Shrinking His Dicklet

By Mathias Gold

Published on Jan 28, 2023


Chapter Two: Autumn

This is a story about my massive cock, and the tiny dicklet of this bottom I used to date.

All you subs with little nubs should donate to Nifty!

#SPH #GaySPH #SizeMatters #Phallocracy

#SmallPenisHumiliation? More like #SmallClitHumiliation!

I was standing between two rows of wire lockers - the kind you can see into - leisurely taking off my dark red chinos and shirt. Art and I had been getting drinks at my Club in Pall Mall, when my big dick started to twinge and I knew I'd need to get off for the third time that day - and soon.

En route we popped into a gay bar in Chinatown, as I needed a slash. I ordered a pint of beer for myself and a girly G&T for Art at the bar -- heading to the toilets with him while the topless or tank-topped bar twinks poured them.

A fair few chaps needed a piss too apparently, after their afternoon drinks, and seemed to follow us into the bathroom (or maybe they just wanted a glimpse of this sexy twunk dick I'm packing). I heaved my big six inches of softie out of my chinos at the urinals, and Art went to stand next to me to use them too.

"No baby!" I snapped at him, shortly. "Let these men use the urinals to piss. You go into the cubicle and sit down to tinkle like a girl. You keep that door open so I know you're not touching your little clitty!"

The three or so guys who'd squeezed into the toilets with us looked pretty gobsmacked; but I think they secretly liked it. The man in his early forties who first went to piss next to me had chubbed out to a five-inch semi. Laughable compared to my whopping cock, but big enough to have rightfully relegated my tiny-dicked sub to the cubicles. Art's soft weeing was muted against the toilet bowl compared to my noisily splashing slash, as he looked out, mortified, at me and these strangers.

We drank up and made the short walk towards Sweatbox in Soho - the urban trees of Westminster shedding their autumnal leave - paid the entrance fee, and here we are. Art and I have been `dating' for three months now. We're open, of course, I need to spread my seed far and wide - I'm not a monk. And it's fun to share his little pussy every now and then too.

I like taking off my clothes slowly and cocksuredly in changing rooms - especially in cruisy gyms or saunas. Everyone's exchanging furtive glances, wanting to know what others are packing. I stood about in my white Jack & Jones fitted boxers, letting everyone's looks get a little longer and more intent. Even soft, my cock is almost six inches and pretty thick, and - with my golf ball sized nuts in their fist-sized sack, it coils into an impressive package.

Then, the moment of truth. I shucked off my boxers, putting them in my locker, not bothering to wrap a towel around me just yet. Oh no, I want these little men - tops and bottoms, hung and unhung - to see just what I'm packing. I'm bigger soft than half of them are hard, and they need to fucking know it.

For a few of the hotter ones, I look right in their face, and after a few seconds they know I've caught them staring. My favourite is to then look down at their crotch - naked or hidden behind a towel - and give them a smirk, letting them know that I know they're so much smaller than I am.

Speaking of small, I turned to Art. This was our third visit to the sauna. One that first visit, I could see our difference in style of changing in a locker room - developed over our lifetimes of such different sized dicks. His was fast and furtive, and he wrapped the towel around his waist before allowing himself to pull down his boxers. I'd kissed him reassuringly in the locker room and, once he'd built up a bit of confidence from being seen with a stone cold hottie like me, barely even protested as I took off his towel and confiscated it - throwing it over my shoulder alongside mine. Because I hadn't just come to the sauna to get laid; I hadn't just come to show off how big my dick was; I'd come to show off my discovery - Art's tiny dicklet, and let everyone know just how much more massive my teen cock was than the nub this thirty-two-year-old had.

He knew better than to try to wrap his towel around him right away by now. I put my hand around his waist and pulled him towards me, now we were both naked and had locked our stuff away. I pulled him in so we were side-by-side and kissed him on the cheek, making sure that three of the guys I'd seen staring most intently at my big schlong could now clearly see his little dicklet next to my mind-blowing fuck club. One looked confused, another looked amused, and the other looked downright horny.

