
By Wayne Gray

Published on Nov 18, 2019


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Be warned. This is a story about men who have consensual sex with other men. If that's not your thing, go away. If it's not legal for you to view this material, also go away.

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Thanks for reading! And thanks to Thorn Wilde and Jim B for their efforts proofreading/editing!

Chapter 6: Packmates

Wednesday, April 10th

It was dark, rainy, and late. Franklin pulled his bike up the three steps, welcoming the shelter of the porch fronting his friend's apartment. He chained his transportation to the railing of the porch, pushed back the wet hood of his rain-jacket, then knocked on the old wooden door. Paint flecked off of the wood as he did and he grimaced at the mint green flecks of stuff on his knuckles.

Franklin had been sorely tempted by the offer from his customer earlier in the restaurant. The man wasn't precisely what Franklin typically went for, but the slim guy was definitely packing some impressive equipment. Franklin could tell that, even through the fellow's slacks as he moved. Then, there was a chance he could finally fall into bed with the big guy, Jed, since the two somehow knew one another.

Had he not had another commitment, Franklin would likely be having a more passionate night than was currently on his agenda. He sighed as he waited at the door. 'Oh well.' Instead, the two planned to meet up on Friday. Franklin had the address of Wolfgang's rental, and he was definitely looking forward to that.

"Who is it?" A muffled voice on the other side asked.

"Hey. It's me." Franklin smiled slightly. "I'm just checking on you."

It was a few moments. Then, finally, the first of the locks on the other side of the wooden obstacle began to slide back. Franklin counted four different bolts disengage. He frowned in worry. 'God, he installed more?' He didn't have much time to think about it, as the door cracked. Franklin forced a smile. "Hey." He knew his friend was having more trouble lately, and the guy didn't really have anybody else. Franklin felt sorry for him and made it a point to drop by a couple of times a week.

The man's dark eyes glittered as he looked suspiciously at Franklin through the small space between the door and the jamb. "It's just you?"

"It's just me." Franklin nodded.

The man studied him. He blinked and bit his lip. "Okay. Okay, fine." He opened the door.

Franklin stepped inside. The door shut behind them quickly and he watched sadly as his friend locked all of the bolts on the door again. He turned to observe Franklin, still suspicious.

Franklin tried to be as reassuring as possible. "Hey. It's good to see you." Franklin smiled. He slowly reached and patted the man's shoulder. "Why don't we sit, and you can tell me about your week?"

Franklin wasn't sure what had happened, but as the years passed the man before him had slowly changed. He had become secretive, suspicious, and anti-social. He barely functioned in society now. Franklin wasn't exactly wildly successful in the game of life, but he was happy, had a steady job, his own place, and he got by. Franklin knew that his friend only had a place to live because his parents owned the building. That was the limit of their help, though.

Maurice swallowed, obviously on edge. "Sure." He turned and led Franklin into the little converted apartment.

"So, this guy, Evan, he's some sort of antenna for spirits?" The two men sat at the kitchen table. Jed was trying to understand what had happened during the visit with Elder McAllister. "And he told you that spirits can take over anybody they want?"

"He's a conduit, yes. And he showed me, he didn't tell me." Wolfgang stared at the bottle of beer on the table. "I could feel them; everything he felt, I experienced." He looked up with a severe expression at Jed. "This thing, when it took over I was just a puppet. Mostly aware, but it was in control." Wolfgang grimaced. "He also said something weird about my being a 'Child of Sa'la'." He motioned at his laptop. "I've looked for that name. I can't find it anywhere." He sighed. "I'm from the suburbs of Seattle, with the most boring parents ever. I have no idea what he's talking about."

"Huh." Jed took a sip of his own beer. He considered and examined Wolfgang. The man had been deeply affected by his experience with Evan, and Jed had no doubt that something had happened. "Let's put the 'Sa'la' thing to bed for a bit, and focus on our problem." Wolfgang agreed with a nod and Jed continued. "So, you think this 'New Moon Spirit' could be doing the same thing to the loggers? Sort of a bodysnatcher, but only for a while?"

Wolfgang nodded, his eyes unfocused as he thought. "Yes. Maybe it can only do that when it's the new moon. Maybe that's why the murders all happened then and at no other time." He blinked and looked at Jed. "But, during the new moon, if it wanted, I think it could just take over." His stare grew meaningful. "I mean, take over anybody. Including you or me."

Jed drummed his fingers on the table. "And he told you there was a way to protect ourselves?"

