Sigma Beta

By ap

Published on May 13, 2022



This is a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years of age. This story explicitly details sex between males. If it is illegal for you to read this where you are, please stop now and exit this site.

I reserve all rights to this work.

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All feedback is welcome. Let me know if you have ideas about character direction. This is a bit wordy, and many more chapters to cum.


Day 1

Sean and I layed in Bed last night and talked and cuddled and made out. It felt so great to be with him again. I thought I'd never get to see him or touch him ever again, and here i was naked in his bed. Maybe its a little wierd that we both just sucked off and flip fucked 11 other guys in a house set up for the sole purpose of providing gay studs to college frats for service. But honestly it just felt amazing to be with him. We fell asleep pretty quick, cuddling.

I woke up to Sean spooning me from behind, and i could feel his hard cock throbbing against my ass. he was awake and kissing my neck. when he sensed that i was also awake he squeezed me tight "Good morning sleeping beauty" and bombarded my neck and shoulders with kisses and continued squeezing me and pushing his hard cock against my bubble butt.

"mmmmmm this is how i should wake up every morning!!" i was in heaven.

"oh I can do better." Sean enthused, as he directed his cock between the globes of my ass and teased my hole. I could feel his precum offering some lube and it felt amazing teasing my hole while he reached around and twisted my nipple gently which is btw hard wired to my dick and I instantly began leaking precum.

"FUCK! thats not fair!!" i turned my neck around to find his lips and we kissed in this awkward position until he pulled me onto my back and laid on top of me to bury his tongue in my mouth. I sucked on his tongue which I love so much and moaned around his kiss. My legs naturally bent upwards allowing his cock to find my hole again.

Sean leaned back and spit into his hand and began stroking his cock then spit onto my hole and fingered me making me moan yet again. Seans cock head found my lubed hole and he teased some more, slowly pushing the head of his cock into my hole while he held my ankles up over my head.

"FUCK. that feels so good!!! slide it in all the way...PLEASE"

"Not so fast stud, I want to feel every inch as it slides through your hole."

Sean let more spit dribble down to the connection between my hole and his hard cock, he pushed his cock in a little more then pulled back out to the tip of the head making me gasp, then slowly pushed the head past my sphincter again stretching it and making me moan again. he kept teasing my hole with just the head of his cock making me gasp as he withdrew then moan as he pushed in then stopped.

Finally, sean pushed his hard cock deeper into my hole so I could feel the shaft of his veiny cock stretch my hole, and penetrate deeper inside me making me cry out in excstacy as i felt my hole filled with sean. Seans pubes touched my hole and he left his cock buried deep inside me as he leaned forward and pushed his tongue into my mouth which I gladly began to suck on, we made out like this for a full minute, feeling his cock pulse inside my hole while i sucked on his tongue wimpering everytime his cock pulsed and expanded inside me. Then sean began to stroke his cock in and out of my hole just an inch or two since we were so close, while he continued to make out with me, his breath getting faster.

Sean couldnt take it anymore, he leaned back, pushing my knees to my chest, pulling his cock all the way out of my hole making we gasp out loud as he withdrew from my hole then plunged back into my hole to its full depth which made me cry out. Sean repeated this several times, all the way out - then back in to the hilt, my throat was getting sore from moaning and gasping with the intrusion then the emptiness. Sean smiled at me with every gasp and moan, then he started pounding my hole for real, staying inside but using long strokes. I could see the sweat forming on his forehead and hairy chest. his rhythm was intense, and it felt so fucking amazing getting my hole ounded by this absolute God of a man. Sean pummeled my ass in this position for about 10 mins, then leaned in and began making out with me while his cock was deep in my hole, stroking only an inch or two in and out. His breathing was getting faster i felt a drop of sweat hit my cheek from his brow. his breathing was becoming erratic, and his head dropped down to my ear "Your hole is so fucking perfect Tim, you're gonna make me cum man. I'm so fucking close"

"yeah sean, give me your load, I want to feel you cum inside me, breed me sean. I need your load deep inside me. Please cum for me."

"FUCK, you're gonna get my load stud. Right fucking NOW. FUCK!!! UUUUUGGGGGHHHH. OMG. FUCK. AAAAAAAhhhhhhhhh"

"YEAH. Breed my hole man. Give me that load. FUCK yeah. I feel you cumming inside me Sean. I feel that massive cock pulsing inside my hole. OMG it feels so good. YEAH!!!"

sean collapsed on top of me, breathing fast. i could feel his hairy sweaty body squeeze me tight then go limp on top of me. we laid like this for a minute.

