Silk Snow in New Orleans

By moc.onuj@x23mahs

Published on Oct 2, 1999



This is an attempt to write a story about the life all people maybe crossed in...sooner or later. And if it is okay and dare I say good_ you can write to me and tell me what you think at: So let the story begin...

Silk Snow in New Orleans

Part 1

"What!!! Okay, but if you want it that way then... Look I have no control over how you feel about that! Well, I hate to say but that's a part of me and if you don't like it then...HELLO! HELLO? Fuck!!" Shawn had just hung up the phone when his mother heard his last word. "What's wrong with you? You having girl trouble: it can't be another man your after? I wish you would just come to your senses and be the way we raised you and..." Shawn listened as she rambled on. "It was...nothing!" he said cutting her off with a sharp tone. : It was just a wrong number or something." "Well it's funny how you spoke with them for a while: I watched you! Turning around from picking up a pillow that was on the floor he just stared at her and said nothing. He knew if he said something to her it would have been bad. "Look, I don't want to talk about it with you. If I do later then I will but don't push me." Shawn walked away after saying that and headed for the door. "If your weren't Gay then you would be living a better life: one that I would be happy with..." her voice trailed off as he closed the door.

Though it was a sunny day, Shawn didn't feel like doing any thing at all. "What has she got against me so", he asked himself. "She doesn't like me being Gay, she spies on me, and tries to screen my calls when she knows I can't see if she comes in to my room. What's up with her anyway." Between the phone call and his mother's feelings, Shawn didn't know what to think. He was Blind, Black, now single again, and HIV Positive . Looking as young as 17 years old and cute as any Black boy, he had no idea of what to do about Daniel.

"How could he...that Bitch! I gave my all. No one's perfect but dam. What did I do to find all of the Fucked-up ones." As he reached the end of the block, Shawn decided to go to the store and get some candy or something to calm his nerves. After making it to the store and resting out side Shawn noticed he was being watched. "What's up my brother!" Shawn ignored the man for as long as he could then got up and left. If Shawn could see then he would have noticed that he was being followed. "Say you with the stick!!! I want to talk to you..."" as the guy spoke Shawn speed up. " You scared of me or something!" "Of course not...I have better things to do!" Shawn noticed that the words he spoke sounded very strange but the guy left him alone. "God!!! When it rains: it gets worse doesn't it. Maybe I'll go to the..." "Shawn..." it was the neighbor that Shawn trust with all his Gay shit because the neibor was Gay too. "What's up baby?" the neighbor said in a playful manor. "Daniel broke it off because of me being Blind and..." "Okay! When you are first seen it is a little-bit noticeable but what happened?" Shawn sighed at the question and began to say...

"Yesterday Daniel and I went to see that La Caj a Foe know Alex!" "The Bird Cage with music..." "yah! Well, he didn't like the fact that I wasn't enjoying the play: mostly the visual flips, tricks, and that's when it fell a part..." Shawn began to cry softly as they pulled up in to Alex's driveway. "Shawn, come in side and we will talk more about this Hon." They both got out of the car and walked up to the house. "Hey poppy!" it was Alex's lover, Joey. They had been lovers forever as far as Shawn knew. "What's up Shawn! Uh, what's his name this time?" he playfully asked without looking at Shawn's face. "His name is Daniel and he dumped me because I couldn't see." Shawn thought that would get a laugh out of Joey but it just made him fall hard to one of the front room chairs. "But he seemed so nice at the Clinic to both of us!" Joey said with a sound of surprise, "and he seemed so good for you. What happened!" Looking around in a blank daze Shawn said, "I don't know but I just..." He cried more and Joey and Alex walked from where they were setting and tried to comfort their friend. "If you don't want to..." Shawn broke Alex off and motioned he would tell after the tears stopped falling.

About 7 minutes passed and he slowly began...

