Shrinking Away

By Onatangent

Published on May 1, 2022



Shrinking Away (gay/authoritarian)

Authoritarian, chastity, cock shrinking, public, minor weight gain

It was a fun and naughty little couple's thing. If we were feeling excited throughout the day, and we were apart, or maybe at work, we'd pick a photo from the porn stash we each, naturally, kept on our phones, and sent to each other. A scroll through the Aaron and Ramesh message thread would easily turn up about 25% smut, between messages about picking up groceries. We weren't exactly the most adventurous couple. This counted as about as kinky as we got.

That was until one day, when Ramesh must have been feeling particularly excited, and he sent me three pictures in a row. The porn had been spaced out enough before that I'd never really noticed it, but today, with all of them next to each other, I did.

All of these guys were, well, underendowed.

I went back to check the previous messages. And while it wasn't all of them, there was definitely a theme. Four inches, three... five... this one's six. That guy's big but he's fucking a guy who looks... like... retracted or something? Certainly none of the massive porn-sized cocks I tended to send over. I wasn't even trying to do it. That's just sort of what you see when you look at porn. It dawned on me that he couldn't have gotten all those pictures by accident. He must be looking for this stuff intentionally.

I smirked. Never occurred to me that he'd have a "thing" like that. But here we are.

That night over dinner I couldn't help but ask him about it. "So I noticed... in those pictures you send me, all the guys have kind of small cocks."

He blushed and looked up at me. "Y... yeah. Yeah I'm sort of into it. I really like them small."

"Really? Why?"

"I dunno... it's cute! And the idea of everyone else knowing how small it is, and smaller than mine. A little power over them, humiliation and control. Lizard brain thing I guess."

"You never mentioned it before!"

"Well I didn't want you to feel bad did I? You're above-average, not like those guys."

I laughed "I don't think that would make me feel bad." I took another bite and then thought about it. "Do you wish I was smaller like those guys?"

He blushed again and clearly considered saying the easy thing, but then he shrugged. I'd asked, after all. "Yeah... yeah I do, I think it would look really hot."

I smirked "Well, too bad there's no way to make that happen. It would be fun to see you get excited like that."

I could see him take that in a minute, thinking. The moment passed and he shrugged, laughing. We finished dinner.

It was a few days later that I came home to find Ramesh waiting for me nervously, a small box in front of him.

"What's that?"

"Well... remember you said that it was too bad that making you small like those guys couldn't happen? It sort of... can, actually. It can happen."


He opened up the box and pulled out something I'd seen once or twice on the internet: a clear plastic chastity cage.

"This is a chastity cage. It's designed to let someone control your orgasms but also while it's on it keeps you small, and I understand that if you wear it a long time, the size change sticks around even once the cage comes off."

"Like... actually shrink? You can't be serious."

"No, it's real! It's not permanent, don't worry. No damage. If you take the cage off for long enough you go back to normal size. But I'd get to see, you know, see it small."

I stammered, picking up the cage and looking it over.

"But these keep you from cumming, right? I kinda like cumming."

He nodded nervously "We wouldn't be wearing it to deny you anything. In fact I'll make sure you get to cum in it as often as you like. I got this." He opened up a bag next to his chair and pulled out a wand-shaped vibrator. "I've seen videos of guys using this on the cage. It's supposed to be amazing."

I looked skeptically over his sex-shop haul. I looked up at Ramesh. He was pitched forward and eager like a yappy dog.

"I can see how much you want this... fuck, I can't say no to you. I'll try it."

He leapt forward and hugged me "YES! Yes, thank you."

"TRY it." I repeated, gruffly.

He nodded. I stood there while he undid my pants and pushed them down along with my briefs, revealing my thankfully flaccid cock. Four inches soft, seven hard. He rummaged in the box and held my balls, slipping them through a plastic ring which slid against me. He pushed my cock through the ring as well, then, moving quickly before the activity got me hard, slipped the sheath over my cock and nestled it into place. A key went into the hole and turned, latching the whole thing together.

He leaned back, eyes fixed on my cock. "There... three inches, base to tip." He was breathing hard. He looked up and could see I was enjoying seeing him so happy. But he must have worried that I'd only give in to this for so long. He picked up the wand. "Let me show you what this is like."