Sean raised his head, kissed me deeply for a few seconds "Fuck. I've been dreaming about that for weeks. you're so fucking SEXY. I needed that hole again."

"GAH. that is so great to hear Sean. I've been thinking about you too. I was afraid you'd ghosted me. One and done."

"ah yeah, sorry about that. as you might have guessed, I thought you might be great for the house, and I didn't wanna sway your decision about it all. i sensed we had a connection and i was afraid you might just decide ot join becasue of me, so it was best that I didn't become a variable in that decision."

"well now i have the best of both worlds." i leaned up and kissed sean deeply.

"haha yeah, well we'll see how you feel when you see me taking a few frat guys; one after the other"

"FUCK, thats so hot. I cant wait to see that!! I can't wait to rim that cummy hole when they're done."

"HAHAHAHA you're gonna fit in perfectly here stud." sean smiled and ruffled my bed head. "lets get in the shower and head down for some breakfast.

We showered together, making out and touching and fingering, and sean started to blow me, but stopped and told me he wanted me to wait to cum for later. UGH. that is not fair. I cum 3 times a day, this is torture. but i accepted it and we made out some more.

after we got dressed we headed down stairs to the kitchen, where Harry was making scrambled eggs and pancakes, I could smell the coffee before I saw it, and the kitchen table was half occupied with the sexiest assembly of college dudes I'd ever seen assembled. all wearing sweats and hoodies with bed head. It was like a fanstasy scene. Even more so because i was told last night that i'd be having sex with every one of them through out this month. Probably more than once. I felt my cock get hard just thinking about it!!

Sean and I got a plate of food and some coffee and sat down next to Victor.

"Morning Sean, Tim, how'd you boys sleep? or did you sleep?" Victor chided.

"haha we were exhausted and def slept well" sean answered with a big smile.

"I have to head over to Gamma Epsilon to relieve Jason at 11. But have to run to take an exam first. what are you boys upto today?" victor asked then took a mouthful of pancake.

"I have class this morning" sean answered.

"yeah me too. I gotta get back to my room to grab my backpack." I added.

we ate and chatted then sean walked me to the door and gave me a long deep kiss goodbye making me hard all over again. "don't JO today. I want you nice and horny later" Sean commanded as he slapped my ass and opened the door.

"hope you have a good day too, you sadist." I replied as i kissed him one last time.

As I walked back to my dorm, I thought about the night and the morning. I literally have never felt more happy or more comfortable anywhere in my life. I feel like I belong, and it was all very organic. There was no 'trying' to enjoy it, it just flowed and was fun. I'm not sure whats to come, but last night was definitely the best, most fun night i've ever had in my life.

I had class all day, and saw a few of the Sigma Beta brothers, and some of the candidates in class and along the paths. I had no idea these guys were even gay, let alone in a gay service organization. I've been right next to them the whole semester and had no idea at all. They all smiled and said hi as we walked past each other. it's like they...we...were hiding in plain sight. I got hard thinking about that. I am getting hard all day at every thought. UGH. I need to cum!!!

I got a group text from an unknown number:

"Hey guys, this is Harry. im group texting the candidates, so you each have each others numbers now. reply to the group with your name so we can all add you to our contacts. email me your schedules today so I can coordinate events for the next month. I'll endeavor to avoid class times, but you don't all have to be at every event. But i'll try for it. since it's friday I suspect none of you have class tonight. so i'm invitiing you to the house for your first evaluation. Make sure you're prepped for the evening. Have a great day."

Classes flew by, partly because i couldn't think about anything but the events of last night and the potential for tonight. and I was horny all day because sean told me not to cum, and i loved waiting for him as he instructed!

I showered and prepped for the night, there was no instruction on dresscode, but i wore khakis and a button down again, because it felt like a safe choice.and i def wanted my ass to look good now that i knew who i was impressing. I walked up to the door of the house but there was nobody at the door tonight so I rang the bell. Josh answered the door wearing khakis and a button down and a bow tie again. "Hey Tim. come in." he smiled and gave me a hug as I walked through the door. "Come on into the living room, we're just waiting for everyone to show up."