The sweet thing about being a smooth and slim-waisted teen with my unhung ottery thirty-two-year-old is just how much our dicks subvert dominant paradigms. The unthinking might assume I'm a fey little bottom, with my button nose, rosy complexion and blond hair; with Art's hairier chest and extra height making him the top. But no one - not even the most oblivious straight person in the world, and certainly not the assembled gay and bisexual men in this sauna - would think that after seeing us naked and side by side. His micro dick simply didn't look like it was fit for penetrating anything, while my monster cock - especially in contrast with my slim waist - was just so naturally large and in charge.

I started to get hard thinking about this fact, and that gave the locker room guys something to really stare at. Reflexively, Art started to get hard too, which kinda pissed me off. His erections were getting a bit less frequent three months in, but not infrequent enough - I was here not least to use his little dicklet as a foil to make mine look even more mammoth than it already did - but he was only flesh and blood; and those three hard inches still made my ten-inch fuck club look fucking huge.

Enough with the preliminary show, I thought, and started to move towards the stairs towards the sauna proper with my arm still around Art's waist. I clocked at least half a dozen guys whose butt or face holes I wouldn't mind plugging with my big tool, but kept Art nearby with my arm draped around him, to make sure any tops who might want to use him knew they'd have to clear it with me. Most dudes had towels around their waists, but I let my massive hard-on lead the way, and made sure everyone could see just how tiny Art was - no bottoms or, frankly, vers guys would be interested in him; and I wanted Art to know that too.

I've been coming to Sweatbox for a year and half now and in all that time I've seen only two guys who could match me for size. Considering the hundreds of different dudes I've seen in here, that's not bad going, but I was glad not to see either of them or anyone else with a cock big as mine this time. Having one of the biggest dicks in the room makes you feel like a king, but having THE biggest dick makes you feel like THE king. Especially as, at nineteen, I was so much younger than almost all these guys - so they knew that their growth was over, and they'd never be packing as much heat as me. My balls purred and churned as I thought about the show I was about to put on with Art, with this audience watching.

We walked past the jacuzzi and I decided against having a dip. My hard-on would easily be seen above the bubbling water surface, but I wanted everyone to know how tiny-dicked the bottom I'd made my bitch and brought with me was.

So we scanned our wristbands and went through the barriers towards the steam rooms and cubicles downstairs. A fair few wandering eyes had turned into wandering feet as a handful of punters clearly wanted to try their luck at getting a piece of this D.

I picked out my favourite cubicle - one off a busy thoroughfare corridor with guys walking by, and left the door open, as I sat on the wipe-down cushioning and had Art get on his knees in front of me.

Fuck, his mouth felt so good - I wasn't getting bored after all these months, not least as his enthusiasm for my ten-inches of teen meat seemed to grow over time. He was also becoming better and better at taking me in his throat. Not perfect yet, which is just as well as I still find it hot as fuck to see his eyes water for my dick, and hear him choke and struggle a bit. His little three-inch dick was rock hard, but he knew better than to try to touch it in front of me ever since our first meet-up, which turned me on like crazy too.

"Get on your hands and knees," I whispered to him; which, once he'd complied, meant his arse was being presented to the crowd of three or four guys watching from the doorway, with another half a dozen or so craning and trying to get a look in too.

I raised an imperious eyebrow at them - letting them know it was okay to watch, but they couldn't join in without my say so. A few of them dropped their towels and started wanking off - staring at my dick as it disappeared and reappeared - inch-by-mighty-inch - in and out of Art's eager cocksucking throat. I could never be a voyeur - I'm too handsome and hands-on - but it turned me on like fuck to know these men would rather watch my massive dick getting sucked than pad about these subterranean tunnels trying to get their own blowjobs.

One of the audience members was a pretty cute twink - half-East Asian, I'd have guessed from looking at him - and he was wanking too. His little five inch cock engulfed by his hand as he pumped away.

I pointed right at him, like a porn director, and beckoned him towards me then pointed down at the ground. He got on his knees:

"You two share and play nice, okay?" I told Art and this boy, loud enough that our viewers could hear.

Art dutifully run his tongue down my thick dick and started lapping at my balls, which were sticking sweatily to the padded surface beneath in the sauna's heat, while - also on his knees at the other side of my shaft, with my legs manspread real wide - the twink ran his tongue up and down shaft my massive shaft.