He led me to the couch and sat me down. He turned on the wand, which let out a heavy buzzing sound, and pushed it to the cage. I gasped loudly, not having expected it to feel so good. The entire cage buzzed and it was like my cock was being stroked from every angle at once, but not just on the surface - all the way through. Like the entire section of my body between my legs was being stroked. I immediately tried to get hard but the cage stopped it. It felt uncomfortable at first but the buzzing was too intense to care. I moaned and leaned back.

He grinned, knowing he had me. The intensity on the wand sped up. I couldn't help it. I'd been in this thing no more than two minutes and already I was shooting, gasping, my mind fuzzy. The most intense orgasm I could remember.

With cum dripping down the edge of the couch, I had a hand to my head, still feeling fuzzy. I looked up. "Oh my god... oh my god."

He grinned. "You should be okay keeping it on then right? Little cock for me... and more of those for you."

I smiled and nodded. Why had I never tried this before?

Sleeping in the cage was difficult the first night. I woke up a few times. But in the morning I knew that I'd be keeping it on if it meant more time with the wand, and seeing just how excited Ramesh would get.

It felt a little weird, for sure, tucking the cage into my pants and just walking around in it all day. But I had to give Ramesh credit - he'd managed to pick out a pretty comfy one and I didn't have much of an issue. A few times through the day at work I began to get hard but the cage didn't yield and it kept me in, hard and straining against the plastic. That must be part of how it does the shrinking, I assumed.

It was fun having a naughty little secret. Not like anyone around me knew what I was doing. And I got to look forward to another evening with the wand. The thought made me attempt another erection, and I chuckled to myself as it failed. Not today, little buddy.

I was certainly straining by the time I walked in the door. And Ramesh knew how to keep me playing along. He already had the wand in hand. I took a seat, closed my eyes, and took a sharp deep breath of cold air as the wand rested on my cage and turned on. He started it on a low setting this time, and slowly ramped up over time until I was bucking against it and then yelled, my slit lining up with the tip of the cage and shooting farther than I ever had without the cage, clearing the coffee table and landing on the carpet. I put a hand to my chest and breathed hard, recuperating. I wasn't going to mind this little routine.

And so it went the rest of the week. I got more used to wearing the cage during the day. The excitement and naughtiness of it wore off a little, but every once in a while I'd feel that same twinge of excitement, and it was a constant reminder of our little play. And the nights with the wand never got any less incredible, moreso in fact.

At the end of one week, after another wonderful night with the wand Ramesh brought out the key. "You know, I've been reading up about this chastity stuff online. Apparently a week your first time out is very impressive." I was half-listening, still in a post-orgasmic haze. "Yeah but those guys are, like, denying themselves arne't they? Wait, are you unlocking me?"

He nodded. "Let's see if there's any progress."

He undid the latch and slid the cage off. Still excited from the wand, I could see the excitement in his face as my hard cock was only as big as the cage had been, although it slid when it adjusted and stretched out to its full length.

"I guess a week isn't long enough... I shouldn't be surprised, that's what it said online, too."

It felt kinda weird not to be caged, although the freedom was nice. "How long did it say?"

He blushed and looked kinda sheepish. "Um, it said that for any big changes... it takes months."

I cleared my throat. "Months? You want me to wear this for months?"

"I mean, I understand if that's too much. But you're enjoying all this, right?"

I crossed my arms. It was true that I'd really never felt as sexually satisfied as this. Kind of ironic given what the cage was designed for. I looked up at him. Who could say no to that face?

"Fine. Let's do it. You're gonna be working that wand though."

He brightened and did just a little fist pump. He looked at my cock, clearly imagining what it would look like. "We'll cage it up again once you're soft."

I nodded.

Ramesh kept up his end of the deal for sure. Nearly every night was wand night, and it never stopped being just as exciting and amazing as it was the first time. And he managed to make it more exciting by adding new parts of my body to the mix. At first it was just a finger in my ass while he used the wand. Then he'd start sucking on my nipples, too. As the weeks went on the finger in my ass became a toy.

When we realized it had been a month since he'd gotten any attention, it became his cock. I'd always gone along with bottoming but it had never brought me all that much pleasure. Now, with my cock locked up, the sensation was incredible. Perhaps now I was just more open to taking in pleasure anywhere and feeling it with my whole body. He loved the whimpering sounds I made while he fucked me, and that became a regular part of the evenings. Some nights he'd just play with my ass and fuck me for hours, pre drooling out of the tip of my cage. I wouldn't cum those nights but it didn't matter to me. I'd never felt like this.

