Silverdaddies Hookup

Published on Apr 4, 2020



Silverdaddies Hookup

Usual disclaimers: this aint true, it's just totally gleaned from my imagination. Do not try this at home. Do not try this without adult supervision. Since it is a kiddy fuck story and I did not make money off it, it can't be copywrited, the same as any kiddy fuck story, and if it could, who is going to take any violations to court? So, copy and repost freely, as long as you don't change anything including the writers name. Side effects may be, but are not limited to, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, anal bleeding, erected penis, vaginal throbbing and/or discharge, anal throbbing, euphoria, moaning, heart palpatations, heart attack or death. The writer holds no responsibility for adverse effects. Read at your own risk. Not valid in UT, CA, WA.

Silverdaddies Hookup

By Darin 2b Naked

Story codes, M/M

I was at my computer watching some kiddy porn and stroking my hard cock, when I heard the familiar 'ding' letting me know I had email. I could see it was from my protonmail account so I knew it was going to be something sex related. I have done some writing of kiddy sex stories, under an assumed name of course, and used my protonmail account with the same false name, encouraging any fans to email me there with any compliments or suggestions. I got plenty, and some guys would send pictures of their cock, or kiddy pictures and I sure didn't want that kind of stuff to go to my real yahoo email, I knew yahoo would look at any pictures or videos and would snitch you to the police in a heartbeat and I didn't want to serve life in prison for a picture of a little cocklet or cuntlet.

I went to my account and found it was actually an email from someone on silverdaddies. that is a MM hookup site, geared toward seniors, and admirers of seniors. You put in a profile, dick pic or face pic, your likes, dislikes, etc. and it becomes searchable on the site. If someone in the same city or area, likes what they see, and want to meet up and have some fun, they can send an email message to you through silverdaddies. The site only allows 2 contacts a day from non-paying members, so a lot of guys hide their emaill address in their profile so the guy can email you directly, bypassing that 2 contact a day problem. I have recieved many responses to my profile, but have never had any play dates. It seems more men want to talk dirty and send/recieve dirty pictures than really want to meet up. A lot of guys liked my profile, I guess because I was honest and open, it reads;



260 lbs

64 years old

Cut cock

Interests-guns, movies, photography, cooking, porn of all flavors.

I am straight but curious. Am new to M/M pleasure but have a strong desire to suck cock. No kissing, cuddling, fucking, do enjoy gentle ass play with fingers or toys, sucking nipples ok. Have never sucked a cock or played with another man so am a total virgin in that area, but am anxious to learn. D/D free, don't have a large cock, but I keep it shaved and would enjoy the same from a playmate but thats not a dealbreaker as long as it's clean. Cock size doesn't matter, but the smaller the better. Will suck to completion but don't want to swallow. My fantasy is to get together, get naked, start watching some porn and stroking. Then reach over and start stroking each other, eventually I lean over and start sucking a nipple. Then I would work my way down and start sucking, while using a finger to tickle the pucker, then working into a 69 to enjoy a nice gentle cocksucking while porn playing in the background. I especially enjoy exchanging explicit emails Can't host. contact at *****

As I say, lots of contacts, no hookups, thus I am still a M/M virgin, but am still hoping. I just have this desire to suck a cock. I imagine it hard and smooth sliding through my mouth, my tongue working the rim as I fondle the ball sack, playing with the cum hole with my tongue. Tickling the man pussy with my fingers, and hearing the moans and groans of the owner as I handle his cock the way I would want mine done. Then to hear him tell me he is about to cum, feel his shaft expand in my mouth just before I feel that first spurt of man juice hit my tongue, then to feel it throbbing in my mouth as he unloads spurt after spurt of sperm, until he is empty. Then to continue to hold him in my mouth, feeling him getting softer and smaller. For some reason, that just seems so sexy to me. I don't consider myself homosexual at all, in fact, I don't really consider myself bi-sexual, I just want to suck a cock, kind of a 'guy helping another guy out' kind of thing.

