Shy Guy

By John Smith

Published on Aug 16, 2007


Disclaimer: Do not read this if you are either under age, offended by gay sex or sex in general, or by some oppressive/strict national/religious laws restricted from viewing this material, and remember to keep an open mind while reading.

I'd like to thank everyone who sent encouraging e-mails or just wanted to say they enjoyed the story! I love hearing your feedback. I hope you all enjoy the 3rd installment as well.

The Shy Guy: Chapter 3

Matt was glad to finally get home and greet his parents, his brothers, and all his friends he hadn't seen since summer. His little brother 8 year old brother Nick came right out to meet him. Nick was a video game addict and it showed on his little body. He was the typical chubby kid who played too many games and ate way too much. After he talked to his parents and little brother and told them all about his experiences (happening to leave out a few certain situations), he carried his luggage up to his room that he shared with his other younger brother, John. John and Matt hadn't always been roommates, but when Nick was born John was kicked out his room and forced to live with Matt. John was two years younger than him and had always been an active sports enthusiast. So while Matt was working hard and lifting at the gym to earn his body, John had essentially been born with his. When John was growing up, he would do anything to play baseball, football, soccer, you name it, John wanted to play it and devoted everything to it. This had all resulted in him being a very well built athlete, and, like Matt, a tall one at that standing just under 6 feet tall, but when Matt when opened the door to his room, he was greeted by a stranger. John had really grown up in the short time Matt was gone. He was no longer the "meager" six feet, he was at least 6'5'' now as he was standing looking down into Matt's eyes. His shoulders and waist had broadened significantly, but he wasn't over-muscled (or so to speak) because while he was definitely muscular, he was still trim and able to be fast on the field.

"Hey there big bro," John said in his unfamiliar deep voice.

They hugged and said their hellos as if Matt hadn't left for a day, and John helped Matt get the rest of his things out of the car and into the house. Matt secretly watched his brother's muscles flex underneath his thin white undershirt as he carried things from car to room. He even went as far as to take a peek when his brother bent over to pick up a box. His gym shorts hugging his manly ass, and Matt could even seen the outline of John's boxers. John had always been a boxer-man as opposed to briefs that Matt was so comfortable in, but suddenly Matt shook his head and thought, "What am I doing?? This is my little brother!" He kept telling himself that over and over again, but he could help but look at John. His bro was so big now, and he still had a few years to grow more; he was going to be one handsome man.

He got used to having the bigger little brother in the twin bed next to him and enjoyed even more as they both got ready for bed. They had an adjoining bathroom with one sink and shower/bath so Matt had the pleasure of watching his little bro get ready for bed, watching his short boxers hug his firm ass and package as well as the view of his defined thick legs, six pack, and a great chest, shoulders, and arms to match. He was like the bigger version of Matt. He loved the glances of John's morning wood which appeared to be even bigger than Matt's.

For the next few weeks Matt mostly enjoyed hanging out with his friends and family, as well as his brother, John, who he'd become much closer with. Matt was also glad that John was an extremely heavy sleeper because, on occasion, Colby would call after John had fallen asleep and Matt could get an update on his fattening friend. Colby was always sure to mention the amount of fattening foods he'd eaten, as well as the embarrassment and humiliation he'd received from everyone he knew. While he was certainly embarrassed by his marked weight gain and the neverending teasing, for some reason, that was what turned him on about the whole situation. It caused him to eat more than ever and to grow bigger on his own. These types of calls were agonizing for Matt whose dick could barely handle the overweight information. While on the phone with Colby, he'd always give a look to his "big" brother to make sure he was asleep before he forced the sheets down and took his manhood out. Hearing Colby talk about how fat he was becoming, how his body had been ruined by Matt drove Matt over the edge night after night.

