Sigma Beta

By ap

Published on May 13, 2022




This is a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years of age. This story explicitly details sex between males. If it is illegal for you to read this where you are, please stop now and exit this site.

I reserve all rights to this work.

Thanks to Nifty for years of pleasure reading. Please donate to them to keep them up and running:

All feedback is welcome. Let me know if you have ideas about character direction. This is a bit wordy, and many more chapters to cum.

NOTE: Theres no sex in this chapter - It's all prep for the story. If you're looking for sex, go to chapter 2.


I was laying in bed scrolling through Grindr when i heard a note slide under my dorm room door. I didn't rush to get up - I assumed the TA was instituting new rules. So when i did get up to read the note I wished I'd hurried to see who left it:

You are invited to rush

The Sigma Beta House.

Oct 13th 8pm.

Dress to Impress.

Do not be late.

Hmmmm. I've never heard of the Sigma Beta fraternity, but I'm a freshman so i don't know all the greek houses. I didn't really plan to participate in greek life but i have been noticing that most of the parties are at the frats. and the guys are definitley great eye candy. I missed all the rush events, and most houses are in their final weeks of choosing. Maybe thats why this Frat waited, so they'd get the cast offs from the other frats. Is that a red flag?

When my roomate got back from class I asked him if he'd ever heard of Sigma Beta, He didn't either. He's kinda nerdy and not into greek life at all, so i wasn't surpised. Maybe i'll just go and see what its all about.

I didn't bring many impressive clothes to school. I figured I'd be wearing sweats and hoodies most of the time. But I did bring some khaki's and button downs, so I chose a pair of tan khaki's that make my ass and bulge look impressive. haha. Im sure that's not what they're looking for but i look preppy and my bubble butt is definitely visible in these khaki's. Just have to make sure i don't get hard looking at the other frat bro's cause my bulge is visible too.

As I walk up to the address on the invitiation, I'm immediately conscious of the quiet around the house. It's a nice house, front porch, pretty old and really nicely kept with a nice lawn and hedges and lights and stuff. but there's only one person on the porch, not like other frat's i've been to. the guy at the door is prob 18-19 years old, wearing tuxedo pants and shirt, with a bow tie. as I approach the steps, he welcomed me "good evening Sir welcome to the Sigma Beta house did you receive an invitation?"

"yeah" I replied as I handed him the invitation.

"one moment Sir." the door man opened the door and spoke to someone inside, who walked away, I only waited about 30 seconds before the most handsome guy I'd ever seen in my life walked out the door with a huge smile and his hand extended.

"Hi Tim, I'm Josh. Welcome to Sigma Beta. Come on in and lets get you a drink." As quickly as he shook my hand, he guided me into the door with his other arm around my shoulder and continued to talk.

"Sigma Beta is a service fraternity. Not many people know about us, because we keep a pretty low profile. We invite members based on recomendations rather than have an open call for rush. You were recommended by an acquaintance of yours who is a brother here." Josh walked me over to a buffet table that looked like it was set for a wedding not a frat rush event. as I walked through the hallway and into the dining room I saw other groups of incredibly sexy guys talking and most appeared that they were a frat brother talking to a new applicant like Josh was talking to me. This was not a normal rush event for sure. there was soft Lofi beats playing, the brothers were all dressed in khakis and button downs like me - all were wearing a bow tie. It appeared that the bow tie was a frat requirement, and it was easy to see who was a frat brother and who was an applicant. Josh continued chatting with an easy smile.

"He mentioned that you enjoy service and are a good student and he also mentioned how handsome you are." Josh smiled bigger as he said that. Josh seemed to be flirting.

"Who recommended me?" I was curious why whomever it was wouldn't mention it to me.

"Sean recommended you." Josh responded.

Sean? I'm not sure I know anyone named Sean. I wonder if he was in one of my classes. Josh continued talking but I was wracking my brain to figure out who Sean was. Then across the room I saw him. It had to be him, it was an upper classman that i met on grindr my first week at school who i hooked up with, then he ghosted me. He is so hot, very fit, beautiful wavy blond hair that he constantly has to push out of his crystal blue eyes. He was such a hot hookup. I wanted to get together with him again so much, but he never responded to me again, so I figured he didn't enjoy our hookup, although it was so intense and we laughed and made out and he pounded two loads into me and we hung out cuddling and talking for like an hour afterwards. then nothing.

