Silver X

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jan 30, 2003


Disclaimer: All rights to the marvel characters that are used in this story are that of Marvel Comics. I own all rights to my own characters and would like to ask that they not be used without my permission

Symbols: *** mean a character change or what character the story is starting out with.

Warning: This story is dark and filled with a lot of dark dealings. There may be sex so if you're to young then you shouldn't be reading this. If you have a problem with Male/Male relationships then you shouldn't read this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


My skin returned to normal, as soon as it had I was picked up and carried to the lab.

"It's going to be ok Alex, I promise you're going make it through this." Bobby was right beside me, and he kept talking but I was having a hard time replying.

"You did a good job kid, I've never seen anyone do that kind of damage to the Juggernaut." I hadn't even scratched his skin, but I did take his suit out. Which still didn't make sense, he should have been nothing but a mound of flesh.

"Why is it so cold, and who's turning out the lights, I don't feel so good." It was then that I passed out, the pain was just to much to bear. Then it stopped, everything stopped, the pain, and the darkness wasn't so bad anymore. In a way it felt good and I could hear someone calling to me from someplace.

"Alex, come on man, you can't die on us, you just got here." His voice was so far away and when I went closer there was this pain.

"He's flat lining, oh God, were losing him Bobby, Logan get me that needle over there." Everything was starting to hurt more and my vision was starting to return.

"He's starting to come around, hook him up to that IV over there." Then the pain was gone again, only I knew this time it was some really heavy pain killers. I was back in a world of dreams that weren't so bad anymore, some were even nice. Normally I dreamed of taking Magneto out, now I was dreaming of Bobby.

*****Professor Xavier

The young man was full of hatred and so many other things that worried me.

"If it had been anyone else but Juggernaut he would have killed them." I looked to Jean as I told her my opinion of Alex.

"Still if he hadn't of been here we could have lost that fight, and Juggernaut wouldn't have left so quickly." I looked to Logan, he knew better, we never tried to kill anyone. Then again that wasn't really true when it came to Logan, he didn't really care if the other side lost a player.

"So does that mean you're going to kick him out?" It had been an unexpected question, and to be honest the thought had crossed my mind. Only I knew that if he were to leave here he would just go back to hunting Magneto. Knowing that Magneto would kill him easily kept me from making that choice, it would be like killing him myself. That and if he did survive he would soon become an enemy of the X men afterward. His skin alone could easily kill some of my students, that I couldn't risk.

"No, Bobby I won't be kicking him out, he's a mutant and he needs us to help him. We have to find a way for him to find his lost humanity, or he'll make the Juggernaut look like a fly on our back compared to what he'll become. His power has yet to be pushed to it's limits, which has me greatly worried. Once he had complete control over himself he will be like a God." Bobby had looked up quickly then away like he thought I had finally flown off my rocker.

"Every mutant power can go further than we push them, our bodies set limits as you all know. With Alex it's a little different since his power covers his body, that and he can change it's shape and make objects. I believe that with time and training he could become unstoppable. He bleeds like the rest of us, only in time I think his blood will become silver. When this happens he will become more and have a greater control over himself. I believe that once this happens he will be able to become any shape so he will be able to morph. That and a few other things that have me worried, so no I can't afford to kick him out. If he were to ever to become a threat to us, we would have no choice but to kill him. Even with that in mind he would still kill most of us in the process." If I could train him and help him then hopefully he would never become my enemy.

"That would never happen, he's not like that, he wouldn't hurt any of us." Again Bobby surprised me, he had never really cared about other mutants like this.

"Why do you care so much Bobby, you don't even know him that well?" The question only angered him as he left the room, now I had a few other things to think about. There had been a time when Bobby had a crush on Scott, it had passed. Now I wondered if Bobby had a crush on Alex, and where it would lead to.


