Show and Tell, Adult Friends

Published on May 4, 2012



Show and Tell By Jack Santoro

Mike had phoned me to say he was coming to town. We'd met through a foreskin restoration network, and we were eager to compare notes regarding our successes. I'd been tightly circumcised at birth, and I'd had a restoration by plastic surgery some years ago. Mike had been luckier than I, not having had a standard circumcision, but merely a dorsal slit. The doctor had cut his foreskin lengthwise along the top, and pushed the flaps back behind his glans. This meant that he'd suffered no actual loss of tissue as I had, but just had his foreskin reshaped to stay behind the head of his prick.

I picked him up at the airport and drove to his hotel. Once in his room, we began to discuss our experiences:

"I've got complete coverage of the head, and a nipple beyond the end," I began. "My glans has been covered and moist for years, and I've gotten back a lot of sensitivity. The problem is that the grafted skin is numb, as they cut the nerves in grafting. Since the outer layer is scrotal skin, it doesn't match my shaft skin, and doesn't look natural."

"Since I just had a dorsal slit, I've got all the original tissue," he said. "I just had to stretch it back to its original shape to cover my glans. A year ago I went to a urologist and had him stitch up the slit so that it would form a tight end and keep the glans covered instead of slipping back."

During the discussion, I'd felt a stirring in my groin, and I knew my prick had swollen somewhat. Mike had a somewhat uncomfortable look on his face as he reached down and shifted the contents behind the fly of his pants. I wasn't too surprised that our discussion was getting us aroused. I knew that we'd soon be showing each other our new foreskins.

"So I guess you look pretty natural, just the way you were before you'd been clipped?" I suggested.

"I do," he replied.

"Is the scar where the urologist stitched you up very prominent?"

"No, you can hardly see it," he said. He looked increasingly uncomfortable and suddenly he unzipped and pulled out his prick. Clear fluid dripped from the thick pucker at the end of his foreskin. "See what this is doing to me?" he asked as he stared at me, a desperate look on his face.

"Me, too, I'm hot too," I reassured him. "Let's get undressed so that we can do something about this. Anyway, I know you want to see mine." We struggled out of our clothes, and within a minute had shed everything, even our shoes and socks. On the phone, he'd described himself as "portly," and the description fit him. I was a few inches taller and slender. We were half-hard, out pricks arcing out in front of our bodies as we stood facing each other. His scrotum hung lower than mine.

"Now you can see what it looks like," he said, stepping closer. I sat on the edge of the bed as he brought his prick to within a foot of my face. I saw a barely visible thin scar line along the top of his foreskin, running down to the pucker at the end.

"You're right, Mike. It looks very good. I wouldn't have noticed that thin scar if you hadn't told me about it. Now look at mine." He sat next to me and leaned over to get a closer look.

"I see what you mean, Jack. The new skin doesn't match your shaft skin. It's like your balls, reddish, pebbly, and hairy. The scar where it joins your shaft-skin is really visible." He picked up my prick to inspect the underside and his touch gave me a slight tingle in my prick.

"It's lighter on the underside because it's all scar tissue from the hematoma," I explained. "I'd had post-operative complications with a lot of bleeding, which had resulted in loss of tissue there." My prick was now rapidly swelling from his handling, and I reached for his.

"Does the skin go back?" he asked. He began pushing back on my foreskin and the opening stretched a little bit.

"Oh, it goes back all right," I told him. "It just requires more pressure than a natural foreskin does." I began easing his foreskin back, finding that his pucker spread easily to reveal the blunt nose of his glans.

We've both got big bulges in front," he said. "I guess we both have big heads on ours."

"I noticed that too," I acknowledged as I pushed his foreskin back farther on his rapidly stiffening shaft. "Looks like you have a big helmet head like mine. I like that." With a final push I eased the edge of his foreskin back over his corona and it dropped into the deep groove behind it, locking in place. Then I grasped my shaft and pulled my foreskin off the head to bare it completely. Like his, it locked behind my flaring ridge.

"That's nice," he remarked. "You've got a sexy looking purple helmet just like mine. I like the way our foreskins lock behind the rims." The orifice in the nose of his glans was steadily seeping lubricant, which I now began spreading over his glans. Our pricks were fully engorged now, the glossy helmets standing out proudly and glistening in the dim room light. I fingered the underside of his glans.

