Shower Surprise

By moc.liamtoh@sogypokyel

Published on Sep 15, 1998






My entire focus as a pre-teen and adolescent was filled with the desire to become a great classical pianist and a sexual fantasy life that controlled me like an addiction. I was far cry from being a stud and my abysmal self esteem, and timidity isolated me from the popular clique in school. I was one of the three or four worst athletes in my class or even the classes several years younger and always one of the last picks for team sports in PE. I was always more interested in male anatomy than female and played doctor with the other neighborhood boys since kindergarten. One of these guys whom I thought of as my best friend told another guy when we were in the seventh grade and from then on I was trying to run from the "class fag" rap. I became outwardly very religious and inwardly a mess. Every waking minute not spent practicing piano was spent thinking about dicks. I couldn't lay eyes on a guy without checking out his basket first. I had had four sexual contacts with guys in my school before I left high school and two of these were strictly trade. I had one friend who also knew he was gay whom I met in the seventh grade. We played around a few times but lost interest in each other as fuck buddies and were just friends.

My senior year I received music scholarships to two schools within sixty miles of home. One was an expensive private school in the closest large city. The other was a cheap (cheapest in the state) state university in a sleepy, typical southern town with a smaller population than that enrolled in the school. My father had always opposed my desire to pursue music so he based his decision on money.

By graduation I had made no effort to find a summer job. This didn't sit at all well with Daddy, who had a southern farm boy work ethic. He told me pack up because in six days I was starting college. This was great news to me. Even if I was going from one Alabama hick town to a smaller one at least I was getting away from home.

I had all these wild fantasies about campus life and release from my parents close scrutiny. My first impression fueled these dreams even more. The guy that checked me into the dorm was a wet dream frat boy. Of course I was just a little nerd in his eyes. Then my assigned roommate shows up and puts the frat boy to shame. He was twenty-one and was just entering college after several years on his own. He took one look at me and another at the dorm. He unpacked a little and headed out the door. He showed back up the next day to collect his stuff. "Man! no pussy allowed and trotting down the hall to the showers and head ain't cool. I'm getting an apartment with another guy. Nice to meetcha. See y'round." That was the last I ever saw of him. But, on the plus side, I did have a private room for the summer.

The first person I met that first afternoon (after my parents took off) was a reasonably attractive organ major. He invited me to ride out with him to a farm where some of his friends lived. Before I had even realized what was happening they had pulled out some reefers and mushroom tea. Now I had never even had a sip of beer before (remember, I played at being a good Christian boy), but not wanting to be uncool I had a little of both. With that first contact all of my religious charade vanished. I really wasn't aware of any effect (no joke). I had never smoked anything so I couldn't really inhale, and I only sipped at about one half cup of tea (I was scared by everything I had ever been told about the evils of DRUGS). After sunset Gene (that's what we'll call him anyway) and I headed back to the cafeteria for dinner.

After Gene determined I had nothing planned for the evening he asked if I wanted to go back to his room and listen to some records. He said he had some wonderful organ records (I Know! Please don't groan. It's Gods honest truth). I accepted at light speed. I hoped this was going some where and he was a nice looking guy.

After a while he pulls out another joint and I again proved I was a non-smoker. I was sitting in a chair at his desk and his was stretched out on his twin bed. The stereo was on a shelf behind me. The next time he came over to change records I twisted around with my hand resting on the top of the chair back only inches from his crotch. When he finished fiddling with the stereo he stayed there nonchalantly looking down at me. The blood was pounding in my swimming head. I raised my arm up to rest my forearm on the back of the chair and my hand grazed his crotch. I thought I was being subtle and could claim it was an accident if he freaked. He showed no sign of noticing or being nonplussed so I started rubbing his crotch. Now comes the kicker. He says, "Hey Davey, it's cool if you are but I'm not that way." I am doing mental gymnastics but kept on rubbing not even able to stop myself. He might say he's not that way but he made no effort to step away. In a complete fever of rushing hormones I reached up to unzip his fly. He put his hand down to stop me, and moved back around the desk to lay down on his bed apologizing the whole time about how he had never done this and how he wasn't "that way". I was crushed. I sat there for awhile and thought my rep here was now ruined too, and on my first day. After a few minutes he started moaning about how fucked up he is. He asked me if I minded cutting off the overhead light. And then asked me if I wanted to sit on the foot of the bed. I said sure and did just that. He kept talking about how fucked up he was and rubbed his crotch. Well before long my hand was creeping up his leg back to his crotch. He was still mumbling protestations but made no move to stop me as I unzipped him and pulled out his cock. To my complete disappointment it was about the size of my thumb, but at least it was a dick and he was such a nice guy. As soon as I had my lips around his cock his moans ceased being protest and started being encouragement. Before long we were sixty-nining. He was really avid for a novice. He smothered my body with kisses as he turned me onto my stomach and pushed himself into my butt. I had been fucked a few times before(by three average size dicks with as much finesse as typical teen-age boys could muster. Getting fucked has been the whole ball of wax to me since I was in fifth or sixth grade. Anything else is mere foreplay.) and only had a quick stab of pain as he broke through my puckered ring. He blew his load up my butt within two minutes. He had me dressed and out the door within two more saying he had to crash. I thought I was in love.

