Shower Spray

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jan 18, 2005


Shower Spray, Part 3 By Continued from Part 2

I was the first to awake that Sunday morning, after a restful night's sleep. Our cock-to-cock session that Saturday morning had been superbly satisfying, and we'd spent the rest of the day bouncing around town, seeing the sights, and thinking of the following morning's sex to come. I pulled the sheet back to reveal Max's body, and saw that he was lying on his back, his long tapering prick draped over his left thigh. He was sleeping soundly, and his morning erection had not yet begun. I, on the other hand, was hard from the pressure of a full bladder.

I began tickling the puckered end of his long tight foreskin with one finger, sure that this would produce a response. I watched his prick begin to swell, and then he stirred, coming out of his solid sleep under the dual stimuli of my stimulation and a full bladder. By the time he'd opened his eyes, his prick was at full mast, lying flat along his abdomen, a tapering fleshy pole that was somewhat longer than my six inches.

"I like that," he said as he opened his eyes. "I wish you were here every morning to wake me up that way." His hand reached for my prick, grasping it by the end of the foreskin, pulling on the pucker to stretch the nerve endings.

"I enjoy waking you up this way," I said. "I like it especially when you're soft, and I can feel your prick swelling in my hand."

"I'm the same way. I love to stroke a guy's dick and watch it get hard, feel the shaft and head swelling, until he's all the way up."

"We both start out small and get a lot bigger," I said. "Some guys have big pricks but they don't get much bigger when they get hard, just straighter and harder."

"Some guys are showers' but you and me are growers.'"

"You said you wanted to dock with my prick this morning, Max. It's worth a try. I never docked any guy while I was hard because my big helmet takes up all the space in my foreskin. I had to come first so that my prick would shrink. That was the only way I was able to take a guy's cock-head in my foreskin. Your tip's narrow enough so that we can give it a try. I'm sure you can get at least half-way in me."

"Let's take a shower first," Max suggested. "If we're going to dock, I want to make sure you're really hot because your tip's a little less sensitive than mine, and I'd like us to come together. I'm going to work you up with the shower spray." In the shower, we didn't bother to soap up, as we weren't really dirty and the hot water would rinse off any sweat we'd developed during the night. Our erections had softened, which led to what happened next. The water sluiced down our bodies, and I felt its warmth penetrating to my cock-head through my foreskin.

"I've got to pee," Max said and I saw the first trickle from the puckered end of his prick. The heat in my glans stimulated my reflex as well, and I joined him, the flow meager at first but quickly becoming a heavy stream. Max pinched the end of my hood shut and we watched it balloon under the pressure.

"I'm stretching your sex-skin for you. It'll have to stretch a little to take my dick-head." He released it to allow the heavy yellow gush to unload. "Now you do it. Hold on as long as you can, almost until it starts to hurt. I want to see how much extra room you've got for another dick-head in there." I pinched the end of my hood, and it began swelling again.

"Maybe there's enough room for you too," I commented as my flesh swelled with urine.

"I think there is," he answered. "We'll know for sure in a few minutes. Now Max took the shower spray off its clip.

"Okay, now turn around and spread your legs," he said. "I'm going to rinse you off down there from behind." I complied, and heard his voice again:

"Now pull back your dick-skin until it snags behind that big rim." I did so and he continued:

"Now I'm going to set the spray head to `pulse' and let you feel what that's like." I felt a concentrated blast of stinging water needles hit my anus, and then move forward along my perineum, like a thousand tiny caressing fingers. Even though Max hadn't yet hit my prick with it, I felt myself becoming aroused. Now the hot jet played over my balls, tickling them, and my arousal increased. I felt the pulsing water jet move along my shaft, which was becoming distended from the excitement, moving slowly until it reached the hot spot under my glans.

"How does that fell, now that I'm hitting your sweet spot? I know you're very sensitive there."

"Oh, that's really hot, Max," I replied. "You're getting me hot and hard."

"Now I'm going to turn the temperature up more, get the water really hot." He adjusted the knob and the water jet became hotter, almost too hot to stand, and I felt the liquid pulses pounding the underside of my glans with their heat.

"You're really doing it to me," I said. "That spray makes my tip tingle. You keep that up and you'll make me come."

