Shy Guy

By John Smith

Published on Dec 27, 2007


Disclaimer: Do not read this if you are either under age, offended by gay sex or sex in general, or by some oppressive/strict national/religious laws restricted from viewing this material, and remember to keep an open mind while reading.

A big thanks to everyone to sent e-mails encouraging me and letting me know that they enjoyed the stories. It's those e-mails that keep me writing! So thanks!

The Shy Guy: Chapter 4

Matt had settled into this semester quickly, forbidden to fuck his pig roommate again for fear of making him "too" fat. Colby was still trying to cope with his growth. He was having a hard time getting around, getting up, tying shoes, and all the normal everyday activities he'd taken for granted when he was a skinny boy wishing he was bigger, but somehow that didn't bother him too much. He strangely enjoyed the massive gut in front of him, his thick sausage fingers, the double chin, and tits that would make any woman jealous. There was a bigger price to pay for his gluttony though: he was having more and more trouble reaching his small dick because of the gut, the thighs, and his overall fat fingers. He'd get so tired just trying to lift his gut up with one hand and jack off with the other that sometimes he just settled on jiggling his gut and thighs together to get himself off., but even with that he'd be sweating after a few minutes. Matt was sympathetic towards the horny chub though, and jacked him off on more than one occasion; however, the rule was that Matt always had to have his briefs on so as not to tempt Colby with his manhood.

Garren, too, had decided that he wanted no more of Matt's cock, even though his huge body was impressing people right and left. He became so cocky about it, he loved his new size. He was practically the biggest man on campus now and desperately wanted more, but he'd have to settle for working out with the proper diet because, on his frame, his dick was pitifully small, and couldn't stand to be shortened anymore.

So while Garren and Colby avoided Matt in order to not be tempted by his beautiful body and delicious cock, Matt became closer friends with Justin, the boy down the hall. Justin's roommate had transferred at the end of the first semester so both Justin and Matt could benefit from each other's company. Justin was a hot little man: green eyes, short blonde hair, and a stout muscled body with biceps that almost compare to Garren's new ones. To make matters worse, he was also in the campus ROTC, and Matt would do anything to see Justin in his tight uniform. It got so tight around his biceps and his big round bubble butt that Matt could hardly stand it, and as much as he'd try to hide it, he'd always get hard. The only place it wasn't tight was around the crotch. Matt had seen Justin in the shower many times and seen his tiny dick typical of the fireplug build. Even though Justin was a little cocky sometimes, Matt was still drawn to his overall likeability and so they became good friends in only a month or so during the 2nd semester.

One afternoon while Matt and Justin were playing some video game after a busy day of classes, Justin stroke up a conversation with Matt.

"Dude, have you seen the changes going down on the hall?" Justin questioned.

Matt looked at him confused, "What do you mean?"

"You know...Garren...and your roommate, Colby...they've changed a lot."

"Oh yeah, they definitely have, Colby's really got the freshman 15 going on."

"Freshman 15!?! I don't think the freshman 15 has ever included 200 extra pounds of flab," Justin blurted out. "I mean, how does anyone gain that much weight...and that fast? You live with him, what's he been doing?"

"Umm, I don't know, he just snacks a lot so I guess it all just adds up." Matt tried to think of a good answer.

"I'd say so," Justin continued, "and Garren, he was a beast before he got here, but now he's practically a pro-bodybuilder. He got big fast, think he's on steroids or something?"

"No," Matt returned a little too quickly, "...I mean, well, he doesn't seem like the type to use steroids, you know."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, but it's all suspicious..." As Justin continued Matt started to get a little hard thinking about the changes that he'd done to these boys. "...although, damn, I gotta say, Garren has one tiny dick. I've seen him in the shower, not that I was looking, but when you've got muscles that big and a dick that small you know you're overcompensating...although, I guess I'm not one to talk."

"What are you talking about, you're not small at all," Matt lied.

"Pssh, whatever, we've showered together! I know you've seen me. I avoid showering when you do because I know that meat you're packing is huge." When Matt thought about it, he hadn't been in the shower when Justin was in a long time.

"Nah, I don't really remember, you can't be that small, come on." Matt tried to move on.

Justin stood up and pulled his gym shorts down revealing not only his muscularly thick legs but an almost inexistent package concealed by a pair of tighty whities. "Come on, we'll compare."

