Should I Worry

By Playboy Boy

Published on May 22, 2007


Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to any of the characters of the Xmen comics and don't claim to know anyone involved with the Xmen stories. I don't know the authors or actors or anyone else involved, so don't sue me! Ok, ok...

On a further note, this is my first attempt at writing any story other than class essays in high school, so go easy on me.

Oh and also, if you're looking for a story for a quick wank then this is not the place for you, and if you are some homophobe idiot that doesn't like M on M action then you took a real wrong turn at the Disney stories link button. So please GO AWAY!! And if you're fine with this story then please go ahead and read to your hearts content.

And finally... Something I forgot to mention before yet you should know by now if you managed to get this far... if reading this story is illegal in your country or if you're not of a certain age to be legally reading this then please don't read...

Other than all of that... enjoy!!!


Extra Info: `...' represents thoughts

"..." represents normal talking

<...> represents telepathic communication

Last Time:

`Ok so now I know why she had such a strong force accompany that message, but wait... that sigh of relief she gave when she saw my attempt at breaking her barrier? She was worried that I might be that other presence? Jean must be worried about my power growth, that's why she barricaded her conversation so powerfully. She's feeling threatened and she has a suspicion that I might be behind that strange presence despite what ever she told the professor. I better not leave tracks behind me next time I do that again.'

I turned to Jean and gave her a warm smile as we were about to walk into the cafeteria, but for a different reason than what she must have thought. I couldn't help thinking to myself `I know something you don't know, na na na na na!'

Should I Worry -- Chapter 3

It was about 8pm and mostly everyone was relaxing around the mansion, most people even dropping out conversation to seek out their rooms in quest of sleep. It had been a long day, although it was only your typical Saturday. I was just lounging about in my room thinking about the day I had.

After going to get lunch with Jean, I realized something that was major different about me. I was changing, not as in physical mutation but more as in my mind had taken up its own evolution of some sort. Everything about me was changing. My mind was also made up about my sexuality, I had decided that I was definitely bisexual. I had come to terms with myself and I liked the fact that I wasn't really scared to think about it. Another thing I had been thinking about all day was the fact that I had a fare grasp on my powers. I liked to think that I was doing well, except for my little slip ups through the day.

`I can't leave any tracks behind, not again. I can't take that chance. So I've got to train myself, I can't let on to any one how much power I really have.' I thought to myself.

One thought that kept popping up in my mind was reminder that I had a sort of equal in the school, somebody as powerful as myself. However, I knew that in a battle I would triumph against him. Air elemental against telepath and telekinetic, who would you think would come out on tops? Nevertheless, I still had an inkling that he would be competition of some sort and there was also the question that kept replaying in my head.

"Why is he hiding his power?" I asked myself curiously aloud.

`Oh well, tomorrow is another day' I thought and then switched the light off and proceeded to get undressed down to my boxers so I could get some shut eye.

The next day I awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside my window, I looked at the time on the clock and saw it was 6:47am, I sighed at the thought of waking up so early. It was a beautiful tune listening to the birds outside but I didn't much care for listening to the little animals. I went over to my hifi, which I brought with me from home, and popped in one of my cds that was a mix of my favorite music. The songs on the mix varied from pop to rock all the way to some dance, and even one oldie. I pushed the play button and heard the start of the first song, `Dianne -- What Goes Around', and then walked back over to my bed and quickly made it while I sang along to the pop song.

"You'd be mistaken if you were thinking it was over now, the next time you playin' the game will be changin' and you'd be the odd one out, there is something you should know..." I sang to myself while I started getting ready for my routine morning shower and grabbed my shower kit, which had my essentials for the task, and headed to my in suite dorm bathroom.

I finished up in the shower with a record time of 15 minutes (I love long showers). I walked back into my room and noticed the cd was now on the fourth track, `Mika -- Relax [Take It Easy]'. I got dressed in a pair of boxers, pair of tan Volcom baggies and a green A&F shirt that was a size to small for me, compliments of my mother.

My mother was constantly trying to make me look good which I had appreciated at first but soon got irritated with when she started buying my new clothes, including underwear. She had a habit of buying everything that was in `current fashion' and she didn't care for the prices either. She said that my brother and me should look nothing but impressive for everyone to see. My mom was quite the image beholder and that was ok with me since I got great clothes.

I then slid on some Quicksilver flip-flops and made my way out my door just after switching off my hifi. (and yes, I love being lazy and just wearing flip-flops!)