If I felt like a king earlier, this sight gave me godlike powers once again, knowing these two were so desperate to get on my dick that they'd blow me at the same time with no complaints - just for a chance at the privilege.

The voyeurs had an even better view of just how big I was at this point, and their wanking of themselves got faster in appreciation. A couple clearly decided to blow their loads so early in a visit might be a bit of a waste, and pottered off; while one or two did cum, one so hard he splattered my bottom bitch Art's back with his load.

This gave those towards the back a better view now. Several kept trying to catch my eye to see if they could come in. I gave a subtle shake of my head, letting them know they should stay where they are and enjoy the show. (It was tempting to see if I could get a couple of them licking my feet, and another two buried in my pits - but that's hard to convey with facial expressions alone.)

I buried my shaft in the boy's mouth - he couldn't deepthroat the whole thing; but I could be rougher with Art, who'd had twelve weeks of getting used to being my bitch. I watched as they ran their tongues alternatively up and down each side of my shaft - Art to my right, this twink to my left; - even grabbing their hair at one points and making them meet at the top of my plum-sized glans and try to make out as they ran their tongue around my tingling throbbing head, precum oozing out and look so pretty as it mingled with their cock-drunk drool around their hungry lips. Fuck yeah.

After five or ten minutes of being the star of this show, it was time for the finale.

"Hey, what's your name? Show my bottom your dick."

"Lee," the East Asian twink said with an Essex accent standing up.

He had a rock hard cock that looked bang on five inches - a little below the global average - and half the size of mine (but nowhere near as thick - pretty skinny in fact). But I was about to share the love and stroke his ego a bit.

"Hey, Art - show Lee your dick."

Art got up too - he towered over the twink, who I'd peg for 5'6", in all ways but one. Lee's modest offering of five inches was still almost twice as long as Art's three-incher boner.

Now was the part where I let Art, Lee and all our viewers know the immutable truth of the dick sized pecking order. Judging by the way Lee had been staring at my dick, and not Art's beautiful hole, I would guess this kid hadn't topped a whole lot if at all. But I was gonna let him change that. Everyone here would know what I know about the hierarchy - the phallocracy.

"Hey, Lee, you wanna fuck him?"

Lee looked a little taken aback, corroborating my guesses about him being a bottom, but clearly the chance of sucking on my ten-inch dick had turned him on something wild - and he was in an obedient mood - as he nodded.

Art looked less than impressed. I'd long since had him change his Grindr so his role was `bottom' for all the world to see; and I couldn't believe he'd ever left it blank - anyone he'd ever expressed an interest in had almost as much top energy as me. But he was two inches smaller down there than this little twink, and rules are rules. He was going to get fucked by Lee's little five-incher.

I pulled Art's mouth back onto my cock - so hard from the lesson I was about to give everyone - and scooted back on the padding with my massive hard-on still lodged in Art's mouth. He clambered after me on all fours, displaying his butt, and Lee without the need for any further encouragement got on too - kneeling behind Art, and inexpertly pointing his dick towards Art's hole. He didn't even use some spit - probably `cos he didn't know what he was doing - but he didn't need any. Not after I'd fucked Art so many times with my much bigger alpha dick. It was probably only the dryness that let Art feel anything at all after I'd stretched his hole with my monster cock so often.

A few of the audience members had joined us in the cubicle to leave room for more to see through the doorway now, but they respectfully kept their distance and were wanking leaning against the wall. All in all I counted a dozen pairs of eyes staring at us in the dim lighting, their side-on view of me and Lee spitroasting Art - and all them mostly staring at my ten inches.

I pulled Art from my cock and looked him right in the face.

"Is his dick big?" I asked leadingly, "Is it bigger than yours?"

He nodded.

"How much bigger than yours?"

"A lot," he hissed, as I tightened my grip on his hair, and Lee fucked him dry in front of the waiting crowd.

Normally I like all eyes on my dick, but a fair few of the guys glanced at the other end of the roast now - and saw Lee's pretty modest five-incher plugging away in earnest, and a few ducked their necks down to see Art's truly pitiful three-incher, hard and firm against his belly, his contracted little marble-sized balls swinging about. I looked at it too, and wished he was soft, so they could see him at his smallest. Damn it, I have got to get Art to stop having these erections; but the CBT method would probably be too much for this audience in a fairly vanilla sauna.