"On April 8th of this year I met Daniel. And he seemed sweet. Meeting on the bus and chatting about different stuff. So when the bus came to a stop I asked the bus driver for help and he wasn't sure of what to do. Yet as you both know Daniel helped me out and we talked so much on the way to where both of us were going we missed the meeting. Until my cab came to pick me up, we talked about the facts of us being the same. We both are HIV Positive, like Broadway, use the bus often, and..." "Yah, umm, okay: we know that part but what happened for yawl to brake up!" Joey demanded to know in a girlish-man voice. "Well the play...he didn't like the fact that I couldn't see it. And he couldn't deal with it so he dumped me!" The room was quiet for a good while before Alex spoke. "What I think you need is a NICE cup of tea" as Alex said this he pushed Joey off of his lap and motioned to the kitchen. "FINE!!! I will get your DAMM tea but I am the one who will be in your bed tonight Alex! REMEMBER THAT!" Joey said as he twitched to the kitchen. "Something is wrong with that boy," Shawn said in a concerned voice. "Nah, we just haven't done...stuff in a while." Alex whispered as lightly as possible but Joey heard him. "Your cock will be sore by 5:32 the next morning if you... aha, fuck!" They both laugh because they knew Joey was not looking at what he was doing and focusing on something that was non-of his business. "Here's your tea Ms. Bitch...and yours master?" Joey gave them the tea and kissed Alex on the mouth softly and grinded on his lap. "You guys...stop or I will leave: Alex pushed Joey off again and listened to Shawn' story again while Joey just sat where he fell. "Between your legs is where I wanted to be any way!" Joey said in a delighted tone. "Go on Shawn before Nature Boy here becomes wild again" Alex stated as he stared at Joey's ass."Okay but promise me one thing..." "Sure!" they both said together. "Stop staring at each other like that!!" A look of shock was passed between them as they listened intensively. "After he said how he felt...he hung up on me. And he also said that he gave me another strand of the HIV virus." Both Joey and Alex were shocked and hurt. "I could kill him..." was all Alex could say. Joey started to cry and ran to the back of the house. "And that's the beginning of mother!" Alex cut Shawn off by French kissing him on the lips. "Wooow! Where did that come from? Why did you do that?" Shawn got up and started for the door. "I feel sorry for you Shawn and poor Joey just lost his best friend to the AIDS Virus. So both of us have been in a strange mood. Plus Joey is going back to his country: you know what's that about!" Shawn had a sad look on his face. He thought, "I am another problem to them...I should go". "Shawn!!! Where are you..." Shawn was gone that fast. Alex just looked at Shawn while he cross the street and walk back to his house. "Why did you let him go...he could do something to harm..." Alex put his hand over Joey's mouth and closed the door back. "Let's go and take a bath okay?" Joey looked at his lover with all the confusion and stress he could. "Okay..." Joey slowly said as he followed Alex.

"Just like a man to do that SHIT to yah!" Shawn heard this as soon as he interred the house and greeted the voice that held this comment. "Hello Aunt are you.." Shawn slowly said this because he wasn't sure if his mother had told her or not. "Hey baby...yoh mama told me that yah haven girl trouble and...heershe is now!" as Shawn's mother entered he excused himself and went to his room.

Shawn's aunt Katy chatted loudly as the both of them drank. "Huummm, it runs in the family and I won't get gossipy by far. I will be a Gay success in all aspects of theatre and be the best thing since a...." A knock came from Shawn' window and startled him. He lifted the window a bit and called out in to what now was night. "Hello..." the figure started to pull the window up so it could get in the house. Shawn didn't know what to do because his aunt and mother were drunk and could hear him if he did yell. "What...who is it? Tell me?" Shawn jumped on his bed and grabbed his cane so when the figure did get through it would get what's coming to it.