It was one week before school started back that everything went a little haywire. One late night while John was sleeping, Matt was feeling sleepy and just about to turn the light off when he heard his phone vibrating. It was Colby and he said a muffled hello. Matt was quick to find out that Colby was gorging on a late night snack of double fudge brownies. He was eating fast and extremely horny, and this just made Matt hornier but he was so tired he just shoved his briefs down to the floor and flopped on the bed jacking off immediately. He had completely forgotten about the muscled boy nearby. He was too busy listening to Colby eat and get fatter to care. He listened as Colby stuffed his fat face with brownies, and he heard him smack his newly huge belly every now and then. Matt just kept telling him to eat more, kept telling him about the body he used to have and how fat he'd become. By the time Colby had finished his late night meal, Matt was on the verge of exploding, his cock pulsating in his paws. His thighs flexing; his abs flexing harder as he got closer. Then Colby revealed something to Matt that sent Matt's body into a raging orgasm.

"Man...when we get back to school...I want you to fuck me again...make me even fatter."

"Oh shit," was all that Matt was able to whisper as cum rocketed out of his lengthy cock. He let out a soft moan and heard Colby doing the same on the line. The cum splattered everywhere, all over his chest and legs, even some on his face. There was cum on the bedsheets too. He said his goodbyes to Colby for the night and looked at the mess he'd made. He got up from bed and walked naked around John's bed to the bathroom, letting his softening cock flop around. He grabbed the hand towel by the sink they used to dry their hands with and cleaned himself off then walked back into the room to get what he could off his sheets then threw the towel back into the bathroom, pulled his briefs up over his meaty ass tucking his softened cock into the pouch, climbed into bed, and quietly drifted off to sleep.

Matt was awakened the next morning by the sound of John showering. He could hear the water splashing off his brother's big body in the shower and that was more than enough to keep his morning wood going strong. He couldn't believe how horny he was for his brother. He had no plans that morning and tried to go back to sleep. He kept waking up and falling asleep, waking up and falling asleep, waking up and falling asleep so he just finally decided to get up, shower, and start something. When he finally did get up, he realized that John was still in the bathroom. Surely he had left while he was asleep and just gone back in before he woke up. Matt had nothing better to do so he went to the kitchen and grabbed some cereal. When he returned, John was still in the bathroom so he just walked up to the door and gave it knocked and asked what was going on. There was no reply.

"What's going on in there?" He questioned.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," said an unfamiliar voice on the other side of the door.

Now Matt was just curious as to WHO was in there; however, he wouldn't have to wait long because the door didn't lock, it had broken years before when they used to fight over shower rights in the mornings. He slowly opened the door to find a kid about 5'1'' standing at the sink holding a much too big pair of boxers around his slim waist.

"Who the hell are..." he trailed off as the kid turned around. To Matt's shock, it was his brother! Or someone who looked just like his brother, only much younger.

"Something happened..." Nick trailed off, "...I took a shower, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and the next thing I knew...everything was bigger," he explained in his higher voice.

Matt looked at his diminished brother. "How could this have happnened?" he wondered to himself, but then he looked at John and then the sink. There on the sink was the towel he'd covered in his cum cleaning up. He knew exactly what happened. He looked back at John. Those boxers had been so tight before, now he had to hold them up. John looked about 11 or 12 now. Even at that age he still had an impressive physique though nothing that could compare to what he used to be. Besides his loss of height, he'd lost much of his muscle weight. He had turned from a buff teenager to a thin defined boy, and something about that triggered something in Matt. He could feel his manhood start to stretch the bulge of his briefs. A small grin appeared on his face as he walked up to his once taller brother who now only came up to Matt's abs. Matt got on his knees, now face to face with the boy, and put his hands on John's boxers and forced them down.

John took a deep breath and whispered, "What are you doing?"

Matt looked at his brother's hard cock, he knew his brother wouldn't be hard if this wasn't a turn on for him too. There was only a light amount of hair above it too, he was just about to enter puberty and grow ridiculously tall. John's dick was a solid 5 inches, a far cry from what it had been yesterday. Matt got down on all fours and took the boy's cock all in his mouth, all in one gulp. John didn't protest at all, afterall, he was a horny 17 year old in the body of an 11 year old. Instead, he put his little hands on his brother's head and slowly started to moan as his brother's wet warm mouth encased his cock. He was straight; he knew he was.

"What wrong with me? I like chicks!" he went over in his head, but something about this felt right to him, made him want more. He looked down at his muscular big brother sucking him off. His brother had it all in his mouth, balls and all. Just when he felt like he was going to climax, Matt removed his mouth from the young boy's cock and stood back up.

