Silk Panties

By John Wilson

Published on Sep 12, 2017



I first wore my mom's panties when I was a young. I loved the soft feeling against my cock. As a pillow humper I would put them on and hump my pillow until I came. I would then wash them out and put them in a safe place for another time.

I stopped when I got older. Recently I was meeting a guy for some light cock to cock play. It was our first time and he asked if I liked panties. I said I did and he took out a pair for me -- he was already wearing a pair. I put mine on and he ran his hand over my panty covered cock and balls. I got hard instantly. I did the same to him and then we stood together and rubbed our cocks together. We stopped and reached into the panty of the other and stroked the silk covered cocks.

I was in heaven -- the softness of the panties, the hardness of our cocks was powerful. We decided to lie down and he got on top of me and we ground our cocks until I said if you don't stop I am going to blow my load. We paused and talked about how great it felt. I was hooked.

I am straight and happily married. I am not ashamed of my daily masturbation habit, my love of silk panties and the enjoyment with the feel of another cock in my hand and my cock in another person's hand. We talked about our beginnings, our wives and how much we enjoyed this.

We returned to grinding and took turns being on top. We stopped because we were close. He decided he wanted to suck my cock a little and I sucked him. We took off our panties so they would not get wet. Neither one of us want to take a load so it was just to get some more enjoyment. Now that our cocks were hard and slippery he got on top of me and ground me hard and fast. We talked about how hot it will be to cum on each other and we did.

It is a memory I jerk off to often. I hope it will be one for you. We repeated our session once before he moved to another state. I am still mad he left -- cannot find a replacement -- yet.

Jerk, cum, grind, silk panties, hump the pillow

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