Silver X

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Jan 28, 2003


Disclaimer: All rights to the marvel characters that are used in this story are that of Marvel Comics. I own all rights to my own characters and would like to ask that they not be used without my permission

Symbols: *** mean a character change or what character the story is starting out with.

Warning: This story is dark and filled with a lot of dark dealings. There may be sex so if you're to young then you shouldn't be reading this. If you have a problem with Male/Male relationships then you shouldn't read this.


My name was Alex Murphy, I guess in some ways it still is. I haven't been called by that name in close to six years. I use to have a family and friends, that all changed when my brother and I turned thirteen. My brother is no longer alive, and I'm not sure if I will be to much longer either. I am a mutant, and my powers make me a danger to the human race. I believe that since my touch can rip anything apart, I have yet to gain complete control over it. I can on the other hand make myself look normal and human. That wasn't always true, there was a time when my body was silver. My eyes remain that way and most likely they always will. I know that most likely I'm confusing you, so I'll start from the beginning.

My brother and I had just turned thirteen, we were so happy. Our parents had thrown a party for us, it was the greatest party. My best friend Tim was there and he was showing me this cool trick. He could make a fire ball in his hand and throw it around. He made me promise to never tell anyone. I hadn't understood him, but I had made the promise anyway. After the party my mother had asked us to get to bed that we had an important trip to make. That night would change our lives forever, it was the night we lost everything. We had both started screaming at the same time. Our parents had ran to our room with a look of pure fear. They had grabbed us up holding us tightly as the pain rolled over our bodies. My skin felt like it was on fire, like I was burning from the inside out. Then I heard my mother scream out, then her arms tightened around me. Seconds later she fell backward, her body laid lifeless. She had blood all over her body, I reached out to touch her. I found that my hand was silver, and when I touched her skin ripped open. I looked over to Eric, he had this look of total horror on his face as our father fell to the ground. I reached out to touch him hoping that maybe there was a way we could make contact. When our hands touched I feared that his skin would rip open just like our parents.

Only it hadn't, he sighed as we found there was at least one other person we could touch. A few minutes later we left the house fearing we would be punished for what had happened to our parents. Our clothing was gone and we only knew of one thing that could exist on our skin. That was metal, so we set out to find a way to make metal clothing. We broke into a museum and found some armor, and a few chain mails that could be useful. Once we were dressed again we tried to think of a way to survive from day to day. We weren't stupid, and we knew the police would come looking for us sooner or later. We had to leave town, which we found easier as we started running, our speed had increased. Along with other natural abilities that had been weaker compared to the way we use to be. We ran until we reached a really big city, at first we didn't know where we were. That was until we found the Statue of Liberty, we had found it amazing that we had come so far in such a short amount of time. It was true that we had traveled all night, but to cover two hundred miles in that time was amazing.

"Alex, look at this, I made a sword, isn't it cool?" I looked at him and nodded before trying the same thing. With just the thought I had formed a sword in my hand, it was really cool.

"We could really do something with these powers, we could fight crime and be heroes." It was the last fatal we would ever make as brothers.

For months we trained together trying to find a way to use our powers better. Yet nothing we tried would make our skin return to normal. We also found that we didn't like wearing the chain clothing all that much. So we hid it until we would need it, which meant we had to stay out of sight just a little more. We had already started living under ground in the subway systems. Now we just had to be a little more careful with being seen at all. Our bodies were still pretty much hairless, but the hair we did have was like little blades. It was spiky most of the time, but sometimes it would move around if the wind blew hard enough. It still grew but there wasn't anyway to cut it, at least to our knowledge. We never talked about what had happened the night we killed our parents and that was how we looked at it. Even though we both knew it hadn't really been our fault we had still killed them. Every once in a while we would find a picture with our picture on it. It wasn't a wanted sign like we had thought, it was a missing sign, that wouldn't do any good. When I had picked the paper up it had fallen apart in my hands like magic. I had looked to Erin smiling a little trying my hardest not to cry any tears that threatened to fall. He only hugged me and told that in time everything would be all right. That we could find metal gloves that would let us pick things up like normal people.