The next day I met another organ major, Carl (overweight, and even more effeminate than me), who quickly sized me up as gay and adopted me as a bosom buddy. When I recounted to him the previous evenings encounter he quickly told me Gene was a jerk, who pulled that scam on everybody. He had been one Gene's previous saps.

My fantasies of college quickly evaporated. The good-looking guys I wanted, wanted nothing to do with me. My only sexual partners remained my hand and my imagination. The light spot in all of this Carl and I became good friends. I met his friends, some gay and some bisexual, all pot heads, some on prescribed pharmaceuticals, all pretty closeted outside of their own circle. I remained unable to seriously inhale pot and afraid to try anything else. One of the guys, Roger (bisexual, married, and of no sexual interest to me) was from a wealthy old southern family. They had a beach house down on the gulf coast. For the Fourth we all headed down there for the long holiday weekend. When we got there Roger's younger brother, Ashley, was already there. Carl had already told me a lot about him. He was very attached to his contentiously divorced mother (southern matron par excellence), still living at home taking art at the junior college. Ashley and I hit it off immediately. He was cute in a dizzy way and I was desperately looking for love. This trip was my first real exposure to alcohol. I knew my father drank on occasion and thought this might be something I might like. We had several gallons of rum and tequila. I did like it and caught my first real buzz. While everyone else was catching a nap, Ashley and I were still in the light gulf surf. We were about nipple deep standing talking to each other when I felt his hand brush across the front of my suit. My hormones went into overdrive. I reached out and mimicked his motion. He smiled and my dick quickly stood out. I felt him firm up in my hand. We simultaneously freed each other's cocks. We stroked each other, fondled balls, and dove underwater for a few tentative kisses. I took his cock in my mouth and sucked on it until I felt my lungs would burst. When I broke the surface of the water Ashley said we had to find a place to be alone. He didn't want to do anything about which Roger could find out. He said they had a weird relationship and Roger would go straight to their mother. We walked up the beach to the house. It was one of those old style clapboard houses on stilts, but there was a large storage room downstairs with an air-conditioner that did double duty as overflow sleeping quarters. We quietly slipped in and started madly pulling each other's suits off. We didn't even bother to turn the AC on. His clipped dick was beautiful. It was slightly longer than my on six incher and a little thicker. I dropped to my knees to examine it. It was as straight as flagpole and slapped back against his firm belly when I released it. The head flared out wide above the shaft and was an angry flushed red atop the straight column. I leaned in close and buried my nose in his light brown bush. The smell and taste of the salt water imprinted a permanently in my memory as my lapped against his tightly drawn firm balls. His hands massaged my head and neck as he pulled my face in tighter. I gently took one of his balls in my mouth as he groaned, "Ricky, that's great". I licked my way up his rigid rod, opened wide and took his cock down my throat until my lips were again buried in his salty pubes again and my eyes started watering. I had never tried to deep throat a cock before, the two trades I used to service would try to shove their cocks, about this same size, down my gullet but I always resisted when I started getting choked. But I wanted Ashley to enjoy this. When I finally came up for air he raised me back up to my feet and replaced his cock with his thrusting tongue. This was the first time I had ever been kissed by a man and it set my tipsy mind spinning. Before I realized what was happening Ashley had gently pushed me down on the cot at the back of the room. He took my cock in his mouth and started riding it with full firm strokes. I had never felt anything this intense before. Just as I felt the juices rising in my nuts, he slipped up into my arms and ran his tongue over my shoulders and neck. I have always been hypersensitive and this drove me wild. I knew what I really wanted and asked if he would fuck me. He was more than ready. I sucked on his cock to get it thoroughly wet and turned over on my belly. He crouched on my thighs and positioned his cockhead at my quivering butthole. The initial jolt of pain ripped through me as his head pierced my sphincter. I knew to expect this from my previous experience but it was still a shock. He allowed me to adjust to the stretching my tight boy butt was experiencing then pushed on home. His thrusting drove my cock into the mattress beneath me. He was so hot that it was only a matter of moments until he spurted filling my distended asshole. He pulled out, got on his hands and knees and said it was my turn. My first entry brought up off his hands and groaning for to stop. I pulled back out as he whimpered for a moment to recover. Shortly he relaxed and I carefully reinserted my throbbing dick up his butt. It took almost five minutes to get it in and only one or two to come. Ah youth!