Silk Snow in New Orleans

Part 2

"Shawn? Shawn! It's me..." Joey tried to get the last words out in time but Shawn did what came naturally to any one. "FUCK!!! That hurt...are you crazy?" Joey asked as he rubbed his head in pain from Shawn's blow. "Well, you know some people would agree with you and say yes's but from me...nah." As Joey sat up in Shawn's bed questions popped in to Shawn's head. "What are you doing here? Why did you come through the window and what is going on between you and Alex?" While Shawn was asking these questions, Joey was still recovering from the reaction of Shawn. "I...uhak: I was coming to talk to you about that." He said as he whispered lightly. "Alex and I aren't getting along and he is so up set besides the fact that I have to go back to..." Shawn cut Joey off with another question. "So how long will you be gone this time?" Joey hugged Shawn and started to cry as he moaned out, "I may not come back again...ever!" "What! Is that what you crawled through my window for?" Shawn playfully asked but Joey wasn't in the mood to play. "You forget that I am a SPIC and..." cutting him off again Shawn inquired about that word. "It's short for Hispanic...Alex called me that when we used to..." Just then another knock lingered at Shawn's window. "Hide me amigo!" was all Joey could say as he pushed himself in to the closet. "If that's Alex then tell him I am not here, you haven't seen me, and you know nothing of my where abouts." As Shawn closed the door he whispered back, "well, I won't be lying about the haven't seen you thing." The knock got louder as Shawn moved closer. "Hey Shawn, have you seen Joey? I have no idea where he is and I am worried. I do think I know why he ran off...the kiss I gave you. I just couldn't help it! You don't deserve the things that happen to you." Alex continued to talk for a while but remained out side the window. "Look, if you see him please tell him I love him and I am sorry?" With a half nodd Shawn agreed with what Alex said. "Can I kiss you again?" Alex asked before Shawn closed the window. "No! You got a man." "What my man gotta do with the..." closing the window faster Shawn said his good nights and went back to the closet where Joey was. "I herd every word and I can't believe you!" Joey screamed at Shawn. "Shut up, you will wake everyone. All of them: even the drunk ones." But that just made Joey get even louder. "You man stealer..." and with that Joey opened the window and stormed home. "Boy! Who is in here?" a voice called as soon as the window was locked back. "Not a souls Aunt Katy...not one resting soul."

As Alex pasted back and forth he heard a crash in the back of the house. Running (and hoping to find Joey) to the noise he found what he wanted to find. Unfortunately he could it was not the right timing to find it. "Your drunk! What the FUCK have you been doing? Answer me!" he preached to Joey. "If you want Shawn that badly then you can have him. I was in the closet when you came looking for me. And yes, I was up set about the kiss...I saw from the upstairs banister. You're the sloth! I will be glad when I leave the messed up country. In my country Gay people are not wanted so their lovers are good to them: no matter what!" Alex started walking away when Joey started the "Pity-Party". That's what Alex called it. "I'm going to get some rest and you can come up...if you do then I suggest you calmb down first." Calmb down! I will show you calmb!!!" Joey screamed as he began to brake several glasses and other items in the house. "Oh well," Alex thought to himself " if he brakes what ever I will just buy another...for me. He is too up set to talk with now...I wonder what's on the old tube." With that he walked up stairs and left Joey in his rage. "To think some one could build up a lot of trust and destroy it in a matter of seconds..." Alex remarked to himself as he watched the late movie and drifted off to sleep.

"Good morning Sunshine...the earth says hello." Aunt Katy sung to herself as she helped Shawn get ready for a job interview. "Hey! That's form the musical Hair!" Shawn gleefully chanted as she did his own hair. "Yep! For a Blind fag..." Shawn quickly turned around. He couldn't believe what she said. With a look of anger and happiness Shawn asked her where that came from. "I know your Gay but your mother just can't except yah. I could tell just when you be the way you been since I known ya. It's nothing bad cause your cousin Michael is like that." Again Shawn froze and gave a look he was famous for. "Now don't tell him I told you and I will tell him to give you a call cause I know how tough it is! People think I am a rich, drunk with no values what so ever." The room was silent for a while before Shawn spoke. "But you are all those things Aunt Katy!" Shawn said jokingly. "Yes, but I didn't ask you to confirm it for me!" They laughed and chatted before Shawn's mother came in to the kitchen. "I need to talk with you and fast!" "Leave the boy was a girl who came here." He couldn't believe his aunt was covering for him. "Now that's that...what about some breakfast...iuuhy?" As soon as that question was passed the doorbell rang. IT was around 10:48 in the morning so naturally Shawn's mother wasn't dressed. "Ooh Shit!" "I will get it!" Shawn said with a satesfyeded glance at Aunt Katy before he opened the door. "I need to talk to you, please?" Behind Alex was Joey in the car. Alex looked nervous and Shawn knew something was wrong. "I'll be right back! Tell my mother for me." "Don't worry," Aunt Katy said with a laugh. "Your safe from Nora'hs raff when I am around. I will tell her that a brick-house girl picked you up and yawl went off." Shawn hugged his aunt and got in to the car with Alex and Joey.

"So where are we..." Alex stopped him by saying the one thing he had never herd him say in his whole life. "Shut up and enjoy the ride...did you tell every one good bye?" he asked uninvitingly. Shawn answered with shock in his voice. "Ye...yesss, why?" "We are going to New Jersey and not coming back till we are totally fucked up. That's mental, fissile, and all others." Shawn couldn't believe it. Just the fact that Alex was talking like that scared him. Joey didn't say one word and Alex just breathed heavily. For the rest of the day, Shawn knew that unexpected trip would change his life forever.