"What??" Matt was confused but secretly hugely turned on and ready and willing to whip it out for Justin, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah dude, I know I'm right!" and with that Matt stood up, towering over Justin's small stature and pulled down his shorts too revealing to Justin a massive package in his briefs. "See, I told you! I ain't got a bulge at all, and look at you, you're huge! I hope you use that thing wisely."

Matt was a little disappointed, "That's what he meant by compare?" he thought to himself. He decided that wasn't going to be enough, "Bulges don't mean anything, you gotta be hard for the official measurement."

Justin gave him a reluctant look, "Y-yeah, fuck yeah!" and he pulled down his briefs and there it was. Matt was beginning to drool as that tiny cock was getting pumped by Justin's hand. The tiny balls, the tiny dick between Justin's thick thighs were so hot to Matt. Matt didn't even have to jack himself; his bulge was going immensely until it made its way over the waistband of his briefs. As soon as it popped out, Justin's eyes bulged out, "Damn! It's bigger than I thought." Suddenly, Justin was embarrassed of his boyhood. Because of Matt's height, his dick was a little above belly button height to Justin so he kneeled down a little to compare. Dick to dick, Matt's heart was racing, his dick looked massive besides Justin's. Justin's was barely 3 inches, probably closer to 2. Matt's was slightly above 9.

"Man..." Justin said longingly, "what's it feel like to have a dick that big?"

Matt stood back up, "Meh, it has its perks I guess," trying to downplay his size.

"Yeah, whatever, I bet all the girls will do anything to get their hands on it, I don't even think I could get my hand around it!"

"Go ahead, try..." Matt said just as he was thinking maybe he'd gone too far, but he wasn't thinking clearly, he was so horny at this point that he would do anything to get this little stud to touch him.

Surprisingly, Justin reached out and grabbed the man meat in front of him, "Shit, I can't get my hand all the way around it." Matt leaned down a little and touched his friend's little dick. He fondled the acorn sized balls and tiny but very hard dick. Justin let out a very light moan as Matt did so. Justin tugged harder on the bigger dick in his hands as he was being played with. As he groped Matt's dick, he closed his eyes, pretending that it was his own dick he was holding, dreaming of the big dick being on his stubby body. He was shaken from his daydream as he heard Matt mutter "fuck" under his breath. Justin opened his eyes to see the dick he was holding pulse in his hand and let out a huge steam of cum right towards his little dick. Spurt after spurt landed on his dick, legs, and feet. Something completely overcame him as he got down and put his mouth on Matt's dick to drain him of the remaining spurts and empty his balls completely. He removed his mouth, coming to his senses and looked up at Matt.

"Dude...I-I'm sorry," there was cum still on his lips, "I don't know what's going on..."

Matt was still breathing hard from his intense orgasm, unsure of what would happen to his friend. He didn't have to wait long though.

Justin took a deep breath and fell back on his bubble butt, his legs open and his boycock on display, "Man...I feel dizzy..."

His dick felt warm all of the sudden, as if he were going to cum soon. He was filled with sexual energy, having a huge urge to beat off and feel his own muscles. He began to feel his biceps and pecs through his shirt, working his way down to his dick. He cupped his little balls in his stubby fingers and tugged on his small dick with the other and that when he started to feel the changes. He looked down to see his dick getting harder, growing, but not in the usual way. This time it was growing past its normal length, up to 4 inches...then 5...his grip being forced open by his own bulging meat. He looked down in shock as his dick settled at about 6 hard inches atop his tiny childlike balls. He couldn't believe it; he looked so disproportionate, but he didn't have to wait long before the changes spread through his balls. His balls began to enlarge as well, filling him with even more sexual desires. They grew almost as big as Matt's before coming to a halt and leaving Justin to stew in an incredible amount of lust. He was horny beyond belief, but all he had to do was look up at the stud in front of him, and he immediately came. He felt it building in his newly enlarged balls as they emptied into his longer dick and shot out, spurt after spurt. He couldn't believe it; he'd never cummed this much in his life. He shot all over Matt's legs and feet and the last few spurts landed on his own legs. He was breathing so hard after such an intense climax. He couldn't believe it, he finally had a normal sized dick.

"What...huff...the...huff...fuck...." he said in between breaths.