As I walked into the living room, I saw all of the mentors, Harry, and all of the candidates were there except Aaron, and some of the other brothers. they were all standing and chatting with each other, laughing and smiling. as I walked past people, they all smiled and said hi, I saw sean before he saw me, and i can't believe i had sex with this god of a man. He is so fucking gorgeous! when he turned his head in my direction and saw me, his face lit up with a smile, and he walked over to me and gave me a huge hug. "Hey handsome. So happy to see you. You look hot!" his hand traveled down to my ass and gave me a squeeze. "come over and meet jason." he ushered me over to Jason, whom I'd seen yesterday as the brothers introduced themselves around the table. He was one of the guys who mentioned his title was "power bottom" and i chuckled to myself as I remembered that.

"Hey Tim, Sean has been talking about you all day, I'm happy to finally meet you."

"I have not. I may have mentioend him, but I havent been talking about him all day!!" sean defended himself. Jason look at me and rolled his eyes and laughed.

"ALL DAY!" Jason exagerated. and we all laughed.

Sean side hugged me into his chest.

I noticed Aaron came into the room, so that means all the candidates returned today. I imagine everyone had as great a time as I did yesterday, and wanted more.

Harry called for everyone's attention.

"Hi guys, thanks for joining us, and welcome back to the candidates. throughout the day i've gotten a lot of comments about how much fun everyone had last night. and I'll echo those comments. It was a really great, fun night. Better than i could have hoped for our first get together. I hope you all have as much fun tonight. We have a few demonstrations set up in the basement. and we invite all the candidates to try each of the demonstration stations. remember from tonight forward you will be evaluated and scored on your participation and your skill in everything we do. Tonight is all about sex, because who doesnt love sex {The whole room cheered} but other nights this month will be about service such as bartending, waiting, cleaning up, table manners etc. so its not all going to be fun. but for tongiht, lets have FUN!"

Everyone cheered and Harry led us down to the basement. the basement was set up with beds and tables in "stations" there were 6 stations, but i'm not sure what they were for yet. Harry spoke up again.

"First, lets get naked, put your clothes on the table over there, then we're going to visit each station. There are 6 candidates, 6 mentors, and 6 stations. Each station has a brother leading the demo who has a particular expertise in the station topic. The stations are: {harry Pointed to each station as he spoke} A deep throat station, a sounding station, a fingering/fisting station, a restraint station, an impact play station where we'll use hands, paddles and floggers, and finally a cbt station. Remember you do not have to participate in any station you dont want to. you will be evaluated and scored at each station. later in the month we'll be revisiting these stations to evaluate progress, so tonight is a baseline. If you do not wish to participate in a station, the brother at that station will just discuss the topic with you. Anyone have any questions?"

Nobody asked any questions, and we all walked over to the table and got naked. Our mentors led us to a station, and we got started. My first station was the deep throat station.

"Hey Josh, Tim. I'm Luis. I'm a Junior and been with Sigma Beta since I was a freshman. " Luis is a super sexy Latino, with a short fade, and his body is perfectly sculpted from obvious hard gym work. his pecs, shoulders, biceps and thighs are huge and round, his abs have a tight 8pack, and a V line that leads to a monster cock hanging soft between his legs thats at least 8 inches soft with lots of foreskin hanging over the head. I can't imagine how big that thing gets when its hard, but my mouth is watering hoping i get to find out.

"I think they chose me for this station becasue i have the boggest cock in the house, its 10 inches when its hard. and also because i love to skull fuck guys. my favorite is to put them on their back with their head hanging over the edge and just fuck their throat relentlessly while thier throat juices spill out and run down their face."

My cock is throbbing and harder than its ever been listening to Luis.

"I asked for a bed for this station so we can practice that. We'll start out slow and work our way up. if you cant handle anything just let me know. since your throat might be occupied you can tap mine, or joshs leg 3 times to let us know you need a break. got it?"

"um yeah i guess. so you guys are just gonna fuck my throat?" i guess its obvious but i think im just nervous.

"kinda {Luis laughed} first i'm gonna use my fingers to test your gag reflex, and probably make out with you and talk you through breathing techniques so you can handle it - my goal is to get you to take it comfortably, and enjoy it not just fuck your throat. so first, lets make out and get you relaxed." Luis stepped forward and put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in for a kiss, as we made out, he gently pushed his tongue into my mouth and i happily sucked his tongue in deeper, Luis pushed further and i sucked deeper. He's a really great kisser and my cock was throbbing, and I could feel his cock swelling also. Luis broke the kiss "Damn, you're a great kisser." he praised.

