
By moc.loa@dnuhrebU

Published on Mar 1, 2002



Part One: Audition

A whole bunch of us used to take our motorbikes and tour the New Forest area late in the year, looking for action. That year, things had been a bit quiet, so we had low expectations when we pulled into this little provincial caravan park. We'd all seen this kind of place before: only local centre of industry, thinks it's something really important, but in fact it's dead ordinary.

Well, as it was the last stop of our tour we thought we'd treat ourselves, and try something we'd tried before with success. There were 10 of us, we all put $40 in a kitty, and I went out to see what kind of show I could get for that.

As soon as I walked into the bar, I knew it had to be him. He was working behind the bar, and he was very cute. He was fairly tall: about 6' I reckoned, with brown eyes and hair, good broad shoulders: clearly an athletic build. But the thing I couldn't get over was his face. He had this real clean-cut boy-next-door look; like a member of a boyband or something. It had to be him.

It was towards the end of the season, so things were quiet in the bar and we got talking. I found out he was called Richard, and was 23, bored with small time life, horny as hell, and in need of money. A winning combination. His big ambition was to own a Harley Davidson, and he was doing the barwork on nights after college to save for this.

Now I don't rate Harleys that highly, but a couple of guys in our group have them, and I mentioned this. He was really interested, and said he'd like to see my bike as well; not a Harley but a BMW, but like most enthusiasts he liked to see big bikes. I suggested he came by after work and had a Scotch, and had a look over the bike.

Rick turned up just after eleven. He'd changed into t-shirt and jeans, which suited him much better than what he'd been wearing in the bar. He had a great build: nicely athletic, a bit long in the body. But the main thing I noticed as he checked out the bike was that he had a fantastic ass. Big and firm, irresistable. It was all I could do to keep my hands off him as he leaned over the bike.

Afterwards he came inside for a drink. When he'd had a couple inside him, and had moaned a bit about how broke he was, I made my pitch.

I asked if he'd like to earn himself some extra money.

He looked suspicious, "How?" he said. I shouldn't have been surprised. A cute guy like that had probably had a few unwanted offers.

"Wrong question." I replied. "You should have said, 'how much?'"

"Okay, how much?" he said.

"$200 for an evening's work. Interested?"

He looked worried, and with that look of vulnerability I knew we had him. "Doing what?" he asked.

I took a deep breath. "Okay Rick, it's like this. We need a show. I've got a bunch of horny bikers who've been touring all round here with no action, and I've promised to get them a stripper."

Rick laughed. "I'm not a stripper!"

"What, not even for $200?" I asked.

He paused, considering. "So, all I'd have to do is strip off for you? That's all you want."

Poor kid. I could almost feel sorry for him. But I nodded. "Pretty much." I said.


"Tomorrow night, here in this caravan."

He paused, thinking. I said, "Come on Rick, it's got to be the easiest $200 you'll ever make." He still looked uncertain, so I continued, "And you're in great shape; you obviously look after yourself."

Like a lot of straight guys, Rick loved to be complimented on his body. "You reckon?" he said, fishing for some more. "I mean, I try to keep fit and all, but..."

"Oh, I'd say you were pretty successful. I think you'll do just fine." I said, changing the dynamic from one of us persuading him, to one of him being tried out.

He looked ridiculously pleased. "Really?"

I nodded. "I reckon." I said. "There's just one thing."

He looked a bit suspicious again. "What?"

"Well Rick, as I'm sure you can appreciate, $200 is a lot of money for this kind of thing. So I have to promise the others you'll be good."

"I told you I've never done anything like this before."

"That's not a problem. My concern is, you have to look good."

"I thought you said I did."

"You do, you look great." I said, looking at that boy-next-door face. I mean, this could be the next Robbie Williams here. "But I'll need to ask you some questions."

He looked earnest. "Okay." he said, "Fire away."

"Okay. Any scars, or bad skin?"

He shook his head. "No, nothing like that."

"Good. Any other disfigurements? Sorry Rick, it's just that we're paying-"

"No, I understand. No, nothing like that."

"Good. Are you circumcised?"

He looked startled and embarassed, then worried. "No." he replied. "Does that matter?"

"Not particularly, but it's useful to know. Now, this is a bit delicate, so bear with me. Are you - small?"

He flushed, and looked away. "I don't know what you mean." he said.

"Come on, Rick, everyone's going to see, so you might as well tell me anyway. Do you have a small dick?"

Still looking away, he said, "No." in a quiet voice.

"You don't sound awfully sure about that."

He looked back at me with those clear brown eyes and said, "I don't have a small dick, okay?"

"Fine. How big is it?"


"Oh come on, Rick, you must have measured it, all guys do. How big?"

He didn't say anything. Then he said quietly, "About eight and a half inches."

"I don't know why you're so shy about it. 8.5 is nothing to be embarassed about. If it's the truth."

He looked pissed off. "Of course it's the truth!" he snapped.

I shrugged. "You didn't seem very happy about telling me." I said.

He shrugged in reply, and didn't say anything.

"Of course, you'll have to show me." I said.

Richard looked outraged. "What?" he said.

"Oh come on, Rick." I said, "If you want your money, you're going to have to show me you can deliver the goods: surely you can see that?"

He looked at me suspiciously. "What, now?" he asked.

I nodded. "Unless you're shy." I added.

He got to his feet. "No, I not fucking shy." he muttered, and took off his denim jacket. Through the thin material of the t-shirt I could see his nice big chest and narrow waist. Narrow hips as well, with a really good V from those broad shoulders.

The T-shirt was the next to go, revealing a hairless chest and back. Like lots of dark haired men he had downy black hair on his forearms, but not much apart from that. He stood on one leg to undo the laces on one of his trainers, and I noted that he had a fair sized packet. Then he got both shoes off, and stood in front of me in just his jeans.

"Satisfied?" he sneered, his face a bit flushed from the exertion and the whisky.