"Yeah." Wolfgang turned the open laptop around so Jed could see. "This symbol, it's specific to protect against evil spirits - it shows up in many native cultures, including the Yurok." Wolfgang shrugged. "'Evil' is relative, but something trying to steal our bodies to commit murder seems universally evil to me. Anyway, Evan's pretty sure wearing a depiction of one would do the trick."

Jed looked at the symbol on the screen. It was a circle with a dot in the center. To the left and right, arrows pointed toward the dot in the middle. He scratched his head, still not sure he believed all of what he heard. "Okay. So, we just get a couple of these, and we're set. Right?"

Wolfgang shook his head. "No. We need to get them for all of the loggers too. It needs to be on a necklace, or something they're wearing, or nearby." He rubbed his face as he thought. "I don't know how the hell I'll get them to wear it."

"Hrm." Jed considered the problem. "Well, they're a practical bunch." He took another swig of beer and wiped his mouth. "Give them something they can use with the symbol on it."

Wolfgang frowned. "Like what?"

"Gloves," Jed replied instantly. "Loggers use gloves. Good ones - usually leather. They'd be protected all day that they're working, and they'd carry them inside where they sleep."

Wolfgang stared at him. "That, that could work." He bit his lip and slowly nodded. "Yeah. That could work." He turned the computer back around. "Okay, so order some gloves, and have them embroidered with the design, then give them to the loggers before the new moon." Jed watched as Wolfgang began searching on his laptop. "You know if there are any local embroidery shops around?"

The pair spent the next half hour ordering heavy-duty leather gloves, rush shipping them, and then they researched a nearby business which could do the embroidery work. As they finished up with those tasks, Jed stretched in his chair. "Well, would it make you feel better if we got ourselves a pair sooner rather than later? I can ask my dad to do a couple of medallions on wood." Jed held up his fingers, so they inscribed a circle. "About yey big?"

Wolfgang seemed to like the idea. "Yes, that'd be great." His discomfort was plain for Jed to see. "I don't want to be at the mercy of anything like that again."

"Hrm." Jed leaned back. He shrugged. "Sounds a lot like what I deal with, every day."

Wolfgang stared at him. After a bit, he sighed. "Yeah. I guess so. The beast is with you, all the time. And you've learned to deal with it." He reached and tapped a fingertip on the heavy silver ring on Jed's hand. "You have your own talismans to help too."

Jed nodded. "Yup." He cocked his head at Wolfgang. It was late, and the man looked worn out. Jed stood. "Come on."

He pulled Wolfgang up, and the slim man frowned at their contact. "I'm fine, Jed." He shook his head. "You're worried - you both are, I can feel it. But I'm fine."

Jed looked down at him. "I know. But you need rest. Time for sleep."

The voice rolled over Wolfgang, and he reeled under it. "Oh." His tired eyes blinked slowly. "Yeah. Sleep."

Wolfgang let Jed lead him into the bedroom. Jed knew he needed rest, and the voice was particularly effective when whatever he suggested was something the person wanted in the first place.

Soon the men lay together. Jed and the beast were both satisfied, thanks to their time with Shawn earlier in the day, so they needed nothing physical from Wolfgang. Instead, the wolf wanted to ensure their new packmate was comfortable and handled. Jed spooned the smaller fellow, and he leaned forward. "Sleep." Wolfgang sighed, and he was out.

Jed smiled against the back of Wolfgang's neck. With a big yawn, Jed settled down against his slim lover and joined him in slumber.

Friday, April 12th (First Quarter-Moon)

The next couple of days passed in an agonizingly slow fashion for Franklin. He picked up extra shifts at the restaurant, just to keep himself busy - and of course, the money was nice too. It was finally Friday. Franklin wrapped up his work at The Diver, strapped on his helmet, then got on his bike.

He couldn't help but think of his visit to see Maurice. It weighed on him. Maurice was not doing well, and Franklin had gently encouraged him to at least check into seeing a mental health provider.

"They're part of the problem!" Maurice had grown animated. "They make people think that they're broken, that they're fucked up." He pointed at Franklin. "But I'm not fucked up." His dark eyes widened. "I know that everyone else is wrong. That what they're doing is wrong. The ones in the forest are wrong." Maurice lowered his head, still looking at Franklin. "And soon, they'll pay for it, just like their friends have."

Maurice had spoken of the killings in the forest with something close to glee. It was a small, close-knit county, and they all knew about the shocking deaths in the redwoods. Franklin shook himself and tried to push the terrible incidents away. He wanted to enjoy his day, so he focused on happier things.