Matt pulled up his shorts and helped Justin up. Justin pulled his underwear back up and put his softened dick back in it pouch...this time the bulge was just a little bigger, stretching the fabric more so than it was used to. He pulled up his shorts, and fondled his bigger crotch again while Matt began to explain what had happened and how he'd been the one responsible for Colby's and Garren's changes too.

At first Justin was skeptical, but he had living proof in his underwear of what Matt's cum could do. For a little while after the incident, Justin and Matt pretended as if nothing had changed. Justin couldn't get enough of his new size. It made him feel more masculine and more like a real man. He would put on a pair of tight briefs and admire himself in the mirror, get hard, and be forced to beat off. It was only a few weeks after the initial growth that he decided to ask Matt for more.

It was almost 10 o' clock when Justin left his room (horny as hell of course) to visit Matt. He walked down the hall and gave a knock to Matt's door. Instead of seeing Matt, a huge fatass answered the door only wearing a pair of extremely tight briefs.

"Hey..uh...Colby, is Matt here?" Justin managed say while gaping at the boy's grown body.

Colby stopped chewing on a chocolate bar he had in his hand to tell him that he was and let him in. Matt was at his computer doing some school work when he saw Justin come in.

"Matt...can I talk to you for a second?" Justin questioned.

Matt agreed and they walked out into the communal bathroom across the hall.

"Fuck Matt, I gotta have more, please give me a bigger dick..." Justin pleaded to the man who was more than a foot taller than him.

"Justin...if I give you more now, you'll only want more later! You've had a 3 inch dick your whole life, now you're double that, aren't you satisfied?" Matt tried to reason while keeping his voice down.

"You have no idea. Your dick is massive...what's a little more going to hurt?"

Matt really didn't want to talk about it, all he knew is that seeing Colby's fatass all day made him extremely horny and if this boy wanted it, why stop him? Matt grabbed the boy's shoulder and led him into the stall and shut the door. Justin was sat down on the toilet and feverously pulled down Matt's gym shorts. Matt was wearing a tight bear of white briefs with a thin fabric that made his dick plainly visible. Justin immediately started manhandling the bulge before finally freeing it from the fabric and sucking down his friend's manhood. Matt tried to contain his moans while Justin was working him. Justin would lick the tip before sliding all the way down, and when Matt thought Justin couldn't take anymore, he'd feel his dick go deeper into his throat.

"Fuck Justin...where'd you learn to give head..." Matt said in ecstasy as he felt himself come close to climax. His muscles began to tense all over. He grabbed onto Justin's head and he felt himself climax as his abs tightened, then his pecs, all the way to his biceps. Cum came gushing out of his dick and straight into Justin's stomach. Justin didn't miss a single drop of it and didn't remove his mouth off of Matt's dick until Matt was almost completely soft. Justin let the cock drop from his lips and frantically pulled down his workout shorts to watch his package grow stuffed into his briefs. He waited a few seconds, completely impatient.

"Is it going to work??" Justin questioned almost out of breath.

"It always does..." Matt reassured as he tucked his meat back into his briefs and pants.

Then Justin started to feel it. His bulge stuffed into his tighty whities began to grow. It lurched forward like he'd just shoved a roll of socks into his briefs. With that, he immediately pulled down the briefs and admired his new dick as it continued to grow and harden. The shaft lengthened and widened dramatically. The head bulged out into a well defined mushroom. To finish things out, his balls swelled up to a size a bit bigger than golf balls. He now had a substantial meat between his legs that had settled on 9 inches. He was the same size as Matt now, but thicker and his balls were a little bigger. He moved his stubby fingers up his huge meat. He could no longer get in fingers to close around it, and that thought alone was enough to send him over the edge. His whole body tensed up, his huge pecs and biceps flexed beyond belief. His eyes shut hard and he felt the most intense orgasm of his life rocket through his manhood and down through his balls into his whole body. Shots of cum fired from his lengthy dick straight into the air. The first shot hit Matt right in the face, the others landed on the stall walls or on Justin. He couldn't stop shooting. His oversized balls had produced an unbelievable amount of cum. After a while the cum stopped flowing, leaving the whole stall and the two boys a mess.

"Damn..." Justin let out "...thank you so much..."

