Shower Campus

By Tommy Cobe

Published on Jul 25, 2000



My name is Tommy and here is a story that happened a couple of days ago and was totally fun.

I am in my sophomore year at college and live in a frat house. No one knows my secret, till recently when I went to drop my stuff off and register my classes. I went into the house, no one was there.. At least I thought no one was there. I went up the stairs to the third floor where my room was and unlocked my door. I didn't know who my roomate was yet so I arranged my stuff and was about to take a nap when I heard the shower going next door.

Now our shower situation is AWESOME!!!It is a community shower with no curtains. SO there is plenty to see if you want it. Unfortunately that is about all you can do since this is not an openly gay spot.

Anways I then thought hey might as well check it out. I stripped down to my jockeys and got a towel and went to the room. I opened the door and sat my stuff down, I couldn't see who was there. I took my jocks off and got my soap and walked into the shower area.

I was surprised to see it was a guy jacking off. I stood there and watched for awhile cause he was HOT, I mean muscle bound hot. His pecs were perfect, stomach rock hard, and of course I checked the meat department and found a nice cut 8 inch piece of manmeat. I decided to interupt him.

"Oh my gosh man I'm so sorry, I didn't think anyone was here." The guy said as I turned my shower on. "That's OK, hey you gotta do what you gotta do," I said trying not make to big of a deal out of it.

"My name is Jeff, I just pledeged last month and they said anytime to drop by, so I got my room and just been waiting now."

"I'm Tom, been here for a year and its the best place on Greek Row."

I noticed that this guy was turned toward me, and I could feel him staring at me. This was a no no in college unless you wanted to be beat up or something. But I finally realized that this guy was different. It just didn't seem like a straight guy to stare in the showers.

It had been awhile since my last fuck so I decided to take control of the situation and make a move, since he had told me that no one else was around.

"Hey whatta are you staring at?" I asked as I turned to him.

"Oh man, I didn't mean to I .. I ..."

"That's OK..." I said as I walked toward him. Then it happened without words we just started making out. His dick still hard from its previous work out jumped to attention and rubbed my own 7inch prick and got it all hard!!!

We were into some pretty passionate kissing when I started to kiss his pecks. They were like salty sugar, it was indescribable. I licked them and sucked on his man nipples while he rubbed my stomach with his hot hands. Soon he got aggresive and started to rub down my dick and then he grabbed me and pushed me down on to the watery tile. He then told me to let him do all the work. I was in no position to argue. He got between my legs and lifted them between his arms. Then he grabbed a bottle of Head and Shoulders shampoo and put some on his fingers. Then he probed my ass with his finger till I almost came right then.

Next he took his big ol' donkey cock and lubed it up. Then it happened he rubbed it up against my ass then after he found the hole he shoved slowly and slowly. Causing an inhumane amount of pain and pleasure. I screamed at the top of my lungs "Yeeahhh Ohhhhhh....." I was having an orgasm and about to erupt when he started in on his rythmn. First he shoved the cock all the way in my ass so his balls were pressed firmly against my ass. I could feel every vein, every pulse from his cock. Then he took some out then shoved it back in. Slowly, slower then fast faster faster and faster I felt like my body was being rocked to climax. Then he yelled and screamed and moaned, just then he erupted his load in my ass. The feeling of fresh cum up your ass is an out of body experience. It was so warm and fresh and hot it felt so good. Then he pushed his cock and body as far as it would go.

Then after what felt like seconds of lying there I decided I'd let him have a little fun. SO I took his prick out of my ass and pushed him over. I had my face right on top of his balls. He had shaved them so they felt soft and kinda furry. I took one in my mouth and caressed it. Then the other. After awhile I couldn't take it anymore I had to have his prick.

I let go of his balls and then started at the bottom of his cock, there was still some left over cum on his cock so I made sure to not leave anything behind. Next I reached the mid point of his veiny beast and then I was at the top of the mountain. I licked his top and then sucked on his piss hole a bit. Then I took the whole thing in one big gulp. I had his whole 8 in my throat and mouth. Then I decided to follow his rythmn by going up slow then going down slower, then slowly working my way faster and faster. Up and down like a damn carnival ride until I could feel his body clench and then he stretched out and blew his load again. I tried to suck as much of it as I could but there was too much it ozzed down my cheek and then I jsut sucked it like lollipop.

Finally after getting down from the sex high I got up and picked him up too.

Then we shwoered together paying special attention to certain areas. Then he showed me his room where we slept in his twin bed the rest of the night.

Next year is going to be a blast!!!!!

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