Side Bets

By Somewhat Perverse

Published on Jun 24, 2012


Side Bets: Chapter Three mm, ds, bd, hm

Friday: Evening "Unquiet Rest"

I took my case and headed back to the Holiday Inn. I wasn't particularly hungry but got a sandwich to go anyway at the Subway. I put it on the table and went to take a shower. As I washed under the steaming water, I noticed that my pubes still smelled like cum and Andrew's sweat. Perhaps it was my imagination, but I thought I still tasted Paul in my mouth.

I swigged some water from the stream, rinsed and spat. The taste wouldn't go away. I realized I was holding my fingers up to my face, smelling where I had washed my crotch.

Disgusted with myself, I turned off the water, shucked on a towel, and strode into the other room. I flopped down at the desk table, unwrapped my sandwich, and devoured it. I even ate the limp tomatoes and the watery lettuce confetti. I washed the sandwich down with a beer from the mini-bar. I knew it was expensive, but I was too tired to go out and hit a store.

Then I flipped the lights and went to crash on the bed.

Dead tired though I was, I found I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about the day's events. About Paul. And about Andrew. My drying skin tingled, and I let my towel fall open as I tossed and turned. The air felt deliciously cool on my balls and thighs. I brought my hand up to my face. Damned if I still couldn't still smell sex and sweat on it. My cock began to swell. I ran my fingers over my teeth, trying to catch Paul's aftertaste. My hand found my cock.

I had already cum twice that day. You'd have thought my balls would have been drained. But It felt better and better as I began to stroke myself. I remembered the way my balls had slapped into Andrew's ass, the way his dick had felt in my grip. As I wandered farther into lust, I remembered the spongy head of Paul's cock in my mouth, the feel of his hands gripping my hair tight as he used me as a hole.

My fingers plied my shaft and head faster and faster. When I couldn't stand teasing myself any longer, I made a fist and pumped. I imagined myself flying in and out of Andrew's ass. I imagined Paul's dick pumping at my face. I wasn't sure which my fist was supposed to be. To my imagination, it was both at once. I drew my eyes tightly shut as I moaned and threw back my head against the pillows.

My balls pulled tight, and I felt myself shooting. Cum landed on my belly. Some went as far as my chest. I lay back, exhausted. I'd wipe myself and go to sleep. Right after I rested.

Saturday: The First Round The motel alarm woke me. I rolled over and looked at the clock. Oh, shit! It was 7:30 already. I must not have set it. It was still on whatever the last guest had used. I sat up My belly was crusty with my cum. That brought the whole of yesterday back to me, in one humiliating crash. I had no time to clean.

I threw on shorts, pants and a fresh tee-shirt. I had no time to clean the hairs stuck to my belly. I knew I'd be feeling them pull all day.

I grabbed my stuff and rushed out the door.

I got to the convention center just in time, but I had to skip breakfast to do it. Bryce was announcing the match-ups. I pulled a guy named Mark Something-or-other. I knew him vaguely. He wasn't in the Praetorians, so I knew that whatever happened, at least he wouldn't be fucking me. This whole weekend must have been getting to me, because I found the thought vaguely disappointing.

We set up and began to play. Around the third round, I saw Larry talking to Andrew across the room. He stiffened at whatever his son was saying and then shot me a glare. I could guess what Andrew had said. Heh. Heh.

Larry strode straight towards my table. He pushed people out of the way to get to me.

Mark looked up at Larry's approach. He must have seen the steam rising, because he said, "What the hell?"

"Private business," I said. "Can you excuse us a moment?"

Larry glowered. We went over to one side.

He said, "My kid? I'm so going to ruin you, Ben." He flexed and released his hands. His huge biceps flexed. If I wasn't careful, I'll get a face full of fist.

I held up my hands. "He came to me, Larry. He wanted a bet."

"You didn't have to say yes! He's just a kid."

Something defiant flared in me. "He's an adult, Larry. And anyway, what did you expect? That you could threaten me with impunity? If you can force me to bet my ass, then you can fucking play by the rules, too."

He held up his fist, regarding his knuckles as if he'd never seen them before. At last, he said, "You're right, I guess. But God help me, I swear I'm going to plough your ass like you'll never forget. You'll be fucked so hard, you'll never play the man with anyone ever again."

"If," I said.

He huffed out a breath and stalked back across the room. To his own matchup, presumably.

Mark looked at me quizzically as I returned. He cocked his head like a bird. "What was that about?" he asked.

"Nothing," I said.

Mike was an okay player. But I was a veteran. I stomped him by 9 points. Almost a perfect score. If I kept my winning streak up, I'd break the top ten for certain. I might not win the tournament, but I could avoid becoming the Praetorian's sex toy for their after party.

I thought of the way Larry's muscled chest had rippled during our confrontation.