John knew exactly what to do. He got on his knees and put his little hands on the waistband of his brother's tight briefs and gently pulled them down. It was a lot harder than he thought, it was hard to get them over his ass. Matt enjoyed as his brother struggled to get his briefs down. Even on his knees, Matt's cock hit him on the forehead as it was released from its pouch. He immediately reached up and clasped his hands around Matt's thick shaft and felt over the cock as it hardened to its full length. It was bigger than he could imagine, but maybe his opinion was skewed some now that he was much smaller. He licked the head of it and tasted some of his brother's precum. It was sweet, and he knew he wanted more. He worked quickly, suddenly taking as much of Matt's dick in his mouth as he could which was only 4 or 5 inches. He wanted more and so did Matt. Matt placed his big hands on his brother's head and started to push him down deeper. John could feel the massive meat push further back into his mouth. He started to gag a little but Matt didn't release his grip until John felt the tip of Matt's dick against the back of his throat. That was more than enough to send John over the edge. His shrunken dick bounced a few times while he felt a powerful orgasm rocket through his body, but only a tiny dribble of cum fell out his cock. It was a pitiful load, much smaller than the ones he'd shot before. Matt's cock enjoyed the boy's tight throat, but Matt knew what was tighter.

John was a shocked at first, to be lifted off the ground by his handsome brother by the armpits. John wrapped his legs around Matt's waist and rested his head on his shoulders while Matt carried him to the bed, but instead of laying him down on the bed, Matt just sat down on the side of the bed with John still in his arm. John knew what was coming as soon as he felt Matt's lengthy dick between his small ass cheeks.

"Matt...don't, I'm too small now," John pleaded, but Matt was simply way too aroused to stop now.

Matt positioned his cock up against John's extremely tight asshole with one hand, while still holding John with the other. Then he very slowly started to lower John down, letting John's own weight force him onto his cock. John winced as he felt the head start to push in, spreading him far beyond the normal limit. He slid down further, starting to moan and scream a little as the head entered him further. He prayed that no one would hear him. Soon the head was in him, and he had to begin the long journey down the shaft. It was the greatest pain and pleasure John had ever experienced, and he wanted it. He moaned and whimpered as his ass was being taken over by his brother. After a few minutes he hit the base of Matt's dick and felt his large balls up against his ass. John felt completely full, there was no more room in his ass whatsoever. Then Matt lifted him up a little, releasing the pressure, and then lowered him. He was jacking off his dick with John's tight ass. Matt, knowing what would happen when he cums, was coming closer and closer to orgasm. In the meantime, John was shooting through his 2nd orgasm, this time with even less cum coming out. It was less than a drop this time. Finally, Matt pulled John up almost completely off his dick and then let him go to slide down and he held onto his brother's body. As soon as John hit the base, Matt felt it. It was huge, a wave covering his entire body. He clutched his bro as hard as he could as he unloaded a gallon of cum into his ass. John screamed as the pressure in his ass increased dramatically. Cum was running out of his ass down Matt's cock and onto the floor. Matt fell back onto the bed with John still in his arms, with his cock still deep in him. Both of them were breathing heavily from their intense fuck.

John was calming down, but Matt was waiting. Then Matt felt it on his cock. John was shrinking again. Instead of his head resting on Matt's shoulder, it slowly started to come down closer and closer to his chest. He could feel his body as it compacted more. He could feel all those teenage hormones disappear from his bloodstream. His muscles thinned out more and more after each second until he was simply a skinny kid. All while his body got smaller, his hold on Matt's dick got tighter and tighter, and Matt loved it. The pressure was intense in John's much smaller ass as the grown man's cock felt like it was getting bigger and bigger inside him when he was actually just shrinking. Matt couldn't believe it, he had just shot his load a few minutes ago, but the tightness was so intense he felt like he was going to cum again soon. John felt his cock pull itself in more, shrinking down further to 3 pitiful inches. Then he felt his balls get much smaller and pull up, and what little hair he had before was all gone now as with his chest hairs and underarm hairs; it was all gone.

