Shy Guy

By John Smith

Published on Aug 3, 2007


Disclaimer: Do not read this if you are either under age, offended by gay sex or sex in general, or by some oppressive/strict national/religious laws restricted from viewing this material, and remember to keep an open mind while reading.

The Shy Guy: Chapter 2: Garren

So there Matt sat at his desk in the dark dorm room. It had been awhile since he'd initially fattened up his roommate by accident. Colby was completely lethargic now. He was afraid to leave because of everyone he knew. There was no way to explain his weight gain and he wasn't about to tell everyone he knew that he was a slut for his roommate. He'd watch his tall handsome roommate out of the corner of his eye get dressed in the morning. He'd watch his muscles flex as he put on a clean shirt or pulled up some briefs over his sculpted ass and tuck his flaccid manhood into the pouch. That's when Colby would reach down under his belly and fondle his own diminished manhood that was more like a child's dick now. He was becoming completely obsessed with Matt, and he decided that he had to satisfy his cravings.

Unknown to Colby, Matt felt the same way. For some reason, Colby's expanding waistline had really gotten to Matt. Being forbidden to fuck him again, Matt's desire for his chubby roommate skyrocketed. Matt was normally a calm young adult, but more and more he found himself uncontrollably horny. When he woke up in the mornings, his morning wood would normally subside within a few minutes, but not anymore. He found out very quickly that he was distracted by thoughts all day unless he relieved himself early on. He would sit in class thinking about how his roommate waddled across the room now. He'd think about how his own cum had completely ruined his roommate's body. Then the next thing he knew, he was stuck in class with 9 hard inches in his pants. So he started the habit of waking up a little earlier to take an early shower to take care of himself to avoid his roommate and the morning rush to the showers. That worked for a little while, but soon her was becoming overwhelmingly horny during the day, and by the time he got back to his dorm it was like he could feel the cum building up in his balls begging for release. As soon as Colby would go to bed, Matt would lower his briefs and pull out his already semi-hard dick and get to work. He'd look over his loft down to his shirtless roommate taking in his big belly and plump tits that, not long ago, were almost pecs. He'd lean back on his pillow and close his eyes remembering when he'd witnessed Colby's growing. Colby's whole body widening and rounding out. If that's what his cum could do to his roommate, what would it do to other guys? What would happen if he swallowed his own cum? Before he knew it, his cock swelled in his hands and spewed all over his chest, arms, and face. His load was unbelievably large; however, he didn't have time to think about it because he quickly fell asleep exhausted, not even bothering to put himself back in his briefs.

Matt left for classes the next morning and Colby immediately stripped off his undershirt and gym shorts to leave himself in his very tight boxers (which are more like boxer briefs at this point). He explored his fattened body; he still hadn't become bored with it. He rubbed his fat belly with one hand while the other fondled his small bulge, but he was disturbed by a knock at the door. He quickly glanced at the unlocked door and went as fast as he could to put his clothes back on, but he was too slow. He only managed to get his undershirt half way on when the door opened. It was Garren, standing there in a white wife beater and some grey boxer briefs.

"Hey, I'm looking for Colby--who the hell are you??" Garren questioned in shock.

"Hey...uhhh," Colby didn't know what to say as he pulled his shirt down trying to cover up his fat gut.

"Woah...wait a sec...that you Colby?" Garren took a few steps closer to the fat man in the room trying to get a better look, "Holy shit Colby, what the fuck happened to you?" He gave Colby's fat belly and good slap when he said this.

"Well...uh...I just, I don't know..." Colby suddenly felt very shy about it all.

Garren reached out for a better grab. He felt Colby's belly through the undershirt, lifting it, kneading it, squishing it in his big black hands, "Fuck...what happened to you..." he mumbled in his low raspy voice. Matt couldn't answer, he was so horny now. His belly hadn't gotten this much attention since he'd gotten so fat, and he wasn't about to stop it.

"'re a fat bitch now Colbs...a big fat bitch," then he leaned in close to Colby's ear and whispered, "and I want that white bitch pussy." And with that, he gave Colby's wide ass a firm squeeze.

He lifted up Colby's shirt and threw it on the bed, letting his flabby body hang out. He took off his own wife beater and gave his chest and arms a quick flex for Colby. Colby watched in amazement as the black monster's arms and chest pumped up so thick and meaty. His pecs were huge slabs of muscles that rested on his chest and his arms were filled completely with hard masculine muscles cut with veins. Colby's eyes drifted down to his abs, each a thick brick laid on the one below it. Then Colby noticed how deep and ridged Garren's V line was across his hips, and then finally, between two very thickly muscled thighs was a large round bulge packed into his underwear.