Was that a good thing?

Saturday: The Second Round I took my dinner at the con vendors. Fortunately, they had burgers for lunch, and weren't down to Gyros and hot-dogs. I ate mine and was rested and relaxed for the next round.

Bryce read out, "Larry Fleming and Ben Marner. Table 6."

Larry? My gut did a turn. Was this a good development or a bad one? Still, table six. I was rising up. If I could beat Larry, I'd have a good shot at breaking the top ten and I'd be able to frustrate him further.

So why did my heart twitch at the other alternative? That I'd lose, Larry would use me, and then all the Praetorians? I pushed that alternative away.

Larry was an idiot, and I would trounce him.

Turns out, I did, and it was pretty delicious too.

Larry began the game with his usual aggression. His Red Knights had a lot of vehicles, and he wanted to drive them right up into his opponents face. For a guy who didn't like smack talk, he sure did a lot of it. He assured me his stupid mega-powered combat forces would destroy me.

He said, "There's nothing that can stand up to my Knight Paladins. They'll do your Crusaders just like I'm going to do you. After Andrew, don't think I'll show your ass any mercy. Before yesterday, I thought maybe just having you blow us all would be punishment enough. Now I'm going to ride you and fill your guts with sperm like you were a girl. You're such a pussy man, you'd better hope you don't get pregnant."

I said, "I don't think that's how it works, Lar. With an attitude like that, how did you ever get a woman to marry you? Oh, yeah, you're divorced aren't you? I wonder why."

Larry ground his teeth and ranted some more.

He didn't so much when I destroyed all his transports. His Red Knights had to walk straight into the fire from my Punishers.

They all died.

His Knights Paladin were the last to go. They almost made it through the woods, before my "wussy" Space Crusaders polished them off in hand-to-hand.

Larry seethed as he picked up his toys.

I said, "At least you didn't make a side bet like your son. Or I'd be doing you."

He practically spat at me. "There's still the after party. We'll see how smart you are when there are twenty guys fucking you from both ends."

I laughed. "As if I could lose to your stupid club now that you've given me ten victory points.

He stomped off.

"Have a nice day," I called after him.

Some games are just fun.

Saturday: The Third Round "Mr. Nice" I actually got to rest during the short break this time, and I was able to check out the score postings on the Games MegaShop table. Despite my loss, I was still well into the top ten. I just had not to lose many more. Bryce announced the next games:

"Ben Marner versus Erik Fredrick, table 10." Still a low-numbered table. I'd actually risen in the rankings since my game on 6, but they had to do some shuffling just to make sure no one played the same table twice.

I knew Erik vaguely. He lived in some damned far northern state – New York? Massachusetts? Farther north than I went regularly, so I only saw him at a few tourneys. Erik was a good guy to play against – laid back, jovial, willing to cut his opponents some slack. Games were always friendly games with Erik. So ordinarily, I'd have welcomed the match. But this time? Erik was a Praetorian, so there was more riding on this game than just points.

I met Erik at the table. He was older than me, going into his thirties, maybe. He had black curly hair and a pleasant round face like Sam Gamgee's. Hobbit-like in other ways, he was a bit fleshy, with hairy legs over his sandals. Today he was wearing cut off sweatpants and a long-sleeved sweatshirt.

A red-haired woman followed him. She wore shorts and a distractingly-tight tee-shirt.

Erik set his case down.

"Have you met my wife, Mindy?" he asked.

I shook my head. "I'm Ben," I declared. We shook hands.

Erik and I began to set up. Mindy said, "I'm going to go buy a coke. Do you want anything?"

"Diet," said Erik.

"Nothing for me, thanks," I said. I already had a bottled soda.

She sauntered off.

Erik said. "Are you done moving, or do want to do something with that unit?"

"Oh," I said. "Thanks." Mindy's backside must have distracted me.

"When did you get married?" I asked.

"Last year," he said.

"About the bet," Erik said. "I'm sorry."

"Me, too, rather."

We made a few more moves. Erik said, "She knows. Larry shot off his big mouth about it."

I wondered why he was telling me this.

"She thinks it's hot," he said.

Mindy came back, bearing two sodas and a folding chair. She handed one drink to Erik and one to me. "I thought you might be done with yours by now." She sat down in the chair facing us. As we played, I think she was grinning at me. Maybe checking me out. Maybe comparing me to her husband.

When she leaned over the back of her chair, her breasts pressed out the neckline.

Meanwhile, Erik leaned over the table. His baggy shorts occasionally tightened around his package. The stare he gave me was pretty intense, even though he kept up his usual, joking manner.

It made for an uncomfortable game, more and more so as I began to lose. Every time I removed a dead unit, I think Erik's stare got a little hungrier, and Mindy's grin a little wider. Eventually, I was so flustered I lost my whole right flank. From there, it was over.

