Shrinking His Dicklet

By Mathias Gold

Published on Jan 8, 2023


Shrinking His Dicklet

Chapter One: Summer

This is a story about my massive cock, and the tiny dicklet of this bottom I used to date.

All you subs with little nubs should donate to Nifty!

#SPH #GaySPH #SizeMatters #Phallocracy

#SmallPenisHumiliation? More like #SmallClitHumiliation!

I'm Matthias Gold, I'm nineteen-year-old and my cock is fucking huge. I'm not talking about any of this `Grindr XL' slightly above average crap - I mean ten solid inches of alpha twunk cock, with a seven inch girth to go with it. One hook-up told me God made me born to top, but I'm an atheist - whether I have the universe or genetics to thank for this massive dick, I don't know, but I definitely was born to top.

One of the joys of having ten inches of prime meat swinging between your legs is putting average and even fairly hung guys in their place. London is full of them - the bottoms fall in love with my cock right away, but seeing vers and vers-top guys turn into drooling little cumsluts for my big dick has a special place in my heart. The trouble with vers and vers-top guys, though, is they always expect me to return the favour and it ain't gonna happen.

Time and again I've met up with guys who think they're hot shit with six, seven or eight inches, but they get either intimidated or fascinated with my monster cock and soon they're on their knees sucking me or the braver ones want to get fucked. But then either after I've cum, or on a second or third meet, they expect me to help them get off - and I burst into laughter, lose interest and ghost them.

No, what I need is a bottom. One who knows the world revolves around me and my ten-inch dick. A total bottom, willing to drop to his knees and worship me; who lives to make me cum, and has no interest in cumming himself.

That's where Art came in. I was in my parents' home in Chelsea, while they were off on holiday, in the middle of a London heat wave. I had the windows open, the summer sounds of the street and a light breeze drifted in; as I sat sweating on the sofa, scrolling through Grindr.

At thirty-two, Art was a little older than I'd normally go for, but his curls and smile seemed cute, and he had a killer booty filling up his shorts in his profile pics. He didn't have his preferred role on his profile, but judging by the bottomy little booty shorts and the lack of bulge in his orange Speedo in another photo - it wouldn't take a rocket surgeon to work out what role he'd be taking with me.

`Yo, look what I've got', I typed, and I sent him a pic of the massive dick that was straining against my white shorts, as my balls stewed in their sweat from my tennis match earlier and the hot summer evening.

That got his attention, judging by how quickly he replied.

I thought about jumping in the shower, but sport and sunshine always make me horny, so I was feeling in a pretty nasty mood - and I was sure he wouldn't complain about a bit of teen funk. It took him all of ten minutes to catch his bus from Clapham before I heard our doorbell go.

Opening the door, I enjoyed the look of joy and anticipation he clearly felt. I saw his eyes take in first my preppy blond hair swept to the side on my forehead; then my white tennis club t-shirt, sweatily stuck to my broad shoulders and tapering to my toned abs and slim waist; his eyes widened as they took in my unmissable dickprint. I've been seeing the same facial expression since the moment I hit puberty and my dick went from big to mega big, and it never gets old.

"Come in," I told him, calm and in charge. "I'm Mathias."

"I'm Art," he replied, and followed me as I bounded up the stairs two at a time. He followed more tentatively, but soon we were two storeys up and entering my boyhood bedroom - just as I'd left it before I went off to uni: physics textbooks and music scores untouched since A-level exams on my desk, tennis medals and debating trophies on my shelves, posters of Tom Daley and Troy Sivan and Olly Alexander all those other bottomy celebrities I used to fantasise about making my bitch on my wall.

I'd been scrolling through Grindr and needing hole for at least an hour by this point, and was ready to get down to business.

"Do you suck dick?" I asked. (Of course he sucks dick, I thought.)

He nodded shyly and I kicked off my trainers, shucked off my t-shirt and pulled down my shorts and boxers in one fluid motion. As I stood there in just my white sports socks, his jaw hit the floor - just the reaction I've grown to know and love. He stared in shock and awe at my wrist-thick ten-inch love muscle sticking straight out from my body: jutting substantially further forward than my waist is front to back. I smiled and waved it side to side.

"I'm pretty big," I said, as matter-of-fact as saying the Pacific Ocean's a bit wet.

He nodded again.

"Get naked," I told him.