"Go ahead bitch...take it," Garren encouraged Colby as he pushed him to his knees.

Colby fumbled as he first touched this large black man, but he managed to pull the boxer briefs down to free a fine piece of black meat that slapped him in the face. They were a lot harder to get down his legs though, these briefs were obviously a few sizes too small. Colby licked at the tip of his black neighbor's dick before he finally cupped his lips around the head of his dick. It was thick, thicker than Matt's and longer too. Colby was suddenly afraid of what he'd gotten himself into. Then, without warning, Garren put his hands on the back of Colby's head and grunt, "I ain't got time to play bitch," then shoved Colby's head down on his rock and started to vigorously fuck Colby's fat face. All Colby could do was whimper and enjoy the huge meat pounding into his throat. Colby reached around to the big man's ass to brace himself, what he felt were two huge round hard globes. He couldn't believe this man's ass, it was obscenely large. As soon as Garren's ass triggered in Colby's mind, he felt himself helplessly start to cum. He couldn't believe he was cumming already, and without even touching himself. The stain slowly appeared on the front of his boxers. Coming down from his orgasm he thought it was all over, but he was still being face fucked by this muscled man before him. His throat was finally given a rest when Garren pushed him off his dick and stood him up. Colby was gasping for air and holding his throat. Garren noticed the small wet spot in Colby's briefs and commented, "Bitch, you already cum?!" Then he reached down to feel, and, of course, when he did, he felt Colby's small, still hard, cock in his large hands.

"Bitch, you call this a dick! You ain't got nothing on me, faggot!" He had turned so primal, filled with lust; he didn't know what came over him. He got on his knees to yank down Colby's boxer briefs and then pushed him back on his bed watching his belly shake up and down.

So there Colby lay, completely spent and tired, breathing heavily as this big black man climbed on top if him. Colby's mind was rushing, full of excitement and fear. Fear of that big black cock spearing him. He didn't have time to think about it because before he knew it Garren had already positioned Colby's legs up on his shoulder and was quickly guiding his cock towards Colby's very tight ass. Colby bit his lip in anticipation when he felt the head of Garren's meat press up against his ass. It was way too big for him, he knew it. Garren slowly started to push into Colby who immediately started to whimper and moan in both pain and pleasure. It didn't take long for Garren to force his way deep into Colby's resistant ass. Soon after he was pounding Colby's fatass very fast and hard. Colby's belly was shaking up and down with each thrust. It would bounce up and then slam down squeezing small dick between his own fat belly and the rock hard body of his master. Garren was grunting loudly and completely insulting his fat toy. Muttering things about how fat Colby was, how he was his bitch now, how much he was going to fuck him now. All of this forced poor Colby to reach climax for the second time that day, except this time almost no cum came out. Colby couldn't bare it anymore. He was spent, tired, and exhausted, but he had no control over the situation. All he could do was sit there and look up and the muscled god who was raping him. He watched his tight abdominals flex with each thrust, his pecs bouncing up and down, his arms flex harder and harder and he got closer and closer to orgasm. Then Colby's weak eyes made their way up to Garren's thick lips. He watched as Garren licked them with lust as he continued to fuck him.

That's when Colby's eyes shifted a little to the left, to the dorm room door that had remained open, and to his roommate's face. Colby didn't know what to think as he saw his roommate standing there.

"Shit, he must be back from class already," Colby thought to himself. He tried to speak, but he was so tired, he just couldn't do it.

Garren was obviously too busy to hear Matt enter the room and set his backpack down. Matt was in shock. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. One large black man wilding fucking this short chubby boy he knew to be his roommate. He couldn't think straight. Suddenly, he was overcome with desire as his dick took in the sights he saw. He felt like he hadn't gotten off in weeks, months even. He reached to his neck and started to quickly fumble around and unbutton his shirt. His hands were shaking by the time he got to the bottom and undid his belt and whipped it off. He bulled down his jeans with his underwear, letting his dick flop out and start hardening fully. Then he shoved off his shirt and took off his undershirt while Colby admired his roommate's body from his bed. He climbed on the bed behind Garren who had finally noticed Matt's presence and slowed his fucking of Colby. Matt reached up and put one hand on Garren's thick shoulder and used the other hand to guide his cock closer to Garren's deep ass crack nudged between two round slabs of muscle. Matt was surrounded by lust. He didn't even know what he was doing as the head of his dick pressed up against the hottest black asshole he'd ever seen. He didn't hesitate, he shoved himself in completely and Garren, not anticipating such a shock let out a ground shaking grunt and immediately shot his load into Colby's fatass. Colby could feel the cum being released in him; he could feel its warmth. Then all he could feel was Garren's muscular black body collapse on him breathing heavily, but still shaking up and down as Matt continued to fuck his full black ass.

