Shower Spray

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jan 16, 2005


Shower Spray Part 1 By

The phone call from Max took me by surprise, as I knew that he'd moved away because of his work. Now he was back in town after an absence of ten years, and I looked forward to seeing him again, especially because he'd told me of a new masturbation method he'd discovered.

Max was my age, 50, and we'd known each other for a couple of decades, during which he'd tutored me in exotic methods of self-stimulation. He was truly my masturbation mentor, the guru of the pleasures of the prick, and many times his expert fingers had worked my hard and straining prick to shattering, screaming, convulsive orgasms. Among other things, he'd taught me the value of having our climaxes one after the other, so that we could enjoy "gooning" on each other's orgasms without being lost in the state of semi-consciousness that dimmed all outside perceptions.

Max had bought a new house upon his return, and the bathroom had a shower spray that he'd told me provided delicious sensations that brought on extremely hot orgasms. He invited me to come try it with him that Friday evening after work. When I rang his bell he let me in, standing carefully behind the door to conceal his nudity from outside view. He was my height, six feet, with a similar slender build, but blond and blue-eyed compared to my brown coloring.

"Come on in and strip down," he said as he closed the door behind me. "It's 110 outside, and you must be pretty hot." The Phoenix weather was torrid during the summer, and I followed his suggestion enthusiastically. ""Let's get in the shower right now. We both need one."

"This is the shower spray," he continued, pointing to a nozzle with a large handle and long hose on the wall of the shower. "You can leave it where it is for a regular shower, or you can take it off to cover other parts of your body. That's the really interesting part." He turned on the water and a hot spray erupted from the nozzle.

"This isn't like other showers," I said. "I think the spray's finer, and it seems to pulse too."

"That's right, and it's both the fine spray and the pulsing action that makes it so hot. Now let's soap up first and get cleaned up before we start working on our dicks." We soaped each other's bodies lightly, as we weren't really dirty, merely sweaty, and rinsed off with the spray nozzle on the wall. Max's touch had made me half-hard, although he'd carefully avoided my groin, and I noticed that showering with me had aroused him as well. This always happened when we were naked together, partly because of the physical contact, but mainly because of the anticipation.

"Man, I always like to see your dick, and the way the big head bulges through the skin. I can see the rim stretching the skin, and that looks really hot, even though you're not full hard yet."

"Yours is nice too, shaped like a banana. It just tapers to a point, with a nipple like mine." I knew Max had a smaller glans than I did, and with a different shape that did not bulge through the foreskin. However, his scrotum hung down farther than mine, swinging as he moved.

"Now let's begin," he said, removing the shower head from the clip that held it to the wall. He directed it at my groin, and I felt the mildly stinging needles of water playing over my prick and balls, providing a gentle tickle that aroused my prick to full six-inch hardness.

"That feels nice," I said. He lowered the nozzle to spray mainly on my tight scrotum and asked:

"Now how does that feel?"

"It's not like an ordinary spray. If that were a jet it would hurt, but it just tickles."

"That's because this is adjustable to a fine spray," he explained. "This won't batter your balls. Now since your dick-skin covers the head even when you're hard, I'm going to skin you back to let you feel it right on your tip." His fingers delicately pushed my long foreskin back to bare the head, and the spray tickled its naked nerve endings. The intense sensation of hot water spraying directly on the broad upper surface of my helmet made me shudder. "I feel like I have to pee," I whispered. "That's the effect of the hot water and the power of the spray. It makes the heat penetrate deeply into the head. You know hot water on your penis stimulated the urination reflex." As he spoke, the sensations built up in the root of my cock, and I felt my urethra filling. A moment later hot fluid poured from my orifice and down the drain. "That made me pee, all right. I didn't think I had to go, but that spray pulled it right out of me," I said. "It also made my head swell."

"I just love your big purple helmet," he said as he pushed my thick fleshy hood back behind my flaring ridge. "I like the way your skin locks behind your rim. Mine slips forward if you don't hold it." He shifted the nozzle to spray directly at my helmet's blunt nose, and I felt the stinging needles of hot water penetrating my orifice.