Art started taking off his clothes - more slowly and nervously than I did. I wondered whether it was because he was in a stranger's house and a new situation, or whether he was just shy. Off came his vertically striped t-shirt, revealing a slim-but-untoned torso with an ottery smattering of body hair. He gently removed his Converse and socks, then pulled down his blue linen shorts, `til he was standing in just his boxers. He moved towards me apprehensively and was about to get on his knees - but I had told him to get naked and I wanted to see that arse which had caught my attention.

"Nah, strip off first. Boxers too," I told him.

Like a deer caught in headlights he straightened up again - at 6'2" he was some five inches taller than my 5'9" - and turned around, pulled his boxers down and bent over slightly as he did so. That butt did not disappoint; a little bigger and rounder than it should have been for his slimmish build, he'd clearly shaved or done something to get rid of any hair, and my big hard dick twitched as I caught a glimpse of its puckered little hole. Oh yes, I chuckled to myself, this will do nicely.

What happened next took me by surprise more than his killer bum though. He slowly turned to face me again, cheeks reddened, and the words came bursting out of my mouth before I could think about them:

"Holy shit," I laughed, "is that your dick hard?"

I had never seen such a pathetic excuse for a dick in my life - and I have seen a lot of naked dudes in my time.

He didn't say anything, but looked a little indignant, he blushed more deeply and I swear I saw his eyes well up a little bit.

"Come here, let me see," I wheezed through my laughter - normally I have no interest in dick whatsoever, I'm an arse man, but this one was so different to what I was packing I had to take a closer look.

As things move towards you, they tend to look bigger, but this Grindr trick's miniscule little dick was an exception - as he moved towards me, I got only a more and more real sense of just how tiny it was.

"Fucking hell," I said, after I'd composed myself a little, "is this why you're a bottom?"

"I didn't say I'm a bottom," Art replied, "I just haven't found anyone who'd let me top them yet."

"Buddy, I don't think that's gonna happen. Not when there are men with dicks like mine around," I mocked, waving my solid ten-incher at him.

I plucked a foot-long ruler from my desk-tidy and handed it to him.

"Just how small is it," I demanded. I could see this was making him uncomfortable, but I just didn't give a fuck - I needed facts and figures to tell my buddies after I was done with him.

He moved the ruler towards his crotch, saying, "It's about four inches."

"Nah, you're cheating," I chided him, "You're measuring from the side and including half your little balls. You've got to measure it from the top."

We both looked down as the ruler lay across his little pecker. It was throbbingly hard, about the width of a thumb, and it measured just three-point-two inches.

I burst into more uncontrollable fits of giggles; I doubled over at the hilarity; I belly laughed so hard my eyes teared up a little. After cackling for a full minute, I looked up and saw he had tears in his eyes too - albeit not ones of joy. Man, after laughing that hard, you'd have thought my hard-on might have drooped a little - but quite the opposite. I had one of the biggest, hardest, most urgent boners I had had for years. I was enjoying just how unhung this little bitch was - and my dick was too!

"Do you," he asked nervously, "not want to hook-up any more?"

Aww. Maybe he gets some guys turning him away with his little micro-cock. Not me, though. I'm not interested in my bottoms' dicks - and, I guess, if it's smaller it's less in the way.

"Fuck yeah, I wanna hook-up. You basically don't have a dick - it wouldn't be fair to deprive you of mine," I quipped, and lounged back on my boyhood bed - grabbing my thick cock by the base and squeezing it, a big drool of precum edging out the head which reached as high as my nipple.

"Measure it first, though. I want you to know how much dick is gonna be in your throat."

He seemed less reluctant about this task. He got on his knees, rather than sitting next to me on the bed, which I enjoyed - clearly a natural sub, or a sub in the making. I leant forwards so he could more easily lay the ruler on top of my big cock.

I don't know if I'd grown a little since last time I measured (I'm only nineteen) or if this whole thing had given me record-breaking wood, but my massive fuck club measured more than ten inches - ten-point-two to be precise.

"Fuck yeah," I bragged, "exactly seven inches bigger than yours. Most guys would kill to have seven inches, and that's just how much I outsize you by."

Man - outsizing average and big guys is its own category of pleasure, but knowing my alpha cock was three times longer than this grown man's miniature dicklet was giving me a power rush like I'd never known.

