally gossiped like washerwomen are supposed to. Just the hint of any hanky panky and they were on it like a flock of vultures. 'You didn't fuck little Andy with that thing?' I squeezed his now soft penis recalling the rather girly and quite slender Andy Campbell. Andy had a decent sized boy cock but he had a tight little bottom like a nine year old's and the thought of Simon's huge member up there was totally unbelievable.

'Only about half, I didn't want to hurt him,' Simon grinned. 'He did me though and his cousin Paul Jones.'

'Really?' I grinned. I knew Paul, he was sixteen one of the older boy players and he was a dish. A big lad and presumable quite large down below. It would have been a sight to watch him and Simon at it. 'He's nice.'

'Yeah,' Simon agreed. 'Hurt my bum a bit.'

'Jeez, three of you. A right bunch of pervs.'

'Just boys doing boy things,' Simon grinned. 'But...'

'Go on.'

'Andy swears he hadn't told anyone and that includes Paul what you got upto on that night. He also doesn't know about me coming up tonight.'

'You going to tell him.'

'No. I want to keep you to myself,' Simon wriggled in my arms. 'When Andy shagged me I was thinking about you,' he whispered dreamily. 'Your big dick up my bum, spraying your spunk...'

'Shurrup,' I laughed. 'We could share a shower, have a lie down and come down to eat later and...'

'Do it again,' Simon laughed.

'Nice and slow the second time,' I grinned. 'Any chance of your dad deciding to come up and collect you?'

'None at all,' he declared confidently. 'He goes to work at half seven every day, mum might phone up in the morning but I'm on holiday so she won't worry too much. What time do you have to go to work?'

'I don't work Mondays.'

'I know,' he crowed. 'Andy told me.'

'Big mouth Andy.'

'Tight arse and very willing Andy,' he whispered. 'We going to have this shower.'

I turned the TV and lights off and the fire down, we'd probably come down later on to eat but that depended on how we got on upstairs. We both knew what we were upto and as I slipped into the shower with Simon I was rising to the occasion already as was he. I couldn't get over the size of it. I knew a fifteen year old boy should be able to muster five inches and maybe less for a lot of them but their size seemed to leap from sixteen on and as they approached manhood, what you'd call the 'youth' stage I suppose. But Simon, Simon was a one off and I shuddered thinking about it inside me, I hadn't had what I'd call meaningful sex for a year or so and that was with one of the young estate workers, a student and he was no great shakes, just a one night stand and that was it. I had the feeling that if Simon and I got on well I'd be seeing a lot more of him, they ran the youth teams right upto eighteen and he seemed pretty commited to his football.

'You're so hard,' he giggled and pressed up against me sandwiching his huge cock and mine between our soapy bellies.

'Overcome by your beauty,' I smiled at him slowly stroking his smooth cheeks as he hugged me. I slipped a finger into his crack and he clamped on me and grinned.

'Soon,' he whispered and my cock jerked. I was so randy I could feel my penis jerking between us as we crushed together. 'Let's get dried off,' he gave a final thrust and stepped from the shower. I hate it when you get from a hot shower on a winter's evening, it's always torture but that's eased if you have a lovely boy to towel you off and one you can explore with your lips. By the time we made the bedroom we were both on top line. He seemed to be suffering no ill effects from his WKDs and lay on the bed looking over at me as I lit the small fire in the bedroom just to take care of the chill and the dampness. 'Have you got any stuff?' He whispered.

'Yeah,' I produced pot of Pond's Skin Care. It's not as slippery as KY but it does the trick and it washes off easily not like that bloody Vaseline which is a disaster.

'You'll have to relax me, you're a damn sight bigger than Andy.'

'What about Paul?'

'He's bigger still,' Simon grinned, 'but not as big as you.'

'Mmmm...' I coaxed him over onto his belly and parted his legs. It was a bit mechanical but he knew as well as I did that we were getting each other's measure which is an old phrase but sums it up. We were going to have each other and if we clicked we would doubtless do it again and maybe again. He didn't have to rush off in the morning and I had no work, a perfect Monday morning. Waking up with a wiling brown skinned boy in my bed, my stiffness got even stiffer at the thought of it.

