Shower Spray

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jan 17, 2005


Shower Spray, Part 2 By

I was first aware of fingers lightly tickling the hairs on my ball sac. I normally awoke with a piss hard-on, but this morning it was harder than usual, and I was definitely getting some extra sensations. I sighed as I felt a finger trace the bulge of my urethra up along the underside of my prick. When the finger reached the underside of my helmet it pressed through the foreskin into the triangular groove formed by the two sides of my corona.

"That feel good?" I heard Max's voice. I opened my eyes as I became fully awake, aware that he was lying pressed against my right side, his right leg over mine, and the hardness of his prick pressing into my right hip.

"Oh, yes, Max," I whispered, thoroughly enjoying the sensations. Max had always been a master at stimulating a prick, and he was giving me the full treatment now. There were many worse ways to wake up, I thought.

"Remember yesterday evening?" he asked needlessly. Feeling the pulse of the shower spray against my prick had been so arousing long after I'd come that I'd dreamt of it during the night and had awakened with a hard-on.

"That was so hot," I said. "That hot water pulsing against my cock really drove me up the wall." As I spoke, I felt his fingertip pressing through the skin deeper into the triangular groove under my helmet, hitting the hot spot and making my erection herder yet. I pulled away from him enough to snake my fingers between our bodies and tickle the hairs on his scrotum. I saw his low hangers begin to draw up, and I moved my hand to pinch the end of his long tapered foreskin, pulling it up to stretch it.

"Ooooohhh, that feels good," Max whispered as his fingertip began a slight back and forth movement, sliding my foreskin up and down my hot spot.

"Like having your foreskin pulled, or do you prefer having it skinned back?" I asked. I kept stretching his long tight foreskin, and now I could see the outline of his long strawberry shaped glans through the skin as it thinned out under the tension.

"Both. Anything you do to my dick feels nice, only in different ways." I felt the tension building in his body as I continued to stretch his foreskin, pulling slightly and then relaxing, alternating the sensations I was giving him. "When you pull my cock-skin out that way, I can feel the friction as it slides over the head. When you skin it back, I can feel the friction too, and my skin stretches in a different way."

"I can make you come this way. Want me to do that?" I suggested. I kept pulling his foreskin out, and then letting it slide back as I spoke.

"I'd love that, but this time let's come together," he answered.

"We've never done that," I said. "We've always done each other so that we could watch and feel each other come."

"Yeah, and it's been great. I always got a vicarious thrill feeling your dick throb in my fingers and watching your cream shoot out. I can feel every pulse on the underside each time you shoot." Max had now pushed his fingers into the opening of my foreskin and I felt it tickling my slit, sending a new thrill into my helmet and down my shaft.

"Oh, that feels really nice. I'm glad you don't have long fingernails. They'd scratch the head." His finger was now tracing small circles around my slit, stretching my foreskin out as it moved around the opening. I pushed my fingertip into the tight opening of his long foreskin, probing for the hard hot head.

"That feels good too," he said. "I'm glad you bite your fingernails too."

"Your tip's so wet, Max. You leak a lot more lube than I do, and it makes it so easy to run my finger around the head." Now I was pushing my finger deeper into his foreskin, caressing the body of the head, feeling its glassy smooth surface.

Oooohhhh, that feels soooo good," he said as I twirled my finger around the head. "That sends a thrill through me right down to my toes."

"I love doing that to you, Max. I know it feels as good as when you do it to me."

"I'll get some glycerin. Your dick's drier than mine, and you could use some lube." He reached with his other hand to the bedside table, bringing back a small squirt bottle. He removed his finger from my foreskin and squirted a couple of drops of the clear slippery fluid onto it, and then slipped it into the orifice of my foreskin again.

"Ohhhh, that glycerin feels warm," I said as I felt his slick coated finger push deeper into my foreskin, circling around my swollen helmet.