Justin was very satisfied with his new cock for awhile, but in the meantime, Garren and Colby had become fuck buddies. Since Garren and Colby couldn't fool around with Matt for fear of getting too fat or having a dick too small, they decided to fool around with each other. While Matt was in class, Colby would gleefully submit to Garren's huge muscles. Colby would worship the black stud's pecs while Garren would feed him fattening foods, just to humiliate him with even more fat than the poor boy already had. Colby loved it too, he had no idea that a big man like Garren would ever be into his fat weak body and wanting to make him fatter. They did encounter some problems sometimes. Garren's dick had become so small that fucking Colby's fat ass was sometimes unmanageable. Garren wished he hadn't been so greedy for his muscles, he missed his big dick and now he'd been placed into the stereotypical category of "big muscles = small dick". He had resulted to stuffing his briefs with a roll of socks to make it seem like he was the man he always was, and even though he had the biggest muscles of anyone he knew, he still avoided going nude in the locker rooms at the gym at all cost; however, one morning he was running a little behind and was forced to shower in the locker rooms instead of returning back to the dorm first like usual so he wouldn't be late for his first class.

The massive black man stood at his locker in his workout briefs, hardly a bulge at all in the front. His huge muscled back and chest out for everyone to see, his briefs stretched to the limit across his beautifully large black ass with tree trunk legs that were so thickly muscled that they pushed his legs apart. He thundered over to the showers and peered in. He was by far the tallest man around and luckily there were only a few boys in there. He reluctantly pulled his briefs down to free his little boy meat which he had to put some effort into to get his briefs over his large round ass and thick thighs before he lumbered into the showers. All was fine for a little while, no body paid him any attention except to gawk at the mountain of muscle he had become. He had a 4 inch dick, but when not hard, it was only 2 or so which he thought was probably somewhat normal for a soft state, but the problem was that his massive thighs only helped to make it look even smaller.

That's when he heard, "Who's that guy overcompensating over there?" being asked to someone else. He knew they were talking about him, but he tried to keep his cool and overhear the conversation.

"Heh, so you noticed the baby dick on that mammoth too, eh?" a man answered and then continued, "you know he wasn't always like that, I remember he had a pretty good sized meat not too long ago, but he wasn't as built think he's on steroids? That would explain how he got so much bigger so fast...and I heard those things do make your dick and balls smaller."

"He might be, but either way he's impressive. I'd had to have a dick that small though, I wouldn't trade my dick for muscles anyday"

When Garren heard this, he realized that was exactly what he did, but he couldn't stand these little punks making fun of his dick or accusing him of steroids. He turned around with a very angry look on his face to see that these boys were probably no bigger than 5'6''. He was almost a full foot taller than them and he definitely had a hundred pounds of muscle on them. "What did you say?!?" The big black man bellowed at the boys who had just begun to cower in fear. Garren gave a double bicep flex, his whole upper body bulged out tremendously. The boys immediately backed up and out of the big black man's way. He knew he would beat both their asses if he didn't get out of there so he quickly got dressed and gathered his stuff and headed straight back to the dorm, forgetting about class. On his way back he realized something, if people were already noticing and making fun of his small dick then what was the point in worrying about it. He decided that then and there he was already screwed so why try to stop it. He thought that he should go ahead and milk Matt for all he was worth.

Meanwhile, Matt and Colby were just waking up. They both only had a few afternoon classes today and could afford to sleep in a little. Colby rolled out of bed, his whole body jiggling as he waddled across the room to his closet butt naked. He'd outgrown his underwear weeks earlier and his wide ass was in full view to Matt who walked over and gave it a nice grab.

"Mornin' pig," Matt said as he pushed his large bulge contained by a pair of nice white briefs into Colby's fat. Matt knew he couldn't fuck him, but he was dying to. He let Colby's fatass waddle out to the showers while he stayed in the room. He sat down at his desk and logged onto the computer to check his mail when he heard footsteps enter the room. He turned around expecting to see Colby returning for something he forgot, but instead he saw a hulking black man. Garren shut the door without locking it and began to take his clothes off, "I need more Matt," he said in his deep raspy voice.

"What? You can't be serious!?"

"Get that dick over here boy," Garren was very serious. Garren sat his huge body down on Colby's bed and leaned back, "do it Matt."

