Side Bets

By Somewhat Perverse

Published on Jul 3, 2012


Side Bets: Chapter Five

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Sunday: The Doubles Round: "Betrayed!"

Sunday was the last day. There was a team game in the morning, one last game after lunch, and then the award show.

I had a good feeling about the morning game. I'd partnered with a guy named Chuck, whom I'd known for a long time. We played a complementary style, and we'd won the GhoulStars doubles tourney together back in 2010. So we'd decided to partner again.

Bryce read out the pairing, "Team SpaceCrusader vs. Team DoomMonkey in room 12." They had rented out the side rooms for doubles tables, so that they could accommodate the larger playing space without having to break down the regular tables. As I entered conference room 12, I reflected that I'd been in here several times before, and felt a stab of lust and fear. Chuck and I arrived there before the other team, and we figured out our game plan. I'd go on the offensive, and Chuck would hold the flank and provide reserves.

Team DoomMonkey entered. It was Don and Matt, from the Praetorians. Again, this would be a game with a bet. My belly turned. I found myself regarding them both. Don was taller, older, lanky and with the beginnings of a receding hairline. He wore khaki slacks and a business-casual Oxford shirt. Matt was younger, in the jeans and tee shirt that seemed standard issue. We all shook hands.

I was surprised that Matt and Don refrained from any stupid jokes. Matt didn't even make any piggy noises. Perhaps that was because I was stomping the crap out of his army. With Chuck's long ranged support, my transported Crusaders speared into his lines, aiming at the objectives. I broke at least half his company by turn three. If Chuck would move forward and engage Don's force, as we'd planned, we would win heavily. And since the doubles game counted, well, double, in points, I'd be unassailable, despite losing to Erik and Paul.

The after party was about to become no issue at all.

Then Chuck did the unthinkable. He retreated.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Just what I like," he said. "You don't like it, you can blow me." He laughed. "Actually, I think you'll be blowing me anyway. I traded a loss in this game for an invitation to the -party."

"But we could win," I pleaded.

"You're a shit, Ben," said Chuck calmly. "I think I'd rather see you get yours. Besides, Andrew was in my cub scouts. All Larry had to say was what you'd did to him. He didn't even have to offer me the hundred bucks. Although, you might be pleased to know what he thinks your ass is worth."

Matt and Don snickered.

Well, I did the best I could. I tried to pull my Crusaders back to my deployment zone, to regroup and to hang on for the tie. But Don and Matt shot me relentlessly. They didn't even bother going after Chuck any more. I might have held out, but at the last moment, not only did Chuck hold back from their objective, but he pulled away from his own too.

They won, by a heavy margin.

Matt and Don shook Chuck's hand. "Thanks, bud." I saw each of them slip him a twenty.

I said, "You cheated. I should get the judges."

Matt grinned. "But you won't will you? Because then you'd have to explain the whole thing. Why we could blackmail you. And then Games MegaShop would get your secret anyway."

He left.

Don closed and locked the door. He began unbutton his shirt. When he cast it aside, he revealed a narrow chest, covered in light hair. He was whip-thin. Matt pulled off his tee-shirt and jeans. He was visibly hard in his boxer-briefs. A line showed where his cock stretched the fabric. He was built too, with good pecks and strong thighs. His head and chest hair was a dark blonde.

I trembled. Maybe, the more guys I let fuck me, the lower my standards got.

They closed in on me on either side.

"Let's see what we get as our prize," Matt said. He took my arm and ran a hand over my chest. His fingers found the space between my waistband and my shirt. He ran his fingertips into my shorts, brushing my hard cock-head, before he pulled my shirt over my head. I lifted my arms to help him. He put his hands on my chest, appreciatively. "I like this," he said. "But I like this better." He put his two fingers in my mouth and began to slide them back and forth. I sucked at them

Don knelt in front of me. He seemed to be examining my package appreciatively. He undid my belt and pulled my jeans and shorts off. He shocked me my giving my cock a lick, before he pulled my pants all the way down to my shoes. He worked around to my ass. His big hands massaged my cheeks, and one finger slid into my ass.

"He'll need some lube," Don declared.

Matt grabbed my head and forced his tongue into my mouth.

Don got up and went to the gaming table. "Matt and I have extracurricular gaming sometimes too. Don't tell anyone. They won't believe you after this, anyway." He took a hand and swept the models and terrain off the gaming board. They crunched and piled to one side. All of us might have to do some gluing before the next game.

"Get on the table, on your belly," he commanded.

