Sigma Beta

By ap

Published on May 13, 2022




This is a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years of age. This story explicitly details sex between males. If it is illegal for you to read this where you are, please stop now and exit this site.

I reserve all rights to this work.

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All feedback is welcome. Let me know if you have ideas about character direction. This is a bit wordy, and many more chapters to cum.


The Initiation

Harry spoke up again: "OK guys, now that we've answered all your questions, it's time to start the initiation. We're going to take a quick break so everyone can get refreshed, if anyone would like to leave, this will be a good way to do so discretely. When we return to the table, it will just be the candidates with their mentor. The rest of the brothers are dismissed for the rest of the evening. We will go over and sign the non-disclosure agreements, and we will begin the intitiation with getting a headshot for our Look Book, then everyone will get naked and we will start evaluating your skills. Lets take a break and come back in 15 mins."

we all got up and got drinks, and used the bathroom, and generally chatted. I didn't see anyone leaving. the mood was upbeat and excited. The dinner bell rang again and we sat down. Harry read the non disclosure agreement to us and asked for questions, then we all signed it, then signed a form confirming we're on Prep and noting the last time we were tested for STI's, then they were collected by the secretary. then Harry invited us to move to the living room.

Harry had us all sit on the couches, and he stood in front of the fireplace.

"OK guys, the first thing you'll find out is there is no room for modesty in this house. We're all going to stand up, have your picture taken from your shoulders up, then you're going to get naked, along with your mentor please let us know if we have your consent to touch you, which you can recind at any time, then have a seat. I'll go first: You all have my consent to touch me tonight."

Harry took all his clothes off, and folded them all neatly, and placed them on a table set to the side that was long enough for us all to put our clothes. GAH he is so fucking HOT!! his ass is super hairy with blonde hair and his chest hair is a little darker brown, and he has a beautifully defined chest, shoulders, biceps, thighs, and a 6 pack with deep v grooves that i notice look super hot going down into his Diesel briefs. The brothers hooted and hollered and whistled to which Harry, bowed and sat down.

Josh grabbed my hand and led me to the fireplace. UGH why do we have to be the first?

"OK handsome give me a big smile" Josh joked as he pointed his iphone at me to take my picture.

"Tim, do I have your permission to help you get naked?" Josh asked me seriously.

"yeah" I said enthusiatically.

Harry Interupted: "Tim, Please let us know that we all have consent to touch you tonight and Josh remember to add your consent as well."

"oh sorry, yeah, you all have my consent to touch me, and yeah Josh please get me naked" I must have said that last part a little too enthusiastically because everyone laughed.

"Hell yeah! and you guys all have my consent to touch me tonight too. Can I kiss you first Tim. You're so fucking sexy I've wanted to kiss you the whole night" Josh asked, staring into my eyes.

FUCK! I'm gonna love this Frat!

I kissed Josh and he pulled me in close and buried his tongue deep in my mouth while he ran his hands up and down my back to my hair, then to my ass, he grabbed a handful of my bubble butt which made me moan out loud. When Josh broke the kiss, I realized the whole room was hooting and hollaring at us. Josh kissed me again quickly on the lips then got down on his knees and rubbed his hand along my hard cock still trapped inside my khaki's and making a huge wet mark on the tan khaki's. Josh undid my belt, unbottoned my pants, and slowly pulled the pants down leaving my underwear in place while he looked up into my eyes. GAH this is so HOT!

The room was completely silent. Josh pulled one leg then the other down over my feet as I lifted them up. He folded the pants, got up and put them on the table while I stood still, I could see his pants were tented also. Josh came back and wrapped his arms around me from the back and I could feel his hard cock pressing against my ass as he kissed my neck which made my cock throb and more precum leak out. Josh then unbuttoned my shirt from the back, and removed it, folded it and put it on the table, then came back to kneel at my feet and reached up to pull my Blue striped Calvin Klein Boxer briefs down over my swollen cock. he let them hang under my balls and still over my bubble butt as my cock sprang straight out. Josh licked the precum off the head of my cock, then opened wide and swallowed my 8" uncut cock down to the balls in one motion. The whole room exploded in cheers. I thought i was gonna cum immediately. josh kept my cock in his throat for almost a full minute until the cheering died down then came up and used his tongue to tease my cock the whole way up and back down a few times, getting me super close to cumming. OMG he's gonna make me cum in front of everyone. FUCK!!