"Like the show so far, Rick." I said. "Lose the jeans as well, son."

He undid his belt and waistband, and roughly shoved down his jeans and stepped out of them. Really nice strong legs, I noticed, then looked up to see he was wearing tight grey breifs. I checked them out, enjoying the striptease. Fair sized balls, and one of those cocks that hangs down in between them, with the head just below them. Not bad. I looked up to catch his eye. He looked slightly sneering. I decided to stop that.

"Turn around Rick." I said. He looked confused and vulnerable again, but turned to reveal that perfect globular big ass in his breifs. He stood to one side slightly, and it was a joy to watch those big glutes shifting into place. I've always had a thing for big-assed guys.

"Okay Rick, lose the briefs." I said. I could see Rick jump slightly at the command, then, still with his back to me, he put his thumbs under the waistband and yanked them down. They fell around his ankles.

I noted that his arse wasn't hairy either: this was a very smooth guy.

"Okay Rick, turn around again."

Oh, he was definitely reluctant this time! As he turned, I could see why, as his dick clearly had the beginnings of a hard on. At least it certainly hadn't looked that big in his briefs. It was now about 6" long, and had thickened up a lot as well. His foreskin had parted slightly, to reveal a dark red head. Like a lot of dark-haired guys, his cock was darker than the rest of him. His bush of pubic hair was about the only hair on his body. His cock was a nice shape too; thick shaft and big head, with a noticeable big vein running down to the head.

I laughed. "You getting a hard on son?" I said.

Rick blushed, and his cock got a big bigger. God, it was a real dangler, hanging out in front of him like that.

"You enjoying this, son?" I asked, and before he could stop himself, Rick nodded. "What are you enjoying about it?"

Rick shrugged, but I was in no mood for the noncommittal stuff now. "Stand to attention, son." I snapped.

He stood with his arms by his side, half-hard cock poking out in front of him. I said, "Now, son, if you're going to earn your money you're going to have to do as you're told. Understand?"

"Yes." he replied.

"That's 'yes sir' from now on, whenever I, or any of my mates talk to you. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

"That's good, boy. Now, tell me what you're enjoying."

Looking down at that big dangly cock, Rick said, "I'm enjoying being naked in front of you, sir."

I nodded. "Well, that will make tommorrow night more fun, son. I was going to tell you that you don't get paid unless you get a hard-on, but from the look of it I don't reckon you'll have any problem. You reckon that gets to eight inches?" I said, pointing at his 6 inch semi-hard on.

He looked down again and grinned. "Eight and a half, sir." he said proudly.

I nodded. "It had better." I said. "Okay Rick, we're done here. You can get dressed."

Watching him dress was almost as erotic as watching him undress. He stuffed that big cock in his briefs, then put on the T-shirt, half hard cock bulging in his breifs as he did so. Then he hitched up his jeans, and adjusted his dick in them so it pointed down one leg slightly. I watched him favouring it, as he put on his socks and trainers.

He turned to go, saying "Okay, same time tomorrow night!" breezily.

"Rick." I warned and he stopped, then said,

"Sorry sir. Same time tomorrow night, sir?"

"You've got it son."

Part Two: Another Audition

So all I had to do was find the other one. The next morning I went down to the pool, to see if I could see anything cute in a swimsuit. I didn't; there was hardly anyone around at that time in the morning, but something managed to get my attention; the pool attendant.

He was a short guy, wearing a baggy t-shirt and shorts, and fishing bits and pieces out of the pool with a net on a long handle. After I checked him out for a few minutes, I reckoned he'd be okay. He was only a little guy, but he looked good and trim, from what I could tell given the clothes, but he had such a cute face. Bit of a big nose, cheeky grin, one of those "cocky straight guy" faces which would make a good contrast to Rick's more obviously cute good looks. Richard was every athletic straight guy you lusted after in high school. Wayne was every window cleaner, every plumber, every postman or train guard that you unexpectedly fancied.

His hair was nice too; fair and sun bleached, and cut in one of those straight-boy shaggy styles. It flopped forward every time he bent to scoop something out of the pool.

He saw me sitting by the pool side watching him, and came over.

"Sorry mate, no swimming until 10.00." he said, in a London accent to my surprise.

"That's okay, I was just looking."

He grinned. "Yeah, I saw that. Well go ahead mate, you can look from whatever time you like. Don't even have to be a member."

I could see that I should come straight to the point with this one. "Do you want to earn some money?"

"'Ow much?" he replied.

I smiled. This was going to be easier than I anticipated. I went through my usual spiel, pretty much as I'd done with Richard, and he shrugged. "Sounds like easy money." he said.

I went into part two of my spiel. "I just have a few questions," I began, but he said, "Naw, mate."

"What?" I said.

"I don't reckon you've got any questions, not really. I reckon what you want's an inspection, to see if the goods are up to scratch."

I nodded, admiring his quickness. "And are they?" I asked.

"Check for yourself." he said, taking off the baggy t-shirt.

He had a good swimmer's body. Short, and a bit more thickset than Richard, lacking his wide shoulders and narrow waist, but in good shape nontheless. He had a light dusting of chest hair, and golden hair on his forearms.

I said. "Can we lose the shorts?"

He nodded, fair hair bobbing slighty as he did so, then undid the waistband of his shorts, slipping them down to reveal a pair of red and white striped swimming trunks. He dropped the shorts, then stepped out of them, bending down to pick up his clothes, then stood up.

I let my eyes rove over his cute little body, and noted a reasonable packet in those striped trunks: nice round balls particularly noticeable at the bottom; the kind of balls that still show a cleft, even in tight trunks, so that they're visible separately from each other. His cock lay atop them, the head bulging out slightly over to the left; probably not as big as Richard's.

On the pretext of laying his clothes on one of the sun loungers, he turned round to give me a rear view. Ass less big than Richard's; kind of small and pert. No hair on his back. He turned back to face me and grinned. "So, do I pass?" he asked, cheekily.