"If I find out yawl were lying to me about last night...he gets thrown out!" Norah said while drinking coffee with Aunt Katy. "But you're his mother, your supposed to be supportive!" Norah just stated the next sentence and left the room."If it is a man and I find out you had better have a house for him to live in cause he is out!!!" All that Aunt Katy could think was poor Shawn...may God help his monster.

Silk Snow in New Orleans

Part 3

The wind was not very cool for this time of the year: or for New Orleans either. As Joey leaned his head back Alex snapped at him. "Don't you go to sleep should have did that last night! In stead of wondering about the neighborhood like a FUCKING maniac!" "What happened to you guys," Shawn asked with a forgiving tone. "Why are you both acting like this!" Joey said nothing and Alex sighed. "Before Joey came home from your house, he went drinking. Yes, he came home with a very not nice rage and I am bring him back to his parents house." "But I..." Alex cut Shawn off this time by rubbing his legs. "Did anyone body tell you that your fine as Hell? But Joey was drunk, I got up set that he did it and well," Alex stopped at a toll bridge and his speech halted for the moment. "You guys are better than that! Don't brake up! You can't...then my Gay parents will be divorced!" Alex and Joey, for the first time since last night: looked at each other and said in unison "Shawn SSSSHHHH!" They all laughed and started to talk more when Shawn remembered the interview. "Arruw, my interview!!!" Shawn shouted as they were passing the exit to Baton Ridge.

Shawn's home

"He knows that I got him the job so where is he at Katy?" Shawn's mother asked in frustration. "I told you he went somewhere with a girl. She seemed nice and..." "Don't start that distraction shit," Norah bellowed. "He had better be back by..."

On the road...

"Night fall or to be more specific... at 4:30 today." Shawn sank in his chair after finishing telling Alex and Joey why he had to go back. "Know! You are coming with us," Alex protested as he continued with his reasons. "I need some one to be there when I drop Joey off...we can spend the nights in a hotel and have fun." Alex said that with a strange tone that made Shawn uncomfortable like before. "No!" Joey shouted as he sprang for the door of the car. "You had better...FUCK YOU Joey!" Alex said as Joey opened the door to the moving car and jumped out. "I will kill your ass know...I have tried to love you and now you crossed the line chuell!" Joey ran across the road daubing cars as best as he could but it wasn't good enough. A car struck Joey from the side and his body flue to the other side of the road. "Joey...Joey!" Shawn called knowing he wouldn't make it. "Huuek, he got hit." Alex said as if it was just another bug on the windshield. "So you want to go back home now?" Alex asked Shawn as he turned around on the grass close to the place Joey's body fell. "No, I want to see if Joey is alright! You shouldn't have said that to him!" Shawn got out and opened his cane. "If you were a good hearted person then you would help me get him to AA..." Shawn stopped speaking as Alex's car sped off. "Fuck! I know he won't get another chance with me again. Even if he didn't have Alex." And with saying that Shawn found Joey lying on his back and moaning in pain. "Help me...Shawn, please!?" Joey could hardly speak but Shawn stayed calm and helped him to a tree near by. "I...why did you do that? That was stupid! You.." Shawn was so up set but had no place to direct the anger so he began to cry. Under a fading voice Joey apologized over and over. "We have to find a place close by to get you to before the sun makes you pass out" Shawn know this area well from his computer's map of the free-way but this was indeed a bit harder to figure out. Besides the fact that he didn't have his computer, he didn't know if the map had changed or not. "Dam FBI's, they never change something when you need it. We will find a place, trust me." Shawn said in complete dizziness. As he felt himself getting sleepy he could feel that someone or some thing was watching them."It's the sun Shawn," Joey said as he pulled himself on to Shawn' chest. "Just rest now and we find a place later. you?" Joey said softly but Shawn didn't hear him at all because of the heat he was already in his own world.