It wasn't much longer before Matt let out a soft moan and felt the intensity of his orgasm as he shot into Garren. Matt was breathing heavily as reality came back to him. He had just fucked his neighbor who had just fucked his roommate. "What was going on?" he thought to himself, but then he remembered something that he should have thought of before he ever penetrated the black man: his cum. Questions like "What if Garren got fat?" quickly ran through Matt's head as he heard the slurping sound as he pulled out of Garren and got off the bed to stand in the middle of the room. Matt was worried, even if Garren gained some weight he would still be much stronger than him and probably pissed. Garren took a few deep breaths and lifted himself off of Colby. Colby was dead tired but still in pain because Garren was just now pulling his thick cock out of him. Garren finally got up and stood in front of Matt and licked his lips.

"This year just got much better, man...I don't know what happened to your roommate but he's a fucking pig bitch now, and with you too! Man, we're gonna be having a lot of fun," and with that he reached around and slapped Matt's hard ass.

Matt didn't know what to say, this man wasn't the man he'd met and talked to over the past few months. He had changed somehow.

"Shit...I'm feelin' a little dizzy..." Garren said as he put his hand to his forehead. Matt looked down into the eyes of Garren, Garren was just a few inches shorter than Matt. Something was different though, Matt watched Garren's eyes as they rose higher to meet his.

"Woah..." Garren stated in amazement, "What's goin on?"

His body started to flex hard, and then his muscles started to look a little bloated. They pumped up a little more after each flex. His chest rose higher as if he'd taken a deep breath but it never went back to what it was before. He flexed his arm and the peak reached a new high with each flex. His shouldered widened even more and layered over and over with new muscle. His abs rose out further becoming even more defined than they already were. His thighs grew out into thick tree trunks, the muscle pushed his legs apart as they grew. Colby was watching the spectical from the bed he was still lying on. He watched his master's ass balloon obscenely out, become even fuller, rounder, and harder. Matt looked at Garren's still hard dick that appeared to becoming flaccid and shrinking, but it still maintained its hardness. His dick was shrinking, but Garren was too busy flexing his chest and arms to pay any attention to it. Matt watched the black man's meat shrink down to maybe a half inch below Matt's and it lost some of its thickness too. Suddenly, Garren had become quite aware of his diminished meat.

"What the fuck!?" he grabbed at his dick with his huge hands, trying to stretch it back to its bigger size, but it was no use. Garren was pissed, but he had an oversized dick to begin with, what's a few inches compared to what his body had just become? Matt watched in shock as the huge black bodybuilder before him flexed a few more times.

"I'm a god..." Garren whispered under his breath.

In the weeks to come, Garren would hang around Colby and Matt more often, knowing what Matt could give him if he had more of his creamy thick cum. Matt was more than careful however, he didn't want Garren to turn into a massive hulk, but each time he saw the big black man, the harder it was to control himself. Colby was having the same troubles, his lust for Matt had continued to grow, and even though he'd been secretly visiting Garren during the day while Matt was in class, it just wasn't enough. He wanted Matt so bad again, he wanted to feel his tight body pressed into his and he had decided to make his lust known once and for all.

It was a late Wednesday night for both Matt and Colby. Matt had been finishing up some homework at his desk while Colby had been eating double fudge brownies and watching late night television. Colby's lifestyle had completely changed. While he had once been somewhat outgoing, he was now completely sedentary and his appetite had grown significantly. He spent hours in the dining halls eating everything he could fit on his plate, and he'd load up on candy from the vending machines to eat in his dorm. His new change of lifestyle had made it easy for his weight to climb up to 283 pounds of pure fat. He'd gotten Matt to buy him new clothes when needed, and he was just about to outgrow the sweat suit he'd been wearing that Matt had gotten him when he weighed about 250 pounds. Matt finished his work and got ready for bed. After he brushed his teeth and so on, he undressed to his briefs and asked if he could turn the lights off which was perfectly fine by Colby who was just about to head to bed too. Colby stood up and took his shirt off right in front of Matt. Then he looked down at his large belly and sagging tits and grabbed a handful of fat and asked Matt, " I too fat?"

Matt just looked at him and shook his head, "Of course look fine."

"I just feel like a complete slob, I can't believe I did this to myself."