"Not bad." I said.

"But you need to see more?" he said, with a wink. "Fair enough. See the changing rooms over there?" he said, motioning at some huts under the trees. I nodded. "Well, I don't want anyone seeing what we're up to, so leave five minutes, then go to the one on the right."

"Good." I said.

He winked at me, and ostentatiously slipped a hand into those well-packed trunks to adjust his balls. Then he turned, and headed off towards the huts, leaving me to admire his nice chunky short body, and little pert ass.

It made a pleasant change to be dealing with someone as sharp as Wayne, and I spent the next five minutes in pleasurable anticipation. Then I got to my feet and strolled over to the last hut on the right.

The doorway faced away from the pool, and was in shadow. I opened the door, and for a moment I could only see darkness inside. I hesitated, then Wayne's voice said, "Hurry up, mate." so I went in and closed and locked the door behind me.

To my disappointment he was leaning against the opposite wall, still wearing the trunks. I sat down on the small bench and waited.

"Well mate, what do you want to see?" he whispered.

I shrugged. "Everything." I replied. "Take off the trunks."

He shrugged and pulled down the trunks, doubling up as he did so. When he straightened, I took a closer look.

He had one of those perky fat little cocks that never seems to fully go down. Even now, its circumsized head bounced on the top of his balls. Soft, it didn't look as big as the breif look I'd got at Richard's cock before it started to get hard.

I gestured at his cock. "How big does it measure when it's hard?" I asked.

Wayne shrugged. "I haven't the faintest idea mate." he said. "About average I guess."

I nodded. That would do.

Wayne stood there, naked before me, and rubbed the instep of one bare foot on the calf of the other, making his fat little dick bounce on his balls some more. "Well," he said, "Do I pass?"

I nodded. "Oh yes." I said, "You'll do just fine."

"Can I get dressed now, then?"

"Just one thing." I said. "$200 is a lot for a stripper. So we'll be wanting a show."

"Oh yeah?"

"Oh, not some big undressing thing: that's not a big deal. Wear the trunks though: they're good. But you'll have to get a hard on."

He looked down to his chubby little cock. "What, now?" he asked.

I waved a hand. "No, I don't need to see you hard now. But I need to know you can get a hard-on tonight."

He grinned. "Never had any trouble doing that, mate."

"Then that's fine. You may get dressed.

He started stepping into his striped trunks. "Will I just be doing this stripping lark on my own then?" he asked.

"No, with someone else."


I gestured over at the bar area. "A guy called Richard." I said.

Wayne let out a hoot. "What, Richard Bryant?" he laughed. "Does he know you've asked me too?"

"No. You don't like him?"

"I don't like any of those stuck-up bastards mate." he said, a little bitterly. "That's the hierachy here, innit?" He held up a stubby finger. "At the top, the management." Another finger, "Under them, the bar staff, who act like they're God. Under them," he said with the third finger, "Are the waiting girls who are alright, but they'll only shag the barmen."

"And under them?"

"Handymen like me. That Richard Bryant told one of the girls to tell me to stop whistling while I cleaned the pool! Wouldn't even say it to my face, sent a girl to do it for him. Snotty bastard."

I smiled. "Oh, I think we can have some fun with this." I said.

Part Three: The Show:

"Hi, Rick, come in." I said, opening the caravan door. I noticed he was wearing his jeans, but still wearing his button-down bar shirt, minus tie.

Richard peered into the caravan, blanching slightly at the number of guys there. I stood back and he came in.

All of the assembled guys were in their leathers, lounging around the furniture. Richard stood uncertainly in a clear space in the middle. I said, "Guys, this is Richard."

There were calls of "Hi, Rick!" and "Not bad!" etc. Richard gave an embarassed grin.

I sat down among my mates. "Okay, Richard." I said, "Strip down to your breifs."

He looked uncertain for a moment, then said, "Oh, uh, okay." and started to fiddle with the belt of his jeans.

"Richard." I said, and he stopped. "What have you learned to say, boy?"

"Oh, sorry, yes sir." he said.

"Good. Ask me for permission."

"Erm, may I strip to my briefs for you, sir?"

"Okay boy." I said, and he went back to fiddling with his belt.

As strippers go he was probably the most graceless I'd ever seen. I mean he undid his jeans and pushed them down roughly, to reveal that familiar packet in his grey briefs; long cock with its head pointing straight down, lying between his balls, so his whole packet in the briefs formed a kind of upside-down pear shape. No sign of the hard on he'd been starting to sport the previous night, I noticed. Of course we could only glimpse this, as the tails of the button-down shirt kept getting in the way.

Then he realised he hadn't done his shoes, so, jeans rumpled around his ankles, he bent over to unpick at the laces, and after a bit of hopping around he managed to get out of shoes and jeans. Actually, there was something kind of sexy about this clumsy display: Richard was a very cute guy in very cute shape, and the guys had plenty of time to admire his muscular swimmer's legs and big packet.

Once he'd lost the jeans and shoes, he started unbuttoning his shirt, again giving us brief glimpses of his cock and balls in the breifs, until he shucked off the shirt altogether, revealing his impressive chest and shoulders, trim waist and big arms. There were a few hoots from the guys at this point, and Richard blushed.

"Turn around!" one of them said, and Richard said, "Yes sir." and turned around, to show us that big muscular ass, outlined by the tight grey material.

"That's great, boy." I said. "Turn back and face us."

He turned around again, this time with an embarassed grin. He was the cutest guy in the world when he grinned like that. Shame I had to wipe it off his face. I called, "Okay Wayne." and the door opened.

As I'd asked him, he was wearing his overalls from the pool, and looked kind of jauntily sexy in them. He looked up into the caravan, saw the near-naked figure of Richard and grinned. Richard just looked shocked, and really vulnerable. Wayne stepped up, into the caravan, and took his place in the middle of us, next to the bigger guy.