"Okay, let me get this Gaily-forward," Alex listened as Aunt Katy spoke to him on the phone. "One got hit, the other got out, and you left them both!" "Uuuhk, yah?" he said with a slight twinge. "How, what: my baby.." was all he herd in the next few seconds. "I don't think you have made my sister's day!" Aunt Katy said sarcastically. "But," "But nothing," Aunt Katy continued in her pain. "If they both don't come back in 3 hours, you will go straight to jail and not pass go!" the phone line clicked. "Hello??? I did it this time. Way to go Alex. Your temper has gone too far. Not only have you lost Shawn... Joey could be dead!" Alex cried as he ran back to his car and got in. "I've gotta find them!"

"You know," Aunt Katy said in a happy voice. "Maybe he will be safe? He knows how to take care of." " baby!!!" was all Nora could say. "I will kill that Fag: he'll suffer for kid-napping my baby. And I will make him suffer!!!" Aunt Katy tried to block her out as best she could. "I am not hearing this..." She repeated out louder than Nora was talking. "How about some tea? Ooh, I can call Michael now too." "What! Now!" Aunt Katy looked at Nora and said with a great deal of being calm, "no time like the present. Ho, and what did you get me for my birthday. You know it's "Only A Day A-Way?" she sang out to Norah as she dialed her son's number.

Silk Snow in New Orleans

Part 4

"Shawn...oh, Shawn!" Joey called out to Shawn in a seductive way. "I want you to make love to me!!!" " this a hidden video thing cause I don't think it's funny." As Shawn spoke Joey walked closer. The room they were in had purple curtains, Black walls with a silver border all around, and candelabras everywhere Shawn looked. "What's wrong baby," Joey said while licking his lips and still moving closer. "Your beautiful...and I can see you! Am I dead?" Shawn asked. "No, I can prove it." Joey was dressed in a silky white robe that looked like a shortall set. His hair was brushed back and had a flower in it on the left side of his head. "Your...I am dead!!! It was the sun!!! And I'll never have that recipe again," Joey joined in for the last part of Shawn's rage. "Hooo...nooo!" they both sang together. "I'm sure Donna Summers would've been proud but your not dead, honey!" "Why are you calling me that? We are..." Joey kissed Shawn softly. : Just enjoy my offerings to you for caring!" and with that Joey jumped on Shawn in a playfull state. "We shouldn't be doing this, kid," Joey stroked Shawn's chest as he continued. "Love you..." "But," as Joey leaned closer to Shawn, Shawn could feel a cold draft of air. "!!!" Shawn looked up to see Alex's eyes in flames. "Go away?" The eyes faded away slowly. "Now, where were we...hmmm...kiss me." Shawn threw Joey on to the floor. "Bye, bye, Ms. American lies, I gotta go!" "No! Stay with me, please?" crying softly on Shawn's shoulder: he guided him back to the bed. "Wait. I have to show you something" Shawn sat up as the suit evaporated off of Joey. "Wow, that was like silk snow!" "Yah, silk snow on New Orleans." Joey said seductively. "No!!! Silk snow in New Orleans. It evaporated and," "Kiss me Shawn, kiss me now!" Joey was face to face now and his curly, black hair seemed to wave in the light braes. "Free me...please." Joey lightly pressed his lips to Shawn's as thunder cracked. Shawn began to kiss Joey back in a hungry manor. They floated down on to the bed and dispatched. "Make love to me...Poppy," Joey moaned. "Fuck me now!!" "Shawn rubbed against Joey but kept in mind his HIV status. "No! Please stop! Your," "Hold me, thrill me," Joey said as another crack of thunder fell from the sky. "Kiss me, kill me!" Shawn got that chill again but this time it was closer. As they got more involved, the chill turned to a freeze. Yet it felt good to Shawn, like a forgotten part of him that was being born again. "Give in to me!" Shawn held Joey tightly as they kissed hard and long. The candles flickered around as they twisted about in the bed. "Uooh, Shawn! Love me!" Shawn couldn't hide his dark side anymore; he took his clothing off and pulled Alex closer to him. "Yah, I'll fuck you, I'll fuck you good too!" "Yah, Poppy, do it...does it!!!" They went through layer after layer of ecstasy. Intertwining each other as they went along. "UUUHA, I'm going to," "Yah, I will catch my man's love in me and keep it!" Shawn knew that this was wrong and had to withdraw from this situation. "I...I gotta pull out!" "No!!!" as Shawn did pull out of Joey, blood poured out along with his cock. "Look what you've done! Look!!! You've hurt me. You, with no pain. You!" Shawn got up out of the bed and ran out...but where was there. "The window! I'll jump!" as he did jump his life flashed before his eyes with the background music from Soap. "Boy, God must hate me for everything, why else would he be using that theme." He hit the ground hard and herd laughing echoing as the world began to spin faster around him.