I started to notice some changes. Just a little. The cage started to feel just a little roomier. I could see that, when I was soft, I wasn't quite filling it up all the way like I used to. Erections still felt plenty constraining, but maybe just a touch less so. Hard to tell. It sort of felt like my cock was slipping back into my body and resting there.

It had been four full months. The cage just felt natural now. I'd figured out the logistics of cleaning myself in the cage, trimming my pubes down, and beyond that the long-term wear just wasn't an issue. Sure, not like I was going to wear this thing forever, but the look on his face when I managed to shrink for him was going to be worth it. And Ramesh assured me that my ability to go this long was highly impressive.

I told him on his birthday that I thought I had shrunk some. He just about spit out his steak and grinned, then dropped his fork and ran for the key. He returned with the key and a cloth tape measure.

I stripped down for him and he undid the latch, carefully sliding the plastic tube off and setting it aside. Before I had a chance to get hard he measured me. I looked down. It was smaller, it really was. My heart skipped a beat. It was so strange to be looking at my own penis but... not recognizing it. It was different. "Just under three inches soft... you've shrunk more than an inch!"

The touch of the tape against my cock was the first direct contact my cock had had in four months and it quickly sprang to life. I gasped - getting hard actually hurt a little, like a forgotten ache. My eyes were closed but I could feel it, full and hard. He'd be disappointed that I had only shrunk soft, not hard, but then I opened my eyes and he was grinning ear to ear. I looked down again. That... that certainly wasn't seven inches. He held the tape measure against me. "Holy shit, five inches. Two full inches off... that's way more than they said it would be! I didn't even think you'd be smaller than me by now but you skipped right over six inches!"

I couldn't help but stare at it. Then back at him. Something strange brewed in me and I felt a tightness in my chest. All of this had been fun and whatever until now but the sensation of realizing that I'd been... changed, an intimate part of my body changed specifically just to give Ramesh a charge. Molded to his desires. I felt flush.

"Thank you, Aaron, thank you for doing this. I know it's been a long time to wait but you have no idea how much I love this."

I'd rarely seen him so excited. His pants tented with his six inches, the size of which was clearly a number front and center in his mind often. He just about pounced on me and pinned me to the couch, face up. His pants were off quickly and, with a squirt of the lube we kept on the end table, he was inside me and I let out a long moan. It felt just as good as it had caged. I'd really learned to enjoy bottoming, hadn't I?

He rammed into me, pinning me against the bed, then slowed down, sitting back up so he could get a good view of my cock, now the smaller between the two of us. He grinned. "You deserve a reward... and no way I'm missing out on this opportunity before it goes back to normal."

He wrapped a hand around my cock and squeezed it. I gasped and blushed. It felt so good, and I was so sensitive... too sensitive. I swallowed hard "No... no, stop, stop stop." He dropped the cock and looked at me "What is it?"

"It... that feels wrong. Can you put my cage back on?"

He couldn't believe I'd said it, and I barely could myself. He looked at the cage still sitting on the table. "Sure, sure we can do that."

He slid out of me and headed to the table. I was as hard as I could be, but with my smaller size he managed to squeeze me into the cage again without having to wait for me to be soft. I let out a sigh of relief as the key slid the lock into place.

"Better?" he asked. I nodded. He climbed back on the couch and slid in me.

"Ramesh..." I smiled as he opened my ass again and my tight walls slid around him. "I don't think I'm nearly as small as I could be."

There was shock on his face. I couldn't tell what happened next because it was just a wild flailing of sexual fury. He fucked me harder than I've ever felt. His mind left his body and there was only lust. When we woke up we were sticky and tangled together.

The modern era is a fantastic thing. We ordered a new cage in the morning and it had arrived on our doorstop in mere hours. Half the size of the original, one and a half inches from base to tip.

We changed one for the other. It was nice to have a cage that felt a little tight again. Like a tiny hug.

It only took six weeks until the new cage had begun to show signs of being roomy, or at least I wasn't touching the edges of the cage when I was soft. I kept trying to show Ramesh, but the reality of what was happening to me kept making me hard so he couldn't see it. But he knew. And he loved it. He'd grope at my cage when he fucked me, and it didn't take us long to realize that if he fucked me just right and stroked my balls, I could cum just from that.