Standing side by side, the difference in height was really noticeable: Wayne was only about 5'6" or so, so his head came just up to Richard's broad shoulder. Richard stepped back from Wayne as if he was a toad or something and said to me, "What's he doing here?"

I smiled. "If you want to get your money you might want to rephrase that, boy." I said.

Richard tore his eyes away from the other guy (who was looking him up and down appraisingly) and looked at me. With his last remaining self-control he said, "I mean, why is Wayne here, sir?"

"Oh, are you guys friends?" I said innocently.

"No." said Richard. "I don't think so." said Wayne.

"Shame." I said. "Given that you're going to be seeing so much of each other. Okay Richard, I think we can lose the breifs now."

Richard gave me a look of pure hatred, but he was in too deep now, and he realised that at this point it would be more humiliating not to comply. He hooked his thumbs under his tight grey briefs and pulled them down, then stepped out of them.

Without a semi-hard on his dick was much less impressive; still fairly long, but a bit skinny looking. I knew from experience that it would thicken up a whole lot when it was hard, but right at the moment it was nothing to be proud of.

So he stood there for a moment, being appraised by all of us and by Wayne, the only naked man in the room. I let the humiliation linger for a bit, then said, "Okay Wayne, your turn. Strip down."

Wayne was out of his overalls and shoes in seconds, revealing that nice little swimmer's body and slightly hairy chest. He was still wearing the striped trunks, as we'd agreed earlier, and his big round balls showed off nicely in them.

Right at the moment, however, they were less noticeable than the fat hard on pushing out the front of the trunks, the thick circumcised head clearly visible. Obviously he'd enjoyed checking out Richard more than I'd realised. More hoots went up from the assembled crowd as he stood there, stiff in his trunks before the guys and the naked, taller guy.

"Not a bad hard on, Wayne." I said. "You enjoying this?"

He grinned that cute cheeky grin. "Oh yes, sir."

"What are you enjoying, boy?"

He looked a bit more serious, then shrugged and said, "I'm enjoying you bringing Richard Bryant down a peg or two, sir."

"I see. What would you like us to do with Richard now?"

Wayne grinned again. "I'd like him to play with my cock, sir." he said.

"No way." said Richard, more or less as soon as Wayne had said this.

"Richard." I said sharply. "You are free to leave anytime you wish, without your money: there is no-one stopping you. But if you want the money, you do as we say this evening. It's your choice, son. What do you want?"

As an answer, Richard stepped towards Wayne, reached out and reluctantly started to stroke the thick outline of his cock. His motions were clumsy, but they seemed to have the desired effect: the outline of Wayne's cock got slightly thicker, and a dark spot appeared on his red and white trunks. Wayne shifted slightly, and let out a sigh.

Richard looked back at me and said, "Satisfied, Sir?"

I didn't like the attitude, so I said, "Not completely, son. Take off his trunks."

Richard gave me an outraged look, then turned, grabbed the sides of Wayne's tight trunks and yanked them down.

Wayne's short, thick cock bounced free, and pointed up and out at an impressive angle. Checking it out I would guess that Wayne's estimate had been about right; it was pretty average in length, but reasonably thick, giving it a nice chunky appearance. The head was a good size too, but slightly smaller than the shaft, so the general shape of his dick was like a small baseball bat, with the thickest big just behind the head. It poked up eagerly above his big balls.

Richard squatted down to remove Wayne's trunks, the red head of Wayne's cock poking out just by his broad shoulder, as he held the trunks down for Wayne to step out of. We all had a nice view of Rick's big ass as he did this, then he stood up, cock still very obviously not hard, and in fact looking fairly shrivelled and little compared with Wayne's burgeoning erection. Richard looked back to me as if to say, 'what do you want me to do now?'

"Okay, boy." I said, "Play with his dick some more. Wayne, you can give him orders."

Wayne grinned; he was loving this. He looked the taller man up and down, taking time to note how small his soft dick looked, then looked up into his eyes and grinned. He said, "Stroke along the shaft, boy."

Richard was obviously pissed off at the way things were going, but wanted the money, so he reached out again, and took Wayne's fat little hard cock in his hand, and stroked along the shaft to the head. Wayne let out a low moan, and let him carry on doing this for a while, then he said, "Stroke under my balls, boy, oh yeah that's great mate, just stroke there," and so on, as Richard stroked Wayne's big round balls with his other hand. Whilst I suspected that Richard would have the bigger cock, I reckoned that Wayne was the clear winner on the balls front.

One of the guys nudged me. Wayne was enjoying this too much; he was practically getting Richard to give him a hand job, and was getting near to coming. I didn't want that as the evening was just starting, so I said, "Okay Richard, that's enough, you can stop now."

Richard dropped his hands from Wayne's swollen cock and balls, and we waited for a moment for Wayne to catch his breath. Richard was holding his hands slightly away from his naked body, as if they had dirt on them.

"Okay boy, what did it feel like?"

"What?" he said, outraged.

"I want you to tell us how it felt to play with your friend's cock." I said patiently.

Richard looked away. "It felt warm." he muttered, then looked at his hands. "Sticky. A bit small."

Wayne's cute face looked comically sad. I said, "You reckon yours is bigger, son?"

Richard looked up and met my eye. "Yes, I do, sir."

"Don't look that big." said Wayne.

Richard looked down at his small limp dick, embarassed.

"Why don't you get a hard on for us, boy?" I asked.

He reached down and fiddled with his soft cock, stroking it. Nothing. I could see how red his face was getting at his lack of erection. Finally I said, "Wayne, see if you can give him a hand."

Realising that he wasn't managing on his own, Rick dropped his hands by his sides, as Wayne's stubby fingers took hold of his soft cock. He lifted it up off his balls, and stroked behind the head, much as Richard had been doing, and with as little effect. Richard grunted and shifted slightly as Wayne dropped his hand and stroked his balls, but that didn't work either. Wayne kept this up for a couple of minutes, then turned to me and said, "It's not working boss."

