Show Me the Meaning

By moc.emani@amrakbsb

Published on Feb 18, 2000


The following story is fictional. All use of celebrities, characters, and situations are all fictional. This story does not represent and/or meant to imply to the sexuality of any real persons. This story contains homoerotic relations between consenting adult males. You must be of legal age in your state to read this. Thank you and enjoy. (** the start of an emphasis, * the end)

All questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome

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"Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely"

Written by Karma

Edited by JR


~ Part 1 ~ "Nights Of Light"


~ Chapter 7 ~

He stood nervously behind a couple as they chatted with the hostess. The repetitive sounds the background music clashing with the clinging of silverware was edging he's nervousness even more.

'What am I suppose to say to him?' He thinks to himself.

"Sir your party?" the hostess asks, staring at the very familiar looking man. He was quite handsome and appeared clean cut, dressed in a simple but, finely tailored dark suit.

"Oh, I'm sorry I was just...uh, a party of two. Robert and Alexander McLean.

The woman smiles brightly as she her runs a finger down the list "Ah, here you are, McLean 4:00 p.m. The other Mr. McLean has yet to arrive. I can show you to your table, or if you wish to wait here."

"Yes, I'll wait here. Thank you."

Stepping closer to Kevin, Ricky devilishly asks, " good are you?"

"I guess you just have to wait and see." Kevin responds just as

devilishly. "What about you? How good are you?"

"Well..." Ricky says looking a little sheepish.

"You have done this before, right?"

Ricky gives him the cutest innocent schoolboy look.

"Ricky! This was your was idea. " Kevin laughs.

"I know a little something.... sorta --but how hard can it be? Just get it in the hole, right."

"Just get it in the hole?" Kevin just shakes head in silent laughter. "There is skill involved."

"Ah, come on, Kev! Take away the ball and it's just walking. Besides I hoping you would teach me how to play."

"Well those are some pretty damn expensive walking sticks you got there." Kevin tugs at the large golf bag Ricky was carrying as they approach the parked carts.

"And they also double as excellent lighting rods too."

"Okay, just promise me you won't go out walking in a storm."

"Yes, sir I promise." Ricky jokes, acting like a child being scorned by an adult.

Which in turns causes a funny look spread across Kevin's face. "Ricky never ever refer to me as a sir ever again. The guys do that sometimes....and it just makes me feel..." him squints, pouting "well...old."

Ricky lightly rubs on Kevin's shoulder. "Hey now, if you're old than I'm old too, because we're the same age. But, I did take my vitamins this morning so..."

"Didn't check your blood pressure?"

Ricky removes his hand for a second to snaps his fingers. "Darn! I knew I forgot something."

"Don't forget the little blue pill." Kevin giggles as they put their bags on the back of the cart.

Ricky turns to him lowering his voice "According to what I felt the first time we kissed, neither of us will need Viagra for many many years to come," There was this sexy twinkle in Ricky's eyes. It was almost enough to make Kevin want to carry the man back to his hotel room, and show him just how much he could make them...

"Come on, Kevin. Let's get this thing started." Ricky said hopping into the golf cart.

Kevin eyes widen before reality crashes in, 'Oh, yeah, golf. We'll Geez snap out of it man and take it slow, give it time.'

Kevin gets into the passage side.

Ricky giggles, "You're kind of cute when you're in deep thought.... what were you thinking about?" He had that look again. Kevin couldn't help but to smile at Ricky flirting. 'Like you don't already know...Why are you teasing me so in public where I can't do a damn thing about it?'

Playing along with the little cat and mouse game, Kevin seductively asks, "What do you think I was thinking about?" Ricky simply answers with a toothy grin.

"...And I told you that Mr. Martin signs nothing without his lawyer seeing it first." Diva said firmly in to her cell phone. Driving down a highway Howie gazes over the irritated Latin beauty. It's been less then ten minutes since they left the airport, and she's had three calls.

"Okay how about this..." Diva says lending back smoothing out the wrinkles in her shirt. "You fax the papers to our Atlanta office. I will be there tomorrow. I'll take a look it and will get back to you then. Thank you good-bye." She makes sure to turn off the ringer before putting away the cell deep into her purse. "Grrr!" she protests pulling at her long dark hair. "Why must these people keep calling me. 'Can to do this Ricky, can Ricky do that and blah, blah, blah. I try telling them I'm basically a second level press rep. not a genie that can make him be in two places at once."

"But see you're the PR person they always see with him, so they figure you have more clout over what he does. Therefore they call you first."

"Yeah, I guess so. Enough about business! I have six hours, well seven if there's a delay, until my next flight. Right now I just wanna spend every second with you. Is that all right with you?" She teases sweetly while squeezing Howie's forearm. Diva curls up in the seat and places her chin on his shoulder. Careful not to take his eyes off the road, Howie manages to give her a quick kiss.

"How can I complain about a beautiful woman wanting to spend time with me."

"Did I ever mention, with me, flattery will get you everywhere!"