Franklin liked Eureka. He pedaled along the streets, navigating carefully along the bike lanes that bracketed most of the roadways in the city. It wasn't a big town so he could get anywhere he needed on his bicycle.

The way to Wolfgang's led him into Cutten, a part of the town which sported a lot of redwoods and was cool and shady thanks to the overhead sheltering trees. It was a couple of miles; an easy trip for Franklin. It was still early afternoon, and there were clear skies. Franklin had plenty of light, good road conditions, and he was a strong bicyclist. As a result, he made great time and soon pulled up in front of the rental.

Franklin wheeled the bike past the parked vehicle in the drive. The black sports car was sexy, and he grinned at the machine. He could never afford such a thing himself, but that didn't mean he couldn't lust after one. Though, in truth, he'd rather have the man who drove it.

He leaned the bike against the side of the house and locked it up. The neighborhood looked decent, but he didn't want to take a chance on someone stealing his treasured bicycle. He quickly checked his hair with his phone and swiped his hands over his clothes to unwrinkle himself. He had come directly from work, so he still wore the black slacks and the white button-up shirt he typically sported at The Diver. He also smelled of food, but Franklin didn't necessarily think that was a bad thing.

Franklin knocked, then waited. It wasn't long before the door opened. The man, Wolfgang, smiled invitingly at him. "Hello, good to see you, Franklin." Wolfgang wore tan slacks, was in comfortable looking socks, and had on a sky blue button-up shirt. The top two buttons of the shirt were undone, revealing his smooth skin beneath, and the sleeves were rolled up to his mid-forearm. He stepped aside so Franklin could enter. "Come in. I'm just getting started on dinner."

Franklin grinned and stepped inside. "It's a little weird to have someone make me dinner. I'm usually the one getting food on the table." He shut the door and glanced over the room. The place was simple. Hardwood floors, a brown couch, easy-chair, and a television mounted on the wall made up the accouterments in the living room. A semi-open kitchen was off to the left, and Wolfgang went up a single step which further divided the rooms.

"Well, relax. Tonight I'm cooking." Wolfgang lay that smile on Franklin again, and the young man couldn't help but grin at him. He'd known Wolfgang had planned to feed them, but he didn't expect to get a homemade dinner out of the night. Most of Franklin's dates consisted of cheap pizza, or he had to do the cooking himself.

It was only three in the afternoon, but the house already smelled of something with a vinegary bite to it. Curious, Franklin stepped into the kitchen. Wolfgang prepared some sort of marinade made of mustard, orange juice, preserved lemon rind, and olive oil. Then he poured the mixture into a bag that held three chicken quarters. "Mmm. It smells good already." Franklin wet his lips as Wolfgang sealed them up.

"Well, we've got a bit before we eat." Wolfgang put the bagged chicken in a bowl on the counter to marinate. "Are you hungry now? I can get some cheese, crackers, and nuts for some snacks."

"I'm fine until dinner." Franklin hovered, a little unsure beside the kitchen counter. He wasn't an aggressive guy and he vastly preferred someone else take the lead.

Wolfgang didn't make him wait long. He stepped closer and leaned on the counter, just a couple of feet away from the dark-haired, fidgeting Franklin. "Your timing is great, you know."

"Hmm?" The proximity of Wolfgang was a distraction. Franklin knew Wolfgang purposefully was trying to fluster him, and it was working. "Uh, it is?"

"Yep." Wolfgang looked into the living room toward the door. "He should be here any minute."

Franklin swallowed. He could feel Wolfgang's body heat, and he couldn't help but notice that Wolfgang's groin showed an impressive erection under his slacks. "Who?"

"You'll see." Wolfgang grinned, then there was a noise at the door.

Franklin turned to look at the person entering the house.

"Oh fuck," Jed cursed under his breath when he laid eyes on Franklin. He tried to turn and leave the house, but the wolf reared up in his mind. The strength of it was overwhelming, and though Jed fought hard, it forced him to enter and close the door behind them.

Jed stared at Franklin before stalking into the room. The boy wore a happy grin, and he stepped down into the living area. "Oh! Hello, sir." Franklin was all smiles. "I wondered why Wolfgang was making three servings of..." Franklin stopped a few feet away and frowned at Jed. "What... what's wrong with your eyes?"