"That pulsing action's really hot," I said. "It feels like my prick's being stroked."

"That's what it's supposed to feel like," he explained as he raised the nozzle to spray the broad upper surface of my glans. "Feel that on your rim? Now I'm going to move it to spray the underside because I know that's where your sweet spot is." He shifted the spray and I felt the needles of hot water caressing my scrotum and the underside of my prick, delivering powerful erotic sensations into my nerve endings. The fine jets tickled the twin lobes under my glans where the two sides of my rim meet.

"Oh, wow," I murmured, thoroughly enjoying the sensations that seemed to shift as he moved the nozzle back and forth.

"That feels like you're being stroked too, doesn't it?"

"Oh, yeah," I said. "It feels so nice. Keep it up and you'll make me pop my load."

"You'd better sit down," he said. "I know you're not close yet, but when you come, you'll collapse if you're still standing."

"Yeah, a hot orgasm makes my knees buckle," I said as I sat on the shower floor. Max sat in front of me, keeping the hot spray directed at my groin.

"I'm going to hold your cock up so I can keep working on the underside," he said as he grasped my glans between thumb and forefinger. He gave it a couple of quick squeezes and I felt the reflexive throbbing of my cock-root. "That got to you," he said with a grin. "I know your dick loves having the head squeezed." His prick was within reach, and I rolled the end of his long foreskin between two fingers, pulling it away from his body to stretch its nerve endings. Max moved closer to me, his face coming towards mine for an open-mouth kiss. Our lips made contact and our tongues twirled around each other, heightening the eroticism of the moment.

"Better let go of my dick," he urged as he broke away. "I don't want to pop while I'm doing you. I'd miss all the fun. I'm already hard even without the spray, just from watching and touching you." His prick had stiffened to its full seven inches, but the long hood still covered the tapered head.

"We always turned each other on," I said, remembering the many occasions when we'd stroked each other to mind-blowing orgasms.

"That's because you're like me, really into cocks," he said. "We both love to see cocks, compare them, touch them, and stroke them. We love the differences between cocks and the similarities."

"Our pricks get so hard," I said. "You've got magic fingers. You get me off even without the spray, because you know how to play with mine." The insistent stimulation of the spray moving back and forth along my balls and the underside of my prick was adding to my excitement, and I knew that my orgasm would be mind-shattering.

"One good thing about this spray technique is that I can keep going even while I'm coming. You know my dick gets super-sensitive when I'm into my orgasm and you have to stop stroking me. The spray's sensations are different somehow, strong but mild enough not to be too strong when I'm coming. It'll probably work the same way with you."

"We'll have to see," I said. "If it gets too strong, I'll just push your hand away." I placed my right hand on his forearm, barely touching it, so that I could signal him if the sensations became too strong during my orgasm.

"I remember the last time I stroked you, just the way you liked," he said. "I pulled your skin back hard to stretch the nerve endings, and brought it forward to lightly bump your big rim. Then you started coming, and after a couple of shots I had to stop stroking you, just keeping your skin stretched back."

"It worked the same way with you," I said. "I was stroking your foreskin over the head, and when you came I just pulled back hard. Your gee-string's thicker than mine, and it made the head bend over when I pulled back hard on it. That stretching sensation kept you going without being too much for you."

"That's right. After I start coming, I can't stand friction on the head. It makes me flinch." Max kept playing the shower spray along the underside of my prick, still squeezing the glans to add to my sensations.

"I'm trying to stay relaxed," I said. Both Max and I had found that the longer the build-up, the more intense the orgasm would be when it finally arrived.

"I can see that, but I can feel the head getting harder now. There's more resistance when I squeeze. You're getting there."

"I'm starting to get that tickle in the head..." I trailed off.