Now I'm completely baffled why i'm here.

Josh was saying: Do you have any questions before the presentation starts?

Ugh Im not even sure what he said. Great impression.

"Josh, honestly I'm not sure if i know who sean is, and I'm not sure why he would recommend me, and i'm kinda overwhelmed by all this, and not sure exactly what you've said so far" I confessed, turned beat red and started sweating.

Josh laughed outload and leaned over to put his arm around my shoulder and pull me in.

"you're cute. I like you. honesty is the best policy for sure. I have a good feeling about you." Josh side hugged me into his chest for an extended beat. When he let go he chuckled again:

"So sean is right over there." Josh pointed to the guy i hooked up with.

"Sean interviewed you a few weeks ago and had very high praise for you."

"he interviewed me?" I blushed even more now. what the fuck was going on?

"Yeah, we do all our interviews through grindr. Maybe you didnt hear my explanation earlier, so let me start again. Sigma Beta is a gay service organization. we serve the other frats. They pay us to provide entertainment for their parties and events. So all of our members live in this house for free and get free meals and also get a lot of hot frat action."

"Holy shit. Are you serious? this is like a brothel for gay guys?" i practically yelled it as the realization hit me now that i knew what Josh was telling me.

Josh immediately got defensive and turened to face me with a very serious face "its not a brothel Tim. and if you're not interested in hearing more, nobody is holding you here against your will. you're welcome to stay or you're welcome to leave, its your choice. At any time. Now or in the future."

I did notice a couple guys walking out of the door through out our discussion but only two. there were still 6 or 8 guys in the house.

"no, sorry, i'm just catching up and it surprised me. So sean hooked up with me to like test drive me for this fraternity?" I asked Josh more pointedly.

"haha thats an interesting way to put it but I guess its facts. here's the thing, we dont advertise ourselves, and we're all gay and use the hookup apps anyway, so he wasnt specifically targeting you to be a member, he was interested in hooking up with you, but we all also keep an eye out for potential members. We have 6 guys from each year living in the house - so 24 guys in the house at a time. we are looking for 6 freshmen, and you're one of the candidates. Sean had high praise for you and he's already told us that if you choose not to join that he plans to contact you personally again."

"seriously? he said that?" damn i was right - we did have a connection. fuck!

"yeah for real. do you want us to walk over there to talk wiht him?" josh offered.

"NO. NO. I dont want to talk with him." I started sweating again.

"haha OK, bud no stress - we wont go over there. Sean's a great guy, you'll meet him more either way I guess." as Josh said that, a dinner bell rang.

"Lets go sit in the dining room. the presentation is about to start" Josh ushered me into a beautiful dining room with the longest antique dining room table I've ever seen. It wasnt set for dinner, it had a folder and pen and water glass at eat seat, more like a conference then a meal.

another super hot guy was standing at the head of the table watching everyone walk in and smiling and saying hello. Everyone was smiling and happy. nobody seemed to be fazed by the fact that we were in a house of hookers for frat guys.

"Welcome everyone. I'm Harry, the president of Sigma Beta. I hope you've all gotten an introduction to our mission from your host already. Membership to this house is completely voluntary and you are free to leave tonight or at anytime. We respect the rules of consent and require all of our member organizations to abide by the rules of consent as well. As you may have already been told, our member organizations are made up of many of the Greek Fraternity organizations on campus as well as 2 sororities. Our membership is made up of gay, bi, and pansexuals who have a desire to serve their fellow man." everyone around the table laughed at this.