We straightened ourselves back up and started back out to enter the house. There standing outside the door was Carrie, Roger's crazy(and I do mean under treatment) wife.

"I know what y'all have been doing!" she said gleefully. Carrie loved causing trouble. "I'm telling everyone." Then she turned and preceded us upstairs. Her announcement to everyone didn't have the effect she had desired. Even Roger's strongest response was a smirked ribbing.

We were inseparable for the rest of the weekend. This was my first love. Unfortunately living in different places we only saw each other twice more that summer and by fall our affair petered out.

That Fall Carl and I had decided to live together in the dorm. My first week back was eye opening. During Summer the dorm had not been fully occupied and I seldom saw anyone else in the shower. But Fall term of course we were full up mainly with other freshmen. There were cute guys all up and down the hall. Most freshmen had eight o'clock classes so my first trip to the showers I had to wait in line. The showers were all lined up around the walls in one large room with no dividers. I tried not to stare but that was an impossibility for me. Most of the guys were reasonably cute and it was a real chore to keep from throwing a woody (I wasn't always successful). Two guys directly across the hall from me had really caught my attention. One was a tall lithe guy with a craggy face but a long cock. He was completely oblivious to me other than a nodded greeting. His roommate, Willy, was super-cute, a Shaun Cassidy type and he had a long, thick, circumcised cock. Most of the time the shower would be crowded but some mornings Willy and I would be in there alone. I couldn't help sneaking peeks at him. He really turned me on. Of course the inevitable would happen and my cock would start stiffening out. Soon I would notice a similar swelling of Willy's already large member. He had the second biggest cock I had ever seen soft. I had never seen a hard on noticeably larger than my own. He was nearly nine inches long and twice as thick as myself. Before long we would both be at full mast and trying to act like there was nothing out of the ordinary.

These impromptu sessions happened sporadically throughout the beginning of the term. My solitary and frequent jack-off fantasies were filled with images of Willy. I wanted his hard cock fucking my butt in the worst way. I knew it would kill me but I couldn't think of much else.

Most of the guys on the hall were friendly to me, which was a new sensation to me after high school, but as the term wore on Willy would actually make the effort to engage me in conversation when we met with no one else around. I thought he was just a nice guy. Weekends at the campus were usually pretty dead. Drinking age was still twenty-one so unless you belonged to a frat there wasn't a lot of partying to be found. There were some older guys in the dorm that would sell alcohol to the under-aged but their prices were triple cost. Most of the students lived in the metropolitan area forty miles north and could find a better social life at home. The weekend after midterms the campus was even more deserted than usual. Carl and all my other friends had gone home. I had seen most of the guys on the hall packing and loading cars. I stayed because I could handle a weekend alone better than I could handle a weekend with the family.

I went to the dining room and joined the other music majors who lived too far away to go home. I had just sat down when Willy walked past the table toward the frat table he was hoping to pledge next term. As he passed he nodded. After I finished I was leaving the dining room to go practice for a few hours when I almost walked smack into Willy.

"You trying to run me over?" he asked jokingly. I stammered a flustered apology. Then he asked, "You staying here for the weekend?"

"Yeah, not really in the mood to deal with the folks this weekend."