Anyway, I paused the little girl vid I was stroking to (I love both little boy and little girls) and opened the email. I noticed the username was HAND E MAN and there was an attachment. `hand e man' I thought to myself if it was a double entandre, if he might actually be a handyman. I hoped so because in addition to a cock, I needed some repairs done around the house (yes, I planned on paying him). I read the email.

Hello, I read your profile and I have to say, it sounds exciting, I am also interested in guns. I love porn too, also of ALL FLVORS even "younger" subjects and would love to watch it with you. Since we both live in the same city, I would love to hook up. Perhaps we could meet for coffee or lunch or something. I too am a M/M virgin and think we might learn together. I like all the things you mentioned, it sounds very exciting. I was really impressed with your cock too; it looks like just the right size. I've included a picture of mine; hope you might be interested.

I opened the picture; it was a very nice-looking piece of meat. He was quite hard and looked to be about 4 or 5 inches long, just right to fit in a mouth. He was shaved and cut. He had a nice smooth head and I could see a drop of clear precum in his hole. His ridge was well defined and a nice helmet shape and was quite dark, obviously filled with blood from the well-defined veins running up and down his shaft. I was quite pleased with the looks of it, my mouth began to water and my own cock stirred at the sight.

I answered immediately, hoping this was going to be the one. If we were both virgins, we would both be equally nervous, and we could discover together.

Thanks for the email I think it would be great if we could meet for lunch someday. My only days available are Tuesday and Thursday but time doesn't matter. Since we are both interested in guns, even if we don't hook up, perhaps we can go shooting together, or at least watch some porn together. I think it would be nice to have a friend with the same interests. Unfortuneately I can't host, but I would be willing to split a motel room if needed. I think your cock is beautiful, it looks to be just the right size for sucking, does it cum much? Hope to hear back.

I went back to jacking off to my girl videos, I stroked, edging for about an hour before I let myself cum to my favorite Arina and Nella video. As I relaxed enjoying the afterglow of my orgasm, I thought about the possibility of losing our virginity together. I looked at his cock again, hoping to get an idea of what he might look like. I imagined what that cock would feel like in my asshole. I sometimes use a vibrator or dildo in my asshole when I jack off and I have to admit I have wondered what a cock would feel like moving in and out of my hole. I pushed a finger up my ass as I thought about it.

I was about to go to bed, when I heard that ding again, I checked and sure enough it was him, I opened the email and saw there were 2 attachments. Before I read the email, I opened the first attachment. It was another picture of his cock, not as hard this time, in front of it was what looked like a table and on the table was a pool of thick white cum. It looked to be about a palmfull and a long string of cum was hanging from his hole to the table. I quickly opened the other attachment; it was a picture of his asshole. It was nicely puckered and had a very small hole right in the center of his puckered star. His hole was clean and was very dark pink, it was also distended and wet, I assume he may have had something in there when he jacked off. He was far enough back to see his low hanging sack, his large balls hanging down and well defined inside his bag, his right nut lower than his left, they were nicely hairless and smooth, obviously shaved like the rest of his package, again my mouth watered. I went to read the message.

Darin, thank you for the complement, I am glad you like my cock, am a little embarrassed about being small but I agree, it is probably comfotable for sucking, I thought the same about yours, I hope to have it filling my mouth someday. Since tomorrow is Tuesday, how would you like to meet for breakfast at Shoney's, say about 9 a.m.? If you already have plans, the same time Thursday would be good. If yes, I will be sitting in the back corner booth, I will wear a light blue T-shirt, blue jeans and a black baseball cap. If I hear back from you tonight, then I will know to be there tomorrow, if not, I hope Thursday will work. I also included a couple of pictures I hope you like. This was just minutes ago, thinking about the fun we could have. This is about an average size load for me, I used a vibrating dildo in my asshole, it makes me cum fast. Hope to hear back tonight.