"the point of tonight is to introduce you to the house, the brothers and the lifestyle and mission of the house. We are not an official fraternity, we are not sanctioned by any greek organization and not registered with the university. We abide by all the rules of the university but we are a shadow organization. As you may have heard we are funded by the member organizations, and in return we provide entertainment for them. I will detail those activities in a few minutes. In the mean time, i'd like to go around the table and have everyone introduce themselves. If you are a brother, please stand and explain your rank and title within the house, If you are a candidate, please tell us your name and what state you are from. Josh, can you please start for us?"

For the next half hour or so we heard from each of the brothers and the candidates. the vibe was super mellow and fun, and everyone quickly relaxed and we laughed at some jokes the brothers made mostly at their own expense. Some of the brothers introduced themselves as Vice president or secretary but some of the brothers who didn't have official titles said their rank was like "power bottom" or "league of legends champion" and everyone laughed at those.

When everyone finished, Harry stood up again, raised his glass and said "to old friends and to new friends, may we live in peace and happiness" and everyone raised their glass and said "here here" and stuff like that.

"ok guys, lets go on a tour. the house is big, but not big enough for us all to see the same stuff at the same time, so lets split up." Harry called out some of the brothers and had them head up to the third floor, others to the second floor, others to the first floor and the rest to the basement. when you're done with your floor work your way up and the third floor goes down to the basement. Lets take the next hour or so for the tour. I'll ring the bell at the 15 minute mark so you can keep moving."

We all got up and I followed Josh to the third floor. The third floor was where the freshmen and sophomores lived except for the front two bedrooms which had fireplaces and balconies on the front of the house which were the treasurer and Secreatry rooms. similarly on the second floor except the Presidnet and VP rooms were there - and the rooms were for Juniors and seniors the first floor where we entered was several very large well appointed rooms: Living room, library, dining room, huge kitchen with another big dining table, and a large game room across the back of the house with huge sliding glass doors looking out over the back yard which had a pool and cabana and a large yard behind it. The basement was mostly wide open and had a full gym in one end with lots of mirrors, a pool table, dart board, foose ball and a bar, and a few doors that we werent shown what was behind them. mostly it looked like a suburban rec room on steroids. The house over all was amazing. Getting to live here for free would be great!!

Once we were all back in the dining room there was a lot more buzz and conversation and all the candidates were excited about the house and not having to share a room with a roomate in a dorm, and having a pool etc. Harry spoke up again and quieted the group:

"So you've all gotten to see what we have to offer you here, and I'll repeat one more time that it is all free to you, there is no cost to live, eat or drink here. You are always free to leave, you have no contract to stay here, and on our side, we have no obligation to keep you here. You will officially be offered a month to month lease for the room you will occupy, so if there is any reason you are asked to leave you'll have til the end of the month to find a new place. This has not been an issue for anyone in my time in the house, although I have heard of brothers being asked to leave due to poor grades, so it's worth noting. Members who choose to leave usually do so because they transfer schools, or get involved in a monogamous relationship. Now let me go into detail what your obligations will be as a full member of the house as well as the vetting process to move from a candidate to a full member."

Ah here's the catch, what do you have to do in order to enjoy all these perks. can't wait to hear this.

"First let me explain what service our house provides. We are regularly contacted by the member organization; in other words the fraternities and sororities, to provide entertainment or service to their organizations. This can be in the form of wait staff, bartenders, bar backs, cleaning services, door staff, or whatever is needed at their parties, so their members can enjoy the party without chores and cleanup. We are also often called upon to entertain alumni when they visit. Many alumni enjoy having sex with the young frat brothers, and while that may have been a requirement in the past most frat brothers don't want to do that anymore, so we pose as a frat brother and have sex with the alumni when requested. This happens more often than you'd think. We also participate in several 'gag the fag' events at frat houses. These are not required of any individual, some of our members enjoy these events and others can't handle it - and you are never required to do anything you don't feel comfortable with, but if that is an interest of yours, you'll have more fun than you can imagine."

Everyone around the table chuckled at that.