AJ absent-mindedly swirls the remaining salad in his bowl around. He stares out of the window at the light rain falling down, watching and waiting. Its been nearly an hour since he arrived and there was still no sign of his father.Within hearing distance, two middle age couples were having conservation that sparked AJ's interest. One couple had been raving about their child's performance in a school play for over a half hour. Meanwhile, the second couple showed a polite interest through they seemed to be growing a little weary of the conservation. AJ other the hand didn't mind it. It brought warmth to his broken heart. Their undying praise reminded him of his mom. AJ started his acting career at a young age. No matter how small or cheesy of an role he got his mom was always there and proud of him. When other kids picked on him and deemed him weird because of his hyper creativity. It was his mom that assured him that there was nothing weird about a person who wasn't afraid of being his or her self. Thinking about his mom brought a small smile to his face. But his smile wouldn't last for long. AJ felt a tap on his shoulder, it the woman who had showed him to his table.

"Pardon me, but I have a phone message for you, from Robert McLean." She says as she hands him a note. AJ reluctantly takes the note and reads it.

I'm sorry Alex but something came up.

I promise to make it up to you soon,


AJ shakes his head and clinches the note in his fist. 'De ja vu. I should have known he would do this. Just one time, why can't he just be here for me one time?'

"That message was from your father, right?" the woman asks, sounding very sincere.

"Yeah," he says forcing a small smile. "And I'm guessing you know who I am, and about my situation."

The woman takes a seat across from him. "You haven't exactly kept your relationship with your father a secret AJ."

"I think secrets are terrible. Besides I'm awful at keeping them." The two laughed and the woman, Allison introduced herself to him. The pretty green eyed girl had became a Backstreet fan only a few months ago but seemed to know a lot about them. They chatted about music and the boys' upcoming tour until Allison's boss reminded her to get back to work.

"I think I extended my break for too long. I better go before they have a hissy fit." She rolled her eyes.

"I should get going too. It's been nice taking with you Allison."

"And it's been unbelievable talking with you AJ. My friends are gonna flip out when they hear about this." They stand to go their separate ways.

Allison stops and calls him. "Hey, AJ!" He turns around. "I just wanted to say, speaking as a person who's grown up without any parents....sometimes your true family, is the one you pick." AJ gives her a friendly hug. Allison watches the teen idol walk away.

"Aright this time I'm going to do it. I'm gonna hit it!" Ricky takes a swing. Like many times before he misses and curses under his breath. It was a funny, yet cute scene to watch.

For the countless time Kevin dodged the clumps of grass as they flew by. "Oh my God, the sky is falling!" he jokes. Ricky didn't seem as amused.

"Very funny--Not! Will you please help me here?"

"First of all you're position is off, here let me show you." Kevin walks around behind Ricky. "Stand up straight with your feet a little farther apart." He whispers as he pushes lightly at the man's lower back helping him stand more erect. Kevin could smell the sweet scent of his hair as he got closer bringing his arms around Ricky's. Kevin places his hands over Ricky's and carefully guides them. "Now tighten your grip on the club." Kevin says tightening his own. "Now pull back and follow through." With Kevin assisting

Ricky takes a swing striking the ball. They watch the ball soar through the air. "I guess all I needed was a little guidance." They play a few more holes. Ricky still needed help from Kevin every now and then. Kevin of course didn't mind, it was a good excuse to touch him. Ricky didn't seem to mind either.

"I think with a little practice and with you acting as my coach of course, I could turn pro."

"Or at least take on Howie."

"Why do I get the feeling that Howie is really bad? " Ricky pouts.

Kevin puts arm around Ricky's shoulder, "Ah come on Tiger wannabe, I'm taking you out to a victory dinner."

"Why, Kevin you're the greatest coach ever."

"And that's why I get 50 percent of all your earnings."

As Diva looked out the window she called out for Howie. Stepping out outside his door Howie saw his friend slumped on the front porch. Aj turns around at the sound of Howie's footsteps. He looked so unlike himself, not just because he was dressed so unusually toned down . But because he never look so heartbroken in his life. "D, I'm sorry I interrupted you guys. I can talk to you later." He starts to get up, but Howie tells him it's okay and motions for AJ to come in.

"He was a no show, huh?" He and AJ sit down on the couch in Howie's living room.

"You knew he wouldn't come didn't you? You tried to tell me but I... well, anyway you were right." AJ says hanging his head low.

"AJ, I wish I wasn't right." Any other time Howie would had rubbed it in, but this wasn't one of those times. In fact he wished all long that Bob would prove him wrong, and at least attempt a relationship with AJ.

"I don't understand it Howie, he called me. I thought it would be

different this time. That my father actually wanted to know me." AJ fights back the tears forming in his eyes. He refused to cry over his deadbeat father. With a swift move of his hand he wipes his eyes and straightens up, to a more macho pose. "But fuck him right? It doesn't matter, I'm a grown man. He's never been there for me. And I don't need him now." Howie could see through AJ's act, but he didn't know what to say. Luckily Diva walked in.

"Hi, AJ! Can a girl get a hug?"

He stands to hug her. Joking that Diva was trying to pinch his butt he replies," Hey, watch yourself now girl."

"Oh you wish! I was thinking, why don't you go out with Howie and me tonight."

"I don't think D is into the threesome thing."

"I'm being serious! Hang out with us, forget about your troubles."

"Na, I don't want to be the third wheel."

Howie walks in-between them and wraps an arm around each them. "You won't be in the way. Maybe the other guys will join us too."

"Okay, but only if Nick and Brian agree to come too."

"Good, I'm gonna go call them now." says Howie. He kisses Diva on the cheek and whispers in her ear. "Thanks for thinking of my friend."


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