"I can see that, boy. Richard, spread your legs."

Unwillingly the big guy obeyed, shifting his feet apart.

"Okay, now Wayne, stroke between his legs and see if that works."

Wayne's hand went in between Richard's powerful legs, and gently stroked the soft skin, letting Rick's balls lie on the back of his wrist. Still no action. I sighed.

"Sorry Richard, I don't think this is going to work." I said.

Richard looked unbeleivably pissed off to have gone through all this for nothing. In a tone of sympathy I said, "Look boy, if you're willing to try it, there's something that's bound to give you a hard on."

He looked up at me suspiciously. "What's that?"

"Are you willing to give it a try?"

He sighed. "I may as well." he said. "Nothing else is working."

It was true. His dick looked tiny and shrivelled on that muscular, nearly hairless body. I sighed. "Okay boy, lean against the wall."

He gave me another suspicious look, but turned his back to us and leaned against the far wall, showing his gorgeous big globular ass again.

"Spread your legs boy."

He spread those big muscular legs, revealing his low-hanging balls. Past them I could just make out the head of his limp dick.

I said, "Here, Wayne, take this.", handing him a tube of lubricant.

"What are you doing?" asked Richard, craning his head round, but keeping his hands on the wall. His position really showed off the powerful "V" of his back, and of course that cute big ass was sticking out slightly.

"Okay, Wayne, stroke his big ass." I said, and Richard, embarassed, turned his head and lowered it. Wayne, chunky erection still bobbing up between his legs, went over to the leaning figure of the bigger guy, and began stroking those big buns with his hands. I've no idea if Wayne had been with a guy before, but there was something about Richard's ass that was just irresistable, and in a moment his hands were all over it. Richard's head came back and he moaned slightly.

"Any news on that hard-on boy?" I asked.

"No." came the surley reply.

"Wayne, slap his ass." I said, and the shorter man gave that big round ass a resounding slap.

"Ow!" shouted Richard, "What was that for?"

"For forgetting to say 'sir', boy." I replied.

"Wayne hasn't said it." he replied, sulkily. I nodded to Wayne, and Wayne gave him another slap on the ass.

"I haven't asked Wayne to." I replied. "I've asked you to. Understand, boy?"

A pause, then a surley "Yes sir."

"I'd like a little more enthusiasm." I said, nodding at Wayne again, who gave the bigger guy another hard slap.

"Ow! Yes sir!" shouted Richard.

"That's better. Got a hard on for me boy?"

"No sir!"

"Okay, are you willing to do what it takes to get one?"

"Yes sir!"

"I want you to tell me that you want Wayne to play with your asshole, boy."

A pause, then, "Sir, I want Wayne to stroke my big ass and play with my asshole, sir!"

I nodded to Wayne. "Go ahead." I said. "Put some of the lube on your finger, boy."

Wayne opened the tube and carefully spread some on one of his fingers. From the look of it, he hadn't handled this kind of thing before, but he was a smart little guy; he soon got the hang of it. I noticed how all through this his chubby little cock hadn't gone down at all, and was still bulging upwards.

He turned back to the spread figure of Richard and gently began stroking his asshole. Richard moaned again and dropped his head. I waited until Wayne had played for a bit, then I nodded to him again. He grinned that cheeky grin, and gently pushed the tip of his finger in.

The effect on Richard was electrical. His head went forward, and he shuddered as Wayne's finger went in. His breath started coming deeper as Wayne played around a bit, then pushed in the rest of his finger. I could see from behind that Richard's cock had developed a bit of heft, so I said,

"Enjoying this, boy?"

"Yes sir." he said, reluctantly.

"Come off it mate," said Wayne, "You're loving it! Look at this!" he said, reaching round and lifting Richard's heavy half-hard dick.

"Wayne!" I warned. Still, he had a point. I said, "Richard!"

"Yes sir!"

"Show us what you've got so far."

"Yes sir" he said, and shuddered again as Wayne took his finger out of his ass. Then he slowly turned and showed us what he had.

It looked pretty much as it had the other night; big and dangling, and starting to poke out from his muscular body a bit. I noted that even half-hard, Richard's cock was already bigger than Wayne's. I turned to Wayne. "Okay Wayne, go and get a chair." I said.

Still sporting a short, thick hard-on, Wayne went to grab one of the dining-chairs and drag it over to where Richard stood. He guessed what was coming next, as put it in front of the big guy, so that it was between us and him. The open frame of the dining chair didn't obscure our view of Richard's big muscular hairless body, however, or that impressive dangling cock.

"Right." I said, "Richard, I want you to lean on the chair, this time."

"Yes sir!" he said, flushing as Wayne grinned. He obediently moved forward, and grabbed the back of the big chair, taking up a similar position to the one he'd had against the wall. From this angle the breadth of his shoulders was particularly noticeable, as well as his nice big chest.

"Okay, Wayne, give it another try." I said, and Wayne went round behind him, lubed up his finger and started massaging Richard's asshole some more. Instantly, Richard moaned again, and dropped his head, the brown hair falling forward. His cock was still clearly on display, but showed no sign of getting any bigger.

I caught Wayne's eye, and nodded to him, the threw him something. Wayne caught it with his free hand and looked at it. He looked back at me and winked, then said, "Okay Richard, I'm going to try two fingers now."

Richard nodded, lost in the pleasure of it, and Wayne carried on fooling with his asshole with the other hand, while he started pulling the condom over his fat little hard on with the other. Soon he was ready, so he said, "Right Richard, I'm going to pull out both my fingers, then try three. Okay?"

Richard nodded, and Wayne pulled out his fingers, then, without further ado, shoved in the head of that thick cock.

Richard's big brown eyes opened wide at the sudden shock of it, and he let go of the chair for a moment in surprise, and gasped. He didn't resist though, and Wayne grabbed his slim waist as he pushed the shaft of his thick cock in.