Time continued to pass and we got better with each passing hour. We weren't to good when it came to fighting, but our skin made us pretty much unstoppable. On the other hand we had learned a lot about forming different kinds of blades and launching them from our skin. All in all I thought we were ready to get our clothing and head back up to the real world. We knew that at least one year had passed since we had gone under ground to train ourselves. For a few months we were starting to do some good in the world. We called ourselves twin blade since we attacked at the same time and worked off each other. One night we had stopped some bank robbers without even hurting them with our blades. It was easy once we found out how to make cages around the people we were trying to catch. Seconds later we found that someone was trying to tie us up with some kind of web. It wasn't working all that well since nothing could really touch our skin.

"I see your going to make this harder than it has to be, why don't you just give up?" I turned to see a man dressed in a suit that had a spider in the center of his chest, he looked silly.

"Sorry but giving up might get us locked up for something we didn't even do." He looked at us closely, then his eyes seemed to get wide as he got closer.

"I wouldn't touch if I were you, our skin can cut through anything, unless you look like us under that monkey suit." He seemed to take a little offense by that remark but he only shrugged his shoulders lightly.

"You're only kids, and mutants at that, what do your parents think about your activates?" He had hit the one sore spot we had, and Erin was the first to let him know by launching a dagger at his chest.

"Our parents are dead, and I think you'll be joining them really soon." I had to give the guy credit he was fast, and smarter than he acted. That wasn't going to save him though, he had said the wrong words.

"I didn't mean to offend you, it was just a question, really think about. Hey that was kind of close, and those things are really sharp." No matter how many blades we threw at him he just dodged them with ease. When the cops showed up they just stayed back and watched us try to kill the man.

"Listen I know someone that could help you, if you would just give me a chance to talk to you." I stopped Erin hoping this guy could help us, maybe he knew someone that could make us normal again. When we stopped fighting the cops started firing their guns at us. It was the first time anything had ever hurt us, it didn't make it past the skin but it hurt. I held my hands up and let as many blades rip lose as I could. When I finally stopped I found that the cops had moved out of the way leaving their car to take the beating.

"We have to go Erin, now before they get something stronger to hit us with." We ran as fast as our legs would carry us, and there was only one place we could go. For the next year we stayed underground hoping that everything would just blow over. Our hair could now be considered a deadly weapon since it moved more freely. We had decided that we would let our hair grow out then use it against anyone that tried anything against us.

"Erin do you think that guy was lying to us, you know about the guy that could help us?" He looked at me with a great amount of confusion the he understood the question.

"Alex, he was just trying to get us to drop our guard so the cops could shoot us." I nodded and then thought about what it would be like to be normal again. These thoughts seemed to stay with me day and night never really leaving my mind. Even in the heat of battle it was a constant hope that somehow I would just return to normal. Then I could find my grandparents and ask them if we could stay with them. I knew it wasn't going to happen, the only thing I had that still looked human was my eyes. It was the same with my brother our eyes blue and still looked human. When we finally decided to return to the city we left the clothing behind. It was ready to fall apart anyway it had just take time since it was metal. We started our crime fighting again only having different results since some people started dying. We hadn't meant to hurt anyone, but our powers seemed to have taken a life of their own. Anything could trigger the blades and send them flying at whoever we were fighting. Then one night we met another mutant that could fly, he had white hair and a red suit.

"Fellow mutants join me in my quest to liberate our brothers and sisters from the humans." All I knew was that this guy had a few screws lose, that and he was totally on a power trip.

"Why do you wish to harm the humans, they don't control what happens to us. We know that they fear us, but with time we hope that they can accept us as we are." I looked to Erin with a little surprise, I hadn't expected that to come from him.

"I see you are another of Xavier students, I should have known." Then he raised his hand lifting my brother off the ground.

"Leave him alone, we didn't do anything to you, but if you don't let him down I'll rip you to shreds." The man only laughed, not the best choice of actions since I sent everything I had at him. It only bounced away, Erin did the same but one of his blades made it through.