"No, I won't let you come yet. I'm going to get you worked up just short of coming. Now that I've turned the heat up your dick's gotten very stiff and your helmet's getting very dark and purple. Turn around now." I turned and felt his strong fingers grasp my shaft, holding it up to point towards his face.

"Now I can see what's happening perfectly, Jack. Your tip's swelled up and your hole's wide open, like a teardrop shape. Let's see how it feels when I shoot the jet directly into your hole." He raised the shower head and I felt the jet pounding the dome of my helmet and driving deep into my meatus, parting the distended lips even farther, and the liquid needles tickling the inside of my urethra. I was feeling the glorious sensations, and Max knew it. He pushed my cock down slightly and raised the shower head, directing the pulsing jet at the broad upper surface of my glans.

"Oh, wow, that feels like a hundred little hammers hitting the top of my head," I said. As I spoke, I noticed that he, too, was becoming aroused, his prick stiffening as he played the jet over my prick.

"Yeah, I know that feels good. Now I'm going to pull your skin back even more and do the groove behind the helmet." His fingers firmly grasped my shaft-skin and pulled back, drawing the bunched collar of foreskin away from the head, and I felt the pulsing jet digging into my groove and hitting the back of my corona. He moved the spray back and forth, spraying my glans and then the deep groove behind it.

"Oh, yeah, that feels really good. It feels like I'm getting stroked back and forth along my rim and groove. That's really hot. But you're getting excited too, and I haven't even touched you."

"You don't have to touch me. I get hot just playing with your dick and watching the effects the water jet's having on it. Your tip's getting dark purple, and I can tell it's really reaching you." Now he shifted the spray to hammer the domed front of my glans again, making me shudder as the intense sensations bit into my nerve endings. I reached for his prick, grasping it by the puckered end.

"No, don't do that!" he said. "You're the one I want to get all worked up so that you come when I do." I let go of his hood and felt his fingers grasp my swollen glans.

"You're really getting worked up too," I said. "Your balls are getting tight against your body." As I spoke, I felt his thumb and forefinger giving my swollen glans small and almost imperceptible squeezes.

"Your tip's gotten harder," he said. "You're getting close." He shifted the water spray down to the underside of the head, massaging my hot spot with the pulses, and my eyes closed as my excitement built to a crescendo. Suddenly, he let go of my prick and the water spray stopped.

"That's as far as we go," he said. "I don't want you coming here in the shower. Save it for when we dock. Take a few deep breaths and we'll dry off." I opened my eyes and saw him turned off the shower. He opened the sliding door and reached for a towel.

"I was close, Max, really close." He began to dry my body, working from my shoulders down, and when he reached my prick he carefully drew the foreskin down over the still wet head.

"I know you were close, Jack. Your tip was so hot and hard, like a rock. Now just let me dry you, and then I'll dry myself. I don't want you touching me because that might get me too worked up." After he'd dried my legs he began quickly drying his body.

"Hey, Max, a drop of fluid just dropped from the end of your prick onto the mat. You getting a lot of lube right now?"

"I've been lubing since my dick got stiff," he answered. "It's a good thing I've got a lot of lube. We'll need it to get my dick-head into your skin." He led the way back to the bed, where he placed a folded towel between us. He lay on his left side facing me, and I was on my right side facing him. Our hard pricks pointed towards each other, and Max moved forward slightly so that they touched, the puckered lips of our foreskins touching in a kiss. I felt his warm flesh slide against mine, lubricated by the copious clear fluid that seeped from his prick.

"We'll need the towel because we're really going to blow big loads this time," he said.

"Want me to skin back?" I asked.

"No, just let me handle it. I'll spread the opening of your skin first." He grasped the puckered end of my foreskin and stretched the thick flesh outward, widening the orifice and pulling the skin forward as well.

"That feels good," I said. "You'll always get a rise out of me stretching those nerve endings."

"I know it does, Jack. Now you grab my dick with just two fingers, right on both sides of my rim, and pull the skin back." I did as he'd told me, sliding his foreskin back slowly, and seconds later the sleek blood-red head stood out in its tapered glory, dripping clear fluid. He moved forward slightly, and the tip of it slid easily into my stretched foreskin opening.

"I can feel it touching my tip," I said. "Your head's pretty hard, but so smooth."

"I'm going to slip my head in along the top of yours," he said. "There's more room along the top." He thrust forward gently, and I felt his tapered head insinuating itself deeper into my foreskin, smoothly stretching the taut flesh even further. As we were looking down at our pricks, we both saw the bulge his glans made as it pushed deeper into my hood.

