Shower Sharing

Published on Feb 22, 2005



The dorm was busier then normal that Friday night. Usually it's busy early in the evening and then late at night everyone is gone somewhere. That's the perfect time for a nice, liesurly self indulgent time using the soap to clense and empty one's self.

It wasn't going to be Arnie's first time doing exactly that. He loathed to masturbate in his bed less his roommate hear. And despite knowing his roomie's class schedule, the guy seemed to be privacy wasn't existent.

There was only the showers. Damon State had individual shower stalls with shower doors that actually closed. They weren't glass either..but some kind of plastic you couldn't see through. That means a nice hot shower would both be steamy and very very private. And nobody would open the door as you twist the knob and "OCCUPIED" sign would appear.

Karl had gone out but who knew when he might suddenly reappear. So Arnie gathered his twoel around him and headed for the only fun place he knew. But for some reason that night, despite the late hour the showers were OCCUPIED.

Row upon row of stalls displayed that sign. But behind them at the end of a row Arnie didn't see the forbidding sign and he headed towards it.

"Sorry" a hand reached for the door. "I didn't see you coming" Arnie said. The other student had a nice developed smooth chest with a gold nipple ring. He looked clean cut and boyish like most of the classmates.

"I guess I'll just wait for someone to get through" Arnie said.

"Good luck with that mate, it's Friday night and spring." The boy said.

He had a nice accent. Arnie like many Americans was a sucker for English and Australian accents.

"Yea, know what you mean" Arnie said wondering how many stalls were occupied by guys who were as horny as he was.

"You can share" the guy, who said his name was Muncie, said.

"What?" Arnie wasn't sure he heard the words right. Perhaps they actually is what his mind wanted to hear. After all the guys was cute and the kind of guy Arnie liked. Those nights he snuck over to the bathrooms in the basement under the gym, he fantasized that the silhouettes he had sex with looked exactly like this guy.

"Come on, we can share" The guys smile seemed calm, assuring. "Uh if you want to" the expression changed to emphasized the question he asked.

"Oh uh yea, sure" Arnie heard himself saying. And he couldn't believe he had said that. Closeted was the word for Arnie. If Karl only knew he was gay, he'd be kicked out of the room for sure.

The room was cramped but they moved around. Towels hanging on the outside pegs, there was nothing to hide from each other, least of which was Arnies growing erection. Likewise was Muncie's already hard cock.

"Want it hot?" Muncie asked.

"uh" Arnie asked. He heard the question and his mind was saying "yes I want the sex HOT".

"the water, how hot do you want it?" Muncie repeated.

The hot water pelted them both and a cloud of steam rose as the seconds passed.

He felt the soapy hands explore him head to toe, feeling, pinching, sliding, fingering, holding, cupping, sliding.

"Do me now" Muncie's lips flicked on Arnie's ear.

Arnie got busy learning the new body that was sliding around his. The steam practically made Arnie feel blind so he relied on his fingers to trace each unudulation of the body. It was smooth, not hair like his. It was developed, again not like his slim build. The balls were smooth too and Arnie wondered if this boy shaved his balls. The cock was long, curved and throbbbing. Arnie could feel the pulse in his hands. The boy lifted a leg as Arnie slid his finger inside him. It was tight as he was.

"Nice" the boy said as Arnie seemed to be finished washing his body.

Arnie felt the strength of Muncie's fingers as his short but thick hair was washed and his scalp massaged. It felt so good, Arnie almost forgot about the sex.

He returned the favor entwining his fingers in the thick brown hair. He thouroughly enjoyed shampooing even more as the boy was fondling his balls and cock while Arnie went about the work.

"Nice" Muncie said again pulling Arnies wet body close to his so their lips could meet and more.

The kissing went on longer then Arnie could ever remember kissing. It wasn't only the exchange of tongues but the lips, the hands and the body pressing that seemed to say and explore in ways never before experienced.

Sex was to Arnie always more then rubbing, sucking and fucking to get ejaculations. His first time one hot summer was like this, exploring, kissing, touching, and more. The kid was a fellow camper at the Scout jamboree. And Arnie knew then there was nothing wrong with being gay.

And from what Muncie and he were doing, Arnie knew that there was that real sexual encounter possible not just anonymous silhouettes in ignored basement bathrooms.

The cock slid in and out of his mouth then his ass. He was thrilled when the guy turned so he could have access as well. And the tight ass lips gripped his cock as he fucked trying to hold back but was unable to do so.

"We're not finished, Mate" Arnie was liking that word. He knelt and licked savoring the slick wet body he could grip, pinch, play with as he sucked. Standing and bent over slightly he let it go inside him again and move. The guy didn't jam fuck..but instead move with a slow rhythm that aroused Arnie again.

He knelt quickly to receive the sperm, but the water washed it away. The steam fortunately had subsided so he was it fly towards him.

"Now you" Muncie knelt and devoured him. Arnie couldn't believe that he was goign to have a second orgasm so soon and that his entire body seemed to quiver and twitch as Muncie and his tongue created many new sensations.

But bodies being bodies, Arnie released sooner then he wanted.

He figured it was now over, the thrill was gone and the stranger named Muncie would soon be too.

But the hug turned into the kind of body sliding and tongue exchanging that started their session. Any thought of time, classwork or even Karl was in the far distance as they kissed and touched each other.

Arnie wondered if he could respond again. He massages Muncie still his sperm shot up to both of their chins, surprising them both.

"Haven't done that in awhile" Muncie said "You must know some secret"

They kissed and held each other. A knocking on the door told them that their time was over.

Stepping out naked into the hallway, they grabbed their towels hiding their half hard cocks from the waiting classmate. He didn't seem surprised to see two guys together at all. Arnie was astonished at that but Muncie didn't seem to be aware there might have been another reaction.

"So your roommate home?" Muncie asked. He wanted to continue thoguht Arnie.

"Naw Karl is out but you never know when he comes in. Kind of makes things difficult sometimes" Arnie made the sign of jacking off.

"Know what you mean, but mine is out of town" Muncie said then stopped "is that Karl Meadows?"

Arnie looked up, suddenly fightened Muncie and Karl knew each other and his secret would soon be a secret no longer. "Uh yea"

Muncie's face lit up with a smile. "Yea, I know Karl, he's not as good as you by any stretch of the imagination" Muncie commented.

They walked still wet and wrapped in towels down the hall. Karl had engaged in some man to man sex, thought Arnie. Karl was hot in a butch though not really athletic way. He had some hair but his butt, which was pretty firm was smooth.

"here mate" Arnie felt Muncie's hand around him "in here" he let himself be guided into Muncie's room.

There would be more kissing, more body sliding, more sucking and more fucking that night....all night Arnie knew.

Karl would come later and Arnie would make sure of it.

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