The lesson seemed to be learnt all around though. I even saw a Spaniard tap a couple of his friends on the shoulder and point at Art's hard little dicklet, and the three of them started laughing. Given the porn tropes about East Asians' sexual roles, it was so fucking hot to know I was turning into Art into such a bottom that he'd bottom even for modestly endowed twinky bottoms.

I couldn't take much more of this and needed to cum. It was only my third load of the day, and my first for six or so hours, so I stood up on the padding, dragging Art's hair with me, giving Lee and our voyeurs a view of Art's long slender back and then released my grip.

All eyes were back on my ten inches again as I grabbed it with both hands, leaving more cock visible than Art had in his entirety (yeahhhh, I'm the fucking boss, I thought, panting as I got closer and closer to cumming). My big balls pulled up some as my dick reached peak pleasure then BLAM

My first shot went clean over Art's head and splattered Lee in the face. That little bottom licked his lips hungrily and closed his eyelids to stop it getting in his eyes


Another shot for Lee, which I saw trickling down his smooth skinny torso to where his dick was fucking my slutty little bottom


One for Art now. He knows to close his eyes, given I shoot cum like a fucking firehose, and it caked his curls and cheeks and lips alike


Volley after volley of my hot teen cum covered these two, as they both did just what I wanted them to do; and it was only after twenty seconds of intense orgasm I looked over to see our dozen viewers' mouths agape - knowing I wasn't just crazy hung but crazy virile too.

They'd all be talking about me at their brunches across the city tomorrow, that's for sure. The fucking king of the sauna - with one of the biggest dicks they've seen in real life, shooting one of the biggest loads they've seen for years - and my third load of the day.

They'd probably be talking about Art too. The thirty-two-year-old otter with the three-inch dicklet, who'd let a couple of teenagers - a hung twunk stud and this cute bottomy little twink of my choosing - turn him into a bitch while they watched.

I gave Art a couple of firm pats on the cheek, and told him he was a

"Good boy."

Then we went upstairs to chill in the jacuzzi for a while.

That evening, we got back to my student halls in Holborn. My parents' place in Chelsea isn't far from my university, but I wanted my own space and the full student experience - and we had the money, so I had moved into dorms in my first year. The location was great - a stone's throw from Soho - to lure local and tourist bottoms alike to me and my big dick. Three of my top buddies felt the same, so we decided to share a four-bedroom flat in halls together for second year.

Art and I had had a lot of fun in this room since the new term started. Or I certainly had.

As soon as we got in, I powered up my MacBook Pro so I could check our Twitter and OnlyFans.

I persuaded him to start these accounts with me about a month after we started seeing each other.

He wanted to take all our videos and photos for the neck down and to use pseudonyms; but I was insistent that we include our faces and real names. I bribed him with dick and cum and he quickly acquiesced.

Of course I wanted our faces and real names. I have a ten-inch dick and the world needs to see it. I can kinda see why he was reluctant though - I guess maybe guys with three-inch peckers don't want everyone to know. Who'd have thought - heheheh.

The cover photo of both accounts doesn't have our faces though. It involves the ruler I'd had Art use on our very first meeting to measure my thick cock and his little dicklet.

I had put it on the desk, and whacked my cock next to it (with the inch side descending, and the centimetre side going ascending) ... 26cm. Read that again: TWENTY-SIX CENTIMETRES. Damn, I have a big dick. Next up, I had Art put his flaccid dick at the other end of the ruler. He started to chub up a little bit, from 1.5 to 1.6" - so I had to work quickly. I was already holding my snazzy DSLR camera and started taking snaps.

It was so hot to see our cocks take up the entire ruler, but with mine absolutely dominating it - my massive hard-on over six times longer than his soft little dicklet. I think he thought it was hot too, as annoyingly his dick filled out to its three-inch erection soon enough. I stopped taking the pics - people didn't really need to see him hard.

