Silver Star Bodyguard

By Rob R

Published on Jul 30, 2017


Hi there

I wanted to share with you all my experiences with an older male when I was in college. I was perusing an old journal of mine and saw my writings of this time. I thought it would be great to share to show love happens in every kind of form.

Firstly I wanted to clear the air that I am happily married now with a wife and children so I am sorry to disappoint that I do not continue to have such sexual relations or desires with the same sex.

I will say though that I did have my experience and that it was definitely during my experimental phase and that I have no regrets in doing so. It opened my eyes to whole entire world I did not know of and showed me that love and desire can be experienced between any two sorts of people.

I had just graduated high school and was on my way to college. I had decided to commute to school while living with my parents still. We lived in a 3 bedroom condo in the suburbs so the commute by train was long and tedious. I found myself getting home after dinner most evenings. When I was crunching for assignments and projects I ended up coming home much later than usual. That was when I had met Douglas.

I had come home from a night of studying for a test at study hall when I met Douglas for the first time. He was wearing a security guard outfit and I had figured he was coming home from his shift. I remember the silver star that stood out from his white shirt he wore. He was absolutely good looking. He was caucasian but had a tanned skin tone with a silver/white gray hair in a military style slicked crew cut. His hair matched his chinstrap beard and moustache as well. I could tell he worked out. Muscular and athletic. My guess was late forties to early fifties.

We waited at the elevator when he commented if it was a late night studying. I acknowleged this. He asked what I was studying and I confirmed computer engineering. He shook his head in agreement and simply said cool. He rode the elevator to the 8th floor and wished me a good night while I rode it up to the 10th. Small chit chat to start.

I would meet him again a few nights later. This time I struck up conversation with him and asked if it was a long night. He acknowleged this stating he has been a month on the job and that the hours were long. He also stated he had just moved into the condo unit 2 months ago prior as well so he was still getting accustomed to the surroundings. We again bid wished each other a good night. Again the feelings hadn't struck me yet with him.

It was one night that I found out Douglas' secret side. I was approaching the lobby of the building when I saw Douglas enter with a male friend. They were talking and his male bald headed counterpart was younger and muscular. I stayed back a bit and I saw them approach the elevator. I am thinking that they thought nobody was looking as nobody was around, and I caught his male friend give him an embrace before kissing his cheek. I saw Douglas smile before the elevator arrived and he led his friend in by the hand. I figured my acquaintance I began talking to was gay or possibly bi-sexual. As I lay in bed that night my mind raced through to what the two of them were experiencing together and what it was like. I myself had already been with a girl in high school. The experience to me wasn't fulfilling as we were drunk at a party together. I was a looker in high school. Not being concieted but my boyish looks and because I was mixed with Portuguese and Spanish made the ladies like me. However I was always focussed on studies and sports to keep a steady relationship going. Yet curiousity peaked my interest to what Douglas and his friend were doing and what the experience would be like.

I bumped into Douglas a few more times at elevator alone. We chit chatted about school and work. I threw him one night asking what he does in his spare time. He mentioned he worked out to keep fit and rode his motorcycle for some road trips on his spare time. He reciprocated and I told him that I went to the gym, hang out with friends etc. As he left and he said goodnight he gave me a smile. A subtle flirt. As I lay in bed I started fantasizing about him. While my family slept my curiosity got the better and I looked up gay daddy porn on my laptop. There I looked at pictures mostly of young and older guys. I fantasized about what he would or could do. I ended up jerking myself off that night. My curiousity was peaking.

I didn't run into Douglas until a few weeks later. I had spent some time after school hanging at local college bar at night. I returned home to encounter Douglas with a younger male counterpart that was heavily flirting with him at the elevator. This time I didn't hang back and walked in. His male friend was young probably mid-twenties, white with bleached blonde hair. He was more of the flamboyant gay type, not shying away with how he talked. I said hi to both of them but didn't spark much convo up. Maybe it was that I was jealous as his attention was with his friend. I rode the elevator up and bid them goodnight. I watched Douglas lead his male friend out again but he again gave me the slightest glance back. Was he interested I wondered?

I would meet up with Douglas again at the elevator. I decided to throw a wrench in our little chit chats and remarked of his interesting friend that I met. He mentioned that they were nobody special. I said it was all good. We talked about work and school and how both were long and draining. When he was embarking off his floor, Douglas casually said that if I was ever interested for a drink after school that I could join him. I said I would take him up on the offer one night. As the elevator doors closed I was stunned and surprised. I figured that he was interested but to what extent? Friends? More? That night I again masturbated to fantasizing about Douglas and what he could do with me. I was going to see where it this was going to go.