I spread his legs and parted his satin smooth buttocks with my hands gazing down at his nut brown ring before kissing each cheek. 'Beautiful.' I whispered.

'Take it easy,' he muttered in return.

I did, to his surprise I dropped my head and began to lick and dribble into his cleft. I think he was shocked as he twitched and jerked but I flathanded his delicious flesh keeping his soft globes parted as I licked and probed at his smooth pucker. He quivered beneath me but I felt him gradually relax as I spread him further glimpsing his pink inner and then he started to push up onto me and push out which was the important bit. His spincter seemed to be blowing me kisses as I stuck one finger into the pot and then fed a glop of Ponds into his hole and his anus. He moaned as the smooth oiled finger penetrated him and started it's work. I slipped it in right to the knuckle and reaching his prostate massaged it and eased and stretched his all important muscle.

'Aaaah, that's nice,' he squirmed on the bed continuing to push up onto my advances. 'Try two.' His voice shook. I slowly and gently slid my finger free and watched as his ring slowly closed.

The next time it was harder and tighter but he accepted the offering with a groan and I was back to the old game, the oiling, easing and relaxing but I was running short on time. He tight brown bum was such a turnon I could feel my own cock oozing, I was on the verge of popping without even getting inside him.

'I've got to do it, I could cum any minute.'

'Gonna be a quicky then is it?' He giggled.

'Second time will last,' I assured him.

'Yeah,' he shoved a pillow under his midriff. 'That's the full frontal romantic one.' God knows where he'd picked all this up but he knew what he was doing and he knew what he wanted. Fuck it, I ran out of patience. I gently withdrew my fingers again and straight away got between his smooth legs positioning myself for the ultimate. He flinched as he felt my glans brush against his cheeks and then clutched the pillow as my oozing knob pressed against his pucker. He gave a low moan as I took him, my swollen glans pushed against his relaxed and oiled opening and kept going. He whined as I pushed deeper nearly fainting at his tightness and warmth as it surrounded me and I started to move. His hole was slick with the lotion and my precum and I moved quite easily within him. He clamped and eased with my movements and soon I was half in and half out and fucking but not sinking my full length into his clinging boy fanny.

'Alright,' I whispered and leaning right in so that my belly was against his back kissed the side of his face.

'It's huge,' his voice shook. 'All the way,' he grunted and pushed up with a jolt. That was it, I pushed down and my pubics pressed against his soft bottom as I sunk my full length into his hot flesh. 'Yeah...' he chuckled. 'Go for it,' he pushed up against me again and I started to fuck for real.

He was incredible, to tight yet so slick, so easy but so gripping, I felt like he was milking me as I moved in and out faster and faster. I couldn't hold back, I could feel my cum boiling in my balls and his little whimpers sent me over the edge.

'Siiiimon...' I groaned as I rammed into his hungry bottom and let go. I know I'd recently cum but this was just as good. I lay there rammed up tightly into his delicious boy pussy as I felt my penis jerk and throb and my burning surges splashed inside him filling him until I could feel the slippery mix trickle between us. That was it, I'd fucked him and as I slipped free I span him around kissing and nipping at his lips and chin.

'That was great,' he looked at me with a big grin. 'You cum gallons, you cum more than Paul and he did loads, I'm all squishy.' He held my softening sex with one hand and squeezed extracting a final dribble. 'My biggest,' he looked at me and closed his eyes as I kissed him again.

We lay there in our sweat and funk for a while lazily stroking each other and trading kisses until I felt he was ready. He was more than ready, his big cock was stretched up on his belly and the head was oozing pearly juice which I ducked on and removed with my tongue. He groaned and looked at me with the question in his eyes. A question I was about to answer.

I lay him flat on the bed and as he watched slightly mystified I smeared some of the Ponds on my own hole and then smeared his extended boyhood until it looked like a gleaming spear ready to strike and that's just what it was.

'I'm going to take it slow and sit on it. When I've got it all in me, you roll one way or the other and then come on top... got it.'

'Yes, Master,' he grinned and wriggled his bottom on the bed.

'Gotta be better this way, I don't want you to puncture a lung.'