I knew Alex would never hurt any of us, he just couldn't he was a good guy like us. If he hadn't been he wouldn't have attacked Juggernaut and almost gotten himself killed. When I had seen him fall my heart had skipped a few beats, he looked so defenseless. Then Jug had just kept stomping him, if Jean wouldn't have stopped him I would have lost my mind. Now he was in the med lab hooked up to some IV's and a few other things. When the Juggernaut had stomped him it had turned his skin against him which had stabbed into him. Now he looked normal again, and I had a hard time not removing the sheet that covered him. Since I had seen him nude once I had I a hard time not looking again. He was at least seven inches and cut, that wasn't even hard, now just thinking about him hard wasn't something I should have done. It was a good thing I was dressed normally or I would have had a problem.

"You know Bobby if you keep staring at him like that people are going to start to wonder." I turned to see Logan, he had this really large smile on his lips.

"Let them wonder, it's none of their business anyway, why haven't you made a move on him?" He chuckled lightly then left the med lab, I should have known he wouldn't answer me. I looked back to Alex, then I brushed the hair off his face. He looked so innocent in this state, but most people did. Only he could have been innocent if his life had been a little easier. I felt his pain, knowing what it was like to lose people you loved. It happened to everyone, but most of the time it was over a long amount of time. Not many people lost their twin at such a young age, which made me wonder about his parents. He had to have parents, and I was sure that they missed him more than life itself.

"Alex, can you hear me, I need to ask you a question." His eyes opened slowly, even his eyes drove me wild.

"Bobby, I was just thinking about you, I feel really good." He was laughing lightly, which made me so happy to hear, it made my heart do flips.

"I was wanting to know about your parents, you know where they are and stuff." His eyes changed then, and his face lost all joy, then tears slid down his face.

"When our powers activated our parents had been holding us, it killed them, and we ran away." His eyes were opened wide, but they were silver and didn't reveal anything but his tears.

"I'm so sorry Alex, but it wasn't your fault you have to know that." He looked at me then away, he passed back out a minute later. I just walked out of the med lab and back to the professor's office.

"I still don't think your right about him, but I know he needs a lot of help." The professor nodded slowly before looking away then back to me with a frown.

"I know what happened to his parents, it's always on his mind so it was easy to pick up. There are other things that I've just looked into, at first I had thought I was mistaken. It seems that Alex was trained by Sinister, and he doesn't see anything wrong with it. Of course he doesn't know what Sinister has done in his past so it isn't his fault, yet it gives new insight to his rage. I think that Sinister may have had something to do with his urge to kill." I nodded not knowing what else to really do, still it didn't change how I felt toward Alex.

"He's just a kid, it's not his fault, you know that, you just don't want to admit it." He smiled lightly then turned completely away looking out the window.

"He's killed before Bobby, even before he met Sinister, he felt a little guilty for it but not that much. His reasoning was simple, they were bad guys, trying to hurt other people so he stopped them. I'm not saying it's his fault since he was just a kid trying to save the world from bad people. Still even at that age he didn't have trouble killing another living being. I'm telling you this because I don't want you to get hurt, not again, don't forget what happened with Scott." The memory was a painful one, but I had gotten over it until it was thrown in my face. He had really struck a low blow and he knew it, that was why he had turned away.

"I haven't forgotten anything, but it look's like you might have Onslaught" I didn't give him a chance to say anything as I took off back toward the med lab. There was no way I was going to leave him alone until he was better. Then I was going ask him out and find out where he stood on that subject. At least then I wouldn't have a repeat like the Scott and get my heart ripped out. Then again he had been really nice about the whole deal. Then I had met my green haired angel, she had made me think it was just a phase. Well, for a little while at least, until I found another guy that was attractive. Still I had pushed him out of my mind and then found my way back here hoping to ease my troubled heart. It had worked great until this guy with sliver skin that couldn't be touched walked into the mansion. Then he had to go and get his normal skin back, which let a lot of thoughts start to take place. First off, the untouchable could now be touched without to much fear. Secondly when he had normal skin he was more than perfect, well he was before Juggernaut. Which to be perfectly honest had me angrier than anything had in the past. Now he would have a really nice scar on his side, that could have killed him. He had lost so much blood, and no one had been able to touch him. I felt so powerless, it must have been what he felt everyday he lived with his skin. It also gave me a better understanding of Rouge. Since Alex had gotten his normal skin back Rouge had kept her distance, I understood why.