So, I was right, he did have something in his hole, I liked that we both enjoyed dildos. I thought for a few minutes and decided I would meet him in the morning. Nervously I answered his email.

Thanks so much for the pictures, they made my mouth water. I think tommorrow at Shoney's at 9 is just fine. I will be wearing a tan short sleeve button up shirt, black pants and a tan cap. I am going to go to bed now so I can get up early to come meet you, I am anxious to meet and I do hope we get along, but if I turn out not to be your type, please feel free to say so, I understand that not everybody is attracted to everybody. If not, perhaps we could still be friends and go shooting sometime. I will see you at 9 a.m.

I hit send, then got up to go to bed, my mind was buzzing with thoughts, it took a long time to finally get to sleep and it was quite late. I was going to have to get up at 7:30 and the last time I remember looking at the clock, it said 2:35. The alarm buzzed at 7:30, and it felt like I hadn't slept at all. I went into the bathroom to piss. Then I brushed my teeth and got in the shower. As I soaped up, I made sure to wash my cock and balls and asshole well, just in case we decided to go further. I dried and combed my hair; I shaved and then shaved my package as it was a bit stubbly. I put on deodorant ant went downstairs to dress. I put on the clothes that I told him I would be wearing. It was 8:35 as I walked out the door, I knew it was going to take me 20 minutes to drive to Shoney's. I was nervous as a cat, I felt like a teenager going on a blind date. When I got to the restraunt, I was able to park near the door. I went inside and the butterflies in my stomch were going crazy, I was literally shaking. I knew where the booth was where he was going to be sitting so headed that way.

As I got to the back, I saw the booth and the back of a black ball cap. I slowly approached the booth. I could see the light blue T-shirt so knew it was him. I walked up to the booth and said, "Hand e...PAUL!!" I shouted

"FRED!!..Uhh...DARIN??" he said loudly as I sat down.

It was Paul, my best friend, he was just over to the house 2 days ago. We both sat there with our mouths open, more or less in shock, unable to speak. I can't even remember what was running through my head, but I do remember the thoughts weren't coherent.

I finally leaned forward and whispered, "Hand e man??"

"Darin 2b naked?" he whispered back. Then we both broke out laughing. We laughed so hard and long people were starting to stare. The waitress came over and asked if we wanted coffee, we finally were able to get out a yes and she went to get it. We finally stopped laughing.

I said, "I had no idea."

"And like I did??" he said.

"Oh my God, I am flabbergasted, I don't know what to do next." I said as the waitress brought the coffee.

"Would you like to order now?" she asked. I looked over at Paul and raised my eyebrows. He thought for a minute then we told the girl we were just going to have coffee, and she left.

"Well, do you still want to do this?" Paul asked.

I thought about it, it kind of gave me a `sex with your sister' kind of feeling. I told myself that we had always got along and had known each other for years, so there really was no reason not to, so I said, "Lets finish our coffee and head back to my house."

We sat thre about 15 minutes making small talk, catching up from 2 days ago. When we were done, we got up to leave, I paid the check and we headed out, each getting in our car and headed home.

When we got to the house we went inside, it was 10:00. "Do you want a beer or something?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think I need a beer." He said heading into the living room taking a seat in his regular spot on the couch. He was only 2 years younger than me so we were in the same generation, that's why we got along so well.

I brought the beer in and handed one to him as I sat down in my chair. "I can't believe I never had a clue, how long have you been on silverdaddies?" I asked him.

"About 2 years now, I stopped my profile for about a year since I was only getting emails and trading dirty pictures, nobody ever wanted to commit to meeting up. I just started it up again a few weeks ago. I searched again and saw your profile. I remembered seeing it before, but not contacting you, so I decided to take a chance last night." He said sipping his beer. "I know you have been on for a while."

"Yeah, 3 years, same kind of thing with me, lots of emails, sex talk and pictures, no dates. I did have a date with a guy a year ago, he lived about 40 miles away. We decided to meet for coffee, I drove all the way there, he never showed. He claimed he was out front sitting in his truck, and expected to meet in the parking lot then head to his house. After that he broke contact." I told him.