I went down to the cafeteria for some breakfast since I was now kind of starving. As I got my breakfast from the front, I then proceeded to scan the room for a place to sit. I spotted Peter in the corner of my eye, trying to get my attention, so I turned in his direction and made my way to him. He was sitting alone and I thought that was great since I wasn't in the mood to be interrogated as a new student. I sat down across from Peter and spoke.

"Good morning, Piety" I said cheerfully, I always had a knack for giving people pet names or nicknames.

"Piety, huh? What shall I call you? Kylie?" Peter smirked when he spoke the last word.

I frowned at the mention of the name. "Touché, but Piety doesn't mock you with a change in gender? Nevertheless, you can call me Kye for short." I offered with a smile.

Peter smiled and said. "Do not worry, I was only teasing. You can call me Piety if you like but on one condition?"

This piqued me interest, a condition, huh? I was hoping he'd take me to his room and make mad passionate love to me.

`Whoa! I need to calm down with my dirty mind" I thought to myself.

"Ok, so what's your condition?" I asked enthusiastically.

"My condition is that you tell me a bit about yourself, although I will have my turn after you?" Peter asked in hopes of getting to know me better. I noticed, again, that he had a weak Russian accent. It was making me stir in my southern region.

"Sure, well... my name is Kyle Anderson, which you already know... I'm a telepath and telekinetic, I lived with my mom and younger brother before arriving here. I love music and hanging with friends and... well that's about it." I said. Peter was listening with great interest. I guess he must have really been interested.

"Are your parents divorced?" He asked cautiously, scared to ask a question which would anger or affect in me in some emotional way.

"Well, my dad died of cancer about four years ago..." I trailed off, thinking about my father.

"I am so sorry, I did not mean to pry. Please forgive me?" Peter asked pleafully.

I snapped back to reality and turned to face a worried Peter. "It's ok, you didn't know. It's not your fault." I said comfortingly.

"Ok, well... let's see, my name is Piotr Rasputin, I have the ability to cover myself in an organic steel, which in turn gives me super human strength." Peter sated with a half smile. He was probably still worried that I might be angry with him.

`Why does he care so much anyway? Unless... OH MY GOD! I'm so stupid! He is totally checking me out! I am so slow.' After I finished kicking myself mentally, I turned to Peter and noticed he was indeed staring at me with a loving look in his beautiful eyes. He turned away slightly and blushed when he noticed that I had caught him. I blushed in turn and turned to face anywhere but him. AWKWARD!!!

I then felt that I wasn't only being stared at by my Russian friend, I think it was my telepathy that guided me to look straight ahead to find the other person who was staring at me. I caught sight of the other person. It was John, and he was just staring at me with a defeated look on his face. He didn't even notice that I was looking back at him. He was then distracted when Bobby, who was sitting next to him, nudged his arm. John then blushed and returned to the current conversation at hand with his friends after receiving some funny looks.

Everyone at John's table turned in the direction of which John's interest lay. They all saw me staring back at them and they all smiled. My eyes widened and I blushed. I quickly turned back to my food and proceeded to finish eating.

After I was done with my breakfast, I looked up to see that Peter was almost finished with his meal but he was just zoning out and staring at me with a blank expression on his face.

"Do I have something on my face?" I asked Peter with a huge grin on my face.

"As a matter of fact... you kind of do." He replied matter of factly.

My eyes must have bulged and my cheeks, I know for sure, were flooded with almost all the blood in my body! "Are you serious?!" I exclaimed but chose to whisper back so nobody would hear me.

"Well actually, I was just joking... I just had to think of a way to wipe that grin off your face." Peter stated and burst out laughing once he finished the last bit. Unknown to us, the whole of John's table had heard Peter's burst of laughter and started paying attention to us more than their own conversation.

I was totally relieved that I didn't have anything on my face. I would die of embarrassment, which seems to be how I feel a lot lately. I've never felt like this before? I couldn't explain to myself why I've become so self-conscious since I had arrived at the mansion.

After I had registered what Peter had said, I wanted to deck him!

`Why not, it would help me get back at him?' I thought to myself and gave myself a pleasing grin although I couldn't see my own face. Peter noticed my change in demeanor and quickly stopped laughing, wondering what I had up my sleeve because of the return of my big shit-eating grin.

I got up from my side of the table with my tray, which I used to carry my food with, and stopped right next to Peter and put my tray down next to his and sat down to his left, right next to him. Peter was staring at me unbelievingly through the whole process. When I sat down next to him, I didn't leave any space between us. Hell, I was basically sitting on top of him we were so close. Then I slowly put my hand on his left leg. He was wearing faded blue jeans and a black short sleeve polo shirt. His jeans fit him pretty tightly from what I could feel. As I put my hand on his leg, his face flushed red, so I proceeded with the rest of my plan.

