Shy Guy

By John Smith

Published on Aug 14, 2008


Disclaimer: Do not read this if you are either under age, offended by gay sex or sex in general, or by some oppressive/strict national/religious laws restricted from viewing this material, and remember to keep an open mind while reading. The Shy Guy 5

Matt woke up slowly, but hornier than ever. He could feel his dick rock in his briefs with morning wood. He'd had an array of sexual dreams during the night that had left him filled with lust. He got up and climbed down off his loft, grabbed a towel and got ready to hit the showers, but just before he walked out, he noticed his chubby roommate still sleeping, candy wrappers surrounding him. Matt looked at Colby's fat body. Colby's thick double chin, round face, thick neck, large round tits, big soft belly, chunky thighs, wide ass, it was all there and fat. Matt watched as the pig slowly breathed, his belly rising and falling with each inhalation. Matt knew the rules, he knew not to make his roommate even fatter than he already was, but something was different this morning. Matt was horny, but not just horny. Seeing his roommate like this, know what he'd done to him made him fill to the brim with lust and sexual energy. He immediately dropped the towel, almost unable to control himself as he pulled his briefs down letting his hard meat slap up against his abs. He walked over to Colby's sleeping gut and pressed his dick deep into his fat. Matt felt a serge of pleasure as his dick was incased in the soft fat of his roommate. Of course, this made his roommate start to wake, but Matt didn't care. He lifted his dick out of his roommate's gut and pressed it in again. His dick was acting like it had never felt anything as warm and soft before. It's like he was having sex for the first time all over again.

"Matt..." Colby muttered as he started to wake, "...what are you doing...?" "Shut up, you fat fuck." Matt almost whispered.

Matt didn't know what was overcoming him, but he knew what he had to do. He got on his knees so he was face to face with Colby's mammoth waistline. He pressed his face against the soft fattened gut of his roommate. It was so warm and smooth, yet soft. He was in ecstasy feeling all this fat against his face. Suddenly, Matt's nose fell into the deep cavern that was Colby's belly button. Immediately, Matt's tongue explored the deep and soft belly button. When Colby felt Matt's tongue penetrate his belly button he moaned out loud. It was unbelievable. He never knew his belly button was so sensitive. Matt continued until he stood up. Colby was almost disappointed that he'd stopped, but he wouldn't have to be disappointed for long. Matt pushed Colby over from his side to his back. Then he climbed up over on top of him. Colby looked up over his fat body to see his beautiful roommate's torso hovering over him, a delicious dick hung between his well defined thighs. Matt lowered himself down, guiding his manhood to the belly button he was previously giving so much affection to. The head of his dick was a perfect fit. As the fat incased the head of his meat, both Matt and Colby moaned in pleasure. Matt slowly began to fuck his friend's belly button, causing a ripple effect on Colby's body. His fat gut shaking, causing his tits to shake, even Colby's double chin was jiggling.

Matt locked at his roommate as he enjoyed his body. The man whose belly he was fucking had once been almost nothing but skin and bone, but he'd changed that. He'd turned him into a real man, a thick meaty man who was going to get fatter if he had anything to do with it. He couldn't believe how he'd changed Colby, turned him into a food addicted fat pig. The best part was that Colby was okay with it. Anyone else on earth who'd gained over 200 lbs in less than a year at college would be irate, but not Colby. Matt's sudden realization of this got him closer to cumming.

"Shit," Matt blurted out, sweat running down from his head, "I'm gonna cum." "Come on, Matt, cover me in your cum." Colby returned. "I'm gonna cum..." Matt emphasized again, "but not here."

And with that, Matt stood up on the bed leaving his roommate's belly button filled with pre cum, some still dripping out of his dick and onto the side of Colby's gut. Matt rolled Colby onto his side giving him perfect access to the massive ass that has taunted him of late. He put one hand on Colby's thick thigh and the other aimed his dick up with that thick ass. "Matt, don't." Colby pleaded, but Colby put up no effort to stop him. Colby was either wanting it as much as Matt, or too lazy and weak to stop him. Either way, Matt's cock was squeezing through Colby's thick ass cheeks until he felt the tight asshole he wanted. He pressed hard against it, his hard body beginning to feel Colby's fat body very closely now. As soon as his head penetrated Colby's tight ass, Colby moaned very loudly. "Oh god Matt...Jesus Christ!"