He took a long slug of beer then asked, "How long have you been interested in sucking? I just started thinking about it a few years ago. I have never had any sexual interest in men, but as I watched more and more porn, I started noticing how nice a hard cock looks and started thinking about it. I started watching male cruising porn and thought how hot it looked so decided to try finding someone to play with. I'm not queer you know, I still like girls, uhh..especially little girls."

I laughed, "It sounds like me only I got interested watching shemales, but I know what you mean about cruising vids. Well, you want to watch something?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure, you have any boy stuff?" he asked.

"What age range?" I asked as I got up to go to my porn stash.

"How about something around 8 to 12 or so? No hair though." He said.

"Sure, let me get my encrypted drive. Can you plug my laptop into the TV? The cable is plugged into the TV, hanging out the back." I said as I was going through my drives. All my porn is on external drives. My kiddie collection was on an encrypted drive. I plugged the drive into my laptop and changed the TV to the correct hdmi port. I typed in the password for the drive and went to the preteen boy's folder. "How about a 30-minute jackoff collection to start? The boys are all hairless as I recall and some sweet little cumshots."

"Yeah, that sounds good, but I've got to piss first" He said standing up and heading for the bathroom.

"Me too when you get done, I'll start the video and pause it till I get done pissing." I yelled so he could hear me. He didn't shut the door and I could hear his stream hitting the water which wasn't unusual, he normally left the door open when he pissed. I heard him finish up and he came out of the bathroom.

"You want another beer?" he asked as I headed for the bathroom.

"Yeah, get me one, would you?" I said as I started my own stream. I finished pissing, shook my cock and walked back into the living room, my soft cock hanging out since I planned on jacking off shortly. I found a cold beer beside my chair; I popped the top and sat down in my chair. Paul was sitting on the couch, I started the video, then sat back stroking my soft meat. There were some very cute hairless boys jacking off their hard little cocklets. Some shot cum, some had dry cums. I looked over at Paul, he was squeezing his cock through his pants.

"Hey buddy, feel free to get comfortable, get that gorgeous cock out." I told him, letting him see me stroking mine.

He unbuttoned then unzipped his pants, he wasn't wearing any underwear, and his hard cock jumped right up when he pulled his pants open. He grabbed it and started stroking, from base to tip. "I like this video, I don't have it, look at the cum shoot out of that sweet little cock, look at his eyes, looks like he's dizzy." He said laughing.

"I'll make you a copy if you want." I said.

"Hell yeah, I'd love a copy. Listen to that little fucker moan, I wish I had that in my mouth, I'd make him moan." He said looking over at my cock. We watched the whole video, then I asked what he wanted to see next. He said it was up to me. I suggested a shemale video and he said that was fine. I suggested that we get naked first, to get more comfortable. He stood up, dropping his pants and took them off, leaving them on the floor. He took his shirt and socks off, then sat back down on the couch, stroking to keep his hard on.

I stripped off my clothes, throwing them on my chair, I too sat on the couch as I started the tranny vid. It was a Thai, shemale that was very beautiful She was one of my favorites, from the waist up, you would swear she was a girl. I also knew she had a nice small cock, pink and cut and was a loud cummer, plus she loved having her pussy plowed. I kept looking over at Paul as he watched the video.

"Man, she's beautiful, I wouldn't be afraid for people to see her on my arm, would you?" he asked looking over at me.

"Hell no, hell I'd offer to bring her over and give her citizenship, if she would stay married to me for at least 2 years." I said.

He leaned forward as she slowly stepped out of her panties, showing her little ass. "Look how little her ass is, his one hand covers both cheeks." As she dropped the panties and turned, Paul said "Look at that sweet little cock, man, she's a sweetheart."