I gently gave him a squeeze and then leaned towards his ear and whispered. "Do you know what I'd really love to do to you right now?" and then I moved my hand a little more higher so that my hand was right next to his crotch and gave him another squeeze.

"N... n... no... wh... wha... what?" Peter choked out, clearly shocked by my actions. That's when I felt it. He was getting hard, and fast. How do I know this, because my hand was right next to his crotch!

`WOW! He is pretty big from the feel of it." I exclaimed to myself mentally. I had to do think of everything that ever turned me off in order to not pop a bone while busy with my plan of revenge.

I then moved my hand right on to his crotch and gave him a good squeeze, which caused him to shuffle in his chair a bit, and then put the final step of my plan into motion. I leaned in again and whispered. "I would love to do this..."

After I said that, I got up, gave him a small slap on the back of his head.

"Sorry, but I just had to think of a way to wipe that grin off your face." I stated triumphantly, feeling great since my plan was very fruitful and got the exact results I was hoping for and more, much more. ;-) Peter was more than shocked, he was embarrassed so bad that I almost felt sorry for him.

That's when we both heard a huge eruption of laughter coming from a table near by. We both turned in the direction of the laughter and saw the whole of John's table laughing at what happened between Peter and me. Bobby was laughing the most, Kitty and Jubilee were also laughing hysterically. There were also about another four people I didn't know that were laughing along with them. The only person at the table who wasn't laughing was John, he had this sad look on his face.

`Wonder what's up with him?' I asked myself mentally.

<Kyle, could you please come to my office once you are finished with breakfast?> I heard the professor say in my mind.

<Sure, I just finished. Be right there.> I sent back.

I turned back to Peter and saw his face. I felt bad now, I didn't mean to make our little situation public. I just smiled at him innocently and sympathetically and said. "I'll see you later, sorry, didn't mean to make it go public."

Peter's face slowly started to return to normal and he put a nice big smile on his face, which surprised me, then replied. "Don't worry, even though it was embarrassing I still got something good out of it..." He then winked at me and then turned back to his breakfast tray and finished. "... see you later, Kyle."

I raised my eyebrow at this but then remembered I had a meeting so I left the cafeteria after returning my breakfast tray.

I proceeded to the professor's office to find out what he wanted all the while going over the recent event in my head.

`Peter didn't even try and stop me from rubbing his crotch, I wonder why? In addition, he was quite big from what I felt. I wonder if he likes me? Maybe this is a way to explore my other side that I've recently discovered and what was going on with John?'

I then wondered where I was going because I wasn't paying attention as to where I was headed and due to the fact that I had no idea where the professor's office was. So I decided it was a good time to see if I could still control my powers. I stopped in my tracks, did a mental scan of the mansion and found the professor in a room filled with several other adults.

`That's weird, I thought he wanted to see me alone?' I thought to myself and had a confused look on my face.

I was about to start walking to the professor's office when this guy, about the same age as me, came up to me and asked. "Are you lost? Do you need help?"

I immediately recognized the guy. Well, not recognized his looks but something clicked in my head about him. Then I looked at him with an even more confused look, which earned me a weird look in return from the guy. I felt another click in my head as I registered where I recognized him. I felt something coming from him and then I used my telepathy to see if I was right. And I was!! It was my mysterious air elemental that caught my attention yesterday. I looked at him skeptically and then replied.

"Hi, my name's Kyle Anderson. And well, actually you could help. You see, the professor asked to see me in his office but he failed to mention where the damn thing is. Could you show me where it is?" I asked.

I knew exactly where to go since I had already found where the professor was from my mental probe of the mansion, but I wanted to stick around this guy and find out a bit about him. To start off with, I'd like to know his name?

"Hey, my name's Eli Riley. Sure, I can show you where his office is." The guy replied with a smile.

As we were walking I could feel him looking at me. It was either my telepathy that made me feel it or it was some down right paranoia. I turned to him and he was indeed looking at me.

"So are you new here?" Eli asked.

"Yeah, got here Friday night with Jean and the professor." I answered.

"I thought I hadn't seen you around before, but it's pretty obvious that you're new since you don't know where the professor's office is." After Eli said that, we both gave a small laugh.

"So what powers do you have?" he asked curiously.