That got him laughing and he was still giggling as I squatted over his crotch and he aimed his slippery cock upwards like a rocket ready for blast off. I think he started getting a bit stressed as I changed my mind halfway through the caper. It came to me, if I poised in a squat and slipped I'd impale myself on his hardon in one and could possibly hurt myself, he was bigger than I was in the dick department after all. It had come to me that if I knelt across his torso I could do the same thing but control it totally, if it hurt, one quick shlurp and I'd be free. Yeah... I know, chicken but he was seriously bigger than anything I'd tried before fifteen year old or not.

'Come on, Pete,' he whined in frustration and I shuffled back so that I felt his oiled lump at my sphincter. 'Ooooooh...' he tensed in shock as I took him in one quick move, I felt his gland stretch me and it was inside me as well as about an inch of his shaft. All I had to do now was to take the rest. 'Jeez, Pete, it's in,' he looked surprised but as I squeezed on his meaty mass he smiled and grabbed my hips. 'Slowly...'

Damn right there. I rocked backwards and forwards slowly taking him an inch at a time. He held my hips tightly not pulling me or forcing in any way but eventually taking little digs into my gut every time I moved. I was almost there and could feel him in me like a bloody great meaty snake... all the same, it was nice. I smiled down at him holding the position. 'Keep it where it is and roll.'

'Right,' he held me tightly and his legs wrapped around my waist he struggled and flipped onto his side. Further struggle and he was on top, he was fucking down into me and something had happened, his body was glued to mine. In the shuffle he'd kept locked in fine, he's also managed to push home hard, his seven inches of boy meat or whatever it measured was firmly lodged in my body. My Gawd, it felt enormous, I know people witter on about seven and eight inch cocks but you try one inside you, I keep getting back to the snake comparison but that's exactly what it felt like. Hard, slippery and hot and now he was on the move. 'I'm so hard,' he mumbled and glued his lips to mine.

'I know, I can feel it,' I grinned as I felt him move within me, he was going faster but probably only moving a couple of inches at each move, he was going to cum as reaching down I could feel his nuts as hard and tight as a pair of walnuts.

'First time I've done this,' he panted as he shagged.

'So you've said,' I laughed out loud. I was the first one to take Simon's extraordinary cock, he'd remember me as his first fuck and after the next one which would be longer and more romantic he'd relive it for a long time. One thing was for sure, there weren't too many of his school or football pals who would even think about taking him all the way, good job he'd found me.

He was going to cum, I could feel his hard belly slip against my own sex as he almost lay on me and shagged away. I wrapped my legs around him and when he climaxed I kept him in me and got the lot. The series of warm squirts, the oozing and then the easing as his hot cock slid in and out on a coating of his own semen.

'That was brilliant,' he kissed me furiously and moved his depleted penis in it's cum coated sheath. That was me by the way. I clamped hard on him and felt it slipping from me, back to the snake feeling again. Once it plopped out with a shlurpy pop I felt empty. He had been good and to be perfectly honest I'd liked it and I was determined that the next time would be even better. Both of us would have to work harder at it but that's half the pleasure. The quicky squirty is OK for kids but for a bit of loving you need to take your time. 'I've fancied you for yonks, you know,' he said dreamily as we cuddled on the rumpled bed.

'I've fancied you as well and here you are,' I smiled and cuddled his warm and slightly sweaty body. I didn't care, I had his slender football boy's body for the night and I was as near heaven as I could get.

'Paul Jones has a thing about you, have you never noticed him staring at you... it's bloody embarassing. It's like he's wiling you to notice him.'

'Never spotted him, mind you at the bar you don't have much time to watch people other than those wanting serving.'

'Well, he wants serving,' Simon grinned.

'I thought you said you hadn't done him.'

'I haven't,' Simon gave me a micro slap. 'I wasn't lying, he did me but he'd go both ways with you.'

'How do you figure that?'

'He's got the hots for you,' Simon cuddled me and fiddled with my flaccid cock. 'If he comes the old butch bit you just tell him it's fuck for fuck.'

'I know how it works, Donkey Dick,' I grinned. 'How's about a nice shower, some soup and sandwiches and a nice early night.'

'A night devoted to loving,' he whispered and kissed my ear. 'A night of romance.'

'Gets my vote,' I laughed and slipped from the bed.