"There are also some events that the frats ask us to participate in, where we are spanked repeatedly by the frat brothers. They love their paddles {more laughter} and they dont have willing participants after rush so they call on us for entertainment. Again, some of our members particularly love these events, and you're never obligated to participate. We have 2 frats that have contracted us to provide someone to stay in their houses at all times to be available for their brothers when they're horny and cant find someone to hookup with or just want to cuddle. This is often busiest Thursday afternoon through Sunday morning so we staff 2 guys on those days. some shifts you can get all your home work done with few or no interuptions, and some you're busy the whole time. Almost everyone staffs these since there are so many time slots. For the sororities, we provide the same party staff as we do for the frats, like bartenders and wait staff etc. but we are sometimes called upon to act as a date for one of the sisters when she needs a date to a dance, or dinner, or some are lesbians who aren't out to their parents, and want a stand-in boy friend for their visits.

Overall, the assignments are easy, and some we get personally tipped for like party events, bartending and waiting events etc, we pool all our tips so we all have pocket money, and so nobody fights over bartending vs cleaning up. Overall, we look out for each other and share the load when we're at an event. And we expect any new members to embrace that also. we all pull the weight and help each other. Does anyone have any questions or would like to leave before i continue?"

Nobody got up to leave, and nobody asked any questions.

"OK, so let me explain some health and academic items. We have a house doctor who visits every Monday morning, and is available for house calls, or walk-in service anytime we need his help. He is a former member of the house, and has a medical practice in town. So, he is fully aware of what we do, and you can feel comfortable talking to him about any medical issues or concerns as well as any emotional or mental health issues. He does not share any health issues with any other members, but we do ask him to assure that all our members get regular STI testing, typically once per week, or more often if necessary. We do require all our members to be on some form of PreP. In order to be a member it is a requirement, so if thats an issue for you, you won't be able to continue. All members of the house are also required to share their grades with us all. You are required to maintain at least a B in every class. This is not a GPA. Every class must be at least a B. If you receive less than a B, you will be provided a tutor for the subject and will be required to get a letter from your professor every single week stating that you are on target for a B for the next semester, If a week goes by that you do not get this assurance, you are taken off the schedule until you can bring the grades up, if you receive less than a B in the same class for more than 2 semesters in a row, you will be asked to leave the house. This is not negotiable. Your primary focus is academics. Any questions before I go on to explain the Entrance process?"

nobody had any questions.

"You've all been vetted by at least one of our members, some of you more than one {laughter and awkward chuckling from some} the reason we do this is to see how comfortable you are with your sexua lity and whether you're able to bottom, as well as top and to assess your oral abilities, as well as your social skills. All of you have surpassed our minimum expectations. It's important that we have members that are social, and well spoken, as well as talented sexual partners. As i've said we provide sexual service so its important that our member organization members enjoy the service we provide, and important that you have the stamina to have sex continuously through an event. Honestly its a lot of fun, it doesnt feel like work, and if it does feel like work for you, you should let us know, because it may not be the right fit for you, and we don't want anyone feeling like they have to endure something they aren't enjoying. remember you're not obligated to stay here and are free to leave at any time. If you decide to continue with us, you will go through a one month initiation process. You will sign a non-disclosure-statement agreeing to not divulge the names of any member nor any member organization. During that month, you will be invited to live in the house as a guest, you can be asked to leave at any moment so do not give up your dorm housing. during this month you will be serving the members of this house as we expect you will serve our member organizations. so you can expect to act as a waiter, bartender, door person, clean up, provide sexual services to the brothers, sometimes one on one, sometimes for a full shift. your gag reflex will be tested, your ability to withstand spankings, CBT, sounding, fisting, drinking piss, swallowing spit, being restrained and some other activities I might be forgetting. Towards the end of the month you will be joining our members on their assignments at our member organizations and performing the assigned tasks as if you were a full member. Throughout this initiation process you will be evaluated by all the brothers. You're performances will be graded and scored and critiqued, and you may be taught some skills you dont currently have proficiency in. You may be asked to leave at any point during the initiation process, remember you are sworn to secrecy even if you are denied membership to our organization. At the end of the initiation period if you are asked to be a full member you will participate in an entry ceremony and welcomed into the organization. That is the end of my presentation, Does anyone have any questions?"

Everyones hand went up. We all laughed.

Next: Chapter 2

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