"I know what you mean." He replied smiling. "If you get bored look me up." Then he turned and took off. I was floored. He couldn't be interested in hanging out with me. I went off on my way to the practice room but I couldn't concentrate. After an hour of aimless effort. I headed back to the dorm. As I got to my door I started to knock on Willy's door but my lack of confidence got the better of me. I settled down in my room to read some. After a little while heard a door open in the hall open and close soon followed by the squeak of the bathroom door (it was loud and unmistakable). I felt that by the nearness of the first sound that it had to be Willy. Then I heard the sound of a shower turned on. My libido took control and in seconds I had my clothes off and a towel around my waist. I grabbed my shaving kit and headed to the showers. I was so scared and excited I was nearly shaking. I set my stuff down on a bench outside and entered the shower. Sure enough it was Willy. But what had me dumbstruck is that his big rod was turgid and throbbing in his hand. He apparently hadn't heard me enter. I was completely undone. I was trying to mumble out an apology and back out when he looked up. He quickly turned around. "Sorry man, I couldn't help myself, I'm hornier than hell. Don't let me run you off. You'll make me feel like more of a jerk than I already do. Here I'll warm you up a shower head." He turned on the hot water in the next shower. Well I couldn't leave now and make him feel bad. Besides I wanted to stay. I took my place at his side. He was facing the wall and had stuck his face up under the water. This gave me the chance to stare, unobserved, at his massive fuckstick. It was still fully hard standing up at a sixty degree angle. It waved in the air as his body moved. His pubic hair was wet and cling to his skin emphasizing the massiveness of his rod. It was straight as it could be and got thicker as it neared the root. His head was helmet shaped and stood out from the shaft. The shaft was smooth with little vascularity and had a thick cum tube running up the bottom. As I stared at him open mouthed I realized he had pulled his face from the water and was watching me. I looked up to see him smiling at me. "Sorry about the show," he said, "but when I'm this stoked up it has a mind of it's own. You know yours seems to have a mind of it's own also." I looked down to see my own six inches pointing back at me. I was too stunned with embarrassment to even turn my back to him. He must have read my reaction and to put me at ease said, "Don't sweat it it's just us guys and it feels great to have a roaring hard on spearing the air. You certainly don't have anything to be embarrassed about. That's a healthy piece you've got there." "Thanks," I stammered, "But it looks like a little kids next to yours." "Oh, I don't know. Let's see." Without any further ado he stepped up to me, grasped our cocks and held them together in his hand. I thought my knees were going to buckle. "See there isn't much difference," he said. (What a liar.) His cock dwarfed mine. He started rubbing them together and with no warning I shot all over his wet bush. I was so undone I started to slump when I felt his arms holding me to him. "You got cum all over me, now you owe me one," he said. As I regained my composure I started profuse apologies which he quickly silenced. "It was great. Let's get cleaned up and go back to my room. My roomy is gone for the weekend."

My unexpected release did nothing to quail my obvious excitement. I was rock hard the entire time we rinsed off. I mustered my courage and reached over to grasp his big prick. It was hard and stone and throbbed to my touch. He looked me in the eye and asked, "You like that?"

"Oh, yeah," I whispered back.

He reached around behind me and ran his lathered hand down my butt crack until he found my puckered hole. He pushed against the tight ring until it yielded and his soapy finger slipped in my butt. No one had ever done this before and I found it arousing. I tightened my ass muscle around his exploring digit.

"Let's go! I've got something bigger and better for that cute, little butt."

I was thrilled and terrified. I didn't care if he tore me open. I wanted to be gored. While we toweled off I was bent over drying my feet when he reached out to caress my exposed cheeks. I sent shivers down my spine. We stuck our heads out into the hall to make sure the coast was clear. We made a dash to Willy's door with our towels held in front of our bodies to cover our still rigid poles. As Willy closed the door behind us pulled me into his arms and ran his plundering tongue down my throat. I sucked on his tongue and slipped my hand between our bodies until I felt his straining cock. I wrapped my fingers around it as he began fucking my hand. He pulled me down on his bed repositioned so that we each had our crotch at the others face. I took his cock in my hands and explored it with my eyes. Meanwhile he swallowed my cock until his nose was buried in my tightly pulled scrotum. I felt my straining prick swaddled in his hot throat. Then he pulled back off and impaled himself on me again. He set up a smooth steady rhythm putting me in heaven. I immediately set about returning the favor. His dick was magnificent. I had only ever imagined a cock could be this big. He was soapy clean aroma assaulted my senses. I stroked him firmly and was rewarded by a glistening drop of pre-cum at his gaping slit. I extended my tongue to the tip. The thick salty fluid was intoxicating. I wanted more. As he pulled his mouth off my throbbing dick I took his powerful member into my mouth. I felt like my jaws were going to dislocate but that seemed an advantageous trade off. I siphoned down until I had about six inches of him. I heard him moan "Oh Yeah" then resume his oral ministration to my own dick. As wonderful as his blow-job felt I really couldn't give it a lot of attention. All my focus was upon the monster invading my mouth. I wanted to take more but couldn't get it past the bend in my throat. I can't believe I didn't gag on him but I guess there is something to the old saying about mind over matter. I finally occurred to me if I stretched my esophagus out straight I might have better luck. I rolled Willy over on his back, got on top of him and stretched my neck out. I opened wide and engulfed his thick flagstaff back in six inches deep. Then I pushed further as it stretched out my gullet. One inch more, One and a half, finally at two I could go no further. The broadening girth of his shaft base had taxed my jaws to their max. I contracted my throat muscles as I sucked on his hard log, then I pulled back and thrust myself back down on his swollen cock. He started thrusting his hips up and I just opened wide and let him feed me his cock. As he fucked my face he slid off my cock and tongued his way down to my balls. He bathed my nuts with his tongue and continued down to my cock root. As his tongue neared my fuckhole, he spread my cheeks with his hands. When he ran his tongue around my puckered ass ring the sensations were so intense I had to stop sucking him. But that was nothing, he then jammed his face into my crack and repeatedly speared me with his tongue. My head was bouncing around like one of those little dogs with spring mounted heads old ladies put in the rear window of their cars. His cock was right in front of my face. I started mashing my butt back into his face. All I could think about was if his little tongue could make my butt this hot, then that big ass rammer was going to send me to nirvana. I had never been so turned on as I was by his actions. As I regained my sanity I realized his big dick was nudging my chin. Not needing a further hint I slid his rod back into my gullet. We kept this up for several minutes before he pulled his head back and said he wanted to fuck me. He pulled his dripping pole from my mouth and pointed it at the ceiling.

