Shrinks Toilet

By raunchy wolf

Published on Sep 30, 2014



This story, as all my stories, are completely works of fiction that spring from my sick twisted mind.

This story is 100% about SCAT and TWISTED MALE DOMINANCE AND OWNERSHIP, with a little B/D and humiliation to pepper the sauce! If you're not into that DON'T FUCKING READ IT!

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Shrink's toilet part 2

I sat on my haunches, smoking my delicious Marlboro Red and scooping up bits and pieces of shit that had dripped all over my general feeding area as I ate all of Coach's shit from the dogbowl my sick twisted shrink had provided for me. He, too, sat smoking his Marlboro, slowly stroking his gigantic silicone freak meat, his dress pants and special lycra jock (made specifically to show off monster meat like his I found out later) hung down by his ankles. He remained dressed in his white shirt, suit and tie on top. It was so hot, not something I'd seen or considered: a professional who was also a sick twisted madman, who's cock looked like a swollen eggplant drooling precum like a faucet, who had just made me eat a bowl of human waste and who was responsible for my life as a toilet by being the mentor of my beautiful lost coach.

"So Toilet, you feel satisfied with the shit you just ate? You are still hungry, I'm sure...your Coach trained you very well. Of course he did, I trained him, yes?"

"But Doctor, how? I mean he never said anything about you or talked about this? I don't understand?! And why is he gone???"

I was pleading, crying, snot and shit dripping from me. I was hysterical thinking about this man I loved who I didn't think I could live without.

"Relax, son relax. There there."

He leaned forward, took off his shoes and slipped out of his pants. Then he stood up and removed all his clothing. He was an Aryan god, a monster of golden beauty. At least 6', his giant shoulders chest and arms were covered in golden fur. His ball belly started just below his huge pecs with pinkie finger sized nipples poking out. It was huge solid and round sticking out a good foot from his body and rounding beautifully back down into his crotch, ending over the genitals of some monstrous beast. His hard cock was at least 2 of my hands in width, 13 inches long, sort of sticking out and curving down with the foreskin swollen and folded until he slid it back revealing a fist sized head. His ball sack hung down lower than the cock! At least 14 inches down and as large as my 2 fists next to each other and pointing down. He stroked his monstrous meat slowly as he stepped around me and shut of the video cam. Then he knelt down in front of me and hugged me

to him kissing me on the head and shit covered face. Then he tongue kissed me, scooping shit from my teeth into his mouth. Finally he sat back and stared at me.

"Son, the coach never knew when to stop. I made him a shit monster. We both love younger boys to make into pigs, but you were the only one he made into a complete toilet. Many of the boys who came forward were not really even cocksuckers. He just couldn't stop himself, even tho I pleaded with him to, as he laid under this very rimseat and ate shit just as you will from now on. And you are 18 so we're good with this, you see. I'm no fool but sadly your...MY coach, was."

I sat the on my haunches still crying silently but taking in what was happening here for me, beginning to see that maybe, just maybe, there was hope for me.

"And so, the coach made one too many a boy mad and now he's gone for a very long time. It is very sad. But you, my boy, you will not make this mistake. You will be all mine, and you will do as I say when I say with whom I say. Do you understand this?"

I just looked at him, my hefty cock throbbing and bobbing as he said the words that the coach had said to me after I ate shit on a video camera from his ass and he made me watch it, telling me I was his and this video, and many others we would subsequently make, were his insurance that I was owned by him. I wondered where those tapes were and asked the doctor.

"Fear not my son I have them. I have hundreds of tapes of you, of him, and of many other toilets I've trained and let go of, to go out in the world and convert needy toilets like you to their true calling."

He stood up then and the phone rang at the same time. He answered, said yes wait in the anteroom, he would be in shortly.

"So toilet, your next feeding has arrived. Take this blindfold and put it on."

He handed me a black cloth. I looked at it and then him.