Richard was pretty much standing up now, and his cock had started to grow some more. To my surprise it got longer and thicker before it got much harder; it was dangling down still further, with the vein along its length even more pronounced than before.

As Wayne started slowly thrusting, Richard closed his eyes, and his cock started to go up, until it was fully erect. He didn't go up at such a pronounced angle as Wayne, but it still went up, and pointed up at his belly. The foreskin drew back across the big head, but not completely.

I reckoned he was about right with his estimate of about eight or so inches, perhaps a bit more. It certainly looked impressive, poking out in front of him like that. Deciding that Wayne should do a bit more to earn his money, I said, "Not a bad hard-on Richard."

Richard opened his eyes and looked down at his big cock, bobbing in the momentum of Wayne's thrusts. "Enjoying this, boy?" I sneered.

He couldn't meet my eye. "Yes sir." he said.

"Tell me what you're enjoying." I said.

"Sir, I'm enjoying Wayne's cock up my ass, sir." he said, a little reluctantly.

"Good boy." I said. "Wayne, give your pal a reach-around." I said.

Wayne's right hand let go of Richard's trim waist and grabbed his big cock. Richard moaned again, as Wayne held the shaft of his cock, and starting moving his hand up and down. We all watched the performance, as Wayne's thrusts got harder and harder, and his hand movements rougher and rougher, until Richard's balls began to move upward and he shot his load up into the air.

A few moments later, Wayne finished behind him, and pulled his dick out, pulling off the condom as soon as possible.

Both guys stood facing us, faces flushed, cocks deflating. I stepped forward with a bundle of notes and said. "Well done boys, here's your money."

Wayne grabbed the notes and wasted no time in picking up his overalls from the floor and stuffing the notes in a pocket. Richard was more ill at ease, and put the money down on the floor, getting dressed before he did anything else.

I held the door open for them. "Cheers." said Wayne cheekily. Richard went out without a word.

Part Four: Encore

Wayne was dressed once more in his baggy shorts and shirt, skimming the pool with his long net. Seeing something move out of the corner of his eye he looked up, to see Richard coming over. Richard hadn't yet changed into his bar clothes, so Wayne had the opportunity of admiring how those big shoulders stretched his t-shirt, and how good his packet looked in his jeans. He stood and watched as the bigger man walked over to him.

As soon as Richard was near to him, Wayne conspicuously went back to skimming the pool. He felt the taller man's hand on his shoulder.

"Wayne." said Richard.

"Uh-huh?" said Wayne, apparently focussed on his job.

"Wayne, about last night."

"Uh-huh." grunted Wayne, still skimming the pool.

Richard stepped a little closer and dropped his voice. "Well, I guess we both needed the money," he said, "But the thing is, I don't want anyone to hear about what happened."

"What?" said Wayne, slightly louder than usual. , "That I was up your arse?"

Richard grabbed Wayne's baggy shirt and pulled him closer. "Not so loud you stupid bastard or I'll-" he began, but Wayne jumped back, his shirt pulling out of Richard's hand as he said, "I'd be careful about that if I were you, mate."

Richard frowned at the smaller man. "What do you mean?"

Wayne grinned back. "I mean, if anythin' happens to me, I may as well talk. But if nothin' happens to me, there are better ways of gettin' me to co-operate. And my co-operation's what you want, innit?"

Richard glared at him. "What do you want?" he asked, suspiciously.

Wayne shrugged, and started steering his net through the water again. "Not much." he said. "Politeness. A bit of respect." He looked up at winked. "And a bit of arse now and again, when I don't manage to get any skirt."

Richard clenched his fists and moved forward, but Wayne held up a hand and said, "Think about it, Richard. Who's got the most to lose? All I did was do a striptease and fuck one of the bar staff. It wouldn't do me any harm if people knew about that; it might even do me some good. But you..." and here he shook his head in sympathy. "Dear oh dear oh dear. Couldn't get a hard on as I recall." He paused, as if recalling something "Oh, until you were fucked; got nice and stiff then as I recall, eh Richard?"

Richard froze, stopped in his tracks. Wayne grinned again and said, "Come on mate, you obviously enjoyed it. And so did I. This could be a good arrangement for both of us."


Wayne held up a finger. "A-ah! Respect, remember? Or this story is all over the caravan park by the end of today. You know I can do it."

Richard dropped his head. "What do you want me to do?" he asked quietly.

Wayne grinned. "That's better mate. Just a bit of co-operation's all I want." He paused, and looked the big athletic guy up and down, appreciating the muscular, well-defined body revealed by the t-shirt, and the big packet outlined in the jeans. Now he knew what to look for, he could clearly see how the head of Rick's long cock pointed down his left leg.

Richard saw what he was looking at and said, "Like what you see?"

Wayne shook his head. "Richard, you really aren't gettin' it about the respect, are you? You want me to tell everyone I had your arse?"

Richard looked furious. "Keep your voice down!"

Wayne looked at him levelly. "Ask with respect and I might just do it, boy."

Richard dropped his eyes. "Please keep your voice down." he said quietly.

"Better. More respect. You called that guy 'sir' last night."

Richard glared at him. "Please keep your voice down, sir." he said, unwillingly.

Wayne laughed. "Much better, boy." he said. "Turn around and face the pool. Show me your big ass."

Unhappily, Richard did as he was told, his fine V-shaped upper body outlined in the sunlight from the pool, the globes of his big ass well displayed in his jeans.

Wayne looked at his watch. "You know Richard, it's over an hour until you go on shift, so I reckon we've got a little time."

Richard glared over his shoulder. "What for?" he said, then, catching Wayne's look he added, "Sir." quietly.

"For whatever I want boy? Ain't that right?"

Richard looked away and nodded reluctantly. Wayne decided that would do. "Okay boy." he said to the bigger man, "See the last changing room on the right?"

Richard looked over to the hut in the trees and nodded again.