Simon went for a cleanup whilst I made the bed up and when he returned I had a quicky and them took him down to the kitchen. There's a time and a place for everything and now was the time to relax and eat, a time to build some strength up for the next round - the good bit. I suppose I have to go through the angst bit again but the more I looked at him, even with his mouth full of food, the more I liked him. I loved his overlong black hair, his narrow brown face, so pretty but boyish rather than girlish. I loved his slender caramel coloured body, and you'll note I said slender, not thin. I suppose the final thing or things were his cute young boy's bottom and that swinging lump of meat between his legs, he was a sixer soft, I was convinced of it now, I was even quite proud of myself having managed to take it.

'What we on?' He looked at the pan I was stirring.

'Just some oxtail soup and a few ham sandwiches. You need your strength.'

'True,' he grinned. 'It was good wasn't it?' His eyes dropped and he then peered through the curtains. 'Still drizzly.'

'What was good?' I pretended to be a bit thick.

'The sex,' he turned to face me and sat down at the kitchen table. I moved in behind him placing him a plate and spoon.

'Brilliant, Lover Boy. Wicked.'

'Good,' he grinned and stroked my leg nearly making me spill the soup all over him. Come to think of it, if he had my little story would have finished there and then. We slurped our soup and polished off a stack of sandwiches and afterwards watched the TV whilst we digested that lot and the night wore on. Once he started groping and playing around I knew it was time to retire. I sent him upto bed and went around turning the lights off and made sure all the doors were locked, it wasn't a night I needed burglars. Mind you, a final look from the window put my mind at ease on that one, it was still raining and any thief out in that had to be a sucker for punishment.

I climbed the stairs to the bedroom and I went in to find him actually in the bed looking at me as I entered. He smiled up at me and I could see that he had both hands under the bedding obviously holding onto what he had in anticipation.

'You look sweet,' I smiled. 'Sweet and fuckable.'

'Get in,' he rasped and threw the bedding back exposing himslef down to his knees. I was right his extraordinary brown skinned cock lay up on his belly and surprise, surprise, his dark red almost purple glans was fully exposed and shining in the dim lighting. I did get in but not alongside, I crouched over him and slowly settled down so that my own hardness settled on his and our bellies met. He didn't waste any time, he wrapped his arms around me clasping a cheek in each hand and kissed me. This time no mere peck and no frantic crushing of the lips but a long and sweet one where our tongues snaked into each other's mouths. We rubbed up and down on each other and I could feel slipperyness as we both got into it. This was as near as I'd ever been to love, I was denying the ultimate as I really didn't want to face upto the fact that I was in love with a fifteen year old. Endless complications and the fact that he had pals 'in the know' didn't really cheer me up too much. But that was for the future, for the present we were in bed and I had his warm brown skinned body beneath me wriggling and needy. Clasping him tightly I rolled over taking him into the top position and lay there as he moved against me.

I made the first move by opening my legs and slipping them up his sides binding him in. He gazed at me with a slight smile on his face and then lifted himself so that his big, stiff cock slipped under my balls and moved against my perinium working his oozing precum across my sphincter. He was almost there and he grasped my hips lifting my midriff as he knelt up.

'Put some glop on, not too much,' I looked at him steadily, I opened my legs further and held my knees back with my hands laying there totally offering myself to his advances. This time we were going all the way and I was trusting him not to go berserk and rape me and he didn't. He'd found the lube so he was as ready as I was. he smeared some on my ring and intruded just one finger, he'd been there once so I felt no pain just a mild discomfort and that for only a moment. I sighed as his finger moved in me and I saw him smear some of the lotion onto his gleaming knob as he moved in. His finger slipped free and I tensed myself as I felt his oiled glans push against my slippery ring.

'Relax, Peter,' he crooned and gently pushed. I felt a slight pain this time but nothing I couldn't handle as his glans pressed against me, stretched my sphincter and then opened me up and slid into my bottom. My ring relaxed a little as he moved in and his hard shaft began to rub against the circular muscle as he gently fucked his way in. I lay there relaxing as far as I could rubbing my hands over his lithe body and then holding his hips as they moved to and fro. This time it was better and I savoured his hot meat as he kept up his gentle movements sinking deeper and deeper into my gut. His solid cock filled me and I started to clamp and ease as I felt his body near mine in the final and complete union. We kissed and I stroked his sweaty back as he moved within me and then I felt his wiry black pubics brush against my bottom, it was at this stage I wrapped my legs around him clamping him into position and pulled myself onto his hot cock. 'Yessss...' he sighed in satisfaction as my well plugged bottom surrounded his boyhood and I experimentally clamped and relaxed. 'Peter...' he wailed and started to move a little faster.