"The feeder coming in is a prominent man who gets off on feeding toilets his shit then cumming in their asses as he smears shit all over them and watches them eat. He pays me a rather large sum of money to provide this service. You are compensated by getting to eat all the shit you need in your life without putting yourself in harms way, as you stupid mentor did, or as you did when you got arrested. This man is also going to clear your charges for you, make the whole thing go away, but you will be eating his shit whenever he wants you to. Do we understand each other, yes?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing but my cock was ready to explode and I was breathing hard. I nodded and put on the blindfold. He came and held my head and leaned me back down to the mat. He kissed me again deeply. Then he replaced the rimseat over me...I felt the legs come down against my shoulders and chest.

"You will speak when spoken to only and you can whimper and make all the toilet noises you like."

I heard him go open the door greet someone and lead them in. I heard the man gasp and say how beautiful I was, more beautiful than any he had ever had from the doctor. Yes the doctor told him, and a total complete shit eating faggot.

I whimpered under the seat, fidgeted and grabbed my big uncut meat.

"Don't touch that faggot or I will bind your arms!" the doctor yelled at me.

I heard the man undress. I heard the doctor sit down on the couch and light up a cig, smelling the delicious smoke from where I was. I then felt feet come onto the mat.

"Fucking beautiful toilet, I hope you're hungry cause I'm full with 3 days worth of shit. It's all gonna go in and on you, boy. You like that boy, being made into a shit pig?"

"Yes sir" I said whimpering.

"Good good, well maybe I should help my hole open a bit so all the turds come out at once. I like making my toilets cum first so they're eating AFTER orgasm. Always makes it tougher and sweeter hahaha!'

I heard something like a pump a couple times then I felt the man sit down directly on my swollen throbbing cock. He pumped up and down on it a couple times, I felt the hot squishing shit all around my meat. I gasped with each downthrust and started yelling as I came inside him, jet after jet of boy jizz inside this shit filled mysterious asshole. He pumped a couple more times then lifted up off my cock and his ass cheeks landed on the seat engulfing my face! I felt him push a little and my cum dripped into my mouth first with slimy pieces of shit then a fat solid turd that I had to strain my mouth open wide to take in. I just swallowed at first, as much as I could but then the shit filled my teen mouth and started just coming out curling all over my face, covering the blindfold with its thick heavy stinking weight. I kept chewing and swallowing chewing and swallowing and still more and more shit kept coming out. Now the consistency started changing. It

was getting softer and creamier, wetter and nastier. I'd swallowed the hard stuff and this thick softserve filled my mouth that I could just swallow and swallow. And still it came faster and faster. My ears, my neck, my hair even, got coated and covered in shit; I was engulfed in it. The man kept up a steady torrent of obscenities as he spewed forth his copious flow of waste in and onto me.

"Yeah toilet, you tasting that? Getting into the nastier soft stuff now, I'll bet it'll become like liquid soon. It's been pushing so hard good thing I got here in time or I'da lost it in my pants! Ah here it comes the really nasty stuff keep eating faggot keep swallowing. Here lemme help you with it!"

I felt his ass move back the shit spilling out all over my head and hair as a fat cock shoved its way down into my almost diarrhea filled throat. I gaged a couple times then shot out a thick bolt of shit puke all up into his cock and balls. Back in went the cock and again I retched, spasm after spasm of shit coming out my nose and flying out of my mouth.

"WoooHoo yeah cover my cock in puke faggot yeah!!!"

And still his ass spewed wet shit. He moved back down on my gasping mouth and filled it with his disgusting wet waste and I was swallowing and gagging at the same time convulsing against his ass. Finally I calmed down and his flow stopped. He let me breathe for a minute, yanking hard on my in-training-nips that the coach had gotten fairly large and protruding. No where near like the doctors, tho.

And speaking of, I felt feet come on the mat near my head and felt the feeder lift forward a bit. A splash and torrent of piss began covering my face and splashing down from the man's back onto my face all in the shit.

"Oh fuck yeah make that nasty shit as wet and disgusting as possible. I'm gonna smear this toilet from head to toe as I fuck him deep. I'll get his hole ready with my big cock so maybe he can take your monster, eh Doc? Remember we agreed you'd fuck him so I could cum in a really sloppy open hole?!"