"And watch this," I bragged, taking the ruler from him and placing zero at the top of my thick throbbing girth. The ruler was bendy enough (and my cock thick enough!) for me to wrap it around my substantial circumference - slowly and boastfully - `til it reached back to where it started. Sure enough, over half the ruler was needed to measure my thickness and put the unhung little cocksucker in his place - I had seven inches of girth!

"Fuck!" Art said, gobsmacked by my big butt-slayer and its wrist-thick girth.

"You ready to throat my massive ten-point-two inches of dick?" I asked.

"I can try," Art said, gulping.

I put down the ruler with one hand and took the back of his head with the other, guiding it towards my cock. He took the plum-sized head of my big dick in his mouth and started running his tongue under my piss slit, reaching up with both hands to steady himself on my massive shaft. His hands, small for his height, looked even smaller around a dick the size of mine - more than enough room for him to hold onto my big dick with both and still suck the first few inches. I sometimes like a hands-free blowjob, but the view of someone wanking me with two hands and me still having dick to spare is fucking ace too.

I let him blow me at his own pace for a while, then gently took a fistful of his hair and told him to lick my balls.

He moved his lips and tongue down there and I remember how sweaty was and - get this - he actually fucking whimpered a little moan of pleasure: licking up the match and summer's days sweat from my big nutsack. He continued to work my shaft with one of those little hands, my length reaching up past his forehead and curls. I shivered with pleasure at just how keen he seemed keen to please me, and I half-closed my eyes, thinking about how much he must be loving playing with not just a real man's cock - but an alpha monster cock - given his own pathetic little dicklet between his legs. Man, the things I could probably do to this guy just to give him a chance to be at the end of my dick again. Some pretty evil ideas came to mind and I decided it was time to nut.

As I opened my eyes and looked down I saw something that really pissed me off. While his tongue was busy on my sack and his left hand was working my dick, he was using his right thumb and forefinger to jerk his little dicklet.

"Hey!" I barked, kicking his right hand away, "what the fuck are you doing?"

He gasped and moved his lips from my sweaty cum-filled balls, "Sorry. I, uhh, I was just really horny."

"Good, but that's no reason to play with your tiny little toy in front of me. Not when you've got the real deal here," I told him, "you should be focused on my cock, capiche?"

I slapped his face three times with my weighty cock for emphasis and saw him wince at each of the three heavy thuds.

He nodded.

I stood up and made him waddle back on his knees towards the edge of the room.

"Open very, very wide," I said, smirking, as I finally got him pinned up against the wall. Give me your hands - I took both his slender sets of fingers in one of my racket-calloused hands. He'd have nowhere to go as I facefucked him into the wall and got my nut.

He opened his mouth and I put my dick in there. That eager and attentive tongue came out once again and started doing its job - and very well too. But soon the middle and the base of my ten inches started getting jealous and I knew I needed his throat. I thrust forwards, and watched as he used his lips expertly to hide his teeth, and plunged my cock in about six inches before he wretched. Such a rush. Pulling my big dick out a little, I waited `til he'd swallowed before thrusting in once more - about seven inches this time, feeling his throat muscles constrict around my cock felt fucking awesome and I held it there for a few seconds before pulling out to hearing him choking and spluttering again. He didn't try to stop me or wriggle away, though, like each time I let him up for air he knew he'd choose my dick over my oxygen. So fucking hot. I pushed my alpha cock in eight inches this next time, and swear as well as the dick massage his throat was giving me I could feel the bile trying to get up but standing no chance against my rock hard dick, as he swallowed it back down. His face was a different shade of red now - a scarlet which reached across his cocksucking cheeks down his neck and upper chest - and he was crying from being choked, tears he sucked up his nose as he snorted and coughed. It just made my dick even harder though, as I used his hands clasped in mine to move his head forward a little and get the right angle too--

Yessss! I shoved all ten inches into his mouth. Some cocksuckers have managed it before, but it's a rarity. Everything was pointing to this boy being a keeper. He struggled and sputtered, of course, and feeling his body squirm helplessly pinned between my skinny hips and big cock and the wall behind him was a total power surge. I hammered back and forth, hearing his head thud against the wall a little, as I used his throat like a fleshjack to wank the massive head of my dick.

After sitting and getting horny for so long after my tennis match, I needed to cum, but I forced myself to slow down and pull out. He pulled one of his hands out of mine to wipe some drool from his mouth, but I stopped him before he could do the same to his tears.