"So he is, Cody and I are..." Aunt Katy spoke in her usual tone to her son, Michael. "Look mom, after Cody comes home then I will come to Aunt Norahs house." He hung the phone up. "Honey, I am waiting for you to pay the bills!" " You fucking nut! Michael greeted his lover of 2 years. "Baby, what happened to your hair?" Michael asked as he set dinner before his man. "Well, one of the kids in the school thought it would be funny to through water on me. I mean since it's the beginning of summer and all." Cody quickly gave Michael a kiss then scooped a mouthful of food. "I kind-of like your hair as a dark blond." "And I like the fact that your hair is red as blood!" Michael cringed at the statement. "We must go by Aunt Norahs house tonight," "What! Remember what happened last time I was there. She hit me! Because I was Gay she hit me!" Cody got up to take off his ting top and shorts. "Why are you doing that here?" Michael asked with a broad smile on his face. "Because you love the fact that I am a Phys-ED teacher and I am damp. Any other questions?" Michael waited till Cody was sitting down again when he grabbed Cody's Dick. "Nah, let's wait. I will have worked enough anger to fuck you all night from that woman you call a aunt." Michael backed off and moved Cody's clothes. "So what happened now." "Well, it's Shawn. He is missing and he came out to my mom. His mother doesn't know it completely but you know how that goes!" By that time, Cody had finished eating and started putting on the clothes that Michael sat a side for him. "Are you almost ready?" Cody asked in a deep voice. "Yes, daddy!" and with that they left heading for Norah's house.

Alex drove slowly, getting close to the spot where he remembered Joey getting out. "There's the tree...uuh! This is hard to do at 5:21 in the evening." He remarked to himself as he looked at the time. "I have done it! God!!! Where are they? Tell me, please God?" Alex cried for a second then contained himself. "I will find them if it kills me!" he said to himself as he drove in to the remaining sun beams.

Silk Snow in New Orleans Part 5

(Ding...Dong..._ "You know I am only doing this for you right?" Cody looked at Michael with a quick glance of lust. "Yah, and I am strictly a top!" as they laughed together: Michael's mother opened the door. "Hay! Ouk, just look at MY babies. I am so happy to see you both! And Cody, you and your hazel eyes are always a complement to see." Cody blushed. "God, you look red as a beet. The only time he usually looks like that is when he's mad." Michael stated in pride of Cody's see through emotions. "Where's Auntie she okay, mama?" Aunt Katy said nothing but ushered them to follow her to the back of the house. "I have never gotten past the front door. This house is so cool looking!" Cody said as he admired Norah's taste in pictures. Though he was a (All-American Man) he did love art. Manly on the out side but a pure fag on the in. "Baby, why are you so quiet?" "I just don't like the fact of Shawn being out there alone by him," Aunt Katy silenced her son and put up her hand for silence. "What was your hand up for?" Norah asked as she lay in the bed. "I had a cramp and the boys," "Cody, I am so sorry for not being the good person I normally am." Norah continued while she turned to face him. "When I was growing up, things were different. They were in Black and White. Now every little thing is in Gray, Frusta, or Plaid. Forgive me. And help me find my baby!" she burst in to tears again. "Girl! Cody screamed to Norah. "Cody, don't play at a time like, ukh!" they all turned around to see Joey at the door. "Where have you been," Norah yelled. "My baby, you left him! You Gay people are just the same. Twisted, brain-turning, embarrassing, no good," Cody interrupted. "You forgot sleazy?" she took note. "Sleazy whorish..." "Are you done? Because if your not then Shawn may be to far in his coma to understand why he is trying to recover!" Silence fell in to the room. "Now, when we were on our way back, Shawn had a passing spell. He told me later it was a confusing nightmare but that's not why he is not here." They listened as if the secret of life were being told. "Shawn is in the hospital, not far from here. He is in extreme pain!" "What!!!" Cody jumped up in a rage. "Why didn't you protect him? Why didn't you look out for him? Are you some kind of nut!" Joey left the room and ran home, where his now X boy friend Alex lives. "Where is he going?" Cody fumed. "Calm down, he's just as up set as you are!" "He had better tell me or...Shawn!" Cody began to cry as Michael held him. "Shah, I know! He will live. I am worried too." Aunt Katy left the room then. "Mom, where are you going?" Michael called out and almost forgot that he was comforting Cody. "Take care of your man and I will take care of this one that just exited: stage right!" she said and bounded off. "So, educate me guys. What am I spose to give my son to keep him happy, safe, and teach me to understand!"Michael and Cody looked at each other and scooted a little closer to Norah's bed; where she still lye.