"Holy shit! Look how small I'm getting!" John exclaimed in shock when he noticed the high pitched voice that came out of his mouth. He was 7 or 8 years old again. Gone was the massive manhood he used to have. Gone was the impressive body he had built up over the years. He put hands on his abs as they started to fade just a little and so-called "baby fat" started to build up. He was a chubby little boy after a few minutes whether he liked it or not. Suddenly, he was drawn back to the pain in his ass. It was even more intense than ever, so much pain and pleasure. His ass wasn't made for a big man's cock, but he loved the feeling of being so stretched out and feeling so full.

When Matt felt the orgasm building within him, he knew he couldn't cum in his bro again, he just couldn't do that to him. So he pulled out with one big trust to release a very loud slopping sound from John's newly emptied ass and shot another equally large load all over the floor.

After their sexual escapades ended, they weren't sure what to do. What would happen to little chub Johnny now? What would they tell their parents? It would only be a matter of time before their parents found out; they didn't have much time to think of a plan of action. For the meantime, Matt got dressed and went to the kitchen to get Johnny something to eat while Johnny sat on his huge bed to ponder what had happened to him. He felt so little, so helpless now. He was maybe 4'4'' with fattened weak muscles to match. Everything around him was so much bigger than it had been that morning. He pushed his little belly down and looked at his little prick.

"Wow," he thought, "I had over 10 inches here last night...look what's happened to me."

He gazed over his small body while he played with his child sized equipment. He couldn't remember what it was like to be this young, and in the back of his mind, he knew he should be freaking out. He knew that he should be panicking over the change, but for some reason he was rather calm. It turned him on to be so little, and somehow he knew it work out.

While Johnny played with his body, Matt was busy with other things. He made Johnny a quick peanut butter and jelly, but instead of going straight to the room, he made a pit stop at the bathroom adjacent to Nick's room. He had to beat off again before he saw Johnny like that. He quietly shut the door behind him and set the plate down on the marble countertop. He knew it wouldn't take more than 5 minutes to cum thinking about what had just happened. He pulled his gym shorts and briefs down in the front with his thumb and held them under his balls while he jacked off his growing cock. All he had to do was reel the shrinking of his brother over and over again in his head and he was fast on his way to climax. And just when he thought he was there, he heard someone at the door. He made a quick glance at the door to realize he had forgotten to lock it and by the time he reached to lock it, it was already being opened and his little brother Nick was squeezing his way in.

"Get out, squirt!" Matt managed to say as he tried to push the door shut, but his brother was too curious to be stopped. His head was already through the door, "What are you doing in..." he began to question until he noticed his brother was half naked, cock flopping all around. He prepared to just push Nick out, but the sudden thrill of being caught and movement told his dick something else. He began to cum which resulted in him shooting a direct load right in his little brother's face.

"Oh shit!" Matt said out loud, quickly followed by a, "What have I done?" he said to himself. He was embarrassed enough that he had cum on his little brother, but he knew what his cum was capable of. What if he got even younger?

He quickly grabbed his chubby brother and pulled him in the room and locked the door.

"What is this stuff?? Why are you naked??" His brother questioned as he licked his cum covered lips. "This stuff tastes funny..."

Matt didn't know what to do. He didn't know what to say in response to the boy's questions. He just waited to see if a change was coming, and there was definitely a change coming.

"Woah...I feel weird..." the boy stuttered as he grabbed his belly.

Then Matt saw it. He was getting taller, slowly but surely he was getting taller. His shirt was getting tighter across his chest and shoulders and he broadened some. His belly was visible now that his shirt wasn't long enough to conceal it all. His shorts were also getting dangerously tight across his growing waist. Matt's once chubby little brother was turning into a trim adolescent by the minute. His belly seemed to flatten down and disappear; his flabby chest did the same. His shorts finally ripped down the back and fell to the ground, leaving the teen in his extremely tight Ninja Turtle briefs. He had also received some major growth in his package which was clearly visible through the stretched thin fabric. Then Matt heard the sound of Nick's little shoes rip as his feet grew. His toes ripped straight through the shoe leaving his much larger foot hanging out the front.