We watched as her man softly nibbled her long neck as he stroked her to hardness. Her cock couldn't have been more than 4 inches long, her head a beautiful dark purple, her sack was so tight to her body, it looked almost non existant. "How would you like to put a frilly white dress on her, put that long black hair in pigtails, some white frilly socks, and some black patent leather mary janes?" I asked.

"Ohhh..God! You're going to make me cum thinking of that. She would be a pedos dream, and be totally legal." He said, smiling over at me.

I saw him looking at my cock, and I'm sure he saw me looking at his. I slid down beside him and whispered, "How about we act out what was in my profile?" as I took my hand off my cock and wrapped it around his and started lightly stroking it.

"Ohhhhh...Fred...yess..." he moaned as he took hold of my hard meat.

I don't know what I expected, but I loved holding his cock, it was so warm and soft and hard in my hand. Even though it was just like my cock, it felt so much different being another mans cock. I could feel his heartbeat in my hand, and I slowly stroked him as I just stared at it. He was doing the same to me. At the same time, we both said, "It feels so different." Then laughed.

That kind of broke the ice and we seemed more comfortable with each other. We leaned our shoulders against each other, and got closer as we watched the vid and jacked each other off. After a few minutes, we were leaning into each other more, with more of our naked bodies touching.

As we watched the little Thai shemale getting fucked he whispered, "I'll bet her asshole feels good". As he said that, I brought my free hand over and started rubbing his nipple, "Ohhh...yesss...pinch it a little too." He moaned, his head now on my shoulder. As I played with his nipple, the little Kathoey was getting her asshole drilled, her man had her feet up, her knees bent back to her shoulders, her hard-little cock was bouncing off her belly as he buried his man meat into her puckered hole.

Paul was breathing heavy and watching the scene from my shoulder, stroking my cock, as I stroked his, my head on his as I watched my hand pumping his 5-inch cock. As the man was squirting his big load on the little shemales belly, she was stroking her own little cock to orgasm as she mixed her load with his, her well fucked pussy winking with each contraction.

"Unghhh.." Paul moaned as we watched her empty her nuts out her pretty cock. He reached down and pushed my hand off his cock, "I'm too close," he whispered, "I'm going to cum, we need to stop for a few minutes." He sat up, "Man, she was cute, I was surprised her little cock came like that, I expected some little dribbles or nothing. I don't have any shemale vids, but they are awsome, you get these off xhamster?"

As I went through my collection of what to play next, I said, "No, for shemales I usually go to They have a really good selection of all kinds, I like the small cocked Thai's, they are usually small and so beautiful. How about some little preteen girls for a while?" I asked.

"Mmmm...hairless tight pussies, you bet. I have to piss again he said." As he stood up to go to the bathroom.

"I'll join you, I have to piss again too." As I followed him. Standing on each side of the bowl we started our streams, "Thanks for the nipple attention, that felt good. How about you, do you enjoy nipple play?"

"Oh, I love it, I'll pinch mine quite often when I jack off." I said as I finished up my stream. He finished a couple seconds later, both of us shaking the last drops off. "I tried to get my ex wife to suck them, but she would give a half-hearted attempt. She wanted me to suck and nibble hers all night long, but she barely returned the favor, fucking women." I said as we walked back into the living room.

He sat back down on the couch, his feet on the cushion and legs spread fondling his chubbed up hairless cock. I was glad he shaved too, it made his cock stand out more and felt so smooth, plus I always hated getting pubes in my mouth. "I have a playlist of several good vids that I use to jack off with, it runs about an hour, lots of pretty hairless pussies spread open too."

I started the playlist and walked back to the couch, standing in front of him watching him bring his cock to full hardness. I leand forward and fondled his cock and balls as he reached up and did the same to mine. "You're so smooth, did you shave this morning too?" I asked.

"Yeah, I figured just in case, you know?" he said smiling rubbing my package through his hands. He cupped my balls rubbing them back and forth, rubbing my taint with his fingers. He looked me in the eyes, giving me a slight smile as I felt his finger rub my taint, then continue through my cheeks to gently stroke my puckered asshole. I groaned and pushed my hips forward, "You like that?"