"Alex! Dam it Alex where are you!" Joey said in the back of his mind, as he knocked on the door harder each time. After several minutes passed someone came to the door in a towel. "May I help you?" the younger boy asked. "Who the Fuck are you!" Joey walked in to the house and faced his new friend face to face. "I'm sorry but I don't know you and Mr. Holiday won't be out the bath for another 4 minutes. If you would like, set here and I will get him for you." Joey nodded and sat back in one of the chairs. "So, I wonder where he found this one. He is not bad looking...Asian: just like Shawn." The sound of a door closing and some one coming down the stairs brought him back to the world. "Aauuh, Joey!" Alex ran down the stairs and slowly approached the waiting man remembering what happened earlier in the day. "You no cheated on me! I knew it! Don't waist your gas looking for us again!" Joey ran up the stairs past the Asian boy and started packing his clothes. "Is something wrong?" the boy asked. "Just go in the guest room and unpack." Without being told a second time, the boy did as he was told. Alex opened the door to Joey's room and saw what he was doing so quickly. "Please," "NO!! You have done enough pleasing! Good bye Alex: ooh and another thing. You will never know where Shawn is but I will at least give you this. He is in the hospital!" with a smile Joey gathered his things and started for the front door. Half way down the boy appears again. "Yah, good bye, Mr. Joey. In case I didn't introduce myself...I am Pip. And I am a prostitute. Your boy friend...x from the way things are going, but he said I could spend the night because my boy friend tried to kill me with hot wax." Smiling brightly, Joey said, "Nice to meat you. And if you want him...he's all yours now!" "Is he gone yet?" Alex asked. "Yes, now back to business..." Alex looked at the door as he repeated the last few words of Pip's sentince.

Silk Snow in New Orleans

Part 6

"Cozy home, board and bed, sturdy roof above my head. Not bad, not bad at all." The radio played as Shawn opened his eyes. "I was wondering when you were going to wake up. I thought I would have to rape you to get you to move." The voice said with a laugh. "Who are you and where am I? Am I dead!" Shawn thought it was another dream but since he couldn't see again he knew it couldn't have been. "You don't remember me! After all the stuff we went through! Your recent X..." "DANIEL!!!" Shawn hoped it wasn't but he would find out in one second. "Yep, this is where I am working now. You look good, better than we were together!" Shawn didn't say anything at all as Daniel continued. "So, who is the new man in your life now? You still have a grudge against me!" "Yes, we just broke up 3 days ago. And I will never forgive you for FUCKING me WITHOUT A CONDOM!!" he got louder with every word. "Shhhh, they don't know I am HIV Positive. If they find out, I will loose my job!" Shawn didn't say another word out loud... "We can be friends, can't we? Talk to me baby...please" Daniel moved closer to Shawn's bed and stroked his black hair. "Unnki, don't touch me! You have done enough to murderer!" Daniel stopped and walked slowly to the door. "I would keep my mouth shut while I am in this hospital if I were you. Because you may not live to see your way out of here!" You're threatening me!" "That's right!" Daniel shut the door as he left the room. (Beep, Beep) A nurse called, "May I help you sir?" Shawn sat up and got comfortable. "Yes, can I speak to the head nurse of this floor?" There was a short pause. "Yes, sir. She will be on the way to your room within 20 minutes. Is there anything else you need? He thought slowly. "Yes, not to have Daniel as my nurse. Any body else except him...and a small juice. Just give him another person to take care of and," the connection went dead. "Hello...hello?" The door opened quickly and a figure entered and sat at Shawn's side and began speaking.

"Joey...Joey!" Aunt Katy called as she saw him in the darkness. "I am sorry I left out so fast. I found out Alex has other things in mind." "Yes, he is very self-concerned isn't he." So where are you going with all that stuff?" Joey sighed, "I have no place to go, now Alex has found a play toy to mess with." Aunt Katy grabbed his hand and pulled him to the house that he just left. "What are you doing?" he asked being on the other end of an angry woman's hand. "I am going to tell that bastard off and give him a peace of my mind!!" "Isn't that a little bit drastic?" at that question she stopped. "You'll see!" they both ran to the house in through hwhat looked like fog on this full mooned night.

