Shower Time With Greg

By nick Knack

Published on Jul 3, 2011



DANGER DANGER, If you are below the age on consent to view sexual material in your area please leave immediatly. This also has a kind of underage vibe.

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"No guys stop come on please" I protested as I was shoved into one of the lockers in the shower room. They quickly stuck me in and locked the door. They left the key in the lock so I could be let out but they knew that wouldn't be for a while. The four bullies ran off and left me. It was cold in the shower room, and colder still because I was only in a pair of swimming shorts. We had been getting into wetsuits when I had been grabbed. My broad shoulders rubbed the sides of the locker but I was slim enough that there was space between the door and my body. I shouted for about ten minuets and then stopped the futile effort. I knew the others had gone on to the activity with the rest of the scouts, while I was left behind. I knew I would have to wait until they returned before I would get out. Without a watch I had no sense of time so it could have been five minutes or fifteen before the door to the shower room opened and Greg walked in. He was 16 and was a 6 foot tall slab of sexy. His hair was brown and short and his eyes were a greyish blue. I was about to call out when he started stripping off. I immediatly shut my mouth.

He stripped down to a tight pair of blue briefs that hugged his ass perfectly. I assumed this was where he would stop as it was an open shower area and he would be seen. I saw him slide them off and my mouth began to water. I also quickly realised that he knew he wouldn't be seen because everyone was off at activites and he was confined to the camp as punishment. The night before he and another scout had gotten into serious trouble. One of the girls had snuck into the tent and when her father, who was also a leader, came looking for her he found her in the scout's sleeping bag. Greg was our Patrol leader and got in trouble because he had let it happen. So both Greg and the other scout were being left out of activities and had to stay in seperate tents.

I watched as he folded up his clothes and placed them on a bench. His semi-hard cock was bouncing as he walked. He selected his shower head and turned it on. My shorts had long since become uncomfortble. I watched him was himself and stared as he gave his cock loving attention. From the angle I saw it at it must have been about six inches, had you asked me then I would've said ten. He rolled back his foreskin and tentatively touched his exposed head. I heard him sigh loudly. His soaking hand slid up and down his cock slowly. With his left hand busy with his cock, Greg's right raised up and tweaked each nipple. He then brought both hands up and did it again hissing at the feel. He walked out from under his shower head and back to his pile of clothes.

He grabbed a shower bag and strolled back. He lathered his short hair and scrubbed it clean. Then he squirted himself all over with shower gel. I watched with my hand in my pants as he worked the gel into every bit of reachable skin. He rinsed himself off and pulled a little white tube out of his big and squatted down. Naivelly I thought he was going to shit, but I watched in amazement as he squirted clear gel onto his fingers and began to finger himself. I listened intently to the whimpers and sighs he made as he slipped three fingers inside him. My imagination flared and I wondered if I could make him make those sounds. He withdre his fingers and re-applied the lube. He moved and sat with his back to the wall, but was sitting so he had access to his enterance. I couldn't see much of the fingering but watched intently as he jerked himself off. I nearly came as he started moaning a name.

"Gary, ooh, Oh Gar, I fucking love that" he moaned.

Gary had been the other scout who got in trouble. His moaning increased in volume and rate. His hands moved faster in their respective areas, left hand on his cock and right hand fucking his ass. My own cock was close to bursting. He moaned the name again and again as spurts of cum shot onto his chest. My own pooled at the bottom of the locker. He caught his breath before standing up again and turning on the shower. He bent over and washed his crack and hole and rinsed off his chest. Adding to the kinkiness of the event he pissed on the floor of the shower while rinsing off. I watched as he dried himself and then dressed himself before he left.

No long after everyone returned and I was let out. One of the bullies had felt bad and ratted the others out. It was then widely known that I had been locked in a locker while everyone was at the activities. I caught Greg's eye when he looked at me after finding out. He looked worried and angry. I smiled and he seemed to smirk. Later I even saw Gary sneaking into Greg's tent. I never knew why he had let the girl in his sleeping bag if he and Greg were a thing. I never got around to asking Greg for another show either. A Shame really.

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