Next up, I needed to do our profile pic. After some thought, I decided to take it on my dorm bed. I sat on the mattress, with my rock hard cock pointing ten inches towards the ceiling in anticipation of what was to come, and told Art to sit on my lap. The camera was set to take photos every five seconds for a couple of minutes, so we were able to try a few poses.

The one I settled on was a photo of extreme contrasts - he's leaning to the left on my lap, and I'm leaning to the right. You can see his untoned slightly hairy chest contrasting with my smooth muscular pecs. You can see my straight messy blond hair contrasting with his dark curls. You can see his 6'2" height, exaggerated on my lap, contrasting with my confident 5'9". But you know of course what was sexiest of all? My big nuts - each the size of golf balls - resting on the bedsheet, while my massive cock stretched long past up Art's little package, obscuring half his tummy with its seven-inch girth; and, in the photo I'd chosen, he was completely soft - his little marble balls in their tight sack nowhere near reaching the bed, and his one-and-a-half inch nub looked even smaller as it faced the camera straight on.

Fuck yeah, I'd thought, all the world is gonna know and love what a hung stud I am, and why this unhung little bottom was born to be my bitch.

And I was right. We got a lot of fans pretty quickly. It's been so fucking hot to hear from subs and fellow doms agreeing with the phallocratic hierarchy. We all instinctively know that bigger is better. Not that unhung little bottoms are worthless - far from it - but their value comes in being eager little cumsluts for hung tops like me to use to get off.

We had some fan requests - with offers of tips. (Not that I need the money. All the OnlyFans subscriptions cash was sitting in an account, while Art and I thought about what to do with it.) But I was happy to oblige.

Some of my favourites were the requests for videos with CBT (only Art's little cocklet and balls were the ones being tortured, of course). One of the reasons I loved these so much was because flicking his tiny nuts was a surefire way to make him lose all these inconvenient erections, which makes my mighty cock look even mightier and more threatening, which strokes my ego just the way I like. We did a series of photos too where I'd stepped on his flaccid little worm wearing different kinds of shoes - trainers, brogues, boat shoes - and had photos of his cock next to my foot in the shoe, with the imprint of its sole (or what little you could see of it - haha) marked onto his tiny soft dicky.

Another favourite was a guy who wanted a text post - to hear about our first realisations: of me being so hung, and little Art being so tiny.

Mine was easy. I'd had a fair few guys ask me before, and while there wasn't one particular moment of realisation, I love telling these stories.

Even as a kid, for school swimming trips, I'd always wondered why the other kids were so much smaller than me - I mean, when puberty hit, they started to get a bit bigger - but probably smaller than mine was before I even started developing, and when I started growing I got really huge really fast. Then there was one family holiday in particular I remember - my brother and my cousin, both about five years older than me, and I were lounging around on the sofa of the suite we were sharing, playing video games. My cousin said we should go for a swim, and my brother and I agreed, so we jumped up to get changed. I was pretty curious about dick size by this point, given everything that was going on in school changing rooms. I was only twelve at the time, and just sprouting my first few pubes; certainly not as hairy down there as my brother and our cousin, both seventeen. But the hairiness wasn't the only contrast - while it was warm, I was totally soft, and already almost four inches flaccid. These older relatives were soft too, but probably about two inches. I wanted to say something and ask them about it, but didn't want it to be weird (they're family members and were older, after all), so I didn't - but later, in the pool, thinking about it gave me such a hard-on (over seven inches even back then), and I used to wank about it - not doing stuff with my brother, but just thinking about how much bigger I was. Then, later still, in my mid-teens I became sexually active - and it was the gasps, and the compliments and the fascination that I'd grown to love ever since. People telling me I was the biggest they'd ever had. Easily being able to get into the pants of people whose attention friends had struggled to get. And just seeing it - side by side - against other guys' dicks. I've seen a handful of dicks as big as my ten inches, almost all in porn, but never hooked up with any of them. Every single guy I've fucked - whether an eight-inch vers-top jock with misplaced confidence, a vers twink with an average six-incher who becomes my little cockslut, or Art and his microscopic three-inch peepee - has been smaller than me and mighty fuck club, over ten inches of teen alpha dick, and I fucking love it every time it happens.