"And that, my lady friend is that." Cody finished his part of the lecture Norah asked for earlier. "So now what do you think?" Michael asked with elation. "I still don't like the life he's living but I will support him. Thanks for the explanation, now, what is Barebacking?" as that fell from her lips Joey burst in the room. "Come quick! Alex is getting the shit beat out of him by your mother!" Joey pointed to Michael. "Uhyi, she is sharing her mind and other things again. Let's all go and get her." With that they all ran to Alex's house. Mostly just to see Alex get the stuffing beat out of him but Joey still, in a small way, wanted to save him. "Do I love him that much to get involved?" he asked himself over and over as the group rounded the corner and saw both Aunt Katy and Alex fighting in the street.

Silk Snow In New Orleans

Part 7

"What is it?" a voice said in a rustled tone. "Who are you?'", Shawn asked. "Your voice sounds like Isabel Sanford but I know she is in Hollywood." The voice laughed, almost till the point of crying. "You're a cuty as well as a comedian. My name is Lechua and I am the head nurse on this floor. Didn't you ask to see me?" "Yes, and I am glad you're here. It's about Daniel..." She breathed wite the best hiss you could find anywhere: or Shawn thought. "He's my resent X lover and I would like to not have him as my nurse and...", she interrupted. "I think that's no reason not to have him as your nurse!!! He knows what you need and knows how to feed you!" "Feed me? What are you talking about!? He's never done anything that I,ve known to help me!!! Next you'll tell me it was alright for him to give me his strand of the HIV Virus!!" She sat quiet for a minute or two and Shawn was not sure if she had fallen asleep or not. "Nurse, nurse?? (knock, knock) "It's time to eat Shawn?!", Daniel said with all the cuteness a 37 year old man can give. "Are you HIV Positive and did you infect this boy?" Daniel froze, What did you say?" She stood up with authority. "Did you infect him and are you infected!" "I think I will be fed today! I don't feel good.", Shawn said and the nurse told Daniel she would talk to him later. "Make sure he eats all of his food Daniel" she said as she walked out the door. "I will make sure he eats alright", he said while raising the first spoon to shawn's mouth. "I will make sure he eats a good deal?!"

"Kick his ass Girl!!!" Cody screamed as Aunt Katy and Alex continued. "No!!!" Joey cried as Pip held him. "Your boy friend told me about you after you left and the work permit was constructed for you. It is strange though, he loves you but doesn't know how to show it." Alex screams after that comment. "I think I,ve made a BIG mistake", Joey looked into Pip's eyes and continued with what he was saying. "You aren't my X's new one?" No, but if you want me to be yours I will be!" Pip said and kissed Joey hungrily. "Alex!!! Baby, I love you too. Stop hurting him Katy! He has had enough." She stopped beating on him and lit a cigar it. "That's for Joey! Just wait what I will give you for Shawn!" "Shawn", Alex screamed. "where is he..." "He is in the hospital because of your sorry ass!" Alex hung his head as Joey jumped into his arms. "Thanks for the job permit baby. I,m sorry! Forgive me?" Alex pulled Joey into a kiss, "I,ll take that as a yes but we must go and see Shawn before any other bad things happen." And with that Joey, Alex and the rest headed to the hospital. On the way a passing of hits or two but everyone stayed cool. "Shawn!!! We are heeee....! Daniel stood with a rope of string around Shawn's neck and his smile quickly faded. "Uh, oh..." "And your right buddy!!!" Aunt Katy said. "Who are you?" Cody asked. "I,m D...D...Daniel?!" (Beep,Beep) "How can I help you?" the nurse on the other end asked. "call the police and bring my nephew a dackory. "I,m sorry but he can't have that." "Come in here and you'll disagree..." The nurse came in and screamed at Daniel as she pulled him out with the help of the police. "Shawn are you alright?", Alex asked. "Nooo!!!" "Shawn!!! Shawn!!! He has passed out!!!" Michael yelled as Shawn's head flopped to the right side of the bed.

Sorry I was so late with this part, computer CRASH! But if you like what you hear so far then write me at and tell me what you think. I know I am late with this one but a computer crash kept me away. I'm back now!


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