"Fool now you'll pay with your life, how dare you to attack the master of magnetism." Right in front of my eyes I watched as my brother was torn apart piece by piece. His screams would forever be locked in my mind to remind me of what evil really looked like.

"As for you, I'll give you the choice, join me or pay a very high price." I looked at him, how could ask such a question.

"I'll never join you, you murder, you heartless bastard." He only smiled lightly before raising his hand, everything went dark and I passed out from the pain. When I woke up I found that I could still see only my sight was different that it had once been. I had thought that my sight couldn't get any better but now I could further than ever before. The man had said a high price, at the time I didn't understand him. This was more like a gift, until I found my brother on the ground, he was dead as I knew he would be. The metal that use to cover him had gone away, now he was just a mess of flesh. No longer could I touch for fear of making it worse than it already was, but I couldn't stay either.

"I can help you get revenge on the man who did this to your brother." I turned to see a man that looked something like a vampire, he scared me more than the other man did.

"What can you do that could help me get revenge, my powers don't even work against him." The man laughed loudly, and his voice chilled me to the bone.

"I can train you to kill, you'll be the best assassin on this world when I'm finished with you." I had no choice but to agree, he was my only hope in avenging my brother. So I went with him hoping he could show me how to kill the master of magnetism. Many years passed before he felt it was time that I was ready to kill Magneto.

"After Magneto is dead you will owe me a favor, any favor that I ask." I agreed as he let me leave his strange looking castle with a new propose. He had even given my clothing that wouldn't be ripped by my skin. Now I could hide myself when dressed, and I only had to fear the light reflecting off my skin. I traveled back to the city with my new found knowledge. I would seek this Magneto out and kill him when he wasn't looking, not all that hard. I was now eighteen and a lot bigger and wiser than I had been the first time I had ran across the mad man. The city had changed and something called operation zero tolerance had started. Sinister had taught me a great deal about these monsters that wished all mutants harm. Yet I wasn't going to give them a chance to take me out, no way in hell was I going to die before Magneto was dead. Whenever I ran across one of them I would simply rip apart and not think twice about it. I moved through the city killing anything that got in my way. So far I hadn't killed any humans or mutants just those stupid monsters. Still I hadn't come across Magneto, and to be honest it was really starting to get to me. My clothing was still intact for the most part since I had only used my hands so far. I had a good amount of control over myself now but I still couldn't find a way to look human.

When zero tolerance ended the city almost returned to normal, well what could be considered normal. I had heard a lot about the X men and wondered if they could help me find Magneto. Only I didn't really have time to find them, then ask if they could help me in some way. I left the city and found myself in a smaller town, I still wasn't to clear on where I was. I took my clothing off to make sure that it wouldn't get ripped while I checked the area out. After that was safely hid I took off running in the woods hoping to find something that could lead me to Magneto. It was then that I almost ran over a man dressed in a black and yellow suit.

"What in blazing hell was that?" I stopped and walked back in front of the man he looked interested.

"You wouldn't happened to be related to the silver surfer would you?" I laughed and shook my head, I didn't even know who he was talking about.

"Your just a kid, what are you doing out here all by yourself?" It had been a while since I had spoken, but then he reached out to touch me.

"No, my skin may look smooth but it's as sharp as a razor." He pulled his hand back slowly and nodded in understanding.

"So that's why your running around naked, I bet it's really hard to get a girlfriend." I laughed again knowing very well that I wasn't really interested in girls.

"I haven't really had time to think about girls, but it would be quite useless in this form." The man laughed and waved his hands in the air before shaking his head.

"I think I might know someone that can help you. He helped me a lot a while back, and we just found him again. The man's name is Xavier, he helps all kinds of mutants like you and me." I remembered the name and suddenly I was filled with both hope and sadness.

"You ok kid, you look like someone just shot your best friend." I looked at him and found that I wanted to trust him.