Matt knew that Colby had gained a lot of weight on his own recently when he should have been exercising trying to lose the fat, and hearing this overweight boy in front of him saying that he was ashamed of his fat struck a chord in his dick that was starting to chub up in his briefs. Matt tried to ignore it though, "Don't worry about it man, you can lose the weight, you just have to put your mind to it...that's all..." He was starting to become entranced by the belly before him.

"I just don't think I could lose it...even if I tried..." Colby answered, lifting his heft up and letting it fall and jiggle. He was trying to get Matt interested again, and it was working. Matt couldn't handle it anymore; he put his big paws on his roommate's gut and started to play with the fat. Then he cupped Colby's tits in his hands, they were so large and round, more like a woman's tits than any manboobs he'd seen before. Matt guided Colby to Colby's bed and told him to lie down, then Matt climbed on top of him and started to suck on his large tits. He felt their heft with his hands as he played with his nipples with his tongue. Colby moaned loudly in the dark, putting his hands on his roommates head. Matt rose up off the bed and yanked off Colby's sweat pants and saw his tiny cock poke out of layers of fat. As it turned out, Colby hadn't been wearing underwear because he'd outgrown all his boxers and was too embarrassed to ask Matt to buy some bigger ones. Matt's dick was already rock hard and begging to be released from its fabric prison. He walked down the bed towards Colby's head and freed his cock. It bounced out, every veiny inch begging for attention. The head of his cock was face to face with Colby's mouth, and Colby knew exactly what to do. Matt began to feed his cock to Colby. In between breaths and in between sucking, Colby managed to tell Matt, "Don'" then he went right back to work on his roommate's large dick. Matt had almost completely forgotten what his cum was capable of until Colby reminded him, but he didn't spend much time thinking about it, he just reached over and started playing with Colby's big tits and belly. Colby reached around his roommate's waist to bring him close so he could devour more of his cock. He started to play with Matt's firm bubble butt with his chubby fingers. It wasn't long before he started to poke his sausage links at Matt's extremely tight ass. Matt was caught off guard by the anal stimulation and immediately his balls drew up, his cock expanded, and without thinking about it, he climaxed and shot his load all over the back of Colby's throat. Colby was powerless, it was so deep he couldn't spit it out, but knowing what was going to come made his tiny cock climax as well. His cock dribbled out its tiny load and Colby waited as he accepted his defeat.

Matt pulled himself out of Colby and managed to spit out an, "I'm sorry," but it was too late, he could already notice the changes in his roommate's body. Colby put his hands on his belly as he felt it grow heavier. He felt like a pregnant whale, his body starting to balloon. Matt watched as Colby's belly lunged forward and covered Colby's little dick completely. His thighs grew so thick with fat that it forced them apart more. His ass and hips widened dramatically becoming soft and curvy, taking on a more womanly appearance. His face rounded further and formed a solid double chin. Then his arms were weighted down with more fat, bigger than Matt's arms, but these arms where the arms of a weakling fatboy. Finally, his tits rounded out even more, sagging to the sides. They were the biggest tits Matt had ever seen. All Colby could do was moan and groan as he got fatter, ballooning upwards of 350 pounds; nearly 200 pounds of flab since he's arrived at college. He couldn't believe what had happened to him, his body. He laid there on his back, feeling fatter than ever, but strangely hungrier than ever.

After that encounter, Colby had been satisfied of his lust for Matt, even though he continued to jerk off his ever-shrinking cock thinking about him. Matt realized just how hard it was getting around at his new weight. He got tired very quickly. He rarely left the dormroom. He found it hard to fit into the classroom chairs now so he basically quit going, and it was nearly impossible to tie his shoes. Even with all these hardships, it was still a turn on somehow. He didn't worry about it. He enjoyed the fat like it was a new toy. Playing with it, rubbing his belly to get himself off. Christmas break was coming soon and he'd be going home. He didn't know how he would explain the weight to his parents and friends, but he didn't worry about that for now. Now, he just wanted to enjoy life as a fatass, eating what he wanted, when he wanted.

It was finally the last week of first semester and Matt's classes were going great. He was excited to finish up exams and get home to see his friends and family, and the last day finally came. He had his last exam on a Friday night and once he was done, he was going straight home. He went to his exam and finished up around 9 and started to walk back to his dorm to pack his stuff, but first he had to pass by one of the campus restrooms to use the little boy's room. He'd been holding it all through his exam and now he could finally relax. He walked into the bathroom and straight to the urinal, rushing to pull his limp meat out and release. When he was finishing up, he heard someone else walk in. He zipped up and turned around to meet Garren.

"Hey have that exam tonight too?" Matt questioned.