"I'm a telepath and telekinetic, what about you?" I asked in response, although I already knew full well that he was an air elemental.

"I'm an air elemental, still struggling with my powers a bit though. The professor thinks I'm quite gifted but I don't see it." Eli responded with a modest look. I had a huge feeling that he was lying to me but I knew I had to play along with him in order to find out more.

"Well, that makes two of us. The professor and Jean believe my powers are growing fast but I can't even use them." I stated glumly.

`As If! Ha, I've learnt enough about my powers to defend myself and it won't take much longer until I'm on a more offensive stance with my powers." I thought to myself, pleased with my progress.

We arrived at the professor's office. "Thanks for showing me the way. I could never have found it without somebody's help." I said happily. Even though I knew my way around after my mental probe, but that can stay my little secret. grins

"Sure thing, see you around." Eli said as he walked away.

I turned to the door and knocked on the door. I opened it and walked in after I heard the professor say it was ok.

As I entered the room, I was met with several curious eyes and noticed there were six other people with the professor. I recognized Jean and looked around the room to see who the other five were.

There was two guys, one who looked a bit weird with some red sunglasses on (especially since it was an overcast day and we were indoors!) where as the other guy looked a bit grumpy, in my opinion, and was also sporting a wicked cool hair style. The other three people were all woman. The first woman besides Jean who I noticed was a beautiful African American woman with white hair that surprisingly didn't clash with her skin tone. Next was a very slim Asian woman who looked very hot in her black outfit and her hair looked... interesting? She had a lot of purple in her hair, which looked really cool.

And finally the last person in the room. As soon as I turned to her I changed my shy smile to a look of disgust and discomfort. She was wearing all out white, but by the looks of her, I wouldn't think the color white suited her and her dumb blonde look. White was supposed to signify purity and good wasn't it? This woman looked the exact opposite. She looked like a total skank! With her short skirt and her blouse clearly showing more than I wanted to see from her. Her image was almost enough to turn me flat out gay! What a joke.

She looked back at me and changed her fake smile to a look of shock, which quickly changed to a look of superiority.

`That little son of a bitch! I'll show him in due time not to look at me like that.' The skanky looking woman thought. I don't think anyone else heard it? I must have picked it up with my telepathy?

`At least I know what she thinks of me.' I thought to myself and smiled.

Jean and the Asian woman noticed the staring competition between the skanky looking woman and me. They almost burst out laughing when they saw me smile and turn away as the woman in white gave me a disgusted look.

The professor noticed what happened and quickly introduced me to everyone so that we could get it over and done with.

"Kyle, I would like you to meet Logan, Scott Summers, Betsy Braddock, Ororo Munroe, Jean Grey whom you already met and Emma Frost." The professor stated as he pointed them out to me.

Ororo Munroe was the beautiful African American, Scott Summers was the weird guy in the red sunglasses, Betsy Braddock was the Asian woman with the purple hair, Logan was the feral looking man with the wicked hairstyle and then there was Emma Frost the tramp.

"Nice to meet you all." I said to all of them as I quickly glanced around the room but when I got to Emma, I gave her another look of disgust.

This time even Logan laughed along with Jean and Betsy, where as Ororo had an amused look creeping over her face. However, the professor and Scott had serious expressions that told me that I wasn't amusing.

"Sorry, we're done now." Logan said as he, along with Jean and Betsy, calmed down after receiving dagger looks from Emma.

"Kyle, I must let you know that all the people in this room will be your teachers here at the school and it would be much appreciated if you would respect them and show some courtesy as they will be your superiors." As the professor finished he had a stern look that told me that he was talking about Emma.

"Oh well in that case, I best be on my best behavior then." I stated with a smile and a sarcastic nod. Although the professor didn't think much of it, I could see that everyone in the room caught what I was doing. Jean once again had a giggle fit.

We all turned to Jean and she quickly apologized while she tried to subdue her giggle fit.

I could see how this was going already. I could tell that I had made some new friends, as well as an enemy. I was waiting to see how I was going to go about life in the mansion with all the interesting people I was amongst. At least I had friends, right? And now, to train myself.

To Be Continued

Let me know what you think and if there's anything you wanna suggest for my story then go ahead. Your comments and views are well appreciated so don't keep me in the dark about what you think?

The next chapter should be out by next week or so... no promises... I would like to recommend a great story or two that are really great and inspiring... Mutation' and XXX men" are the titles, so go and read! They are awesome...

Email me at:

Thanks everyone, Playboy

Next: Chapter 5

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