"Look underneath," I urged. "You've still got your gee-string, but the doctor who clipped me cut mine off." He lifted my prick, peering at the triangular groove under the head where the frenulum had once been. He probed the groove lightly with a fingertip, causing a tingle where he touched me.

"Well, even with that our cocks look alike enough to be twins. We're both about six inches, and the heads are the same shape and dark purple color," he said. "Our rims are really dark. The only other difference that I can see is your slit in front pouts in a sort of teardrop shape now that you're hard, while mine's just a long slit."

"Right," I added. "We've each got a big vein down the right side, and our shafts are about the same thickness." As I spoke, I began working his supple foreskin up and down his glans. "This show and tell's really got us hot. Maybe you'd better lie down so I can give you some relief." Mike lay down on the bed and I went to the bathroom to get a couple of towels, spreading one over his abdomen. I sat next to him, resuming my strokes on his prick.

"That feels nice, Jack." As he spoke I felt his fingers wrap around my prick behind the head, tightening and working my foreskin up over the glans.

"I know you need this bad, Mike. Let me give you an orgasm. I want to watch you come. Then you can do me." My other hand cupped his balls, which were rapidly tightening against his body. His eyes fixed on his prick, watching my hand stroking his foreskin.

"This is really hot, Jack. I'm so hot I'm going to shoot a big load." His breathing deepened as he stared down at his groin. His fingers were firmly stroking me, but at a slower pace.

"I know this is doing it for you, Mike. You're really putting out a lot of lube. Your foreskin's sliding very easily over your tip."

"Feeling your cock in my hand while you're doing me is really exciting. You've got a really nice one, and I'm going to enjoy making it shoot after I come."

"Your hand on my prick feels very good to me, too, Mike. Now just concentrate on how I'm stroking your foreskin, and how good it feels." The lubricant coated his glans, making it even glossier.

"Ohhhhhhh, that's nice," he whispered as his excitement mounted. His prick felt hot between my fingers, partly because of the blood flow and partly because of the friction. I stepped up my pace because I felt that was what he wanted. I knew the sense of urgency that developed as orgasm neared, and I didn't want to tease him, but give him quick relief.

"You'll be shooting soon," I assured him. "I'm going to make your prick feel really good." I was pumping his supple hood up and down in long strokes, all the way up and then down to bare his helmet right to the groove behind the flaring rim. With each down-stroke, I saw his glans dip slightly toward his toes as the frenulum pulled it down. I felt his fingers tighten on my prick as his other hand formed a fist. His breathing became more rapid and I saw his jaw clench as he approached the peak.

"It's so hot," He whispered as his eyes began to close. He was right on the edge, and I kept stroking his beautiful foreskin to give him pleasure and draw the orgasm from his tortured body.

"Concentrate on how hot your prick feels," I urged. Now he began to grunt loudly, and I knew the explosion was seconds away. I tightened my grip and suddenly felt a hard throb between my fingers.

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" he grunted as the orgasm gripped him. I felt the pulse under my fingers at a hot stream shot up his urethra, parting the long lips of his slit to shoot out onto the towel.

"HUNH!" he grunted again as his prick throbbed in my hand, sending another gush of hot cream exploding from his tip, arcing through the air to drop onto the towel. He was overwhelmed by the intensity of his biological storm, writing on the bed as his prick throbbed hard between my encircling fingers.

Another explosive grunt escaped his lips as his hips bucked and he thrust his prick up into my hand, shooting another rope of sperm onto the towel. We were both sweating with our efforts, and I was aware of his fingers tightening on my prick, although he'd stopped stroking me. I was enraptured by the intimacy of the moment, sharing the sensations with him, vicariously enjoying his release.

The throbs in his prick were weaker now, and the creamy fluid was just seeping from his orifice instead of blasting out in the forceful streams of a few seconds ago. Now his eyes opened and he said:

"That was so hot, so beautiful." I leaned over, planting a light kiss on his lips, and replied:

"That was beautiful for me, too, feeling your prick throb and the cream shooting from it." I'd stopped stroking him and now I felt his erection begin to soften in my hand. I let go of his scrotum and ran a finger up the underside of his shaft, milking the residue forward until it oozed from his slit. I carefully touched a corner of the towel to his slit to absorb the viscous liquid, knowing that his glans was probably super-sensitive right after climax.