"No, baby, let me see those tears. I want to see you cry for my big dick," I told him, and I swear he gave me his hand to restrain in mine again. I smiled and he smiled back a little too.

"Again," I ordered, and shoved all ten inches in - hammering away forty or so thrusts in his throat while he wretched and writhed anew. It was so fucking hot knowing my dick had the power to inflict such a number of someone's throat, but it was so huge that people were eager to let me do it anyway.

I slowed down then pulled out again.

"You want me to cum?" I asked him.

He sniffed in some of the snot my big cock must've fucked through his throat into his nose, and nodded, rasping "Yes please."

Good boys say please, I thought, knowing if there was one thing I was good at it was cumming in a slut's mouth.

So I shoved my dick into his throat in one thrust again - it was so hot watching my dark blond pubes form a little moustache on this cocksucker's lips, my balls shoved up against his chin and jugular, and my cock - uhh, the heavenly pressure of his tight throat and eager tongue against my cock - bringing out my primal urges to pound pound pound. So that's just what I did, the sputtering noises and writhing movements left my consciousness for a moment as I focused on the only thing that mattered in that room ... my dick, and me cumming.

For a full minute I fucked this bitch's throat. The tears coming from his eyes and his deepening red face lost on me as I felt myself chasing my own nut until YESSSS! Fuck I'm awesome.

My balls practically purred as they tightened up and released one of my teen alpha loads in this cocksucking slut's throat.

His gurgling choking noises got a bit louder at that, then I pulled back a little to give him some respite, jerking the base of my dick slightly to empty more cum onto his tongue.

Then I pulled out completely, to watch the seventh, eighth and ninth shots of jizz get in his hair, up his nose and on his cheeks.

I caught my breath and felt a little nicer now, but I still didn't let him wipe his mussed up face.

"No, baby, don't wipe it off. You look good with my cum on your face."

He smiled all coy-like, when I said that. As I looked down on him on his knees, I saw something I'd almost forgotten - that tiny little dicklet - still urgent and rock hard, but so so small and now untouched. I smirked a little at that.

Backing away from him, I collapsed luxuriantly on my bed, and he shifted from kneeling on the floor to sitting cross-legged. After a full two or three minutes he asked, "Should I go now?"

I chewed the question over for a few seconds. On the one hand, I could probably get one or two more bitches over to blow me before bed, but would probably have to negotiate any versatile tendencies they had. One the other, I could get inside this little slut's head some more - and I hadn't tried out his killer butt yet.

"Nah, why don't you stay a bit? Here," I ordered, patting the bed, "come up beside me."

He got up and stretched a little, sitting near where I was, before laying back. I put my arm around him, and he rested his head in the nook of my armpit. Not the perfect size for spooning, given he was a fair bit taller, but he snuggled into me in the same dependent needing-to-be-protected way that fem bottoms much smaller also do.

I smiled to myself again at just how small his dicklet was. It was rock hard still, but ignored by us both - when I told him not to touch himself, he complied right away and barely whined. This was promising. Yes, this was very promising indeed.

We had some pillowtalk for twenty or thirty minutes and it went well. Now he'd got the dick, he perked up and was a little more confident - and was kinda smart and funny.

After a while, I felt my massive fuck club stirring and I knew I needed some more hole. I changed the subject and asked him to see his boypussy.

He smiled, extricating himself from my nook, and got on all fours, presenting that smoothed little hole nestled between those bubblebutt cheeks for me.

I licked my lips and moved towards that sweet ass hole. Fuck, I needed to make this bitch mine.

Running my tongue up his inner thighs, and gently biting them, he started moaning like a cat in heat. Watching him quiver as his hole winked at me was so hot. He must've been hard still or again, because that little dicklet was totally hidden behind similarly tiny balls. They were slightly smaller than a marble each, in a tight little sack that made them barely recognisable as testicles. Jeez, this guy was barely a guy, I thought. Perfect to form into my perfect little fuck bitch. By the time I got to his hole, I felt like a lion devouring a gazelle, running my chin all around his crack and my tongue all around and then deep into that boypussy. I made sure to salivate a lot. I kept emergency lube in the drawer by my bed, but it feels so much better to fuck with just a little spit.