"Okay." said Wayne softly. "I want you to go over there, go into the hut, strip off and assume the position." he said with a grin.

Richard turned to face him. "What position?" he said in a surly tone.

Wayne looked up at the taller guy. "The position I'll tell everyone you were in last night unless I get some respect: up against a wall with your arse on display. Understand?"

Richard dropped his eyes again. "Yes sir." he whispered.

"That's a good boy. Now, run along."

Wayne watched as Richard did as he was ordered, admiring the strong long back of the other guy as he jogged towards the huts.

Wayne arrived at the hut a few moments later, and peered into the gloom, to see Richard already naked and leaning against the far wall, ass sticking out. He walked over and stroked the big hairless cheeks a few times. Despite himself, Richard groaned.

"I think you want some more of this, boy. Am I right?" said Wayne, still stroking the big guy's ass.

Breathing more heavily, Richard nodded, still not looking at him.

Wayne sat down on the bench and said, "Turn around boy."

Awkwardly Richard stood up and turned. He was sporting a big half-hard erection. Wayne noted how, even at half mast, it was bigger and thicker than his. He smiled. He loved having this big, well-hung guy under his command. He had an idea.

"You know Richard, it seems to me I missed out the other night."

Richard looked at him.

"Well mate, it seems to me that it would have been nice to get a little head."

Richard looked stunned, then angry. "No way am I-" he began, when Wayne interrupted him, shaking his head, "Rick, I'm not going to go through this evey time I want something done. Either you co-operate and I keep schtum, or you get dressed and go, and last night's performance is all over the park by mid day. What do you want?"

Through gritted teeth, Richard said, "I'll do what you say."

Wayne shook his head, looking the naked big guy up and down. Damn but that cock was big, dangling down between Richard's legs like that. He noticed the big vein going down the length of it. He looked up Richard's muscular body to that cute, boy-next-door face. "Still not enough respect, boy."

Richard rolled his eyes. "I'll do what you say, sir." he finally forced out.

"Step over here boy." said the smaller guy. Richard stepped towards the shorter, seated figure, until his half-hard cock was on a level with Wayne's shoulder. Wayne reached up and hefted it slightly, then stroked down the thich shaft towards the head. "You know mate, I don't think you're hating this as much as you pretend." he said.

Richard shuddered as his cock was stroked, but looked straight ahead. Wayne shrugged. "Ready to give some head, boy?"

Richard didn't meet his eye, but said, "Yes sir."

Wayne nodded, and reached down to unbutton his shorts. He looked up at the figure standing over him and said, "Well? Kneel down!"

Richard got to his knees while Wayne finished unbuttoning his shorts and fished his chunky short cock out of his trunks. It stood stiffly up, out of his flies, just in front of Richard's cute face.

"Okay boy," he said, "Take it in your mouth."

Silently, Richard leaned forward and gently took the circumsized head of Wayne's cock in his mouth. Wayne moaned and said, "Oh that's great. Suck on it."

Unwillingly, Richard began to gently suck. Wayne let him do this for a few moments, then put his hand on the back of the big guy's head and started pushing down. As he did this, Richard spat the head of his cock out, and glared up at him. "I can't take it all in!" he whispered angrily.

Wayne smiled down at him. "Sure you can." he said. "It ain't all that big, boy. Just take it a bit at a time."

Richard shook his head, but returned his attention to Wayne's stiff cock. He took the big head in again, then another inch beyond that. With Wayne pressing on the back of his head, he took in more and more, until his lips were pressed against the smaller guy's pubic hair. Wayne looked up and let out a long moan, then said, "Get sucking boy. And mind the teeth."

He looked down as Richard's head moved slowly up and down on his cock. The boy sucked like a pro, it must be said. Wayne gazed down at the man's broad shoulders, the top of his muscular arms, and revelled in the power he had over this guy. He said, "That'll do for now. Stand up so I can look at you."

Relieved, Richard let the chunky, stiff cock slip out of his mouth and got to his feet.

His cock was all the way up now, an impressive sight, pointing up at his smooth belly. Wayne admired the size of it, and it's impressive stiffness. He reached out and grabbed the shaft, and was gratified to see Richard look up to the ceiling and moan. Wayne smiled and said, "Don't look like you hated that as much as you thought you would, boy, eh?"

"No sir." said Richard, still looking at the ceiling.

Wayne grinned again, and glanced down at his own stiff cock. "You want this now, boy?"

Richard gulped. "Yes sir."

Wayne nodded. "That's good." he said. "Tell me what you want."

Richard swallowed dryly. When he spoke his voice was hoarse. "I want you to fuck me, sir."

"That's good, boy." said Wayne. "Look in the pockets of my shorts."

Standing over him, Richard frowned for a moment, then reached down to pick Wayne's shorts off the floor, big cock angling over to one side as he did so. Then he stood up, holding the shorts in one hand and rummaging in the pockets with the other. His face cleared as his hands found the condom and tube of lubricant, which he held out to Wayne.

Wayne looked up at the bigger man and shook his head. "Oh no, boy." he said, "You get to do this. Put the condom on my dick."

Richard squatted down once more, his big cock poking up between his legs, unwrapped the condom and fiddled with the opening. Then he leaned forward, his head on a level with Wayne's big balls, and gently slipped the condom on Wayne's short, chubby hard cock. Wayne groaned as he did this, then looked down as Richard spread lubricant on the encased dick.

Wayne nodded again. "Okay boy, assume the position." he said.

Once more, Richard went over to the opposite wall and leaned his hands against it, showing off the big muscular V of his upper body, the wide shoulders tapering down to that trim waist, and that big muscular arse. Wayne got up off his bench, walked over and grabbed the sparse skin on Richard's waistline, pulling him down onto his stiff dick. "You can 'elp this time." he said. "I had to stand on tiptoe last night."

Richard lowered his ass onto the other man's dick, winced as the thick circumsized head went in, then sighed as the short shaft followed. His breath came deeper as the shorter man behind him began slowly thrusting into his big ass.