Still as I looked at him I found myself wanting to be as close as I could. Only I couldn't risk it just yet, I didn't know where he stood. If it looked favorable when he was up and moving again then maybe their could be more. Until then I was just going to have my thoughts and my right hand to keep me company. Not such a bad thing really, at least if it went bad I wouldn't have made a fool of myself. If it went well then there was a good chance that I wouldn't need my right hand anymore. Well, hopefully anyway, then all I had to do was keep him interested. It shouldn't be all that hard, from what I was told and what I told myself I had it going on. So it shouldn't be hard keeping him once I got him, as long as Logan stayed out of the picture. Along with a few other guys that I knew for fact had an eye on him. I had caught Sam watching Alex sleep one night, at first I had thought he didn't trust him. Then when he left I followed finding him jerking himself into the next world. I guess that he and Tab weren't getting to see each other enough, to bad for him. No matter what Logan said or didn't say I knew he had his eye on Alex, which had me worried. I haven't seen anyone that could resist Logan, well there was Jean, but I think she even has her times. So I was a little worried, but Sam and Logan weren't the biggest threat, the biggest threat was Remy.


When I woke up I found Bobby sleeping in a chair not to far off, he had a little drool on his chin. I started wondering how long he had been there, but maybe they were just taking shifts to watch over me. It felt really good to have people that cared about me near by. So much time had passed since I had anyone that really cared, well there was Sinister. He was really good to me and always tried to be nice, notice I said tried, it didn't always work out that way. Yet he was all I had for a very long time, and he did teach me a lot of things. Now there was a chance that I could learn even more, and in time get my revenge on Magneto. It was something that I was really starting to look forward to. I slowly got off the bed and pulled the needles out of my arm, then a few other things off my skin. The machine beside me went off, Bobby jumped up and looked around.

"Sorry, just me, no one attacking, have you seen any of my clothes, it's a little cold in here." I guess Bobby didn't hear me because he only continued to look at me, then he moved toward me.

"You shouldn't be out of bed, you haven't healed up all the way, here let me help you lay back down." He lifted me off the ground and placed me back on the bed. He stood in front of me just looking into my eyes, his hand was resting on my thigh.

"Thanks, but I really do need to get out of this lab and into a normal bed." After that was said I stood back up finding that I was now pressed against Bobby. His quick intake of breath made me smile, then I moved around him.

"If anyone needs me I'll be in my room getting dressed." My side was starting to hurt but I wasn't going to let it get to me. Sam flew passed me then returned to look at me, I guess he wasn't use to seeing guys run around naked.

"You do realize that your naked don't you?" I nodded and continued to walk toward my room. I passed Logan and Gambit on the way, Logan acted like it was normal while Gambit stared a little. After I was in my room I found a tank top and some shorts, but before I got dressed I hit the showers. So I walked back through the halls caring my clothes with a towel wrapped around my waist. Then I took a really long shower, which made me really sleepy. I got dressed then headed back to my room which was no longer empty. I could hear someone moving around inside, so I kicked the door open ready to fight. All I found was Sam, he was sitting on my bed in his boxers.

"I thought that maybe you could use a room mate until you were back on your feet." I smiled and moved to my bed and took a seat right beside him laying my hand on his shoulder.

"Where might I ask do you plan on sleeping, there's only one bed in here?" He looked at me and smiled before laying back with his hands behind his head.

"I don't see why we couldn't share a bed, at least until I could get another one in here."