"The head's getting darker now," he continued. "Soon you'll get that tingle, and then your eyes are going to close." As he spoke, I felt a mild tingle in the sweet spot on the underside of my glans, and I knew that I'd soon be lost in the throes of orgasm.

"It's starting to tingle now," I said. The tingle intensified, and my straining helmet ached for the release of orgasm.

"I can see your tip's really dark now. Your eyes are closing." As he spoke, I felt myself withdrawing, totally absorbed by the hot sensations in my tingling prick, which seemed to be vibrating with the water jets. My awareness of the outside world dimmed, and I braced myself for the headlong rush to the precipice that would send me tumbling into the free-fall of orgasm.

Max said something that I didn't understand because the tension in my body was increasing and my mind was going numb with the hot sensations. I was aware only of the pulsing needles of hot water hitting against my prick and his warm fingers rhythmically squeezing my swollen tip. My breathing was ragged now, and I know my jaw dropped as the rush of sensations built to their peak.

The hot tingle in my glans exploded, and I felt a jolt of sensation rushing down my shaft to my cock-root, which contracted sharply to send a gush of hot lava into my urethra. I heard myself crying out as the burning jet shot up my tube and erupted from my tip. Max's fingers gave my straining glans another squeeze and my cock-root convulsed again to make me moan loudly as the hot sensations overwhelmed me.

Now my prick shot again, and I felt the squeezing of my glans stop, but the hot spray continued on my sensitive nerve endings, making me shoot again. I was groaning, gasping, totally lost in the hot spasms that wracked my body, legs trembling as my cock-root contracted again and again. I felt Max moving the spray along the length of my straining prick to maintain the hot tickling that was driving my orgasm, and I groaned again.

Now my sensations softened, and I knew I'd soon be finished. The hot water spray continued, keeping my orgasm going, without the sharp piercing sensations that over-stimulated my prick. Max's fingers closed around the base of my shaft, yanking the skin back hard to add another level of stimulation, and I discharged again. Now I was no longer shooting hard jets, but merely dribbling, although the spasms still felt sharp. My prick was merely seeping, but I was still feeling the orgasm.

Now it was over, and I began to relax, and as the tension left my body I became aware that Max had shut off the water. I sat unmoving, dazed by the massive climax, unable to think.

"Man%2 C you really shot a hell of a load," I heard Max's voice, coming closer as I floated up to full consciousness. I felt my erection subsiding as Max turned on the water spray again. "I'm going to rinse the cream off your body," he explained as he sprayed my groin and thighs, using his left hand to rub away the drops of thick creamy liquid that had fallen on my skin. My prick had gone limp, and Max expertly drew the foreskin forward to cover the head. "Man, that's a nice helmet you've got there."

"That was mind-blowing," I said weakly. "Those hot jets, they just tickled the orgasm right out of me."

"I saw that," he said. "I also noticed that you didn't push my hand away while you were coming."

"No, I could feel the jets hitting my tip hard while I was coming, but they were sweet, not irritating."

"See? I told you. I knew the spray wouldn't be too powerful for you."

"My prick was really throbbing," I said.

"I know it was. I was holding it around the base after I let go of your tip, keeping that skin back tight the way you like it. I felt every throb."

"Your prick's really hard," I said, reaching for it and grasping the end of his foreskin. "I guess it won't take you long to pop your load." I was lightly stroking his thick fleshy hood, feeling for the hard glans it concealed.

"I'm all set to go because watching and feeling you come made me really hot. I knew exactly what you were feeling, because I've used the spray to make myself come." Max handed me the nozzle and sat on the floor of the shower in front of me. I let go of his prick and aimed the spray at his groin, watching a blissful expression come over him.

"I see you like that," I said. "I know exactly what you're feeling because I just went through it."

"I've done it to myself, but it feels different, much better, now that you're doing it to me." I continued to play the water over his prick and balls, which had now drawn up close to his body.

"Now I'm going to skin you back," I said as I reached for his prick with my left hand, delicately drawing back the thick hood to uncover the red strawberry shaped glans.