Art's story was a little harder to procure. I kept pushing him for details - exact sizes, for example, and especially descriptions of how he felt. His story paralleled mine, but the opposite, in a lot of ways. He'd been a fairly early bloomer, being one of the first in his class to get pubic hair - but his dick size barely shifted. Some of the bald boys were bigger than him and remained so. Then one by one puberty hit them too, and their dicks all got bigger - a normal distribution across the class, but all leaving his in the dust. He'd be red faced and embarrassed staring at theirs curiously, and they'd all look weirded out or - more often - amused at his tiny little nub. That's when he started getting changed so furtively and quickly. At the Hampstead Men's Pond, he'd gone with some friends and couldn't find his towel quickly enough to cover himself after the freezing water had shrunk his dicklet to less than one-and-a-half inches, and some youngster who was out with his dad and was just changing to get in the water looked at it smirkingly, flashing his own cock - wispy pubes but twice as big soft as Art's was despite the age gap. But the furtive changing couldn't save him when he started getting horny and sexually active. Embarrassingly late, he plucked up the courage to lose his virginity to a young dom top who, it turned out, I'd been at boarding school with (albeit in a different House) and who was also amused by just how tiny he was - and they'd hooked up for a while. When that fizzled out, Art hooked up mostly with top guys; and the occasional versatiles he'd meet would quickly lose interest or become tops for the purposes of their hook-up, once they realised just how small his three-inch dicklet was. It was a journey, Art said, from embarrassment to slowly learning to appreciate his dicklet, especially if total tops like me loved it for how bottomy it made him.

We had a few other text-based posts there. One guy sent us a couple of links: and and offered us £100 if we told him some stats about our dicks.

Now, these website are pretty scientific, so we decided to take our measurements again in centimetres:

Remember, my rock hard cock comes in at a whopping 26cm exactly. It's seven inches around, which is about 18cm - really fucking thick. Even when it's soft (which is rare, since I'm constantly so horny and normally springing at least a semi), when it's completely soft it comes in at 6" long and 5" around - 15.3cm and 12.8cm. That means I have an erect volume of over 600ml - that's right: if you made a mould of my dick, you could more than a full pint of beer in it. Even flaccid, my dick's volume is 180ml - a cast of my totally soft dick could fit more than six full shots of tequila. My hard dick's volume is 3.9 times bigger than the AVERAGE guy (we've not even got on to comparing to Art yet.) And that's not all. In a room of 1,000 guys, I would have the BIGGEST erect length, the BIGGEST erect girth, the BIGGEST flaccid girth, and the BIGGEST volume - both hard and soft. Apparently, though, in this room of a thousand guys, one(!) would have a bigger flaccid length - lucky fucker. I guess that makes me a grower more than a shower (although, let's be honest, I'm both).

Art's numbers were just as remarkable, but much more bleak. When that little pecker was straining and hard at its horniest, its metric length and girth were just 8.1cm and 7.5cm. We looked it up, and that is smaller than the average thirteen-year-old - LOL. My favourite, of course, was when Art's dicklet was soft and flaccid, as nature intended - it measures (it still makes me giggle to type this now), at just 3.7cm long and 4cm around when it's soft. Have you ever heard of such a tiny little born-to-bottom dicklet? When he's totally hard, Art's little dicklet has a volume of 32.6ml - barely enough for ONE shot of your liquor of choice. That's 0.2 of an average guy's size - yep, even a totally average dick would be five times bigger than my bottom's. His flaccid volume is a laughable 4.2ml. Turns me on so fucking much to know how much bigger I am than that soft little dicklet. In a room of a thousand guys - Art's dick would be the smallest: hard, soft, length, girth, volume - all of it. Mad to think he ever suggested he just hadn't found anyone to top yet - what would be the point?!

Now, here's where it gets REAL interesting. The second website let us compare dick dimensions with each rather than with the world average. When my dick is TOTALLY soft and Art's little boner is fully hard (the WRONG way around, of course, but humour me for a second here), my dick is 87% longer, and the volume is 452% bigger. Or, from his perspective, his hard-on is 47% shorter than my softie (I'm almost - but annoyingly not quite - twice as long flaccid as he his rock hard); and he is 82% smaller by volume - that's right, you could fit more than five of his pathetic little rock hard peepees liquidated inside my softie.