Speaking of which, I needed to get this unhung little bitch to wet my cock.

"Lay down," I ordered him. I pulled him into a position I wanted (he was surprisingly weak and pliable given how much taller he was than me), so I had room to kneel above his head. "Move your head back."

I held my once-again rock hard ten inches by the base, lowering it so it pointed menacingly as the little bitch's mouth, which he eagerly and dutifully opened. From this angle, plugging him with all my length and girth was even easier (for me anyway), and his wriggling around was minimal. I grabbed both of his legs, and dragged them towards me, his pitiful little dick disappearing from view again as I pulled what I wanted towards my face. That boypussy, crack shimmering with my spit, which I once again started tongue fucking as I choked him with my cock.

After I felt him wretch hard two or three times, I figured my dick would be lubed enough and pulled out. I used my arms to keep him pinned just where I wanted him as I made my way to the other end of the bed - between his legs - which I lifted and placed on my shoulders.

My dick more or less auto-targeted in at his hole, as nature intended, which it pressed against threateningly and wet.

"You want some more dick?" I asked him.

He bit his lip.

"What's the biggest you've ever been fucked by?" I went on.

"Maybe eight inches?" he offered up meekly.

"Ah," I said, "you've not felt anything `til you've had ten inches of Mathias Gold's big dick in you. You want it?"

He nodded, a little scared, but seemingly up for the challenge.

So I shoved my big plum-sized head into his boypussy.

He groaned, loud, but stopped short of screaming. I'm not a monster, so I left it like that for ten seconds, `til I heard him start to breathe normally again.

I pushed in another couple of inches - and heard him moan and whimper - all high-pitched and girly. Fuck this was hot. The red flush he'd got earlier from the wall-banging throatfuck I'd thrown him was starting again, painting down his cum-stained cheeks and neck, to his upper torso. I noticed how his moderate amount of chest hair and soft slim tummy contrasted with my own rock-hard smooth twunky abs. It was hot - `cos he was soft rather than angular, like a girl; but the chest hair made me know I was a teenager turning this fully grown man into my cockslut.

I pushed in my fourth inch.

"Almost halfway," I told him, as he hissed in air between his teeth. He panted and I waited `til his whimpers became softer and less frequently. I leant forwards to kiss him on his smooth-shaved lips, then whispered in his ear

"I'm not even half the way in, but I've got more dick in you than you have dick. Isn't that crazy?"

I was sort of taunting him, but I genuinely thought it was crazy. I was used to having guys fall over my dick. Some could take it in reality, others chickened out. This Grindr hook-up beneath me would never know that power. He would never know what it was like to have enough size to make people desperate to bottom for him, like I do; he would never know what it was like to be girthy enough to inflict pain in those he fucked, like I do. Hell, he'd probably never fuck anyone ever. A perfect little bottom boy.

"Isn't it crazy?" I pressed him again.

He nodded through gritted teeth, eyes welling up slightly from the blunt shock of my seven inches of girth stretching him.

I pulled away from him to look at my cock stretching him and catch another peek at his little three-inch pecker.

"Fuck!" I said again, a smile stretching across my face.

Apparently my thick lengthy dick was a lot for him, as I saw him without an erection for the first time. What had been three inches and about the thickness of my thumb had shrunk down to as skinny as a pinky and barely one-and-a-half inches.

That made my dick so much harder I actually heard Art moan as it stretched him even more.

I wondered if that was the softest it got. It would be so hot to see that little dick shrink to an inch, and be a full ten times bigger than him.

Man, I'll never tire of shocking hung-ish dudes by being bigger than them, but seeing Art's little inch-and-a-half dicklet was even hotter - made it look like it was a totally different body part to the mighty cock with which I had him impaled on my boyhood bed.

I was going as gently as I could, but I needed to get more of my dick in him. It felt amazing squeezing around my head and a bit of my shaft, but I needed more. I wanted him to get used to all ten of my inches so I could start to fuck him and fuck him good, damn it.

I squeezed my dick in him a little more and felt like a king. He'd got used to the girth now, but still gasped deeply at the added length. I figured I had seven inches of dick in him now. As much dick as I had more than he did. And with three inches left to go.

The little slut had only ever bottomed, and the most he'd bottomed for was an eight-incher. Well, I thought, I'd soon put that eight inches to shame. Shoving my dick in more, I finally bottomed out - my twinky hips pressed against his soft butt cheeks.

