Show Time

By cliff .

Published on Dec 7, 1999


This is a work of fiction, pure and simple. It should not be taken as encouraging anything at all which is considered improper or illegal in your neighbourhood. If you are under age you shouldn't be reading it anyway.

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Enjoy (I hope)

Show time Part 1

I only joined the amateur operatic group because my girl-friend dragged me along. I know I've got a reasonable voice, but the thought of spending my spare time with a crowd of middle-aged posers has no appeal to a sixteen-year old. Still, anything for a quiet life and Sue fancied the idea so I went along to keep her happy.

The auditions were just what I'd expected, a draughty church hall with a middle-aged woman playing the piano and three people sitting behind a table listening to the six who wanted to join. The first two were terrible, and I knew I couldn't be worse than them, then two women in their twenties who weren't bad.

"Now it's time for you youngsters", said the woman behind the table. "What would you like to sing for us?"

I'd got a song I'd done with the school choir so that was no problem, but suddenly I was petrified. My voice has settled down to a pretty good tenor, but this was the first time I'd sung with such a critical audience. I cleared my throat and began, and suddenly I found that the song was carrying me along and I was enjoying singing and forgetting all about the listeners.

It went well, and the society officials were delighted with me and with Sue, so there was no escape.

"We meet here on Wednesday at eight" I was told. "You'll find everyone very friendly, and we're delighted to have some young blood". I thought it made them sound like Dracula.

The group was pleasant enough, but there was hardly anyone under thirty except me and Sue (I'm John, by the way) and another pair of teenagers. When the meeting ended and everyone had their parts allocated - all us young ones were in the chorus - another problem arose. All the adults went off to the pub, but Sue and the other girl were only fifteen and us boys sixteen and we knew we wouldn't be served.

I said "My house is near, why don't we go back there for a coke" so the four of us walked round to my home, where I knew mum would make my friends welcome as she always does. We sat around the kitchen table, swapping jokes about how awful some of the older members of the society were, and , surprise, surprise, I realised it had been a smashing evening that all four of us enjoyed. The operatic society members were all friendly, the rehearsals were fun, Phil and Jan were a really nice pair, and we all got on marvellously.

It became a pleasant pattern - rehearsal night, then the four of went back to my house until it was time to get the bus home, but as show time came nearer the rehearsals became longer and the socialising shorter and shorter, since the others had to get home by bus. Phil brought his bike since he lived out of town, but that didn't help a lot because we had to take the girls home anyway.

Mum came up with the solution.

"I've got a surprise for you. Why don't you bring your things and stay overnight on rehearsal evenings? We've got a spare bedroom where the girls can sleep, and John, you can double up with Phil. That way you needn't rush. I've spoken to all your parents and they are happy about it, provided you promise" and here she looked very firm "that you girls will stay in your room and the boys in yours. If there's any swapping beds or slipping from room to room, the arrangement is off. Phil, the bed in John's room is a double so that we can accommodate my family when they come to stay. Does it matter that you will have to share the bed?".

The promises were eagerly made, for the arrangement was too good to spoil, and the next Wednesday the other three brought their overnight things, eagerly looking forward to their evening together after rehearsal, knowing that tonight there would be no need to watch the clock. We could relax and enjoy each other's company. Even so, it seemed a very short time until mum came in to say "Some of us have to get up for work in the morning. Time for bed."

The girls went first to the bathroom (with a great deal of giggling), then Phil, and I was last . I went into my room, which suddenly didn't feel like my familiar private place any more. Phil was there, getting undressed with his back turned for modesty's sake, then he slipped on a pair of sleeping shorts and turned round.

I'd never seen him stripped before. I knew that Phil was bigger than me and that he used a gym, but suddenly I felt very small and insignificant. Phil was tall with big arms and broad shoulders that led down to bulging pecs and a muscular abdomen which disappeared into the waistband of his sleeping shorts. His chest was covered with fine fair hair that could only be seen when the light caught it. My stomach churned - my new friend was beautiful.

"Which side of the bed to do you want?" Phil asked. "Come on, hurry up and get undressed then we can settle down."

Suddenly I felt desperately embarrassed. I turned my back and started to undress. What would this beautiful blonde man think of my skinny body and lack of body hair? Ought I to find a T-shirt to cover myself and look a bit less of a fool? As I took off my underpants, I realised something really terrible. I'd been so flustered that he had forgotten to get my shorts from under the pillow.

"Throw my shorts across" I asked Phil, who was still sitting on the edge of the bed waiting to know which side was his.

"I'm not your valet! Come and get them"

Things were getting worse - I could feel my cock hardening - how could I turn round and lean over Phil to get my shorts with that waving about? Phil took pity and threw them over.