"Sit on it, that way you're in control."

God! This guy knew how to flip my switch. I raised up and turned around to face him. I lowered my spit flooded pucker down onto his slick battering ram. As I made contact he rubbed it up and down my slick crack. I gritted my teeth against the expected pain. And lowered myself onto it. I tried to relax myself but it just seemed too big. I pushed harder and harder but it wouldn't go in. I leaned back to reposition and lost my balance. The head surged into my guts like a torpedo. I thought I had sat on a Saturn rocket. Tears were coming to my eyes. Willy was starting to pull out when. I said, "NO!" This was the most exquisite pain I had ever experienced. I sat there trying to ride it out but I still didn't have a firm position. My legs were slipping on the covers and I was grinding more of his pole into my stretched and stinging hole. I reached down to see how much I had to go and was stunned to realize I scarcely had more than the head in me. I put my fingers to my butt and couldn't believe how wide my once tight ass was stretched. I pushed lower and felt inch after inch slide past my aching asslips. I felt his head rub something inside me which caused my dick to flex and throb.

Willy looked into tear-streaked eyes with concern. "Don't hurt yourself. I want this to be good for you."

Grimacing, I said, "I may never walk again. But it'll be worth it." Sweat was popping out on my face. With a very loud grunt I forced my cheeks down to nestle in his pubes. I was trembling with fear and overwhelming lust. I rested my full weight on his pelvis and bent down to kiss his mouth. I could feel it as his cock distended my rectum. He was throbbing inside me; pushing in a little further with each pulse. I lay there exploring his mouth as his fuckstick was exploring my man pussy. He started withdrawing and I thought my guts were going with him. Out an inch, in an inch. Out two inches, in two inches. Soon I was shoving back to meet his thrust. Then I became too carried away and his big rod popped out. I was empty. My sphincter gaped at the unexpected absence. As I began frantically trying to recapture the thick object of my lust Willy sat up taking me with him. He laid me down on my back and lifted my legs up on his shoulders.

"You want me to quit?" he asked.

"I want you fuck me silly!"

He pointed his bat at my cunt and said, "I'm afraid I might hurt you."

"You hurt me GOOD!" I demanded quietly.

With one thrust he buried himself up to his pubes. I wanted to scream with sweet agony he was inflicting. I threw my head back on the mattress as he pulled out until his flared head was about to slip free, then he slammed back in. As the juices of my slick channel coated his hardness the stinging began to subside. He set up a steady piston rhythm. I started squeezing each pull-out and tried to open up and surrender to his pummeling force. The pain was still intense but my desire made me revel in it. I closed my eyes and focused on his power-fuck. Where did this young kid learn this. His steady rubbing on my prostate had my cock throbbing and soon, without a touch, I soaked my stomach with my second load of milky come. He slowed down but I thrust back and told him to keep on. He resumed battering my butt with his thick ram and began to pick up the pace. All I could think of was this cute guy operating a jack hammer. He took my still hard dick in his hand. The force of his fuck was pumping my cock in his fist. I looked up into his lovely face and caught his eye. He grimaced, and drove in deep. I thought he must be trying to strike oil. He growled low and his cock started pulsing as he soaked my flaming butt with his cum. His pulsing meat brought on my own third eruption.

He collapsed on top of me and purred into my ear. We spent the rest of the weekend in the dorm, raiding our mini-fridges and calling out for pizza. We rode each others butt at least three times a day. While it was a hot weekend Willy wasn't ready to be open, I spent too much time at the piano, and I couldn't stop thinking about other guys. We became great fuck buddies; slipping off whenever we could find the time and privacy. After spring term I dropped out for a year because that was such a sorry school.

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