Then Josh pulled off my cock making me moan out loud, he pulled my underwear down to my feet, and had to ask me to step out of them since my head was spinning from the BJ he just gave me and left me hanging. Josh put my underwear with the rest of my clothes, then undressed himself, folded his clothes, grabbed my hand, kissed me deep then announced to the group:

"I'm the reigning champ at Gag-the-Fag by the way" and he led us back to the couch. The room erupted in cheers.

Sean got up next with his candidate and they put on a similar show but Sean seemed to enjoy rimming and showed off that skill, then each couple followed undressing each other. Nobody seemed too shy.

when we were all naked Harry stood back up, this time sporting an impressive probably 7" veiny and thick hard cock.

"You're all so fucking HOT guys. we're gonna play a game now. Remember you don't have to participate in anything you don't want to if you want to stop at anytime, just let us know we'll stop immediately. I'll let you know now that we won't be dont anything anal tonight since you weren't aware this would be happening and may not have prepared, so no worry with that."

One of the candidates i think his name is Robert yelled out "i'm good if you want to tonight" and everyone laughed, then another candidate said "i'm good too", so i volunteered I am also, then the other three almost in unison said "I am also" and we all laughed.

"you guys are too much. OK sounds like you're all prepared to bottom tonight, so we won't disappoint you. So what i was gonna say was: we're each going to blow all the other guys in the room for 1 minute, so you're on your knees for 11 minutes, one minute for each of us. I'll keep time, when i say next, the next guy steps up without delay. who wants to volunteer to go first?"

We all raised our hands at the same time then laughed. These guys are fun.

"OK, you're all horn dogs haha. we're gonna go in alphabetical order of your first name, and since you're all so enthusiastic, thats the order we'll keep all night. Aaron, you're first."

Aaron got on his knees and josh put us in a line based on our first name. Bobby stepped up and aaron went down on his cock, giving him a long slow BJ, sliding up and down his cock, nice and slow i could hear bobby moaning. behind me I felt Victor rub my ass with his hand, and lean forward and kiss my neck, I saw some of the other brothers doing simlar with the guy in front of them, or reaching back behind them to stroke a cock or rub the balls of the guy behind them. suddenly Harry said "next" and bobby cried out "already?" but Carlos, he is one of the brothers, guided Bobby away and towards the back of the line while we all laughed then went back to fooling around with the guy in front or behind us when Bobby got back to the front of the line Harry spoke up again:

"OK, bobby you're up, or down...on your knees" and we all cheered and went back to fooling around with the guys around us, By the time it was my turn on my knees the line had devolved into a loose crowd with everyone playing with everyone else, sucking each other, making out, rimming, fingering, touching and whatever else, but we all knew when it was our turn so when it was my turn, I got on my knees and Victor stepped up in front of me, Victor has a thick uncut cock about 7" with a big bush and hairy legs. He's so fucking hot. Before he let me take his cock in my mouth he said "you have a gag reflex cutie?" I replied that its pretty deep. So victor asked "you ok if I fuck your throat?" I smiled so big. I was so horned up from this whole scene I definitely wanted him to fuck my throat. "hells yeah. Go for it stud" I begged.

Victor stepped up "Open your mouth and stick out your tongue" I did as commanded. My cock got harder than it was already if thats possible and I felt precum leak down the shaft as I opened up and stuck my tongue out. "Look up at me" he commanded. I did as told with my tongue still out. Victor let spit drip out of his mouth and onto my tongue. "you like that slut?" Victor is a dom for sure. "Yes Sir I said as i swallowed his spit. then opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out again. Victor put his hands on the sides of my head and slowly pushed his hard cock along my tongue to the back of my throat and let it rest in my throat for a few second, i wasnt sure if he was going to keep it there until Harry called time. Then he pulled it back out and quickly grabbed my head with his hands and started fucking my throat. it felt like a millisecond later Harry yelled "Next" and Aaron stepped up "you like it rough like that man?" he asked me. "sure however you want buddy." Aaron grabbed my head and began skull fucking me making me gag on his 8" uncut cock. he wasnt super thick but i definitely felt him pushing into my throat and i quickly had spit drooling down my chin onto the floor, while Aaron fucked in and out of my throat until I heard Harry yell "next"