Matt just bit his lip, trying to hold in his grunts as he began to fuck his roommate's ass. He'd done it before, but this time it felt so much different, so much better. Somehow knowing that he was going to make Colby even fatter turned him on even more. Matt was already about to cum in his roommate belly button, and now that he was in his ass, the urge to cum was unreal. Matt felt the energy build in him. It overtook him. He could feel his balls churning and aching for release. His whole body tensing up as the orgasm took hold of him. His body sinking deeply into his roommate's fat. Matt let out a few primeval grunts as he unloaded what had been building in him all morning into his roommate's fat ass. Shot after shot, the orgasm seemed more intense to him, his muscles were spasming out of control, tightening with each spurt. More spurts than he'd ever thought he'd been able to shoot out in the past. Colby was in for it this time, and Matt knew it.

Once Matt recovered, his heart slowed, he came to his senses, he pulled out of the fatass that had brought him the most unbelievable orgasm in his life. He gave Colby's belly a good shake and rolled him back over on his back, his body shaking as it settled again. He got down off the bed and stood on the sidelines to watch his roommate fatten, already starting to get hard again in anticipation. Colby looked over at the roommate who had done this to him and noticed something, "Hey look...different." "Different?" Matt asked quisitively, "You're the one who's about to get even fatter." "Yeah...different, I can't quite place it, but different...oh man..." Colby started to feel his body respond the load that was just dumped into him. Colby put his thick sausage fingers on his belly. It felt so full to him, like he's just eaten a 10 course meal. "I feel really funny..."

His belly started to grow out even more, thickening before his eyes. He watched as his chest inflated, his tits so round and large, growing to monstrous sizes. As his neck and double chin fattened up even more, his head was forced back to accommodate all the new fat layering on his face. His hand were pushed away from his belly suddenly as they fattened up even more, limited his movement. He could feel his fingers growing, pushing each other farther apart. Even his thighs were forced apart by their new girth. He could feel, but not see, his dick shrinking, but it was a lost cause, his cock was buried in fat long ago and was only getting deeper and harder to find. He felt his ass widen beneath him, filling up more space on the bed.

"Oh god...I'm a huge fuckin' pig..." "Got that right," Matt spit out as he felt his reemerging hard on while looking at his roommate's ever fattening body. He walked over the side of Colby's bed, his dick poked Colby's fat chubby cheek. Colby slowly leaned his head over and licked the tip of Matt's dick, a thick stream of pre cum stretching from the tip of Colby's tongue over to the tip of Matt's manhood.

Colby licked up as much as he could and moaned, "It's so good good" Matt found his briefs and covered himself up again, grabbed his towel and noticed that his roommate was getting slightly fatter as he walked out to the showers.

He trotted into the shower, turned the water on to let it warm up, and took a glimpse at himself in the mirror. Something was amiss. Something was different. He wasn't sure what, but something was definitely different. Something that he couldn't quite put his finger on, but why? Why today of all days would something be different? That's when he remembered last night. He'd done something very unintelligent: tasted his own cum. His mouth suddenly recalled the taste of his own cum on his tongue. So sweet and creamy, so thick and delicious. His mouth was craving more. Matt realized that this must be the feeling that Colby, Garren, and Justin carried with them always. This insatiable craving for his cum. But more importantly, what had his own cum done to him? It was hard to tell. He stepped into the shower and began to lather himself up. It wasn't long before he was hit with a new craving. As he rubbed himself clean, he remembered when he would get to shower with his former small dicked friend Justin. He remembered how small his dick used to be and the little boy balls that matched. Justin couldn't be farther from that today. At 5 feet tall, loaded with muscle, he had an 11 inch cock to make every man on the face of the earth jealous. As Matt washed his hard ass carefully, he felt his asshole with his fingers...a new feeling. Something he hadn't ever really considered before.