Wayne grinned behind him, as he felt his big balls drawing up, and he reached his hand round the other man's slim waist and grabbed his long stiff dick, gratified to hear the other man gasp as he did so. For a short while he pumped Richard's cock in rhythm to his thrusts, then felt the thick shaft throb even harder in his hand as the bigger guy came.

That did it for Wayne too, and he felt himself pump his load into Richard's big ass. Stepping back he pulled himself out, and pulled the condom off the dimishing cock.

Richard took his hands off the wall and turned to look at him, that big chest still heaving as he breathed deeply. Wayne looked up at the tall, fit, athletic guy and said, "Okay Richard, this is how it goes. I want that whenever I want, understand?"

Richard looked down at his feet and nodded.

Wayne grinned. "That's good mate. Get that right, and this, and what happened last night, will be our little secret, eh?"

Richard nodded again. Wayne looked up. "Say it!" he said.

"Yes sir." muttered Richard.

Wayne nodded. It would do.

That evening was a busy night in the bar, and Richard and the other bar staff were rushed off their feet. During one of the quiet moments, Richard went out of the back door for a cigarette break.

The back yard was a walled-in enclosure filled with stacked empty beer kegs. Usually it was empty, but this time Richard could see a group of people smoking, so he called out, "Hey! You there! This is a private area!"

"S'alright Rick, it's just me." came back Wayne's voice. "I'm here with some mates: come and join us."

Still meaning to tell them to go, Micheal stepped down the concrete steps to the yard floor, his athletic form temporarily visible through his thin shirt, as the light hit him from behind. He walked over to where Wayne stood, semi-concealed behind some beer kegs, with a couple of his friends.

Wayne introduced the friends as Darren and Gary, also from London. Darren was a short black guy, about Wayne's height. Gary was taller, though not so tall as Richard, and more skinny in build. All three wore baggy shorts and shirts; it was almost like a uniform. Standing among them in his bar clothes of pressed shirt and trousers and tie, Richard felt oddly out of place.

Darren pointed a finger at him, and said to Wayne, "So he's the one eh?"

Wayne grinned. "Oh yeah. He'll do anything I say, won't you mate?"

Richard glared at the smaller man. "What have you told them?" he demanded.

Wayne smiled. "Oh, you needn't worry mate, they aren't from round here, they won't gossip. Will you lads?"

Darren and Gary looked at each other and grinned in a way that Richard didn't find reassuring. Darren said, "Well..." and Gary said "Depends." in just about the same moment.

"Wayne, you said you wouldn't-" began Richard, but Wayne interrupted, saying,

"Listen boy, it was 'sir' last time we met. If you want my co-operation you'll have to remember that."

"Does he really call you 'sir'?" asked Darren.

Wayne looked at Richard. "Well boy, answer the man. Do you call me sir?"

Richard looked down at his shoes. "Yes sir." he mumbled.

"See?" said Wayne to the other two triumphantly.

"God Wayne." said Gary, "And he'll do anything you say?"

"Oh yeah." said Wayne. "I reckon he'll do just about anything to stop word of this from getting around, won't you boy?"

Still looking down, Richard said, "Yes sir."

"For me, or my mates, right?"

Again, quietly, "Yes sir."

Looking up at the taller man, Darren said, "Wayne says you've got a nice ass, boy. Is that right?"

Richard looked up at caught the black guy's eye. "That's right sir."

"Show me." demanded Darren, but Wayne butted in,

"That's not how you ask him. You've got to get him to ask you, see? You say, what do you want to do, boy?"

Richard sighed. This was getting worse and worse. "Show you my ass, sir."

"That's good, boy. Turn around."

Richard turned and faced the beer kegs. "Stick it out." said Wayne, so Richard rested his hands on the keg in front of him and stuck his big ass out. He felt hands stroking it appreciatively. Then he heard Wayne saying, "That's good, boy. Now turn around again."

Red-faced, Richard turned to face the three men. Gary turned to Wayne and said, "You said he had a big cock too." Then he turned to Richard and said, "Is that right, boy?"

Richard faced him. "That's right sir."

"You want to show us that too?"

"Yes sir."

"Ask." said Wayne.

"Please may I show you my cock, sir?" asked Richard, reluctantly.

"Undo your fly." commanded Wayne.

Hesitantly, Richard unbuttoned the front of his trousers, and stood with his hands by his side as Wayne reached into the opening, and groped around the front of his briefs. The probing fingers found the waistband, and slipped inside, and Richard gasped for a moment at how cold they felt. Then he felt his cock and balls being scooped out, over the waistband, and pulled out through his flies for all to see.

The three guys looked down. Richard had his usual half-hard on, looking impressive and dangly, hanging down over his balls. A black hand reached out to flick it casually, and stroke the long prominent vein down the back of it. "Not bad." breathed Darren.

"Richard, is that you?" came a voice from the open doorway behind them. The action around his cock concealed by the beer kegs, Richard looked up and said, "Yes, Ted, I'm just here having a break."

"That's fine, Richard; just letting you know we're out of Heiniken, so bring in a keg when you're finished." said the older man, as Darren gently stroked just behind the head of Richard's dangling cock. He felt another hand hold him under his balls as he replied, "Sure thing: see you in a moment."

Ted nodded and went back indoors. Richard turned to the three guys and said, "I have to go."

"Shame," said Darren, still stroking the head of Richard's cock. "You were putting on such a good show for us."

"You'll have to come by later." said Gary. "I'm at caravan 3452."

"You'll do that, won't you boy?" said Wayne.

Richard nodded unhappily. "Yes sir." he said. "Can I go now sir?"

"Sure." said Wayne, watching as Richard stuffed the big half-hard cock back into his trousers and buttoned up. All three men watched as he mounted the concrete steps and disappeared back inside the door.

"This is gonna be fun." said Wayne.

Possibly to be continued: depends on you

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