"Ohhh...yesss.." I hissed as he paid attention to my wrinkled hole. After a minute I pulled away from his hand and sat on the couch leaning against him as I brought my legs up, spreading them giving him better access to my hole. I pulled his arm over me and guided his finger to my hole as he continued rubbing it. We watched a little 9-year-old girl being spread open as mommy played with her little pussy. He continued to rub me and gently pushing against my hole, never going inside me, just pumping his fingertip.

"You like that don't you?" I nodded my head. "You want my cock in there?" he asked.

"Maybe someday, I haven't decided if I want to go that far, like I said, maybe someday, but what your doing now is nice." I whispered. "Look at that pretty pussy, you can see her little hole too." I said as mommy spread the immature slit open.

"Mmmm...I sure would like to get my tongue in there, imagine how she tastes." He said.

I turned my head and started sucking his man nipple, using my tongue to lick its pink center.

He brought his hand up, cupping the back of my head pulling me to his chest, "Ughnghh...ohhh..that's sooo good Fred" he said softly as he pushed his finger harder against my asshole, his head back, eyes closed enjoying the attention I was giving his nipple. He moved his hand up and began to stroke my hard cock, "Mmmmm..." I moaned into his tit.

I left his nipple and licked my way down to his cock, following his treasure trail until I reached the base of his cock. A different preteen was on the screen. She was sitting up, knees up and spread open as far as they would go, she lightly rubbed her hairless little cuntlet as her daddy sat beside her stroking his long cock.

"Mmm...I'll bet that pussy is sooo soft." Paul said as my mouth worked its way around and up to the top of his cock.

I used my tongue around his dark ridge, then slowly lowered my wet mouth over and down the length of his hard staff. "Ohhhh...Fred.." he moaned as I guided him into my mouth. He put his hand on my head as I reached the bottom and ran my tongue around his meat.

"Ohhh...God...Fred, that feels soooo...good.." he moaned as I brought my head up until just the tip was between my lips. He pushed his hips up, trying to get back into my warm wet mouth. "Ohh...fuuck.." he moaned.

I pulled my mouth off and looked up at him, " the pretty, soft little pussy", I whispered, then took his staff to the root again. His cock felt wonderful in my mouth, there was no real taste, just the warm flesh filling my mouth. I found if I held my breath, I could take his cock completely with no problem. The head felt kind of spongy in my mouth, my tongue pushing into his cum hole. As I worked his cock, the feeling of a hard cock in my mouth was everything I expected. My own cock was hard against my belly, waiting for some attention.

Paul leaned over trying to get his mouth on my own cock, but we were positioned wrong and the couch was a bit narrow. I sat up, leaving his cock wet and throbbing. "How about we move to my bed?" I suggested, "We can get into a sideways 69 and pleasure each other at the same time."

"Ohhh...yess.." he hissed as he looked into my eyes, nodding his head enthusiastically. We stood up from the couch and quickly walked into the bedroom. We got on the bed on our knees. We lay down beside each other, in opposite directions, got positioned so our cocks were at each other's mouths. I wrapped my arms around his hips, taking an ass cheek in each hand, he did the same as we pulled each other's hard cocks into our mouths. "UNGHHHH..." we groaned loudly as we each sucked the others cock.

His mouth felt fantastic, we held each other tightly as we serviced each other. I dug my fingers deep between his cheeks and found his hole. His pucker was warm and soft, it felt so smooth to my fingers. I was working his cock in my mouth, wrapping my tongue around and up and down. His ball sack I could feel on my chin. We were both breathing heavilly and moaning loudly. We were wrapped around each other as we sucked and rubbed each other's holes. I moved my fingers down so I was rubbing and fondling his sack and balls, including his taint in my rubbing. I was in heaven feeling his mouth and tongue working my hard meat.

