Shower Rendezvous

By Randall Kerrigan

Published on Jun 27, 2002



Disclaimer I: This is a work of adult fiction dealing with homosexual sex between consenting adult males. If this is offensive to you, or you are underneath the age of legal majority in you state, country, or other municipality, please don't read it.

Disclaimer II: This is a work of FICTION. That means it's not real. It is meant to imply nothing about the actual character or sexuality of the people involved. It's only make-believe. If you have any comments on the story, or just want to chat, send me an email at

Based off the shower scene in the Just Bring It DVD. Only with the camera crew and Steven Richards not there.

Shower Rendezvous, Part One

Kurt Angle had just had a long and tiring match on Smackdown. He couldn't wait to get into the hot shower and rest his aching muscles. He turned the water on as hot as he could stand it before just letting it run all over his body, rinsing away all the strain on his muscles. After a while he grabbed the soap from the tray and began lathering up his chest when the soap slipped from his hand. He groaned from the thought of having to bend down and pick it up. He glanced around and noticed it was the only soap around before bending forward to pick it up.

At this precise time, Scotty Too Hotty entered the shower room, looking for Steven Richards when he got an eye full of Olympic ass. Scotty felt a twitching in the crotch of his pants and began to massage it. Kurt was fumbling with trying to get a hold of the slippery soap, wiggling his ass around as he tried to move and get a hold of the bar.

Scotty couldn't take it anymore. He walked into the stall, his tennis shoes getting soaked from the wet floor, and grabbed a handful of that Olympic behind. Kurt jumped back up at the touch. He turned his head to see Scotty's grinning face.

"Let me get that for ya." Scotty said as he squatted down to get the soap.

He grabbed a bar and licked Kurt's leg, up his thigh till he was at Kurt's ass. Scotty licked his lips just starring at Kurt's tight bubble butt. Kurt tried to swallowed a lump in his throat. He knew Scotty wasn't in here to help him get the soap. After taking a long gaze at Kurt's ass, Scotty rose back up so his mouth was right at Kurt's ear.

"Here ya go, baby." Scotty whispered as he handed Kurt the soap.

Scotty licked Kurt's ear, sending a shiver down the man's spine, despite the hot water spraying down on him.

"Th--thanks." Kurt stuttered from the lump still in his throat.

Scotty slowly pushed his crotch into Kurt's ass, making Kurt full aware of the hard-on in the jeans. Scotty noticed Kurt's heavy breathing.

"What's wrong, Kurt?" Scotty whispered in his ear. "N--nothing." "Do you want this?" Scotty whispered seductively.

Kurt couldn't seem to form an answer. So he handed Scotty the soap, giving Scotty what he believed was a yes.

"I'd rather use something else." Scotty threw the soap back to the floor.

Scotty squatted back down as Kurt bent forward, putting his arms against the wall. Scotty gazed at Kurt's tight pink hole before moving forward and burying his tongue in Angle's ass.

"Oh God!" Kurt moaned as Scotty's wet tongue opened up his hole.

Kurt's moans were loud, but the water shooting from the shower and hitting the tile floor was loud enough to drown most of it out. Kurt surprised himself by reaching back with one hand and shoving Scotty's face further into his ass. Kurt had never experienced anything like this before. He'd been fucked by a few men in the WWF but they never did this. Scotty was amazing with his tongue. He was a bit disappointed when Scotty pulled away.

Scotty stood back up and Kurt looked at him with a disappointed look on his face.

"Don't worry, we haven't even started yet." Scotty told him.

Scotty pushed Angle down onto his knees, and Kurt knew what was coming next.

Scotty undid his jeans and opened them enough so Kurt could get to his worm, but he could keep his jeans from getting soaked. Kurt pulled out Scotty's worm, amazed at the size. Never one to be intimidated, Kurt took the entire thing into his mouth, shocking Scotty. His knees almost gave out and he had to grab onto to Kurt to keep from falling.

Scotty couldn't control his moans due to the extreme pleasure Kurt was causing him. Someone had trained Kurt very well. Incredibly well. Scotty had to pull Kurt off of him otherwise he would've came right then and there.

"Now the real fun starts." Scotty took a deep breath.

Kurt stood back up and turned his back to Scotty before bending back over. Scotty couldn't believe he was about to put his cock deep in Kurt's Olympic ass. He prayed this wasn't a dream. Scotty took another deep breath before plunging straight into Kurt's ass. Kurt tried to groan from the pain, but couldn't form any type of sound. Scotty stopped once inside to give the stud before him a chance to relax.