"Kneel, boy." The wolf crashed into the room through Jed's voice. Franklin gasped, and he knelt. He stared up at Jed, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly agape. Off-handedly, Jed noticed that Wolfgang had also followed the command, and he too watched Jed. Though the slim man blinked as his stronger will fought against the wolf.

Franklin was not Wolfgang, and the boy was caught. Jed stepped close, his groin only a few inches from Franklin's nose. Jed slowly unbuckled his belt, his silvered eyes never leaving those brown irises of Franklin's.

Jed could smell the eagerness, desire, and submission in Franklin. The wolf had its prize, and it was not about to let go. Jed felt guilt for what he was doing, but he was powerless to stop it. The beast had desired Franklin for too long and it simply would not be denied. Additionally, Franklin had already shown that he was interested in Jed. The big man tried to justify things as he unzipped his pants.

Wolfgang rose shakily to his feet. "Jed?" He walked over beside the pair. Jed pushed his jeans down, exposing his briefs with his erection barely contained by the material.

Jed looked at Wolfgang. He knew the man still felt the effects of the voice. The beast smiled through Jed, and he reached to put a hand on Wolfgang's neck.

Wolfgang inhaled as the lust of the beast infected his mind. Jed stared at him. Wolfgang's jaw dropped, and, slowly, his blue irises turned to silver.

Jed was fascinated by the way Wolfgang shared in the beast. He leaned forward and kissed Wolfgang deeply. His slim lover groaned, and the wolf in Jed reveled in both the sensations of kissing Wolfgang and holding sway over the young man before him. Jed pulled back and returned his attention to Franklin, though he kept his palm on the back of Wolfgang's neck. The boy had unbuttoned his pants while unsupervised and he had his hand down the front of his white briefs.

Jed pushed his underwear down and his cock sprang up from its confinement. Franklin swallowed and stared at Jed's penis, then Jed put a hand on the back of Franklin's head and pulled his face into his pubes. Franklin groaned and inhaled Jed's scent. Jed felt his breath, hot and moist against the sensitive skin of his dick, and groin. "Wolfgang. Touch him."

As Wolfgang complied, his silver gaze widened. Something incoherent came from him, and his knees buckled. "We need your cock." His eyes rolled back. "Ah, fuck. He's getting close."

Franklin had continued to stroke while he smelled Jed, and now he began to make little, whimpering sounds. "Stop, boy." The command made both Franklin and Wolfgang groan in disappointment. Jed knew Wolfgang roiled with both Franklin's need to be submissive, and his own to dominate. Wolfgang trembled as Jed continued to hold the back of his neck. "Strip. Both of you."

Jed too removed his clothes. Then he led them both by their hands to the bedroom. He turned to Wolfgang. "On your knees." Wolfgang couldn't help but comply. He looked up at Jed, awaiting instruction. Wolfgang had stopped fighting the voice and now allowed it to pull him however Jed wished. Jed stroked himself with saliva, and he turned Franklin. Then Jed pressed against the young server, his hardness striving to breech Franklin's body. As he started to enter Franklin, Jed gave Wolfgang one more command. "Suck his cock, make it so we finish together."

Jed ensured he continually had contact with Wolfgang as his penis disappeared into Franklin. Wolfgang eagerly went down on Franklin and groaned at the massive stimulation from both Jed and their new playmate. For his part, Franklin moaned almost constantly.

Jed revelled in the beast as he pummeled the boy. Wolfgang pulled back a moment and gasped. "Fuck, he likes that. He likes it rough."

Jed growled in Franklin's ear. "He does, does he?" Jed slid a hand up to grip Franklin's throat. He squeezed, just a little harder than he thought he should.

A strange, happy gasp came from both Wolfgang and Franklin. Jed grinned. He maintained the grasp on the boy's throat and the motion of his pelvis, slamming himself into Franklin. There was no doubt, at that moment, Franklin and Wolfgang both belonged to him.

Jed grunted in time to his movements as he neared orgasm. Wolfgang slowed Franklin's blowjob, and Franklin's legs shook. Franklin's mouth was open, and he gasped, his heartbeat thrumming under Jed's strong hand.

True to Jed's request, all three of the men orgasmed. From his kneeling position, Wolfgang shot up on Franklin's leg and finished by creating a puddle of semen between his knees. Franklin twitched and moaned, and his body contracted around Jed's thrusting cock as the big man released into Franklin.

Jed kept at it until he finally shivered at the conclusion of his moment. There was an immense satisfaction from the beast and Wolfgang's throat vibrated with a happy growl as he pulled off of Franklin's wet dick.