"You did it. You did it, babyboy. You've got all ten inches of my dick in you. How's it feel?" I pressed.

"Big," he groaned.

"Heheheh, now the real fuck begins," I informed him, pulling my dick out a few inches.

A lot of hung guys depend on their size and never really learn to fuck, but let me tell you I'm not one of those guys. I always try to take the time to make sure my quarry's hole is wet and ready for me. I take my time, especially their first time taking me - nothing more frustrating than a bottom whimpering out `cos they're too hurt. Since I started fucking in my early teens, I've been complimented on being a preternaturally good fuck.

So that's just what I set about doing. I leant forward to kiss Art again, and told him what a good little bottom boy he was. I purred and cooed in his ear, noticing his shivers of pleasure. I licked and nibbled his neck, and felt his legs turning to jelly and giving up any resistance to my fuck. I looked down from my gaze to where my big cock was shaping his hole to fit my dick like a glove and saw that tiny little dicklet again and had an idea.

I moved back and let his legs drop to around my waist and on the way out of one of my thrusts, I pulled my dick all the way out. It was shiny with my spit and precum and whatever, and whispered to Art


He looked down too, just as I brought my mighty ten-point-two inches of hard cock next to his flaccid little one-and-a-half inch dicklet. I swear the big slick head of my cock was the same size as his entire package - his nub and little marble-sized balls both - and he gasped but then joined me in giggling. It was a crazy contrast - crazy hot!!! I gently cock slapped his junk a few times, covering his dicklet and nuts from both of our views with just my head with each strike. Then I slowly thrust my big dick beside his - really slow - to emphasise that after a third of my dick alone, I'd reached the point where his tiny dicklet would end; further still, to where the average cock might stop. But I still had more dick. A lot more, further up his abdomen I let my cock slide, to the point where one could barely see his dwarfed little dicklet - nature kicking in and us both being way more fascinated by my bigger, better tool. Past the point of the biggest cock by which Art had ever been fucked. And finally, those last two inches, my dick reaching nearer his nipples than his belly button; letting him see for the first time ever where his dick might reach were he as hung as me. My nutsack, again, was enough to envelop his little package - his dicklet and tight little ballsack nestled beneath my shaft but above my big cajones. It was insanely sexy to see his face, so embarrassed by his size earlier, finally start to appreciate the mad contrast. With his dick soft, and mine rock hard, I was almost nine inches bigger than him and I felt like a god.

I needed to fuck some more. This was just too hot and my balls were churning in overtime. I drooled a bit loogy onto the tip of my dick as I lined up with his hole again. It was clear he felt empty and in need of it now, as it slid in easily and his only whimpers were soft moans of pleasure.

Leaving his legs around my waist this time, and the softness of his slender torso against my tensing abs, I used my glutes to pick up a good rhythm and found a decent angle to fuck, where his eyes started rolling back and he was babbling in my ear. If his babbling started to reach a crescendo, or if I felt I was about to cum, I'd stop or slow down.

I wanted this to be a fuck to remember for this little cumslut Art. I would use each and every one of my mighty ten inches, and the raw pathetic reality of his tiny dicklet, to make him submit to me - making him admit to me that he would only ever be a bottom.

I had to get another look at my massive fuckclub next to his laughable little nubbin. I pulled away again and looked down.

"Oh what's this?" I asked.

I guess I was fucking him too well, as he'd sprouted another one of his barely three-inch erections. Damn. It was so much hotter when he was soft.

"Are you hard again, baby?"

He nodded.

"Don't get hard again," I chided him, - until now I'd never really cared whether or not a guy was hard, but it was so sexy to see his total bottominess in both his size and softness.

"You don't need an erection. I've got all the erection we need here," I pushed. "Get soft again for me."

"Uhhh, I can't," he protested, "you're so hot and so good at fucking."

"I know, but you can enjoy that in your mind and you boypussy. Your little dicklet doesn't need to be hard to get fucked by me. Get soft again."

"I'll try," he said, closing his eyes and focusing on who-knows-what.

I felt his hole tighten around my occasionally - not that there was any chance of me losing my erection, but that kept me hard-as-fuck knowing how bad he needed me inside him.

His dicklet wouldn't go down though.