I sucked and licked and rubbed, I just couldn't get enough of him in my mouth, I felt like I wanted to swallow him whole, and have him inside me. I wished we had started doing this years ago, I never wanted it to stop. As he rubbed my asshole, I brought my knees up to either side of his chest, exposing my hole completely for him to play with. I felt him pull me out of his mouth, he wrapped his arms around my hips and squeezed me to him. Suddenly I felt something warm and wet on my hole. I realized he had positioned himself so that he was rimming me.

"OHHHH...GOD...YESSSSSS..." I yelled as his tongue played around on my hole, it was indescribable how it felt, he would lick my hole for a while and then try to suck me inside out. I was moving my hips trying to shove my hole inside his mouth. I sucked hard on his meat as I moaned loudly.

He went back to sucking my dick, he pulled his knees up around me also and I found myself staring at his pucker. It was a dark pink color and was tightly puckered shut. I watched it expand and contract as I sucked his meat.

He was pumping his hips and I heard him whisper loudly, "Suck my hole Fred, suck and lick me the way I did you, please, I need it bad." As he went back to sucking my rod.

I took my mouth off his cock, and pulled his hole to my mouth. "Mmmmm..." I moaned loudly as I serviced his hole as well as I could. I licked and sucked and did everything I could think of while he moaned and whined around my cock. I licked and sucked his hole for about 5 minutes. I brought a finger to my mouth and got it wet, I watched as my finger sunk into my friend, he was soft and warm inside. As I buried my finger he yelled "AGHGNGHGNHHHHH...AHHHHHHH..." I finger fucked him as he groand loudly around my cock.

"DO ME TOO FRED, DO ME TOO PLEASE" I said loudly. I felt him moving his hand, then felt his wet finger slide into my hole, "GOD YESSSS..." I yelled as he started finger fucking me.

I put him back into my moth and started licking and sucking him hard. His finger felt so good in my asshole, I knew I was going to cum soon. I wrapped my arms around his butt and squeezed him in a tight embrace. I heard a loud muffled, "I'm gonna cum" from around my cock. The thought of feeling him cum in my mouth got me there too. "Me too.." I said with his cock still in my mouth.

I felt his cock expand and heard him growl, "UGHNGHHHNGUUHHH..." Loudly, then felt his cock jump in my mouth and felt him spit the first round onto my tongue. I felt that tickle in the head of my cock and felt the first spurt of cum run through my tube, to shoot into my friends' mouth.

"Mmmm...mmmmm...uhmmmm..." we both moaned as spurt after spurt entered our mouths. I loved the feeling of his cuck pulsing in my mouth. I had planned on sucking to completion then spitting his seed out, but I was so sexed up and horny, that I just swallowed as his cock pulsed in my mouth. His mouth on my shooting meat was absolutely amazing, I had never had an orgasm this good in all my life. We rolled around on the bed moaning and sucking our cocks as our fingers wiggled in each other's hole. I shot what felt like the biggest load of my life.

When we finished emptying our nuts into each other's mouths we just lay still, slowly running our fingers in and out of each other, not so much fucking each other as slowly carresing each other's shit chute. We held each other's cocks in our mouths, gently and slowly sucking. We were both sensitive so avoided the head of our cocks but sucked gently, like a pacifier, enjoying the warmth of our mouths on each other's softening cocks. We lay wrapped together as eyes closed, just enjoying the closeness, enjoying the afterglow of our orgasms.

"That was amazing, I have never felt anything that good." Paul moaned around my dick, closing his mouth back over it.

"Yeah", I moaned, "It was amazing. Lets do this every day." I said chuckling. I just held his now soft cock in my mouth enjoying the feeling. We lay like that for about 5 minutes, gently carressing each other butt cheeks.

Finally, I slowly pulled my finger from his hole, and rubbed his ass and back, he did the same.



"I think I want to feel your cock in my asshole, I want you to fuck me." I said, expecting I was going to have an argument.

He said, "I was about to say the same thing. Tomorrow same time?" he asked patting my butt.

"Absolutely." I said chuckling.

The end

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