Just then, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of a stud walking by in his ROTC uniform. All he saw was a large round hard ass stretching the fabric very tightly across it, thighs stretching the fabric in the same way, and large wide bulky shoulders. He knew who it was, and he knew what he wanted. He quickly turned the shower off and dried himself. He left his briefs there in the floor, too concerned to deal with them. He wrapped his towel around his waist and stepped down the hall to Justin's door. He didn't knock. He just opened it.

Justin was just setting his books down on his desk when he turned around to see his much taller much more naked friend standing there, towel around his waist. Matt almost drooled when he took in all that he'd done to Justin. Justin's hard work had given him the muscles that decked out his short body, but when Matt's eyes caught sight of the massive bulge in Justin's tight pants, he knew that he was responsible for that. His bulge was obscene, so large and unavoidable. Matt couldn't believe that he just walked around in that, not even trying to hide it. It was obvious that he was going commando, you could make out the almost tennis ball sized balls and his limp cock that was tight against his left leg about half the way down between his knee. His short compact body made it appear that much bigger.

Matt let the towel drop off of himself, his dick slapping stomach as it did. As soon as Justin heard the sound, he walked over to Matt, his eyes level with Matt's chest and got on his knees, ready to have an even bigger dick, but Matt had different plans this time.

"Not so fast, bud," Matt pulled Justin back up and got on his knees, his eyes lining up to the massive meat held prison behind the fabric. Matt carefully felt Justin's manhood. Feeling the head of his cock through his pants, he could feel it pulsing, growing, begging to see the light of day. He slowly unzipped the pants and Justin's dick slapped him in the face. The semi-hard manhood was huge before his eyes, at least 7 inches topped off with a mushroom head. Matt tried to get it in his mouth before it hardened fully and he wouldn't be able to fit it in anymore. He took the large head in his mouth.

"God, this is huge," Matt thought as he tried to devour the still chubby dick. Justin's manhood was getting harder, and it was harder for Matt to keep it in his mouth. Matt let the dick fall from his lips and pulled down Justin's pants, careful to feel up Justin's thickly muscled ass as he did it. Justin suddenly knew what Matt wanted, and he was going to give it to him. Justin guided his much taller friend over the bed and leaned him over it, all the while Justin's obscenely huge dick was flopping all over the place, slapping precum on Matt's thighs and Justin's own legs. Justin pressed himself up against Matt's body, letting his dick slide between Matt's thighs. Matt looked down to see his own hard meat suddenly look a lot smaller above Justin's huge manhood, and Matt could think of only one thing: "I want all of that inside me."

Justin leaned back some and lined his massive member up with Matt's rock hard ass. Matt was beginning to get nervous, he'd never been fucked before, and a first time fuck with something that big was bound to be painful, but he wanted it, he wanted it bad. He felt Justin push the head of his cock up against his hole. He tried to relax and loosen himself up some, but it didn't matter what he did, Justin's dick was calling all the shots as it forced itself into his ass. Matt whimpered as the mushroom head penetrated him. Justin pushed himself in slowly, inch by inch as Matt felt his insides fill up. Matt reached down with one hand and started to jack himself off. When he felt his cock, he'd never felt so hard in his life. His horniness was taking over and taking over fast. He was unbelievably turned on by having his buddy's dick inside him, but it was a long way from over. Justin only had 3 inches in, but it was getting harder for him to push in at his height. Matt's ass was so much higher up that it was hard to get a good fucking going, so Justin came up with an idea. He pulled out of Matt's ass which left Matt feeling very deprived, but he quickly hopped up onto the bed and told Matt to sit on his cock. The much taller man climbed up on the bed and put a foot on each side of Justin. Justin's mammoth dick was sticking straight up. The thing looked immense coming out of the 5 foot tall man's body.