I began to pick up my models with trembling fingers. A loss this severe would hurt my chances badly. Plus, Erik was hovering around me, leaning in maybe too close as we picked up models. Unexpectedly, he reached out and tweaked one of my nipples through my shirt.

I dropped a Space Crusader model, which promptly broke in half.

Mindy leaned in to pick it up. She handed it to me. She said, "You know, why don't I pick up the armies? I'll leave yours here on the table. Then you boys can go relax. Or whatever. I'll meet you later."

Erik grinned, "Sounds good to me." He led me off by the shoulder. We found one of the side rooms with which I was becoming far too familiar.

Erik didn't waste any time. As soon as I had shut the door behind me, he had turned around to face me. He pushed his shorts down to his knees. His cock sprung out, bouncing over his black pubes and hairy balls. "Get over here and blow me," he said. He pulled his sweater over his head and shucked it aside. Underneath we wore a white tee, which he pulled up with his left hand.

I knelt in front of him.

He looked down at me over his hairy belly. He wasn't fat or anything, but he didn't exactly have rippling abs. His legs, though, were thick and strong. He gripped the base of his cock in a fist. It was stout and thick, pale on the shaft but with a deep purple head. The mushroom was so wide, I wondered if I could even get it into my mouth. He gripped it firmly and shook it in front my face. He pressed against me, smearing a little precum onto my closed lips.

"Open up," he said.

I breathed out. My tongue licked my lips involuntarily, and I reached out with the tip to flick his slit and head.

At that moment, the door opened behind me. I spun around.

Mindy entered, with Erik's army bag slung over her shoulder.

"Good," she said. "I was afraid I was going to miss the show."

My face turned so red, I thought I was going to die.

"I told you she thought it was hot," Erik said.

Mindy set the bag down and closed the door behind her. She pulled up a folding chair, and in what seemed to be her favorite pose, sat across it backwards, leaning over.

She waved one hand in a hurry-up motion. "Don't stop on my account," she said. "Get busy. I've always wondered what this would look like from a different perspective."

I found my voice at last. "This wasn't part of the bet," I said.

Erik grinned and ran his cock against my burning cheeks. "But you don't mind, do you? I mean, who would you complain to? Larry?"

Mindy giggled. She motioned for me to continue.

What could I do? I leaned in as Erik held his cock steady. I had to stretch my jaws to get him past my lips. It was hard to breathe.

"He likes you to do the work," Mindy offered. "Especially tongue and lips."

"Mmph," said I.

I encircled him with my tongue. There wasn't a lot of room. But I could pull off and swirl spit around his knob. My lips gripped his shaft, applying suction.

Erik rocked slowly forward and back. He began to moan and tense. He gripped the base of his cock tightly, and I felt his accelerating pulse run through his shaft and head.

Mindy got off her chair. She circled us, observing. I met her eyes. She winked. Taking a position behind Erik, she ran her hands up his chest, under his shirt. He placed his hand steady on my head. It restricted a lot of my freedom of movement. His thrusts increased in force.

Mindy moved her hands down to his ass. "I can feel you flexing, Erik," she said. "You've got such strong legs. Give it to him. I've always wanted to see you pound some slut, but it had to be someone who would never threaten me. And you like tits way too much to leave me for a man." She pushed her boobs together for me to see and laughed at my reaction.

Mindy moved to stroke my face and throat. "Oh, she said. "I can feel him sucking. He must really like you." Her hands dragged down my back. She cupped my slightly-upraised ass, then slapped one cheek. Her hand reached under me, feeling my cock and balls. "He's hard, too. Are you going to fuck him?"

Erik shook his head. Between moans, he said, "No, no ass."

"That's right," Mindy said, reaching up to embrace him again. "There are some gifts that are only for me." She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

At that moment, Erik's cock swelled in my mouth. He pulled hard with both hands as jammed his wide head against the back of my tongue. His legs pumped against my face as he shot his load. Then he pulled out, still dripping. He shook his dick in front of me. I knew what he wanted and obediently reached up to tongue him clean.

I savored the strong, almost cheesy, taste on my tongue.

"Does he swallow?" Mindy asked about me.

"He'd better," Erik said.

I breathed in deeply, panting. I put my hands on the floor and looked up at them both from all fours. "Yes, I swallowed, dammit!"

"Good," said Mindy. "Thank the nice man, will you?'

I glared, but said, "Thank you Erik."

"Thank you for what?" teased Mindy.

"Thank you for your cum, Erik," I growled.

Mindy patted my cheek. "Well, that's just sweet. We'll see you later. Maybe a lot more of you, if you make the party." She took Erik by the arm. He picked up his army case as she led him away. Through the open door, I could hear her ask, "So, did you enjoy that, honey?"

Next: Chapter 4

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