I resolved there and then that I was gonna make him stop getting erections. I was gonna get inside his head that he didn't need to be hard to enjoy himself, and wouldn't be able to get hard with any misguided misapprehensions that he would ever, ever top - with me or anyone else. Yeah, that would be hot as fuck.

Whatever he was thinking about wasn't helping, or maybe my cheeky dimpled grin and boyband sexy blond fringe was too hot for him, my godlike ten inches too heavenly, for him to go soft. I was gonna have to distract him with something else.

I'm naturally dominant, but I rarely need to use force to get what I want. I'd choked and slapped and spanked some bitches - either because they asked for it or I was having a particularly rough day - but normally I'm happy just to be the man for an eager bottom. But I guess a little bit of pain was going to be in order here.

I moved my guitar-and-racket-calloused big twunk hands down towards his junk - about six inches of my cock still skewering him - and I took careful aim. (And I mean careful aim, given how tiny the target was.) I rested my middle finger against my thumb and released the trigger, flicking him in the balls.

"Owww!" he exclaimed, reflexively, but didn't try to get away.

"Get soft for me," I pressured him, "it was so hot when you were soft with my big dick in you. If you want me to fuck you, I'm gonna keep flicking your little nuts `til you're soft again, okay?"

He didn't say anything, so I pulled my cock out of him `til it was just his head.

I swear I could see his flat soft little tummy of an abdomen deflate as my big cock left him, leaving him feeling empty.

"Okay!" he agreed right away, scared I was going to deny him the massive dick he'd clearly already started to crave.

"Good boy," I breathed, reassuringly. And then - in sharp contrast - another expertly aimed THWACK against his little nutsack.

"Ahhhh!" he gasped again, in pain, but it started working. That tiny dicklet writhed like a little worm - contracting and shrinking in size.

Not small enough, I thought, then THWACK

"Tssss," he hissed. This was more like it. I saw that small nub he had thought of as a penis get even thinner and even shorter. My dick, a little further away from and still plugging his butt, was thicker than his ballsack by some margin. Fuck, no wonder he needed my cock inside him so bad.

"Niiice," I crooned in his ear some more. "I love how cute and tiny your dick looks when it's soft. Was that okay? Does my dick still feel good in your boypussy."

"Mm hmm," he agreed, nodding and opening his eyes to look in mine. There were some tears in them again. Fuck, I love it when boys do things that make them cry just to give me pleasure.

"See. You don't need a little hard-on for your hole to feel good," I laboured the point, trying to sound reassuring.

He nodded his assent again. I took one last look at the seven or so inches of my dick not already inside him, making such an awesome juxtaposition to his pathetic little dicklet - he must wonder through life enviously curious of hung studs like me, I thought - and plunged my dick in him all the way again.

If he got even a little harder again during that fuck I was too focused on cumming to notice. I pounded him away, telling what a good boy, a good little bitch, a gooood cumslut he was, making out with his lips and neck and growling in his ear, feeling his overwhelmed whimpers and wriggling beneath me.

After another five minutes of fucking I just couldn't hold back any more and gave one last thrust inside him, throwing my head back and barely noticing as he started up entranced at my lionine powerfuck.

"Fuck! Fuck! FUUUUCK! Gonna breed you, baby. Gonna make you mine. Fucking take that load," I growled. I filled him with a huge load, and started panting, then I whispered breathily in his ear, "Fuck that was good."

Feeling his lankier body smushed beneath my tight muscles relax too, I left my dick inside his now well-slicked hole as we both caught our breath. Thank fuck for PrEP, I thought, because there is something psychologically so hot about not just using a guy's hole for my dick's pleasure, but shooting my babies in him. Man, if I could get bottoms pregnant, I'd already have so much child support to pay at nineteen, I thought.

We dozed off for a bit. At first I was thinking about how I had to see this boy again, this bottom again (he was a total bottom - I just had to make sure he knew it). Then I started dreaming about how hot it would be if instead of 6'2" he were 6 inches tall - tiny enough to stash in my boxers on a sweaty summer's day, and occasionally take out for him for fun, for him to climb or grovel to or get pinned down by a cock bigger than his entire self - my ten-inch alpha teen dick.

If any of you tiny-dicked little sluts, or hung studs like me, wanna get in touch and compare notes my email is

Did you know that little Art's tried his hand at some stories too?

Lemme know what you think.

Next: Chapter 2

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