"It feels good so far," I said. "I can feel your head sliding along mine. Good thing you leak so much lube. That makes it a lot easier." He pushed forward another increment, and now was more than half-way inside my foreskin, the nose of his glans smoothly sliding towards my corona on a film of his thick lubricant.

"I'm going to push it in as far as your rim," he said as he continued to press his hard hot glans deeper into my taut hood. I felt the heat of his tip against my flesh as the twin lobes of his glans pressed into the top of mine.

"I can really feel you in there," I commented. "It feels so hot and smooth." He pressed farther, and the bulge of his heavily lubricated glans reached my corona, my foreskin tightly stretched around it.

"Okay, I'm in all the way. Now I'm going to start massaging both heads with your dick-skin." He shifted his grip and now enclosed my bulging foreskin in his fist, which he began to move slightly back and forth with a twisting motion.

"Oooohhh, that feels good," I said. "You're rubbing my foreskin against both heads and I can feel the sideways stretching of my gee-string."

"That's supposed to feel good," he replied. "Are you comfortable with what I'm doing? I'm not pulling or stretching your skin too much, am I?"

"No, that's just fine," I replied. Max now lay his head on top of mine, so that our cheeks touched. His chest pressed against mine.

"I can feel your heart beating," he observed. "I like that."

"It feels so intimate, Max. I can feel your heart too, and your tip inside my hood. Your stroking's just right, and really exciting."

"I'm really excited, darling," he said, surp rising me with this term of endearment. I responded immediately:

"It feels like our bodies are one, lover." I felt him thrusting his tapered glans in slight motions into my hood, as his warm fingers continued to stroke my prick.

"Your tip feels so hot and hard against mine," he said. "It's getting me really hot."

"I can feel it stretching my foreskin. It's sliding against my head as you're moving," I murmured into his ear. We were both sweating with excitement as our bodies joined.

"I'm getting close," he whispered. "I'm going to give you something extra so you don't get left behind." I felt his finger move to rub against the front of my wet glans, caressing the dome directly to send messages of joy into my swollen tip. My excitement surged, and he must have felt it, for he said:

"Your tip's really hard now. I think we'll come together." He removed his finger, but tightened his grip on my foreskin as he twisted and stretched it.

"I hope so, Max," I said. "I want this to be a special moment for us. I want to feel you come against me, inside my foreskin."

"I'm almost there," he gasped as his breathing became ragged. He was thrusting harder now, and each lunge stretched my foreskin more. Feeling his rising excitement aroused me even further, and a tickling feeling began in my glans where his tip slid against mine. My eyes closed.

"My tip's tingling," he moaned. "Any second..." He was hot, and my engorged glans ached for the release of orgasm. I felt the sensations build up, from my balls to my tip, and I knew that when he came, I wouldn't be far behind.

"OOOOOHHHHH!" he cried out, and I felt a powerful throb in his glans as his orgasm began. The hot torrent of his first ejaculation shot from his pulsing tip and I felt the fluid spraying against the inside of my taut foreskin and running around the groove behind my corona, its heat triggering my climax.

I felt my cock-root contract and squirt the first hot jet into my urethra, where it seared its way forward, the intense sensation making me cry out in joyful agony. Max's tip hammered against my glans again, and another heavy discharge filled my foreskin with its fluid. My groove was filled with his hot discharge and the surplus ran forward between my helmet and foreskin, triggering another hot blast from my cock-root.

Neither of us was able to speak intelligibly, as the stunning power of our orgasms numbed our minds, but we groaned loudly as we spewed our hot liquids, lost in our mutual ecstasy. I felt Max's hot glans throbbing against mine as another torrent surged from the tip, stretching my taut foreskin even more as it began to overflow. I felt the spasms all through my shaft, adding to the hot sensations of Max's throbs.

Max shot again with a load moan, mindlessly writhing against me, and my body responded by loosing another hot load that shot from my swollen tip. I felt his body straining against mine as he spewed another load into my distended foreskin, bathing my glans in viscous liquid and making me shoot again.