Matt slowly started to lower himself down onto the short man's dick. Justin grabbed the base of his cock to stabilize it as it met up with Matt's ass again. Matt lowered down and swallowed the first 3 inches again with his ass. The same wincing came over him, but his horniness only building as he swallowed more and more. Justin couldn't even get his whole hand to reach around the base of his own cock anymore, it had grown so out of proportion. Matt kept lowering himself, going at it slower and slower as he got a good 7 inches inside him. He felt so full, but the sexual energy inside him grew. He wanted more, he need more inside him. He squatted more, taking in another inch. Justin was overwhelmed with pleasure, buried deep in his friend's ass. He was getting impatient and started to buck his hips, forcing more of himself into Matt. Matt moaned and groaned in pleasure as he was penetrated deeper and deeper. When his ass finally rested on his short friend's hips, he couldn't believe the feeling inside him. He felt extremely full, like he'd just downed a gallon or two of milk. He started to rise himself up and down as Justin bucked his hips some more. Once they got a rhythm going Matt felt the energy begin to build up inside him even further. He was so horny, he was feeling so full, his ass was stretched to the max, and he was about to cum.

The look on Justin's face said the same thing about him. Justin's balls tightened, then swelled as they began to unload deep into Matt. Justin let out several manly grunts as muscles all over his body tightened out of his control as one of the most intense orgasms he's ever felt rocketed through his body. Matt moaned as he felt Justin's warm thick creamy cum begin to fill up his insides even more. Justin didn't stop cumming after the first few spurts either, he just kept it coming. Justin's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he unloaded a gallon of thick cum into Matt. Matt put a hand on his abs and felt his gut bloat out as he was filling up. His gut was so tight and so full he couldn't believe it. All of this made his dick bulge even more and begin to cum. He shot a few loads all over Justin's large meaty chest and abs. Matt pulled himself up off of Justin's large manhood. As his cock left his ass there was a loud popping sound and cum began to run down Matt's legs. Justin still spurt out some globs of cum on the walls, the bed, and on Matt. Matt leaned forward onto Justin and began to lick up his own cum from Justin's sculpted body. His tongue caressed Justin's deep abs and worked his way up to Justin's thick slabs of meat he called pecs. His own cum tasted so sweet and creamy, he couldn't get enough. The taste lasted long in his mouth even as he teased and sucked Justin's thick pecs.

Justin was finally coming down from his orgasm, enjoying Matt's tongue on his hard body. "God Matt, that is one tight ass..." he whispered, trying to catch his breath. Matt began to feel a little bit dizzy, a little wiry, "sorry dude...gotta run..." Matt mumbled in a daze. Matt clumsily grabbed his towel and wrapped it around his waist as he opened the door and made his way to the hallway. Cum was still running down his legs and dripping onto the floor. He tried to balance himself by putting a hand on the wall, but he was still feeling very dizzy and groggy. He finally made it back to his room, noticed that Colby was gone, and flopped down on Colby's bed. Matt let the semester begin to roll by, he still wasn't really sure what happened to him when he tasted his own cum, but something was different. Everyone seemed to noticed, but nobody was able to pinpoint the difference. Matt had let his busy college life catch up to him some so he got into the routine of hitting the gym a few times a week to help build up some of the muscle mass he'd lost. Not only did he get to workout, but he got to see all the college's best men right before his eyes, but that's when Matt got in to some devious thoughts.

One guy at the gym, Matt didn't even know his name, he'd simply started referring to him as Under. Under was a fitting name seeing as how this guy was donned from head to toe in Under Armour apparel. He was a sight: 6 feet of pure muscle. He was big, to say the least, had to be almost 250 lbs of thick rippling muscle. Matt would constantly catch glimpses of him while he worked out. Under always whore a very tight white stretch shirt that showed off every muscle on his body. His massive biceps, wide muscled shoulders, thick beautiful pecs, and brick-like abs, and it didn't stop there. His red shorts were just a little too short showing off his massively large bubble butt and tree trunk –like thighs, and to top things off, an obscene bulge that might even make Justin jealous. Matt would carefully arrange his workouts so he could steal views of Under in the showers. His thickly muscled body pumped from a workout under the head of a shower that was glistening his body with water. His thick limp dick bouncing off of his preposterously massive thighs. His ass flexing with each step, mesmerizing with each bounce.