I found it hard to shuffle with my pants still around my ankles, but I did. The table surface had been flocked with sand. The grit dug at my chest and abraded my nipples. Matt came up behind me. He adjusted my legs and ass as they hung off the edge. My cock, too, he let dangle. He squeezed it. Then he pulled off my shoes and the rest of my pants.

Don took up position on the other side of the table. He began to undo his belt. "I've thought about this for a while, Ben. How do you like being prize support?"

I didn't answer, perhaps because I felt Matt step up behind me. His cotton-covered cock pressed into my ass. I couldn't properly judge its size without seeing it, but it felt huge. I heard his elastic snap, and felt the cotton slide down. The hot hard flesh of Matt's thighs and hips replaced it. His cock nestled into my ass crack.

In front of me, Don had his belt off, and his pants down. He surprised me by pausing to remove his shoes, slacks and shorts. As he leaned over, all I could see of his newly exposed cock were his dark pubes. Matt threw something over the table. Don caught it. I recognized it as my shirt. "How about some sensory deprivation?" he asked.

He pulled it over my eyes, and tied it behind my head. I had only a glimpse of his big hands holding it, before I lost most of my sight. I did manage another peek at his cock as he tied the knot behind me. It seemed lanky, like him.

Then I was lying on the table, unable to see, but filled with sensation. My heart pounded with lust and terror. My cock was hot and huge, hanging between my engorged balls. The table bit into my chest. Where Matt stood behind me, our combined body heat warmed my thighs and ass like sauna, but the cool air-conditioning on my back was almost numbing. Matt leaned over me, and I felt him take my hands and tie them into the small of my back. Heat and male scent approached my face. Don's cock-head rubbed back and forth over my lips and cheeks. Then it forced its way slowly in. I opened as best I could, considering that my chin rested on sandy table-top. Hands - Don's? -- lifted my head up. One clutched my chin. The other had the nape of my neck and my hair. His cock slid in and out. I tried to catch it with my tongue, with my lips. He felt huge. Balls began to slap my chin, and rough hairs ground against my face. From time to time, I felt a greater heat and hard muscles as Don leaned in with this thighs.

Matt ran his cock up and down my crack in slow strokes. I knew he was getting ready. His hands massaged the knotted muscles of my back. He put one finger into my flexing hand and I squeezed it hard. He laughed.

Don' was pistoning my throat now. Not hard, but he had lined it up to slide the whole distance with ease. I choked, gagged, sucked. I tried to satisfy him with my tongue, but he was having none of it.

His breathing grew heavy. His chest rose and fell, pressing my nose.

"My turn," said Matt.

Don grunted and pulled all the way out with a pop. He slapped my face a few times, and withdrew. He kept his hands on my head and put two fingers in my mouth.

Matt adjusted me a bit by gripping my waist. He pulled his dick out of my cheeks and lined the head against my hole. With one long, glorious stroke he thrust in. I shouted. So did he. He placed both hands on my back, just out of reach of my flexing fingers and began to plow. I could not tell how large he was, really, only that he filled me completely. The hard muscles of his legs banged against me. His hot breath fell on my back.

"Together, now," he said.

I felt Don's finger prize open my throat. He shoved his cock in. They were both fucking me. I was so far gone, I felt only the heat, the measure of fullness in both holes, and my own helplessness. They were moaning and groaning now. They leaned in so close, it was like I was in a tent of flesh. I heard noises. Were they Frenching over my back?

Suddenly, they both pulled out.

I moaned. "Oh shit!" I said. "Oh, no! Please! Keep going!"

They flipped me over onto my back. My hands under me scraped the table surface. First Matt, then Don, groaned orgasmically. Fingers forced my mouth open. I felt hot cum landing on tongue, on my face, on my hair. Just when I thought it was over, one of them shoved his cock head into my mouth, turning my head to the side. I felt his shots hit the back of my throat. I swirled it in my mouth and swallowed.

I heard shuffling.

Someone grabbed my cock, which was totally hard and curving up towards my belly. A fist ran up and down it. I felt hands scraping cum off my face, bringing it to me as lube. My back arched.

"Oh god," I said, "Oh god. Let me cum," I begged as my dick began to shudder.

The hands let me fall. Someone pushed me onto the floor.

Matt said, "You can do yourself. If you have time after you get loose. Do you have our armies, Don?"

"Sure," he said.

Someone yanked my cock one last time, then I heard feet leaving and the door slamming.

Shit! I thought.

Next: Chapter 6

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