Bobby stepped up, grabbed my head and continued the assault on my throat pushing in deep then pulling all the way back then deep into my throat again making me gag. I could feel the tears running down my cheeks, and I'd never been happier, this night is fucking amazing. When I heard Harry yell NEXT, I stood up, Sean was there to help me and he pulled me into a deep kiss and ran his hands all over my body, and grabbed my ass and teased my hole with a finger. "you're so hot Dude. that was fucking hot to watch. GAH, I want you so much right now." I was beaming with that praise, coming from the object of my JO fantasies since my first week at college. when i got to the back of the line, Harry called out Victors name, and he got down on his knees and Aaron stepped up to fuck his throat. Nobody was taking it easy any more, and everyone was having a great time.

when everyone had a turn on their knees, Harry stepped up and told Aaron that he could fuck him, and produced a bottle of lube. Aaron took no time at all to lube himself up and slide into Harry's bubble butt. Aaron moaned out loud feeling Harry's hole and started fucking him at a good clip until Harry Yelled out "NEXT" then Bobby stepped up and slid inside and started fucking Harry til he yelled out "next" and everyone took a turn fucking Harry, then it was Aaron's turn and so on down the line.

When it was my turn Victor stepped up and grabbed the bottle of lube, but before he pumped any out. He spit on my hole and slid a finger inside making we moan out load. "get on your back slut" he commanded. I did as I was told. I definitely responded to Victor's dominance. I loved it. Victor lifter my ass up and spit on my hole again twice, fingering me each time then spit into his hand and lubed his cock, then gently pushed into my hole, causing me to moan out loud "FUUUUUCK" Victor asked "you ok Boy?" "I'm so great Sir, please dont stop" "Thats my good boy" victor replied and started fucking me slowly at first then as I relaxed he started pounding away at my ass, until I heard "NEXT" waaaaaay yoo soon!!! Aaron stepped up and victor took his hard cock into his mouth and got it nice and wet, then spit on my hole and told Aaron to go slow, once he was in it was obvious i was loving it, and Victor told him to pound my ass. Victor stayed by my side and lubed every cock with his throat before they slid inside me and pounded away at my hole. I had precum running off my belly by the time i was done with the line of hot college studs pounding away at my ass. Sean seemed to have adopted me and was making out with me again as soon as I got done being pounded, then he knelt to lick the precum off my belly then went down to suck my cock until i had to stop him cause I thought I might cum and i didn't want to be the first one. I was so close to cumming by the time it was my turn to top Victor, that i didnt want to slide in his hole. Victor sensed my hesitancy "you not into topping stud?" he asked.

"No, its not that - i want to fuck you so bad, but i'm so close to cumming and I dont want to be the first one to cum and ruin this. its all so hot." I confessed.

"FUCK! that is HOT! you are going to fuck me. And you are not allowed to cum. do you understnad boy?" Victor taunted me, making me even closer to cumming.

"fuck my ass boy. pound my hole. NOW!" Vicotr commanded, I slid my cock in his hole and i was so afraid i'd shoot my load. "Pound my hole stud. and don't you dare cum. DO NOT cum without my permission do you understand boy?" Victor was dominateing me even while i was fucking his ass. I did as I was told pounding away at his ass, feeling my balls slap against his taint and hearing our hips slam together.

"if you cum, you wont only be the first to cum, you'll also be the first one to get his ass spanked as punishment for cumming without permission. You want that cute little ass of yours spanked til its Red boy?" Victor was totally fucking with my head, and he was getting me closer to cumming not helping at all.

"don't you dare cum boy, i'll have you bent over the table and we'll each take turns spanking that ass." victor was saying, just as Harry yelled "Next"

I practically yelled "Oh thank god." as I withdrew my leaking cock before I shot my load. Victor laughed "you're fun Kid. You're gonna do well here." then Aaron stepped up and slid into Victors Hole and started pounding away.

once we all had a turn bottoming, Harry focused our attention, which was hard to do since we were all super charged and everyone was now laying on the floor fucking and sucking each other, in pairs or groups. We all finally looked up to Harry: "OK guys. this is our last activity tonight. I want you to pair up with your mentor, and you're going to make him cum, then he's gonna let you cum. you guys get to choose how that happens. there's no time limit, and once you're done, feel free to relax, then head down to the basement to take a shower and come back up here to get dressed and have a seat on the couch. Have fun guys."

Josh came to find me and he kissed me deep "I want you to fuck me while I jerk off Tim."