"What just happened to me?" said Nick in a slightly deeper, more mature voice. "Is that my voice??" he questioned further. "Wow...," was all he could say as he admired his new body.

Matt suddenly had a grand idea on how to fix the unusual situation that had arisen between his brothers. He could somehow switch their places and, hopefully, no one would notice the change. He spent the next five minutes trying to quickly explain to his brother what had just happened to him and his way to remedy the situation. He stuttered over his words; he was so nervous and anxious. What if it didn't work? What if Nick couldn't be John? What if John couldn't be Nick? Nick was fairly smart for his age; he was quick to learn what was going on, but it was hard for him to concentrate on what Matt was telling him. His body was being pumped with more and more teenage hormones by the minute. All he wanted to do was see the new equipment in his extremely tight briefs. He couldn't get over his new body. He had abs instead of the chubby belly he used to have. Not only that but everything was smaller than before, he felt very powerful for a 12 year old.

Matt peaked out into the hallway, completely forgetting the food he'd gotten for John, to see if anyone was there. The coast was clear so he and Nick walked quickly down the hall to Matt's room. Nick was having a hard time walking in his new athletic tall body, but he managed to make it to the room. Chubby naked John was shocked to see some half-naked teenager stumble into the room. Matt spent some time explaining what happened but was interrupted by Nick.

"Big bro! I can't believe that's you! You're so little...what happened to your muscles?"

Suddenly, John was ashamed of his chubby little body. He tried to cover his tiny boycock.

"You used to be so big..." Nick carried on while he walked over to the bed kneading his teenage cock through his tight briefs. He climbed up on the bed and straddled his now little brother's body, pushing his bulge up to his face.

"How's it feel to be the little one now?" Nick questioned.

Matt didn't know to thin. His little brother was totally into his bigger size now; he was filled with power of his now little brother. He just stood there while Nick lowered his briefs and his cock lunged forward to slap his brother's little face. It was about 6 inches hard, 3 inches bigger than his former big brother. Little Johnny quickly gobbled up the cock in his little mouth, and Nick started moaning, enjoying his older brother's tight mouth. Matt knew he had to act quickly so he stripped off his gym shorts, shirt, and briefs and climbed up on the bed also. He got behind Nick straddling Johnny also who was almost crushed under their weight, but didn't stop sucking on Nick's newly enlarged meat. Nick leaned back into Matt, his head rest between Matt's two wonderfully shaped pecs. Matt reached down and pulled the ass of his briefs down to feet Nick's tight ass with his adult hands; it was going to be tight. He guided his dick up against the tight teenage ass and then with one quick thrust, pushed it ALL in. Nick let out a loud scream and immediately shot his first load all in John's throat as well as all over his face. Nick continued to moan and scream as his ass was torn up by his still bigger brother while John greedily kept sucking on Nick's cock after swallowing all of his load he could. It wasn't much longer until Matt finally released his neverending load into Nick. Nick's ass was so tight and Matt couldn't get enough of it. After he cam, he didn't remove it.

Nick started to feel it. He started feeling overpowered, strong. His head rose up quickly from between Matt's pecs, higher and higher. Matt couldn't believe what he'd done to his younger brother as his head raised up higher than his. His shoulder's broadened much wider than Matt's. His pecs swelled up and bulged out as his abs thickened and the ridges between them became more defined. His arms pumped up so that, even limp, they looked like they were flexing. His ass started pushing back against Matt's thighs as it grew more muscular. His briefs had had enough as they made a loud rip down the back and front, finally falling off. Matt felt Nick's grip on his cock loosen up as his body and ass grew. Nick's legs thickened up so much that they started to almost make a vice grip around John's chubby little body. Finally, his balls became engorged and enlarged to the size of tennis balls and his dick thickened up and lengthened to beyond 11 inches. He had become bigger than Matt or Johnny ever were in every way. His cock had elongated deep into Johnny's throat that was much too small to take it and caused Nick to cum again straight into Johnny's stomach, forcing him to take every drop.