"Yeah, that warm feeling helps the sensations. Your tip's really hard now." Max's finger probed deeper to caress the rim of my cock-head. "I like the way your rim flares," he continued. "That's really sexy." My finger was now at his corona, and I ran it around the softly rounded rim to stimulate the nerve endings.

"Your finger's really stretching my foreskin," I said. "That makes it feel even better." I could see the outline of his fingertip circling my glans through the stretched foreskin. He ran it down along my rim on one side until he reached my hot spot under the head and began strumming my gee-string slowly, adding to the sensations.

I like the way you're running your finger around my rim. That gives me a tingle in the head," he said.

"You're making my tip tingle too," I replied. If you keep that up, you'll have my load." I felt a tightening in my scrotum, although it's normally tight, but now it drew up closer to my body.

"I'm going to get us a towel," he said as he broke away and went into the bathroom. When he returned he spread the towel in a double layer on the bed between us and continued: "We both cream so much that it would get through the sheet and soak the mattress." Now he lay facing me, his stiff seven-inch erection pointing up between us. I shifted position so that I was on my side facing him.

"Your prick's pointing right at my face," I said as I grasped his tight foreskin and began sliding it back along his tapered red glans. The pointed end came into view, the long slit parting it and leaking lubrication. Max reached between us and stripped my glans bare, sliding my hood back slowly to let me enjoy the stretching sensation to the fullest. "That feels so nice, the way you're stretching my skin back over the head." I felt my foreskin snap down into the deep groove behind the rim to form a thick fleshy collar.

"Your tip's purple; mine's red," he said as he closed his hand around both our pricks. "I'm going to hold our dicks together like this, so I can feel yours throb when you come and you'll feel mine."

"I think we can come together," I said, even though your tip's more sensitive than mine. I think red tips are more sensitive, anyway." Max now began a slight stroking motion, sliding his encircling fingers up over our bared heads, as I continued to hold his long tight foreskin back along his shaft.

"You'll have to keep my skin back," he said. "You know how it slides up over the head if you let go." Our pricks were in full contact now, from their bases to the heads, and I felt the smooth bulge of his thick gee-string pressing against mine. His warm fingers flicked over my corona, snapping it back and forth each time.

"That feels really good, your fingers on my rim" I whispered. "I hope it feels as good for you."

"It does, Jack. I can feel the little bumps on your rim too. They're pretty sensitive, you told me."

"They are, Max. Even with the lube to make it smoother, your fingers are really hitting those nerve endings. That feels really good for me."

"I can feel the bulges on the bottom of your head sliding against mine when you move." I hadn't realized it but under the stimulation I'd begun moving my hips slightly, thrusting into his encircling fingers to intensify my sensations. I was also holding his foreskin back with two fingers, and now I dragged the thick skin back farther along his shaft to put more tension on his gee-string. I felt and saw his ruddy glans dip down, pressing harder against mine.

"HOO-WOW! That's hot!" he said, and I felt his body shudder against mine. "Better stop doing that or you'll make me pop right now." I relaxed my grip on his shaft-skin, and he took a deep breath.

"Right. I don't want to make you come before I do."

"Better let me do the work right now. I want to get you to the point where you're right on the edge. I can catch up with you easily." I felt his fingers riding over my corona as he moved his fist up and down your pricks in short strokes, concentrating on stimulating my glans. Now he cupped his hand over the ends of our pricks and his fingers traced my corona along its contours, caressing it and working on the nerve endings. He pressed harder and I caught my breath.

"That feels really nice, working your fingers along my rim and into my groove." I said.

"I just love to feel that sexy rim. I love the way it flares. It's really hard now." Max's fingers kept caressing my rim and pressing down into the deep groove behind it.

"It feels good, really good, Max," I whispered. "You're making my prick feel good."

"I can see the head getting darker," he said as he shifted his grip to grasp both heads in his fist once more, applying the short up and down strokes as before.

"Now I can see your tip's darker red. Sure you can hold off a few seconds longer?"