The first time it happened had been a surprise, and I felt the wet cum on my stomach before I even felt the wave of euphoria. It wasn't quite the same overpowering wash of dominating excitement that the wand was, but it was something else entirely. Like the entirety of my body had become one soft, warbling erogenous zone. I felt like sex, I felt like the concept of sex just covered me.

What the hell did I ever see in jacking off anyway? This was incredible. I found that I couldn't cum from being fucked every night, and in fact needed to build myself up a few days before it could happen. But I needed more. The wand sessions stopped, and I began going a few days or even a week without orgasm, preparing my body to have the cum fucked out of me. I could feel the gurgling need building throughout the week. I supposed this is what people who used chastity for its intended purpose were hoping for.

It was at about the six month mark that we took a drive to a place we hadn't been in a while - a nude beach where we'd visited somewhat regularly in the past. "I can't go out there in the cage, can I?"

He smiled "You're not going to." He held the key up.

We parked and stripped at the car, and he slid the key in, sliding the cage and the ring off of my body. I blushed seeing the little thing peeking out of my crotch. He'd brought the tape as well, of course, although you could eyeball it at this point.

"An inch" he sighed warmly. "An inch soft." He calmed himself, trying not to get hard before our beach walk. I stayed soft. Ever since my anal training I'd been getting hard less often during the day anyway. Like my body realized that its source of pleasure had moved elsewhere. We'd have to wait to find my new hard length.

And so we went for our walk. Him with his swinging everyday six inches, looking positively massive next to my one inch of just about nothing. He couldn't help but keep stealing peeks. And although the nude beach crowd tends to be pretty well behaved, some of them couldn't help themselves either. There was definitely a smirk or two on the faces of the people who passed us.

Ramesh, of course, was doing a strut. He loved the comparison. He loved parading my little cock around. He loved the blush on my face. And I guess I loved it too... I felt the ache again as we finally got a chance to see my new hard length. Ramesh noticed. "Looks like three inches, Aaron." He closed his eyes and breathed in sharply. I'm not sure anyone would have noticed that I was hard, but they'd have noticed him, and we headed off for some privacy.

The small wooded area just off the beach had been a hookup spot for decades. Ramesh sat down and leaned against a tree while I knelt down in front of him and slid his hard and pre-dripping cock into my mouth. He relaxed as I pleasured him, slathering my tongue over him, my own tiny cock dripping pre onto the ground.

It wasn't long before we had an onlooker. Wasn't uncommon in this spot. Just a guy watching us and idly jacking off.

Ramesh grinned at him. "He's got a small cock, doesn't he?"

The guy chuckled, not entirely sure what was going on. But he peered in and took a look. "Oh, wow, uh, yeah that's pretty small, man."

I blushed a bright red but it didn't stop me sucking Ramesh's cock, which was throbbing. I moved faster, in fact. Ramesh looked down at me and everything I was doing told him to continue.

"You ever even seen one that small before? Miniscule."

The guy grinned, catching on. "As small as that? I wasn't even sure that was possible."

"I know what you mean, it's unbelievable. Need a microscope to find the thing."

The man put a hand on my ass. "I mean, I've seen smaller things but none of them were cocks. You know, pebbles, blueberries. Does it even count as a cock when it's that small or is it more of a zit?"

My eyes were shut tight and my face was a bright red. I sucked Ramesh's cock harder, swallowing it down the back of my throat over and over. My legs were wet. I opened my eyes and saw cum. I hadn't felt the orgasm at all, but there it was, the cum leaking out of my, well, cock I guess, or maybe I should have called it a zit.

I whimpered around Ramesh's cock. It wasn't long before I was swallowing down every shot of his load. I felt something across my back - the guy standing above me, and occasionally squeezing my ass, had finished. He wiped his hand off on my ass and nodded "Thanks for the time, guys" before disappearing back to the beach.

The walk back to the car was quiet. We knew we'd be doing that again. Our relationship felt changed. Just a bit. If only in the way he walked, I knew Ramesh was just a little more in charge. I walked a half step behind him.

At the car, as I prepared to get dressed, he stopped me and held my shirt over my head so I couldn't see. I stood there and felt something on my cock. A cage, but a different one. He slid my shirt on the rest of the way and looked down. The cage's shape didn't even resemble a cock any more. More of a nub at this point. Maybe half an inch in length? At most.

Pretty comfy. I rode home bottomless.