"Yeah...wasn't too bad...but before you go tonight..." Garren trailed off.

Matt noticed that Garren hadn't bothered to buy new clothes when he'd grown, his t-shirt was stretched extremely tightly over his chest and his arms completely filled up the arm holes. Each of his abs were clearly noted through the thin fabric. Even his gym shorts were tight over his thighs and ass. His bulge wasn't as pronounced as it had once been, but he was bulging out everywhere else. Garren then guided Matt into the stall behind them and locked the door behind them. Matt wasn't really sure what was going on until Garren started to unbuckle Matt's belt and pull his pants down.

"What are you doing?!?" Matt questioned in shock.

"Shut up! People will hear us, you faggot!" Then he grabbed Matt by the shoulders and pushed him down so he was sitting on the toilet with his pants around his ankles, his cock growing harder in his briefs. He couldn't fight the mountain of muscle holding him down. All he could do was resist to cum. He didn't want to make Garren any bigger, but Garren had other ideas.

"I need more, man...much more." He gave a few quick flexes of his powerful biceps and then fished out Matt's cock from his fly. He immediately got on his knees to begin sucking and used one hand to hold Matt by the shoulder and the other on his dick. Matt tried to think of anything else, anything to turn him off, but when he looked down at the massive chocolate man sucking him off he was turned on beyond his wildest dreams. Hearing the big man grunt and moan as he worked his cock didn't help much either. Just then Garren stood up and yanked his own gym shorts down and his own smaller cock flew up and slapped against his tight stomach then immediately got back down. One of his big hands rubbing up and down Matt's lengthy shaft, the other jacking his own cock off. Each time Garren's hands and mouth worked up his cock he got closer and closer to release. His mind racing, unable to think of anything except this muscle god sucking him off. Garren grabbed his balls and slowly drew his tongue up his shaft to the large head that adorned his beautiful dick. He gently licked the tip, lathering the tip of his tongue in precum. Then he pulled back just a little so that a sticky web of precum connected his tongue to Matt's cock head. That's when he looked up into Matt's eyes. They made sincere eye contact. Matt's scared but lustful eyes meeting Garren's sinister, almost conniving eyes. That's when Matt knew it was over. Garren cupped Matt's dick with his large, full lips and Matt felt the intense warmth and wetness of this black man's big mouth and that was more than enough to send him over the edge. Matt felt his balls empty rapidly and felt the intensity of a long lasting orgasm that shot an awfully full load into Garren's awaiting mouth. Garren choked a little on the unexpectedly large load of cum, but managed to swallow it all. He stood up and waited impatiently for the results of his milking of Matt while Matt panted, finally coming down from a great orgasm.

Garren felt it building in his body. He felt full of strength and energy. He felt this torso and legs begin to lengthen, shooting up a few more inches above 6'4''. He flexed his arms which bulged outward to yield an extremely defined 22 inches of muscle. His neck thickened, his chest lunged forward, and his abs thickened out even further as his torso became so shredded with muscled that his shirt finally gave way and ripped along his arms and down his back. He looked disproportionate to Matt who was still recovering on the toilet below, seeing this man with a huge upper body and a smaller lower body, but that was soon to change. Garren's legs shook quickly and then swelled with new muscle. His thighs were incredible, so thick with muscle that it pushed his legs part even more. And then came the unfortunate side effect, Garren felt a burning in his dick as it started to shrink down more. All his muscled went into action as he pulled at his dick again to make it stay the same size, but as it shrank down to 4 inches (which looked extremely tiny between his too obscenely large thighs) he started to feel a very weak orgasm and a dripple of cum dripped out. His shoulders had widened so much that it was almost hard for him to reach his own cock, being that it was so small. His balls, which had at one time hung so low, had pulled up into an acorn sized pouch below his boy cock. Suddenly embarrassed by his new cock size, he pulled his gym shorts back up over his already softened tiny cock and balls. He had some trouble getting them over his newly enlarged ass cheeks, they had become ridiculously large and round; so ample with muscle and meat. The shorts were very tight now, but he managed to slide them on. And with that, he looked at Matt and gave a grin, then unlocked the stall and walked out shirtless leaving Matt half naked in the stall to think about what had just happened.

When Matt returned to the dorm almost everyone was gone. Garren was gone; Colby was gone. Matt packed his stuff up and thought about what had happened this semester. He'd turned his roommate into a fatass lazy pig. He'd turned his neighbor into a small cocked muscled freak, partly against his will. After all of it, he was ready for a vacation, unsure of what adventures would wait for him when he got home.

Next: Chapter 3

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