"get down on your knees, and look up at me and open your mouth" Luis instructed

I dropped to my knees and looked up into his brown eyes and opened my mouth. Luis reached his hand to my lower lip "stick out your tongue handsome" Luis put his finger on my tongue and slid it back along my tongue i could feel his finger get closer to my throat, then he stopped and pulled it back to the tip of my tongue, and added another finger and slid it along my tongue again to the back then back to the tip of my tongue, then added another and repeated the motion adding a fourth finger before sliding them back on my tongue. My tongue was getting dry, and i felt like i needed to swallow, but his eyes were locked on mine "don't swallow sexy." he read my mind. then let a ball of spit drip down onto my tongue, and moved it around my tongue with his four fingers, sliding them from the tip of my tongue to the back not making me gag, but getting closer and closer to it, he left his fingers on the back of my tongue "close your mouth and suck my fingers and swallow handsome." Luis commanded

I did as I was told, sucking on his fingers, closing my eyes, and swallowing his saliva mixed with mine. then i looked back up at Luis who had a big smile. "You like that handsome?"

I tried to say "Yes Sir" but Luis' fingers were still resting at the back of my tongue, Luis began slowly pushing his fingers towards my throat, and I could feel that he was coming close to my gag relflex, which he must have sensed, becasue he stopped "relax your shoulders, take a slow deep breath with your belly, and let it out slowly." I did this and my gag reflex felt less intense, "breathe through your nose Tim, nice and slow, but keep breathing, nice and slow into your belly." luis talked me through my breathing and I could feel his fingers inching closer to the back of my throat, I wasn't sure if i was going to gag or not, it felt close, but listening to him, seemed to make it less intense. "keep breathing nice and slow into your belly handsome" Luis' fingers continued to move forward into my throat. then he stopped, and slowy withdrew his fingers to the middle of my tongue "OK stud, suck on my fingers and swallow and keep your lips closed loosly around my fingers" Luis gently pushed his finger past my lips and towards my throat til his knucles reached my lips then he spread his fingers wide, and spoke again "Kepp breathing through your nose into your belly, relax your shoulders relax your jaw, dont suck on my fingers, and slowly open your lips and open your mouth wide and look up at me" luis' fingers were still spread wide in my mouth and slowly going deeper "keep breathing through your nose nice and slow - into your belly." His fingers came together and slowly moved forward into my throat "Keep breathing in and out, nice and slow cutie." luis' fingers were in my throat now and i wasn't sure if i'd gag or not - but it was getting harder to breathe, then he slowly withdrew them "thats a good boy. Suck on my fingers and relax" his fingers were resting comfortably on my tongue, and he pulled them gently though my lips and out of my mouth.

"I had my whole hand in your mouth handsome. You're not gonna have any trouble with this. just remember to breathe and relax. take a sip of water, not too much, and we're gonna move on to Josh's cock."

I looked over at Josh and i could see his cock is rock hard and there is precum dripping and hanging from the tip. He iss obviously enjoying the show.

"ok, back on your knees. Josh, bring that monster over here, and lets rest it on Tim's tongue. you're gonna do exactly as I did with my fingers. go nice and slow and slide in and out as I instruct. got it?"

"I got it, i'll be gentle" Josh winked at me and we all laughed.

"OK Tim, remember to breathe. we're gonna start out keeping your mouth wide open, thats the hardest part when taking a cock deep. but you're gonna breathe through it. if you feel like you're gonna gag, focus on your breath and remember to relax your jaw and shoulders. If you need a break, just pull off Josh's cock, or tap him on the leg three times. ready?"

"yeah, lets go." I am nervous but excited. my cock is completely soft at this point, but i am excited for this...just a little nervous. Josh stepped up and put his cock on my tongue. I could taste his sweet precum. his cock is rock hard and its bouncing on my tongue as it throbs.

"Josh, slowly slide your cock in, tim take a nice slow deep breath into your belly, relax your shoulders, look up at Josh and watch his eyes." Josh winked at me and smiled as I felt his cock slowly slide towards my throat. i was breathing slowly as instructed and i could feel josh's hard cock getting closer and closer to my throat. my mouth is wide open and my tongue is out, Josh's cock is ramrod straight, and lifts off my tongue and touches the roof of the back of my throat, and i get a sudden urge to gag, so i pulled back a little, josh pulled back a little and Luis laughed. you guys are fine. Tim, relax your shoulders, relax your jaw. breathe in through your mouth, josh slide out and slowly slide back in again. Tim, if you feel the cock touching your gag reflex, instead of pulling back, remember to relax your shoulders and breathe nice and slow into your belly."