"thats super hot Josh but I'm so close i'm not sure I can hold back, can i just blow you so i don't shoot too soon?" i begged

"No way. I'm super close too handsome. please fuck me and cum whenever you want. I'll JO and cum really quick trust me. I think everyone in the room will last like 3 seconds. we're all super close." Josh soothed.

"ok Sir. whatever you want" why did I call him Sir? ugh.

"Hot." Josh pulled me down on top of him on the floor and I slid into his hole and started pounding away while we made out. Josh never got a chance to Jerk off at all, he started cumming just from our bellies rubbing together while i stroked my dick in and out of his hole. When i felt his ass contracting around me as he came, I quickly started cumming also and pushed deep into his hole making josh moan into our kiss and he pushed his tongue deep into my throat which I love so i started sucking on his tongue while i shot my load into his hole.

As we came down from our orgasm, and continued making out more tenderly and hugged each other tight we naturally rolled over and my semi hard cock slid out of his hole causing him to gasp and we both chuckled a bit and kissed some more then I became aware of the stillness in the room, it seems everyone popped their load and was making out and cuddling also.

Josh rolled onto his back and pulled my head into his chest as we both sighed deeply and I relaxed on his chest.

"you have fun handsome?" Josh asked me tenderly while he played with my hair.

"OMG this is the most fun I've ever had in my life!" I replied excitedly.

"thats awesome. I think you're a natural fit. It's too early to tell for sure, but I think you'll be a great addition to the house." we laid there for a few mins as a few of the guys walked out to the showers, then Josh asked me "ready to get cleaned up?"

"yeah. but is there more gonna happen down there?" I asked, wondering if I needed to mentally prepare for more.

"haha no. this isnt a hazing. i imagine everyone is as exhausted as we are. we're just gonna shower and then I'm sure Harry will want to check in before we finish for the night. I imagine everyone will wanna hang out a little afterwards to get some food and drinks, then we'll all go back to our rooms and dorms and get some sleep."

And thats exactly what happened. we took showers in a communal shower room which was off the gym in the basement. we all fit very comfortably and we coulda fit everyone in the house I think. there was some fooling around, but it did seem like everyone was pretty exhausted. then we went back up to the living room, got dressed, and Harry invited us to eat and drink from a fresh buffett and we just stood around chatting.

Sean found me quickly as i was chewing on a turkey sandwich and holding my plate and a drink while chatting with Aaron.

"Hey guys. Uh Tim, do you want to stay tonight? like sleep over with me?" sean asked kind of awkwardly.

I practically choked on the sandwich and had to finish chewing in order to answer. Aaron had a huge smile on his face staring at me while i tried not to die as I chewed.

"um Yeah i'd really like that. is that part of the initiation?" i was confused. Josh told me we were done.

"no. I just really like you and i want to cuddle and make out with you and chat some more." Sean seemed more shy than i remember him being.

"Is that allowed?" i asked

Sean looked confused "yeah why wouldnt it be?"

"Oh i just figured cause im a candidate and all, and we might be brothers in a month that maybe its against the rules." it seemed a conflict of interest.

"you can confirm it with Harry if you want, but theres no rules like that. you don't have to stay and it wont count against you if you choose to stay or if you go. so whatever your comfortable with Tim." Sean seemed dejected.

"no. I mean yes, I want to stay with you. please. if its ok, yeah I want you!! I mean i want to stay." Aaron nearly spit out his soda when i said that.

"awesome. lets go find Harry so we can calm your concern." Sean went for my hand, but they were both occupied. Aaron came to the rescue. "I'll hold your plate for you."

Sean found Harry "Harry, is it OK if Tim stays with me tonight and we have sex?"

Harry rolled his eyes at Sean. "Sean, why are you asking me this?"

"because Tim thinks its wrong and he needs you to give us permission" Sean said sarcastically.

Harry addressed the crowd "Guys, one more thing. There are no rules against having sex with anyone in this house, you're allowed to do anything you both or the group or whatever consent to. You're allowed to have a bf, or girlfriend, and you can have sex or date anyone in or out of this house."

Harry looked back to me: "that cover it?"

"yes Sir. Thanks." I bowed my head.

Harry lifted my chin "you did the right thing, consent is important. you have it, go have fun"

With that sean grabbed my hand and led me to the stairs.

Next: Chapter 3

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