I would do my research on what a guy like Douglas might be looking for. At night I would go on my laptop and look up old and young gays. Mostly the younger was the bottom in the relationship. Most were shaved and smooth. I was going to be adventurous and decided to go with the shaved and smooth route. I would one night jump in the shower and shaved my legs clean along with my anus. I shaved my cock and balls, leaving just patch of pubic hair above my cock. I went to the barber even to get a fresh new hair cut to my jet black hair. It was the week of my exam and I figured that after I took it I would take Douglas up on his drink.

I took my exam in the afternoon and would head out with friends for a dinner and drinks to celebrate after the exams. I timed it to arrive around the same time as Douglas normally would arrive. I showed up to the condo. I think I was a bit early as I didn't see him. I hung out a bit outside the condo waiting when I finally saw him strolling from the parking garage. I pretended to arrive at the same time. We exchanged pleasantries again asking how our days were. I told him that I completed my exam and that I likely passed it. He congratulated me. I told him that I wanted to cash in drink offer. He smiled and sure. He asked to give him 20 minutes to freshen up. I agreed and that I had to as well. He gave me his condo suite number. Suite 815. I went upstairs and jumped into the shower to wash off. I sprayed on some cologne and slipped on a tight pair of black briefs. I put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I made my way down.

My heart was racing when I got down to his floor. I made my way to suite 815. I hesitated at first to knock. I questioned whether to go through with it. I made it this far and couldn't turn back. I knocked on Douglas' door. I heard his voice beyond the door saying just a minute. The door unlocked and Douglas greeted me. He was dressed in an Asian style robe. He apologized stating he just came out of the shower. I told him not to worry. I walked into his apartment. It was nicely set up. There was a nice leather couch and with a tv. He had a small dining table. It was a two bedroom suite. There was a lot of artwork that decorated his walls. There was a photo of an old Japanese feudal war. There was a picture of an old motorcycle. But the picture that caught my eye was a black and white photo of two men standing next to each other. Both were facing away with their butts exposed dressed in leather garb.

Douglas offered me a beer. I accepted and we gave each other cheers before taking a swig. He asked if I was comfortable and that he could get changed. I told him I was okay and said it was his own place and that he was free to do what he wanted. I had a beer earlier in the evening and my second one loosened me up a little. We began to talk and finding more out about each other. I learned that he was 52 years old. I lied to him that I was 20 but I was still 19. I learned he was a security guard at an office building and found that he had a fondness for motorbikes. I decided then to address the elephant in the room. I first jokingly stated he had quite the interesting friends. He laughed and said they can be. I finally put it out to him that I didn't want to assume but asked if he was gay. He confirmed this and said he was for most of his life. He asked if I was. I responded that I wasn't but that fleeting thoughts sometimes crossed my mind. He told me that I shouldn't question these thoughts and that I should live freely in the moment. It was like listening to a wise elder giving advice in life when he talked. He made me feel comfortable.

We went out onto his balcony, taking in the city lights. I breathed in the fresh air with him. We talked a bit more and Douglas began to flirt a bit more. As he gazed out to the city, he admitted that he was a bit smitten with me but didn't want to assume anything out of respect for my individualism. His words were so eloquent and atttactive. I decided to flirt back saying that he surprisingly got a straight man smitten by him as well. We laughed about this. He approached me closer within arms reach. He asked if the thought of being with a man ever crossed my mind. I admitted that it had. He asked when and with whom. Butterflies were hitting my stomach. My heart was beating fast and my lips were trembling. I looked away and told him that it was recently and it was him. He gave a nervous laugh and reached out and touched my hand. My hand trembled underneath his. I felt him get close to me. I was still looking down. He lifted my head. He gave me a reassuring smile and it's okay. I gazed into his deep brown eyes. They hypnotized me. He leaned in. I closed my eyes. He gave me a soft kiss. I let out a quiet sigh. He smiled and said that it wasn't bad. I shook my head smiling back. I let go of my nerves. I wanted more. I leaned back in and kissed him again. His beard tickled my lips. I felt his tongue slide into my mouth. Our kiss turned to passion. I felt his hands pull me into his body. His warmth felt good. As his tongue massaged mine, I felt my cock getting hard. I wanted him to feel it and I pressed it against his body rubbing it against him. He pulled back from the kiss and said that we should take this elsewhere. He led me by the hand from the balcony to his bedroom.