Josh slid his hard cock along my tongue again, slowly creeping towards the back of my throat, as I fel it get closer i heard Luis at my ear, whispering, nice slow breath into your belly and hold it for a second then slowly release the breath, relax your shoulders, relax your jaw" Luis kept saying it over and over calmly into my ear, as I felt Josh's cock enter my throat. I got a sense that i might gag, but josh kept sliding forward and i could feel him enter my throat and still hear Luis whispering in my ear. then i hear luis say "close your lips around his cock. Josh slide out slowly, and lets do that again."

Josh slid in and out of my throat for about 5 mins nice and slow and I was breathing and relaxing and feeling confident in controlling my gag reflex then Josh said "OK Josh, lets pick up the pace, im not going to tell you when to slide in and out, start slow and pick up the speed and go deep and pull out and go back deep again. Tim, tap josh's leg if you need him to take a break, but remember to breathe through it and relax your shoulders and jaw. lets go."

Luis began whispering in my ear again "take a nice slow breath in your nose into your belly and hold it then breathe out slowly, relax your shoulders, relax your jaw." it became a mantra and i was ultra focused on my breathing. I could feel Josh pick up the pace and he was fucking my throat at a pretty fast pace, when he suddenly pulled out and broke the trance. he pulled a wad of spit out with him, and it drooled down my chin.

"FUCK. I almost came. OMG that felt so amazing." Josh was practically panting.

Luis laughed. "Ok buddy, take a break, we're not ready for you to cum yet. Now its my turn."

OH NO! Luis is huge. I'm not sure I can take that monster!!!

Luis stepped in front of me, his uncut cock semi hard, but it was thick and long even when it wasnt fully hard. he placed the head of his cock on my tongue and i could feel the head was covering my whole tongue. I could taste his precum and smell his manly musk, i instinctually closed my eyes and moaned.

Luis snapped his fingers "hey stud, focus." and he laughed "im gonna take my time and go as deep as you can handle. you need to remind yourself to breathe into your stomach and relax your shoulders and jaw. you ready stud?"

"uh huh" I couldnt say much with that slab of meat on my tongue.

Luis slid his cock along my tongue and it touched the back of my throat quickly. I heard Luis guiding me "slow breath into your belly, relax your shoulders, relax your jaw, nice slow breath out"

Luis, pulled his cock back, then slid forward again still coaxing me through my breathing, I could feel the head of his cock touch my throat and go further than Josh was able to. Still hearing Luis guide my breathing, I was able to control my gag reflex, i felt Luis slide back out and i took a breath nice and slow, then felt luis slide in even deeper this time, reminding me to relax, I wasnt able to get a breath in and i panicked, and tapped him on his leg and he slid his cock out to the head. "you're doing great stud. when its deeper, you cant get a breathe, take a breathe before that point and hold it and focus on relaxing your shoulders and your jaw. ready? take a breath in nice and slow and hold it, relax your shoulders, relax your jaw" i felt Luis' massive cock slide into my throat as I took a breath, and i focused on relaxing as I felt him slide in deeper. I could see his belly getting closer to my lips and his pubes were tickling my nose, then he pulled his cock back out and i took a heaving breath

"nice and slow handsome, take a few nice slow breaths, thats right, relax your shoulders, take a breath into your belly." and I felt Luis slide back into my throat and saw him approach my lips and felt his pubes on my nose, then i felt his full bush on my nose and his belly touched my nose, then he withdrew his cock and I took a relaxed breath into my belly.

"Fuck. You did it Tim. You swallowed that whole monster cock." Josh yelled. a few guys around the room clapped and cheered. Luis cradled my cheek with his hand and looked into my eyes. "you're a natural sexy. we're gonna do that again a few more times." Luis prasied me and I felt like a king. And my cock was rock hard and dribbling precum on the floor.

Luis slid his cock into my throat and held it deep for a few beats, then slid out then slid back in and out and in and out slowly, then started picking up the pace, til he was fucking my throat and there was throat juices flowing down my chin, and I could hear Luis' breathing quicken.

"Fuck. you could make me cum stud. But I have 5 other guys who need to practice. But i'm gonna be looking for you at the end of the night! And we're gonna be getting you on your back on that bed for sure." Luis praised my deep throat skills.

Harry rang his dinner bell "OK guys lets rotate to the next station."

My next station is restraints.

Next: Chapter 4

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