"Magneto thought that my brother and I were students under Xavier. Then he killed my brother and tried to blind me, it's why my eyes are silver like the rest of my body. I've been trying to hunt him down for a long time now, do you think Xavier could find him?" The man's eyes had gotten wide and he started nodding.

"My name's Logan, and I think I'll be the only one that really understands you. I'll tell you what, come with me back to the mansion and we'll talk with Chuck and see what happens." I agreed and asked him to wait a second while I went back for my clothes. When I got back he told me that I really needed to wash them when we got there. The mansion was huge and had to be the most beautiful place I had ever seen.

"I can't believe you live in a place like this, and it's for mutants?" He nodded as we walked past the main doors and into the hall. In seconds the place was in pure chaos as a girl with bones everywhere. Right behind her was a blond hair guy chasing after her. He had to be one of the cutest guys I had ever seen.

"Marrow give me back my picture, it's all I got left here of my family." My hand had raised before I knew what I had done there was a large blade in the door that Marrow was heading for.

"I just meant to tell her to stop, I'm sorry." Logan laughed as he looked at Marrow who looked a little shocked. Then she turned around and threw a bone at me which only ripped my suit and fell to the ground afterwards. I took my hat revealing my head and face.

"Thanks a lot this suit is all I have, damn why did you have to go and do that?" I walked past her and placed my hand on the blade I had thrown and removed it. The boy had came down and stood in front of, he was smiling from ear to ear.

"My names Sam, but everyone calls me Cannon Ball. It's nice to meet you, and thanks for trying to help." He reached out but I put both my hands up in the air and backed up a little.

"My name's Alex, I don't really have a code name, and all my skin is sharper than any razor or diamond cutter." Sam backed away a little and looked at me closely like I was gross or something. I removed the upper part of clothing letting my hair out of it's cage. A strange wind was blowing sending it fly around ripping into the door beside me. I looked up to see a woman with white hair and dark skin, she was beautiful. When she landed beside us the wind stopped letting my hair fall behind my back.

"Even your hair is sharp, how do you live with it like that?" His words just continued to sting as I looked back at the woman.

"Samuel how could you ask a question like that, it's very rude. Hi I am Storm, it's nice to meet you Alex." I nodded and smiled while she just nodded.

"Logan, where did you find him at?" Logan shrugged his shoulders and laughed a little.

"He found me, he almost ran me over, he looked something like a silver blaze. That and as naked as a jay bird, I swear I ant never seen anything like it." If I could blush I would have, so I just shrugged a little bit.

"It's easier to move when I'm not wearing anything, and I didn't want to rip it up. It's the only piece of clothing that I own, and it's the only thing I have to wear." After a little more shrugging of the shoulders and looking around the attention was no longer on me.

"Come with me kid I'll take you to the professor, he's a nice guy but don't get on his bad side." When I walked into the office I was a little thrown off by everything.

"Alex Murphy, it's nice to meet you, Logan may I have a word with you in private?" I left the room the way I have come in, and finally put the pieces together.

"He's a mind reader, maybe that's how he could find Magneto." I waited outside the doors until it opened up for my return. When I entered I found a team of people behind Xavier. Some of them I had already met from just a short time ago.

"Alex, these are the X men I'm sure you've heard of them." I nodded slowly not really understanding why all these people were here.

"Yes, while I was in the city looking for Magneto, during zero tolerance." The old man laughed while I pulled up every wall Sinister had taught me to raise.

"Well, I hate to tell you this but you've been looking in the wrong places. Those walls your pulling up won't do much good I'm the strongest Telepath on earth and your walls just don't cut it." I nodded slowly letting the walls fall now knowing that trying to hide my thoughts was useless.

"I know why your looking for Magneto, and I know what he did to you and your brother. I am sorry, but I cannot help you kill him, it just isn't the way of the X men." I nodded and started to leave only to find that the doors wouldn't open.

"That doesn't mean I can't help you, I can and I'm sure with time you'll have your normal skin back. I know it's something you want very badly and I would love nothing more than to help you." He had hit my weakest spot and he knew it, it was written all over his face.