I was in heaven, I've never been a bottom and never really understood what people got out of being fucked but with Simon I was converted. His beautiful smile, his sweet kisses and his hot demanding hardness encased in my living flesh all gave me a buzz I'd never experienced before. He was moving now, in and out but no great deal. No dragging out six inches and slamming it back in but the same as he had before. A gentle but incredibly sensual experience as his thick tumescence moved in and out stretching and satisfying at the same time. I held onto his tense body as he moved faster making me feel it. I pulled myself onto him knowing that it was well and truly inside me and deeply probing into my belly. I clasped his tight buttocks imagining that I was going to invade them shortly and give him some return. His face was beaded with sweat and wrinkled in concentration as he came to his endgame.

'Peter...' he moaned and began to move faster and faster ramming and thrusting to his climax. I whined as he tore into me and I felt the damn thing seem to swell and then the blessed relief as I felt the first warm splash of his boy spunk inside me. Again and again, I wriggled on his slimey meat as he seemed to cum forever. He was bloody virile, I'll give him that, he must have flooded me. I could feel his warm cum inside me and then the mess as it found it's way out of my body and smeared on my back and around my hole as he continued to move. It couldn't go on forever, eventually he lay on me belly to belly and my legs dropped. He was still inside me but I could feel it softening and slowly slipping free. 'Jeez, that was so wicked,' he grinned and kissed me and then nuzzled at my neck. 'I'm sweating like a pig,' he giggled as his relaxing penis finally slid from me... I grabbed one of the towels and shoved it up between my thighs.

'Great,' I smiled at him and cuddled his slender body. I ran my hands up and down his back cupping his tight little bottom and squeezing the firm flesh.

'Oooh...' he wriggled in my arms. ''Got the hots, Horny Boy?'

'Somewhat,' I grinned. 'Gotta go somewhere first,' I slipped from the bed and still clutching the towel shot to the bathroom. I'd barely got my back end sorted out and was contemplating a quick shower when he burst in and with a grin explained he was bursting for a pee. As he downloaded his WKDs I got the shower going. Why not, we had all night and we were both sweaty and slightly niffy. I suppose it was nature at work but as soon as we got ourselves crammed into the small shower and got soaped up I was back to rock hard again and he was a goner. He knew is and wriggled and squirmed in my embrace finally turning so that his sweet soapy bottom was pressed against my groin.

We fell from the shower and I coaxed him onto the carpet onto his back and we rolled around kissing and cuddling in the steam and the fug of my small bathroom. I spread his legs and then pressed his knees back down onto his chest exposing his nut brown spincter and his tender pink centre appeared as I spread his cheeks exposing his all.

'Do it, do it,' he croaked and grasping my waving member he guided it down to his hole. I pressed in as felt my cock's head smear across his smooth and inviting inner flesh. 'Do me, Pete,' he whispered and closed his eyes as I pushed into his delicious heat and all encompassing tightness.

He held me and smiled as I took him all the way. No protests and nothing else apart from the sighs and murmurs as I slowly fed my meat in until I bottomed out and I fucked him with his legs wrapped around me and his tight fanny milking me all the way.

'Yes, yes, harder, harder,' he gasped as I shagged him and in the end I filled him with my hot, creamy cum and kept moving even when I knew I was done. He was so good and we lay sated on the thin carpet in the bathroom which isn't the most romantic of settings but it did us just fine.

'We go well together, Simon,' I stroked his damp, thick black hair.

'We do,' he agreed. 'We can do it again in the morning,' he looked at me and laughed. 'If you've got it in you.'

'I have,' I stood and reaching down hauled him to his feet. We were a mess, smeared with drying soap, recent sweat and the remnants of my cuming on his smooth brown bottom... another shower was called for and then bed. However, tomorrow was another day and the boys were on holiday... all the boys


Next: Chapter 2

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