I heard the deep basso rumbling of the German doctor in response. "Yes I believe the coach got his hole ready for anything so yes we will try to fit my cock inside him. "

"Oh fuck yeah fuck yeah!"

The stream of piss stopped and the man got up. He moved the rimseat out of the way and I felt his hands cup the shit from around my ears, one hand pushing it into my mouth while the other smeared shit all over my big wrestler body. The shit felt so good, so wet so disgusting. I loved when the coach would give me whole body shit massages, rubbing the waste into my skin, making it part of me. This man smeared handfuls all over my growing belly, my thick hairy arms and then down each of my tree trunk thighs. As he finished the second thigh he kept it up, then slid his hand down and into my asshole. A finger first, then 2, then 3 opening my up. I felt him get into place and he slid his cock right into my ass without warning. It was big and I gasped. At least it was well lubed with wet nasty shit. He started deep fucking me as he continued to rub his shit into my skin.

"Yeah fucker that hole just opened right up for me. Good boy. Reach around your head and scoop more shit into your mouth lets not waste any of my good waste!"

I reached up and felt the thicker turds I hadn't eaten and stuck them in my mouth, chewing slowly and savoring their solid goodness as he rhythmically fucked me.

"Oh fuck I gotta stop I'll cum too quick. Cumon doc lets see that freak meat go into this toilets hole!"

The feeder pulled out and stood, then sat on my face. I felt the doctor come between my legs, put them on his huge shoulders and the arm sized monstrosity of a cock push against my hole. Steadily continuously he pushed with out pause. I was breathing hard and trying to relax my hole but it was like I was having a baby getting ripped apart. Deeper it penetrated deeper then POP I felt the ring of my anus surround the giant glans of his cock. I was gasping my face buried in the feeders hole. It responded by opening and shit pouring out of it again into my open mouth. A lot of it just bolted like a reverse puke. I couldn't breathe but it took my mind off the unbelieveable stretching of my ass hole as I felt the doctor push faster and hard until when I thought I would pass out from the pressure and the opening of my guts. The doctor rested his body on me somewhat, felt his balls under me and his pubes at my ballsack. He was entirely in me!!! He stayed there

for a while as my breathing clamed. The feeder reopened and spewed more diarrhea into me that I greedily gobbled up.

"FUCK FUCK you're inside him doc totally inside him I never woulda believed it! Fuck him man start fucking him!!!"

He leaned back and I felt that tractor trailer begin to move out some then SLAM as he pounded it back into me. I squeezed and arched up a little. His strong hands held me in place with him in me. He pulled back again this time almost halfway. Like a ride at the fair he held it there as I tensed up and waited waited, slightly relaxed then SLAM back into me to the hilt.

"Oh fuck do it do it"

He picked up the pace and kept slamming it into me faster harder until I heard him gasp felt his cock actually expand and felt his jizz streaming into my torn open hole! He barely made a sound as he slammed and slammed until his monster drained in me.

The feeder was hysterical pounding his meat and said "Oh fuck pull out doc Im gonna cum in him!!!"

The Doctor, such a bastard, pulled out in one fast steady motion leaving my hole gaping open, my rosebud protruding, and he held my legs as the feeder slid under him and into me and jack rabbit fucked my raw hole until he screamed like a banshee!

"Im cumming Im filling this sloppy cunt with my jizz doc im filling him too!!!!"

And my head swam and I too started cumming again without touching my cock and pulsing against the feeder.

"Oh fuck he's cumming doc!! Oh shit it's making me double cum his ass is loose then tight squeezing on me and ugh and ugh AGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

He slammed , somehow cumming again in succession!

He pounded and slammed and yelled and I did too and I think for a couple moments I passed out. We all just stayed there a bit, panting hard. I felt the doctor next to me rubbing shit into my skin, massaging me, scooping the stuff from around my head and stroking it down across my face and onto my chest and belly. The feeder was slowly fucking me still, his hands rubbing shit into my legs.

Then they both sorta collapsed onto me and we all made out, licking and kissing with all the shit. I was in heaven.

It was a heaven I would be getting a lot of from then on...

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