This huge body only heightened Matt's sex drive, which was bad for Matt because he'd been trying to tone it down lately. Finding himself horny 24/7 was hazardous to his friend's bodies. Seeing Under in the gym was getting too much for him, and that's when he had an idea. On one early morning, Matt entered the locker rooms to change out, and there he was, Under in all his glory. His muscles were practically ripping out of his workout clothes. He was doing some poses in the mirror, almost taunting Matt. Then Matt noticed Under head into one of the bathroom stalls leaving his things unattended. The opportunity was there, and he was going to take it. Matt immediately went over to his things and saw his water bottle sitting there, filled to the brim with water. Matt, already aroused, fished in his shorts for his dick. He whipped it out and was hard in seconds. He couldn't believe what he was about to do, but he did it anyway. As he got closer to his climax, he unscrewed the top of the bottle and let the pleasure suddenly run through his body as he emptied the rushed load into the bottle. Realizing what he'd done, he quickly put his dick away, screwed the cap back on and gave the bottle a shake before putting it down on again. He quickly walked away as he heard the toilet flush in Under's stall.

Matt was suddenly very nervous, what had he just done? His hands were shaking, but as he got changed, he took a few deep breaths and calmed down. As Under left the locker rooms, Matt got ready and headed out to the gym to do his normal setup. As soon as Matt walked out the door he caught a glimpse of Under taking a big gulp from his water bottle. Matt tried not to stare as he made his way over to the free weights. Matt continued his workout trying to peak at Under whenever he could to see if he'd undergone any changes, almost hoping that his muscles would bulge out even more. He started to forget about the whole thing as he got more into his workout until he noticed Under's mammoth body walking past him. His huge body lumbered past him, every muscle flexing and rippling in his tight workout clothes. He watched his huge bubble butt bounce over out of sight towards the free weights. Matt was about to call it a day and head for the locker went he heard a loud crash from around the corner.

As Matt quickly made his way over he heard a "what the fuck?" from a very deep manly voice that was so obviously Under's. As he turned the corner, he saw what was causing a stir. Under's body and getting bigger, but not with muscle...with fat. He was still thin, but his abs were no where near as deep as they were before. In fact, his whole body was slightly less defined than it was earlier. That was only the beginning. His lean waist suddenly bulged out, his gut swelling out before him, stretching his Under Armour shirt up over his gut. With is newly formed fat belly hanging out, his ass started to swell with fat, growing into two large watermelon sized round globes that ripped his tight shorts right down the back leaving him standing there in his workout briefs. As his thighs fattened, they forced his legs apart. Matt could see the panic on Under's face as it chubbed out some, giving him a nice rounded face. Matt watched as his hard pecs thickened out into plump tits and love handles bulge out over his tight underwear. All of this fattening left his tight shirt looking more like a sports bra. There he was, the muscle god of the gym, now an exjock of massive proportions half naked in the middle of the gym.

Under quickly tried to waddle for the locker room, his huge bulbous ass bouncing and jiggling along with this thighs and his love handles. He put had hands on his gut to stop it from shaking so much as he walked. It was so hot to Matt to see this once muscle man turn into a chub before his eyes. All thanks to Matt, this guy who had worked his whole life to achieve his god-like body had it turned into an exjock's in a matter of seconds. Matt followed him into the locker rooms pretending not to have seen his fattening. Under was trying to put on his dress clothes, but his gut was just simply too large to allow him to button up his jeans. "What the hell happened to me?" Under questioned as his large ass wouldn't allow him to zip his jeans up. Matt quickly grabbed his stuff and left the gym. He could barely conceal his hardon as he walked out.