"Oh, careful," he warned me. He had become really sensitive now.

"That's okay, Mike. I know. Mine gets that way too after I come." I felt his body relax, sinking into the bliss of the afterglow as his prick shrank between my fingers. I saw his eyes close again as he enjoyed the delicious sensation.

"Just relax for awhile," I urged him. "You need to recover from this." I eased his foreskin all the way forward to keep his precious tip covered and protected, and then I wadded up the towel and took it to the bathroom. When I returned I lay down beside him, an arm over him, hugging him lightly. After another minute he stirred, and I felt his hand reach between us for my prick.

"Now lie on your back, and I'll do you," he said as he spread the other towel over my abdomen. My prick had softened somewhat, but a couple of slow strokes brought it back to full erection. He pushed my foreskin down all the way to expose my helmet right to the corona.

"Oh, that feels good, and I really need to come," I commented. He blew on my glans, giving me another tingle of excitement, and I felt a light throb deep inside me. Now he pulled up on my hood, and I felt the pressure compressing the nerve endings in my corona as the cuff of skin slid over it and rode down the taper of my glans.

"Your tip's so purple, and it gets darker back toward the rim," he commented as he skinned me back all the way. "I just loved those long strokes you gave me, and I'm going to do the same to you." His free hand cupped my scrotum, which was already very tight against my body.

"You'll have my load pretty soon," I said. "I'm already very hot from having watched you creaming." His fingers continued their insistent stroking, manipulating my hood to cover and uncover the tip in long slow strokes. The friction against my sensitive tissues and the compression of my corona heightened my excitement, and my breathing deepened.

"I can tell how hot you are, Jack," he assured me. "I can feel your hardness in my fingers, and you're even giving out a couple of drops of lube." I felt him stroking me a little faster now, bringing me closer to the point of no return.

"Oh, yeah," I muttered mindlessly, totally focused on the intense sensations he was pouring into my prick with each stroke.

"That's it, Jack. Just stay relaxed and I'll bring you right to the edge. Your breathing's faster now. I know you're getting closer."

"Yes, yes," I muttered as the sensations built up inside me.

"You closed your eyes, just like I did," he observed. "It's getting to you." I felt him stroke down hard, harder than before, stretching the nerve endings in my skin and glans.

"Your tip's darker purple now, and I can feel it got harder. The rim's really flaring out now. You're really close." Mike was right. My prick was so engorged it felt ready to explode, and I was starting to feel a warning tingle in my corona.

"My tip's tingling," I whispered.

"You're ready, Jack. Ready right now." His fingers tightened on my prick, stretching my foreskin all the way up to encase my swollen glans, and then pulled it down hard, baring the tip, as the heavy pounding of orgasm began deep inside me. I cried out helplessly as I felt the first hot stream burning its way up my prick and I tumbled into the free-fall of orgasm.

"Go for it," I dimly heard him say in the distance was the hot rush of sensations wracked my body. My prick throbbed hard with another hot stream of viscous fluid that stretched the lips of my slit as it erupted. I grunted loudly with the shock wave of orgasm that flowed through me.

"HUNH!" I grunted again as another hot stream coursed its way up my tube, erupting from my orifice. His fingers continued working my hood up and down over my wet, slippery helmet to maintain the pace of my climax.

Another hot jet forced a grunt from my writhing body as my hips bucked, forcing my hard prick up through his trembling encircling fingers. I was lost in the mindlessness of pure sensation, aware of nothing but the torrents pouring from my throbbing prick.

My next jet was weaker, but no less pleasurable, and the following one weaker still. Mike's fingers relaxed their pace as he sensed it was coming to an end. Now he stopped, although a few twitches ran through the root of my prick, and I began softening in his hand.

"I'll milk you down now," he said, and through the mist I felt his fingertip running along my urethra, pushing out the last drops. He pulled my foreskin all the way up and let my prick drop to the towel.

"I'll let you get the rest with the towel," he told me. "I'm sure your cock gets as sensitive as mine after you've come." He lay down beside me as I opened my eyes and spoke:

"Thanks so much for that, Mike. You know how badly I needed it, after making you come and watching your prick spurt." I lay next to him, blissfully relaxed, after the tension had left my body.

"I'm glad we got together," he said to me. "This was a wonderful show and tell."

The end

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