We climbed into bed, lying on our backs, but each lying as near the edge as we could so as not to touch each other.

"Have you and Sue ever.... You know?" Phil asked.

I didn't know what to answer - all the lads at school talk as if they and their girl-friends were never out of bed, but somehow I didn't specially want to have sex with her. We're good friends and I think the world of Sue, but beyond kissing and the odd cuddle - that was as far as it went.. Better to be honest.

"No. What about you and Jan?"

"Not yet. Still, you've obviously got something very nice to give Sue when you get round to it".

I felt myself blushing. Phil had obviously noticed I was getting hard. As I looked at Phil's lovely body on the other side of the bed, I realised that I was getting harder still. This shouldn't be happening. It's wrong to be turned on like this by another boy. Still I had to look - Phil was lying on his back, arms behind his head, and as I looked down, I noticed something that made me even more disturbed. The sheet was distinctly tented over Phil's cock. Should I ignore it or carry on the conversation. Go for it.

"It looks as if Jan will be a lucky lady", I said, pointing to the sheet.

"I don't know. She's a lovely girl, but most times I just don't fancy her that way. I don't know what's wrong with me."

I felt a great sense of relief - this was exactly how I felt.

"Me too. It's late and we mustn't disturb the others by talking. Let's go to sleep."

We turned over, back to back, and I lay there feeling as if I had three legs. Normally I would jack off when I felt like this, but I couldn't do that with Phil just inches away in the bed. I lay still, as Phil did, and eventually I drifted off to sleep.

All the next week, I thought about that night and wondered what it meant. Whenever I thought about Phil I felt excited, but at the same time felt very guilty for being so. I have to confess, though, that I jacked off many times during that week, and it was Phil that filled my mind when I did it. That made me feel even more guilty. Boys only feel like that about girls. Still, I couldn't wait for Wednesday and for the pleasure of sharing my bed with my best friend.

This time it was easier - we had broken the ice the week before and I noticed that when Phil undressed he didn't worry about turning his back so that I could see that the beautiful abdomen went on to a bush of fair hair and a cock that looked huge. It made me feel even smaller, so this time I made sure my shorts were handy and I put them on before I turned round so Phil couldn't see just how small I really was.

Tonight, there wasn't the same need to cling to opposite edges of the bed. Phil was there first, and as I got in and slid down between the sheets I found that our bodies were touching. I pulled away, but Phil said, "Stay there, it's comfortable. No don't..... I've been thinking about last week. In fact, I've spent the whole week thinking about last Wednesday and waiting for this moment and now I don't know what to say". Abruptly he turned his back.

"What's wrong? Have I done something to upset you?"

I pulled Phil over on to his back so we could continue talking.

"No. It's nothing to do with you. No, that's not right, it's everything to do with you. I'm not going to come again. I'll bring my bike and cycle home."

"Phil, what have I done? I thought we were mates."

"That's why. Forget it - I don't want to damage our friendship. I can't stay over again".

"Phil, if you are saying what I think you are saying, I felt it too. I lay awake half the night wanting to turn over and touch you and I've thought about nothing else all week. I've dreamed about touching and holding you".

There was a knock on the door.

"Are you decent? Your mum has made a bedtime drink and said we can sit on the bed with it and talk for five minutes".

We hurriedly sat up, knees tenting the sheets to hide the other tenting that was there, and the girls bounced in, followed by mum with a tray. They sat chatting about the evening and about the show whilst they had their drinks, then Sue leaned over to kiss me goodnight. I felt her breasts; softer than I had ever felt them beneath her nightdress, but even as she rubbed herself against my bare chest, I realised that what I truly wanted was to feel not soft feminine breasts but those hard pectoral muscles that Jan was caressing. At last the girls went to their room.

I leaned over and very tentatively ran a hand over Phil's chest, feeling the fine coating of hair that added so much to its beauty, and suddenly found myself in an embrace so fierce that I felt my ribs might crack.

"Relax. I might break."

Phil pulled away and we turned to hold one another. For the first time in my life I felt a hard cock pressing against my belly and pressed myself hard against him so that I could enjoy it more and give Phil the same pleasure.

I sat up to turn out the light so that we would not be disturbed again, and as I slipped back down into the bed I felt Phil's hands sliding my shorts down. I kicked them off and ran my hands down Phil's back, down the waistband of Phil's shorts and, for the first time in my life, cupped a pair of beautiful male buttocks so that I could pull their owner closer to myself and resume our embrace.. Phil's lips closed on my mouth, and Phil's exploring tongue met mine, and suddenly the two of us each knew a kiss such as we had never felt before. We had found what was right for us.

This is only the beginning of a story. More if it is wanted. Email if you like it - I love to get mail.

Next: Chapter 2

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