The semester continued on and Matt would sometimes see the now chubby Under on campus from time to time. He never lost any of the weight, in fact, it looked like he'd put on more weight. As the semester came to a close, Matt was on his bed, feeling extremely horny. He thought about the year that'd he'd been through. One friend getting fat, one getting muscled, one getting a huge donkey dick, and another random stranger getting fat. Matt was left still wanting to know what happens when he tastes his own cum. Something was changing, but no one knew what, no one could tell. In one last attempt to figure it out, he let the images of his changed buddies enter his mind as he did something he hadn't done since his junior year of high school: suck his own dick. He leaned up in his bed and used a pillow to prop up his legs. He pumped his dick a few times and leaned down over his own cock. Last time he'd tried this he didn't make it, but this time it came with ease. He licked the tip of his dick and tasted his precum. One taste of the precum made him crave the real thing. He cupped his lips around the head of his cock and let his tongue do the talking. His own warm mouth felt so good on his cock. He couldn't believe how easy it was for him to suck himself off, just like it was back in 11th grade. As he felt the orgasm build in his dick, he tightened his lips on his cock to make sure he got every drop. As the orgasm built up in him, his hot cum hit the back of his throat. He sucked down every drop and enjoyed the sweet taste of it. He straightened out on his bed, his cock softening and let the dizziness surround him. As he began to daze out, he suddenly realized what's been happening to him...he was getting younger.

The semester rolled to a close and Matt hadn't told anyone what he'd discovered. He packed his things up after finals and headed home. Eager to see the brothers he'd changed last time he was there. He had decided that he aged about 16 now, and it was becoming more obvious. He'd already lost an inch or two in height, his muscles were less defined, his dick was even a little smaller. He was shrinking all over.

Once Matt was home, he carried his stuff in and up to his room which he shared with Nick (formerly the 8 year old). When he opened the door, he quickly realized that although his brothers may have changed bodies, they definitely didn't change habits. There on a bean bag chair playing video games in his room was Nick, but not the overly muscled hunk he'd left after winter break, but a chubby boy wearing clothes that were way too small for him. His shorts were extremely tight over his thighs and ass, and his shirt gave a clear outline of how his once hard pecs had turned into soft thick tits.

"Nick, woah! Look at you!" Matt could hardly contain himself. Nick dropped the controller and stood up, his gut shaking, barely contained by his tight t-shirt, "Haha...yeah, those muscles I had were hot, but I guess I really couldn't keep up the gym workouts to maintain it. I'm kinda embarrassed to have let myself go like that, but dude, once you made me bigger, my appetite skyrocketed. I'm hungry all the time now, and most of the food we have is junk food! So it's not all my fault!" Nick slapped his hefty gut, the gut bounced up and down forcing his tits to shake a little too. "So uh.. .you look different, what's the deal?" Matt tried to change the subject and chatted with Nick for awhile before he made his way to John's room. He gave the door a knock and opened it to find the "new" John. The chubby little 8 year old he'd left in winter was now much leaner. His clothes were practically hanging off of him. He may have been turned into an 8 year old, but he was still the high school sports jock he always was on the inside. As soon as John saw Matt open the door he immediately got up from his bed and ran over him. Matt couldn't believe the little stud that John had turned into, and Matt's dick couldn't believe it either.

"Oh dude, I missed you so much!" John squealed has he hugged his much taller brother. His head only came up to about Matt's belly button, but that was a huge turn on for both of them, and John wasn't going to waste any time. He reached up and zipped down his brother's fly on his jeans, undid his button, and let his pants fall to his knees. John tilted his head down a little to meet his brother's growing bulge. Matt didn't ask any questions or try to slow his hot little bro down. He just put his hands on John's head and felt his bro's little hands fish around in his tight white briefs for his hardening dick. Matt couldn't believe how good John's little fingers felt on his cock. John's hand explored his dick, feeling it as it got harder, lifting his balls which felt so huge to John. John loved how much bigger everything was around him. Even an adult's small dick was huge to him, and he loved it. Matt leaned his head back and closed his eyes, loving every minute that his dick was being toyed with. He suddenly felt his brother's warm wet mouth attempt to take his dick and moaned loudly. John's little mouth could only fit the head of Matt's dick, but that was more than enough for Matt to feel pleasure ease throughout his body. Matt bent down and pulled down John's pants and cartoon briefs, letting his tiny boy cock pop up. Matt grabbed little John under the shoulders to lift him up. He practically had to pry the boy off of his cock. John didn't want Matt's thick dick out of his mouth. Matt hoisted his brother up and carried him over to the bed. Matt sat down on the bed with John in his lap, his cock sticking straight up resting between John's tight little ass cheeks. John felt his brother's huge dick rub against his tight hole, leaned in to Matt and whispered, "...fuck me..."