"FUCK!" Nick's very deep course voice boomed through the room as he pulled his record breaking meat from John's throat leaving John gasping for air, climbed off the boy freeing his own ass from Matt's cock, and stood up beside the bed. He was a man now, a real man.

"I'm so fucking huge now...I can't believe this...this is unbelievable," he kept talking because he got off so much on the sound of his own masculine voice.

Matt didn't want to leave little Johnny out of the fun as he laid there in a daze after swallowing more cum than his little stomach could handle. Matt got off him and then leaned down and licked his little balls and cock with his seemingly large tongue from Johnny's perspective. That was more than enough to make Johnny's little equipment jerk and make him give a weak moan. No cum sprayed from his boycock like his brother's had and it wouldn't for more than a few years. Matt climbed off the bed and stood up beside Nick. His eyes met Nick's large adams apple. Nick was a real man now; he had aged beyond 17 years old and he was even older than Matt now, but he would have to play the role of John.

The boys spent the rest of the week getting used to the changes. Nick had to get used to being called John now. John had to get used to being Nick. They switched rooms and at first that was enough. John had moved all his sports paraphernalia into Nick's room, and Nick had taken out all his video games and set them up in his room now. They may have changed bodies, but they definitely hadn't changed minds. John fit pretty snuggly into all of Nick's clothes. Nick could wear all of John's old clothes, but they were all very tight on him which he was happy with because it showed off his awe inspiring body. Shirts traced his meaty pecs and defined abs perfectly, not to mention that they almost split around his arms. Gym shorts were more like tights on him and his round thick ass. He couldn't help but show off his bulge that never spent more than 5 minutes soft. As soon as he would cum in his new body; he would beat off again. He loved touching himself; he couldn't keep his hands off his horsecock and unbelievable balls. John was the same way almost. He stayed locked up in his private room all day playing with his tiny cock and feeling his new chubby body. He couldn't believe how small he'd become, both in dick size and height. Something in him loved the humiliation, and when Matt would get horny watching Nick play with himself all day, he would always stop by John's room for some fun. John was more than happy for his big brother to use his tight ass and mouth as he wished. Matt loved how tight his little brother was, but he always made sure to pull out of him before he came. He couldn't have a toddler running around the house, there would be no way to hide it; on the other hand, Nick had begged Matt for more cum, begging him to fuck him or to let him suck his dick. So much that sometimes they'd wrestle in the bed and on the floor, all while Nick tried to get his mouth on Matt's beautiful cock.

After a week of this, it was time for Matt to move back in. He packed up all the stuff he'd brought home and overloaded his car with luggage. It didn't take long before he was on campus and bringing things up to the room. He opened the door to see his once thin roommate standing sitting at his desk. His belly was poking out of his extremely tight white undershirt that outlined every pound of fat as well as his plump womanly tits. He had on a tight pair of sweatpants too. They only made his love handles more pronounced. Matt noticed that he was chewing and then he saw the pack of twinkies on his desk. Matt stepped in, shut the door, and dropped what he was carrying. He walked over to Colby's desk and grabbed a twinkie, unwrapped it, and shoved it in Colby's already full mouth. Matt reached down while Colby was still sitting and chewing and lifted up his shirt, letting his fat roll out. He threw the shirt aside and took off his own shirt, then undid his jeans and stripped down to his tighty whities. His muscled body, his firm round ass and well-defined pecs, arms, abs, and legs all looked infinitely better next to the fat slob who was stuffing his face in the chair in front of him. Colby stood up and pushed the chair aside still facing away from Matt. Matt stepped forward and pushed his hard body into the shorter, much fatter boy. He reached around under Colby's flabby arms and grabbed his hefty belly in his hands letting his fingers sink into the fat. Colby kept chewing away while one of Matt's hands lifted and dropped his gut and the other squeezed and cupped his double D breasts. Colby could feel his fat fill in the ridges of Matt's athletic torso. Colby felt like a pig; he felt so unbelievably fat, and he was. Matt reached over and got another twinkie, unwrapped it and shoved it in his pig's mouth while gently thrusting his growing bulge into Colby's wide ass.