"I think I can. Now that we're really getting into it, just let yourself go. When you feel you're going to come, then pull my skin back hard to make sure I come with you." I felt the sensations building up inside and knew that we were in the final leg of our race to orgasm.

"My bladder's full. That's making it harder for me to relax. Anyway, our hands are pressing into us."

"Yeah, Jack, my bladder's full too, and I feel the same tension you are. I can feel my balls tight against my body, too." My sensations were peaking, and the tension was creeping from my groin all over my body.

"Getting close, Max," I whispered. "Don't know how long now..." I trailed off.

"Me too," he whispered back as he redoubled his efforts on my glans, which was rock-hard and aching for release. I felt the familiar build-up of sensation in my tip.

"My tip's tingling," I said. "I'm right on the edge." My eyes closed. His cheek was against mine, and he whispered in my ear:

"Let it happen, Jack. When you start to come, just pull my skin back hard." The tingle in my helmet dominated my attention now, and it felt as if my prick was about to burst. I heard Max's voice again:

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" I knew he was close to the peak, and then I felt a hot electric jolt in my glans and cried out as it traveled down my shaft to my cock-root. I yanked back hard on his shaft-skin as I felt the heavy pounding of my orgasm begin in my cock-root. The first squirt of boiling liquid poured into my urethra, racing towards the end of my prick, and I felt his cock throb hard against mine, the head pressing into my glans as it dipped forward.

I was utterly lost in the hot rush of sensation as the hot lava burned its way up my tube, and dimly in the distance I heard Max cry out helplessly as the orgasm hit him and devastated his consciousness. Our pricks throbbed hard against each other as we shot our loads, and I felt the slippery fluids against my glans as his fist gripped them tightly. Max was now pumping both hot tips hard, enhancing the sensations, and we shot again.

I had my other arm under him, and now held him tightly to me as our orgasms raged on, filling us with sensation. Despite the mind-numbing blast of the orgasm, I knew he was feeling the same sensations that gripped me. Our bodies were hot and sweaty, and our pricks throbbed simultaneously as we shot again. I felt his body straining against mine, totally caught up in the torrents of sensation.

My prick felt hot, and the outpouring of life-fluid from both of us added to the heat as our hot hard cocks throbbed against each other, releasing twin gushes of semen that coated his fingers and our cock-heads. My hips were bucking, forcing my prick against his, thrusting it between his tight fingers, and we throbbed again.

M y tip suddenly became super-sensitive, and I felt Max release his grip. I realized that his must have also become over-sensitive, but I kept my tight grip on his shaft-skin to keep the tension on his gee-string. My hips bucked again, and my prick slid over his as I heard his cries rise in pitch. I knew that I must also be groaning and moaning, but in my frenzy I did not hear myself. My breathing was labored, and I felt Max's chest heave against mine and his heartbeat pounding against me.

The pulses in our pricks grew weaker, until we were both merely dribbling, as we came down off our mutual high. I relaxed my grip on Max's prick, and opened my eyes to see his foreskin sliding up over his flaming red tip. More white cream seeped from the puckered end of his foreskin, and I saw that my helmet was still seeping.

Max's head drew back and his eyes opened. He kissed me lightly on the lips, a tender kiss that expressed his affection more than a deep tongue kiss would have. I saw the pools of thick white liquid on the towel between us, and knew that we'd drained ourselves dry.

"I really loved that," he whispered weakly. "Feeling your dick pounding against mine was really hot. Once I started coming, I was out of it, but somehow I still felt your dick throbbing."

"I felt your prick full length against mine while you were blasting off. That hard throbbing made my orgasm even hotter."

"I also felt the big head of your dick throbbing in my fingers each time you shot. I knew you were really into it. You creamed as much as I did. That's why we've got a flood on that towel." Our pricks were beginning to soften, despite the pressure in our bladders, as the tension left our bodies.

"That was nice, feeling your hot prick against mine," I said. "It was so hot, so intimate."

"Yes, it was intimate, Jack. I felt as if we were one body."