With that, Matt pressed his dick much harder against John's boy hole and thrust himself into John. John yelped with both pain and pleasure as his ass was penetrated by the much larger man. Matt was floored by the sheer tightness of his brother's ass. It was tighter than he ever remembered it being and it was as hot as a furnace in there. His began to slowly lift up his brother, lifting him up and down slowly, effectively using his brother to jack himself off. As he felt his orgasm build inside him, he knew he wanted more of what he had to offer. When he realized that he was getting younger, he was so incredibly turned on by the idea. He wanted more, he needed more. He quickly pulled his brother off of him and set him on the side of the bed as he stood up. Matt got on his knees and was face to face with his brother's acorn sized balls and 2 inch cock. He used one hand to hold the boy's junk, and another to jack himself off. He leaned forward and engulfed all of John's little dick. One taste of his boy cock made Matt's sexual energy serge within him. His cock swelled in his hand, his ball tightened, he felt the unbearable pleasure of an orgasm radiate through his body.

He stood up quickly and aimed his cock to his little brother's trim body. He shot load after load on the boy's chest and small abs, some dripping out onto his legs. Before John could even try to scoop up the cum, Matt was licking every inch of his brother's body. His cum filled his mouth with joy. The cum was thick and creamy, as sweet as ever, but this time it was working much faster than before. He already started to feel weak and dizzy just moments after swallowing his load.

"You okay?" John asked his brother as Matt climbed up onto his bed and laid down. Matt looked up at the ceiling and the room around him. He was feeling very strange, but then it happened. He started to get shorter, he was losing his growth spurt, and the changes were dramatic. He lifted his arms up and saw them retract slowly. His legs were feeling the same thing. John saw how weird Matt looked with his short limbs and normal sized torso. It didn't take long for Matt's core to catch up. He felt himself compress, the room around him seemed to grow bigger and bigger. The ceiling seemed farther and farther away. His muscle mass faded away as he approached 10 years old. He looked even stranger with his shortened smaller body and his huge 16 year old dick, but it didn't take long for his cock to feel the effects. His cock and balls started to shrink, his once powerful manhood began to pull in shorter and shorter, resting on 4 inches, his balls shrank up and pulled in closer. Even his body hair started to thin out.

Matt almost couldn't believe what he'd done to himself. The world around him seemed so much larger all of the sudden. Even his little brother John seemed almost the same size as him now. Matt's rock hard cock didn't lie though, the change was a huge turn on for him. He was once 6'4'' but now he barely stood at 5'2''. His once 9 inch manhood shrunk to a 4 inch boy cock; however, the taste still in his mouth of his own cum got him horny all over again. "Holy...shit..." was all Matt could muster, but as he said it, he noticed how his deep voice had changed to that of an androgynous child's.

"Wow, you're only a little bigger than me!" John let out as he started to fondle his brother's now much smaller dick. As Matt sat up, he realized how his shirt just draped over him. He slipped it off and hopped down from the bed (much farther down than he figured), letting his tiny boy cock bounce a little. He reached down and played with himself some, his dick feeling small, even in his small hands. John helped him out some too, feeling his brother's much smaller body, his tight little ass and his little cock. As they explored Matt's new body, the door opened and Nick was standing there in all his chubby glory.