Matt couldn't wait anymore. He yanked down Colby's sweatpants to find that Colby wasn't wearing any underwear. He was also greeted face to ass with Colby's very wide, very fat ass. Colby's asshole was deep between two round globes of pure fat, not an ounce of muscle beneath them. Matt stood up and guided Colby to Colby's bed. Colby's fat thighs shaking together, gut pouncing with each waddle. Even Colby's almost invisible dick was bouncing in its fat prison under his belly. Colby struggled but managed to climb up on the bed on all fours; his ass up in the air waiting. Matt immediately pulled down his briefs letting his manhood flop out. His balls were aching, they looked almost swollen, bigger than normal. They were craving release, and Matt was ready and willing to give it to them. He climbed up behind Colby's awaiting jiggling ass. He gave it a good slap to watch it jiggle. Not only did it jiggle, but Colby's thighs, belly, and tits all swayed with it. Matt held his meat with one hand, placing the other on the pig's ass in front of him. Matt pushed forward, his cock pushed Colby's fat cheeks aside while he aimed for his ass. His ass was so fat that Matt's cock felt like it was already deep in his ass when it was actually just surrounded by Colby's fatass cheeks. Matt's cock head finally pushed up against Colby's tight asshole. Matt could barely contain himself. He was filled with so much lust and desire. He needed to cum so badly; he was beyond horny. Colby moaned very loudly as Matt's large head penetrated Colby's ass. Matt moaned just as loud in a deep manly voice. It was better than he imagined; so fat, so tight. Not long after the base of his cock pressed into the soft fat of Colby's ass cheeks. He was deep within his pig now.

"You're so fat like like this, don't ya bitch, you like being a fatass," Matt said forcefully to Colby. Matt couldn't think straight, he didn't know what was coming over him. His desire was in full control.

All Colby's could do was whimper and take it all. Each thrust felt like he was being filled up even more than the last. Matt's dick was so big, and Colby only wanted more. His whole body jiggled as Matt thrust into him and out of him, sometimes pulling out completely and then reentering. Matt was grunting and moaning while Colby shook all over. Then Colby heard Matt let out a very loud moan and felt Matt's grip on his love handles harden. Colby could feel the cum unloading within him. It was filling up his ass and after a few seconds he felt very full. He felt Matt pull out of him, and then he was rolled over. He looked up at Matt's sweat covered body. The sweat only managed to magnify his muscles. His pumped chest and arms; his still-hard dick swinging between two grand thighs. Colby put his hands on his belly that was still shaking slightly from being turned over.

Suddenly, he felt very hungry, like he would never get enough to eat. He heaved himself up off the bed, leaving Matt there. He waddled, holding his starving gut, over to his desk and started shoveling in twinkie after twinkie.

"I'!!" He yelled, his voice muffled with food.

Matt watched in shock as his roommate shoved 3 twinkies into his already full mouth. His belly sagging over onto the desk. His tits swinging as he gobbled down the food. As Colby mindlessly stuffed himself silly, the changes were starting to take shape. Matt watched as Colby's tits swelled up even more. They were huge jugs of fat that, at the moment, were very disproportional to the rest of his fat body. His belly lurched forward onto the desk, taking up more and more space in front of him. With his belly so large, it was getting hard for him to reach the twinkies that had been pushed back by his belly. His bellybutton became extremely deep as his love handles spilled over his own waistline. As he continued to gorge on food, his ass and hips widened dramatically, making his ass cheeks two large pillows of fat. Colby almost lost his balance as his enlarging thighs forced his legs apart and completely engulfed what was left of his still hard dick. His face finally started to receive some of the fattening as his neck thickened more as well as his face rounding out ever so slightly, but Colby was still chewing away and didn't even notice the fattening. He only took notice when it became hard to hold the twinkies after his fingers plumped up further turning into short thick sausages. By this time though, the twinkies were all gone. Colby licked his plump lips and put his chubby hands on his enormous belly resting on the desk and let out a very loud burp. Then he looked down and realize what had happened to him.

"Holy fuck! Shit...oh fuck..." was all he managed to say when he realized his gluttony.

Matt gazed at his completely overtaken roommate and knew that this semester was going to be better than the last.

Next: Chapter 4

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