"There's only one problem with this idea, I sleep nude, have since I got my skin back." The idea didn't really seem to bother him as he slipped out of his boxers and let them hit the floor.

"Then I guess I'll have to follow the rules of the room and sleep like you sleep." He then got under the covers and looked at me as if waiting for me to join him. This wasn't going to help since I had gotten a hard on looking at his eight inch cock. Still I didn't have anything to be ashamed of myself so I took my clothes off and got under the covers. The second my head hit the pillow I was out like a light and no longer paid any attention to Sam. The next morning I found that at some point during the night Sam had wrapped his arms around my chest. His body was pressed up against mine tightly as if letting go would cause me to fade away. I could also feel something really hard between my butt cheeks that went up to the small of my back. After turning my head slightly I found that he had this really pleased look on his face. I didn't really have time to think about all that since my side was throbbing. I slowly pulled away from him and got dressed before heading back to the med lab. After finding some pain killers I returned to my room where I found Bobby looking at Sam. When he turned around there was this look pure pain on his face.

"I didn't know that you and Sam had gotten together, I'm sorry I invaded your space." He tried to rush past me but I stopped him by grabbing his shoulder.

"Bobby, me and Sam aren't together, he just slept here last night since he thought I might need help." Bobby face changed a little to confusion, then he looked back to Sam.

"Then why isn't he wearing any clothing?" I shrugged my shoulders, before now clothing was just something I had trouble wearing.

"Well, I sleep nude and I informed him of this so he would have a chance for second thoughts. Then he said that since he was staying in my room that he would follow the rules. So he took his clothing off and got into the bed, I followed suit then went to sleep." Bobby just looked at me with his eye brow raised and his head tilted.

"So you're telling me that if I were the one to come in here last night I would have been treated the same way?" I nodded which only seemed to make him smile a little.

"Well, I guess it's all cool then, and here I thought I had already lost my chance." I looked up at him with a little confusion, he had this look that just screamed did I just say that out loud.

"Anyway, the professor asked me to tell you to come and see him. He's wants to get started on your training, that way you'll have a lot more control over yourself." I nodded and left the room heading for the professor's office. Once there I found the professor and Jean waiting for me, she looked calm and stern. After taking a seat in front of the professor I crossed my legs and looked at him.

"You need more control over your powers if you're ever going to live a normal life. Now I can't help what's happened to your eyes, I can only give you sun glasses. Yet with the rest of your skin you can learn how to control it. In other words only change parts of your body back to it's metallic form. Take your hands for instance, in time you'll be able to form blades in them without them changing. Or have your hands be the only thing that reverts to the metallic form. First we must find a way for you to control it, that way you no longer need me. That and if something happens to scare you, you won't change unless you choose to." It all sounded good to me, I just wanted to know what he wanted in return.

"All I want in return is your word that you will never attack my X men, I don't think it's to much to ask." I had to think a little about that, it wasn't that I didn't want to agree I just had to add something.

"I can only agree to that if you give me your word that your X men won't attack me." It was a simple request and he knew that I wouldn't agree without it. I wasn't going to set myself up to be killed for anyone, even if it meant being normal until that time came.

"I can accept that, so shall we begin your training Alex, and see just what you're capable of?" I nodded which started the longest year of my life, and very painful at that. I didn't really have time to think about anything but training, eating, and sleeping. It was all I did everyday from the time I woke up until I passed out at night. Xavier refused to send me on any missions with any of the others. Sam had left to go join some other group, we had left one another on good grounds. He had even asked me out, but I just couldn't with the level of training I had been going through. The only time I would have seen him would have been about three seconds before my face hit my pillow. The only up side to everything was that my body was in it's best shape it could be in. That and I had a greater understanding of my gifts and how to control them. My control still wasn't perfect but I was slowly getting there with everyday that passed. It was getting close to twelve when I finally left the danger room. My mind and body were worn out from everything the professor had put me through. I was ready to just fall to sleep, only once I entered my room I found that I wasn't alone.