"What the hell?! What happened to you Matt?!?" he immediately questioned when he saw the two young boys touching each other. "He swallowed his own cum!" John blurted out. "You're so small now Matt, god this is so hot, you've really fucked us up!" Nick continued as he began to fondle his growing bulge through his shorts. He wanted to join the fun as soon as possible so he quickly stripped his tight shirt off and pulled his shorts and underwear down. His naked chubby body was a sight to see. So tall and thick all over. His dick poking out from under his pot gut. He may have gotten fatter due to his sedentary lifestyle, but his dick was still impressive beneath his gut. 11 hard inches poking out beneath, and obscenely huge tennis ball sized balls to go with it.

He scooped up Matt and set him on the bed with him, preparing to bareback him doggy style. His little body feeling so small in his big brother's arms. Nick used one hand to push his belly up and the other to guide his dick to Matt's newly shrunken hole. He pressed into him, never feeling a hole so tight around his cock. Matt almost screamed as his hole was pierced by his brother's huge cock. The deeper Nick got in, the more Matt moaned and winced, but the more they both loved each moment. Nick started pumping in and out of him. "You little bitch, you love this don't you! You love getting fucked by your YOUNGER brother. I'm fuckin' younger than you but my dick, my body, is so much bigger than yours, and you're gonna get smaller, much smaller bro," Nick let Matt have it as he fucked his daylights out.

Not wanting to miss some of the action. John climbed up on his bed and got on his hands and knees behind Nick. He'd been admiring Nick's ass plump up thickly with fat over the past few months and now he was going to cash in. He spread the grown man's globes of ass with his little hands and shoved his little face right between them. He rimmed Nick's huge ass and enjoyed every minute of it, and so did Nick which he made clear from his moans of pleasure. One brother rimming his thick ass, the other taking his oversized cock, he was in heaven. He reached around and cupped Matt's little cock with his massive hands. One touch was enough to make Matt cum again. His little body felt his orgasm so much more than he ever had before. As he let the cum flow out of his little cock, Nick collected every drop in his hand, then lifted his hand up and fed it to Matt. Matt didn't want any more, at least not now, but it was hard to say no to his massive brother. He licked his brother's thick fingers clean. The sensation of his cum in his mouth again was orgasmic to say the least. The taste seemed to radiate out into his whole body, and very quickly his whole body felt the effects. Matt felt himself shrinking more, his brother's hands seemed to grow before his eyes. The whole room seemed to shoot up all around him. His torso contracted, his arms shorted, his legs pulled up some, he looked down as his dick shrank up to only a half inch with balls smaller than an acorn below it. He was tiny, he couldn't believe it, he was probably only 3 or 4 years old now. As his shrinking slowed down, Nick was thoroughly enjoying fucking the child as his hole got tighter and tighter around his mammoth dick.

"OH GOD!" Nick pulled out of his baby brother's ass and flipped the child over and force fed him his cock. Only the tip of the head could fit into Matt's little mouth, but that was enough. Nick unloaded the mountain of cum his ridiculously sized balls had been churning. His load was explosive. It blasted out and down to Matt's stomach, the first few spurts went right into Matt, but it was too much for Matt to handle as his lips weakened their grip and cum shot him right in the face several times.

Matt fell back onto the bed, covered in cum, and looked at the huge room around him, the huge brother in front of him, his belly filling his gaze with a massive hard meat below it, even John was looking bigger to him. He was so small now, he was practically a baby again. The gravity of what he'd done to himself suddenly set him. His college career was over, his big body was over, his thick nicely sized dick was over, but then again, they'd all come back with time. Thoughts of the previous year raced through his head: the fatass, the huge muscles, the massive oversized cocks, the younger and the older. He'd practically done it all, and he'd done it all through cumming. He reached down and felt up his new body. Nick's huge hands were caressing him, rubbing in his cum. He was so turned on by what he'd done to himself, and was almost eager to grow up again and see what his cum would do to more men. Of course, he'd have to wait awhile, he wouldn't be able to cum again till he hit puberty, but in the meantime, he'd have to settle for the hot bodies of his brothers to keep him company.

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