"You'll have to hold my skin back," he said. "It doesn't lock back like yours."

"Your rim's not as high as mine, and it's kind of rounded." I played the water on the top and front of his long tapered tip, and then drew his foreskin back farther to lay bare the groove behind the head. "How does that feel, right there?" I asked.

"Oooohhh, nice, really nice," he replied. "My rim's sensitive, and so's my gee-string underneath." I lifted his prick to let me direct the spray on the underside, playing it over the bottom of the head to tickle his thick frenulum.

"Now I'm going to pull back harder and make the head bend down," I said as I increased the tension on his skin and watched it pull the front of his tapered glans down towards his balls.

"Oooohhhh, that feels really good," he exclaimed as the water jets caressed the sensitive underside and taut gee-string, sending thrills through his prick.

"Your balls are really tight against your body," I commented as I watched his excitement mount. His breathing had deepened, and now each breath sounded like a grunt as the tension built in his body.

"I can't hold out much longer," he whispered as his splayed legs began to tremble.

"Try to stay relaxed, Max," I urged as I continued to spray his prick while keeping tension on the skin. The fine jets splashed off the slender cock-head and ran down his shaft.

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" he grunted, caught up in the excitement.

"Your tip's getting darker now," I commented. "You're really leaking fluid." The lubricant flowed from his long slit to be rinsed away by the hard jets, and I knew he would be shooting any second. "Stay relaxed."

"I can't..." he cried as his eyes closed. His stomach muscles contracted visibly as the volume of his grunts increased.

I felt the hard throb in his shaft as he bellowed in joyful agony and the first thick stream erupted from his tapered tip. His prick throbbed again as he cried out helplessly.

"Go for it!" I urged as I kept a tight grip on his shaft, pulling back hard on the skin to make sure the head remained exposed to the water jets and the gee-string remained tensed. "I'm stretching your skin for you." The downward-tipped head disgorged its jets onto the floor.

Max's consciousness had faded, or was totally absorbed in the sensations wracking his body, because he didn't answer me but just kept howling and shooting. I raised his prick to point toward the ceiling and his thick creamy jets arced between us, falling to the floor of the shower to be washed away by the running water. His entire body was in spasm now, and the stray jets of cream that landed on my arms felt boiling hot.

Max's prick spurted again, tortured by the water spray and my tight grip on his skin. His cries filled the air and I watched his dark red tip shoot another hot stream into the air. I knew exactly what he was feeling, as I'd been writhing in orgasm only minutes before.

The next jet was weaker, and the following one merely a dribble. Max was still in orgasm, his mind numbed by the overpowering sensations, but he was running out of fluid. I played the water jets on the front of his hard naked glans now, rinsing away the dribble that flowed from his long slit. Some of the jets penetrated the opening, adding to his sensations, but his orgasm was nearing its end.

Now he was still, totally spent, and I released his foreskin, watching it running downhill over the tapered glans to engulf it completely. I kept the water flowing to clean off the residue, as Max sank into the inevitable daze that follows orgasm.

A couple of minutes later, after I'd turned off the water, he opened his eyes. I leaned forward to plant a kiss on his soft lips, and he kissed me back hard, tongue plunging into my mouth.

"Man, that was hot," he said after we broke the kiss. "I was in seventh heaven."

"I saw that," I said. "I watched you creaming and felt your prick throbbing."

"That was hotter than I could have done for myself."

"It always feels better when someone's doing it to you." It had been the same way for me, each time Max had brought me to orgasm. His touch on my prick always felt better than my own.

"Well, let's rinse off and go out to get something to eat," Max urged. We got up and rinsed ourselves, making sure no sticky semen stuck to our body hairs, and dried each other lovingly. Max's erection had dwindled and we hugged before getting dressed. We had dinner in a French Restaurant and then came back to get some much needed sleep. We knew that tomorrow morning would bring a new adventure.

To be continued in Part 2.

Next: Chapter 2

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