Franklin panted. "W... wow." He shook his head, and Jed knew he still felt the voice.

Jed hoped that perhaps that he was wrong. That Franklin would be able to throw off the wolf's power. As he thought that the beast had one last command for the mentally struggling Franklin.

"You are ours."

Franklin felt so strange. He had just experienced the best sex he could remember, and in the way that he liked it - utterly handled by a stronger, more willful man. Jed was terrific, and it was everything Franklin wanted and more. Wolfgang turned out to be exceptional as well. He pulled Franklin to the brink of orgasm, and just kept him there, a single stroke away for a full minute. It was precisely what Franklin needed.

Yet, as soon as Jed spoke, Franklin found himself unable to think about anything but him. Franklin wanted, no, he needed to please Jed. It was an imperative. That is, until the end.

"You are ours."

That statement, somehow burned into Franklin's mind. 'I am theirs.' It ceased being about Jed alone, and now Franklin turned his eyes on both Wolfgang and Jed.

"I am yours," he said, and he had never been surer of anything in his life.

Wolfgang blinked at Franklin. He turned his now blue eyes on Jed. "What did you do?!"

Jed had a hand over his own mouth. He shook his head. "Fuck." He set his jaw and glared at Wolfgang. "Why'd you bring him here?" Jed groaned and rubbed his face. "I've been trying to avoid this for months, and I come in to find him here!"

"What? What's wrong?" Franklin's tone was concerned. He seemed eager to help. "Tell me what to do." He looked back and forth at Wolfgang and Jed.

Wolfgang gaped. "Jed!" He waved a hand at Franklin. "Fix... fix this!"

Franklin wrapped his arms around Wolfgang, which elicited a gasp from the man. Franklin nuzzled Wolfgang's neck.

Wolfgang shared Franklin's near subservience to Jed, and even the same emotion toward himself. "Jed... what, what have you done?" Questioning Jed felt wrong. Jed knew best. Why was he questioning Jed? Wolfgang shook his head and pushed himself away from Franklin.

Jed bit his lip. "I... some people are really susceptible to the voice." He looked worriedly at Franklin, then he snapped his fingers. "Wait. I've got it."

Wolfgang stepped away as Franklin tried to grope him. "Franklin, go sit down." The server looked like a whipped puppy. He hunkered down and slinked away to sit on the couch.

Wolfgang grimaced. "I hope you can fix him. Because right now he's all about us. Only us!"

Jed nodded. "Okay." He stepped into the living room and stood before Franklin, who openly ogled Jed's naked body. The young man started to stroke himself.

"Stop that!" Jed snapped. Franklin did, but he unconsciously licked his lips as he looked at Jed's cock.

"The beast turned him into a sex slave." Wolfgang was completely appalled. "God, we have a sex slave." He laughed in disbelief and a bit of mania.

"I'm fixing it!" Jed insisted. He focused on Franklin. "Boy. Look at me." Franklin dragged his gaze up to look into Jed's eyes. Jed took a breath and focused. "You are free to choose whoever you wish."

Wolfgang frowned. Though there was power in the words, there wasn't as much as before.

"Fuck," Jed cursed. "The beast doesn't want him freed." He grimaced. "It's fighting me."

Franklin blinked and stood up slowly. "What's wrong?" He asked.

Wolfgang looked carefully at the young man. Franklin's eyes seemed clearer, but there was still a great deal of concern in them. "Hold on, Jed." Wolfgang stepped around the big man and faced Franklin. Wolfgang smiled at him and put a hand on the confused young fellow's shoulder.

Wolfgang's Adam's apple moved as he swallowed. He looked at Jed and felt all that Franklin did for him.

Jed had a fearful expression on his face. "Well?" He motioned at Franklin. "Is everything okay with him?"

Wolfgang sighed. "Good news, he's no longer totally beholden to us."

"Err." Franklin looked bemusedly at them. "I'm right here." His expression changed to that of a fond smile at both of the men. "What's going on?" Franklin put his arm around Wolfgang's waist. The movement was natural and seemed second-nature to him. Wolfgang did the same to Franklin, and now they both stood facing Jed.

"Hang on, Franklin," Jed said then looked from him to Wolfgang. "Okay. That's good. I'm assuming there's also bad news?"

Wolfgang slowly nodded, with Franklin by his side. "I've never felt this, so I can't be sure." Wolfgang looked at Franklin, and he couldn't help but smile thanks to the emotions running through the man. "Jed, I... I think he's in love with us."

Next: Chapter 7

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