Matt knew exactly what Garren was wanting and was too horny to stop himself from giving it to him. He stood up, his briefs trying hard to containing his growing dick. He immediately pulled them down and his dick flopped out and slapped it abs. He walked over to Garren and immediately started to explore the big man's body. He ran his paws over Garren's shoulders down to his thick slabs of pecs. He cupped them and lifted them up and let them fall, feeling their heft and power in his hands. Garren's abs were thick and stacked like brick on each other. Matt felt so small beside him except when his hands made their way to Garren's little package. Matt played with the man's 4 inch hard on and tiny balls before he lifted his huge and heavy legs up and onto his shoulders. His legs were very heavy, much heavier than Matt expected and they were so thickly muscled that he could barely spread them far enough to get his cock aimed at the black man's awaiting ass and what an ass it was. Two huge globes of smooth muscle that were so big that Matt had to push between them to get the head of his dick up against Garren's virgin asshole. Matt could barely hold himself back as he started to gently push himself into Garren. Garren could feel himself being stretched and let out several loud grunt and moans to help himself deal. Matt pushed in deeper, the head was in and his shaft was going in deeper into black man's ass. Soon, Matt was completely inside of him. Matt felt Garren's ass tighten around his cock making it bulge inside of him.

"Gimme your cum, son," Garren grunted.

Matt attempted to pull out and then push back in, but his cock wouldn't budge. Garren's ass's grip was too tight on his dick and when Matt tried to move, the warmth of Garren's ass only got Matt closer and closer to climax. Garren moved his huge legs off Matt's shoulders and tightened them around his waist. Matt was trapped in this muscle prison, but he was in no hurry to escape. He leaned forward and felt the massive man's pecs again. Garren began flexing them, making the bounce up and down right out of Matt's grasp.

"Tell me I'm your daddy, Matt," Garren said with a grin on his face. "Tell me I'm your big black daddy."

"Y-you're my..." Matt was having trouble concentrating, his dick was in heaven and Garren's voice and muscles were hypnotizing him. He was becoming so sweaty and full of lust, he can't imagine a time he was hornier and for some reason Garren's dominating suddenly made him even hornier. "You're my big black daddy, Garren," Matt managed to mutter between moans and grunts as he got even closer to release, but while this sexual encounter progressed, something much more was about to happen in the showers.

Colby was midway through his shower and about to finish up when Justin from down the hall came in. Colby glanced out of the corner of his eye to see Justin's hard bubble butt and thick stout legs, broad shoulders and nice arms, but Colby wasn't ready for what he saw when Justin turned around. Colby had seen Justin's little dick before, but when Justin revealed his new manhood Colby could do nothing but stare at the hose dangling between Justin's legs. Justin, of course, saw Colby staring as he turned on the shower beside Colby. Justin slowly started working his meat, pumping it up and down, making it grow all while Colby stared in amazement.

"Heard you liked cock a little too much, Colby," Justin caught his attention.

"What are you talking about..." Colby tried to play dumb.

"I know how you turned into such a pig, fatass," and with that Justin walked over, his obscene meat flopping around and pushed it into Colby's belly fat. Justin was surprised at how sensitive his huge manhood was now as it slid around on his floormates fat body. Colby immediately dropped to his knees, his huge gut filling up his entire lap as his chubby fingers grabbed Justin's newly enlarged meat. Colby's opened his mouth as wide as he could, and he could just barely get the massive head in. He was so cock hungry that he knew he had to have every inch inside of him. Finally, a cock bigger than Matt's that wouldn't make him fatter. He hungrily sucked on Justin's dick, getting about half of it down before he couldn't take anymore. He pulled it out, it looked so beautiful in his chubby fingertips, the water from the shower flowing over it. He rubbed the precum lathered tip of Justin's manhood all over his face; against his chubby cheeks and fat lips and down over his double chin before goggling it back up in his greedy mouth. Even though Justin was thoroughly enjoying Colby's mouth, he wanted to see what his new dick could do.

He reached down and pulled the fat man up who was reluctant to let the dick out of his mouth. Once he got Colby up, he immediately fondled his huge tits. Squeezing them and pushing them together.

"What a humiliating pig you've become," Justin told Colby as he continued to play with his fattened body. Justin lifted up his big belly and molded it in hands before letting it go to jiggle, making Colby's plump tits bounce with it. Then he reached down to the target zone: Colby's almost invisible cock. He fondled the tiny dock in his hands remembering when he had one the same size.