"Me, too," I added. "Your whole body was hot against mine."

"Well, we'd better get up and clean off," he said as he broke away and led me into the bathroom, where we stepped into the shower. The hot water felt soothing as it poured over us, and Max took the shower head off its clip and played it on my groin area.

"That feels really good," I said as I felt the water spray sluicing over my prick, flowing down the shaft and enveloping the tip with its heat.

"Your skin's still back," he pointed out. "The hot water on your tip's going to help you pee." I felt the pressure inside me increasing, and my need to void intensified.

"Yeah, the water on my naked tip's really doing it. I'll be letting go in a second or two." My sphincter relaxed, and I felt the stream begin, first as a trickle, and then it built to full flow as my body responded to the stimulation. Max held my prick up and played the shower spray right against the front of my helmet, and I felt the sharp stinging needles sending hot thrills into my glans.

"Some of it's going down your hole," he said.

"Oh, yes, I can feel that. You're going to drain me dry that way."

"You're going soft, but your big tip's still swollen, and the hole's still wide open." The yellow liquid continued to pour from my prick, splashing onto his groin and running down his prick. Now I felt the pressure relenting, and my flow decreased. Max began milking my prick, his fingers pressing into the underside behind my balls and working forward to squeeze the shaft.

"Okay, I'm drained," I said. "Now it's your turn. Give me the spray and I'll hold your foreskin back to let it hit the head." I took the shower spray from his and grasped his prick around the head, sliding the foreskin back to uncover the long tapered head. The water gushed onto his naked tip and I saw his eyes close in ecstasy.

"That's really working on you, isn`t it? Feel the pressure build up inside?" The stinging needles of the hot jet hit the long lips of his slit and parted them, stabbing deeply into his hole.

"Oh, yeah, Jack, I feel it. I'm going to let go any second now." I watched carefully and saw the lips of his long slit part to let the first trickle pass, and then they gaped as the full force of his stream came pouring through them into the shower of water coming the opposite way. My thumb was on top of his prick, and my index finger underneath felt his urethra swell with the flow.

"Just relax, Max. Just let it happen. You're doing fine, and we'll have you emptied out in a minute." His yellow liquid flowed in a torrent, washing over my legs as he relieved himself, and I added: "It feels like your prick's vibrating with the flow, it's so strong." Max poured out his fluid in a powerful stream until it weakened and became just a trickle again.

"Oh, that felt good. I really needed that." His flow had relented to just a dribble, and now I began milking his prick as he'd done mine. The lips of his slit had collapsed, but now they parted again to let each residual drops pass. "I can feel every drop going through my slit," he said. "It's really sensitive there."

Now we soaped each other lovingly, and when Max got to my prick he just held it up to let the water rinse the head and foreskin collar. Then he pulled it forward to envelop my glans.

"You don't really need soap to clean it," he said. "It doesn't get that dirty. You have to keep it forward now, to protect the precious head and keep it from drying out." Now I grasped his limp prick and eased back the foreskin, uncovering the red strawberry head.

"Yeah, then it would lose sensitivity," I said. "Now I'll just rinse yours too. All that cream and lube is water-soluble." Once his tip was clean and glossy, I released his foreskin, and we both watched as it slid forward to encase the tip once more.

"Well, let's go out for breakfast and then we can plan our day," he said, shutting off the water. We can talk about what we'll do tomorrow morning, too."

"I think we can find something exciting to do in the morning," I said with a chuckle.

"You might dock me with that large skin hood," he said seriously, staring into my eyes. "Ever dock anybody? I never did because my skin's too tight."

"No, I never did, not hard, anyway. I know I've got a lot of foreskin, but I've also got a big head inside it. The only way I ever docked any guy was after I'd come and gone limp. Then the head was small enough to allow some extra room."

"My head's narrow and tapered, he said. "It just might fit inside your dick-skin even when you're hard." He left me to think about that the rest of the day.

To be continued in Part 3

Next: Chapter 3

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