After a bit of time, Scotty couldn't hold off anymore and he pulled back before thrusting deep back inside. He continued this a couple more times, slowly. Scotty couldn't believe the pleasure he was feeling from Kurt's tight ass. He'd never felt anything this great, even from his former partner Grand Master Sexay's ass. Kurt's moans were getting so loud that Scotty had to force his hand over Kurt's mouth. Kurt began to bite down on Scotty's finger to keep from moaning from the pleasure Scotty's worm was causing in his ass.

Scotty's hips thrusts back and forth into Kurt's perfect ass, with an occassional side to side motion that sent Kurt almost over the edge. With his other hand, Scotty wrapped his fingers around Kurt's hard cock and began jerking it in rhythm with his thrusts. This was all too much for Kurt and he spilled his seed all over Scotty's hand and onto the shower floor. Scotty removed his hands from Kurt's cock and from his mouth before wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist, attempting to bury himself deeper into the Olympic Hero. Kurt was forcing himself backwards with the same goal in mind. With both men working like this it didn't take long for Scotty to unload deep inside Kurt's firm ass.

Scotty collapsed against Kurt's back, taking deep breaths. He knew Kurt's ass was hot, he just had no idea it was that hot.

"Thanks Angle, I needed that." Scotty breathed. "No problem."

Scotty pulled himself from Angle's ass and zipped himself back up. He patted Kurt's ass before turning and leaving the shower. Kurt took a couple moments to catch his breath after all that.

Scotty made his way from the shower room. As he turned the corner he almost ran right over the People's Champion, The Rock.

"Hey Rocky." Scotty greeted him. "Hey." "You wanna see my Worm?" Scotty joked. "The Rock's already seen your Worm." Rocky grinned.

Scotty patted the Rock's shoulder and continued on his way. He stopped and glanced behind himself as he saw Rocky making his way into the shower room, wondering if Rocky was gonna get a look at the same thing he just saw.

Shower Rendezvous, Part Two

The Rock made his way into the shower area and noticed Kurt bent over, trying to grab a bar of soap off the shower floor. Kurt was grumbling to himself about soap being too slippery in your hands. Leave it to Angle to complain about something like soap. But Rock was more focused on the round bubble butt before him. And the pink hole that looked like it had just been fucked not too long ago. And who ever did the fucking came in it. Rock glanced back into the locker room to see Scotty pulling a tee shirt on over his jeans. Rock glanced from Scotty to Kurt, who was still trying to get a hold of that damn bar of soap. Obviously the Worm had a little visit home. And hopefully the Bull would get one too.

The Rock walked up behind Kurt and bent down, picking the soap up. Kurt jumped when he noticed Rock.

"Geez, Rock, give me a heart attack." Kurt said. "No, the Rock's got something else for you." Rock grinned.

Kurt looked down and noticed the obvious bulge in his wrestling trucks.

"What do ya say? Wanna ride the Bull?"

Kurt's eyes flashed with excitment. As long as he'd been in the WWF he wondered about the Rock. Hoping that one day he'd be riding the Brahma Bull, but he still never expected it to happen. Rock glanced down to see Kurt's dick growing hard.

"The Rock would say that means yes. After the Worm, are you ready for the Bull?" "Oh yeah." Kurt nodded, like a little kid. "Bend over."

Kurt repeated the same gestures as he did with Scotty. Leaning over, placing his hands on the wall. Rock knelt down so that his face was right in Kurt's ass. Kurt dick got even harder in anticipation of Rock eating his ass. The Rock moved forward, burying his tongue deep in Kurt's ass.

"Oh, fuck, yeah!" Kurt exclaimed. "Shh, you want Scotty to hear?" Rock pulled away to ask. "Sorry."

Rock returned to his job, as Kurt bit on his fist to keep from crying out. Rock was working miracles with his tongue. Kurt didn't think anything could be better than Scotty eating his ass, but Rock knew tongue tricks that made Kurt wanna shoot his load without even touching his cock. Rock continued eating out Kurt's ass, tasting the cum Scotty had left behind when his Worm exploded deep in this Olympic ass. Kurt couldn't help moaning like a little girl from the pleasure Rock was bringing him.

After a couple minutes of this, Rocky pulled out, much to Kurt's dismay. As much as Kurt loved being fucked, and as much as he wanted to ride the Bull, he loved having his ass eaten.