"Thank you, but I don't really think anyone can help me look normal again. My skin is simply that my skin, it'll be the way it is until the day I die, I've accepted that." I turned to the door and slowly made my way out to the court yard. For a minute I didn't know where to go, or what to do anymore.

"Hey wait up, don't go running off, the professor is a good guy and I'm sure he can help you." I turned to see a new person behind me, his skin was like ice, very interesting.

"The only one that can help me is someone that can take me to Magneto, can you do that?" The guy looked around then back to me, he smiled and nodded his head slowly.

"I can get you there, but you have to promise to at least stay here for a few weeks and try to let the professor help you." I agreed since now I at least had a way to get to where I was going. Then I was given a room but I knew it would be pretty much useless trying to sleep on the bed. So I walked around until I found a room that had a metal floor it was there that I finally got to sleep.

"Are you all right Alex?" I looked up to see a red haired woman, she smiled down at me.

"How is it that everyone here knows my name but I don't know theirs?" She laughed and I could have sworn her voice was filled with happiness.

"Well, most of us were in the professors office last night just in case you decided to use your powers to attack him." I nodded then stood up, my stomach was starting to growl lightly.

"Sorry about that it's been a while since I had anything good to eat." She nodded then waved for me to follow her, shortly I was in the kitchen. She showed me the fridge, but I couldn't touch it since I would most likely break it.

"How do you eat if you can't touch anything?" She looked a little confused, but still she kept her smile.

"I normally eat off the floor or something like that, not that big of a deal." Her eyes seemed to change as she got some food out of the fridge.

"Here eat at the table and don't worry about breaking anything, we can replace it." I nodded and took a seat on the stool, my fingers were starting to scratch the plate. But I kept eating not really thinking about the damage that I was causing. When I was done the area of the table that I had been sitting at was really scratched up. The plate was still intact but I doubted that anyone could use it again. I looked up at her, and then to my hands, I didn't expect the tears that fell. I guess it had just been a really long time since I had eaten like a normal person. Then when I tired it I ended up scratching everything around me, it was then that I felt the hand on my shoulder.

"It's ok, just let it out, we all have our times." The tears fell harder as I realized that she could touch me.

"My power is mostly Telekinetic so I'm not really touching you, it's more of my power." I didn't care, it wasn't like I could feel her skin anyway, it was just that there was a presence there. When I was finally able to control myself I found that I had gotten a small audience.

"Jean, the professor would like you to bring Alex to the danger room." She smiled at the man then led me to the danger room. I had never seen anything like it before, it was simply massive in size.

"We'll be up there in that room if you need us."


I watched as the kid ran from the robots thinking that they were alive.

"Professor you should tell him that he doesn't have to run. Other wise we're never going to see what he's capable of." He nodded and brought his fingers to his forehead, instantly Alex looked up at us. He nodded and it was then that he started to hunt his hunters with skill I had only seen Logan use. Only he wasn't out to just stop the robots in a matter of ten minutes all of them were destroyed. The professor sent more after him, he just destroyed them without a second thought.

"His mind is filled with rage, and the more he fights the more he enjoys it. He reminds me of a younger Wolverine, only he has a darker heart." We all agreed as we watched him rip through another set of robots.

"He filled with pain, this morning he was crying just because I had teated him like a human. How long do you think it's been since he was treated with any kind of respect?" I looked at Jean with a little amazement since she had already taken a liking to the kid.

"Maybe to long, look at how he attacks, every single movement is like a hunter, no a killer. He's been ripping through some of the toughest mutants on earth, and he hasn't gotten tired. We have to find a way to give him his normal appearance back, if not one day we will be fighting him. On that day I believe he will at least kill a few of your team mates."

"His mind is already pretty far gone on human standards, he just doesn't know it yet. He doesn't really value life since he's no longer really connected to it. If we can find a way to make him revert back to his human form, there may be hope for him." We listened as the professor went on and on about how to help him. All he really needed was someone that loved him, that could show him that he was human. I shook my head where had those thoughts come from? He had a really nice body perfectly toned, he was tall and smooth. Again I shook my head trying to get the thoughts out of my mind, it had been a long time since I had thoughts like this.