My heart was racing. I could have said no and that this was moving too fast but my lust gave way to him. I entered his bedroom to a beautiful canopy bed. He had a dresser with a bonsai tree on top of it. There was a small bedside table with an incense holder. There was also a painted picture of a jungle with a black panther staring out of the bushes. He would lead me by the hand into the bedroom. He told me to hold on a second. He walked to the closet and took out a small radio/cd player. He would open to check if a cd was in there and then plugged the stereo in and pressed play. What I thought at first was spa music turned out to be old Japanese string music. He opened his bedside drawer and took out two incense sticks. I am pretty sure it was nag champa. He lit the sticks and placed them in the holder. He walked over to me and we embraced. We kissed again, tongues playing with each other. He pulled away and told me it was time to get undressed. He slowly lifted my shirt over my head. He ran his hands long my arms and then slowly down my chest. His hands worked to my jeans and he slowly unbuttoned them and slid them off, exposing my briefs that showed my hard-on through them. He ran his hands up my legs all the while looking over my body, working their to my butt, giving it a gentle squeeze. He took my hand and led me to the bed.

Douglas parted the curtain to bed. He got onto the bed and laid down on the bed. I still remember his words: Breathe in the incense. Feel the music. Explore my body. Do what comes naturally. He undid his robe parting it exposing his gray lightly hairy chest. His nipples were pierced with two gold studs. Tight white briefs that covered his package. He took my hand and I crawled onto the bed ontop of him. I kissed him again and our tongues played with each other. I breathed the incense in the room and it stimulated me more. I slowly began to kiss on his neck. I worked my down, kissing down to the center of his chest before working my way back to kissing on his lips again. I rubbed my package on his. I was so horny and wanted more. I would work my down again but this time with my tongue. I then diverted to his nipples and I flicked and softly sucked on them. I heard his breathing getting deeper and a soft quiet moan. I wanted more of Douglas.

I worked my tongue down the middle to his bellybutto, circling around it. I could see his treasure trail leading me to what I wanted. The music would guide me as I worked my tongue to his trail, stopping at the band of his underwear. I rubbed my cheek and face on his underwear. I could feel his cock throbbing underneath the fabric. Do what you please to me he softly said. I began to lick on the fabric that outlined his cock. I heard soft moans as I did his. I knew what he wanted. I slowly pulled his underwear down, exposing his beautiful manhood. He had a soft tuft of gray pubic hair behind it. What really surprised me was that he had a small Prince Albert piercing. Two small silver studs protruded on his head, while two small gold studs were on his scrotum. He was cut and I could guess maybe he was 6 inches. I breathed in the smell of his cock, still fresh from a shower smelling of nice body wash. I was nervous as I didn't know how to go about it but figured I would treat his cock like my favorite popsicle. I gently grabbed his cock and began to lick up and down is shaft. I licked right up to the studs of his piercing. I continued this and I watched his reaction. He just layed there with his eyes close breathing slowly. I then began to lick around his head, flicking my tongue on his piercing. I heard him again let out a sigh and breath. I took it as I was doing a good job. I finally would give and wrapped my lips around his cock and began to suck him off. Douglas let out a moan of pleasure. His breathing heavier. His piercings would intermittently tap off my teeth. He told me softly to stroke him while I sucked him. I began to do so and he moaned even louder. I watched as he continued breathing heavy, his facial expressions showing I was doing a good job. I let go at one point as he began to slowly thrust and fuck my mouth. My saliva covered his cock. He stopped me and brought me up to his mouth and kissed me.

We switched positions and Douglas got me on my back. The room was filled with incense and the sounds of the Japanese chords in the air. Douglas began to kiss me again. He then worked his way to my neck. His beard tickled it as he grazed it down. Soon his kisses found it's way to my chest. He would lick and nibble on my nipples. It made my toes curl. Soon he found his way to my bellybutton and eventually to my treasure trail. He then kissed the outside of my underwear where my hard-on lay underneath. I let small quiet sighs. He then worked his way to my inner thigh with his kisses before finding his way back to package. Slowly he slid my underwear off exposing my uncut hard tanned cock. He slid my foreskin back revealing my already protruding head. He gave soft kisses to it before he lightly sucked just my cock head. I moaned quietly. He licked the side of shaft' while he massaged my balls. I continued to moan quietly while my breathing became deeper. He then told me to let go. His mouth engulfed my cock and began to suck and stroke me. I moaned louder as my breathing became deeper and faster. I slowly thrusted upwards my body as he went down. He knew what he was doing. Soon I could feel my cock throbbing. I told him I was going to cum. As he stroked me he did some kind of pinch to my cock that prevented me from fully releasing all my cum. I orgasmed and moaned breathing heavily only spurting out a tiny bit of cum as he held my cock in this pinch move. He finally released his hold as my cock became semi soft again. The tiny bit of cum that went onto his hand he rubbed into his fingers and placed into my mouth to taste. I tasted my salty and sweet cum that came from my body. He kissed me again massaging his tongue with mine.