"You ready to ride?" Rocky asked. "Hell yes. Fuck my ass, Rocky."

The Rock dropped his tights on the wet shower floor and stepped out of them.

He grabbed a hold of Kurt's thighs, his hands making a loud slapping sound as he did, before position his rock as Kurt's hole. Kurt took a deep breath as Rock buried his cock deep in Angle's ass. Having Scotty just stretched his hole, Rock didn't have to wait for Kurt to adjust and just started pounding away. Rock was showing Kurt exactly how the name Brahma Bull came about. Rock even made some almost inhumane growls as he fucked away at Kurt's ass.

If Kurt didn't know any better he'd believe an actual bull was behind him fucking him. Not that this was a complaint of Kurt's. The growls turned him on all the more. With Rock's growls and Kurt's moaning, it didn't take long to draw Scotty's attention from the locker room. Scotty peaked around the corner to get a perfect view of Rock's ass as he pounded into the man he had just fucked moments ago. Even though he had just cum, Scotty undid his pants and pulled his already hard cock out, watching the Rock's ass flex as he thrusted in and out of the Olympic Hero.

Scotty started off slowly stroking his dick, he had to bite his lip to keep from moaning. His eyes travelled up to Rocky's V-shaped muscular back that was glistening from the shower above. He closed his eyes and began listening to Rock's growls, pretending the Bull was fucking his ass. As Scotty's hand moved faster and fasted down his shaft he was so close to screaming out Rock's name, but bit down on his lip, almost drawing blood. He opened his eyes and started straight at the Brahma Bull's flexed ass as his cum jutted from his cock, spewing all over his hand and the tile floor.

By this time, Rock had his arms locked around Kurt's waist. Rock picked Kurt up off the floor, sending one more growl into Kurt's back as he unloaded the Bull into Kurt's perfect ass. Both men were exhausted and leaned against the shower stall. Rock looked down at Kurt's dick sticking out.

"You want me to take care of that?" Rock asked him.

Kurt just looked at him.

"Or would you rather, Scotty?" Rock called over his shoulder.

Shower Rendezvous, Part Three

Scotty froze, holding his softening dick in his hand. What the hell... did Rock just say something to him. At that moment Rock turned around and looked right into Scotty's eyes.

"I said, should I take care of Kurt's hard dick or do you want to?" Rock repeated.

Scotty couldn't form a word to save his life. This throat was so dry. Rocky walked over to Scotty, his dick swaying back and forth between his powerful leg. He grabbed Scotty's wrist, pulling his hand from his cock.

"Scotty, come here." Rocky said in his velvety voice that could make anyone melt.

Rocky led Scotty back over to the shower stall where Kurt was waiting. By this time Kurt couldn't handle it anymore and started stroking his painfully hard dick. Rock released Scotty's hand to grab Kurt's.

"No, no, no, Kurt. Don't do that." Rock told him.

Kurt groaned. He was so hard he had to get off. Rock took Kurt by his shoulders and spun him till his back was to Scotty.

"You're gonna fuck this again, Scotty." Rock told him.

That infamous grin crossed Scotty's face. He had been dreaming about fucking Kurt again ever since he finished the first time.

"What about you?" Scotty asked, Rock. "Kurt's gonna taste some of the People's strudel."

This time is was Kurt who was sporting the grin. He'd suddenly forgotten about how hard he was and just how much he wanted to have both of these men inside him. Scotty was already rock hard without so much as a stroke of his dick. He bent Kurt over get another look at that amazing ass on the Olympic Hero.

He was glad Kurt's hole was loose because there was no way he'd be able to take his time with Kurt this time around. He quickly shoved his worm deep into Kurt's ass, a low moan escaping his throat. Kurt's ass was definitely the best thing he'd ever experienced.

Rocky gave Kurt a few minutes before shoving his cock down his throat. Kurt nearly gagged at first but was able to get into a rhythm. Rocky's head was thrown back in complete ecstasy. Kurt had a mouth like a hoover. Rock found himself trying to shove himself further down Kurt's throat. Rocky's balls were pressed against Kurt's chin. Rock couldn't handle it and began pulling out and shoving back into Kurt's mouth. Kurt tried sucking but Rock wasn't looking for that. He seemed more interested in plowing Kurt's throat.