"This was the last place I thought I would find you Alex. After all I've done for you, you would come here to this place." I could see his eyes even on the darkest of nights, like a bright light under a ruby.

"You never told that this place was of limits, and I don't believe ever telling you I was your slave." For that remark I was smacked across the face by one of the only beings that had ever been able to touch me.

"These mutants you have aligned yourself with are my greatest enemies." The laugh that broke forth was unexpected and even surprised Sinister.

"Your greatest enemy is an old man in a wheel chair, come on, you don't mean to tell me that you can't destroy them? Or is that what you had in mind when you first found me? Well, I'm here to tell you that I can attack them unless they attack me first." I could tell by his eyes that I was really starting to get to him.

"Don't forget that you still owe me a favor for what I taught you. I plan on collecting it now, and since you can't kill them you will leave this place and never return." The request was something I didn't want to do, only I had no choice.

"Are you sure you want to use your favor now and not wait until later?" He laughed lowly then nodded before leaving, so now I was going to be punished.

"I'll leave tomorrow, I hope it was worth it, cause now I owe you nothing." I only heard his laughter as he vanished into the night like he had come. My body couldn't hold out any longer as I fell onto the bed. The next morning I started packing everything that belonged to me. Not all that much, just a few sets of clothing that I had been given, and my uniform. There was a huge X across the front, it was something I had worked very hard to get. After everything was packed I walked down the hall for the last time heading for the front doors.

"You don't have to leave Alex, we can keep you safe, you know that don't you?" I turned to see the professor, with a few of his X men behind as if they were there to convince me.

"I gave him my word, and I never break my word professor, but thank you for everything." He nodded then held his hand out to stop Bobby from rushing forward. I didn't really understand it, but I didn't have time to think about it as I walked out the doors. Tears fell as I left one of the only places I had felt safe in since I was child. It was back to running the streets and hunting an old enemy. Not that I had ever forgotten, just now it was all I had to look forward to. As I finally made my way outside of the gates my body shook slightly. I looked back at the place I had started thinking of as my home, now it was only another place I had been. The road in front of me was a long one that didn't look to inviting. Yet I started running again moving faster than cars could go, faster then the pain telling me to turn back. As I ran tears fell, now I had no one again, and no where to go but forward. The only place I could think to go was New York. It was where I had first found a haven, maybe I could once again. Now that I had more control I could help the city and become a hero like my brother and I had wanted. Maybe I would even see some of the X men from time to time. Sinister had said that I couldn't stay there, he never said that I couldn't help them if it was needed. It didn't take long to reach the tunnels I had once called home, and some ways it still was. I knew that my life was about to get harder since mutants were never thought of as heroes, but I could live with that, at least for the time being.

The saddest part was that I had been living with it for the last two years. I hadn't seen or spoken with any of the X men, but I had gotten myself a friend in Spider Man. He was a really good guy once you got to know him well enough, and he found out you weren't a bad guy. We had teamed up a few times to take down some of the harder villains in the big apple. Still most of the time I was alone with my thoughts, my mutant powers were under control, as well as the could be. There were still times when I would wake up and see the my clothing now had holes in them. It wasn't that bad since Spider Man had gotten a friend to help him get me a job at this news paper place. Peter was a really hot guy, to bad he was in love with the red haired bomb shell, but she was really nice. He was also the only person in the building that knew I was a mutant and helped me keep it a secret. I still lived in the tunnels, but I had cleaned the place up a lot and even gotten myself a really nice bed. Peter was trying to talk me into moving in with him until I could get my own place. The only problem with the idea was that I felt that I already had my own place. It may not have been much but it was home, and it was the safest place I could think of. Not many people knew where it was, and I didn't think anyone would really try to attack me on my own ground. Over the years I had spent here I had made a lot of traps that only I and Spider Man could get through without getting hurt.