He guided me up and turned me over to doggystyle position. He propped two pillows underneath my stomach. He then spread my buttcheeks and began to tongue my hole. I gasped and sighed as hr began to do this. The sensations were exhilarating. I moaned with each lick he placed on my hole. He lathered it up good with his saliva as so much that I felt him slide a finger into my hole. I breathed deepily and moaned when he slid it in. I felt his tongue then work it's way to my taint area as he continued to finger me. I was hard again in no time. I clutched the pillows below. He slid his finger out and he again went to town on my hole with his tongue, lubricating his saliva over it. This time I felt him slide two fingers into my hole. I let out another loud moan as he now fingered and stretched my hole. I was losing myself to him. So much so I began to talk dirty and quietly let out a fuck me. He asked me to say it again. I asked him to fuck me. He again asked me to say it again. Using what I saw on my laptop, this time I said fuck me daddy.

I watched as got off the bed and went to the nightside drawer. He pulled out a condom with some along with a bottle of lubricant. Douglas got back onto the bed and opened the condom. He slowly slid it onto hia erect cock. From there he opened the bottle of lubricant and squirted a dab on my hole. He then uses his fingers to massage my hole and slid two fingers inside me again, lubricating me inside. He pulled out and poured more lube onto his hand. From there he lubricated the condom, rubbing it all over. He again massaged my hole with lube and stretched it open with two fingers. I closed my eyes and gripped the sheets. I felt as his cock head slowly pried open my hole. He slowly slid his cock into me and I let out a grunt and moan as I felt him enter me. Soon his cock slid all the in and I moaned as I am sure it hit my g-spot. I opened my eyes and turned back to look at him. His eyes were closed. His hands gripped my ass. Slowly he began to fuck me. I felt every inch of him inside me. I moaned and breathed deeply with every pump of his cock. Still inside me, he took off his robe, finally getting completely naked. He started to get into a rhythm, fucking me almost to the music. When a hard note hit, he slid as deep as he could, hitting my spot. I moaned louder when he did this.

He guided me up to my knees, still inside of me. We got into a teaspoon position and Douglas nibbled on my neck and shoulder, grabbing my chest. His cock thrusted upward into me, going deeper. I moaned louder and Douglas turned my head around and kissed me. My moans were muffled in our kiss.

Douglas pulled out and sat against a pillar. He pulled me ontop of him. I guided his cock into my ass and began to ride him. We kissed each other deeply. I moaned, feeling Douglas thrust upwards hitting my g-spot even more. I grabbed the pillar, riding him deeper, feeling his beard dig into my shoulder as he kissed it.

He stopped me and put me onto my back. He got me into missionary position. He slid his cock into me, holding my legs. He leaned in, kissing me and said into my ear that he wanted me to cum for him. I obliged and grabbed my cock and began to jerk myself off while he thrusted. He thrusted this time slow but deeply and hard. Every thrust I moaned louder. My breathing became heavy. He leaned in again and kissed me. He pulled away face to face with mysef. Cum for me. He repeated this over and over again. One final thrust made me gasp and I finally exploded my cum all onto my stomach and chest. Douglas took a small dab and placed into my mouth. I tasted my cum again. I told him that I wanted to taste him.

Douglas pulled out of me. I pulled the condom off and pushed him onto his back. My mouth immediately attacked his cock. I could have cared less of the residue taste of the condom lubricant on his cock. I aggressively sucked his cock. I stroked him fast, wanting to bring him to orgasm fast. I began to flick my tongue against hid piercing, stroking his cock. Cum for me daddy. I decided to use what he did on me. I repeated this over and over. Douglas moaned and his breathing fast and deep. His cock began to throb. I immediately closed my mouth over his cock head. He let out a loud moan as his cum shot against the back of my throat. I let his cum drool out of my mouth onto his cock. He was more sweet than salty. I came to kiss his lips again. He would just hold each other.

I ended up falling asleep in his arms. I would wake up around 4am. I wiped myself off and I got dressed. He showed me to the door. We gave each other a hug and a gentle kiss. He told me he wanted to see me again. I agreed we should. I went back upstairs and slipped into the apartment unnoticed. I went to bed that night feeling great and giddy. If this was the first time, what was in store for me in the future.

Next: Chapter 2

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