Meanwhile Scotty was in absolute heaven. He'd said it once and he'll say it again. Nothing compared to Kurt's ass. Scotty's deep moans were turning Kurt on so much he had to grab a hold of his cock and begin jerking. Rocky grabbed Kurt's arms and pulled his hand off again. Kurt tried whined, but really couldn't with Rocky pounding his face. Rocky placed Kurt's hands on his dark ass to keep him from jerking off. He was enjoying torturing the Olympic Gold Medallist.

Rocky was so close to cumming. He looked up and saw in Scotty's eyes that he was just as close. Rock pulled from Kurt and told Scotty to stop. This time Kurt did whine.

"Okay, Kurt. Now you can jerk off." Kurt immediately grabbed his cock, but Rock stopped him. "Over there." Rocky pointed to the corner of the shower.

Kurt shurgged and went over there. At this point he didn't care where he jerk off. Scotty started following Kurt, but Rock stopped him.

"No, no, Scott. I've got other plans for you."

Rock spun Scotty around, pinning his body against the shower stall. Scotty looked back at Rock with pure lust in his eyes. He had dreamed of this very moment when the Bull would plow his ass. He'd only let Grandmaster fuck him occassionally because Brian was more submissive.

Rock's dick was already lubed up thanks to Kurt's mouth. But Rocky knelt down so his face was at Scotty's ass. Rocky wasted no time in diving into Scotty's sweet ass. Scotty reached back and shoved Rocky's face deeping to his ass.

"Come on, Rocky, taste that ass. Come on." Scotty grunted.

Rocky did more than obliged. He thrusted his tongue deep into Scotty's ass, sending Scotty into complete ecstacy. Meanwhile, Kurt sat in the corner watching all this jerking his own cock all the while. His eyes never blinked from the sight before him.

Rock climbed back to his feet and pressed his chest against Scotty's back, licking Scotty's ear before whispering, "You're gonna feel the Bull now, bitch." before shoving his tool deep up Scotty's ass with one thrust.

"Ahhhhhhhh, fuuucckkk!" Scotty screamed as loud as he could. "Shhh." Rocky cooed in his ear, with a grin on his face.

After waiting a couple moments for Scotty's ass to get use to the Rock's size he began slowly thrusting in and out of him. A loud moan escaped Rock's throat as he leaned his head back. Kurt's eyes were still locked on the sight before him, slowing stroking his cock as to not release himself too soon.

Rock was turning back into that animal right before Kurt's eyes. Kurt remembered what it was like to have Rock taking him from behind. He was a complete animal when it came to fucking. He was definitely a Bull. Not a gimmick in any way.

Rock's deep groans were in complete contrast to his soft voice. Scotty couldn't believe it was the same man behind him. While Rocky fucked Scotty's ass he had his lips all over Scotty's back and neck, even trailing up to his ears to take a nip every now and then.

Listening to Rock's inhumane growls and Scotty's deep groans Kurt knew the end was coming for him. "Oh shit! I'm cumming!" Kurt yelled. Rocky and Scotty both locked their eyes on Kurt, still in the midst of their fuck. The moaning and growls never stopped as they watched Kurt's cock explode before them. His cum flew onto his chest, his thighs, on the shower floor and some even flew up on his face. Kurt leaned back against the wall, taking deep calming breaths. That was the biggest climax he could ever remember reaching.

Rock stopped his fucking and whispered something in Scotty's ear, in between his deep breaths. Another smile crossed Scotty's face and he nodded. Rock removed his still hard cock from Scotty's ass and they walked over to Kurt.

"Lay down." Rock instructed.

Kurt shurgged and moved to lay down in the middle of the shower. Rock position himself standing by Kurt's head while Scotty was near Kurt's legs. Both men grasped their cocks and began jerking themselves, moaning from their own touch. After all they'd done it didn't take long for Scotty to explode all over Kurt. His cum flew over Kurt's legs, thighs and even reached his stomach.

Scotty looked up and licked his lips, watching Rock still jerking himself off. Rock reached up and began playing his with nipples. After a few moments a deep throaty groan escaped his lips as cum flew onto Kurt's face, chest, stomach, and some even reached Kurt's legs and thighs.

Rock took a few calming breaths before opening his eyes to see Kurt and Scotty grinning at him. A smile crossed Rock's eyes and he raised his infamous eyebrow.

"It's been fun, boys. We need to do this again sometime." Rock told them before picking up his soaking wet tights and walking out of the shower.

The End

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