I was walking around the city when a building blew up shaking the ground under my feet. In seconds I was out of my street clothes and in the uniform the professor had given me. My hair was free to move around now since I kept it hidden when I tried to look normal. The skin on my body that could be seen was now silver and sharp along with my hair. As I got to the building I saw two teams of people fighting, one of the teams had X's on their clothing. I didn't really know any of the members, but maybe one of them could get a message to Bobby for me after it was over with. He had been on my mind a lot since the last time I had seen him, but who wouldn't think about him. It had taken a long time for me to realize that I cared about him, and that he may have cared about me at some point. I had been to blind to see it then, like I had been to stupid to take Sam up on his offer. After knocking myself out of my thoughts I ran into battle hoping that I wouldn't be mistaken for a bad guy. I wasn't since the X team could see the X's on my suit and who I was fighting. After the fight was over I followed the team into a building a few miles away.

"Thanks for the help, did the professor contact you or something?" It was a girl that asked the questions, she looked like she was the one in charge.

"No, I haven't spoken with the professor in close to two years, how is he?" A man walked forward the lower part of his face was gone.

"He's doing fine, but if he didn't ask you to help us then how did you know where we were?" I shook my head and laughed a little before changing back to my normal self which seemed to surprise them.

"I was out for a walk, heard a loud boom and came to see if I could help. When I noticed the X's on your uniforms I knew you had to be the good guys. I was hoping that you could tell me where Bobby is, or give him a message for me." Some of them started nodding slowly while the faceless man walked closer.

"So you're the one that left because you gave your word, I've always wanted to meet you." I didn't understand the girl that had come up behind the faceless man, it was only getting more confusing.

"Yes, I guess, anyway could you tell Bobby that I'd like to see him if he's ever in town, I work at the daily bugle, he'll know me when he sees me." I walked out of the building knowing that I was being a little rude but I had to get to work. So I ran back to where I had dumped my clothes and changed in an ally before heading to work. I almost forgot to braid my hair and hide it under my clothing, lucky for me there are a lot of windows on the way. I put my sun glasses on right before I walked into the building hoping no one had seen my eyes. They were still the same silver orbs that would most likely remain that way until the day I died. After making my way to my little office Peter walked in smelling like spider man. Either they were really close friends or there was something funny going on. I would have thought they were the same person if I hadn't seen them both at the same time one time. Peter had been taking pictures of him from the top of a building, so I knew they weren't the same person. Still they smelled just like one another so it was a little confusing at times.

"The pain needs you to run down to the subway, something about a cave in it or something. He wants you to get a few picture and interview anyone you can get information from. Oh and Mary said to drop by after you get off work she was wanting to go shopping, everyone else is busy." I nodded and grabbed a few things heading to the subway. Then laughed about Mary asking me to go shopping with her, something must be coming up for her and Peter and she needed to get him something. There were times when she had trouble shopping for him so she would get me to tag along. I was really good with remembering what he already had since I had borrowed a lot of his tools when I had been remodeling my little home. So we would head out and get Peter a few more tools that he would most likely never use. That didn't mean that Mary ever had to call a repair man that was another thing she should get in contact with me about. Only most of the time she did that in person so Peter wouldn't know. The last time he had tried to fix something it had cost them close to a thousand to get it repaired by someone else. I noticed that it was a little cold outside, I guess the seasons were changing again, I wonder what holiday would be coming up next. Not that I really paid any attention to them anyway, no reason to celebrate something alone. Time just passed I fought crime and that was all my life really was.

After I got everything I needed from the subway I stopped back in at the office and dropped everything off. Then I went straight to Peter's, Mary was waiting at the door dressed to kill, if I wasn't gay I would so be after her. She had to be one of the most beautiful women I had ever met in my life, next to my mother and Jean, and all the other X women.

"I'm so glad you could come, all my girl friends are out of town and besides you're the only one that gets anything Peter likes." We walked for a good while until we reached a nice little mall.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 3

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