"Alex would you please come up here I have an idea that may be able to help you." Alex nodded and soon found his way to the control room. He hadn't even bothered to put his clothing on, and normally I wouldn't have really cared. This time was a little different as I found myself getting hard just looking at his body.

"I want you to close your eyes and allow me to enter your mind without any walls shooting up." Alex nodded again and closed his eyes, Jean and I just watched for a while as he stood in silence. His skin was starting ripple like it was water, it looked a little painful. Then his skin looked like it was being pulled back inside of his body leaving him normal looking. His body was hairless and lightly tanned, his hair was blond and white.


"Your powers were connected to your mind, I was able to turn them off for now." I looked down seeing hands that weren't silver, but my eye sight was still the same. I looked in a mirror seeing that my eyes had remained silver. Still it wasn't that high of a prince to pay for what I now had. I reached out and touched the mirror then quickly pulled my hand back. It was cold, it was cold and I could feel that it was cold, I ran up and hugged the professor. I knew that tears were falling from my eyes as I looked around myself and the people in the room.

"How can I repay you for what you've done, I'll do anything you ask of me." The old man smiled lightly before asking me to stay until he could teach me how to control my gifts.

"It could take years, so it would mean that at least for now you couldn't go after Magneto." I agreed since he hadn't said that I couldn't go after him at all.

"With my powers gone, does that mean I can dress normally from now on, or do I still have to worry about changing back?" He explained that my powers had only shown themselves since I had been frightened. That if I could have calmed myself enough then I would have changed back a long time ago. It was hard to believe that all this time I could have been normal.

"For now you don't have to worry since I've blocked your gifts. Now as time passes I'll remove more and more of that shielding. In time you'll be able to summon your armor and then send it away again."

Weeks passed and I found that I was starting to get a crush on a few people at the mansion. Since I could wear normal clothing again it wasn't all that much a problem. That and I could do a few thing that I had been a little afraid to do before, so some problems were already taken care of.

"Alex, my man, loving the style, but you so need to cut that hair." I looked at Bobby and smiled, he was definitely one of the biggest crushes I had.

"I kind of like it, well now that it's normal anyway, it's been so long. I mean look at it, people can touch and it doesn't hurt them." It was then that an alarm went off through the building. My body reacted the way the professor had thought, my skin returned to metal. I turned looking toward the doors as they blasted inward, and a huge man in a red suit walked in.

"Juggernaut, man you picked a real bad time to attack we got some bigger guns." I charged toward him hitting him with everything I had, he had caused this. My skin, it had been normal, I had been normal, I could touch, now that was gone. The man's suit was falling apart but his skin had yet to be hurt, but I wanted him to hurt. I wanted him to feel pain for what he had done to me, I wanted his blood. His punch knocked me through a wall, it had caused some of my skin to sank in. It hurt like hell, but I wasn't done with him yet, he was going to die.

I jumped to my feet which only made my head swim, I shook it off and ran back to the battle field. The other x men were attacking him, he didn't have to much of his suit left. I made sure that he had nothing left by throwing a few blades at him from a distance. He looked down and his face turned bright red, he looked like he was embarrassed. Still he had a pretty good amount of meat hanging between his legs, not something to be ashamed of. After I tore my eyes away from that I saw that he was trying to leave. That just wasn't going to happen, he had to pay, even if he was a hunk. I jumped onto his back and beat him in the back of the head, still no effect.

"Get off me you little maggot, I swear I'm going to rip you apart." He tossed me aside like I was a piece of trash. Then he kicked me a few times which caused my skin to rip apart lightly in some areas. I could see my blood starting to pour out, it was red just like everyone else's. For some reason I had thought it was going to be a different color, maybe even silver. My eyes were silver even when I had returned to normal so I thought that my blood would be the same. As I was smashed into the ground my mind filled with darkness. When I woke up I found people all around me, they looked scared to touch me. When the professor came he had this really sad look on his face like he didn't think I would make it.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 2

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