His next jet was weaker, as was mine, and I felt that its force was less. We writhed together as our last spasms wracked our bodies, and I felt the last discharges seeping up my tube to trickle from the tip. Seconds after we'd become still, I roused myself enough to open my eyes. Max's eyes were still shut, and he seemed dazed by the after-shock of his climax. Now he lifted his head and I saw his eyes open.

"Man, that was great!" he said weakly, trying to recover full consciousness. "It was great for me too," I replied. "I felt it every time you shot, and every shot made me shoot too. I felt every throb of your cock-head."

"It was so hot and smooth inside your dick-skin, and that made me shoot so hard. I really drained my balls this time."

"I'm all drained too," I said. "Feeling that hot cream shooting inside my hood made it so intense." We got up on one elbow, looking down at our dripping pricks.

"Good thing I got the towel," he said. "We really shot heavy loads." Max's fingers still held my foreskin in place over Max's cock-head. Although I'd let go of Max's prick, his foreskin was still retracted, butted up against the bulk of my foreskin encasing his tip.

"Yeah, we did. When you let go of my foreskin, a lot of cream's going to pour out of it."

"You shot your load all over my balls," he said. "Your dick-head was under mine, and you shot straight back under my shaft." I saw the thick white liquid dripping from Max's tight scrotum, which had not yet begun to relax.

"I felt your throbs in my head," I said. Each time your tip throbbed, it was like a heavy knock against my tip. That was sensational."

"I felt all of your throbs too," he said. "Now we'd better get into the shower before all that come-juice dries on us." He was right, as Max's groin area was coated with my cream, both where my jets had landed and where they'd dripped afterward. His right hand had streams of white fluid all over its fingers and palm, and my foreskin was still dripping. We got up, gingerly holding the towel to our groins. Our erections had begun to collapse, and Max carefully held the towel under them as we worked our way to the bathroom.

Inside, he gave our groins a final swipe to sop up the excess before throwing the towel into the washer tub. When we stepped into the shower, he turned on the water and detached the shower spray head from its clip, playing it all over my lower body.

"Gotta get that juice rinsed off," he commented. "You know the way it sticks to your hairs when it starts to dry." He carefully and lovingly skinned me back as he turned the spray on my prick. "You've got a lot under that dick-skin," he explained. The hot spray played over my glans, rinsing away our secretions, and then me pushed me to turn me around.

"I'll get all of it, just in case some got between your legs." I felt him spray my anus and perineum, and then he turned me around again, handing me the spray head.

"Okay, now I'll do you," I said as I noticed that his foreskin had slipped down to engulf the tapered glans. I first worked on his scrotum, which was now lower than it had been in the bedroom, following up with a fingertip rub to loosen any clots of sperm. I worked the spray down his legs, and then turned him so that I could get him from the rear.

"I bet I've got some behind my balls too," he commented as he bent forward slightly to give me better access. I played the hot spray on his anus, and worked down his perineum to bathe the rear of his scrotum, again using my fingers to loosen any clots.

"Now you can turn around," I said as I nudged his hip with one hand. "I've saved the best for last." Max's almost limp prick was arcing down in front of him, and I carefull sprayed the hairs around it before grasping his shaft just behind the head to draw back the tight hood.

"Is your tip still sensitive?" I asked, knowing that the hot spray might feel uncomfortable if he still had that residual sensitivity that lingers after orgasm.

"No, I'm okay," he answered. I pressed back his foreskin, holding it retracted as I aimed the spray at the red strawberry shaped glans, rinsing off the thick secretions of cream and lubricant.

"I figured you had a lot under your foreskin, the way you shot inside mine," I explained as I rinsed his glans and inverted foreskin clean.

"Oh, I know I did. When I pulled out of your sex-skin, mine slipped down and trapped a lot of juice." I pulled back harder on his shaft skin to get the wrinkles out of the thick flesh that surrounded the rounded rim of his glans. The hot spray played over his delicate tissues, and he shuddered.

"You're still pretty sensitive there," I observed.

"Yeah, guess I am," he replied. "That water spray's pretty powerful, anyway. I'm too drained to shoot again, though." Now I played the spray over his whole body, rinsing off the sweat, and handed the shower head to him. Max sprayed me from head to toe, and then turned off the water.

"Well, let's go out and get breakfast," I said as he toweled me dry, carefully slipping my foreskin down to protect the head. His had slipped forward as soon as I'd let go. We got dressed, knowing that a fun-filled day lay in front of us.

The end

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