"What do you call this? This isn't a cock, a 2 year old has a bigger dick than you fatass!" Justin grabbed his manmeat and pushed it into Colby's little dick to demonstrate how much bigger he was than him.

Justin grabbed him by the love handles and turned him around, getting a full few of the biggest ass he'd ever seen. Not only was it wide, but it was also extremely plump and round atop his thickly fattened legs that forced Colby to waddle. He immediately began to fondle the huge fat ass before him. He couldn't even hold one cheek in both hands, it was just too big. Justin's dick was at dying to own that ass as he aimed it between the huge cheeks of fat on either side of Colby's awaiting ass. He started to push into the cheeks, the fat alone around his cock felt incredible.

"You little whore, you're a fat little whore, you know that Colby, did you know that?" Justin brutally questioned as his dick got closer to Colby's asshole. Colby didn't answer, he just moaned in pleasure as he felt that big dick spread his fat cheeks. "You fat slut, you love this don't you, you love this fat body you've grown. You deserve every ounce of fat that's weighing your weak flabby body down, you pig." Colby could barely stand it, he needed that dick in him. Justin pushed his dick up against the hole. Colby ass was so tight, it had not been fucked by a cock so thick before and Colby let out a very audible moan when Justin shoved the head in. Justin gently let out a "fuck" when he felt the warmed and tightness of this fat pig's hole. Justin pushed in deeper but was stopped by Colby's ass. Justin must have had only 3 inches inside of Colby and already the boy's fatass was stopping him from putting any more in.

"Deeper Justin...deeper," Colby panted.

"I-I..." Justin said frustrated, "...I can't! You're too fucking fat! Your fat ass is too fucking fat, you fucking pig!" Justin slapped Colby's ass as he said this. Justin couldn't believe this, he wanted to show this fat boy the huge dick he's acquired but he couldn't even do that; however, he just had a stroke of genius. He pulled out of Colby's ass and told him to wait there, that he'd be back in a few minutes. An exhausted Colby just plopped his fatass down on the tiles to rest while he waited. Justin toweled down a little, wrapped the towel around his waist, his dick very prominent underneath the fabric. He hadn't bothered to give it time to soften.

He marched out of the bathroom and across the hall to Matt's room and opened the door without bothering to knock. There, before his eyes was Matt standing beside the bed coming down from a huge climax inside a big black man who was on his back on the bed with his legs wrapped around Matt.

"Oh god...fuck!" Matt let out as his orgasm continued to pleasure him, Matt felt spurt after spurt enter the big man's asshole as Garren released his grip on him. He slowly pulled out, feeling Garren milk him for every drop.

"NO!" Justin yelled when he realized what was happening, "I need that cum!"

He immediately ran over to Matt, dropped to his knees and started sucking, trying to get any last drops. He licked the head clean and received only a little bit of what remained of the huge load Matt had just released. Justin then turned around and shoved his face into the huge black ass behind him. He was desperate for some cum. Justin's tongue feverishly lapped the black man's ass hole, all around and in.

"Hey bitch!" Garren bellowed in an angry voice, "That cum is mine!" but before he tried to stop him, he realized how good his tongue felt against his recently stretched asshole. He hadn't cum yet and that tongue felt so good to him. Justin could taste it, he could taste Matt's creamy cum all in and around Garren's ass. It was so good, so delicious, so sweet. Once he got as much as he could he came up for air, standing up exhausted beside Matt.

"Damn bitch, that was good...both of you..." Garren said, exhausted, but he didn't stay exhausted for much longer. He suddenly felt a surge of energy, he began feeling stronger, more masculine. He leaned up, still sitting on the bed and flexed his biceps. They peaked at 22 inches, but suddenly lunged up to 24 inches on the 2nd flex, then 25 inches on the 3rd. His arms were swelling all over, even his forearms. His arms looked disproportionate on his frame until his chest bulged out, his pecs so big and round, his shoulders broadened and layered on the muscle. His back thickened out with even more muscle while his neck thickened, even his lips filled out a little more.