Over the next year things began to change at home, more than they already had. The wand didn't feel quite as good in such a tiny cage - like it couldn't quite reach as much of me now. But I didn't mind. I was getting fucked. I found that the orgasms I got from being fucked were even more exciting the longer I waited. So Ramesh stopped making sure I came every time. But after two or three weeks, he'd decide to aim in just the right way and I'd be putty in his hands. Not that I was short of sex, but orgasm was just one part of a much larger experience. And I'd have one every two or three weeks. Or maybe four. Or as time went on, perhaps five. Or six. The waiting was almost as much fun as when it all ended.

When it wasn't getting to orgasm or be touched, my cock was getting plenty of attention from Ramesh anyway, in the form of his comments about how tiny it was. I shouldn't be saying cock, he decided it was just "nub" now and I was supposed to call it that too. He got bolder, making innocent references to friends, and much more direct mentions of how small my nub was to anyone he thought might be excited to hear about it. Showing me off, too.

If I ever saw the key I knew the cage was coming off because we were about to meet a friend who didn't mind sexual comments at a dinner party, and I knew that he'd talk up my tiny cock until he'd finally ask if they wanted to see it, and I knew that it would only be a matter of moments until the pants came down and I heard the audible gasp someone makes when they've been told something they don't quite believe but then it turns out to be true.

Not that I was complaining. In fact, I'd yet to make it through one of these instances without being hard when the pants came down. Not that they could tell. Only an inch of my cockhead poked out from my crotch when I was hard, and the difference between that and the half inch soft I normally had wasn't all that noticeable anyway.

I felt like his trophy, and like his toy. And he felt like an idol of masculinity next to me. We began acting like it. More and more he called the shots around the house, and I was only too happy to obey. He would relax and I would serve him dinner, massage him, suck his cock, and wait for my next order.

I certainly didn't mind the new arrangement, and the excitement I felt at it made it easier and easier to do, my nub pushing gently against my new cage. I didn't think it was possible that it could get smaller than the cage at the beach - not much closer it could possibly get, right? But after a few months in that one, it, too felt roomy. And so we found it, an "innie" cage. A little flat cage that, once on, was completely flush with my body. I was zero inches long, whatever cock I once had sitting unused inside of my body. And not even much bigger than that with the cage off.

That remaining half inch, though - I could tell it was on Ramesh's mind. He already had everything he could have possibly dreamed of, and yet!

The problem managed to resolve itself. Between my duties around the house and a difficult time at work, I'd slipped into eating junk food and skipping the gym. Before too long I was looking just a little pudgy around the sides.

Ramesh didn't have a problem with it. In fact, he loved the look, and he especially loved how he could make my ass jiggle by bouncing it on his hand. It was the next time he uncaged me to show me off that it really dawned on him. The pudge extended to my crotch, adding just a touch of padding there. I noticed it too. We looked at each other and I swallowed hard. I knew what was coming.

My dinner portions definitely became larger for a while, and soon it didn't take anything more than walking around to get that ass jiggle that Ramesh loved so much. I was worried how far it would go. Ramesh checked in on my progress regularly, with a weekly uncaging, which both of us anticipated with excitement and, for me, a little fear.

The day came. I rested a hand on my modest pudgy stomach and he uncaged me. And he saw... nothing. A little opening with a cockhead resting just behind it. He ran a hand over my crotch. I sighed in relief. I was already forty pounds up and not sure what any more would be lik. I was hard, but it didn't emerge at all. He grinned and looked up to me. "Shrunken away to nothing. Nubless. My nubless little teddy bear." He pinched my nipple and I gasped. The weight had made my nipples more sensitive than they had been before. I could cum from them if I had a few hours to spend on it.

He led me to the mirror and I looked at myself. Completely transformed for him. Pudgy and soft, with a zero inch nub and usually not even able to access it even if I wanted to, obedient and always ready to be used, delirious by a touch of a nipple or a thorough fuck. His idea of a sex object, crafted to be attractive to him and only him, whatever the rest of the world wanted to see. I was fulfilling my role in life by making him just as hard as he was standing next to me right now. That's what I was for. He felt my smooth crotch again and slipped a finger into my ass.

"On your knees."

I took another look in the mirror. Although I hadn't felt an orgasm, cum dripped from the tip of my lengthless cock.

I kneeled down. I wouldn't change a thing.

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