Now, sorry if I'm losing the more innumerate among you, but there are a few more fucking hot contrasts to be made. After this comparison, I started flicking Art in his tiny little balls again - on the pretence of wanting to measure him soft. (Of course, we already knew his exact numbers soft, but I was trying to train him into not getting erections.) Once I saw that little worm shrinking down to what I was sure was the smallest I'd seen it, I put in the numbers and compared them to my softie - and those numbers were SWEET. I was 311% longer; he, 76% shorter - I had four times the soft length he did. His softie was so skinny too, not bigger than my pinkie, so the volume numbers were even more brutal: I was 4,450% bigger than him. His dicklet had 98% less volume soft than my big floppy cock had. My softie was fifty times bigger than his.

Writing and re-reading these numbers has made me real HARD, and - as you know - I've got over ten inches of total top teen dick when I'm hard. Compared with Art's hard little pecker, it is a BEAST - a real weapon of a monster cock. I'm 217% longer than he is hard - that's more than three times the length, given his dicklet is some 68% shorter. Volume-wise the numbers are even more stark: my massive fuck club is 1,782% bigger - and, given hard his girth is more like a thumb than a pinky, his is 95% smaller by volume. So, unlike our softies - where mine is fifty times bigger, when we're both hard - mine is only twenty times bigger. (That pissed me off, and made me even more determined to make him not get so many erections!)

And now, the comparison you've all been waiting for - the one nature intended. I morphed by virtual cock to its hard size on the screen, and his to the flaccid. These are the sorts of numbers that fill my dreams, and I saw the colour drain from Art's face as the raw facts of nature materialised in pixel before our eyes. A huge grin spread across my face: my hard cock is 596% the length of his softie - that's right, his dicklet is 86% shorter than mine giving me more than seven times his length. And that's before we get to the volume: mine is 15,425% bigger - that's right - you could fit 167 of his soft little dicklets into the massive and mighty fuckclub I use to damage his throat and stretch his hole. 167 times the cock, 167 times the man!!!

The fan found that pretty fucking hot, and ended up tipping £167. (Good sense of humour.) I found it crazy hot too and still do. I do need to find a way to stop Art getting hard, and ideally get him smaller; that, and if I have a year or two of growing left in me, maybe we'll get that number up even higher.

The latest tip request was for us to do the toilet paper roll test - and I'd kept some finished ones aside for just that. Even wrote our names on them - not that our fans would have trouble guessing whose was whose.

We did a few permutations, first of our dicks side by side, and then shoving them in the thing. The hilarious thing was that even rock hard, Art's dicklet disappeared completely from view in the TP roll. Mine, on the other hand, was a struggle to fit in even while floppy, and my head and a good chunk of soft shaft stuck out the other end. I told Art to sit on the bed and finger himself, and tell me what he loved above my cock

"Your dick isn't just thick and long; it's so powerful; your dick knows how to make me moan and make me cry; and it's so beautiful; guys would kill to have your dick." He knows just what to say.

I'd switched from taking photos of my dick in the TP roll to a video, with Art's voice as the background track

"And what about yours?"

"My little dicklet is tiny. I know now why you said I'd only ever be a bottom. I just want your cock. I want what I don't have - your thick big dick filling my holes, and turning me into your slut."

And YESSS, my dick hardened up so much it burst untouched right through the TP roll - on camera. I swear my massive dick could break down a brick wall if I needed it to.

I uploaded the video to our site, and squeezed in with Art on the bed. Even in one of my halls' swankier rooms there was only room for a queen sized bed. I pulled him in towards me, holding my arms around his soft waist and feeling my hard-on press against his leg. He whimpered and moved his butt towards me; he knew I'd throw him at least one more load before bed. I made love to him pretty sensually that night - loving just how soft and pliant he was becoming as a bottom, and falling into a deep sleep of dreams about how I could shrink that little dicklet down microscopically, making that already-reality of me having the only dick in our relationship more and more real still.

If any of you tiny-dicked little sluts, or hung studs like me, wanna get in touch and compare notes my email is

Did you know that little Art's tried his hand at some stories too?

Lemme know what you think.

Next: Chapter 3

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