"Holy shit...I'm a fucking god," his voice was even deeper than before, and much louder, but he wasn't done growing. His abs thickened further and bulged out even more than before. His legs started to grow next. He muscle pulsating as it grew thicker and bigger. His thighs enlarged so much that they pushed his legs apart even more than before. He stood up to realize that he'd grown in height to. His body pushed up to 6'5''...then 6'6''....6'7''...finally stopping at 6'8''. He towered above little Justin who was making his way out of the room back to the showers. Then came Garren's final change. As he flexed his enormous body, his hard dick began to shrink, first to 3 inches...then 2...then just one hard was too much for Garren, as his balls shrunk to that of a 1 year old he began to cum. His tiny baby dick spit out just an ounce of cum and the orgasm was weak and mild, but nonetheless, the mountain of black muscle loved it.

"Thanks Matt..." Garren said as he grabbed his underwear and attempted to pull it up over his thighs; however, it ripped as soon as it reached his thighs and his strong arms tried to pull them up. "Shit...I'm a beast!!" Matt got a pair of Colby's sweat pants for Garren. He put them on but they were skin tight. Showing off his huge ass, the fabric buried deep between his muscled cheeks, they also showed off his complete lack of a package. With that, he lumbered out of the room, ducking under the door a little and headed next door to his room.

"What have I done..." Matt mumbled under his breath.

Back in the showers, Justin was beginning to feel what the cum was doing to him, and he was loving it. He began to feel extremely masculine as well as extremely horny as he held his hard dick in front of Colby who was still on the ground.

"Get up and turn around pig boy," Justin demanded. Colby tried his hardest to get his fatass off the floor and after much struggle he was finally able to do so. As soon as he turned around, Justin rammed his dick right back where it belonged. He got in 3 inches again, making Colby moan as he reentered him, but this time Justin had a surprise. Not only did Colby's tight fat ass felt great, but Justin could feel the cum taking effect on his dick. His whole dick pulsed and Colby felt it, he winced as he felt the dick thicken up and lengthen. Justin moaned in complete ecstasy as his manhood grew inside Colby. It swelled up in size, pushing deeper into Colby and widening his hole, stretching him to the limit.

"Oh god, take it out Justin!" Colby begged as he felt it continue to grow.

"No way fatboy," Justin answered as he started to thrust his massive tool inside the obese student's ass. He could feel his ball enlarging now, growing to the size of tennis balls. He could feel their weight as they slapped Colby's fat ass with each thrust. It wasn't long before he finally could feel himself starting to climax. He let out a very loud moan as he felt the most powerful orgasm rocket through hid dick, through is balls, and through is stout body. His cum was finally unleashed into Colby's ass, load after load was being emptied into him. They kept coming too, it was more cum that Justin had ever produced before, it was unreal. He finally started to pull out, still shooting, and when the head came out with a loud "pop" cum flowed out of Colby's ass. Justin was still convulsing, dick still shooting healthy sized loads out and all over Colby's legs. It was huge in his hands; he could barely get both his hands around it. It had to be a full foot of thick all-american meat. Once he let go of it, it slapped against his abs, the head coming to rest just between his pecs. He took this opportunity to lean down and put his mouth around the head as best he could to swallow the remaining loads. After 5 more loads he began to choke a little but tried to hold on as much as he could until he couldn't swallow anymore. His monster meat shot a few more times before finally letting up. He looked at Colby who was still in shock from having his ass raped by that cock, cum still running down his legs, and Colby looked at Justin's stomach, distended from swallowing just under a gallon of his own cum. Justin rubbed his tight stomach in amazement as his cock began to soften and he began to catch his breath.

"" Justin huffed between breaths as he licked the cum from his lips.

That night, Matt lie in his bed, thinking about how his cum had changed his friends. He couldn't believe what had happened in such a short time. He had fattened up one, turned another into a muscle man, and given another one a donkey dick. It all made him wonder what would happen if he tasted his own cum? Would he get fat? More muscled? An even bigger dick? He was desperate to know, but at the same time, he was afraid to try. Of course, all these thought got his dick hard, and yet again, like on so many other nights, his paws fished his manhood out from his briefs and he began to smoothly jack off. Starting from the tip and work his way down, feeling every inch of it in his hands. It didn't take much for him to cum, his eyes forced themselves shut as he felt a strong orgasm run through his body. He cupped his hand around the head of his dick to catch his load as it shot out spurt by spurt. He lifted his hand to his face and licked it clean. He'd never tasted his own cum before; he'd never tasted how sweet and creamy it was.

"Damn...that's good..." he thought as he felt sleep overtake him.

Next: Chapter 5

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